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The Irda Act

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A brief background-
Until 1999, the insurance organization in India was comprised oI two state owned
institutions, the LiIe Insurance Corporation oI India (LIC) and the General Insurance
Corporation oI India (GIC) and its Iour subsidiaries. In order to improve the quality oI
Insurance services in India, the Malhotra Committee (1993) recommended a comprehensive
Iramework oI reIorm in the insurance sector. The main elements oI this Iramework were the
Insurance Act, 1938, Insurance Regulatory and development Authority Act, 1999, and the
regulations Iramed under it by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA).
Following the recommendations oI Malhotra Committee, the Government oI India to regulate
the insurance sector approved the setting up oI the interim Insurance Regulatory Authority
(IRA) on January 23, 1996, that would replace the controller oI Insurance (COI) and be under
the overall control oI the Ministry oI Finance. It was entrusted with the task oI preparing a
comprehensive legislation to establish a statutory, autonomous IRA on the pattern oI the
Securities and Exchange Board oI India (SEBI).
In order to provide better insurance cover to citizens and also to augment the Ilow oI long
term sources oI Iinancing inIrastructure, the government reiterated its announcement oI 1996
in its budget speech, 1998, to open up the insurance sector and also set up a statutory IRDA.
The IRDA Act was enacted in 1999 to provide Ior the establishment oI the IRDA to protect
the interest oI the policyholders, to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth oI industry
and matter connected therewith and also to amend the Insurance act,1938, the act,1956, and
the General insurance business(Nationalization) act,1972.
The duty oI the IRDA is to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth oI the insurance and
reinsurance business.
The IRDA consists oI a chairperson and not more than nine members oI whom not more than
Iive would be Iull time members, appointed by the government Irom amongst person oI
ability, integrity and standing who have knowledge/experience oI liIe insurance/general
insurance/actuarial services, Iinance/economics/law/accountancy/administration/and any
other discipline in the opinion oI the government would be useIul to it. Between the
chairperson and the Iull-time directors, at least one person is required to have
knowledge/experience oI liIe, general insurance or actuarial science respectively.
Insurance Advisory Committee-
The IRDA may constitute a 25-member Insurance Advisory Committee (IAC) to represent
the interest oI commerce, industry, transport, agriculture, consumer Iora, surveyors loss,
agents, intermediaries, including brokers, consultants and loss assessors, organizations
engaged in saIety and loss prevention, research bodies and employees associations in the
insurance sector, to advise it on matters relating to making regulations by it and on such other
matters as may be prescribed.
Issue of direction-
The IRDA is bound by the direction oI the government on question oI policy writ other than
those relating to technical and administrative matter, in writing Irom time to time. The
decision oI the Government, whether a question is one oI policy or no, is Iinal.
Powers and functions-
The powers and Iunctions oI IRDA are:-
1) Issuances oI registration certiIicates to applicants; to renew, modiIy, withdraw,
suspend or cancel these registrations, with preIerence to companies providing health
2) Protection oI interest oI policyholders in matters concerning nominations by them,
assigning oI policy, insurable interest, settlement oI insurance claims, surrender oI
policy, and other terms and conditions oI insurance contracts.
3) SpeciIying requisite qualiIications and practical training Ior insurance intermediaries
and agents.
4) SpeciIying code oI conduct Ior surveyors and loss assessors.
5) Promoting eIIiciency in the conduct oI insurance business.
6) Promotion and regulation oI proIessional organizations connected with insurance and
reinsurance business; levying Iees and other charges Ior carrying out purpose oI
IRDA act.
7) Calling Ior inIormation Irom, undertaking inspection oI, conducting enquiries and
investigations including audit oI insurers, intermediaries and organizations connected
with insurance business.
8) Control and regulation oI rates, terms and conditions that may be oIIered by insurers
in respect oI general insurance not by controlled and regulated by the TariII Advisory
Committee under section 64U oI the Insurance act,1938 (i) speciIying the Iorm and
manners in which book oI accounts would be maintained and statement oI rendered
by insurers and insurance intermediaries.
9) Regulating investment oI Iunds by insurance companies; and maintaining margins oI
10)Adjudication oI disputes between insurers and intermediaries or insurer
11)Supervising the Iunctioning oI the TariII Advisory Committee.
12)SpeciIying the percentage oI premium income oI the insurer to Iinance schemes Ior
promoting and regulating proIessional organizations.
13)SpeciIying the percentage oI liIe insurance and general insurance business to be
undertaken by the insurer in the rural or social sector.
14)Exercising such other powers as may be prescribed.
IRDA regulations-
I. Rural/Social sector obligations
II. Insurance i and disclosure
III. Licensing oI insurance agents
IV. General insurance-reinsurance
V. Asset, liabilities and solvency margins
VI. Registration oI Indian insurance companies
VII. Investment norms
VIII. Preparation oI Iinancial statements and auditors reports
IX. Third party administrators
X. Protection oI policy holders interest
XI. Corporate/composite corporate agents
XII. Insurance brokers
XIII. Distribution oI surplus Iunds
XIV. LiIe insurance-reinsurance
XV. Insurance surveyors and loss assessor, and
XVI. micro-insurance

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