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Magazine Reign of The Coldheart

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THE FALLING DYNAStY wealthy could afford some quality of

life. Riots were more common with
Descendents of a long bloodline of each passing year and there were
dragons, the Coldheart dynasty has whispers of revolution. The dynasty
earned their name a dozen times over. wasn’t willing to let their power be
They were ruthless leaders, harsh most taken by anyone, be them outsiders
of the time, but also strong and effi- or their own subjects, and when mili-
cient keeping the kingdom of Ellen- tary force failed they had the magical
dran alive and prosperous. Due to power of their draconic bloodline to
their draconic heritage, the Coldheart rely on.
family settled in a city located among
the mountains. Some activities impor- ZENdEL RISE tO POWER
tant for a community’s growth, such as
agriculture, and livestock husbandry By the time Zendel Coldheart rose
were hard and scarce, however, they to power, Ellendran was dealing with
had a powerful source of income: the its darkest days. Not only were her
mining of precious gemstones. external enemies close, but she had
Many generations went by, and little no support from the population, who
by little the lives of people in Ellen- deemed her family line as cruel and
dran got harder. The rulers became incompetent. They weren’t entirely
ever more cruel than efficient, and wrong, Zendel was far from being a
the mining wasn’t enough to sustain good ruler, insisting on the old way
the whole city as after many years of determined by the first Coldheart: dis-
digging the mines started to become sent breeds weakness so crush it with
depleted. Apart from that, due to the an Iron Fist.
draconic way they handled outsiders, The queen refused to surrender
the Coldheart made several enemies, power and was inflexible to many
who were closely watching for the suggestions given by her advisors,
right moment to strike and take their to the point she dismantled the city
land. council for good. With every decision
Unfortunately, the problems didn’t she made the people felt more and
come only from the outside. Within more justified in defying her rule.. The
Ellendran, people were unsatisfied, Daelyn, a family who used to be loyal
hungry, and miserable. Only the most spies for Ellendran for ages, turned

their back on Zendel and spied on snowfall. Together, the dragon and the
her in the name of her enemies. As Ice Queen Zendel took matters into
soon as they were caught, they were their own hands. They hunted down all
executed, and just the children were of the traitors, or anyone who looked
allowed to live, to serve her and atone like one.
for their parents' sins. To rebuild her city to its full glory,
Exhausted and outraged, Zendel Zendel began to force all of her sub-
consulted the journals of her fore- jects to make offerings to her on each
fathers, looking for an answer, and night of the full moon. Anything could
learned of how they had come into be offered to the Ice Queen, from trop-
power in the first place. She traveled hies to jewelry or even food. However,
through the mountains and, shedding Zendel was demanding and insatiable.
her blood upon the snow, she perfor- If the offering wasn’t of her liking, Ho-
med a ritual to summon Hoarfrost, the arfrost would bury the person’s house
Albino Dragon, an old acquaintance under ice, ending any possibility they
of her family. Making a deal with the had of surviving in such a horrific
creature to keep her domain, the place.
dragon brought upon the mountains Soon enough, most living creatures
a terrifying blizzard that would keep in Ellendran became monstrosities,
other nations at bay and awakened and Hoarfrost convinced Zendel it was
within Zendel the ice powers that were time for them to move forward. The
the right of her bloodline. Many inno- ice magic that caused the blizzards
cents perished during this blizzard, began to expand through the territo-
however, for Zendel, it was a small ry, going beyond the mountains and
price to pay to keep Ellendran all to affecting cities making it snow in the
herself. middle of the summer. Many people
started fleeing, desperate to run away
FREEzING tO DEAtH from Ellendran’s horrors. However, a
brave group of heroes has refused to
Both Ellendran and the mountain be pawns to the queen and the dragon
territory around it were swallowed and has decided to take arms against
by the chaotic icestorm conjured by their tyranny. They travel through the
Hoarfrost. From that day on, Ellendran frozen landscape now, searching for
would never again see a day without others who are still willing to fight.







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