Impact of Biopesticide Inundation On The Diversity of Soybean Pests and Diseases - Original Paper
Impact of Biopesticide Inundation On The Diversity of Soybean Pests and Diseases - Original Paper
Impact of Biopesticide Inundation On The Diversity of Soybean Pests and Diseases - Original Paper
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The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Soybean pests and diseases are quite abundant and have shown the resistance to
chemical pesticides. Biopesticides are biological agents derived from plant metabolites and
microorganisms. They are effective for controlling pests and diseases as well as suppress the
resistance and resurgence. This research aimed to study the impact of biopesticide inundation
on soybean pests and diseases. The study was conducted in Banyuwangi, East Java.
Biopesticides applied were Trichoderma harzianum (Trichol 8), neem seed powder,
entomopathogenic virus SlNPV (Virgra), entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana, and
eugenol from clove oil. The results showed that biopesticide applied by inundation can
suppress Sclerotium rolfsii, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, Xanthomonas axonopodis, and Spodoptera
litura. The application of biopesticides by inundation is safer and can maintain the survival of
natural enemies and can reduce yield losses. However, the application of chemical can kill
natural enemies. Oxyopes sp., Coccinella sp., Sycanus sp., Andrallus sp., Rhynocoris sp.,
Paederus sp., Entomobrya sp., Aphidius sp., Binodoxys sp., Encarsia sp., Trichogramma sp.,
and Telenomus sp. which survived on field applied with biopesticides is quite abundant.
Therefore, natural enemies have a great opportunity as biological agents for controlling
soybean pests and diseases and as an alternative to replace the use of chemical.
1. Introduction
National soybean productivity is still relatively low, which is only 0.8-1.2 t/ha, meanwhile the
potential yield from superior varieties can reach 3 t/ha. The key factor interfering the soybean yield is
the presence of pests and diseases. There are numerous main pests of soybean that attack from early
growth up to harvest. In the early growth,soybean was vulnerable to bean fly (Ophiomyia phaseoli),
stem borer (Melanagromyza sojae), and shoot borer (M. dolichostiqma) [1-2]. In vegetative phase,
there are armyworm (Spodoptera litura), leaf-rollers (Lamprosema indicata), caterpillars
(Chrysodeixis chalcites), and whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) [3-4]. Furthermore, during generative phase,
there are pod sucking pests consisting of brown stink bugs (Riptortus linearis), green stink bugs
(Nezara viridula), pale-green stink bugs (Piezodorus hybneri) [5], and pod borer (Etiella zinckenella)
[6-7]. Soybean yield losses due to pests may reach 80% and even puso if there are not controlled [8].
Another biotic factor that plays a significant role in reducing soybean yield is pathogen infection.
Important disease in the early growth of soybean is soil borne disease caused by fungi (Rhizoctonia
solani and Sclerotium rolfsii). The symptoms of plants infected with R. solani and S. rolfsii are wilting
and dying suddenly. The development of the disease in field is very fast, especially in high humidity
condition through the spread of sclerotia and mycelium as infective organs [9-10]. The important
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The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
diseases in the vegetative to generative phases are leaf rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi), downy mildew
(Perenospora manshurica), and powdery mildew (Microsphaera diffusa) [11-12]. These three kinds of
disease cause necrotic leaves. The severe attack causes leaves to be dry out and fall down prematurely
[13-14]. Another disease that is no less important is the soybean mosaic virus (SMV), which is
transmitted by B. tabaci or Aphis glycines [15]. Symptoms of SMV are curling leaves and stunted
plants so that cause yield losses up to 80% and crop failure [16].
Generally, pest control technology applied by farmers is the intensive use of chemical pesticides,
but the pest population in the field increased continuously. It occurred due to some kinds of pests build
a resistance to most chemical pesticide formulations. This condition is triggered by increasing the
intensive use of chemical pesticides with excessive dosages so that an insect will survive, build
immunity and produce offspring with high tolerance [17-18]. In addition, the application of chemical
pesticides with inappropriate doses and broad spectrum cause the resurgence or explosion of
secondary pests and destroying all existing natural enemies [19]. The study by [20] indicated that
chemical insecticides containing active ingredients chlorpirifos, indoxacarb and flubendiamide were
more toxic to predators of the Coccinellidae family as compared with spinosad. The increase of the
intensive exploitation of chemical pesticides does not only seem to destroy the target pest, but also all
natural enemies so that pest outbreak will occur.
An effort to prevent pest outbreak can be done with the alternative control, namely biopesticides
[21-22]. Biopesticides are biological pesticides from plants, pathogens such as viruses and
entomopathogenic fungi, and predators. Neem seed powder (Azadirachta indica), eugenol from clove
oil (Syzygium aromaticum), entomopathogenic virus (Spodoptera litura nuclear polyhedrosis virus)
(SlNPV), entomopathogenic fungi (Beauveria bassiana), and antagonistic fungi (Trichoderma
harzianum) that applied by inundation was reported effectively suppress the population and inhibit the
outbreak of major soybean pest and disease [13], [23-24]. In addition, other research also reported that
the application of biopesticides is safer and environmentally friendly so that it can maintain the
survival of beneficial insects, both predators and parasitoids [25-27]. Based on the reason above, this
research aims to study the impact of biopesticides inundation on major soybean pest, pathogen and
natural enemies disease populations.
2. Methods
This research was conducted in Kedungasri Village, Tegaldlimo district, Banyuwangi, East Java, on
March – July 2018. Banyuwangi was chosen as the location of this technology development because
Banyuwangi is a soybean production center in East Java. In addition, the use of chemical pesticides
carried out by farmers in these locations is very intensive, the application is done weekly even though
the pest population was not dangerous. Therefore, most chemical pesticide formulations at the location
were no longer effective for suppressing the pest population, and there were pest outbreaks in each
growing season.
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
Table 1. Technology component of soybean cultivation by using biopesticides and chemical pesticides
No. Component Soybean cultivation technology
Chemical insecticide (5 ha) Biopesticide (10 ha)
1. Land Preparation Herbicide before planting (non Straw was burned before planting
tillage/ minimum tillage) (non tillage)
2. Drainage At each 4 m (width: 20 cm, deepth: At each 4 m (width: 20 cm, deepth:
25 cm) 25 cm)
3. Seed High quality, vigor >80% High quality, vigor >80%
4. Seed treatment captan & sipermethrin Trichol 8
5. Variety Argomulyo, Anjasmoro, Martoloyo Argomulyo, Anjasmoro, Martoloyo
(local) (local)
6. Plant method Tugal Tugal
7. Plant spacing 40 cm x 15 cm 40 cm x 15 cm
8. Organic fertilizer 2 t/ha 2 t/ha
9. Anorganic 200 kg Phonska + 100 kg SP 36/ha 200 kg Phonska + 100 kg SP 36/ha
10. Liquid fertilizer 5 ml/l (20, 40, 60 DAP) 5 ml/l (20, 40, 60 DAP)
11. Weeding Herbicide (15-20 DAP) Manual (15-20 DAP)
12. Pest and disease Chemical pesticide (scheduled) Biopesticide (Inundation)
control Benomyl, sipermethrin, Virgra, BeBas, Trichol 8, NSP,
deltamethrin Eugenol
13. Harvesting time Brown pods Brown pods
Note: NSP (neem seed powder), Trichol 8 (T. harzianum), Virgra (SlNPV), BeBas (B. bassiana),
eugenol (clove oil).
Weeds were sprayed using herbicides at 15-20 (DAP) and at 28-30 HST weeding was done
manually. In addition, in biopesticide technology plot, straw were burned before planting and at 28-30
DAP, weeding was done manually. Pests and diseases controlled by using chemical pesticides made
from Benomyl (fungicide), Deltamethrin, and Sipermetrin (insecticide) applied scheduled. However,
biopesticide technology used were five kinds namely Trichol 8, NSP, Eugenol, Virgra, and BeBas
(Table 2).
The observed variables are: (1) Kind of pest and population, observed visually in 10 plants and
catching insects by sweep net in a single swing for five times, as many as five points diagonally per
plot; (2) Kinds and diseases intensity, observed based on diseases incidence for soil borne diseases and
diseases severity for air borne diseases; (3) plant growth, (4) yield components (number of filled and
hollow pods), (5) seed weight per hectare (t/ha); and (6) abundance of insects as natural enemies
(predators and parasitoids).
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
Table 2. Kind of pests, economic threshold, kinds and application time of chemical pesticides and
No. Kind of pests and Economic Application time (DAP)
diseases threshold Chemical pesticide Biopesticide
1. S. litura, C. chalcites, 10 individuals instar Cyhalotrin (21, 28, 35, SBM + Virga (28,
L. indicata III/10 plant at 42, 49) 35, 42)
flowering phase atau
13 individuals/10
plants as pod filling
2. B. tabaci 1 pair of adult/100 Amitraz (28, 35, 42, BeBas (35, 42, 49)
plants at 28 DAP 49, 56)
3. R. linearis, N. 1 pair of adult/20 Sipermethrin (42, 49, BeBas (42, 49, 56)
viridula, P. hybneri plants at 35 DAP 56, 63, 70)
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
on chemical pesticide plot at 63 DAP. The pests from the order of Lepidoptera caught were S. litura, L.
indicata, and E. zinckenella. The population of these three types of insects is quite low based on visual
observation on 10 clumps of plants.
Table 3. The population of arthropods in soybean fields applied with biopesticides and chemical
Population average at the DAP (individual)
No. Kind of arthropods Biopesticide Chemical pesticide
49 63 49 63
Figure 2. The intensity of S. litura attack on three soybean varieties on plot applied by
biopesticides and chemical pesticides.
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
Figure 3. Performance of soybean plants applied with biopesticides (left) and chemical pesticides
Figure 4. The intensity of B. tabaci attack on three soybean varieties on plot applied by
biopesticides and chemical pesticides
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
Figure 5. The intensity of soil borne diseases (S. rolfsii) and bacterial pustules (X. axonopodis) in the
biopesticide and chemical pesticides plot.
Bacterial pustules caused by X. axonopodis was also found in plot that applied with biopesticides
and chemical pesticides. The average of disease severity that occurs in plot applied with chemical
pesticides was high (9.15%) which found on Martoloyo. However, the average of disease severity of X.
axonopodis on Anjasmoro and Argomulyo in the plot applied with biopesticides was only 2.5%.
Symptoms of bacterial pustules are small, yellowish green spots with a slightly protruding in the
middle, larger patches developing in the middle, light brown bumps on the lower surface. This
protrusions caused by hypertrophy and hyperplasis (Figure 5). The intensity of X. axonopodis disease
in both varieties (Anjasmoro & Argomulyo) was much lower than that of Martoloyo.
Figure 6. Symptoms of bacterial pustules (X. axonopodis) in Martoloyo variety applied using Trichol
8 (left) and chemical fungicides (right).
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
Figure 7. The average intensity of rust disease (P. pachyrhizi) in plots applied with biofungicides,
chemical fungicides, and without control (farmer's field).
Figure 8. Seeds weight of Anjasmoro, Argomulyo, and Martoloyo from plot applied with
biopesticide and chemical pesticide
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
Table 4. Plant height, number of node, filled pods, and empty pods of three soybean varieties on plot
applied with biopesticides and chemical pesticides
Varieties Plant height Number of node Filled pod Empty pod
Biopesticide Chemical Biopesticide Chemical Biopesticide Chemical Biopesticide Chemical
Figure 9. Kind and predators population on three soybean varieties on plot applied with
biopesticides and chemical pesticides
The kind of parasitoids that can be found in plot applied with biopesticides were Aphidius sp.,
(Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Binodoxys sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Trichogramma sp.
(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Encarsia sp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelenidae), and Telenomus
sp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). The population of this four kind of parasitoids was quite high at
49 DAP, which is 8, 10, 5, and 21 individuals, respectively. The population of this four
parasitoids at 62 DAP increased significantly, especially Telenomus sp. (82 individuals),
Trichogramma sp. (42 individuals), Aphidius sp. (21 individuals), and Encarsia sp. (11
individuals) (Figure 10).
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
Figure 10. Kind and parasitoids population on three soybean varieties on plot applied with
biopesticides and chemical pesticides.
3.7 Discussion
B. tabaci population at 63 DAP was higher in plots applied with biopesticides as compared to the plots
applied with chemical pesticides. This condition occurs due to the migration of B. tabaci from plots
applied with chemical pesticide to plots applied with biopesticides because of wind. According to [29],
wind speed is one of the environmental factors that cause B. tabaci migration to other places, besides
plant age and plant height. [30] mentioned that wind speed has a positive correlation with B. tabaci
In both plots were also found M. soyae and M. dolichostigma with high numbers of population. It is
suspected that the abundance of these pests impact on the eggs laid by adult on the plant but the age of
the plant is not appropriate so they only fly over the plant surface. The low population of foliage pest
and pod borer found in plots that applied with biopesticides was due to the use of Virgra. Virgra
contains the active ingredient of the entomopathogenic virus SlNPV so that the larval stage of the
armyworm can be killed due to the virus infection. [31] reported that Virgra is an entomopathogenic
virus formulated from JTM97C isolates and it is very effective for controlling S. litura larval with a
mortality rate of up to 99%. [32] also explained that the control of S. litura was very effective by using
bioinsecticides from SlNPV.
The low intensity of S. litura attacks on plots applied with chemical pesticides because the
scheduled application, farmers also apply chemical insecticides outside the established schedule. This
activity is carried out by farmers based on the reason that cultivated of soybean does not occur damage
even though it must take out excessive input to buy chemical pesticides. SlNPV biopesticide system
requires a minimum of 3-4 days after feed insects (leaves) have been sprayed with a suspension of
virus particles. Thus, larvae still eat soybean leaves, causing damage even though the intensity of the
damaged was only about 5%. In addition, biopesticide plots was also applied with NSP containing
azadirachtin compounds. These compounds originated from vegetable pesticides that plays function to
inhibit the appetite of insects, refuse insects to come to the plants, and thwart the process of moulting.
The low intensity of soil borne diseases in plots applied with Trichol 8 through seed treatment due
to the biofungicide functions as an antagonist, causing root and stem rot. In addition, T. harzianum
plays role as a decomposer so that the litter above the soil surface can immediately be overhauled into
organic fertilizer and can increase plant growth [33-34]. Withering was a major obstacle at the early
growth in soybean production center in Banyuwangi. Seed treatment by using Trichol 8 is able to
suppress wilting in endemic areas, so that control technology innovations by using biofungicides can
be recommended to control S. rolfsii.
The intensity of X. axonopodis disease in both varieties (Anjasmoro & Argomulyo) was much
lower than that in Martoloyo. This condition is likely due to the impact of the application of T.
harzianum biofungicide that given before planting and the application was done at 21, 28, 35 DAP.
This activity caused pathogens to be not able to develop due to better plant vigor [35-36].
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
The low intensity of rust disease caused by the application of biofungicides (eugenol). It was
carried out four times at 28, 35, 42 and 49 DAP so can kill P. pachyrhizi spores, as a result, the disease
was unable to develop. [37] reported that eugenol from clove oil is able to damage the uredospora cell
wall so that the spores undergo lysis eventually dry and die. Further, the spores cannot develop. In
addition, the application of NSP can also negatively influence the development of leaf rust as reported
by [38] and [39], who mentioned that the application of azadirachtin compounds from neem seed
powder can reduce the severity of P. pachyrhizi rust disease up to 83%.
In case of seed weight, it appears that soybean pest control technology by using chemical pesticides
can produce higher seed weight as compared with biopesticides. This phenomenon occurs because the
application of chemical pesticides is scheduled, and it is able to kill all pests in a very fast time without
pay attention to the pest population. Therefore, there is no chance for these organisms to damage
plants, especially pods. Meanwhile, the efficacy of biopesticides which are applied in a slower
inundation which takes a minimum of 3-4 days so that the insect still doing activities to damage the
In plots applied with chemical pesticides, there were no predators found and survived, except
Paederus sp. and Entomobrya sp. even though the population is very low. This condition occured due
to the habitat of these two predators are in soil surface. Paederus sp. has fairly high mobility so that
the application of chemical pesticides does not have a negative impact on the behavior of these
predators. Predator Rhynocoris sp. has a high predation rate of S. litura up to 20 individuals/day [40].
While, predators Sycanus sp. if they prey on S. litura larvae, they have a life span up to 88 days [41].
Predator Oxyopes sp. has the ability to prey on several kinds of major soybean pests such as B. tabaci,
A. gossypii, Empoasca sp., and Nezara viridula [42]. The ability of P. fuscipes is also very high for
preying on Helicoverpa armigera [43]. Meanwhile, these two predators (Oxyopes sp. and Paederus
sp.) have the ability to prey the major soybeans pest up to 11 individuals/day [44-45]. Predator
Entomobrya sp. is a predator that inhabit soil surface. Entomobrya sp. also play role as a decomposer
insect that is effective in overhauling all soil litter. It is very useful to provide nutrients for the plant
quickly [30], [46]. The abundance of various species of predator that survived on plots applied with
biopesticides have considerable potential as biological agents to prey soybean pests.
Each parasitoid has a high level of parasitation against major soybean pests such as B. tabaci, A.
craccivora, A. gossypii, and S. litura [47-50]. The increasing in parasitoid populations in plots applied
with biopesticides was not followed in plots applied with chemical pesticides because most of the
parasitoids were killed. This phenomenon occurs because natural enemies, especially parasitoids, are
more susceptible to chemical insecticides than the pest, while parasitoids act as natural controllers.
According to [51], insecticides containing active ingredients tiametoksam, lamda sihalotrin,
chlorpyrifos, or chlorphenapy can kill all parasitoids in soybean fields. [52] and [53] stated that the
parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum and Telenomus remus will be killed by the application of
chemical insecticides. These result indicate that the use of biopesticides derived from microorganisms
and plant-based pesticides is more environmentally friendly, because it can maintain the survival of
natural enemies while being able to suppress the existing pest populations.
4. Conclusions
From this study, we concluded that biopesticides consisting of T. harzianum, SlNPV, NSP, B.
bassiana, and eugenol applied by inundation can suppress the development of pest and disease
populations almost comparable to the efficacy of chemical pesticides. Soybean pest control by using
various kinds of biopesticides by inundation is safer and can maintain the survival of useful insects,
especially predators and parasitoids. It can maintain soybean yield almost comparable to the efficacy
of chemical pesticides. Scheduled application of chemical pesticides can kill almost all existing natural
enemies, both predators and parasitoids. Biopesticides applied by inundation can potentially be used as
alternatives to the efficacy of chemical pesticides.
The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 743 (2021) 012003 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/743/1/012003
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