Lab 4. LTI Systems, The Z-Transform, and An Introduc-Tion To Filtering
Lab 4. LTI Systems, The Z-Transform, and An Introduc-Tion To Filtering
Lab 4. LTI Systems, The Z-Transform, and An Introduc-Tion To Filtering
A system is: linear if y[n] is a linear combination of values of x[n] and y[n]. A dierence equation expressing this relation must not include constants or nonlinear functions of x[n] and y[n]. time-invariant if x[n m] produces output y[n m] for any m. That is, the system response to an excitation is independent of when the excitation is applied. Typically, coecients of the dierence equation must not be functions of time (n). For LTI systems, if inputs are decomposed into linear combinations of simpler signals, responses to individual inputs can be analyzed individually, and the total response can be found by superposition. An arbitrary LTI system can be completely described by its impulse response. The impulse response h[n] is the response of the system to a unit impulse [n]. The unit impulse exists only at n = 0 and is zero elsewhere. (Recall that in Matlab, vectors subscripts start at 1, so the impulse response becomes the response of the system to a unit impulse at n = 1). By superposition, the response of the system to an arbitrary input x[n] can be described as a linear combination of scaled and shifted impulse responses, giving rise to the convolution sum,
y[n] =
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x=1; y=conv(x,h); figure; stem(y) x=[1 1 1]; y=conv(x,h); figure; stem(y) x=[1 2 3]; y=conv(x,h); figure; stem(y)
% input is an impulse
ak y[n k] =
k=0 m=0
bm x[n m]
y[n] =
Note the summation limits in the two equations. A dierence equation can be described in Matlab by two vectors: b = [b0 b1 ... bM]; a = [a0 a1 ... aN]; When any or all ai = 0, i=1,2,...N (so that y[n] depends on a previous values of y), the system is said to be recursive. It will have an innite impulse response (IIR). When ai = 0, i=1,2,...N , the system is said to be nonrecursive (y[n] does not depend on any previous value of y), It will have a nite impulse response (FIR). Q1.What does any ai = 0, for some i, imply in terms of the connections in a lter block diagram, where the blocks represent delays, in contrast to the situation where ai =0, all i=1,2,...aN? That is, show the block diagram for the dierence equation in the example below. Also show the block diagram for the
non-recursive case, by setting the coecient of y[n-2] as zero. Example: Represent the following dierence equation by two vectors: y[n] + 0.2y[n 2] = x[n] + 2x[n 1] b = [1 2 0]; a = [1 0 0.2]; (2)
The z-Transform
Just as the Fourier transform forms the basis of signal analysis, the z-transform forms the basis of system analysis. If x[n] is a discrete-time signal, its (two-sided) z-transform X(z) is given by,
X(z) =
x[n]z n
The z-transform maps a signal in the time domain to a power series in z. : x[n] X(z). Note that z = u + jv is complex and can be considered as complex frequency (just like s in the continuous-time domain) and represents the so-called complex z-plane. Some of the z-Transform properties are as follows: linearity and superposition are preserved x[n k] z k X(z) x[n] X(1/z) an x[n] X(z/a) x[n] y[n] X(z)Y (z) The overall result is that the algebra of system analysis becomes greatly simplied in the z domain. The only tradeo is the necessity of taking an inverse transform to obtain time domain responses. Since the response y[n] of an LTI system to input u[n] is given by the convolution u[n] h[n], where h[n] is the impulse response, it is easily seen that, y[n] = u[n] h[n] Y (z) = U (z)H(z) where H(z) is the z-Transform of h[n]. The ratio H(z) = Y (z)/U (z) is referred to as the transfer function of the system.
y[n] + 0.2y[n 2] = x[n] + 2x[n 1] Y (z) + 0.2z 2 Y (z) = U (z) + 2z 1 U (z) 1 + 2z 1 H(z) = Y (z)/U (z) = 1 + 0.2z 2
b = [1 2 0]; a = [1 0 0.2];
Matlab representation
Try the same example, equation (2) above: y[n] + 0.2y[n 2] = u[n] + 2u[n 1] b = [1 2]; a = [1 0 0.2]; [beq aeq] = eqtflength(b,a) Q2. What does the function eqtength do?
H(z) = k
The leading coecient in the numerator, k, is called the gain. Example: H(z) = Zeros: z 2 + 2z = 0 z(z + 2) = 0 z = 0 and z = 2 Poles: z 2 + 0.2 = 0 z = 0.2j Gain: k=1 The location of the zeros and poles of the transfer function determines the response of an LTI system. Matlabs Signal Processing Toolbox provides a number of functions to assist in the zeropole-gain analysis of a system. [z p k] = tf2zpk(b,a) nds the zeros z, poles p, and gain k from the coecients b and a of a transfer function H(z). Do it for the example given. Q3. For the example above, write the transfer function H(z) in discrete lter form and then calculate values of the zeros and poles. How does this compare with Matlab results ? z 2 + 2z z 2 + 0.2
zplane(z,p) zplane(b,a) both display the zeros and poles of a system. A o marker is used for zeros and an x marker is used for poles. The unit circle (z = ej )is also plotted for reference. We will see later in class that H(z)|z=ej = H(ej ) which of course is the DTFT of a lter h[n], (assuming that it exists). As we shall see, the unit circle has implications for stability and frequency analysis of the digital lter H(z). Try: b=[1 2 0]; a=[1 0 0.2]; [z p k] = tf2zpk(b,a) zplane(z,p) Q4. Explain the display.
6. Transition band A steep transition from passband to stopband can be achieved when stopband zeros are paired with poles along (or near) the same radial line and close to the unit circle. 7. Zero-pole interaction Zeros and poles interact to produce a composite response that might not match design goals. Poles closer to the unit circle or farther from one another produce smaller interactions. Zeros and poles might have to be repositioned or added, leading to a higher lter order. (We will see more of this when we cover lter design issues in class.)
conversion. Transfer Function Transfer Function State Space Zero-PoleGain Partial Fraction Lattice Filter Second Order Sections ss2tf State Space tf2ss Zero Partial Lattice Second Pole Fraction Filter Order Gain Sections tf2zp residuez tf2latc tf2sos tf2zpk roots ss2zp ss2sos Convolution Matrix convmtx
sos2ss sos2zp
Try the b = [1 a = [1 [A B C
where the so-called state equations of the system are: x[n + 1] = Ax[n] + Bu[n] y[n] = Cx[n] + Du[n] Q5. Convert the state space vector rst-order dierence equation that you get above, back into the higher order dierence equation, equation (2). It is easiest using z-Transforms, where Z{x[n]} = X(z), Z{x[n + 1]} = z 1 X(z) etc. {We cover z-Transforms later on in class}.
Impulse Reponse
The impulse response h[n] and its z-transform (the transfer function H(z)) completely characterize the response of an LTI system. For input x[n] in the time domain (X(z) in the frequency domain), the output of the system y[n] in the time domain (Y (z) in the frequency domain) is given by: y[n] = x[n] h[n] Y (z) = X(z)Y (z) (convolution) (product) Time domain Frequency domain
The Signal Processing Toolbox function [h t]=impz(b,a,n,fs) computes the impulse response of the LTI system with transfer function coecients b and a. It computes n samples and produces a vector t of length n so that the samples are spaced 1/f s units apart. It returns the response in the column vector h and sample times in the column vector t. When called with no outputs, it plots the response. For a system identication application, the impulse response of an unknown system can be compared with the impulse response of a model of that system, and model parameters (such as zeros and poles) can be tuned to match the response of the unknown system. Try: b=[1 2 0]; a=[1 0 0.2]; impz(b,a,10,1e3) Q6. Design a simple unstable lter and show its impulse response.
Frequency Response
The Signal Processing Toolbox function freqz(b,a) when called with no output arguments, plots the magnitude and unwrapped phase of the lter in the current gure window. Try: b=[1 2 0];
a=[1 0 0.2]; freqz(b,a) The following form of the function [h w]=freqz(b,a) computes the frequency response of the LTI system with transfer function coecients b and a. It returns the frequency response vector h and the corresponding angular frequency vector w. The vector w has values ranging from 0 to the Nyquist rate, which is normalized to radians per sample by default. The response is calculate using a default of 512 samples. Q6. What does 1 on the horizontal axis correspond to? Try: [h w]=freqz(b,a); subplot(211), plot(w/pi, 20*log10(abs(h))) subplot(212), plot(w/pi, (180/pi)*angle(h)) h=freqz(b,a,w) returns the frequency response vector h calculated at the frequencies (in radians per sample) supplied by the vector w.
H(z) = 8
You can take a look at the function (its in sg01) which you should have: edit transferplot Run it: transferplot Then try this, to see a birds-eye view:
Filtering a Signal
LTI systems are commonly called lters, and the process of generating the output y[n] from an input x[n] is called ltering. To lter a signal using a system described by transfer function coecients b and a, use the Matlab lter function. y=filter(b,a,x) lters the data in vector x with the lter described by numerator coecient vector b and denominator coecient vector a. If a(1) is not equal to 1, f ilter normalizes the lter coecients by a(1). If a(1) equals 0, f ilter returns an error.
The f ilter function is implemented in a direct form II transposed lter architecture. The dierence equation is, y[n] = b(1)x[n]+b(2)x[n1]+...+b(nb+1)x[nnb]...a(2)y[n1]...a(na+1)y[nna] where n1 is the lter order (the highest degree in the proper form of the transfer function). (You have noisyC.m in sg01. You can look at the le edit noisyC. You can also run it by typing noisyC in the Command window. Helps if you can hear it.) Run noisyC script to generate a noisy sine wave: fs = 1e4; t = 0:1/fs:5; sw = sin(2*pi*262.62*t); % Middle C n = 0.1*randn(size(sw)); swn = sw + n; Use a simple lowpass (averaging) lter: b=[.25 .25 .25 .25]; a=[1 0 0 0]; y=filter(b,a,swn); figure, plot(t,y), axis([0 0.04 -1.1 1.1]) h=impz(b,a); y2=conv(swn,h); figure, plot(t,y2(1:end-3)), axis([0 0.04 -1.1 1.1]) Q7. How do the two outputs (y and y2) compare? Q8. How do the methods (lter and conv) dier?
Using SPTool
Choose File Import from the SPTool main menu. Try importing the lter just created. (Recall that the lter has a numerator and a denominator which is 1.) To apply a Filter in SPTool: 1. Select the signal to be ltered. 2. Select the lter to apply. 3. Click the Apply button under the Filters list. Try ltering the noisy middle C signal swn with the simple lowpass lter created earlier.
Exercises: 1. Plot the frequency responses of the two lters with the following dierence equations. Sampling frequency: 2kHz. Low-pass: y[n] = 0.5x[n] + 0.5x[n 1] High-pass: y[n] = 0.5x[n] 0.5x[n 1] (averaging) (nite dierencing)
2. Filter the signal x from Exercise 1 with each of the lters. (Run hilo to recreate the signal.) View and listen to the outputs. Note that the two components of x are at 5% and 95% of the Nyquist frequency, respectively. 3. Open each lter in the Pole/Zero editor in SPTool. Adjust the locations of the poles and zeros and observe the eects on both the response and the ltered signal.
Cepstral Analysis
Certain signals, such as speech signals, are naturally modeled as the output of an LTI system; i.e., as the convolution of an input and an impulse response. To analyze such signals in terms of system parameters, a deconvolution must be performed. Cepstral analysis is a common technique for such deconvolution. The technique is based on two facts: a convolution in the time domain becomes a product in the z-domain, and logarithms of products become sums. If: x[n] = x1 [n] x2 [n] X(z) = X1 (z)X2 (z) then: X(z) = log(X(z)) = log(X1 (z)) + log(X2 (z)) x[n] = x1 [n] + x2 [n] Convolved signals become additive in the new cepstral domain. (The word cepstral reverses the rst letters in the word spectral to reect the back-andforth between the time and frequency domains.) The complex cepstrum x[n] of a sequence x[n] is calculated by nding the complex natural logarithm of the Fourier transform of x, then the inverse Fourier transform of the resulting sequence: 1 2
x[n] =
log[X(ej )]ejn d
The Signal Processing Toolbox function cceps perfoms this operation and the function icceps performs the inverse. The real cepstrum (or just the cepstrum) of x[n] is found as above, using only the magnitude of the Fourier transform. It is computed by the Signal Processing Toolbox function rceps. The original sequence cannot be reconstructed from only its real cepstrum, but you can reconstruct a minimum-phase version of the sequence by applying a windowing function in the cepstral domain. The minimum phase reconstruction is returned by rceps in a second output argument. Read the echodetect.m script (shown below), then try running it. (You might need to disable the sound line. Also, helloGC.mat is in sg01.) % ECHODETECT Demonstrates cepstral analysis for echo detection. % Load stereo sound sample HGC and sample frequency fs: load helloGC % Delays for echoes (in samples): d1 = 10000; d2 = 20000; d3 = 30000; % Attenuation for echoes (percent): a = 0.6; % Add echoes to sound sample: s0 = [HGC; zeros(d1+d2+d3,2)]; s1 = [zeros(d1,2); HGC; zeros(d2+d3,2)]; s2 = [zeros(d2,2); HGC; zeros(d1+d3,2)]; s3 = [zeros(d3,2); HGC; zeros(d1+d2,2)]; s = s0 + a*s1 + a2 *s2 + a3 *s3; % Play sound with echoes: %sound(s,fs) % Cepstral analysis. % Plot cepstrum of sound with echoes (2nd channel) in red: c = cceps(s(:,2)); plot(c,r) hold on % Overlay cepstrum of original sound (2nd channel) in blue: c0 = cceps(s0(:,2)); plot(c0,b) axis([0 1e5 -1 1]) xlabel(Sample Number) ylabel(Complex Cepstrum) title([Echoes at ,num2str(d1), ,num2str(d2), ,num2str(d3)]) % Note red peaks at delays.
(The material in this lab handout derives generally from the MathWorks training document MAT-
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