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Protective Relays


Edison Idea and IdeaPLUS System S165-210-1

Use and Operations Manual

for the
iDP-210 Feeder Protection Control
and Monitoring System
with DNP3 or Modbus Communications

January 2005

For use with ProView 4.0.1 or later and for iDP-210 Scheme Files dated 1/1/2005 or later.

This manual contains information on the iDP-210 protection scheme software.

Protection & Control functions and elements are subject to change without notice
and are also subject to customer-specific modifications. This manual is distributed
for information purposes only.

Copyright 2005 Cooper Power Systems or its affiliates.


ProView, IDEA Workbench, User Workbench, Relay-Replay, and Virtual Test Set are trademarks of
Cooper Power Systems or its affiliates.

Edison is a registered trademark of Cooper Power Systems or its affiliates.

Windows, WORD, and Notepad are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

IEEE is a trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Copying or distribution of the manual or of the ProView software is prohibited, unless

specifically authorized by Cooper Power Systems or its affiliates.
iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

SAFETY INFORMATION....................................................................................................................................... 12

1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 14
1.1 WHAT’S NEW?.............................................................................................................................................. 14
1.2 HOW DO I UPGRADE MY RELAY FROM PROVIEW 3.2.2 TO PROVIEW 4.0.1? ............................................. 15
1.3 COMPREHENSIVE FEEDER PROTECTION AND CONTROL FEATURES: ........................................................... 19
2 EDISON IDEA HARDWARE................................................................................................................ 24
2.1 HARDWARE INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 24
2.3 OUTLINE DRAWINGS .................................................................................................................................... 27
2.4 INPUT/OUTPUT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY.................................................................................................... 31
3 EDISON IDEAPLUS HARDWARE ..................................................................................................... 32
3.1 HARDWARE INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 32
3.2 IDEAPLUS DC CONNECTION DIAGRAM .................................................................................................... 33
WINDOW SUPERVISION OF THE FRONT PANEL CLOSE BUTTON .............................................................. 34
3.4 OUTLINE DRAWINGS .................................................................................................................................... 35
4 AC WIRING DIAGRAMS FOR IDEA AND IDEAPLUS HARDWARE ..................................... 44
4.1 AC TERMINAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 44
4.3 IDEA AC CONNECTION DIAGRAM - 4 VOLTAGE INPUTS, ACB PHASE ROTATION ................................. 46
4.4 IDEA AC CONNECTION DIAGRAM - 4 VOLTAGE INPUTS, DELTA PT CONNECTION ................................ 47
4.6 IDEA AC CONNECTION DIAGRAM - 6 VOLTAGE INPUTS, ACB PHASE ROTATION ................................. 49
4.7 IDEA AC CONNECTION DIAGRAM - 6 VOLTAGE INPUTS, DELTA PT CONNECTION ................................ 50
5 FRONT PANEL OPERATION.............................................................................................................. 51
5.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 51
5.2 FRONT PANEL ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 52
5.3 ADJUSTING THE CONTRAST OF THE LCD.................................................................................................... 52
5.4 FRONT PANEL TARGETS .............................................................................................................................. 53
5.5 THE IDEAPLUS LOWER CONTROL PANEL ................................................................................................. 54
5.5.1 TRIP and CLOSE Controls................................................................................................................. 54 TRIP Button.......................................................................................................................................................54 CLOSE Button ..................................................................................................................................................54
5.5.2 Close Circuit Break ............................................................................................................................. 55
5.5.3 Hot Line Tag Control .......................................................................................................................... 55 Mechanical Hot Line Tag Switch (Ordering Option “T”)...............................................................................55 Software Controlled Close Inhibit Switch (Ordering Option “C”) .................................................................56
5.5.4 GND TRIP BLOCKED ....................................................................................................................... 56
5.5.5 NON RECLOSING.............................................................................................................................. 56
5.5.6 LOCAL MODE.................................................................................................................................... 56
5.5.7 USER OPTION #`1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6............................................................................................... 57
5.6 HOTKEY OPERATIONS............................................................................................................................... 57
5.6.1 METERING Hotkey............................................................................................................................. 57
5.6.2 RESET TARGET Hotkey ..................................................................................................................... 57
5.6.3 LAST EVENT Hotkey .......................................................................................................................... 57
5.6.4 LAMP TEST Hotkey ............................................................................................................................ 57
5.6.5 SETTINGS Hotkey............................................................................................................................... 57
5.6.6 BREAKER STATUS Hotkey................................................................................................................ 57
5.6.7 ALARMS Hotkey.................................................................................................................................. 57

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5.6.8 TEXT MESSAGES Hotkey .................................................................................................................. 57

5.7 THE LCD MENU .......................................................................................................................................... 58
5.7.1 PASSWORD for Protected Menus...................................................................................................... 58
5.7.2 MODES Menu...................................................................................................................................... 59
5.7.3 SOE Event View Sub-Menu................................................................................................................. 60
5.7.4 SETTINGS Sub-Menu.......................................................................................................................... 60 SELECTING A SETTING GROUP ...............................................................................................................61 DISPLAY SETTING AND MAKING SETTING CHANGES....................................................................62
5.7.5 TAR (Targets) Sub-Menu .................................................................................................................... 64
5.7.6 ALARMS Sub-Menu............................................................................................................................. 65 EXTERNAL ALARMS Sub-Menu.................................................................................................................65 INTERNAL ALARMS Sub-Menu..................................................................................................................67
5.7.7 METERING Sub-Menu ....................................................................................................................... 67 PRIMARY AMPS, KV Sub-Menu..................................................................................................................67 SEC AMPS, VOLTS, DEG Sub-menu ...........................................................................................................68 DEMAND METER Sub-Menu .......................................................................................................................68 POWER/ENERGY METERS Sub-Menu.......................................................................................................68 FREQUENCY Sub-Menu................................................................................................................................68
5.7.8 Recloser Status Menu .......................................................................................................................... 68
5.7.9 FTYPE DISTANCE DUR. Sub-menu ................................................................................................. 70
5.7.10 SELF-CLEAR FAULT Sub-menu ....................................................................................................... 70
5.7.11 BREAKER STATISTICS Sub-Menu.................................................................................................... 71
5.7.12 BREAKER TRIP/CLOSE Sub-Menu .................................................................................................. 71
5.7.13 CONTACT INPUTS Sub-Menu .......................................................................................................... 72
5.7.14 CONTACT OUTPUTS Sub-Menu...................................................................................................... 73
5.7.15 WORKBENCH Sub-menu................................................................................................................... 74
5.7.16 NAMEPLATE DATA Sub-menu ......................................................................................................... 75
5.7.17 Date/Time Display............................................................................................................................... 75
6 INSTALLING AND STARTING PROVIEW SOFTWARE............................................................ 76
6.1 PROVIEW SOFTWARE INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 76
6.2 REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 76
6.3 INSTALLING PROVIEW SOFTWARE .............................................................................................................. 77
6.3.1 Installing from CD-ROM .................................................................................................................... 77
6.3.2 Installing from a single-EXE file distribution..................................................................................... 77
6.3.3 Once you have launched the setup program ...................................................................................... 77
6.4 EACH TIME YOU RUN PROVIEW.................................................................................................................. 81
7 OPERATION USING PROVIEW SOFTWARE................................................................................ 82
7.1 LOADING THE SCHEME ................................................................................................................................ 82
7.2 COMMUNICATING WITH THE RELAY ........................................................................................................... 84
7.2.1 Connecting to the Relay....................................................................................................................... 84
7.2.2 Configuring Other ProView Connection Profiles.............................................................................. 85 Configuring Serial Connection Parameters......................................................................................................86 Configuring TCP/IP Connection Parameters...................................................................................................86 Changing the Relay’s TCP/IP Connection Parameters ...................................................................................87
7.2.3 Disconnecting from the Relay ............................................................................................................. 87
7.3 COMPARING PC SCHEMES AND SETTINGS TO RELAY ................................................................................ 87
7.4 DOWNLOADING THE SCHEME STRUCTURE, IDEA WORKBENCH AND SETTINGS...................................... 91
7.5 EVENT RECORDS AND OSCILLOGRAPHIC FEATURES .................................................................................. 92
7.5.1 Event Capture Settings ........................................................................................................................ 92
7.5.2 Triggering Oscillographic Events....................................................................................................... 92
7.5.3 Loading an Event Record.................................................................................................................... 92
7.5.4 Viewing Event Oscillography.............................................................................................................. 94
7.5.5 Displaying and Viewing Phasors (Event Playback and RealTime) .................................................. 95
7.5.6 Viewing Sequence of Event Recorder (SER) Data............................................................................. 96
7.6 RELAY REPLAY™........................................................................................................................................ 97

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.7 VIEW-ONLINE............................................................................................................................................... 97
7.8 DISPLAYING RELAY DATA .......................................................................................................................... 98
7.8.1 Application Diagram........................................................................................................................... 98
7.8.2 Display Targets.................................................................................................................................... 99
7.8.3 Display External Alarms ...................................................................................................................100
7.8.4 Display Internal Alarms ....................................................................................................................100
7.8.5 Display Contact Inputs and Outputs.................................................................................................101
7.8.6 Display Recloser Status.....................................................................................................................102
7.8.7 Display Sync-Scope ...........................................................................................................................103
7.8.8 Display Breaker Statistics .................................................................................................................105
7.8.9 Display Fault Locator Results...........................................................................................................105
7.8.10 Display Data Profiler ........................................................................................................................106
7.9 DISPLAYING METERING DATA ..................................................................................................................109
7.10 CONFIGURING RELAY PASSWORD AND PROVIEW AND MMI CONTROL ................................................109
7.10.1 Enabling Relay MMI for Control Actions and Setting the Relay Password...................................110
7.10.2 Controlling the Operation of the Circuit Breaker from Within ProView .......................................111
8 PROTECTION AND CONTROL SETTINGS .................................................................................113
8.1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................113
8.2 VIEWING, SAVING AND LOADING SETTINGS ............................................................................................114
8.3 SETTING GROUPS .......................................................................................................................................115
8.3.1 Selecting a Setting Group to View and/or Modify............................................................................116
8.3.2 Selecting the Active Setting Group....................................................................................................117
8.3.3 Establishing Setting Group Names ...................................................................................................118
8.3.4 Copying Setting Groups ....................................................................................................................118
8.4 GENERAL SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................119
8.4.1 General System Settings:...................................................................................................................119
8.5 OVERCURRENT ELEMENTS ........................................................................................................................122
8.5.1 Setting Directional Parameters.........................................................................................................122 Setting Maximum Torque Angles and Polarization Method ........................................................................122 Setting Directional Fault Detectors.................................................................................................................124
8.5.2 Overcurrent elements ........................................................................................................................126 Phase Overcurrent ...........................................................................................................................................126 Ground Overcurrent ........................................................................................................................................129 Negative Sequence Overcurrent .....................................................................................................................131 iDP-210 Inverse Time Characteristics:...........................................................................................................133
8.6 RECLOSING .................................................................................................................................................148
8.6.1 General Recloser Setup .....................................................................................................................148 Setting the Reclose Shots ................................................................................................................................149 Recloser Miscellaneous Settings.....................................................................................................................149 Fast Reclose Shots...........................................................................................................................................151 Controlling Recloser Operation in the Presence of Alarms...........................................................................151 Pausing the Recloser........................................................................................................................................152 Setting Sequence Coordination.......................................................................................................................153
8.6.2 Defining Reclose and Lockout Action...............................................................................................153
8.7 SYNC-CHECK ..............................................................................................................................................155 Dead Bus and Hot Bus Determination ...........................................................................................................157 Voltage Phase Determination .........................................................................................................................157 Determination of In-Synch Conditions ..........................................................................................................158 Use of the Operator Window and Anti-Pump Settings .................................................................................159 Synch-Check Settings .....................................................................................................................................160
8.8 VOLTAGE ELEMENTS .................................................................................................................................162
8.9 REVERSE POWER ........................................................................................................................................164
8.10 FUSE FAIL LOGIC (LOSS OF POTENTIAL)...................................................................................................165
8.10.1 Fuse Failure Logic ............................................................................................................................165
8.10.2 Fuse Failure Settings.........................................................................................................................166
8.11 FREQUENCY ELEMENTS .............................................................................................................................169
8.12 BREAKER SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................173

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.12.1 Breaker Failure Functions ................................................................................................................174

8.12.2 Breaker Monitoring Functions..........................................................................................................175
8.12.3 Breaker Duty Preset ..........................................................................................................................175
8.13 INCIPIENT CABLE SPLICE FAULT DETECTOR LOGIC .................................................................................175
8.14 LOAD ENCROACHMENT .............................................................................................................................178
8.14.1 Load Encroachment Enable Settings................................................................................................180
8.14.2 Setting Forward Load Encroachment Settings ................................................................................181
8.14.3 Setting Reverse Load Encroachment Settings..................................................................................181
8.15 COLD LOAD PICKUP ...................................................................................................................................181
8.16 DEMAND METER SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................184
8.17 NON-VOLATILE OPERATING MODES ........................................................................................................186
8.17.1 Setting Non-Volatile Modes When Connected to the Relay.............................................................186
8.17.2 Configuring Non-Volatile Mode Names...........................................................................................187
8.18 EXTERNAL ALARM CONTACT OUTPUT BEHAVIOR ..................................................................................188
8.19 TARGET BEHAVIOR ....................................................................................................................................190
9 USING THE VIRTUAL TEST SET....................................................................................................191
9.1 SETTING UP THE VIRTUAL TEST SET .........................................................................................................191
9.1.1 Using Fixed Fault Voltages and Currents in the VTS .....................................................................191
9.1.2 Using Model-Based Voltages and Currents in the VTS...................................................................192
9.1.3 Controlling the Simulated Fault Dynamics......................................................................................196
9.2 SAVING AND RESTORING SIMULATION SETTINGS ....................................................................................199
9.3 RUNNING A SIMULATION ...........................................................................................................................200
9.4 FORCING AN EVENT TRIGGER IN THE VTS ...............................................................................................201
10 TEST PROCEDURE..............................................................................................................................202

11 TROUBLESHOOTING.........................................................................................................................206
11.1 HARDWARE ................................................................................................................................................206
11.1.1 If the Edison Idea or IdeaPLUS fails to operate, no lamps are illuminated and the LCD display is
11.1.2 If the Edison Idea or IdeaPLUS fails to operate, most or all LEDs are illuminated, and the LCD
display shows all “A” characters only-............................................................................................206
11.1.3 If you cannot establish a communication link between ProView and the Edison Idea or IdeaPLUS,
check the following:...........................................................................................................................206
11.1.4 If the Edison Idea or IdeaPLUS OK light is off, alarm light is on, and/or the LCD reports an
"Internal Alarm":...............................................................................................................................206
11.1.5 How do I use the two DC monitoring inputs on the back of the IdeaPlus? ....................................206
11.2 PROVIEW SOFTWARE.................................................................................................................................207
11.2.1 Scheme file takes several minutes to open........................................................................................207
11.2.2 When I press the Connect button, or select the Manage>Simulation or Manage>Oscillographic
Events menu items, a progress bar appears that takes several minutes to finish. ..........................207
11.2.3 When in Online-View mode, the following warning message appears: “Too many real-time
variables requested – exiting Online view.”.....................................................................................207
11.2.4 When I connect to the relay, none of the screens accessed from the Display menu, nor the IDEA
Workbenches, are updating...............................................................................................................207
11.2.5 When I connect to the relay, a message box appears telling me I have a different version of
firmware on my relay.........................................................................................................................208
11.2.6 Shortly after I power up my relay I get a Cold Load Pickup event in the Sequence of Events log.208
11.2.7 While downloading to the relay, power was inadvertently lost, and now the relay is either locked
up or behaving incorrectly. ...............................................................................................................208
12 GETTING HELP ....................................................................................................................................209
12.1 FREE, UNLIMITED TELEPHONE TECHNICAL SUPPORT ..............................................................................209
12.2 ONSITE SERVICE AND TRAINING ...............................................................................................................209

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

13 APPENDICES .........................................................................................................................................210
13.1 SPECIFICATIONS .........................................................................................................................................210
13.2 CATALOG NUMBERS AND ORDERING INFORMATION ...............................................................................212
13.3 IDEA AND IDEAPLUS RELAY ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................213
13.4 FRONT PANEL COMMUNICATION PORT PINOUTS....................................................................214
13.5 REAR PANEL COMMUNICATION PORTS.......................................................................................215
13.5.1 Communication Board Accessories..................................................................................................215
13.5.2 RS485 Serial Communication Card..................................................................................................215
13.5.3 Fiber-Optic Based Serial Communication Card..............................................................................216
13.5.4 Ethernet Communication Cards .......................................................................................................216
13.6 BEHAVIOR OF FREQUENCY MEASURING ELEMENTS ................................................................................219
13.6.1 Comparison of iDP-210 Relay and Form 6 Recloser Control Frequency Measuring Elements..219
13.7 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: EVENT DEFINITIONS............................................................................................219
13.8 MOUNTING THE IDEA OR IDEAPLUS RELAY WITH OPTIONAL MOUNTING KITS ......................................222
13.8.1 Idea/IdeaPlus Relay Double Rack Mount Connecting Plate and Handle Attachment Instructions
13.8.2 Idea/IdeaPlus Relay Single Rack-Mount Filler Plate Attachment Instructions .............................226
13.9 EXPLANATION OF RECLOSE READY LED BEHAVIOR ..............................................................................227
13.10 OPERATION OF RECLOSER BLOCKED LED .......................................................................................228
14 PROTECTIVE SETTINGS LIST........................................................................................................229

15 REVISION HISTORY...........................................................................................................................243

16 INDEX.......................................................................................................................................................244

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Table of FIGURES
FIGURE 1-1: EDISON IDEA RELAY ............................................................................................................................ 21
FIGURE 1-2: MAIN FEATURES OF THE IDEAPLUS FACEPLATE............................................................................... 22
FIGURE 2-1: IDEA RELAY, FRONT VIEW .................................................................................................................. 27
FIGURE 2-2: IDEA RELAY, SIDE VIEW...................................................................................................................... 27
FIGURE 2-3: IDEA RELAY, MOUNTING HOLE DETAIL ............................................................................................. 28
FIGURE 2-4: IDEA RELAY, PANEL CUTOUT DIMENSIONS........................................................................................ 28
ORDERING OPTION ............................................................................................................................ 29
ORDERING OPTION ............................................................................................................................ 29
ORDERING OPT .................................................................................................................................. 30
ORDERING OPTION ............................................................................................................................ 30
FIGURE 3-1: IDEA PLUS RELAY, FRONT VIEW ....................................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 3-2: IDEAPLUS RELAY, SIDE VIEW ........................................................................................................... 36
FIGURE 3-3: IDEA PLUS RELAY, MOUNTING HOLE DETAIL.................................................................................... 37
FIGURE 3-4: IDEA PLUS RELAY, PANEL CUTOUT DIMENSIONS .............................................................................. 37
PR6PD10XXXXXX ORDERING OPTION ............................................................................................ 38
PR6PD16XXXXXX ORDERING OPTION ............................................................................................ 39
PR6PD10XXXXXX ORDERING OPTION ............................................................................................ 40
PR6PD16XXXXXX ORDERING OPTION ............................................................................................ 41
FIGURE 5-1: FRONT PANEL OF THE IDP-210 RELAY ............................................................................................... 51
FIGURE 5-2: FRONT PANEL TARGETS....................................................................................................................... 53
FIGURE 5-3 : PASSWORD ENTRY DISPLAY ON RELAY LCD................................................................................ 59
FIGURE 5-4 : TYPICAL SETTING MENU ..................................................................................................................... 62
FIGURE 5-5: SAVE SETTINGS CONFIRMATION DISPLAY .......................................................................................... 63
FIGURE 5-6: FIRST FOUR LINES OF TARGETS LCD SUB-MENU ............................................................................. 64
FIGURE 5-7: RESET TARGETS LCD DISPLAY .......................................................................................................... 65
FIGURE 5-8: DEMAND METERS SUB-MENU DISPLAY ............................................................................................. 68
FIGURE 5-9: POWER/ENERGY METERS SUB-MENU DISPLAY ................................................................................. 68
FIGURE 5-10: RESET RECLOSER LCD DISPLAY ........................................................................................................ 70
FIGURE 5-11: SAMPLE FTYPE DISTANCE DUR DISPLAY.................................................................................... 70
FIGURE 5-12: SELF CLEAR FAULT SHOW STATISTICS LCD DISPLAY ...................................................................... 71
FIGURE 5-13: BREAKER TRIP/CLOSE DISPLAY WITH METERING ...................................................................... 72
FIGURE 5-14: BREAKER TRIP/CLOSE DISPLAY WITH METERING ...................................................................... 72
FIGURE 5-15: CONTACT INPUTS LCD DISPLAY ........................................................................................................ 72
FIGURE 5-16: CONTACT OUTPUTS LCD DISPLAY..................................................................................................... 73
FIGURE 5-17: BREAKER TRIP/CLOSE DISPLAY WITH METERING ...................................................................... 75
FIGURE 5-18: SCHEME IDENTITY LCD DISPLAY ....................................................................................................... 75
FIGURE 6-1: THE PROVIEW LOGIN DIALOG BOX .................................................................................................... 81
FIGURE 7-1: FILE OPEN DIALOG TO LOAD SCHEME ................................................................................................ 83
FIGURE 7-3: PROVIEW’S MENU-BAR SHOWING "CONNECT" BUTTON ............................................................... 84
FIGURE 7-4: MANAGE CONNECTIONS DIALOG BOX................................................................................................. 84
FIGURE 7-5: "COMPARING SCHEME…" PROGRESS INDICATOR.............................................................................. 85
FIGURE 7-6: OPENING THE "MANAGE CONNECTIONS" WINDOW ........................................................................... 85
FIGURE 7-7: MANAGE CONNECTIONS DIALOG BOX ............................................................................................... 86
TCP/IP............................................................................................................................................... 86
FIGURE 7-9: CONNECTION ESTABLISHED MESSAGE BOX ....................................................................................... 87

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

SCHEME (TYPICAL):........................................................................................................................... 88
RELAY AND PC (IF NO CHANGES SINCE DOWNLOAD): ..................................................................... 88
FIGURE 7-13: “SCHEME HAS BEEN MODIFIED…” MESSAGE DIALOG BOX.............................................................. 89
FIGURE 7-14: COMPARE DIALOG WINDOW ............................................................................................................... 89
FIGURE 7-15: SETTINGS DETAILS COMPARISON DIALOG BOX ................................................................................. 90
FIGURE 7-16: ACCESSING THE EVENT MANAGER ..................................................................................................... 92
FIGURE 7-17: OPEN EVENT MANAGER DIALOG ........................................................................................................ 93
FIGURE 7-18: OSCILLOGRAPHY SELECTION SCREEN................................................................................................. 94
FIGURE 7-19: OPEN OSCILLOGRAPHIC WINDOW WITH CURSOR CONTROL PANEL ................................................. 95
FIGURE 7-20: PHASOR DISPLAY SCREEN ................................................................................................................... 96
FIGURE 7-22: TYPICAL SEQUENCE OF EVENTS SCREEN ............................................................................................ 97
FIGURE 7-23: STARTING THE "VIEW ONLINE" FEATURE ........................................................................................... 97
FIGURE 7-24: IDP-210 DISPLAY MENU ...................................................................................................................... 98
FIGURE 7-25: APPLICATION DIAGRAM WINDOW ....................................................................................................... 99
FIGURE 7-26: TARGETS DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................ 99
FIGURE 7-27: EXTERNAL ALARMS DISPLAY ............................................................................................................100
FIGURE 7-28: INTERNAL ALARMS DISPLAY .............................................................................................................100
FIGURE 7-29: VIEW CONTACT ITPUTS DISPLAY DIALOG ..........................................................................................101
FIGURE 7-30: RECLOSER STATUS DISPLAY .............................................................................................................102
FIGURE 7-31: TYPICAL SYNC-SCOPE DISPLAY.........................................................................................................103
FIGURE 7-32: BREAKER STATISTICS DISPLAY..........................................................................................................105
FIGURE 7-33: FAULT LOCATOR RESULTS DISPLAY DIALOG BOX ..........................................................................106
FIGURE 7-34: DATA PROFILER MENU PATH ............................................................................................................106
FIGURE 7-35: DATA PROFILER DIALOG ....................................................................................................................107
FIGURE 7-36: DATA PROFILER CONFIGURATION DIALOG. ......................................................................................108
FIGURE 7-37: IDP-210 METERING MENU ................................................................................................................109
FIGURE 7-39: MMI FORCING AND DIALOG ENABLES SETTINGS SCREEN ...............................................................110
FIGURE 7-40: ACCESSING THE CONTROL POWER CIRCUIT BREAKER DIALOG ......................................................111
FIGURE 7-41: CONTROL POWER CIRCUIT BREAKER DIALOG .................................................................................111
FIGURE 8-1: ACCESSING THE SETTINGS>SETTINGS FILES DIALOG BOX ..............................................................114
FIGURE 8-2: VIEW OF THE OPENED SETTINGS>SETTINGS FILES DIALOG ............................................................115
FIGURE 8-3: OPENING THE SETTING GROUP DIALOG BOX ...................................................................................116
FIGURE 8-4: SELECT SETTING GROUP DIALOG BOX .............................................................................................117
FIGURE 8-5: SELECT VIEW/MODIFY GROUP DIALOG BOX ...................................................................................118
FIGURE 8-6: COPY SETTING GROUP DIALOG BOX ................................................................................................119
FIGURE 8-7: OPENING THE GENERAL "SYSTEM SETTINGS" WINDOW..................................................................119
FIGURE 8-8: "GENERAL SYSTEM SETTINGS" WINDOW .........................................................................................120
FIGURE 8-9: THE DIRECTIONAL SETTINGS WINDOW ............................................................................................122
FIGURE 8-10: FAULT DETECTOR SETTINGS WINDOW .............................................................................................124
FIGURE 8-11: OPENING THE PHASE OVERCURRENT SETTING WINDOW ................................................................127
FIGURE 8-12: PHASE OVERCURRENT SETTING WINDOW ........................................................................................127
FIGURE 8-13: OPENING THE GROUND OVERCURRENT SETTING WINDOW.............................................................129
FIGURE 8-14: GROUND OVERCURRENT SETTING WINDOW ....................................................................................129
FIGURE 8-15: OPENING THE NEGATIVE SEQUENCE OVERCURRENT SETTING WINDOW .......................................131
FIGURE 8-16: NEGATIVE SEQUENCE OVERCURRENT SETTING WINDOW...............................................................132
FIGURE 8-17: CUSTOMED CURVE PARAMETER SETTINGS........................................................................................134
FIGURE 8-18: IEEE MEDIUM INVERSE TCC............................................................................................................135
FIGURE 8-19: IEEE VERY INVERSE TCC.................................................................................................................136
FIGURE 8-20: IEEE EXTREMELY INVERSE TCC .....................................................................................................137
FIGURE 8-21: IEC A CURVE TCC............................................................................................................................138

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

FIGURE 8-22: IEC B CURVE TCC............................................................................................................................139

FIGURE 8-23: IEC C CURVE TCC............................................................................................................................140
FIGURE 8-24: IEC LI CURVE TCC...........................................................................................................................141
FIGURE 8-25: IEC SI CURVE TCC ...........................................................................................................................142
FIGURE 8-26: SEL U1 CURVE TCC ........................................................................................................................143
FIGURE 8-27: SEL U2 CURVE TCC.........................................................................................................................144
FIGURE 8-28: SEL U3 CURVE TCC.........................................................................................................................145
FIGURE 8-29: SEL U4 CURVE TCC.........................................................................................................................146
FIGURE 8-30: SEL U5 CURVE TCC.........................................................................................................................147
FIGURE 8-31: ACCESSING THE RECLOSER SETTINGS WINDOW ..............................................................................148
FIGURE 8-32: RECLOSER SETTINGS WINDOW .........................................................................................................149
FIGURE 8-34: MENU PATH FOR RECLOSER/LOCKOUT ACTION DIALOG BOX ........................................................154
FIGURE 8-35: RECLOSER/LOCKOUT ACTION DIALOG BOX ....................................................................................154
FIGURE 8-36: OPENING THE SYNC CHECK SETTING WINDOW................................................................................156
FIGURE 8-37: SYNC CHECK SETTING WINDOW .......................................................................................................156
FIGURE 8-38: OPENING THE VOLTAGE SETTING WINDOW .....................................................................................163
FIGURE 8-39: VOLTAGE SETTINGS WINDOW...........................................................................................................163
FIGURE 8-40: OPENING THE REVERSE POWER ELEMENT WINDOW .......................................................................164
FIGURE 8-41: REVERSE POWER SETTING WINDOW.................................................................................................165
FIGURE 8-42: OPENING THE FUSE FAILURE SETTING WINDOW ...............................................................................166
FIGURE 8-43: FUSE FAILURE SETTING WINDOW .....................................................................................................166
FIGURE 8-44: OPENING THE FREQUENCY SETTING WINDOW ..................................................................................169
FIGURE 8-45: FREQUENCY SETTINGS WINDOW.......................................................................................................170
FIGURE 8-46: OPENING THE BREAKER DIALOG.......................................................................................................173
FIGURE 8-47: BREAKER FAILURE & MONITORING SETTINGS DIALOG BOX ..........................................................173
FIGURE 8-51: ICSF SETTING WINDOW ....................................................................................................................177
FIGURE 8-52: ACTIVE LOAD ENCROACHEMENT AREA ...........................................................................................178
FIGURE 8-53: ACCESSING THE LOAD ENCROACHMENT SETTING WINDOW...........................................................179
FIGURE 8-54: LOAD ENCROACHMENT SETTINGS WINDOW ....................................................................................180
FIGURE 8-55: MENU PATH TO ACCESS COLD LOAD PICKUP SETTING WINDOW ....................................................182
FIGURE 8-56: COLD LOAD PICKUP SETTING WINDOW............................................................................................182
FIGURE 8-57: COLD LOAD PICKUP LOGIC FOR TIME OVERCURRENT ELEMENTS ..................................................183
FIGURE 8-59: MENU PATH TO ACCESS DEMAND METER SETTINGS.......................................................................184
FIGURE 8-60: DEMAND METER SETTINGS DIALOG BOX.........................................................................................185
FIGURE 8-62: VIEW OF THE OPENED STATUS OF NON-VOLATILE MODES DIALOG...............................................187
FIGURE 8-63: CONFIGURING FIXED NON-VOLATILE MODES DIALOG .....................................................................187
FIGURE 8-65: EXTERNAL ALARM OUTPUT CONTACT CONTROL DIALOG BOX .....................................................189
FIGURE 8-66: TARGET BEHAVIOR DIALOG BOX .....................................................................................................190
FIGURE 9-1: ACCESSING THE FIXED FAULT SETUP DIALOG FOR THE VTS..........................................................191
FIGURE 9-2: THE FIXED FAULT SETUP DIALOG FOR THE VTS .............................................................................192
FIGURE 9-3: ACCESSING THE MODEL FAULT SETUP DIALOG ...............................................................................193
FIGURE 9-4: THE MODEL FAULT SETUP DIALOG FOR THE VTS...........................................................................193
FIGURE 9-5: THE FAULT MODEL RESULTS DIALOG FOR THE VTS.......................................................................194
FIGURE 9-6: VTS FAULT MODEL SCHEMATIC ......................................................................................................194
FIGURE 9-7: ACCESSING THE FAULT DYNAMICS SETUP DIALOG FOR THE VTS..................................................196
FIGURE 9-8: THE FAULT DYNAMICS SETUP DIALOG FOR THE VTS .....................................................................197
FIGURE 9-9: ACCESSING THE SIMULATION TOOLBAR ...........................................................................................200
FIGURE 9-10: THE SIMULATION TOOLBAR ..............................................................................................................200

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

FIGURE 9-11: OSCILLOGRAPHY VIEW DURING BEGINNING OF A VTS SIMULATION ............................................201

FIGURE 13-1: BACK PANEL ETHERNET AND COMMUNICATION OPTIONS (ABOVE S/N 2000).................................215
FIGURE 13-2: BACK PANEL COMMUNICATION OPTIONS (BELOW S/N 2000)............................................................218
FIGURE 13-3: RELAY MOUNTING KITS ....................................................................................................................223
FIGURE 13-6: SINGLE RACK-MOUNT FILLER PLATE ATTACHMENT ......................................................................227

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Table of TABLES
TABLE 5-1: MAIN LCD MENU FOR IDP-210.......................................................................................................... 58
TABLE 5-2: THE SETTINGS SUB-MENU............................................................................................................... 61
TABLE 5-3 : SUB-MENU OF THE PICK SETTING GROUPS SUB-MENU............................................................. 62
TABLE 5-5 : INVERSE CURVE SELECTION FOR FRONT PANEL SETTING ................................................................. 63
TABLE 5-6 : EXTERNAL ALARM SUB-MENU .................................................................................................... 66
TABLE 5-7: INTERNAL ALARMS SUB-MENU................................................................................................... 67
TABLE 5-8: POSSIBLE DISPLAY STATES FOR RECLOSE/BKR STATUS MENU LINE................................................ 69
TABLE 5-9: RECLOSER/BREAKER STATUS SUB-MENU .......................................................................................... 69
TABLE 5-10: SELF-CLEARING FAULT SUB-MENU.................................................................................................... 70
TABLE 5-11: BREAKER STATISTICS SUB-MENU....................................................................................................... 71
TABLE 5-12: WORKBENCH SUB-MENU ............................................................................................................... 74
TABLE 5-13: WORKBENCH SWITCHES SUB-MENU ......................................................................................... 74
TABLE 6-1: PROVIEW OPERATING LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................... 81
SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................... 91
TABLE 7-2 : DESCRIPTION OF THE SYNC-SCOPE STATUS DISPLAYS ....................................................................104
TABLE 8-1: RECLOSER/LOCKOUT ACTIONS SUMMARY.......................................................................................154
PARTS LIST ......................................................................................................................................226

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Safety Information

Safety for Life

! !

Cooper Power Systems products meet of exceed all applicable industry standards relating to product
safety. We actively promote safe practices in the use and maintenance of our products through service
literature, instructional training programs and the continuous efforts of all Cooper Power Systems’
employees involved in product design, manufacture, marketing and service.
We strongly urge that you always follow all locally approved safety procedures and safety instructions
when working around high voltage lines and equipment and support our "Safety for Life” mission.

The instructions in this manual are not intended as a substitute for proper training or adequate
experience in the safe operation of the equipment described. Only competent technicians who are
familiar with the equipment should install, operate and service it.
A competent technician has these qualifications:
• Is thoroughly familiar with these instructions.
• Is trained in industry-accepted high- and low-voltage safe operating practices and procedures.
• Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear and ground power distribution equipment.
• Is trained in the care and use of protective equipment such as flash clothing, safety glasses, face
shield, hard hat, rubber gloves, hotstick, etc.
Following is important safety information. For safe installation and operation of this equipment be sure
to read and understand all cautions and warnings.

Hazard Statement Definitions

This manual contains two types of hazard statements:
DANGER: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
! result in death or serious injury.

WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could

! result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may

! result in minor or moderate injury.

CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may

result in equipment damage only.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Safety Instructions
The following general caution and warning statements apply to this equipment. Additional
statements, relating to specific tasks and procedures, are located throughout the manual.

DANGER: Hazardous voltage. Contact with hazardous voltage will cause

! death or severe personal injury. Follow all locally approved safety
procedures working around high- and low-voltage lines and

WARNING: Before installing, operating, maintaining, or testing this equipment,

! carefully read and understand the contents of this manual. Improper
operation, handling or maintenance can result in death, severe
personal injury, and equipment damage.

WARNING: This equipment is not intended to protect human life. Follow all
! locally approved procedures and safety practices when installing or
operating this equipment. Failure to comply can result in death,
severe personal injury and equipment damage.

WARNING: Power distribution equipment must be properly selected for the

! intended application. It must be installed and serviced by competent
personnel who have been trained and understand proper safety
procedures. These instructions are written for such personnel and
are not a substitute for adequate training and experience in safety
procedures. Failure to properly select, install or maintain power
distribution equipment can result in death, severe personal injury
and equipment damage.

WARNING: Equipment misoperation. Do not connect this relay to an energized

! circuit breaker until all settings have been properly programmed and
verified. Refer to the programming information for this device.
Failure to comply can result in relay and circuit breaker
misoperation, equipment damage, and personal injury.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

1 Introduction

Thank you for purchasing the iDP-210 Feeder Protection relay.

1.1 What’s new?

The iDP-210 feeder relay scheme with ProView 4.0.1 application software offers many
new features and product enhancements:
Workbench Enhancements
User Programmable Text Messaging: The user can define, configure, and control the
display and timing of up to 14, 4-line text messages.
User Programmable LED Targets: All LED targets except for RELAY OK and RELAY
ALARM are user programmable.
User Programmable Hotkeys: All shortcut keys are user programmable.
Additional memory space for Workbench application.
Sequence of Events: The number of available user configured events in the
Sequence of Events log increased from 8 to 16 user-defined events. The default SOE
events are renamed and the event log display now provides one simplified SOE view.
The LAST EVENT front panel shortcut key accesses the most recent 25 SOE events
on the relay LCD.
Scheme Enhancements
Several new inverse time overcurrent curves are available as standard.
The user can select between DC only or AC/DC contact input operation.
Three contact inputs now have adjustable debounce timers: 52a, Trip and Close. One
timer is dedicated to the 52a, another for both Trip and Close.
The user can customize the blinking pattern of the RELAY OK LED (blink or
continuously illuminate).
The Oscillographic Event and Pre-Trigger Lengths are now adjustable and additional
phasor views are now available.
The front panel LCD Metering menu is expanded to provide access to both Current
and Voltage metering displays.
The front panel LCD menu is rearranged to further simplify programming.
The fault detector settings now has the option to have the relay automatically set them
based on the settings of the other overcurrent elements in the relay. This autoset
option is selected by default in the iDP-210.
Data Profiler functionality is now available in the ProView software.
Ethernet communications (with daughter-board accessory)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

1.2 How do I upgrade my relay from ProView 3.2.2 to ProView 4.0.1?

This procedure describes how to convert an Idea or IdeaPLUS relay with the ProView
3.2.2 iDP-210 scheme already installed to the ProView 4.0.1 iDP-210 scheme.
1. Install the ProView 4.0.1 application software on your PC. Refer to Installing and
Starting ProView Software in section 6 of this manual.
2. Open the ProView 3.2.2 application software on your PC.
3. Open the appropriate default iDP-210 scheme:
• iDP-210 Idea Aux IO Board (6B23203001).ipe
• iDP-210 Idea No Aux IO Board (6B23203002).ipe
• iDP-210 IdeaPLUS (6B33203001).ipe
There may be other custom schemes on your PC. Be sure to open the default
4. Click the CONNECT button.
5. Select connection type and click OK.
6. When connection is established, the Connect dialog box will appear and indicate that
connection has been established. It is not necessary for the ProView scheme to be
equal with the relay it is connected to. It is only necessary to establish a connection
between the ProView 3.2.2 software on the PC and the relay.

7. Click the Done button.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8. Select Manage>Device>Download firmware from the dropdown menu.

9. A CAUTION message will appear. Read the message and click OK.

If this QUESTION screen appears, click No.

10. The Open File box will appear. Do not open the default ProView 3.2.2 firmware.
Instead, navigate to the ProView 4.0.1 dll folder: Program Files \ Cooper \ Proview401
\ dll, select the Firmware_Form6_V401.o0 file, and click the Open button.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

11. A message will ask you to verify that you want to download the ProView 4.0.1
firmware. Click OK.

12. The blue progress bar will indicate the firmware is downloading.

13. A message will appear on the PC to indicate the firmware download is complete. Click

14. The relay will reboot and a message will appear on the LCD indicating that the
firmware installed is Version 4.0.1. All the LEDs will remain illuminated.

15. A message will appear on the PC indicating that the PC and relay are no longer
connected and communicating. Click OK.

16. Close the ProView 3.2.2 software by exiting the program.

17. Open the ProView 4.0.1 application software on your PC.
18. Open the appropriate default iDP-210 scheme:
• iDP-210 Idea Aux IO-4.0.1 default (read only).ide
• iDP-210 Idea No Aux IO-4.0.1 default (read only).ide
• iDP-210 IdeaPLUS-4.0.1 default (read only).ide
19. Click the CONNECT button.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

20. Select connection type and click OK.

21. The Enter password screen will appear. Modify is the case-sensitive default
connection password. Type the password and click OK.

22. Wait until the screen message indicates that connection between ProView 4.0.1 on
the PC and the relay has been established. Click OK.

23. The scheme comparison process will begin.

24. A screen will indicate the scheme comparison process is complete. Click Done.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

25. Select Manage>Device>Download structure and settings from the dropdown menu.

26. The blue bar will indicate the download progress.

27. When the download is complete, the relay will reboot and the comparison status bar
will indicate that ProView 4.0.1 is equal between the PC and the relay.

1.3 Comprehensive feeder protection and control features:

• Phase, ground and negative sequence overcurrent. For each type of protection the
following are provided:
• Three levels of definite time, each may be set for directional or non-directional
• One level of inverse time with selectable curves and instantaneous or disk-like
reset characteristics. This element may be set for directional or non-directional
• Sensitive Ground Fault overcurrent element.
• Four-shot programmable reclosing with sequence coordination.
• Five levels of underfrequency with automatic load shedding and restoration logic
including voltage and current supervision.
• Three levels each of over and undervoltage.
• Negative and positive sequence overvoltage elements.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

• Reverse Power.
• Breaker fail-to-trip and fail-to-open.
• Bus PT fuse fail detection (i.e., loss of potential). The user may individually set any
directional overcurrent elements to be blocked or made non-directional in the even of
a fuse fail condition.
• Sync-check for breaker closing with configurable Hot Bus/Dead Bus, Hot Line/ Dead
Line control.
• Cold load pickup logic.
• Load encroachment logic.
• Eight setting groups with a setting group copy feature.
• User programmable LCD text messages.
• IDEA Workbench™ which provides for virtually unlimited logic customization.


See the “Workbench Programming Manual for the iDP-210” bulletin S165-210-2 for information on how to
configure the IDEA Workbench for the Idea relay.

• Instantaneous metering including volts, amps, watts, vars, pf and frequency
• Demand metering of amps, MW and Mvar
• Energy metering of amp-hours, MW-Hours and Mvar-Hours
• Harmonic voltage and current metering up to the 15th harmonic
• Fault location (distance to fault)
• Sequence of events recording
• Incipient Cable Splice Failure detection algorithm1 provides advance notice of pending
underground feeder cable splice faults.
• Breaker health monitoring including:
• Per phase interrupted current accumulation.
• Longest, average and last time to close.
• Longest, average and last time to trip.
• Breaker operation counter.
• Oscillographic event capture

US patent 6,198,401.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

• The iDP-210 ships with DNP 3.0 (serial) protocol installed. Modbus RTU and DNP-
TCP-IP protocols are also included on the distribution CD-ROM. Other protocols can
be downloaded from as they become available. Protocols are
configurable in the IDEA Workbench.
• Both native ProView and DNP3 protocols are TCP/IP enabled when the relay is
ordered with any of the available Ethernet options.


See the “Workbench Programming Manual for the iDP-210” bulletin S165-210-2 for information on how to
configure communications for the Idea relay.

• Interactive Oscillography: A set of pre-defined oscillographic views is provided for the
analysis of event records. The views group the various waveforms, protective
element statuses and contact I/O points together in a variety of combinations. A
number of other views, such as a SCADA-like Application Diagram, a synchro-scope,
and so forth, are also provided to assist in event analysis.
• View-Online: This feature allows the user to connect to the relay and to receive live
status indication of the relay’s protective elements, custom logic, targets and
measurement data.
• Relay-Replay: When used with a previously downloaded event record, this feature
allows the user to change the settings of the relay in the PC environment and observe
how the relay would have behaved for the event if it had been set differently.
• Virtual Test Set: This feature allows all of the relay’s settings to be tested in the PC
environment by providing the tools to create and simulate practically any type of fault
event. This eliminates the need for an expensive digital relay test set during the
engineering stage of setting development, and gives every user their own virtual test
The iDP-210 Line Feeder Protection System runs on the Edison Idea or IdeaPLUS relay
hardware. These are shown in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-1: Edison Idea Relay

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

The front panel of the IdeaPLUS hardware provides extensive user control over the relay
as well as front panel TRIP / CLOSE and Hot Line Tagging controls that replace the
separate conventional switches which must be mounted separately in a control panel. The
TRIP / CLOSE buttons operate even if the relay is failed or is not powered. CLOSE
functionality (inhibited or enabled) through a failed relay must be specified at time of order.
Refer to Section 13.2 for ordering information.

Targets Hotkeys
(available with
Idea relay also)
Display with

Control Panel
(IdeaPlus Only)

Figure 1-2: Main Features of the IdeaPLUS Faceplate

See Figure 1-2 for a quick review of the main features of the IdeaPLUS front panel. The
Edison Idea relay and the top portion of the Edison IdeaPLUS relay front panel (that
portion in dark gray) are identical and offer the following
• 25 front panel LEDs for targeting. Note that the labels for the front panel targets may
be changed by the user to reflect utility specific or location specific terminology.
Twenty-three of these targets are programmable by the user.
• 8 programmable hot-keys for one button access to a variety of control and monitoring
functions without the need to negotiate the LCD menu. These hotkeys are
programmable in the Workbench.
• A 4 line by 20 character, wide temperature range LCD display with dedicated cursor
control and menu maneuvering buttons which provides user access to all settings,
targets and measurements. Most settings may be changed directly from the front
panel without need for a PC.
• Four LCD menu context sensitive buttons (marked F1 through F4) which provide
various control and information features.
The bottom portion of the IdeaPLUS is referred to as the control panel and is colored light
gray2. This panel provides:
• Large, self illuminated TRIP and CLOSE controls that operate even if the relay is not
powered or operating properly.
• A hot line tag control which, when enabled, blocks the ability of the relay to issue a
close command to the circuit breaker.

Many of the functions of the IdeaPLUS control panel are covered by US patent 6,271,759.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

• A Close Circuit Disable link. When removed, this link places a physical open in the
breaker’s close circuit making it impossible to close the breaker via the relay or its
CLOSE button under any condition. This is provided in addition to the hot line tag
control for those situations when extra security is required.
• Nine feature pushbuttons with integral indicating LEDs. These provide instant access
to ground trip block, reclose block, and supervisory block. All of the buttons are user
programmable in the IDEA Workbench.
Sample tasks which may be programmed to the pushbuttons include changing setting
groups, toggling operation modes and initiating custom control logic sequences.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

2 Edison Idea Hardware

If you have purchased the Edison IdeaPLUS hardware version of the IDP-210, see Section 3.

2.1 Hardware Introduction

CAUTION: Equipment damage, misoperation. External leads must be shielded
and the shield must be grounded at the relay. Failure to properly
shield and protect leads can result in equipment damage and/or
unintentional operation.

WARNING: This equipment is not intended to protect human life. Follow all
! locally approved procedures and safety practices when installing or
operating this equipment. Failure to comply can result in death,
severe personal injury and equipment damage.

WARNING: Hazardous voltage. Relay must be solidly grounded. Follow all

! locally approved procedures and practices when grounding this
equipment. Improper grounding can result in contact with high
voltage, which will cause death or severe personal injury.

The Edison Idea is a Microprocessor Relay with unique control capabilities. As such, its installation may
be somewhat different than other relays you may have used. This section will provide the information
you need to install the Edison Idea relays.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

2.2 Edison Idea DC Connection Diagram Where Optional Contact I/O Board IS Present
DC Positive

52 a Trip Close
Note: CI6 is used as a Trip Coil monitor in
the Idea relay only.

1 7
5 9 13 3 5 11
Breaker 17 19 9 2 17
CI6 CO 15
Closed CI CI3
CO5 4 SS1 CI1 CI2 CO3 CO1
Lamp 10 12 CO2 Power
18 10 Supply 16 12 13
2 18 14
6 10 14 4 6 8
1 TB1
3 7 11 15
20 21 1 3 5 7 9 11
4 8 12 16
CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11 CO12
2 4 6 8 10 12 13
17 19
NOTE: CO9 through CO11 are configured as normally
CI4 CI5 open or normally closed per the Aux I/O ordering
option code (see Section 12.2) as follows:
18 20 Code 0: CO9, CO10 and CO11 all normally open
Code 1: CO9 NC, CO10 and CO11 NO
Code 2: CO9 and CO10 NC, CO11 NO
Code 3: CO9, CO10 and CO11 all normally closed

iDP-210 / idea

Breaker Closed Lamp Circuit

Close Trip Alarm

52 a

DC Negative

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07
Edison Idea DC Connection Diagram Where Optional Contact I/O Board is NOT Present
DC Positive

Remote CLOSE
Remote TRIP
52 a

3 5 7 11
19 9 2 17
CO 15
4 CO2 Power
18 10 Supply 16 12 13
4 6 8 14
1 TB1

Note: CI4 is used as a Trip Coil monitor in

the Idea relay only.


17 19
Closed CI5

18 20

iDP-210 / idea

Breaker Closed Lamp Circuit

Close Trip Alarm

52 a

DC Negative

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

2.3 Outline Drawings

All dimensions in inches (mm).

Figure 2-1: Idea Relay, Front View

Figure 2-2: Idea Relay, Side View

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 2-3: Idea Relay, Mounting Hole Detail

Figure 2-4: Idea Relay, Panel Cutout Dimensions

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


1-(N) 3COM 5COM 7COM 9COM 11COM 13N.C.15OUT 17OUT 19OUT

TB1 J1-RS-232 J2-IRIG-B J3-RS4-85

RS-232 DTE TTL IRIG-B 2-Wire RS-485

2(L)+ 4IN 6IN 8IN 10OUT 12N.O. 14COM 16COM 18COM
CI6 CI7 CI8 CI9 CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11 CO12


2IN 4IN 6IN 8IN 10IN 12IN 13IN 16IN 18OUT 20N.O. 2OUT 4OUT 6OUT 8OUT 10OUT 12N.O.
CI6 CI7 CI8 CI9 CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11CO12
• • • • • • • • • •
TB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

I1(a) I2(b) I3(c) I4(d) V1 V2 V3 V4 CI4 C14CI5 C15

Figure 2-5: Idea Relay, Rear Panel Details (below s/n 2000)
4 Voltage Inputs, PR6DD10xxxxxx Ordering Option


1-(N) 3COM 5COM 7COM 9COM 11COM 13N.C.15OUT 17OUT 19OUT

TB1 J1-RS-232 J2-IRIG-B J3-RS4-85

RS-232 DTE TTL IRIG-B 2-Wire RS-485

2(L)+ 4IN 6IN 8IN 10OUT 12N.O. 14COM 16COM 18COM
CI6 CI7 CI8 CI9 CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11 CO12


2IN 4IN 6IN 8IN 10IN 12IN 13IN 16IN 18OUT 20N.O. 2OUT 4OUT 6OUT 8OUT 10OUT 12N.O.
CI6 CI7 CI8 CI9 CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11CO12
• • • • • • • • • •
TB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

I1(a) I2(b) I3(c) I4(d) V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

Figure 2-6: Idea Relay, Rear Panel Details (below s/n 2000)
6 Voltage Inputs, PR6DD16xxxxxx Ordering Option

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 2-7: Idea Relay, Rear Panel Details (above s/n 2000)
4 Voltage Inputs, PR6DD10xxxxxx Ordering Opt

Figure 2-8: Idea Relay, Rear Panel Details (above s/n 2000)
6 Voltage Inputs, PR6DD16xxxxxx Ordering Option

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07
2.4 Input/Output Description Summary

Contact Terminal Block:

Designation Terminals Assignment Availability
CI1 TB1:3-4 52a or 52b Standard on all relays
CI2 TB1:5-6 Remote Trip Breaker Standard on all relays
CI3 TB1:7-8 Remote Close Breaker Standard on all relays
CI4 TB2:17-18 Trip Coil monitor when Available on 4-voltage input versions
optional contact I/O only.
board is NOT present.
User programmable
when the board IS
CI5 TB2:19-20 User programmable Available on 4-voltage input versions
CI6 TB3:1-2 Trip Coil monitor when On optional contact I/O board
optional contact I/O
board is present.
CI7 TB3:3-4 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI8 TB3:5-6 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI9 TB3:7-8 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI10 TB3:9-10 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI11 TB3:11-12 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI12 TB3:13-14 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI13 TB3:15-16 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO1 TB1:11, 12, 13 User programmable Standard on all relays
CO2 TB1:14-15 Relay alarm Standard on all relays
CO3 TB1:16-17 User programmable Standard on all relays
CO4 TB1:18-19 CLOSE Standard on all relays
CO5 TB3:17-18 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO6 TB3:19, 20, 21 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO7 TB4: 1-2 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO8 TB4: 3-4 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO9* TB4:5-6 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO10* TB4:7-8 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO11* TB4:9-10 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO12 TB4:11, 12, 13 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
SS1 TB1:9-10 TRIP Standard on all relays
* CO9, CO10, and CO11 are configurable as being normally open or closed.
Legend: CI= Contact Input CO=Contact Output SS=Solid state output

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

3 Edison IdeaPLUS Hardware

If you have purchased the Edison Idea hardware version of the IDP-210, see Section 2.

3.1 Hardware Introduction

The Edison IdeaPLUS is a Microprocessor Relay with unique control capabilities3. As such, its
installation may be somewhat different than other relays you may have used. This section will provide
the information you need to install the Edison IdeaPLUS.

CAUTION: Equipment damage, misoperation. External leads must be shielded

and the shield must be grounded at the relay. Failure to properly
shield and protect leads can result in equipment damage and/or
unintentional operation.

WARNING: This equipment is not intended to protect human life. Follow all
! locally approved procedures and safety practices when installing or
operating this equipment. Failure to comply can result in death,
severe personal injury and equipment damage.

WARNING: Hazardous voltage. Relay must be solidly grounded. Follow all

! locally approved procedures and safety practices when grounding
this equipment. Improper grounding can result in contact with high
voltage, which will cause death or severe personal injury.

Many of the functions of the IdeaPLUS control panel are covered by US patent 6,271,759.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

3.2 IdeaPLUS DC Connection Diagram

DC Positive

52 a Trip

1 3 5 7 19 17 19
3 5 7 15 9 11

Breaker Closed Lamp

Breaker Open Lamp

Trip Circuit
CI1 CI2 CI3 Power
3 Supply
2 4 6 8 20 21 12 13
4 6 8 14 10 1 16 18
9 11 13 15 17
CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5
1 3 5 7 9

Circuit Breaker Status In


10 12 14 16 18 CO CO CO
10 11 12
2 4 10 7
2 4 6 8 10 12 13
MANUAL 17 19
[CCM] SWITCH CI4 and CI5 are
found on 4-voltage
HOT LINE TRIP FROM CI4 CI5 input versions only.
Panel Close Circuit [TCM] MANUAL 18 20
6 Fuse (See Note) SWITCH
1 3 9 8
iDP-210 / IdeaPlus
NOTE: CO9 through CO11 are configured as normally
NOTE: Dashed lines are open or normally closed per the Aux I/O ordering
symbolic breaker option code (see Section 12.2) as follows:
representations. Actual Code 0: CO9, CO10 and CO11 all normally open
NOTE: Front panel close circuit may vary CLOSE TRIP Alarm
Code 1: CO9 NC, CO10 and CO11 NO
circuit fuse is a 15A, COIL COIL Code 2: CO9 and CO10 NC, CO11 NO
depending upon exact
250V, TYPE MDA-15 breaker make and model. Code 3: CO9, CO10 and CO11 all normally closed
BUSSMAN # MDA-15. Modifications may be
required to accomodate 52 a
52b 52b
the unique characteristics
of the circuit breaker.

DC Negative

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

3.3 DC Wiring Diagram of the IDP-210 with IdeaPLUS Hardware Implementing Operator Window Supervision of the Front Panel CLOSE Button
DC Positive

52 a Trip

1 3 5 7 19 17 19
3 5 7 15 9 11

Breaker Closed Lamp

Breaker Open Lamp

Trip Circuit
CI1 CI2 CI3 Power
3 Supply
2 4 6 8 20 21 12 13
4 6 8 14 10 1 16 18
9 11 13 15 17
CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5
1 3 5 7 9

Circuit Breaker Status In


10 12 14 16 18 CO CO CO
10 11 12
2 4 10 7
2 4 6 8 10 12 13
MANUAL 17 19
[CCM] SWITCH CI4 and CI5 are
found on 4-voltage
HOT LINE TRIP FROM CI4 CI5 input versions only.
Panel Close Circuit [TCM] MANUAL 18 20
6 Fuse (See Note) SWITCH
1 3 9 8
iDP-210 / IdeaPlus
NOTE: CO9 through CO11 are configured as normally
NOTE: Dashed lines are open or normally closed per the Aux I/O ordering
symbolic breaker option code (see Section 12.2) as follows:
representations. Actual Code 0: CO9, CO10 and CO11 all normally open
NOTE: Front panel close circuit may vary CLOSE TRIP Alarm
Code 1: CO9 NC, CO10 and CO11 NO
circuit fuse is a 15A, COIL COIL Code 2: CO9 and CO10 NC, CO11 NO
depending upon exact
250V, TYPE MDA-15 breaker make and model. Code 3: CO9, CO10 and CO11 all normally closed
BUSSMAN # MDA-15. Modifications may be
required to accomodate 52 a
52b 52b
the unique characteristics
of the circuit breaker.

DC Negative

NOTE:Use of this diagram requires Idea Workbench programming. See Section on page 159 for when to use this DC connection diagram.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

3.4 Outline Drawings

All dimensions in inches (mm).

Figure 3-1: Idea PLUS Relay, Front View

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 3-2: IdeaPLUS Relay, Side View

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 3-3: Idea Plus Relay, Mounting Hole Detail

Figure 3-4: Idea Plus Relay, Panel Cutout Dimensions

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


1-(N) 3COM 5COM 7COM 9COM 11COM 13N.C.15OUT 17OUT 19OUT

TB1 J1-RS-232 J2-IRIG-B J3-RS4-85

RS-232 DTE TTL IRIG-B 2-Wire RS-485

2(L)+ 4IN 6IN 8IN 10OUT 12N.O. 14COM 16COM 18COM
CI6 CI7 CI8 CI9 CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11 CO12


2IN 4IN 6IN 8IN 10IN 12IN 13IN 16IN 18OUT 20N.O. 2OUT 4OUT 6OUT 8OUT 10OUT 12N.O.
CI6 CI7 CI8 CI9 CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11CO12

• • • • • • • • • •
TB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

I1(a) I2(b) I3(c) I4(d) V1 V2 V3 V4

C14 CI4
C15 CI5

Figure 3-5: IdeaPLUS Relay, Rear Panel Details (below s/n 2000)
4 Voltage Inputs, PR6PD10xxxxxx Ordering Option

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


1-(N) 3COM 5COM 7COM 9COM 11COM 13N.C.15OUT 17OUT 19OUT

TB1 J1-RS-232 J2-IRIG-B J3-RS4-85

RS-232 DTE TTL IRIG-B 2-Wire RS-485

2(L)+ 4IN 6IN 8IN 10OUT 12N.O. 14COM 16COM 18COM
CI6 CI7 CI8 CI9 CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11 CO12


2IN 4IN 6IN 8IN 10IN 12IN 13IN 16IN 18OUT 20N.O. 2OUT 4OUT 6OUT 8OUT 10OUT 12N.O.
CI6 CI7 CI8 CI9 CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11CO12

• • • • • • • • • •
TB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

I1(a) I2(b) I3(c) I4(d) V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

Figure 3-6: IdeaPLUS Relay, Rear Panel Details (below s/n 2000)
6 Voltage Inputs, PR6PD16xxxxxx Ordering Option

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 3-7: IdeaPLUS Relay, Rear Panel Details (above s/n 2000)
4 Voltage Inputs, PR6PD10xxxxxx Ordering Option

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 3-8: IdeaPLUS Relay, Rear Panel Details (above s/n 2000)
6 Voltage Inputs, PR6PD16xxxxxx Ordering Option

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Input/Output Description Summary

Contact Terminal Block :
Designation Terminals Assignment Availability
CI1 TB1:3-4 52a or 52b Standard on all relays
CI2 TB1:5-6 External Trip Breaker Standard on all relays
CI3 TB1:7-8 External Close Breaker Standard on all relays
CI4 TB2:17-18 User programmable Available on 4-voltage input versions only.

CI5 TB2:19-20 User programmable Available on 4-voltage input versions only.

CI6 TB3:1-2 User programmable On optional contact I/O board

CI7 TB3:3-4 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI8 TB3:5-6 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI9 TB3:7-8 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI10 TB3:9-10 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI11 TB3:11-12 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI12 TB3:13-14 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CI13 TB3:15-16 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO1 TB1:11, 12, 13 User programmable Standard on all relays
CO2 TB1:14-15 Relay alarm Standard on all relays
CO3 TB1:16-17 User programmable Standard on all relays
CO4 TB1:18-19 User programmable Standard on all relays
CO5 TB3:17-18 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO6 TB3:19, 20, 21 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO7 TB4: 1-2 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO8 TB4: 3-4 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO9 TB4:5-6 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO104 TB4:7-8 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO11 TB4:9-10 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
CO12 TB4:11, 12, 13 User programmable On optional contact I/O board
SS1 TB1:9-10 User programmable Standard on all relays
CONTACT TB5:1-2 CLOSE Breaker contact Standard on all IdeaPLUS
CLOSE relays
LAMP TB5:3-4 CLOSE Breaker Standard on all IdeaPLUS
CLOSE pushbutton lamp relays
CONTACT TB5:9-10 TRIP Breaker contact Standard on all IdeaPLUS
OPEN relays
CONTACT TB5:7-8 TRIP Breaker Standard on all IdeaPLUS
CLOSE pushbutton lamp relays

CO9, CO10, and CO11 are configurable as being normally open or closed.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Contact Terminal Block :

Designation Terminals Assignment Availability
DC+ TB5:5 DC+ to chassis ground Standard on all IdeaPLUS
voltage monitor relays(not presently functional)
DC- TB5:6 DC- to chassis ground Standard on all IdeaPLUS
voltage monitor relays(not presently functional)

Legend: CI= Contact Input CO=Contact Output SS=Solid state output

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

4 AC Wiring Diagrams for Idea

and IdeaPLUS Hardware
4.1 AC Terminal Information
Wire Size AWG Terminal Type Size Model
16 Ring #6 AMP# 320619
14 Ring #6 AMP# 320619
12 Ring #6 AMP# 35149
10 Ring #6 AMP# 35149
Table 4-1: Common Terminal Types Suitable for Connection to the Idea and
IdeaPLUS Relays

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

4.2 Idea AC Connection Diagram - 4 Voltage Inputs, Normal ABC Phase Rotation
Idea PR6DD10xxxxxx and PR6DD20xxxxxx Ordering Options
IdeaPLUS PR6DP10xxxxxx and PR6DP20xxxxxx Ordering Options


B 52

9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


15 16


Terminals 7 and 8 are used for the In or Sensitive Ground Fault (SGF) elements only. The residual
overcurrent elements (Ir) derive their signals internally from the A, B and C phase current input signals.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

4.3 Idea AC Connection Diagram - 4 Voltage Inputs, ACB Phase Rotation

Idea PR6DD10xxxxxx and PR6DD20xxxxxx Ordering Options
IdeaPLUS PR6DP10xxxxxx and PR6DP20xxxxxx Ordering Options

B 52 Line

9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6


15 16


Terminals 7 and 8 are used for the In or Sensitive Ground Fault (SGF) elements only. The residual
overcurrent elements (Ir) derive their signals internally from the A, B and C phase current input signals.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

4.4 Idea AC Connection Diagram - 4 Voltage Inputs, Delta PT Connection

Idea PR6DD10xxxxxx and PR6DD20xxxxxx Ordering Options
IdeaPLUS PR6DP10xxxxxx and PR6DP20xxxxxx Ordering Options

B 52

AB Phase
connection shown
for synch-check. BC
or CA connection
allowed as
configured by the

9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



15 16


Terminals 7 and 8 are used for the In or Sensitive Ground Fault (SGF) elements only. The residual
overcurrent elements (Ir) derive their signals internally from the A, B and C phase current input signals.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

4.5 Idea AC Connection Diagram - 6 Voltage Inputs, Normal ABC Phase Rotation
Idea PR6DD16xxxxxx and PR6DD26xxxxxx Ordering Options
IdeaPLUS PR6PD16xxxxxx and PR6PD26xxxxxx Ordering Options


Terminals 7 and 8 are used for the In or Sensitive Ground Fault (SGF) element only. The residual
overcurrent elements (Ir) derive their signals internally from the A, B and C phase current input signals.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

4.6 Idea AC Connection Diagram - 6 Voltage Inputs, ACB Phase Rotation

Idea PR6DD16xxxxxx and PR6DD26xxxxxx Ordering Options
IdeaPLUS PR6DP16xxxxxx and PR6DP26xxxxxx Ordering Options


Terminals 7 and 8 are used for the In or Sensitive Ground Fault (SGF) element only. The residual
overcurrent elements (Ir) derive their signals internally from the A, B and C phase current input signals.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

4.7 Idea AC Connection Diagram - 6 Voltage Inputs, Delta PT Connection

Idea PR6DD10xxxxxx and PR6DD26xxxxxx Ordering Options
IdeaPLUS PR6DP16xxxxxx and PR6DP26xxxxxx Ordering Options

B 52

AB Phase
connection shown
for synch-check. BC
or CA connection
allowed as
9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 configured by the





15 16 17 18 19 20


Terminals 7 and 8 are used for the In or Sensitive Ground Fault (SGF) element only. The residual
overcurrent elements (Ir) derive their signals internally from the A, B and C phase current input signals.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

5 Front Panel Operation

CAUTION: Equipment misoperation. Before downloading configuration files or
! settings to the equipment, verify that the files and settings are
correct for the location and application. Downloading configuration
files or settings designed for a different location or application can
result in severe personal injury and equipment damage.

5.1 Introduction
The iDP-210 offers extensive front panel operation capabilities including:
• View instantaneous and demand metering quantities
• View targets
• View fault locator results
• View and change most settings
• Force contact inputs and outputs
• Operate the circuit breaker
• Change setting groups
• View Sequence of Events log
This section of the manual is designed to familiarize the user with the structure of the front
panel MMI and how to interact with it.

Figure 5-1: Front Panel of the iDP-210 Relay

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

5.2 Front Panel Elements

Figure 5-1 shows the main elements of the iDP-210 front panel. The panel is divided into
two sections. The upper portion is the relay operation portion of the relay. It is common to
the Idea and IdeaPLUS platforms. This section contains the following:
• 25 LED targets across the top of the relay.
• 8 “hotkeys”. These are white membrane pushbuttons are arranged in two vertical
groups on the outside edges of the relay. Note: HOTKEYS include such functions as
METERING and SETTINGS. See Section 5.6.
• A 4 line by 20 character LCD display.
• Four LCD menu context sensitive function keys F1 through F4 located directly below
the LCD.
• Four LCD menu navigation buttons, MENU, ENTER, + and -- buttons.
• Four cursor movement arrows, , , and .
• RS 232 Port
The light gray colored lower portion of the panel is the control panel and replaces
conventional control panel mounted breaker controls5. This section is found only on the
IdeaPLUS hardware. This section contains:
• Large green and red, self illuminated breaker TRIP and CLOSE pushbuttons. These
operate even if the relay is not powered or if it has failed.
• A Hot Line Tag control or Close Circuit Disable switch which, when enabled, blocks
the ability of the relay to issue a close command to the circuit breaker. This is
implemented via a toggle switch. For more information, see Section 5.5.3.
• A Close Circuit disable link. When removed, this link places a physical open in the
breaker’s close circuit making it impossible to close the breaker via the relay or its
CLOSE button under any condition. This is provided in addition to the hot line tag
control for those situations when extra security is required.

CAUTION: Equipment misoperation. In the event the Close Circuit disable link
! fuse must be replaced, replace only with a fuse of equal protective
rating and physical specification. Failure to use the proper fuse can
result in equipment damage and/or unintentional operation.

• Nine dedicated feature pushbuttons with integral indicating LEDs. Three are assigned
in the default scheme to provide instant access to ground trip block, reclose block and
supervisory block, but all nine buttons are user configurable in the IDEA Workbench.

5.3 Adjusting the Contrast of the LCD

The contrast of the LCD may be changed by pressing-and-holding the blue MENU button
along with the red + or -- buttons to increase or decrease contrast.

Many of the functions of the IdeaPLUS control panel are covered by US patent 6,271,759.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

5.4 Front Panel Targets

The 25 front panel targets are as shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2: Front Panel Targets

The meaning of these targets (when illuminated) is as follows.

Target Description
Relay OK If illuminated, the relay is operating normally. (This LED is steadily
illuminated by default, but can be set to blink if desired. Refer to
Section 8.19.)
Alarm An alarm has been logged.
Recloser Ready The reclose logic is armed and ready for operation. Refer to
Section 13.9 for additional information.
Recloser Blocked The reclose logic is blocked and will not operate. Refer to Section
13.10 for additional information.
Recloser Locked Out The reclose logic has locked out.
A-Phase Trip The A phase was involved.
B-Phase Trip The B phase was involved.
C-Phase Trip The C phase was involved.
Residual O.C. Trip Ground was involved in the trip event.
Neg Seq O.C. Trip Negative sequence overcurrent was involved in the trip event.
Inst O.C. Trip A high set (instantaneous) overcurrent element was involved in the
Time O.C. Trip A time overcurrent element was involved in the event.
Phase O.C. Pickup A phase overcurrent element is currently picked up.
Ground O.C. Pickup A ground overcurrent element is currently picked up.
Neg Seq O.C. Pickup A negative sequence overcurrent element is currently picked up.
Frequency Trip A frequency element was involved in the event.
Voltage Trip A voltage element was involved in the event.
Reverse Power Trip The reverse power element was involved in the event.
Fuse Failure A PT fuse fail condition currently exists.
ICSF Alarm The relay has sensed a pending cable splice failure. See Section
8.13, Incipient Cable Splice Fault Detector Logic.
Breaker Open The circuit breaker is OPEN.
Breaker Closed The circuit breaker is CLOSED.
Breaker Alarm The breaker has a maintenance alarm.
Breaker Failure A breaker fail condition has been declared.
Low TRIP Ckt The trip coil monitor circuit has detected a failure of the trip circuit.
Voltage Alarm

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

5.5 The IdeaPLUS Lower Control Panel

5.5.1 TRIP and CLOSE Controls

Press and hold the appropriate button to operate the breaker.
These pushbuttons control contacts that are to be placed in the circuit breaker trip and
close coil circuits. The contacts are rated at 30A. When appropriate auxiliary power has
been connected to the relay, the pushbuttons will also illuminate after operation indicating
the breaker position. The switches are illuminated with 24V bayonet mount bulbs. These
may be replaced by longer life LEDs; however, lower illumination levels will result.

NOTE: The LED targets on the upper portion of the relay also operate to confirm the breaker’s position. TRIP Button

If the TRIP button is pressed when there is no trip circuit voltage a TRIP action will not
occur. But, when the TRIP circuit is re-energized the IdeaPlus relay will then issue a TRIP
signal because the relay stores the trip signal until it has trip circuit voltage.
The IdeaPlus relay does not require trip voltage to be confirmed before it asserts the TRIP
output contact. If any TRIP initiating event occurs - such as pressing the front panel trip
button - the relay will assert (and maintain asserted) its TRIP output contacts for at least
(79:62mtt) seconds as set in the Recloser Settings dialog box, and beyond that, until the
52a input un-asserts or the reclosing logic is reset. The TRIP contact output does not un-
assert even when fail-to-trip or slow-to-trip conditions are detected. If relay power is cycled,
TRIP will un-assert; but will, of course, re-assert upon power-up if there is a fault present. CLOSE Button

The CLOSE contact output is held asserted for a minimum of (79:62mct) seconds, as set
in the Recloser Settings dialog. Thereafter, it will immediately un-assert if Tripping is
initiated for any reason. If Tripping is not initiated, the CLOSE contact output will nominally
remain closed until the 52a input asserts.
However, if Failure-to-Close is detected (79:62ftc) seconds after the CLOSE contact
output was asserted, then the CLOSE contact output could possibly un-assert at that
point. Whether or not the CLOSE contact output un-asserts for detection of Failure to
Close, depends upon what initiated the CLOSE operation, in conjunction with settings.
• For any closure due to a non-reclose operation (such as pressing the front panel
CLOSE button) detection of a Failure-to-Close condition always causes un-assertion
of the CLOSE contact output.
• But for any reclose operation, the detection of a Failure-to-Close condition will cause
un-assertion of the CLOSE contact output only if this behavior is expressly enabled
via the (79:ELO:ftc) setting found in the Recloser Settings dialog.
If relay power is cycled, CLOSE will un-assert.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

5.5.2 Close Circuit Break

This is a panel mounted fuse holder equipped with a shorting link. When this link is
removed a physical open is placed in the breaker’s close circuit making it impossible to
close the breaker via the relay or its CLOSE button under any condition. This is provided
in addition to the hot line tag control for those situations when extra security is required.
The shorting link is a fuse, rated 15A, 250V, TYPE MDA-15, manufactured by BUSSMAN,
part number # MDA-15.
CAUTION: Equipment misoperation. In the event the Close Circuit disable link
! fuse must be replaced, replace only with a fuse of equal protective
rating and physical specification. Failure to use the proper fuse can
result in equipment damage and/or unintentional operation.

5.5.3 Hot Line Tag Control

The IdeaPlus relay is equipped with either a Hot Line Tag or Close Inhibit switch. When
enabled, this will disable reclosing. The Hot Line Tag option automatically prevents remote
operations through the contact inputs or the communication ports. The Close Inhibit
feature will also prevent remote operations through the contact inputs or the
communication ports, but only if Supervisory is disabled.
Two versions of the IdeaPlus are available as ordering options. See Section 13.2 for a
complete description of the catalog number structure for the Idea relays. The ordering
options for the shelf-state of the breaker interface (BIF) block-of-close relays should be
specified as normally open or normally closed.
• Ordering Option “T” is a mechanical hot line tag switch.
• Ordering Option “C” is a software controlled close inhibit switch.
The Hot Line Tag switch option letter is the 15th position of the relay catalog number:
• PR6xxDxxxxxxxxTx for the mechanical hot line tag switch.
• PR6xxDxxxxxxxxCx for the software controlled close inhibit switch.
The operational differences between these two switches are described below: Mechanical Hot Line Tag Switch (Ordering Option “T”)

WARNING: Hazardous voltage. Do not use Hot Line Tag as a substitute for a
! visible disconnect. Always establish a visible disconnect prior to
performing any work requiring a de-energized line. Failure to comply
may cause death, severe personal injury or equipment damage.

To apply Hot Line Tag (HLT), move the HLT toggle switch up to the ON position. The HLT
LED will illuminate indicating that the HLT feature is active. If the circuit breaker trips, the
HLT mode will ensure that the breaker will not be sent a close command from the Idea
relay via the relay’s CLOSE contacts located on terminals 7 and 8 on terminal Block 1
(TB1) or from terminals 1 and 2 on TB5 on the IdeaPlus relay. Hot Line Tag mode also
prevents remote operations through the contact inputs or the communication ports.
To disable the HLT mode, move the HLT toggle switch down to the OFF position. The
relay will now permit CLOSE commands to be issued to the circuit breaker.
Hot Line Tag mode can not be set or cleared by remote communications or contact input.
Hot Line Tag mode can only be set or cleared via the front panel HLT toggle switch.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Software Controlled Close Inhibit Switch (Ordering Option “C”)

WARNING: Hazardous Voltage. Enabling Close Inhibit does not guarantee that
! the device being controlled by the relay cannot be closed by remote
command. This may result in the application of hazardous voltages
to the electrical circuit connected to the controlled device. Failure to
separately disable the remote communications, and to place a
physical break in the device’s close circuit may result in death,
severe personal injury and equipment damage.

WARNING: Hazardous voltage. The intent of the Close Inhibit is to implement a

! feature similar to the Hot Line Tag which can be safely cleared
remotely by communications. Close Inhibit is NOT the equivalent of
Hot Line Tag. Failure to separately disable the remote
communications and to place a physical break in the device’s close
circuit may result in death, severe personal injury and equipment

Close Inhibit acts only to inhibit the breaker from receiving a close command from the Idea
relay via the relay’s CLOSE contacts located on terminals 7 and 8 on terminal Block 1
(TB1) or from terminals 1 and 2 on TB5 on the IdeaPlus relay. To apply Close Inhibit,
press the Close Inhibit switch up so that the Close Inhibit LED starts flashing. The flashing
LED indicates that the supervisory control is still in operation and that Close Inhibit can be
turned off through supervisory control (contact inputs or communication command). TO
DISABLE SUPERVISORY CONTROL, press the Supervisory off switch so the
Supervisory OFF LED turns on. With supervisory control turned off, the Close Inhibit LED
will change from flashing to steady “ON”. When the Close Inhibit LED is steady “ON”, all
supervisory control (contact input and communication port) and auto reclosing is disabled.
To turn off Close Inhibit, press the Close Inhibit toggle switch to the off position, the Close
Inhibit LED will turn off. Press the Supervisory Off switch to enable supervisory control.
The Supervisory Off LED will turn off.


Pressing this button blocks all ground fault and negative sequence trip elements including
sensitive ground fault. A red LED on the button illuminates when this feature is active.
Pressing the button a second time will disable this feature.


Pressing this button blocks the reclosing feature of the relay. A red LED on the button
illuminates when this feature is active. Pressing the button a second time will disable this


Pressing this button blocks the ability of the relay to respond to any remote command sent
or received through any of its communication ports. A red LED on the button illuminates
when this feature is active. Pressing the button a second time will disable this feature.
(Local mode is also known as Supervisory Off or Disable Supervisory Control.)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

5.5.7 USER OPTION #`1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6

By default, these function keys are not programmed. The functions are assigned to each
USER OPTION button via the Idea Workbench application. Refer to S165-210-2 for
programming information.

5.6 HOTKEY Operations

Located on the left and right sides of the upper panel are two groups of four white
pushbuttons. The are termed HOTKEYS as they provide instant access to functions or
displays that normally require the LCD menu to access. These functions are still
accessible via the menu as well. If desired, the function of these buttons may be
reassigned by the user or the factory.

5.6.1 METERING Hotkey

Pressing this button displays real-time metering values of the system’s currents and
voltages on the LCD.

5.6.2 RESET TARGET Hotkey

Pressing this button resets all targets. Note that if the condition resulting in the target is
still present, the appropriate target will not be cleared.

5.6.3 LAST EVENT Hotkey

Pressing this button accesses the Sequence of Events (SOE) log.

5.6.4 LAMP TEST Hotkey

Pressing this button initiates a lamp test function where all front panel LEDs are
illuminated. This allows the user to verify the proper connection and operating status of all
indicating lights.

5.6.5 SETTINGS Hotkey

Pressing this button accesses the LCD Settings menu. For more information on how to
change relay settings from the front panel, see Section 5.7.3.


Pressing this button updates the LCD display with the current circuit breaker status.

5.6.7 ALARMS Hotkey

Pressing this button accesses the LCD Alarms submenu. This provides status information
on all (external and internal) relay alarms.

5.6.8 TEXT MESSAGES Hotkey

Pressing this button displays the messages currently programmed in the Idea Workbench
to appear as text messages on the front panel LCD.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

5.7 The LCD Menu

Pressing the blue MENU button will result in a display that shows a four-line window on
the all of the available menu items as shown in Table 5-1.
The MMI LCD menu reset options can be set in the MMI Display Settings dialog box
accessed via the Workbench>MMI Display Settings menu path in the ProView application
software. This dialog box enables you to select the front panel inactivity timeout prior to the
LCD menu reverting to a user-selected default menu display.

> MODES Shorthand view of non-volatile operating mode
4 line window

SOE event view View the last 25 event records.

on Menu

SETTINGS (ActvGrp=1) View or change any relay setting.

TAR Shows in shorthand any Targets logged.
ALARMS Select to examine if=1, external or internal
alarms logged.
METERING Access all metering sub-menus.
RECLOSER/BKR…#SHOT Recloser and breaker status.
FTYPE DISTANCE DUR. Press to see last fault.
SELF CLEAR FAULT: N ICSF Detector status.
BREAKER STATISTICS View breaker operation statistics.
CONTACT INPUTS Examine or force any input contact.
CONTACT OUTPUTS Examine or force any output contact.
WORKBENCH Access the Workbench configured menus.
NAMEPLATE DATA Provides access to view relay version number.
( DATE ) (TIME) Current date and time.
Table 5-1: Main LCD Menu for iDP-210

The current location on the menu is indicated by a cursor (>). To move up and down the
menu, use the up and down cursor keys and .
To choose one of the menu items, locate the cursor on the item and press the ENTER
button. This will then take you to the appropriate sub menu. These are described in the
following sections. To exit a sub-menu, press the MENU button. This will take you back
one menu level.

5.7.1 PASSWORD for Protected Menus

The Settings sub-menu provides the ability to make changes to the relays settings. For
this sub-menu a password is used. Moving the cursor to this sub-menu line and pressing
the front panel ENTER key brings up the password screen as shown in Figure 5-3.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-3 : PASSWORD Entry Display on Relay LCD
The password is a numeric value between 0 and 30,000. Use the blue + and - keys
increment or decrement the password value. The default password is numeric zero (0)
and can be changed via the Settings>Relay Behavior>MMI Forcing and Dialog Enables
dialog box. Press the blue ENTER key to enter the password and access the sub-menu.
If it is not desired to enter the password, press either the F4 key to Cancel the operation,
or the blue MENU key to exit the Password menu. If the password is unknown, press F1
to enter the SETTINGS sub-menus in a View-only mode.

5.7.2 MODES Menu

This line shows as MODES=HSRSWXYZ. Each of the letters indicates the status of a
non-volatile mode. The lower or upper case appearance of each of the letters indicates
whether the mode is on or off. Specifically:

Display Appearance
Hot Line Tag H h
Ground Trip Blocked G g
Reclosing Blocked R r
Local Mode (i.e., Supervisory On or Off) S s
User Mode – W W w
User Mode – X X x
User Mode – Y Y y
User Mode – Z Z z
This menu provides full line descriptions of the status of each of the MODES. Moving the
cursor to a particular MODE and again pressing the ENTER key provides the ability to
change the MODE’s status. The exception to this is the Hot Line Tag function for the
IdeaPlus relay which requires Hot Line Tag to be enabled/disabled via the toggle switch.
The User Modes display may be changed using the Workbench>Workbench Non-Volatile
Modes dialog box within ProView. This allows the letter used (W, X, Y and Z) to be
changed, as well as the text string used in the MMI to describe the User Mode.
The Fixed Modes display may be changed using the Settings>Relay Behavior>Relay
Operating Modes menu path within ProView. This allows the designated letter to be
changed, as well as the text string used in the MMI to describe the User Mode. See
Section 8.17.2.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

5.7.3 SOE Event View Sub-Menu

The SOE EVENT VIEW menu displays the last 25 event records in the Sequence of
Events log. The SOE menu displays the Event Definition, Date of Event: Year/Month/Day;
Time of Event; A, B, and C Phase Current; Ground Current; and A, B, and C Phase
Voltage (kV primary) for each event.

5.7.4 SETTINGS Sub-Menu

The SETTINGS menu provides access to review and/or change the relay’s settings. The
currently active setting group is indicated by its number on the main LCD menu display. To
select this, move the cursor (>) to the SETTINGS line and press the ENTER button.
Select your access level via the password screen. The first four lines of the menu shown in
the SETTINGS sub-menu in Table 5-2 will appear.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

> PICK SETTING GROUPS Select or modify a particular setting group

4 line window SYSTEM SETTINGS Access system frequency, PT and CT ratios,

on Menu line length and unit of measure
LINE SETTINGS Set line impedance parameters for the fault
WORKBENCH Provides access to the IDEA Workbench
Enable and setting group specific settings.
DIRECTIONAL Access power functions (32P, 32N, 32Q).
OVERCURRENT:Simple Access overcurrent threshold detector
OVERCURRENT:DefTime Access definite time overcurrent elements.
OVERCURRENT:InvTime Access inverse time overcurrent elements.
VOLTAGE Access voltage elements.
RECLOSER Access general recloser settings.
RECLOSE ACTIONS Defines how recloser operates for various
protective elements.
SYNC CHECK Access all sync-check element settings.
FREQUENCY Access all frequency load shed settings.
ICSF (SELF-CLEAR) Access all Incipient Cable Splice Fault
Detection (Self-Clearing Fault Detection)
FUSE FAILURE Access all fuse failure settings.
REVERSE POWER Access all reverse power settings.
LOAD BLOCKING Access cold load pickup and load
encroachment settings.
DEMAND METERS Access demand meter settings. This does not
display the demand meters. Refer to the
Metering>Demand Metering menu for that
ENABLE EXT ALARMS Access external alarm action settings.
REMOTE CNTL DIALOGS Access the setting to enable remote
CLOSE/TRIP of the relay through ProView.

To select a setting group, move the cursor (>) to the “PICK SETTING GROUPS” line and
depress the blue ENTER button.
Two lines are now displayed as shown in Table 5-3. Selecting the appropriate line and
pressing the ENTER button provides access to the appropriate setting menu screen.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

> Grp:Active #1 Setti The number (or text) indicates which setting
group is currently active in the relay.
Grp:Modify #1 Setti Indicates which setting group’s settings are
currently being displayed and capable of being

The following is an example of how settings are made.

1. The cursor is moved to the SETTINGS line of the main menu (see Table 5-1) and the
blue ENTER key is pressed.
2. The cursor is moved to the SYSTEM SETTINGS line and the blue ENTER key is
This brings up a menu of all of the settings in this category. The list for the SYSTEM
SETTINGS is shown in Table 5-4.

> Nom:Freq 50 or 60 Hz
4 line window
on Menu

Nom:IPpri Phase CT primary amps

Nom:IPsec Phase CT secondary amps
Nom:INpri Neutral CT primary amps
Nom:INsec Neutral CT secondary amps
Nom:VPpri Phase PT primary voltage
Nom:VPsec Phase PT secondary voltage
52ab:Form 52 contact input form, a or b
PTCnx PT connection (wYe or Delta)
Table 5-4: SYSTEM SETTINGS Sub-menu Display Under the SETTINGS
Menu Item

Here we move the cursor to the Nom:IPsec setting and depress the ENTER key. This
brings up the display as shown in Figure 5-4, which is typical for all settings.

> Nom:IPsec (Asec)

MIN: 0.50 MAX: 10.0
VALUE: 5.000
F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-4 : Typical Setting Menu

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

The top line shows the setting name and unit of measure. The second line shows the
minimum and maximum setting range. The third line shows the current value of the
setting. To change the setting use the < and > to move the ^ cursor and the + and -
keys to increase or decrease the value where the ^cursor is positioned. Once the new
setting is set, press the ENTER button to store the setting in temporary memory. Use the
MENU key to go up one menu level to provide access to making additional setting
NOTE: For inverse time curves, the curve shapes are selected using the curve
descriptions as is done in the ProView software. The curve shapes are listed in Table 5-5.
Curve Shape
IEEE-MI ( Moderate Inverse)
IEEE-VI (Very Inverse)
IEEE-EI (Extremely Inverse)
Custom (User-Defined)
Table 5-5 : Inverse Curve Selection for Front Panel Setting

NOTE: Setting changes from the front panel are not actually made in the relay until the
MENU button is pressed a second time in order to leave the overall SETTINGS sub-
menu. When leaving the SETTINGS sub-menu, if any setting changes have been made
the following screen Figure 5-5 appears:


F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-5: Save Settings Confirmation Display

Pressing USE (F1) transfers the changes to non-volatile memory.

Pressing REVERT (F2) discards the changes and returns to the main menu.
Pressing BACK (F4) keeps the changes in temporary memory and returns the user to the

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

5.7.5 TAR (Targets) Sub-Menu

The TAR= display line of the LCD menu is a shorthand method of viewing a variety of
targeting conditions. Every few seconds the display toggles between these two lines:
TAR=....P....M....* (Example)
The first line shows all of the possible targets that may occur. The second line shows
which targets are currently active. In the above example the P and M targets and the U
and/or O and/or v targets (as indicated by *) are active.
To get additional detail, move the cursor to the TAR= line and press the ENTER key. This
will result in a detailed display of all the targets (one per line, see Figure 5-6) and the letter
code that corresponds to them on the TAR= line. With the exception of the first line of the
display which access the Reset Targets screen (see Figure 5-7), the rest of this sub-menu
is informational only.
The letter code for the TAR= menu is as follows:
Target Code Description
A A-phase trip
B B-phase trip
C C-phase trip
G Ground trip
P Phase overcurrent trip
Q Negative Sequence overcurrent trip
T Inverse time overcurrent trip
S Sensitive ground fault overcurrent trip
L Low-set definite time overcurrent trip
M Medium-set definite time overcurrent trip
H High-set definite time overcurrent trip
F Frequency trip
W Reverse power trip
V Voltage trip
U Phase undervoltage trip
O Phase overvoltage trip
v Negative or zero sequence overvoltage trip

In this case we learn that the P was for a phase overcurrent trip and the M indicates a
medium-set trip condition. The 0 or 1 preceding the target indicates if the target is inactive
(0) or active (1).

> Reset Targets Access Reset Targets menu
4 line window
on Menu

0=A:A-phase Trip If =1, A phase involved

0=B:B-phase Trip If =1, B phase involved
1=C:C-phase Trip If =1, C phase involved
Figure 5-6: First Four Lines of Targets LCD Sub-Menu

If the ENTER button is pressed while the cursor is on the Reset Targets line, a display is
shown which allows the targets to be reset. See Figure 5-7.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

NOTE: A target cannot be reset for which the condition is still valid.
> Push Fkey to reset
Targets, Ext Alarms
Push MENU to abort.
Targets ALARMS
F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-7: Reset Targets LCD Display

5.7.6 ALARMS Sub-Menu

If any alarms are logged, the LCD menu display will show “ALARMS = 1.” To view the
alarms in more detail, place the cursor (>) next to the ALARMS line and press the ENTER
key. If there are no alarms logged, there will be a 0 next to the LCD menu display.
If any alarms are logged, the LCD menu display will show “EXTERNAL ALARMS = 1”
sub-menus are described in the next sections. EXTERNAL ALARMS Sub-Menu

If any external alarms are logged, the LCD menu display will show “EXTERNAL
ALARMS=1”. An external alarm is one that was caused by a condition external to the
relay. This is contrasted with internal alarms, which are caused by relay faults.
To view the alarms in more detail, place the cursor (>) next to the EXTERNAL ALARMS
line and press the ENTER key. This will result in the display as shown in Table 5-6.
If the ENTER button is pressed while the cursor is on the “Reset Ext Alarms” line, the
screen shown in Figure 5-7 is displayed which allows the targets to be reset. An alarm
cannot be reset for which the condition is still valid.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

> Reset Ext. Alarms Access “Reset Ext. Alarms” screen. See Figure

4 line window

on Menu 0=PT FuseFail If=1, indicates fuse operation on one or more PT

0=Trip Fail If=1, indicates a fail to trip condition
0=Close Fail If=1, indicates a fail to close condition
0=Switch Onto Fault If=1, indicates a Switch onto Fault occurred
0=Trip While Open If=1, breaker open (as determined by 52a
contact) when a trip signal was generated by the
relay’s internal logic.
0=Trip Slow – 52a If=1, a slow trip was logged based on 52a
0=Close Slow – 52a If=1, a slow close was logged based on 52a
0=50 AND No 52a If=1, current is detected while the breaker is
showing as open
0=MAX 79 Cycle time If=1, the trip/reclose cycle lasted longer than the
79:62max time setting found in the ProView
Settings>Recloser>Recloser Settings dialog box.
0=Excessive Demand If=1, one of the demand meters has exceeded
its alarm thresholds as set in the
Settings>Demand Meter Settings dialog box.
0=Breaker Wear If=1, the cumulative interrupted current of the
breaker has exceeded its alarm threshold.
0=Self-Clear Fault If=1, the number of self-clearing faults detected
by the Incipient Cable Splice Fault detector
algorithm has exceeded the alarm threshold.
See Section 8.13.
0=Low Trip Voltage If=1, the voltage across the open breaker trip coil
is low.
0=IR, IN not equal If=1, the calculated residual current from the
phase CTs, and the neutral current from the IN
input, are not equal.
0=Vsync (FuseFail?) If=1, indicates no synchronism between the bus
and line PTs. If persistent, this may indicate a
fuse failure on the single phase sync-voltage PT.
0=Under Frequency If=1, indicates the underfrequency pickup timer
has expired.
0=Over Frequency If=1, indicates the overfrequency pickup timer
has expired.
Table 5-6 : EXTERNAL ALARM Sub-Menu

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 INTERNAL ALARMS Sub-Menu

If any internal alarms are logged, the LCD display will show “INTERNAL ALARMS=1”. An
internal alarm is one that is the result of an internal relay fault. This is contrasted with
external alarms, which are caused by conditions external to the relay.
To view the alarms in more detail, place the cursor (>) next to the INTERNAL ALARM line
and press the ENTER key. This will result in the following display:

> Reset Int. Alarms Access “Reset Int. Alarms” screen
4 line window
on Menu

Power Supplies ......0 If=1 indicates a power supply problem (If the
power supply fails the relay will not operate!)
RAM Failure ...........0 If=1 indicates a problem with the RAM
ROM Failures .........0 If=1 indicates a problem with the ROM
Calibrating…………0 If=1 indicates the relay is in a self-calibration
mode. Contact your Cooper Power Systems
representative for additional information.
Table 5-7: INTERNAL ALARMS Sub-Menu

If the ENTER button is pressed while the cursor is on the “Reset Int. Alarms” line, a display
similar to that in Figure 5-10 is shown which allows the targets to be reset. An alarm
cannot be reset for which the condition is still valid. With the exception of the first line, all
the lines of this sub-menu are for informational purposes only.
If the ENTER button is pressed while the cursor is on the “Power Supplies” line, a display
of the power supply voltage is shown. For instance, Plus Five…5.03 (nominal Volts). If the
measured Volts varies by +/- 0.3 Volts the Power Supplies alarm will assert.
All of these alarms are deemed Critical Self-Test Failures, in which subsequent operation
of the protective functions is indeterminate. When a Critical Self-Test Failure is detected,
the relay asserts Internal Alarm status points and its Alarm contact output, and then
disables all its contact output drivers. Thereafter, until the failure condition is corrected,
there is no programmed means by which the relay can further alter the status of any of its
contact outputs, whether by protective relay element operation, or by front panel, contact
input, or communicated control inputs.

5.7.7 METERING Sub-Menu

Place the cursor on this and press the ENTER button. The LCD will now display the
METERING menu. You can now choose from the following: PRIMARY AMPS, KV Sub-Menu

Place the cursor on this line and press the ENTER button. The LCD will now display the
metered phase and ground currents and voltages in primary Amps and kV. The last line
of the display will briefly display the current and voltage legend for 1 second every 10

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 SEC AMPS, VOLTS, DEG Sub-menu

Place the cursor on this line and press the ENTER button. The LCD will now display the
metered phase and ground currents and voltages with phase angles in secondary amps
and volts. The last line of the display will briefly display the current and voltage legend for
1 second every 10 seconds. DEMAND METER Sub-Menu

This menu gives access to the various demand meters. Placing the cursor on this line and
pressing he ENTER button will bring up the following menu:

> Demand Amps per Pha Displays per phase demand and peak meters.
Press Enter for the time startup of the most
recent demands peaks.
Demand MW, MVAr Displays MW and MVAr import(-) and export(+)
demand and peak meters. Press Enter for the
time startup of the most recent demands peaks.
Reset Demand Peaks Access “Reset Demand Peaks” screen
Figure 5-8: Demand Meters Sub-Menu Display POWER/ENERGY METERS Sub-Menu

This menu gives access to the various power and energy meters. Placing the cursor on
this line and pressing the blue ENTER button will bring up the following menu:

> Power Meters Displays per phase and three phase power
W/VAr: Hour Meters Displays per phase and three phase watt- and
var-hour meters.
Amp:Hour Meters Displays per phase Amp-hour meters.
Reset X:Hour Meters Access “Reset Power/Energy Meters” screen.
Figure 5-9: Power/Energy Meters Sub-Menu Display FREQUENCY Sub-Menu

Place the cursor on this line and press the ENTER button. The LCD will now display the
metered line, bus, and line-bus slip (difference) frequency in Hertz.

5.7.8 Recloser Status Menu

This line automatically toggles between the text shown in Table 5-1 and the actual status
of the recloser and breaker as well as the current reclose shot number, i.e.
LockedOut/Open…#0. Table 5-8 shows the possible states of the display.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Recloser Status Breaker Status #Shots

Idle Open #0 (signifies no reclosing in process)
Closing Closed 1
Resetting 2
Locked out 3
Table 5-8: Possible Display States for Reclose/Bkr Status Menu Line

> Reset Recloser Access Reset Recloser menu
4 line window
on Menu

Trip Breaker............0 If =1, breaker is tripping

Close Breaker.........0 If=1, breaker is closing
Open Intvl Status....0 If=1, currently between shots
Reclose Number Indicates recloser shot number. Note that
“Reclose Number….0” indicates reclosing is in
progress but no reclosing shots have yet been
Reset ......................0 If=1, indicate recloser reset in process
Lockout ...................0 If=1, recloser is locked out
Opn.Int (s)........0.500 Value of the open interval for the next scheduled
Failure to Trip .........0 If=1, a failure to trip has been logged
Failure to Close ......0 If=1, a failure to close has been logged
Switch-Onto-Fault ..0 If=1, the switch on to fault feature is active
Trip-While-Open.....0 If=1, a trip signal was received while breaker was
Trip Slow – 52a ......0 If=1, a slow trip was logged based on 52a
Close Slow – 52a ...0 If=1, a slow close was logged based on 52a
52a/50 Disagree.....0 If=1, current is flowing but breaker 52a says
breaker is open
Max Cycle Time .....0 If=1, the trip/reclose cycle lasted longer than the
79:62max time setting found in the Settings>
Recloser>Recloser Settings dialog box.
Table 5-9: Recloser/Breaker Status Sub-Menu

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

All of the lines of in this sub-menu are informational only except for the first line. While the
cursor (>) is on the Recloser/Breaker status line, pressing the ENTER key will take you to
the display shown in Figure 5-10. By pressing the F4 key the recloser will be reset. Press
the MENU key to move up back out of this display (each press of the MENU button takes
you back one menu level).
> Push RESET to reset
The recloser.
Push MENU to abort
F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-10: Reset Recloser LCD Display

5.7.9 FTYPE DISTANCE DUR. Sub-menu

This brings up the fault record summary for the last fault event. The information shown will
be similar to that shown in Figure 5-11.

> Distance(km) = 2.3 Distance to fault = 2.3km
I Flt(pri) = 1545 Fault current in Aprimary = 1545
Duration(cy) = 5.2 Duration of fault = 5.2 cycles
Fault Type = AG Fault involved phase A and Ground
Figure 5-11: Sample FTYPE DISTANCE DUR Display

Note the distance to fault will be in kilometers or miles, depending on which unit of
measure is selected in the relay.

5.7.10 SELF-CLEAR FAULT Sub-menu

This menu provides access to information used for monitoring incipient cable splice
failures due to moisture ingress. See Section 8.13 for more information on this feature.
Selecting this menu brings up the following sub-menu.

Table 5-10: Self-Clearing Fault Sub-Menu

> View SC Fault Stats Show self clearing fault monitor statistics
Reset SC Fault Data Reset the data

If the cursor ( > ) is placed at the “View Statistics” line and the ENTER button is pressed,
the following information is displayed:

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

> Phase Rate Count

A 0.0% 0
B 0.0% 0
C 0.0% 0
Figure 5-12: Self Clear Fault Show Statistics LCD Display


This menu provides access to information useful for maintaining the circuit breaker.
Selecting this menu brings up the following sub-menu.

> Trip Count= Cumulative number of breaker operations
BkrDuty:A= Cumulative interrupted current in kA6 for phase A
BkrDuty:B= Cumulative interrupted current in kA6 for phase B
BkrDuty:C= Cumulative interrupted current in kA6 for phase C
Trip Tmax= Maximum time to trip
Trip Tavg= Average time to trip
Trip Tnew= Time to trip for last operation
Close Tmax= Maximum time to Close
Close Tavg= Average time to Close
Close Tnew= Time to Close for last operation
Init Values Provides access to a settings sub-menu for initial
breaker monitoring settings.
Reset to InitValues Permits resetting of breaker statistics to those
defined in the Init Values menu. Other statistics
set to zero.
Table 5-11: Breaker Statistics Sub-Menu


This menu provides front panel control of the circuit breaker. This is separate from the
large green and red TRIP and CLOSE pushbuttons in the control panel section of the
IdeaPLUS relay hardware. This control option is carried over from the standard Idea
hardware platform that does not include the control panel section. This setting can be
Enabled or Disabled via the ProView Settings>Relay Behavior>MMI Forcing and Dialog
Enables dialog box.
Move the cursor (>) to the BREAKER TRIP/CLOSE line of the main LCD menu and press
ENTER. The display will now show the following:

6 2
Depending on the exponent value chosen, this could be kA, kA , etc.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

> Press softkey below

to operate breaker.
Press MENU to abort.
View Enab close
F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-13: BREAKER TRIP/CLOSE Display with Metering

Pressing the F1 button (View) and holding it will bring up the display as shown in Figure
5-14. This display permits the continuous monitoring of the breaker’s 52a contact, the
state of the 50DCB element as well as current trip and close statuses. As a reminder, the
50DCB element is a low set phase current sensing element used only to detect when
current is flowing through the breaker.
Note also that if the 52a contact status is “1” rather than the “0” as shown in the figures,
then the breaker is already closed, and the F4 softkey label text will be “open” rather than
“close” as shown.
> 52a=0 PermitClos=0
Trip=0 Close=0
View Enab close
F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-14: BREAKER TRIP/CLOSE Display with Metering

To actually operate the breaker, the F2 “Enab” button must first be depressed for 1 second
to enable this feature. Once enabled it will be possible to operate the breaker for up to two
minutes. After two minutes the F2 button must be pressed again.

5.7.13 CONTACT INPUTS Sub-Menu

In this menu it is possible to examine the logic state of all input contacts and to
momentarily force the input to a logical “1”. This setting can be Enabled or Disabled via the
ProView Settings>Relay Behavior>MMI Forcing and Dialog Enables dialog box.
To access the sub-menu, position the cursor on the CONTACT INPUTS line of the main
LCD menu (see Table 5-1 on page 58) and press ENTER. This will display the following
> 0=52a
Breaker Aux. Contact
Contact Input
Next Prev Enab force
F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-15: Contact Inputs LCD Display

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

This is the screen for the first input contact. The input signal name is given in the first line.
The second line is a description of the input. The third line is the physical description of
the input on the back of the relay.
The last line gives the user four options depending upon which function key is pressed.
F1 Hold this button down for 1 second to move on to the next contact
F2 Hold this button down for 1 second to move to the previous contact
F3 Hold this button down for 1 second to enable the contact forcing feature
F4 After the contact forcing has been enabled, hold this button down to force the logic
state to a “1”. The logic state will be forced only for as long as the button is
depressed. This does not latch the contact.
To exit out of this menu, press the MENU key.


In this menu it is possible to examine the logic state of all output contacts and to
momentarily force the output to a logical “1”. This setting can be Enabled or Disabled via
the ProView Settings>Relay Behavior>MMI Forcing and Dialog Enables dialog box.
To access the sub-menu, position the cursor on the CONTACT OUTPUTS line and press
ENTER. This will display the following screen.

> 0=ss1
User ss1 Description
Contact Output
Next Prev Enab force
F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-16: Contact Outputs LCD Display

This is the screen for the first output contact. The input signal name is given in the first
line. The second line is a description of the output. The third line is the physical
description of the output on the back of the relay.
The last line gives the user four options depending upon which function key is pressed.
F1 Hold this button down for 1 second to move on to the next contact
F2 Hold this button down for 1 second to move to the previous contact
F3 Hold this button down for 1 second to enable the contact forcing feature
F4 After the contact forcing has been enabled, hold this button down to force the logic
state to a “1”. The logic state will be forced only for as long as the button is
depressed. This does not latch the contact.
To exit out of this menu, press the MENU key.


iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

When a Critical Self-Test Failure occurs (power supply failure, RAM, failure, ROM failure,
etc.) in which subsequent operation of the protective functions is indeterminate, the relay
asserts Internal Alarm status points and its Alarm contact output, and then disables all its
contact output drivers. Thereafter, until the failure condition is corrected, there is no
programmed means by which the relay can further alter the status of any of its contact
outputs, whether by protective relay element operation, or by front panel, contact input, or
communicated control inputs.

5.7.15 WORKBENCH Sub-menu

This menu provides access to the custom analog data, status data and virtual switches
that are configured as part of the IDEA Workbench.
Move the cursor (>) to the WORKBENCH line of the main LCD menu display and press
ENTER. The display will now show the following:

Table 5-12: WORKBENCH Sub-Menu

> WORKBENCH ANALOGS Display IDEA Workbench configured analog
WORKBENCH STATUS Display IDEA Workbench configured status
WORKBENCH SWITCHES Access IDEA Workbench configured virtual
switches. It is possible to change the name of
this menu item in ProView through the
Workbench> Workbench Softkey Switches in
MMI menu. See Bulletin S165-210-2,
Workbench Programming Manual.

Moving the cursor to the WORKBENCH ANALOGS and WORKBENCH STATUS menu
items and pressing the blue ENTER button brings up informational displays. The names
of the custom analog measurements may be defined using the Workbench>Workbench
Analog Outputs to MMI menu path. The names of the Workbench status outputs may be
defined using the Workbench>Workbench Status Outputs to MMI and SOE menu path.
See S165-210-2, Workbench Programming Manual, for information.
Moving the cursor to the WORKBENCH SWITCHES line of the sub-menu items and
pressing the blue ENTER button brings up the following menu (Switches #1-9; A, B, C):


> Momentary Switch #1 Brings up operational menu for virtual switch #1.
Momentary Switch #2 Brings up operational menu for virtual switch #2.
Momentary Switch #3 Brings up operational menu for virtual switch #3.
Momentary Switch #4 Brings up operational menu for virtual switch #4.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Note the display strings “Momentary Switch #x” may be replaced with custom text. This is
accomplished in ProView by utilizing the Workbench>Workbench Softkey Switches in
MMI dialog box. See Bulletin S165-210-2, Workbench Programming Manual, for
information on renaming the switches.
Moving the cursor to any of these lines and pressing the blue ENTER button brings up the
following display:
> Push YES to operate
Push MENU to abort.
Momentary Switch #1
F1 F2 F3 F4
Figure 5-17: BREAKER TRIP/CLOSE Display with Metering

As previously noted, the display string “Momentary Switch #x” may be replaced with
custom text.
Pressing the gray F4 button will send a logic signal to the IDEA Workbench. This signal
may be used in the IDEA Workbench to accomplish any desired task.

5.7.16 NAMEPLATE DATA Sub-menu

This is an informational menu only and provides information about the version number of
the firmware and software in the relay. When viewing the main LCD menu, the relay’s
name is displayed. The factory default relay name is “iDP-210 Relay.” This name can be
changed through the General System Settings dialog box. This may be opened by
following the Settings>General menu path. The relay’s name is set in the “User Device
Name” field. See Figure 8-8 on page 120. When the “NAMEPLATE DATA” line is
selected from the main LCD menu display and the ENTER button is depressed, a screen
similar to the following will appear.
> Scheme: iDP-210
CustEng#: 6B34003001
YY.MM.DD: 04.03.30
ProView: 4.0.1
Figure 5-18: Scheme Identity LCD Display

5.7.17 Date/Time Display

This line simply displays the current date and time. The date and time are set by the IRIG-
B signal or via the ProView software. Placing the cursor on this line of the main LCD menu
display and pressing the ENTER button enables the user to adjust the date and time of
the device.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

6 Installing and Starting ProView

CAUTION: Equipment Misoperation. Before downloading configuration files or
! settings to the equipment, verify that the files and settings are
correct for the location and application. Downloading configuration
files or settings designed for a different location or application can
result in severe personal injury and equipment damage.

6.1 ProView Software Introduction

Just as the Edison idea and IdeaPLUS relays are modular, updateable products, so is the
ProView software. ProView provides an integrated environment for the configuration and
operation of your Edison idea/IdeaPLUS relay(s), as well as providing a complete
programming system for developing power system applications. Cooper Power Systems
offers development services for custom applications. We also offer programming courses
for those interested in learning how to go beyond configuration and operation of the
Edison idea/IdeaPLUS. No matter how it is used, ProView is the most sophisticated
relaying software available for any microprocessor relay.

6.2 Requirements
ProView is a powerful program that utilizes the power of your PC to maximize the
usefulness of the Edison idea/IdeaPLUS Relays. The more powerful your computer, the
more enjoyable your experience with ProView and the Edison idea/IdeaPLUS Relays will
be. As a MINIMUM, we recommend:
• Pentium-Class PC
• Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, or XP
• Processor speed at least 300MHz
• Minimum 128MB, recommended 512MB of RAM
• At least 130 MB of free Hard-Disk storage

Note: These are the minimum supported capabilities. ProView will not perform satisfactorily on computers
that do not meet all of the above requirements.

Hint: Running ProView on a computer with the following specifications will give optimal performance:

Pentium IV Class PC
Windows 2000 or XP Professional operating system
Processor speed 1.8GHz or greater
RAM 512MB or more

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

6.3 Installing ProView Software

ProView is installed like many other Windows applications. If you are not familiar with
installing Windows applications, you may want to seek assistance with this installation. If
you are familiar with installing Windows applications, you should have no problem
installing ProView!

6.3.1 Installing from CD-ROM

Insert ProView CD-ROM
Setup program should start automatically. If it doesn’t, double-click on the CD-ROM Icon in
Windows or right click on the Icon and select “AutoPlay” The initial setup screen should be

6.3.2 Installing from a single-EXE file distribution

If you received ProView as a single distribution install file, simply run the file by double-
clicking on it from the Windows explorer

6.3.3 Once you have launched the setup program

You should see the Setup Welcome screen:

Click on “Next” to continue.

Read the Export Restrictions.

Click OK.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Read the Software License Agreement fully, and choose “Yes” if you agree or “No” if you
do not agree to the terms of the Agreement.:

Select a destination folder for ProView, and click “Next”:

Select the Scheme Files you wish to install. The contents of this list will vary depending on
what product(s) you have ordered:

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Once you have made your selections, press “Next” to begin the installation. A progress
indicator will show the progress of the installation:

ProView will check the HTML Help file version currently loaded. If the version on the PC is
older, the Help files will automatically be updated.
If the version on the PC is newer, the following message will appear: This computer
already has a newer version of HTML Help. Click OK.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

After the installation has successfully completed, you will be prompted to place a shortcut
to the iDP210 scheme on your desktop. If you choose to install this shortcut, then you will
be able to start ProView and automatically load the appropriate iDP-210 scheme by
double clicking on the desktop icon.

After the installation has successfully completed, you will see this screen. Press “Finish” to
exit the setup program. If you do not de-select the “Register Online” checkbox, you will be
linked to the online ProView registration form. ProView 4.0.1 does not require a software
authorization key, but registration is still recommended so you can easily access valuable

You have now successfully installed ProView.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 6-1: The ProView Login Dialog Box

6.4 Each Time you Run ProView

To ensure that the user is authorized to perform the functions that ProView allows, you will
be asked to login each time ProView is started.
To log in, select the proper Name from the drop-down list and enter the appropriate
Password for that level. Note that your passwords may be different than the default
Default Password
Name Description ** CaSe Sensitive ** Your Password
View Use ProView to look at View
metering and event
data, check settings
Operate Same as View, plus Operate
send operating
commands, delete
events, etc.
Modify Same as Operate, but Modify
can create logic in;
make changes to; and
load, save, and
replace blocks in the
IDEA Workbench.
User can also edit the
login passwords.

Table 6-1: ProView Operating Level Descriptions

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7 Operation Using ProView

CAUTION: Equipment misoperation. Before downloading configuration files or
! settings to the equipment, verify that the files and settings are
correct for the location and application. Downloading configuration
files or settings designed for a different location or application can
result in severe personal injury and equipment damage.

IMPORTANT: The use of relays and recloser controls that use the ProView operating system may
result in the creation of many combinations of setting files, scheme files, and custom software files.
Many of these combinations can be downloaded into any relay or recloser using the ProView operating
system. The user must ensure that the proper combination of software modules is created and
downloaded to the correct device for the application.

WARNING: Equipment misoperation. Use of an incompatible or inappropriate

! settings file, scheme file or custom software file in a relay or recloser
control can result in equipment misoperation leading to equipment
damage, severe personal injury, or death.

7.1 Loading the Scheme

The iDP-210 scheme files must be loaded onto the PC in order to facilitate:
• Creating setting files and downloading setting changes to the relay (most settings
may also be altered directly via the relay’s front panel)
• Uploading and replaying oscillographic files and examining sequence of events
• Entering the View Online mode
• Performing certain controlling functions such as breaker operation and target
reset (such functions are also typically controllable directly via the relay’s front
• Alteration of relay functionality through use of the IDEA Workbench.
• Simulating fault events using the Virtual Test Set.
Of course, most of the features mentioned above also require data connection between
the PC and the relay, typically via an RS-232 communication cable. But, first the scheme
must be loaded onto the PC.
If you followed the normal install process, three iDP-210 relay icons will appear on your
desktop. Double clicking on the appropriate shortcut icon will automatically start ProView
and load the iDP-210 scheme.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

If you choose to launch the main ProView application instead by means of the Windows
Start menu or a shortcut icon on the desktop, and a successful login has been provided,
the user may open – or load – the desired scheme. Access the standard file open dialog
via the File – Open menu command to reveal the dialog similar to Figure 7-1 below.

Figure 7-1: File Open Dialog to Load Scheme

Three schemes are provided:

iDP-210 Idea Aux IO-4.0.1 default (read only).ide This is the default scheme for the Idea
relay hardware where any version of the Auxiliary Contact Input/Output board is present.
This may be visually determined by seeing if terminal blocks TB3 and TB4 are present on
the back of the relay.
iDP-210 Idea No Aux IO-4.0.1 default (read only).ide This is the default scheme for the
Idea relay hardware where the Auxiliary Contact Input/Output board is NOT present. This
may be visually determined by verifying that terminal blocks TB3 and TB4 are missing on
the back of the relay.
iDP-210 IdeaPlus-4.0.1 default (read only).ide This is default scheme for any
IdeaPLUS relay.
The factory default scheme files are read-only. If the factory default scheme is modified,
ProView 4.0.1 will require you to save the scheme with a new name. The .ide scheme file
must always be saved to the Proview401/iDP-210 folder.
Select and Open the desired iDP-210 scheme. The scheme will now load and be ready for
user interaction. This loading process should take approximately 1 minute using a PC with
the recommended specifications as listed on page 76. You can monitor the loading
process by observing the progress of the logic model load in the lower left-hand corner of
the window as shown in the figure below.

Figure 7-2: Scheme Loading Monitor in Lower Left Hand Corner of ProView

If the loading process takes longer than 3 minutes, your system may not have enough
RAM to run ProView efficiently. This may be the result of too many open background
tasks or insufficient system memory. Upgrading your PCs RAM will improve the
performance of ProView. ProView works best on systems with 512MB or more of RAM.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.2 Communicating with the Relay

7.2.1 Connecting to the Relay

ProView connects to the relay directly via an RS-232 cable, or through a modem. After an
appropriate cable is connected between the PC and one of the Idea Plus’ RS-232
communication ports, click on the “CONNECT” button seen in ProView’s menu bar. A
straight-through serial cable is used to connect to the front RS-232 port. SCADA protocol
is presently assigned to the rear RS-232. A ProView connection may be established in this
port using a null-modem cable. Refer to S165-210-2 for additional information.

Figure 7-3: ProView’s Menu-bar Showing "CONNECT" Button

This will bring up the Select Connection dialog box. Here you can select the appropriate
connection. (Additional connections can be added to this list. See section on “Configuring
ProView Connection Profiles” below for details).

Figure 7-4: Manage Connections dialog box

Select the desired connection method and press “OK”. You will be prompted for a
connection password. The default passwords are “View” (upload information from device
only) or “Modify” (upload information from device and download changes to device).

Once you are connected to the relay, you can

change your password through the ProView
Manage>Device>Change password dialog box.

ProView will attempt to locate the Edison ιδεα or IdeaPLUS relay via the selected port.
The connect button’s appearance will change depending on the phase of connection
ProView is in:
Before connecting:

While attempting to connect:

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

After connection is successful:

HINT If you mistakenly attempt to connect via the wrong port, you can abort the connection
attempt by pressing the Connect button at any time it appears with the yellow question
mark (?) symbol. Pressing this button after communication has been established will
disconnect the PC from the relay.

NOTE After connecting, if a dialog appears indicating that a comparison is not possible because the
relay has a different version of firmware, see Section 11.2.5 on page 208 for the procedure on updating

Figure 7-5: "Comparing Scheme…" Progress Indicator

After successfully connecting to the relay, the progress indicator bar shown in Figure 7-5
may appear. This progress bar signifies that ProView is comparing the contents of the
RAM and EEPROM of the connected relay to the version of the IDP-210 scheme currently
loaded on the PC. Depending upon your computer’s speed and the amount of RAM, this
could take as long as 5 minutes. See Section 6.2 for the recommended minimum PC
hardware requirements.

7.2.2 Configuring Other ProView Connection Profiles

Open the Manage Connections dialog box using the “Manage/Connections…” item from
the menu bar.

Figure 7-6: Opening the "Manage Connections" Window

To add a new connection, simply click on the Add button in the Manage Connections
dialog box as shown in Figure 7-7. Select type of connection: Serial connection
(Direct/Modem) or TCP/IP. A new connection labeled “(none)” will be added to the list.
Click on “(none)” to select it and then click the Edit button.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-7: Manage Connections Dialog Box Configuring Serial Connection Parameters

In the Manage Connections dialog box you can select the computer’s serial
communication port that is used to connect to the relay as well as the baud rate. The
Edison Idea and IdeaPLUS relays auto baud up to 115200 bps.

Figure 7-8: Edit dialog box for connections. Left - Serial connection
(Direct/Modem) or Right - TCP/IP.

To change the name for the connection select the Name tab in the Edit dialog box.
It is possible to enter a phone number. If a phone number is entered, then when that
connection is selected, the phone number is automatically dialed. Upon connecting, a
ASCII terminal emulator window will open. This provides the opportunity to enter an ASCII
command string to an intermediate device, such as a communications port switcher.
When finished entering any required ASCII commands needed to finish connection to the
relay, close the terminal emulator. ProView will now automatically connect to the relay. Configuring TCP/IP Connection Parameters

When setting up a TCP/IP connection, the dialog box has two tabs, as shown in Figure
7-8, the Name and Socket tabs. The window opens by default to the Socket tab. Here you
must enter a TCP/IP value that does not conflict with your network. If being used in a
corporate environment, this number should be verified with the Information Technology
(IT) department. If being used in a standalone network, the default value of 1024 may be
used. Any value up to 64000 may be used.

The Name field in the Socket tab is used for the relay’s TCP/IP address. The default
address of all Idea and IdeaPlus relays is

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

The Description field in the Name tab may be used as a textual name for the connection.
This is the name that will appear in the list of connections as shown in Figure 7-7. Changing the Relay’s TCP/IP Connection Parameters

Changing the relay’s TCP/IP parameters must be accomplished via a serial connection to
the relay. This is done for security purposes. For the same reason, the relay does not
dynamically assign IP addresses (DHCP server). The IP address and subnet masks for
the relay must be made manually via the serial connection.
First establish communication with the relay through a serial communication port.
Second, follow the Manage>Device>Settings menu path to open the relay’s Setting’s
menu. Every relay ships from the factory with an IP address of and a subnet
mask of At least the IP address must be changed to be unique for each
relay on the TCP/IP network.
Change these values to those desired and up load these settings to the relay using the
normal setting upload process.
Once the relay automatically reboots after the setting upload, ProView communication
may be established with the relay directly via the network connection port using the new
Note, when using only one Ethernet cabling connection use the communication port closet
to the edge of the back of the relay (port 1).

7.2.3 Disconnecting from the Relay

Simply click on the connection dialog box as shown below. Click here to

7.3 Comparing PC Schemes and Settings to Relay

After the iDP-210 scheme is loaded into the computer, connection to the relay via a
communications port must be accomplished before settings or event data can be sent to
or from the relay, or before the View Online mode may be activated. ProView acts
differently once it is “Connected” and has more features enabled. If a function you want to
use is “Grayed Out” in a menu or Dialog Box, it may be because you have not
successfully connected to a relay.
Once the connection is made, the following message will be displayed:

Figure 7-9: Connection Established Message Box

After connection is successfully established, the “Compare” button on the toolbar will
appear in one of several possible modes as shown in Figure 7-10 through Figure 7-12.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-10: Appearance of Compare Button When Relay Contains Different

Settings, Modes, or Scheme (typical):
Figure 7-11: Appearance of Compare Button When Scheme and Settings are
Identical Between Relay and PC (if no changes since download):

Figure 7-12: Appearance of Compare Button When Settings, Modes, Scheme,

and Variables are Identical Between Relay and PC (only after upload
of all variables):

Regardless of the state of the compare button, clicking on it will bring up the detailed
comparison window as shown in Figure 7-14.

NOTE: If any modifications to the scheme were made after it has been opened in ProView, the message
dialog box shown in Figure 7-13 will appear when the Compare button is clicked. Any setting changes,
including selecting a different setting group to be active or to view, will also result in this dialog box. The
default factory scheme files are read only. You must save your scheme with a new name. This ensures
you can always go back to the factory default scheme at any time.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-13: “Scheme has been Modified…” Message Dialog Box

Figure 7-14: Compare Dialog Window

This window allows you to see what is different between the PC and the Relay, and either
upload (receive) information from the relay or download (send) information to the relay. It
is important that the information in the PC match the relay if you plan on going “Online”.
Where information is identical between the PC and the relay, the action button(s) will be
disabled (grayed out). If information differs (as do the structure and settings in the figure
above), the action button will be enabled.
Pressing the Details button will bring up a dialog that lets you compare the value of
settings on the relay to the settings on the PC and correct discrepancies by uploading or
downloading individual settings, selected settings, or all settings. When you press the
Details button, a dialog similar to that shown in Figure 7-15 will appear:

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-15: Settings Details Comparison Dialog Box

This dialog shows the values of only the settings that are different between the relay and
the PC. The comma-delimited values represent the setting for each setting group. In this
example, the computer shows a value of 0 for the 67P:E element in the first setting group,
while the relay shows a value of 1 for the same setting. The 67P setting is the same for all
other setting groups.
If you wish to change the setting on the relay to a new value you have entered on your
PC, simply select the line(s) of interest and click Download selected settings to device to
send the revised setting(s) to the relay.
If the settings in the relay are correct, you should upload them from the relay to ensure that
your PC has the correct information. Do this by first pressing the Select all button, and
then pressing the Upload selected settings from device button.
After you correct any mismatches, the compare button should revert to the “Equal” mode.


Downloading settings to the relay will erase all oscillographic event records and reset all accumulators
and counters stored in volatile memory. Please ensure that all event data is retrieved and that
accumulator and counter values are recorded before downloading schemes.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.4 Downloading the Scheme Structure, IDEA Workbench and Settings


Downloading settings to the relay will erase all oscillographic event records and reset all accumulators
and counters stored in volatile memory. Please ensure that all event data is retrieved and that
accumulator and counter values are recorded before downloading schemes.

CAUTION: Equipment misoperation. Before downloading configuration files or

! settings to the equipment, verify that the files and settings are
correct for the location and application. Downloading configuration
files or settings designed for a different location or application can
result in severe personal injury and equipment damage.

WARNING: Equipment Misoperation, Power distribution equipment

! programming parameters and user-defined control logic hierarchies
must be properly configured and tested for the intended application
by competent personnel knowledgeable of equipment limitations
and safe operation practices. Failure to properly configure and test
switchgear programming parameters and user-defined control logic
hierarchies can result in death, severe personal injury, and
equipment damage.

In addition to uploading and downloading settings, ProView also allows the entire
protection scheme logic to be downloaded from the PC to the Relay. This download is
done using the “Download” structure button in the compare dialog. This button is only
enabled if there are differences in the structure of the scheme on the relay as compared to
the scheme on the PC. The usual reason for a structural difference in the scheme is due
to a newer version of the scheme being loaded on the PC than on the relay.
If the scheme structure is identical except for the workbench logic, you will also have the
option of uploading the workbench from the relay to the PC using the “Upload” workbench
The table below summarizes the possible combinations of scheme and workbench
differences, and the appropriate action(s) for each case:
If the relay and PC are not equal, proceed as follows:
1. Upload Idea Workbenches.
2. If you are still not equal, Upload the Settings.
3. If you are still not equal, Download the Structure.

Table 7-1 : Upload/Download Options for Scheme Structure,

IDEA Workbench and Relay Settings

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.5 Event Records and Oscillographic Features

The iDP-210 scheme allows the user to view event records using one of sixteen pre-
defined oscillographic views as well as with a Sequence of Event recorder. Both actual
relay event records and those created with ProView’s Virtual Test Set (VTS) as described
in Section 9 can be downloaded and viewed.

7.5.1 Event Capture Settings

The Event Configuration Settings dialog box enables the user to manually configure event
setup parameters to use when triggering events from the Oscillographic Event Manager.
This dialog allows you to set the total and the pretrigger length of non-manually triggered
events as well as the default event length for manual triggers from the Oscillographic
Event Manager. This dialog is accessed through the Manage>Event Capture Settings
menu path.

7.5.2 Triggering Oscillographic Events

Oscillographic events are automatically generated under the following conditions:
• When any fault detector picks up (46NFD, 46PFD, 46QFD)
• When the relay sends a trip command to the breaker
• When the recloser goes to lockout
• When the optional WB(Trigger Oscillography) signal is driven high from the user
Events can also be manually triggered from ProView. When ProView is connected to a
relay, use the following commands to trigger an oscillography event:
To use ProView to trigger an oscillography event on the relay:
1. Establish communication with the relay as indicated in CHAPTER 7
2. Choose the “Manage>Oscillographic Events...” menu item. See Figure 7-16.
3. From the Event Manger window as shown in Figure 7-17, click on the Trigger button
to initiate a recording.
4. After the event is triggered on the relay, follow the instructions below to transfer it to
the PC for viewing. You can also use the View newest event on device button to
quickly transfer and view the event you just triggered.

7.5.3 Loading an Event Record

To view oscillographic information, you must first load an event record. To do so, choose
the “Manage/Oscillographic Events...” menu item. See Figure 7-16.

Figure 7-16: Accessing the Event Manager

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Once the Event Manager has been opened, the screen will appear as in Figure 7-17.

Click on the Copy

to Clipboard button
to copy the
Time/Length and
Event information
text for pasting into
reports, etc.

Figure 7-17: Open Event Manager Dialog

The top portion of the Event Manager is titled PC Events and provides the ability to load
any event record that has previously been saved to disk, or created in the Virtual Test Set
(VTS) within ProView.

• The Generate report… button enables you to convert a PC event to the COMTRADE
format. This function is designed to meet the requirements of IEEE® Std C37.111-
1999TM Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange (COMTRADE) for
Power Systems.

The lower portion of the window, titled Device Events, will allow the uploading of events
from the relay when connected to the PC.
To load an event from the relay:
1. Establish communication with the relay as indicated in Section 7.2.
2. From the Event Manger window as shown in Figure 7-17, click on the drop down box
under Device Events “Time/Length:” to bring up a list of events in the relay.
3. To load one event, choose the desired event and click on the Upload button or to load
all of the events, click on the Upload All button.
4. The .evt event file(s) must always be saved to the Proview401/iDP-210 folder.
• If you are only saving one event, the Save As dialog box will automatically open
allowing you to rename the event. Click OK to save the event file to disk. If you
are saving all the events (via the Upload All button), the event files will be named
according to the date/time stamp of each event.
• When saving events from the relay, the following file types will automatically be
created: .evt, .dat, .cfg, and .txt for each event.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


To load an event file:
1. From the Event Manger window shown in Figure 7-17, click on the View Event File
button to bring up a list of events stored on disk.
2. Select the file to open.
At this point, the event will be loaded and the Cursor Control Panel will appear. Click on
the window’s title bar, left-click-and-hold, and move the Cursor Control Panel to a
convenient location on the screen.

7.5.4 Viewing Event Oscillography

The oscillographic views are accessed from the Display>Oscillography menu path.
Choosing this from the main menu will result in the menu options shown in Figure 7-18.
To view the oscillography associated with any view, select that menu option. This will
bring up that screen. Refer to Figure 7-19.

Figure 7-18: Oscillography Selection Screen

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Date and time stamping.

Movable cursor
controlled by the
Cursor Control Panel

Magnitude of all
displayed waveforms
at the cursor location
shown here.

Figure 7-19: Open Oscillographic Window with Cursor Control Panel

7.5.5 Displaying and Viewing Phasors (Event Playback and RealTime)

ProView provides the ability to view the voltage and current phasors. Phasor views are
accessed from the Display>Phasors FAULT SCALED (20A sec for currents and 200V sec
for voltages) or Display>Phasors NOMINAL SCALED (5A sec for currents and 200 V sec
for voltages) menu path. Choosing this from the main menu will result in the screen that
looks like Figure 7-20. To view the oscillography associated with any view, click on the
panel for that view. This will bring up a screen that looks like Figure 7-21. These views
are as follows:
• Phasor Inputs (Any View): This view is operational for real-time or event playback
display of the system voltage and current phasors. These are rotating phasors and will
display as rotating.
• Symmetrical Components (On-line View): Shows real time voltage and current
symmetrical components when in On-Line view mode.
• Symmetrical Components (Event View): Shows system voltage and current
symmetrical components when in Event Playback mode.
• Phasor Inputs (On-line View): Shows real time voltage and current phasors when in
On-Line view mode. This is a non-rotating phasor display. This is very useful to check
phasing during relay commissioning.
• Phasor Inputs (Event View): Shows system voltage and current phasors when in
Event Playback mode. This is a non-rotating phasor display.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-20: Phasor Display Screen

Figure 7-21: Open Phasor Display Window Showing Voltage and Current

7.5.6 Viewing Sequence of Event Recorder (SER) Data

ProView provides a simplified SER data window that presents every element pickup,
dropout, state change, and so on. User-defined SER triggers are accessible in the
Workbench programming area.
The simplified SER data window is accessed via the Display>Sequence of Events menu
selection. The resulting display provides date and time stamped event data along with the
instantaneous voltage and current magnitudes for all channels at the time of the event.
An example of the SER data window is shown in Figure 7-22.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-22: Typical Sequence of Events Screen

From the buttons on the bottom of the SER windows, it is possible to write the data file.
Up to 250 events are recorded in a first in-first out buffer.

7.6 Relay Replay™

To see how the relay would behave for a loaded event record if the settings were different,
simply change the settings and re-load the event record! Changing any setting before an
event record is loaded will make the event record now display how the relay would have
behaved for different settings. The iDP-210 saves the waveform data and relay settings.
This is what is loaded into ProView. Any changes made to settings in ProView will force
ProView to display the same voltage and current waveforms and how they interact with
the new, current settings. This provides a very powerful facility for performing “what-if”

7.7 View-Online
The “View-Online” feature allows for live connection to the relay. The Workbench’s logic
and status of all the elements can be viewed when in the View-Online mode.
There are two ways to enter “View-Online” mode. The easiest way is to click on the
Go Online button in the Communication Toolbar as shown in Figure 7-23. Alternatively,
you can is to open the Application Diagram window (see Section 7.8.1) and click on the
Go Online button that appears on that display.

Figure 7-23: Starting the "View Online" feature

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.8 Displaying Relay Data

There are a number of selections under the “Display” and “Metering” menus that allow the
user access to different features. Figure 7-24 displays the features included under the
Display menu.

Figure 7-24: iDP-210 Display menu

7.8.1 Application Diagram

Provides a view of all the protection logic elements used in the relay along with analog
metering quantities. If the 52E:Dialog variable is set to “1” (see Section 7.10.1), then it is
also possible to TRIP and CLOSE the breaker from this view.
The Application Diagram View shows the following under the following modes:
In View-Online Mode: Shows actual relay data and status. The display is continuously
updated with live, streaming data coming from the relay.
In Event Playback Mode: Shows the status of the relay at the time the event playback
cursor is set to. The display will change appropriately as the event cursor is moved back
and forth.
In Simulation Mode: Shows the status of the simulated relay performance as the simulated
event is advanced.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-25: Application Diagram window

7.8.2 Display Targets

Figure 7-26: Targets display

This display shows the status of all of the targets on the front of the relay. To access this
display, follow the Display>Targets menu path from the main menu. In the figure, four of
the targets are shown active. In View Online mode (see Section 7.7) these targets are
continuously updated. During event playback, these targets reflect the behavior of the
relay during the actual event. The meaning of each of these targets is described in
Section 5.4 on page 53.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.8.3 Display External Alarms

Figure 7-27: External Alarms display

This display shows the status of all of the relay’s external alarms. To access this display,
follow the Display>External Alarms menu path from the main menu. External alarms are
those caused by events external to the relay hardware itself. In the figure, none of the
targets are shown active. In View Online mode (see Section 7.7) these alarms are
continuously updated. The status of these alarms is also presented on the relay LCD
display. See Section

7.8.4 Display Internal Alarms

Figure 7-28: Internal Alarms display

This display shows the status of all of the relay’s internal alarms. To access this display,
follow the Display>Internal Alarms menu path from the main menu. Internal alarms are
those caused by the relay hardware itself. In the figure all of the targets are shown
normal. In View Online mode (see Section 7.7) these targets are continuously updated.
The status of these alarms is also presented on the relay LCD display. See Section

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.8.5 Display Contact Inputs and Outputs

Two display dialog boxes are provided to show the status of the contact inputs and contact
outputs. These are accessed by following the Display>Contact Inputs and
Display>Contact Outputs menu paths. The Contact Intputs display is shown in Figure
When a PC is connected to the relay running ProView, CLICKING on the Go Online
button at the bottom of these dialog boxes will result in the display showing the actual
status of the contacts. This display will be updated continuously until the dialog box is
closed, or until the Go Offline button is CLICKED. Note the Go Offline button will not
appear until the Go Online button has been successfully depressed.

Figure 7-29: View Contact Itputs Display Dialog

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.8.6 Display Recloser Status

Access this screen via the Display>Recloser Status menu path. This screen is updated
continuously in View Online mode. The display indicates the status of all logical inputs and
outputs to and from the recloser logic.


For more complete descriptions of the Recloser Inputs and Recloser Outputs, see S165-210-2, Idea
Workbench Programming Guide.

Figure 7-30: Recloser Status Display

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.8.7 Display Sync-Scope

The Sync-Scope display is accessed via the Display>Sync-Scope menu path. The display
consists of two parts as shown in Figure 7-31.

Figure 7-31: Typical Sync-Scope display

On the left is a phasor display that will show the phasors of the bus and line voltages used
to determine synchronization. On the right are a series of blocks that will show their
contents if appropriate. For example, either the “Sync Check is NOT running.” or the
“Sync Check IS running.” box will appear, but never both. From top to bottom, these
blocks are described in Table 7-2.

This display is useful only during event playback, when using the Virtual Test Set, or when
in Online-View mode. The display will appear as shown in Figure 8-31 when in Online
View mode.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Block Display Description

x = |Vline| - |Vbus| Difference of the magnitudes of the phasors of the line

(synch-side) and bus (phase-side) voltages.

x = |Vline| Magnitude of the line (synch side) voltage phasor.

x= |Vbus| Magnitude of the bus (phase side) voltage phasor.

Synch Check is NOT running. Displayed when the sync-check element is NOT running.

Synch Check IS running. Displayed when the sync-check element IS running.

Hot Bus Voltages The bus (phase side voltages) is hot as defined by the
29:59Hot7 setting.

Hot Line Voltage The line (synch side) voltage) is hot as defined by the
29:59Hot7 setting.

Dead Bus Voltages The bus (phase side voltages) is dead as defined by the
29:27Dead7 setting.

Dead Line Voltage The line (synch side) voltage) is hot as defined by the
29:27Dead7 setting.

Close Prohibited due to Anti-Motoring (Voltage The line and bus voltages are such that motoring will occur
level) when the breaker is closed.

Close Prohibited due to Anti-Motoring (Slip The slip between the line and bus frequencies is such that
Polarity) motoring will occur when the breaker is closed.

Close Prohibited due to Anti-Motoring (Angle The angle between the line and bus voltages are such that
Polarity) motoring will occur when the breaker is closed.

Static Angle Close Prohibited The angle between the bus and line voltages exceeds the
(Angle not in Limits) 25:SAngle7 setting.

Static Angle Close Prohibited The slip between the bus and line voltages exceeds the
(Slip not in Limits) 25:SSlip7 setting.

Close Prohibited (Bus frequency not in limits) The bus frequency is below the 25:81UFB7 or above the
25:81OFB settings.

Close Prohibited (Line frequency not in Limits) The line frequency is below the 25:81ULB7 or above the
25:81OLB7 settings.

Anticipatory Close Prohibited (Slip not in Limit) The expected slip when using the anticipatory close logic
is greater than the 25:ASlip7 setting.

Anticipatory Close Prohibited (Anticipated Angle The expected angle between the bus and line voltages
not in limits) when using the anticipatory close logic is greater than the

Breaker close is NOT permitted. Displayed when the sync element is running and the
synchronism conditions have not been met.

Breaker close IS permitted. Displayed when the sync element is running and the
synchronism conditions have been met.
Table 7-2 : Description of the Sync-Scope Status Displays

See Section 8.7 on page 155 for a detailed description of all settings pertaining to the sync-check function.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

7.8.8 Display Breaker Statistics

The Breaker Statistics display, see Figure 7-32, is accessed via the Display>Breaker
Statistics menu path. The display consists of two parts. When in View Online mode, this
dialog shows the current values of the various breaker heath monitoring elements as
downloaded from the relay.
To reset all elements except the operations counter, LEFT CLICK on the
Reset Breaker Statistics button.
To access the breaker statistics settings, LEFT CLICK on the Related Settings button.
This will take you directly to the Breaker Monitoring Functions dialog box as described in
Section 8.12.2. If not in View Online mode, then the display will show the data saved to
the PC the last time it was connected to any relay.

Figure 7-32: Breaker Statistics display

7.8.9 Display Fault Locator Results

The Fault Locator display, see Figure 7-33, is accessed via the Display>Fault Locator
Results menu path. This dialog displays the results of the currently loaded fault record, or,
if connected to a relay, the fault locator results of the most recent fault event in the relay’s
The Fault Summary listing is a very shorthand version of the fault. In this case it indicates
a Level 1, phase A to Ground Trip (1AGT), the distance to fault and the time to trip.
The Expanded Fault Summary adds information regarding the phase current magnitudes
at the time of trip and which fault location algorithm was used by the relay in computing the
distance to fault.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-33: Fault Locator Results Display Dialog Box

7.8.10 Display Data Profiler

The Data Profiler display is accessed via the Display>Data Profiler menu path shown in
Figure 7-34. The Data Profiler is used for acquiring metering data for a specific period of
time. The Data Profiler is not automatic; it must be manually configured. The Data Profiler
is capable of retaining metering data for each phase. The number of data samples that
can be retained is dependent upon the number of metering forms used and the sample
rate interval.

Figure 7-34: Data Profiler Menu Path

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

By selecting the fewest and most appropriate metering forms at a high sample rate, a
large amount of metering data can be acquired to determine the cause of many line and
power quality issues.
1. Select Data Profiler dialog box from the Display menu as shown in Figure 7-34. The
Data Profiler dialog as shown in Figure 7-35 will appear.

Figure 7-35: Data Profiler dialog

2. Click the Configure button to display the Data Profiler Configuration dialog box.
Note: Seven metering options are already configured as the default.
The metering options are listed on the left of the screen. Use the scroll bar to view all
of the options.
The Selected metering options listed on the right side of the dialog are the active
options. A metering option must be listed in this field to be enabled.
Note: If WB Data Profiler (#01):(!) through #10 are selected, they must be configured
in the IDEA Workbench via the Workbench Outputs Tool box>Data Profiler menu.
Drive the output with any analog input from the Workbench Inputs menu. Refer to
S165-210-2, iDP-210 Workbench Programming Guide, for additional information.
Refer to Figure 7-36.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-36: Data Profiler Configuration dialog.

3. Select metering options. Click the desired metering option in the Available list, then
click ADD >> or double-click the metering option in the Available list.
Note: To remove a metering option from the selected list, click on the metering
option, then click << Remove.
4. Set the date the recordings are to start.
A Trend Time will be given in days and hours when the Continuous feature is
enabled. If 0 Hrs. is displayed, the start/stop times are set before the current date.
Trend Time is the total amount of time the Data Profiler can record. This time will vary
and is dependent on the sample rate and the number of metering options selected.
Note: It is recommended to enable the Continuous feature and note the Trend Time
A. Click the Continuous box if the recordings are not to be stopped. A check mark
appears when enabled.
B. Set the stop date if Continuous is not enabled. Make sure there is enough Trend
Time available.
5. Set the Starting Time of Day the recordings are to begin from the drop down menu.
6. Set the Duration of time the Profiler is to run each day, beginning at the Starting Time
of Day, from the drop down menu.
7. Set the Sampling Interval from the drop down menu. Frequent sampling rates
decrease the amount of Trend Time available.
8. Click OK to return to the Data Profiler screen.
The Data Profiler will display data only after the first sampling interval.
Note: Any altered settings must be downloaded to take effect.
9. Click the Write to File button to save the Data Profiler data.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

10. Select a profile view by clicking in a View selection button.

• The Triggered view displays data initiated by an alarm(s) configured in the
• The Periodic view displays data from periodic sampling.
• The All view displays both the triggered and periodic data.

7.9 Displaying Metering Data

The iDP-210 provides a rich set of metering data, including instantaneous metering,
demand metering, energy metering, and harmonic analysis. To access the data, go to the
Metering menu as shown in Figure 7-37.

Figure 7-37: iDP-210 Metering Menu

7.10 Configuring Relay Password and ProView and MMI Control

Via the front panel MMI and when connected to the relay with ProView, it is possible to
issue commands to TRIP or CLOSE the circuit breaker and to force contact input and
output states. The ability to accomplish these functions are defined by settings in the
relay. To access these settings follow the Settings>Relay Behavior>MMI Force and Dialog
Enables menu path as shown in Figure 7-38. This will open the dialog box shown in
Figure 7-39.

Figure 7-38: Accessing the MMI Forcing and Dialog Enables Settings dialog

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 7-39: MMI Forcing and Dialog Enables settings screen

7.10.1 Enabling Relay MMI for Control Actions and Setting the Relay Password
From the dialog box shown in Figure 7-39 it is possible to control whether the following
actions may be performed from the front panel of the relay:
• Operate the circuit breaker.
• Momentarily force the state of any contact input.
• Momentarily force the state of any contact output.
This dialog box also provides the ability to change the password which must be entered
through the relay’s MMI to make setting changes. The settings available in this dialog box
are described in the following table.

Setting Description Range

En-TripClose Enable tripping and closing the circuit Checked (enabled)
breaker from the relay’s front panel Unchecked (disabled)
En:ForceInputs Enable the ability to momentarily force Checked (enabled)
a change in a contact input’s logical Unchecked (disabled)
state from the relay’s front panel MMI.
En:ForceOutputs Enable the ability to momentarily force Checked (enabled)
a change in a contact output’s Unchecked (disabled)
physical AND logical state from the
relay’s front panel MMI.
Password:MMI The password which must be entered 0 to 30000
on the relay’s front panel MMI when
attempting to change settings. The
factory default password value is 0.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Setting Description Range

52E:Dialog Enable tripping and closing the Checked (enabled)
breaker from ProView when Unchecked (disabled)
connected to the relay in View-Online
mode. See Section 7.10.2.

7.10.2 Controlling the Operation of the Circuit Breaker from Within ProView
To enable ProView to operate the breaker, the 52E:Dialog setting box must be checked
(enabled). This checkbox is accessed from the Settings>Relay Behavior>MMI Force and
Dialog Enables menu path.
Once the 52E:Dialog setting is enabled, it is possible to operate the breaker via the
Control Power Circuit Breaker dialog. This is accessed from the Display>Power Circuit
Breaker menu path. See Figure 7-40. This brings up the dialog box shown in Figure

Figure 7-40: Accessing the Control Power Circuit Breaker Dialog

Figure 7-41: Control Power Circuit Breaker Dialog

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

This dialog presents the user with important status information to assist in making the
decision whether or not to operate the breaker. This information includes phase currents,
breaker 52a or 52b status (as set in the Settings>General Systems Settings Dialog), key
relay output contact statuses, and whether or not Trip/Close is enabled.
In addition, a button in this dialog box provides direct Go Online/Go Offline functionality.
It is also possible to operate the breaker from the Application Diagram screen. See
Section 7.8.1.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8 Protection and Control Settings

8.1 Introduction
The iDP-210 scheme provides comprehensive protection, control, and monitoring for
The iDP-210 offers the following protection functions:
Three Phase Overcurrent Protection:
One inverse time overcurrent element plus three zones of instantaneous overcurrent
elements. Low and medium set elements are equipped with timers for definite-time
Residual Overcurrent Protection:
One inverse time overcurrent element plus three zones of instantaneous overcurrent
elements. Low and medium set elements are equipped with timers for definite-time
Negative Sequence Overcurrent Protection:
One inverse time overcurrent element plus three zones of instantaneous overcurrent
elements. Low and medium set elements are equipped with timers for definite-time
Directional Torque Control:
All overcurrent elements can individually be setup with torque control to trip for faults
in the forward or reverse direction.
Multiple-Shot Reclosing:
Four-shot programmable reclosing with individual timers is provided. The reclosing
logic allows for selective reclose initiate and cancel commands based on the tripping
element. Sequence coordination with downstream devices is also provided.
Sync-Check Element:
A sync-check element equipped with “Hot bus-Dead line”, “Dead bus-Hot Line”,
“Dead bus-Dead line” and “Hot bus-Hot line” logic is provided.
Frequency Based Load Shedding and Restoration:
Five levels of underfrequency load shedding with individual timers are provided. The
underfrequency elements can be setup with voltage and/or current supervision.
The restoration logic, if enabled, allows for restoration of the feeder when the voltage
and frequency come back within acceptable limits. A separate underfrequency alarm
level is also provided.
Voltage Elements:
Three levels of definite-time over/under voltage elements, one negative-sequence
overvoltage element, and one zero-sequence overvoltage element are provided.
Cold Load Pickup Detection:
Truncates the overcurrent elements below a set point during cold load pickup

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Load Encroachment Logic:

Prevents phase overcurrent elements from operating if the feeder load level begins to
encroach upon the overcurrent element settings.
Incipient Cable Splice Fault Detector Logic:
Allows for detection of failing splices on underground cables.
Breaker Failure Logic
Breaker failure logic allows for detection of a failure to close and slow-to-close
Reverse Power:
A reverse power element and a timer are provided.
Fuse Failure Detection Logic:
This logic allows for detection of potential transformer fuse failure and selective
blocking of the protection elements when a fuse failure condition is detected.
Breaker Health Monitoring:
This logic provides for detailed breaker summary operations data to assist in planning
breaker maintenance.

8.2 Viewing, Saving and Loading Settings

This section describes all of the settings of the IDP-210 from the context of making the
settings changes on a PC using the ProView software. The same settings may be
changed from the relay’s front panel MMI as described in Section 4, Front Panel
To make any settings or to view any of the screens described in this section, open the
idp-210.ide scheme file in ProView first. See Section 0, Using ProView Software.
All settings are stored as tab delimited ASCII text files that may be edited separately from
the ProView environment. However, to guarantee proper formatting, it is recommended
that ProView be used to manage all settings.
To access the settings files, follow the Settings>Settings Files menu path as shown in
Figure 8-1. This will result in the dialog box as shown in Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-1: Accessing the Settings>Settings Files Dialog Box

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-2: View of the Opened Settings>Settings Files Dialog

The dialog box provides access to Write, Read or View various file types.
• Write buttons: These write the appropriate settings to an ASCII text file. This allows a
group of settings to be created and distributed to a remote location by e-mail or floppy
• Read buttons: These read the designated setting text file. This overwrites any
settings currently in the computer’s memory.
• View buttons: These will open the designated settings files using the default editor set
up in Windows to open files ending with the “.txt” extension. This is usually either
Microsoft Notepad or Wordpad.
The following file types may be written, read or viewed:
• Core Protection Settings: This file contains all the protection-related settings for the
• Idea Workbench Settings: This file contains all the settings relating to and created by
the user regarding custom logic in the IDEA Workbench.
• Comm Related Settings: This file contains all the settings relating to and created by
the user regarding communications in the Communications Workbench.
• Simulation Settings: This file contains all of the settings related to the Virtual Test Set.
See Section 9 for more information on the Virtual Test Set.
• All Settings: This file contains all of the above.

8.3 Setting Groups

The iDP-210 provides eight setting groups. Setting group ‘1’ is the default setting group.
Setting group selection is accomplished through front panel control, contact input, by
communications, or through customer logic implemented in the IDEA Workbench.
The Select Setting Groups dialog box is accessed via the Settings>Setting
Groups>Select Setting Groups menu path as shown in Figure 8-3.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-3: Opening the Setting Group Dialog Box

This dialog box provides control of the following:

Active setting group selection
Select view/modify active setting group
Select setting Group Names

8.3.1 Selecting a Setting Group to View and/or Modify

Following the Settings>Setting Groups>Select Setting Groups menu path will result in the
dialog box shown in Figure 8-4 to appear. The topmost drop down box marked
VIEW/MODIFY GROUP allows for selection of which group’s setting will be displayed in all of
the dialog boxes within ProView. When the PC is connected to the relay in ProView’s
View-Online mode (see Section 7.7), selecting a setting group to view and/or modify does
NOT change the active setting group on the relay itself. Changing the active setting group
must be accomplished through the Select Active Setting Group dialog described in
Section 9.3.2. This is accomplished through the Select Active Setting Group menu. Note
that, when in View-Online mode, making a change to the View/Display setting will also
affect which settings are viewed and displayed on the relay’s LCD panel.
The lowest section of the dialog shows the names of the eight available setting groups.
If it is desired to change the name of one or more setting groups, a button is provided at
the bottom of the dialog to take you directly to the Select Setting Group Names dialog.
See Section 8.3.3 for more information on this dialog.
The relay can programmed via the Idea Workbench so that Setting Group #1 maintains
precedence over the other setting groups. Refer to S165-210-2 for additional information.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-4: Select Setting Group Dialog Box

8.3.2 Selecting the Active Setting Group

The dialog box shown in Figure 8-4 also provides control of which setting group will be
active when an updated settings file is downloaded to the relay. Note that when the PC is
connected to the relay and communicating via ProView in the View-Online mode (see
Section 7.7), it is possible to select which setting group is active on the relay itself. This is
accomplished through the ACTIVE GROUP drop down box as shown in the figure.

CAUTION: Equipment misoperation. Selecting a different setting group in the

! Active Group drop down dialog will result in an immediate change to
the relay's active setting group when in View-Online mode or later
when an updated settings file is downloaded to the relay. Unplanned
or inadvertent changes to the active setting group can result in relay
and breaker misoperation, equipment damage, and personal injury.

The lower section of the dialog shows the names of the eight available setting groups. If it
is desired to change the name of one or more setting groups, a button is provided at the
bottom of the dialog to take you directly to the Select Setting Group Names dialog. See
Section 9.3.3 for more information on this dialog.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.3.3 Establishing Setting Group Names

Each of the eight setting groups can be given a name to more easily identify the function
or purpose of each setting group. This name is also viewable on the relay’s LCD display.
To change the setting group names, select Customize Setting Group Names from the
Setting Groups menu as shown in Figure 8-3. This will result it the dialog shown in
Figure 8-5. When done entering the names, click on OK to retain the changes.

Figure 8-5: Select View/Modify Group Dialog Box

8.3.4 Copying Setting Groups

Frequently one setting group will be based upon another. For example, a storm setting
group may be identical to a clear weather setting group except for the number of fast shots
on the reclose cycle. In this case duplicating all the other settings manually can be
tedious. The Copy Setting Group dialog provides the ability to copy all of the settings from
any of the eight setting groups to any of the other eight groups.
Use the two drop down boxes at the top of the dialog shown in Figure 8-6 to select the
FROM and TO setting groups, then click on the Copy button to copy the settings. Note
there is no UNDO function once the Copy button has been pressed.

CAUTION: Equipment misoperation. Copying a setting group overwrites all

! settings in the “Copy to Group” setting group. Unplanned or
inadvertent changes to all of the settings in a setting group can
result in equipment misoperation, equipment damage, and personal

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-6: Copy Setting Group Dialog Box

8.4 General Settings

8.4.1 General System Settings:

Open up the “System Settings” window by clicking on Settings>General. See Figure 8-7.
This will provide access to basic system data, voltage and current transducer ratios, line
parameters for use by the fault detector algorithms and demand meter settings. The
window will appear as in Figure 8-8.

Figure 8-7: Opening the General "System Settings" Window

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-8: "General System Settings" Window

Element Description Range

User Device 19 character text string 0 to 20 characters
Nom:Freq Nominal power system 50/60
Nom:INpri Neutral current transformer 1 – 100,000 A primary
primary current rating

Nom:INsec Neutral current transformer 0.01 – 10 A secondary

secondary current rating
Nom:IPpri Phase current transformer 1 – 100,000 A primary
primary current rating

Nom:IPsec Phase current transformer 0.5 – 10 A secondary

secondary current rating
Nom:VPpri Potential transformer 1 – 2,000 kV primary
primary voltage rating
Nom:VPsec Potential transformer 50 - 150 V secondary
secondary rating

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

52aDebounce62 Period of time the breaker 0 – 0.25 seconds
contact input state must
remain in its new steady
state condition before
passing along that change
of state to the system.
TripCloseDeboun Period of time the Trip or 0 – 0.25 seconds
ce62 Close contact input state
must remain in its new
steady state condition
before passing along that
change of state to the
Contact Input Contact Input capability DC Only or AC/DC*
*Selecting AC/DC will
lengthen the contact input
dropout time by 20∼30
PT:Cnxm PT Connection Wye (setting = 0)
Delta (setting = 1)
Form of Breaker Determines form of the 52a or 52b
Aux Contact Input breaker auxiliary contact
wired to terminals 3 and 4
of Terminal Block 1.
FL:RL0 Zero sequence line 0 – 250 ohms secondary
FL:XL0 Zero sequence line 0.05 – 250 ohms secondary
FL:RL1 Positive sequence line 0 – 250 ohms secondary
FL:XL1 Positive sequence line 0.05 – 250 ohms secondary
FL:RS0 Zero-Seq Source 0 – 250 ohms secondary
Resistance to estimate
V0=-ZS0*I0 with Delta PT's
(Ohms sec)
FL:XS0 Zero-Seq Source 0.05 – 250 ohms secondary
Reactance to estimate
V0=-ZS0*I0 with Delta PT's
(Ohms sec)
FL:Length Line length corresponding Minimum=0
to ZL1
FL:Units Units of length 1=miles, 2=km

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.5 Overcurrent Elements

All overcurrent elements in the iDP-210 may be set to be directional or non-directional in
nature. Note that the 67 (directional overcurrent) naming convention is used for these
elements regardless of whether being used as directional or non-directional elements8.

8.5.1 Setting Directional Parameters

Two dialog boxes contain the settings required to properly set up the directional functions.
The first box is found via the Settings>Overcurrent>Directional Settings menu path. The
second is found via the Settings>Overcurrent>Fault Detector Settings menu path. Setting Maximum Torque Angles and Polarization Method

Open up the “Directional Settings” window by following the

Settings>Overcurrent>Directional Settings menu path. This will result in the dialog box as
shown in Figure 8-9. This provides access to those settings used by the overcurrent
elements to determine directionality.
Note that the 67R:T32 setting is used to determine whether the relay uses zero sequence
or negative sequence polarization for determining directionality of the residual and
sensitive ground fault overcurrent elements. This setting is made through the drop down
box located in the lower portion of the dialog box. If delta connected PTs are used, zero
sequence polarization is not possible and the relay will automatically use negative
sequence polarization regardless of the 67R:T32 and 67SEF:T32 settings.
If the user selects negative sequence polarization, be aware that the directionalized
67SEF (and other directional ground OC) will be blocked unless adequate negative
sequence torque is generated. In fact, the negative sequence torque is likely not to be
adequate if the fault current is so low as to only be detectable via the sensitive IN input.

Figure 8-9: The Directional Settings Window

If the over-current elements use the 50/51 function naming convention, then when used as directional elements, the names are
misleading and the additional care taken when using directional elements may be more easily forgotten. The use of the 67
(directional overcurrent) naming convention is also misleading when the elements are used in a non-directional fashion, but since
67 elements generally require more attention to set properly, the use of the 67 naming convention is felt to be more conservative.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

The settings available in this dialog box are:

Element Description Range

32NF:MTA Zero sequence directional -360 to 360 degrees
maximum torque angle
32NF:Trq Zero sequence directional torque 0 – 100 VA
threshold (V0*I0)
32PF:MTA Positive sequence directional -360 to 360 degrees
maximum torque angle
32PF:Trq Positive sequence directional 0 – 100 VA
torque threshold (V1*I1)
32QF:MTA Negative sequence directional -360 to 360 degrees
maximum torque angle
32QF:Trq Negative sequence directional 0 – 100 VA
torque threshold (V2*I2)
32SEF:MTA Sensitive earth fault directional -360 to 360 degrees
maximum torque angle
32SEF:Trq Sensitive earth fault directional 0 – 100 VA
torque threshold (V0*INsec/3)
67R:T32 Method for determining Zero sequence or
directionality of residual negative sequence
overcurrent elements. polarization
67SEF:T32 Method for determining Zero sequence or
directionality of sensitive earth negative sequence
fault overcurrent elements. polarization

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Setting Directional Fault Detectors

Follow the Settings>Overcurrent>Fault Detector Settings menu path to open the dialog
box as shown in Figure 8-10.

Figure 8-10: Fault Detector Settings Window

The iDP-210 relay has three instantaneous overcurrent elements that are used exclusively
to assist in determining the type of fault, if any, that is present on the power system, hence
the reason they are called “fault detector elements.” There is one element each for
positive, negative and zero sequence current. These pickup settings for these elements
are called 46PFD, 46QFD and 46NFD respectively.
Most importantly these elements are involved in:
determining which directional elements to enable during fault conditions;
supervision of the load encroachment logic since load encroachment is valid only for
balanced three phase conditions; and
enabling of the fault location algorithm.
Setting these elements improperly can result in variety of unexpected operations.
In previous releases of the iDP-210 software, these elements had to be set by hand. New
in this release of the iDP-210 is the option to have the relay automatically set them based
on the settings of the other overcurrent elements in the relay. This autoset option is
selected by default in the iDP-210.
NOTE: The autoset feature as described in the following section will only work if at least
one corresponding normal overcurrent element is enabled. For example, if none of the
negative sequence overcurrent elements are enabled, then the negative sequence fault
detector (46QFD) must still be set manually. This is also true for the positive and zero-
sequence fault detectors.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Theory of Setting

The directional phase overcurrent elements, 67P, must be able to trip directionally for
either balanced or unbalanced faults. The 46PFD element must be set such that it picks
up for the lowest-current magnitude three-phase fault that is desired to be treated as a
three-phase fault by the 67P elements.
The 46NFD and 46QFD elements must be similarly set such that they pick up for the
lowest-current magnitude single-phase and phase-to-phase faults which are desired to be
treated as single-phase and phase-to-phase unbalanced faults by the 67P elements.
Additionally, the 46NFD and 46QFD settings must be high enough that they do not pick up
for system unbalance or for any actual three-phase fault for which the 67P elements are
required to trip. If not so coordinated, the 46NFD or 46QFD elements will pick up when
they shouldn't, resulting in possible erroneous directionality decisions. Automatic Setting of Fault Detector Elements
By default, the Fault Detector elements will automatically be set to be equal to the
minimum pick-up value of any related enabled settings multiplied by the value of the
46FDRatio setting. This setting can be set from 0.8 to 1.0, with the default at 1.0.
The positive sequence fault detector 46PFD, will be set to be equal to the minimum of the
pickup values of these enabled elements, multiplied by the value of 46FDRatio:
• Phase time overcurrent pickup element, pickup value setting 67P:PU
• Phase low set definite overcurrent element, pickup value 67PL
• Phase medium set definite overcurrent element, pickup value 67PM
• Phase instantaneous (high set) overcurrent element, pickup value 67PH
The negative sequence fault detector 46QFD, will be set to be equal to the minimum of the
pickup values of these enabled elements, multiplied by the value of 46FDRatio:
• Negative sequence time overcurrent pickup element, pickup value setting
• Negative sequence low set definite overcurrent element, pickup value 67QL
• Negative sequence medium set definite overcurrent element, pickup value 67QM
• Negative sequence instantaneous (high set) overcurrent element, pickup value
The zero sequence fault detector 46NFD, will be set to be equal to the minimum of the
pickup values of these enabled elements, multiplied by the value of 46FDRatio:
• Zero sequence time overcurrent pickup element, pickup value setting 67R:PU
• Zero sequence low set definite overcurrent element, pickup value 67RL
• Zero sequence medium set definite overcurrent element, pickup value 67RM
• Zero sequence instantaneous (high set) overcurrent element, pickup value 67RH

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Manual Setting of Fault Detector Elements

To make these settings manually, the settings available in this dialog box are:

Element Description Range

46NFD Residual overcurrent fault detector. 0.005 – 90
This should be set equal to the residual
minimum expected residual fault secondary Amps
current level and above any
NOTE: Set below
expected level of residual current
0.1A only if the
expected due to system unbalance.
67SEF element is
46PFD Positive sequence overcurrent fault 0.025 – 90
detector. This should be set equal positive sequence
to the minimum expected three- secondary Amps
phase fault current level.
46QFD Negative sequence overcurrent 0.025 - 90
fault detector. This should be set negative
equal to the minimum expected sequence
negative sequence current secondary Amps
expected to flow during any
unbalanced fault. This should also
be above the level of any negative
sequence current that will flow
during unbalance conditions.

8.5.2 Overcurrent elements

The iDP-210 is equipped with three types (phase, ground, and negative sequence) of
overcurrent elements. The ground overcurrent elements use a residual signal internally
calculated from the three phase current inputs. The relay is also equipped with one level
of definite time sensitive earth fault (SEF) or a low-set neutral overcurrent element. These
elements use the signal connected to the fourth CT input on the relay. The SEF element
may be set as low as 5mA secondary current. The 67N element may be set down to 0.1A
secondary current. Note that there is a hardware difference in the relay for the 67N or
67SEF elements. See the ordering options in Section 13.2 on page 212. Standard time-
current curves and the ability to define custom curves are also available. Phase Overcurrent

To access the phase overcurrent elements, follow the Settings>Overcurrent>Phase OC

menu path as shown in Figure 8-11. The Phase OC window will appear. See Figure
8-12. The Enable check-box for each element enables that element within the scheme. If
the element is not enabled, there is no need to alter the settings. This is true for all the
protection elements. If it is desired to have the element enabled to be used in the IDEA
Workbench, but it is not desired to have the element interact with the reclose logic, then
leave the box checked, and set the Reclose Action for the appropriate element to “- - - -“
as described in Section 8.6.2, Defining Reclose and Lockout Action.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-11: Opening the Phase Overcurrent Setting Window

Figure 8-12: Phase Overcurrent Setting Window

The “Details…” box at the bottom of the setting window displays the setting range for the
selected element. Place the cursor in a settings box to view the setting range for that
The setting window also displays the selected setting group.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

The Definite Time Overcurrent settings available in this dialog box are:

Element Description Range

67PL Low-set phase overcurrent 0.025 to 90 sec. amperes
67PL:62 Timer 0-3600 seconds
67PL:TC Torque control for low-set None, Forward or Reverse
phase overcurrent element
67PM: Medium-set phase 0.025 to 90 sec. amperes
overcurrent element
67PM:62 Timer 0-3600 seconds
67PM:TC Torque control for medium- None, Forward or Reverse
set phase overcurrent
67PH: High-set phase overcurrent 0.1 to 90 sec. Amperes
67PH:TC Torque control for high-set None, Forward or Reverse
phase overcurrent element

The Inverse Time Overcurrent settings available in this dialog box are:

Curve type: IEEE Minimum Inverse

IEEE Very Inverse
IEEE Extremely Inverse
IEC-D Long Inverse
IEC-E Standard Inverse
User Defined
Pickup 0.025 to 90 sec. amperes
Time dial 0.1 to 10
Torque control: None, Forward, or Reverse
Reset mode: Instantaneous or Disk-like
Definite time knee (flat) 4 – 40 times pickup

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Ground Overcurrent

To access the ground overcurrent elements, follow the Settings>Overcurrent>Ground OC

menu path as shown in Figure 8-13. The Ground OC window will appear as in Figure
8-14. The Enable check-box for each element enables that element within the scheme. If
the element is not enabled, there is no need to alter the settings. This is true for all the
protection elements. If it is desired to have the element enabled to be used in the IDEA
Workbench, but it is not desired to have the element interact with the reclose logic, then
leave the box checked, and set the Reclose Action for the appropriate element to “- - - -“
as described in Section 8.6.2, Defining Reclose and Lockout Action.

Figure 8-13: Opening the Ground Overcurrent Setting Window

Figure 8-14: Ground Overcurrent Setting Window

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

The Definite Time Overcurrent settings available in this dialog box are:

Element Description Range

67NL/SEF:E Determines whether the 67NL 0 = both 67NL and 67SEF
or 67SEF neutral element is disabled
1 = 67NL enabled
2 = 67SEF enabled
67NL Low set instantaneous 0.1 – 90 sec. Amps
overcurrent pickup
67SEF Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF) 0.005 – 18 sec. Amps
overcurrent element pickup
67NL/SEF:62 Timer delay for 67NL or 67SEF 0.05 – 3600 seconds
67NL/SEF:TC Torque control for 67NL or None, Forward or Reverse
67SEF element
67RL: Low-set residual overcurrent 0.025 to 90 sec. amperes
67RL:62 Timer 0-3600 seconds
67RL:TC Torque control for low-set None, Forward or Reverse
residual overcurrent element
67RM: Medium-set residual 0.025 to 90 sec. amperes
overcurrent element
67RM:62 Timer 0-3600 seconds
67RM:TC Torque control for medium-set None, Forward or Reverse
residual overcurrent element
67RH: High-set residual overcurrent 0.1 to 90 sec. Amperes
67RH:TC Torque control for high-set None, Forward or Reverse
residual overcurrent element

The Inverse Time Overcurrent settings available in this dialog box are:

Curve type: IEEE Minimum Inverse

IEEE Very Inverse
IEEE Extremely Inverse
IEC-D Long Inverse
IEC-E Standard Inverse

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

User Defined
Pickup 0.025 to 90 sec. amperes
Time dial 0.1 to 10
Torque control: None, Forward, or Reverse
Reset mode: Instantaneous or Disk-like
Definite time knee (flat) 4 – 40 times pickup Negative Sequence Overcurrent

To access the negative sequence overcurrent elements, follow the

Settings>Overcurrent>Neg Seq OC menu path as shown in Figure 8-15. The Neg Seq
OC window will appear as in Figure 8-16. The Enable check-box for each element
enables that element within the scheme. If the element is not enabled, there is no need to
alter the settings. This is true for all the protection elements. If it is desired to have the
element enabled to be used in the IDEA Workbench, but it is not desired to have the
element interact with the reclose logic, then leave the box checked, and set the Reclose
Action for the appropriate element to “- - - -“ as described in Section 8.6.2, Defining
Reclose and Lockout Action.

Figure 8-15: Opening the Negative Sequence Overcurrent Setting Window

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-16: Negative Sequence Overcurrent Setting Window

The Definite Time Overcurrent settings available in this dialog box are:

Element Description Range

67QL: Low-set neg. sequence overcurrent 0.025 to 90 sec. amperes
67QL:62 Timer 0-3600 seconds
67QL:TC Torque control for low-set negative None, Forward or Reverse
sequence overcurrent element
67QM: Medium-set neg. sequence overcurrent 0.025 to 90 sec. amperes
67QM:62 Timer 0-3600 seconds
67QM:TC Torque control for medium-set negative None, Forward or Reverse
sequence overcurrent element
67QH: High-set neg. sequence overcurrent 0.1 to 90 sec. Amperes
67QH:TC Torque control for high-set negative None, Forward or Reverse
sequence overcurrent element

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

The Inverse Time Overcurrent settings available in this dialog box are:

Curve type: IEEE Minimum Inverse

IEEE Very Inverse
IEEE Extremely Inverse
IEC-D Long Inverse
IEC-E Standard Inverse
User Defined
Pickup 0.025 to 90 sec. amperes
Time dial 0.1 to 10
Torque control: None, Forward, or Reverse
Reset mode: Instantaneous or Disk-like
Definite time knee (flat) 4 – 40 times pickup iDP-210 Inverse Time Characteristics:

The iDP-210 curves are derived based on the following equations:

Trip time:

⎛ A ⎞
T t = TD × ⎜ P + B⎟
⎝M -1 ⎠
When Disk-like reset is selected for the IEEE curve shapes, the reset time is determined
by the following formula:

⎛ C ⎞
Tr = TD × ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ M -1 ⎠
M = Multiples of pickup
TD = Time dial setting

Curve Type A B P C
IEEE MI 0.0515 0.114 0.02 4.85
IEEE VI 19.61 0.491 2.0 21.6
IEEE EI 28.2 0.1217 2.0 29.1
IEC-A 0.14 0 0.02 --

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Curve Type A B P C
IEC-B 13.5 0 1.0 --
IEC-C 80.0 0 2.0 --
IEC-D (LI) 120.0 0 1.0 --
IEC-E (SI) 0.05 0 0.04 --
SEL-U1 0.0104 0.0226 0.02 1.08
SEL-U2 5.95 0.18 2 5.95
SEL-U3 3.88 0.0963 2 3.88
SEL-U4 5.67 .0352 2 5.67
SEL-U5 .00342 .00262 0.02 0.323

The inverse time characteristic curves follow the above equation until a user selectable
maximum multiple of pickup is reached, at which point the curves change to a definite time
characteristic. This multiple of pickup may be set between 4 and 40.
The user programmable curves are dependent on the Setting Group. The curves are
programmed within the appropriate Phase, Ground, or Negative Sequence settings
windows. Refer to Figure 8-17 for example of customized curve parameter settings.

Figure 8-17: Customed curve parameter settings.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

IEEE MI (Curve 1)

Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).

The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
the contact output operation delay as follows:
Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum
All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)


Time Dial



1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-18: IEEE Medium Inverse TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

IEEE VI (Curve 2)

Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).

The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
the contact output operation delay as follows:
Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum
All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)



Time Dial




1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-19: IEEE Very Inverse TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

IEEE EI (Curve 3)

Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).

The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
the contact output operation delay as follows:
Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum
All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)


1 7

Time Dial

1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-20: IEEE Extremely Inverse TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

IEC A (Curve 4)

Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).



Time in Seconds (T)



Time Dial

1 0.5




0.1 The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The timing tolerance
on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total response time of relay includes
this timing plus the pick up delay and the contact output operation delay as follows:

Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum

All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum

1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-21: IEC A Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

IEC B (Curve 5)

Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).
The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
the contact output operation delay as follows:

100 Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum
All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)




Time Dial

0.1 0.3



1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-22: IEC B Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

IEC C (Curve 6)

Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).

The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The timing
tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total response
time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and the contact
output operation delay as follows:

100 Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum
All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)



3.0 Time Dial

0.1 2.0

0.1 0.2 0.5


1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-23: IEC C Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).
The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and the
contact output operation delay as follows:

Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum

1000 All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)



10 3.0

Time Dial

1 0.3



1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-24: IEC LI Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).



Time in Seconds (T)


Time Dial

1 0.3



The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
0.1 timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
the contact output operation delay as follows:

Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum

All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum

1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-25: IEC SI Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).

The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
100 the contact output operation delay as follows:

Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum

All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)




Time Dial



1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-26: SEL U1 Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).

The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
the contact output operation delay as follows:
Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum
All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)


1 5

Time Dial

0.1 0.5


1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-27: SEL U2 Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).

The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
the contact output operation delay as follows:
Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum
All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)


1 10

Time Dial
0.1 1


0.01 0.1

1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-28: SEL U3 Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).

The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
the contact output operation delay as follows:
Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum
All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum
Time in Seconds (T)




0.5 1.0

1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)

Figure 8-29: SEL U4 Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

SEL U5 Curve

Curves shown flat at 40 times pickup.
(Adjustable from 4 to 40 times).

The TCC curves represent the protection element timing only. The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle. The total
response time of relay includes this timing plus the pick up delay and
the contact output operation delay as follows:
Solid state outputs (SS) contact operation delay: 1 msec maximum
All mechanical outputs (CO) contact operation delay: 5 msec maximum
Pickup delay (non-directional): 1 cycle maximum
Pickup delay (directional): 1 ½ cycle maximum

Time in Seconds (T)



0.1 2.0

Time Dial


0.01 0.2


1 10 100
Multiples of Pickup (M)
Figure 8-30: SEL U5 Curve TCC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.6 Reclosing
iDP-210 is equipped with a four-shot programmable reclosing element complete with
sequence coordination and synch-check. There are three dialog boxes that control the
action of the recloser. These dialogs and their menu paths are:
• Synch Check (Settings>Sync Check): This controls the functionality of the synch-
check elements.
• Recloser Settings (Settings>Recloser>Recloser Settings): This controls the basic
setup of the reclosing logic, such as the number of shots, sequence coordination, etc.
• Recloser Lockout Action (Settings>Recloser>Recloser/Lockout Action): This dialog
provides the ability to define how each protective element affects the reclose actions.

8.6.1 General Recloser Setup

The Recloser Settings dialog box is used to set up the basic reclosing functionality of the
iDP-210. To open up this dialog select Settings>Recloser>Recloser Settings as shown in
Figure 8-31. This will result in the dialog box as shown in Figure 8-32.

Figure 8-31: Accessing the Recloser Settings Window

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-32: Recloser Settings Window Setting the Reclose Shots

The upper left-hand corner of the Recloser Settings dialog contains a sub-group called
“Reclose Shot Settings”. The variables in this sub-group are described in the following

Element Description Range

79:mnrs Maximum number of reclose 0 to 3
79oi1 1st reclose open interval 0-3600 seconds
79oi2 2nd reclose open interval 0-3600 seconds
79oi3 3 reclose open interval 0-3600 seconds Recloser Miscellaneous Settings

The “Recloser Miscellaneous” sub-group in the Recloser Settings dialog provides access
to various timers associated with the reclose process. This setting window contains the
following settings:

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

79:62mct This is the timer that determines the minimum 0 to100 seconds
close contact assertion time. Once a close
signal has been issued, the output contact
will remain closed at least for the 79:62mct
timer setting. Set this timer for the breaker
operating time plus 1 cycle. For a 60 Hz
system, 8-cycle breaker, 79:62mct should be
set at 9 cycles, or 0.15 seconds.
79:62mtt This is the timer that determines the minimum 0 to 100 seconds
trip contact assertion time. Once a trip signal
has been issued, the output contact will
remain closed at least for the 79:62mtt timer
setting. Set this timer for the breaker
operating time plus 1 cycle. For a 5-cycle
breaker, 79:62mtt should be set at 6 cycles,
or 0.1 seconds.
79:62sof This is the Switch Onto Fault detection timer. 0 to 100 seconds
If a fault is detected within the 79:62sof timer
A setting of 0
window after the breaker closes due to a
disables this
Non-Reclose Close event9, the recloser logic
will go into lockout.
79:62res10 This is the recloser reset time interval. This 0-3600 seconds
timer runs after the breaker has successfully
re-closed. If this timer expires before another
trip, the recloser logic is reset and any
subsequent trip will being a new reclosing
sequence. Refer below to footnote 10 for
additional information regarding the subtleties
of this timer.

A Non-Reclose Close event is anytime a close command is issued through any path other than the reclose logic, regardless of
where it comes from. This specifically includes underfrequency load-shedding restoration, any front panel issued close command,
a close issued via communication with the relay by ProView while in View-Online mode, the IDEA Workbench OR:Non-Reclose
Close, AND:Non-Reclose Close, OR:Control Close and AND:Control Close outputs.

Any external close operation not initiated via the front panel or communications should either be initiated via the ci3 input
(designated as the "Close" input), or should at least be indicated to the relay via this input, if the reset timer is desired to be

If the 52a contact input is asserted without indicating that it is an external close operation by assertion of the ci3 input, then the
iDP-210 scheme will run the reset timer before the recloser is reset.

It is intended that the user close the breaker via the front panel MMI or pushbuttons, or otherwise pass any external close initiation
to the contact inputs which are factory-configured for that purpose.

Note the definition of "external close." An "external close" is any close which is commanded to the relay from outside the relay,
whether by contact input, pushbutton, or communications. A closure which occurs without the scheme's ability to observe the
outside command, and without the scheme having initiated it, is not an "external close" by this definition. Thus when it is said that
the relay instantly resets for any "external close," it is implicit that the relay be able to detect the outside command. If the relay
cannot detect the outside command, then this is an anomalous event, and the reset timer will run to completion before the recloser

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

79:62max This is the maximum cycle time for the 0-3600 seconds
reclosing sequence. If the reclosing logic
does not reset within the 79:62max setting
window, the logic is forced into lockout. To
disable all reclosing, enter a setting of 0. Fast Reclose Shots

The iDP-210 reclosing logic provides for fast reclose shots. If fast reclosing is enabled,
then it nominally occurs for all faults for which the High-Set three-phase overcurrent
elements do not trip. Or, alternatively, the conditions for which “fast reclosing” occurs can
be user-programmed from the Idea Workbench by driving the <AND: Enable Fast
Reclose> and <OR: Enable Fast Reclose> Workbench Outputs. See S165-210-2,
Workbench Programming Guide iDP-210 Feeder Protection Control and Monitoring
System for more information.
These settings are found in the “Fast Operations” sub-group of the Recloser Settings
dialog as shown in Figure 8-32. The applicable settings are:

Element Description Range

79:frs This is the number of fast reclose shots 0 to 3
allowed. The 79:frs setting determines how
many reclose shots will be fast. The normal
Open Interval Timers will be bypassed for
“79:frs” number of reclosures.
79:62frc The reclose interval timer is associated with 0 to 100
the 79:frs element. seconds Controlling Recloser Operation in the Presence of Alarms

The iDP-210 provides the ability for the user to control how the reclose logic responds in
the presence of various alarm conditions. These settings are found in the “Alarm Condition
Enables” section of the dialog box shown in Figure 8-32.
• Lock Out Reclosing and Inhibit Control Closes when Failure-to-Trip is detected.
• Lock out Reclosing and Inhibit Control Closes when Failure-to-Close is detected.
The applicable settings are:

Element Description Range

79:ELO:ftt Take the recloser to lockout if a fail-to-trip alarm is YES (checked)
declared. NO (unchecked)
79:ELO:ftc Take the recloser to lockout if a fail-to-close alarm YES (checked)
is declared. NO (unchecked)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Pausing the Recloser

By default, the duration of each open interval during a trip/reclose sequence is pre-
determined according to each reclose shot number. However, you can flexibly extend the
open intervals by driving the <AND:Enable OI Timer> and/or <OR:Enable OI Timer>
outputs in the IDEA Workbench. For more information on the IDEA Workbench, see
Service Manual S165-210-2.

Figure 8-33: “Enable OI Time” Logic

(Notes: 1. The “WB…” variables are driven by the IDEA Workbench
2. The WB(AND:enable OI Timer) Initializes to a logical 1)

In the default scheme, the open interval timer (79oix) is always enabled. So the open
interval times (79oi1, 79oi2 and 79oi3) will run once the breaker has opened, clearing a
fault in a Trip/Reclose sequence. To alter this behavior, you must first override the default
“enabled” status of the open interval timer, by driving the <AND:Enable OI Timer> outputs
with a logical “zero” signal. Then, drive the <OR:Enable OI Timer> with the logic and
timing functions you require, using a logical “one” when you want the 79oi timer to run, and
a logical “zero” when you want it to reset, or simply pause.
When the <AND:Enable OI Timer> and <OR:Enable OI Timer> outputs are both driven
with a logical zero signal, the open interval timer is always halted, but is thereafter either
reset or simply paused, depending upon the setting of the 79oir variable as is set in the
“Reset or Pause Open Interval Timer” drop down box found in the Recloser Settings
dialog box. Then, once the <OR:Enable OI Timer> output is once again driven with a
logical “one” signal, the 79oix timer’s behavior is as follows, per the 79:oir setting:
79:oir = Pause: The 79oix timer resumes timing from where it was originally paused.
79:oir = Reset: The 79oix timer resets and begins to count from zero.
A common reason for pausing the reclose sequence is when two breakers can operate for
a given fault, and it is desired that one of them always recloses first. In this case, a 52a
contact from the first breaker could drive a contact input on the second breaker’s relay (or,
of course, equivalent information could be exchanged between the two relays via
communications means). In the IDEA Workbench of the second relay, the contact input
could be connected to drive both the <AND:Enable OI Timer> and <OR:Enable OI Timer>
outputs with a logical “zero” while the first breaker is open, forcing a pause in the second
breaker’s reclose sequence. After the first breaker recloses, its 52a contact would assert,
resulting in turn in the assertion of the <AND:…> and <OR:…> Workbench output signals,
thereby allowing continuation of the reclose sequence on the second breaker.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Setting Sequence Coordination

Sequence Coordination is also set through the Settings>Recloser>Recloser Settings

menu path as shown in Figure 8-32. Sequence coordination allows for coordination with
downstream reclosers and other reclosing devices by monitoring whether the fault is
cleared independently of the relay’s own actions. This would be commonly due to a
downstream device clearing the fault before the relay responds. In this case the relay
increments the shot counter one step after detection of a fault current that rises above,
and then back below, the pickup current before any element trips the circuit breaker.
As an example, sequence coordination is commonly a concern when a downstream
recloser is programmed to disable high-speed protection elements (i.e., fast curves) after
one or more shots, and thereafter use low-speed elements (i.e., slow curves) only. If an
upstream recloser employs a similar scheme, then when the downstream recloser
disables its high-speed protection due to a persistent fault beyond the downstream
recloser, it is possible for the upstream high-speed protection to operate for the fault
before the downstream low-speed protection does. This would result in a mis-coordinated
trip of the upstream device since the fault is beyond the downstream recloser.
To maintain tripping coordination, it would be necessary for the upstream protection to
disable its high-speed tripping at the same time the downstream protection does. This is
most simply accomplished by using a similar high-speed/low-speed tripping sequence at
both locations, and then assuring that both devices are always at the same points in the
sequence - hence the term "sequence coordination." The conventional means of
maintaining this sequence coordination is to configure the upstream device so as to detect
the downstream tripping, and use this detection to keep the shot counter of the upstream
device in step with the downstream shot counter.
In the iDP-210, logic is provided for detecting pickup of the downstream tripping elements.
Here, any of the Low-set instantaneous overcurrent elements - 50PL, 50RL, and 46QL -
are used to detect faults for which the downstream protection should operate. The
combination of the Low-set elements passes through an adjustable dropout timer. The
purpose of the dropout timer is to minimize the risk of erroneously incrementing the shot
counter in the event of chatter of the Low-set elements during pickup or dropout.
Sequence coordination may be enabled or disabled through the check box as seen in
Figure 8-32. Coordination is selectable from 1 to 3 shots using the drop down dialog box.
The downstream trip detector drop out time delay setting is also accessed in this dialog

8.6.2 Defining Reclose and Lockout Action

The iDP-210 offers a very flexible means for controlling how the reclose logic is initiated or
cancelled based on which protective elements initiated the trip. To access the recloser
action settings, follow the Settings>Recloser>Reclose/Lockout Action path as shown in
Figure 8-34. This will open the dialog box as shown in Figure 8-35.
For each of the current, voltage, frequency and reverse power elements, it is possible to
define how the reclose logic behaves for each shot if that element operates. In addition to
the protective elements, it is possible to define an external contact input to initiate a trip. It
is also possible to define the reclose sequence for this contact-input initiated trip using the
“TRIP (ci)” setting available in the dialog box.
The action is controlled by choosing from the drop down menu box adjacent to each
element one of the following 13 action sequences:

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-34: Menu Path for Recloser/Lockout Action Dialog Box

Figure 8-35: Recloser/Lockout Action Dialog Box

Table 8-1: Recloser/Lockout Actions Summary

Effect of element operation on… Setting
st nd rd th
Action 1 Trip 2 Trip 3 Trip 4 Trip Code11
---- No action No action No action No action 0
RRRL Reclose allowed Reclose allowed Reclose allowed Lockout 1
RRLL Reclose allowed Reclose allowed Lockout Lockout 2

The Setting Code column indicates the value of the setting in the ASCII settings file. For example, if the value for a particular
Recloser/Lockout Action setting is set to 4, then the when the element operates, it will always result in a lockout (the action
programmed is “L L L L”).

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Effect of element operation on… Setting

st nd rd th
Action 1 Trip 2 Trip 3 Trip 4 Trip Code11
RLLL Reclose allowed Lockout Lockout Lockout 3
LLLL Lockout Lockout Lockout Lockout 4
-LLL No action Lockout Lockout Lockout 5
--LL No action No action Lockout Lockout 6
---L No action No action No action Lockout 7
--RL No action No action Reclose allowed Lockout 8
-RLL No action Reclose allowed Lockout Lockout 9
-RRL No action Reclose allowed Reclose allowed Lockout 10
R--- Reclose allowed No action No action No action 11
RR-- Reclose allowed Reclose allowed No action No action 12
For example, in Figure 8-35 it is seen that the 67PL:62P element is set for “- R R L”. This
• If the element operates, initially no action is taken. The relay does not trip and no
reclose sequence begins. Note however that the operation of the 67PL:62P element
is properly reflected in the IDEA Workbench.
• If some other element has operated and the breaker has tripped and been reclosed
(i.e., the 2nd shot), if the 67PL:62P element operates, the breaker will be tripped again
and the reclose sequence will continue.
• If the breaker has been tripped twice and reclosed twice (i.e., 3rd shot), and the
67PL:62P element operates, the breaker will be tripped again and the reclose
sequence will continue.
• If the 67PL:62P element operates after the breaker has already been reclosed three
times, the resulting fourth trip will result in a lockout condition.
Note that if two or more elements operate simultaneously, the order of precedence is
Lockout, Reclose Allowed then No Action.
In no case will the number of shots be allowed to exceed that programmed by the 79:mnrs
setting (see Section on page 149).

8.7 Sync-check12
The Sync-Check function in the iDP-210 is quite sophisticated and provides the following
A programmable Operator Window govern the time window after a front panel or
ProView-based Control Close is initiated during which the iDP will look for a closing
opportunity. This requires the user to be aware of synch—conditions (e.g., by using
the Synch-Scope view, see page 103) for those applications like distributed
generation, where extra security against out-of-synch close is especially valued
Anticipatory Close accounts for the time it takes the circuit breaker mechanism to
actually close once sent a CLOSE command.

For more information on the behavior of the frequency element algorithms used for sync-check, see Section 13.6, “Behavior of
Frequency Measuring Elements” on page 219.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Anti-motoring control assures that sync-check will be declared only when the resulting
power flow will be in the specified direction.
Sync against voltages of different PT ratios and different nominal phase angle
displacements (delta vs. wye).
Anti-pump logic
To access the synch-check element settings, follow the Settings>Sync Check menu path
as shown in Figure 8-36. This will open the Sync Check settings dialog as shown in
Figure 8-37.

Figure 8-36: Opening the Sync Check Setting Window

Figure 8-37: Sync Check Setting Window

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Dead Bus and Hot Bus Determination

The sync-check element is provided with Hot Bus-Dead Line, Dead Bus-Hot Line, Dead
Bus-Dead Line and Hot Line-Hot Bus logic. In most relays, the Bus side is defined as the
side where three phase voltage inputs are provided. The Line side has a single-phase
voltage signal. In the iDP-210 it is possible to define if the three-phase voltage input side
should be referred to as the Bus or the Line side using the 25:V3P:Loc setting.
It is possible to select which phase of the three-phase voltage side is compared against
the single-phase voltage side. Note the following definitions of hot and dead buses.
• Dead 3-phase side = ALL “3-phase-side” voltages are equal to or below the
25:27Dead setting.
• Hot 3-phase side = ANY of the “3-phase-side” voltages are equal to or above the
25:27Hot setting.
• Dead 1-phase side = The “1-phase-side” voltage is equal to or below the 25:27Dead
• Hot 1-phase side = The “3-phase-side” voltage is equal to or above the 25:27Hot
If the bus voltage is above the 25:27Dead setting, then Dead-Line-Dead Bus and Hot-
Line-Dead Bus closes will be inhibited. If the bus voltage is below the 25:59Hot setting,
then Dead-Line-Hot Bus and Hot-Line-Hot-Bus closes will be inhibited. So if the bus
voltage is in between the 25:27Dead and 25:59Hot settings, all closes will be inhibited.
All settings are made in reference to the voltages on the side of the breaker having the 3-
phase PTs.
Normally, having the bus voltage in between the 25:27Dead and 25:59Hot settings defines
an abnormal bus voltage or measurement. In this case of a “not-hot and not-dead” bus
condition, the iDP-210 is designed to avoid closing the breaker. If this precautionary
behavior is not desired, then set 25:27Dead = 25:59Hot at some compromise mid-nominal
value. This will ensure that the bus is always either strictly dead or strictly hot and never in
an indeterminate state. Voltage Phase Determination

Depending upon the location of PTs on the power system, it may be possible that the
single phase PT used for synch-check may have a different turns ratio that the bus PTs, or
may even be connected differently (delta for the line side compared to wye for the bus). To
accommodate such variations, the synch-check function provides two additional settings.
The nominal turns ratio of the VS PT input is determined by the Nom:VSSec setting. Any
phase angle difference that may be desired to be entered is made via the 25:VS:Rotate
setting. Note that all other synch-check settings are made in reference to the voltages on
the side of the breaker having the 3-phase PTs.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Determination of In-Synch Conditions

The iDP sync-check system has two key logic subsystems for supervising synchronous
closure; one for static angle closure and another for anticipatory angle closure. The
subsystems are not mutually exclusive, but operate in parallel instead. The static angle
subsystem runs when the measured slip rate is less than (25:SSlip) Hz/sec, while the
anticipatory angle subsystem runs when the measured slip rate is less than (25:ASlip)
Hz/sec. Either subsystem can grant permission for breaker closure, providing the
measured slip rate (and other voltage-related measurements, as described below) are
within their respective set limits.

The conditions for determining an in-synch condition are as follows:

1. Verify the bus and line voltages meet the Dead/Hot requirements as detailed in
Section and as defined by the 25:27Dead and 25:27Hot settings.
2. Verify the absolute value of the voltage magnitude difference between the larger of
the line or positive sequence voltage and bus voltage is equal to or less than the Max
Voltage Delta-Magnitude setting, (25:DV27). If not, do not permit close.
| |Vphase| - |Vsynch| | ≤ 25:DV27, or
| |V1| - |Vsynch| | ≤ 25:DV27
3. If the frequency slip rate is not equal to zero, verify the measured frequency slip13 is
equal to or less than the Anticipatory Slip setting, (25:ASlip). If not, do not permit an
anticipatory close operation.

If the slip is less than the 25:Aslip setting, the relay checks if the anticipated angle
upon closing of the breaker will be less than or equal to the Max Anticipated Angle
setting, (25:AAngle). The Synch-check function takes in to account the frequency slip
rate and the Breaker Closure Time as defined by the 25:BCT setting. The Close
output contact will assert (25:BCT) seconds before the breaker angle passes most
closely to zero based upon the currently measured slip rate, assuming zero slip
4. Assuming bus/line voltages are hot, and bus/line frequencies are within the 25:81
OFB, OFL, UFB, and UFL setting limits, then the relay checks to see if the anticipated
and real-time measured angles stay less than 25:SAngle degrees and the slip rate
remains below 25:Sslip Hz, all for 25:62 setup seconds. If these conditions are met,
then closure is permitted via the Static Angle Closure logic.
5. If anti-motoring is enabled through the 25:E:AMotor setting, the sync-check system
verifies that either the bus or line voltage frequency is higher (as appropriate) than the
other side upon closure initiation, and that the corresponding anticipated angle upon
closure is zero+, to ensure that incoming generation will not motor upon closure.

Frequency and Slip measurement functions employ an approximation of the positive sequence on the 3-phase voltage side.
In any event, the synch-check function does not allow an anticipatory close initiation when the angle of the voltage across the
open breaker is increasing. Effectively, this means that an anticipatory closure cannot be initiated when leading the zero angle
condition by more than 180 degrees.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Use of the Operator Window and Anti-Pump Settings

CAUTION: Unexpected close operation. The automatic supervision of a circuit

breaker CLOSE Operation by use of the Operator Window settings
applies ONLY TO THE IDEA HARDWARE. The large, red, front panel
CLOSE button on the Idea Plus hardware is wired independently of
the relay’s internal CLOSE logic. Therefore pressing the large red
CLOSE button will result in an immediate CLOSE operation without
any synch-check supervision.

If the same Operator Window functionality as described in this section is desired for the
CLOSE button on the front of the IdeaPLUS hardware, then a separate output contact of
the IdeaPLUS relay hardware should be wired electrically in series with the CLOSE output
of the IDEA PLUS hardware. This additional contact should be programmed in the Idea
Workbench to be controlled by the <79:Close Breaker> signal. See the Idea Workbench
manual for the IDP-210 relay, publication S165-210-2, Appendix C, for more information.
The proper DC wiring diagram for this configuration is shown on page 34 of this manual. General Description
The (25:62OWmax) and (25:62OWmin) settings govern the maximum and minimum time
windows after a Control Close is initiated during which the IDP-210 will look for a closing
opportunity. These settings have no affect on automatic close attempts made by the
reclose logic. Control Close events are:
The user pressing the front-panel Close button (not the CLOSE button on the
IdeaPLUS – see Caution note above).
The user clicking on the Close button in ProView while the relay is connected to a
A Close request arriving via communications (DNP 3.0, Modbus, etc.)
A Close request made by asserting the dedicated CLOSE contact input on the
relay rear panel.
A Close request made in the Idea Workbench using the <AND:Control Trip> or
<OR:Control Trip> Workbench Output signals.
If sync-check is enabled, then the iDP-210 will wait during this window for synchronism to
occur. If synchronism is not detected during the window, then the user must re-initiate a
Control Close to try again (for example, release and then press the Close pushbutton
Say that (25:62OWmax) is 5 seconds, and (25:62OWmin) is 2 seconds. Then...
If the operator presses the Close button for only 1 second, then the relay will look for a
closing opportunity (waiting for sync-check permission if sync-check is enabled) for 2
seconds - not 1 second only.
If the operator presses the Close button for 3 seconds, then the relay will look for a
closing opportunity for exactly 3 seconds.
If the operator presses the Close button for 10 seconds, then the relay will look for a
closing opportunity for 5 seconds only - not 10 seconds.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Whether sync-check is enabled or not, the (25:62OWmax) and (25:62OWmin) settings

always apply. Accordingly, they are never "grayed" in the sync-check settings dialog. The
settings always shape the initiating pulse applied to the recloser module, ensuring that the
close attempt has a minimum and maximum time duration. Operator Window with HLHB Enabled
If the (25:E:OpWin) setting is checked, sync-check is enabled, and HLHB Close is
enabled, then the iDP applies the "Operator Window" timing precedence to any
Anticipatory Close (see Section Before the iDP-210 will assert its Close output
contact for an Anticipatory Sync-Check Close, it requires that a Control Close is initiated
(eg: front panel Close button is pushed) less than (25:62OWmax) seconds before the
sync-check system detects synchronism. That is, the Control Close input must precede
the sync-check anticipatory permission, but by no more than (25:26OWmax) seconds.
Otherwise, the operator must re-try later. This is a classical "Operator Window"
When the Operator Window functionality is enabled, it only applies to an Anticipatory
close. The standard "Static Sync-Check Close" is unaffected, and still operable. Typically,
its allowable slip and angle settings will be set more tightly than for the anticipatory
functions, allowing both to be operable in a given application. For a very slow slip, static
sync-check will allow closure at a slow angle, while for a faster slip, static closure will be
inhibited, but anticipatory closure will operate. Operator Window with HLHB Disabled or Synch-Check Disabled
If HLHB Closing is disabled, then the "Operator Window" timing precedence cannot apply.
In this case, the (25:E:OpWin) setting is grayed out. The same is true if sync-check is not
enabled at all. Anti-Pump Timer
The (25:62APump) anti-pump timer setting is also unaffected by whether or not the sync-
check system is enabled (and likewise is never grayed in the sync-check settings dialog).
Once a Control Close attempt is initiated the relay begins to look for a closing opportunity.
Then, when the Control Close attempt ends (say the user releases the Close pushbutton)
the relay will not allow initiation of a new Control Close attempt until (25:62APump)
seconds has passed. Synch-Check Settings

This synch-check setting dialog box shown in Figure 8-37 contains the following settings:

Element Description Range

25:27Dead Dead phase/sync voltage threshold 0 to 300 secondary
25:59Hot Hot phase/sync voltage threshold 0 to 300 secondary
25:62APump Anti-pump timer. This is the interval 0 to 100 seconds
during which additional Control Close
attempts are ignored (sec). That is,
Control Close attempts via
communications or front panel soft-keys
will only be permitted once every
25:62APump seconds.
25:26Owmax Maximum time that the Control Close 0 – 100 seconds
logic applies during a synch-check close

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

25:26Owmin Minimum time that the Control Close 0 – 100 seconds
logic applies during a synch-check close
25:62Setup Live/Dead and Static Angle Sync-Check 0 to 100 seconds
Setup Time (sec)
25:81OFB Maximum Bus-Side Frequency for 46 to 64 Hz
Control Close (Hz)
25:81OFL Maximum Line-Side Frequency for 46 to 64 Hz
Control Close (Hz)
25:81UFB Minimum Bus-Side Frequency for 46 to 64 Hz
Control Close (Hz)
25:81UFL Minimum Line-Side Frequency for 46 to 64 Hz
Control Close (Hz)
25:AAngle Maximum Anticipated Breaker Angle for 1 to 200 degrees
Anticipatory Control Close (deg)
25:ASlip Maximum Breaker Slip for Anticipatory 0 to 1 Hz
Control Close (Hz)
25:BCT Breaker mechanism close time 0 to 1 second
25:DV27 Maximum differential voltage for Hot 0 to 300 secondary
Line/Hot Bus Close volts
25:E:Amotor Determines if anti-motoring supervision “No Anti-motoring
for synch-check is enabled and, if Supervision”
enabled, which direction motoring is not
“Prohibit Bus Motoring
Upon Close”
“Prohibit Line Motoring
Upon Close”
25:E:DLDB If enabled, allows for a breaker close Enabled (checked)
command to be issued for Dead- Disabled (unchecked)
Line/Dead-Bus condition
25:E:DLHB If enabled, allows for a breaker close Enabled (checked)
command to be issued for Dead- Disabled (unchecked)
Line/Hot-Bus condition
25:E:HLDB If enabled, allows for a breaker close Enabled (checked)
command to be issued for Hot- Disabled (unchecked)
Line/Dead-Bus condition
25:E:HLHB If enabled, allows for a breaker close Enabled (checked)
command to be issued for Hot-Line/Hot- Disabled (unchecked)
Bus condition
25:Enable Enables the synch-check logic. Enabled (checked)
Disabled (unchecked)
25:E:OpWin Enables the Operator Window logic Enabled (checked)
Disabled (unchecked)
25:SAngle Maximum Breaker Angle for Static Angle 1 to 200 degrees
Control Close (deg)
25:SSlip Maximum Breaker Slip for Static Angle 0 to 1 Hz
Control Close (Hz)
25:V3P:Loc Identifies if the 3-phase voltage input “Bus” or “Line”

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

source is located on the bus or line side
of the breaker.
25:VS:Phase Determines which of the three phase Phase A/AB
voltages is compared to the single phase Phase B/BC
voltage input to determine if synchronism Phase C/CA
exists. If the system is set for wye
connected PTs, the choices are A, B and
C. If the system is set for delta connected
PTs, the choices are AB, BC and CA.
25:VS:Rotate Angle by which to rotate Vsynch so as to -360 to 360 degrees
match the angle of the selected VPhase
Nom:VSSec Nominal voltage level which is supplied 50 to 150 Vsec
to the relay’s VS input

8.8 Voltage Elements

The iDP-210 is equipped with the following voltage elements:
Three definite time overvoltage elements (59)
Three definite time undervoltage elements (27)
One definite time negative-sequence overvoltage element (59Q)
One definite time zero-sequence overvoltage element (59V0)
Each voltage element is equipped with a dedicated timer. Each voltage element may also
be enabled or disabled through use of the Enable check boxes.
To access the Voltage Element settings, follow the Settings>Voltage menu path as shown
in Figure 8-38. This will open the Voltage Elements settings window as shown in Figure

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-38: Opening the Voltage Setting Window

Figure 8-39: Voltage Settings Window

The Voltage Elements dialog box contains the following settings:

Element Description Range

59P1 1st overvoltage element 0 to 300 secondary
59P1:62 Timer associated with the 1st voltage 0 to 3600 seconds
59P2 2nd overvoltage element 0 to 300 secondary
59P2:62 Timer associated with the 2nd voltage 0 to 3600 seconds
59P3 3rd overvoltage element 0 to 300 secondary
59P3:62 Timer associated with the 3rd voltage 0 to 3600 seconds
27P1 1st undervoltage element 0 to 300 secondary
27P1:62 Timer associated with the 1st voltage 0 to 3600 seconds
27P2 2nd undervoltage element 0 to 300 secondary
27P2:62 Timer associated with the 2nd voltage 0 to 3600 seconds
27P3 3rd undervoltage element 0 to 300 secondary

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

27P3:62 Timer associated with the 3 voltage 0 to 3600 seconds
59Q Negative-sequence overvoltage element 0 to 300 secondary
59Q:62 Timer associated with the negative- 0 to 3600 seconds
sequence overvoltage element
59V0 Zero-sequence overvoltage element 0 to 150 secondary
59V0:62 Timer associated with the zero-sequence 0 to 3600 seconds
overvoltage element

8.9 Reverse Power

One definite time reverse power element is provided in the IDP-210. To access the
Reverse Power Element settings, follow the Settings>Reverse Power menu path as
shown in Figure 8-40. This will open the settings dialog as shown in Figure 8-41.
Note that the reverse power element is automatically blocked during fault or fuse fail (loss
of potential) conditions.

Figure 8-40: Opening the Reverse Power Element Window

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-41: Reverse Power Setting Window

The Reverse Power Element dialog box contains the following settings:

Element Description Range

32R:E Enables or disables the reverse power Enabled (checked)
element. Disabled (unchecked)
32R Three-phase Reverse Power pickup 0 to 50,000 kW
element primary
Note: The accuracy of the reverse power
element measured @ unity power factor
is 3% or better for V & I @ nominal +/-
32R:62 Time delay for the reverse power 1 to 3600 seconds

8.10 Fuse Fail Logic (Loss of Potential)

Fuse fail detection (or loss of potential, LOP) is used to determine if a fuse on one or more
of the phase voltage sensing VTs has operated. During a fuse fail condition, the voltage
reference for determination of the directional elements is affected, rendering it impossible
for them to operate properly.
The fuse fail detection logic setting window allows the user to choose how each directional
overcurrent element behaves once a fuse fail condition is detected. Each directional
overcurrent element can be set to be blocked or to be made non-directional in the event of
fuse failure.
Note that the reverse power and load encroachment elements are automatically blocked
during fuse fail conditions.

8.10.1 Fuse Failure Logic

Fuse fail is indicated under the following conditions:
• No fault exists AND…

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

• One or more phase voltages are below the 27FF setting for at least 27FF:62P
seconds AND…
• Current is flowing in one or more phases OR voltage above the 59FFR setting level is
present on one or more phases.
Once declared, a fuse fail condition is only reset once all three phase voltages remain
above the 59FFR setting for at least 59FFR:3P:62P seconds.

8.10.2 Fuse Failure Settings

To access the Fuse Failure settings, follow the Settings>Fuse Failure menu path as
shown in Figure 8-42. This will open the settings dialog as shown in Figure 8-43. This
dialog box contains the settings used to configure the fuse fail logic itself, that is, how and
when it determines a fuse fail condition exists, and how to drop out the fuse fail logic once
the voltage returns.

Figure 8-42: Opening the Fuse Failure setting window

Figure 8-43: Fuse Failure Setting Window

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

This dialog box contains the following settings:

Element Description Range

27FF Phase undervoltage level for fuse fail 0 – 300 Vsecondary
detection. The phase voltage
threshold of any phase must drop
below this setting to begin the fuse fail
timer 27FF:62P
27FF:62P Fuse failure detection logic timer. 0 –3600 seconds
Once the 27FF element picks up, this
timer starts. When the timer expires, a
fuse fail condition is declared if the
other conditions for fuse failure exist
(see 8.10.1).
59FFR Fuse fail reset voltage level. After a 0 – 300 Vsecondary
fuse fail has been declared, if the
voltage of all three phases exceeds
this setting then the 59FFR:3P:62P
timer starts.
59FFR:3P:62P Fuse fail reset time delay. Once the 0 – 3600 seconds
59FFR element picks up, this timer
starts. Once the timer expires the fuse
fail condition is declared over and the
normal operation of the directional
overcurrent elements is restored.
67R:FF Residual inverse time overcurrent fuse Block element
fail control setting. (checked);
element (unchecked)
67RL:FF First level residual definite time Block element
overcurrent fuse fail control setting. (checked);
element (unchecked)
67RM:FF Second level residual definite time Block element
overcurrent fuse fail control setting. checked);
element (unchecked)
67RH:FF Third level residual definite time Block element
overcurrent fuse fail control setting. (checked);
element (unchecked)
67P:FF Phase inverse time overcurrent fuse Block element
fail control setting. (checked);
element (unchecked)
67PL:FF First level phase definite time Block element
overcurrent fuse fail control setting. (checked);

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

element (unchecked)
67PM:FF Second level phase definite time Block element
overcurrent fuse fail control setting. (checked);
element (unchecked)
67PH:FF Third level phase definite time Block element
overcurrent fuse fail control setting. (checked);
element (unchecked)
67Q:FF Negative sequence inverse time Block element
overcurrent fuse fail control setting. (checked);
element (unchecked)
67QL:FF First level negative sequence definite Block element
time overcurrent fuse fail control (checked);
setting. Non-directionalize
element (unchecked)
67QM:FF Second level negative sequence Block element
definite time overcurrent fuse fail (checked);
control setting. Non-directionalize
element (unchecked)
67QH:FF Third level negative sequence Block element
definite time overcurrent fuse fail (checked);
control setting. Non-directionalize
element (unchecked)
67SEF:FF Sensitive earth fault overcurrent Block element
element fuse fail control setting. (checked);
element (unchecked)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.11 Frequency Elements15

The iDP-210 features frequency load shedding and restoration logic equipped with five
levels of underfrequency load shedding elements. A separate underfrequency alarm
element is also provided.
The underfrequency elements can be supervised by a conventional undervoltage element
and/or a load detecting overcurrent element. The current supervision is used to ensure
that sufficient current is flowing in the feeder to make load shedding worthwhile. If
insufficient load is present when a feeder is shed, then no practical benefit to the system is
received. However, the shedding of the feeder will still affect reliability indices.
To access the Frequency Settings window follow the Settings>Frequency menu path as
shown in Figure 8-44. This will open the settings dialog as shown in Figure 8-45.

Figure 8-44: Opening the Frequency setting window

For more information on the behavior of the frequency element algorithms, see Section 13.6, “Behavior of Frequency Measuring
Elements” on page 219.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-45: Frequency Settings Window

Automatic restoration based on frequency (supervised by the voltage element 81:59Sup)

is controlled by the settings in the Overfrequency Restoration Elements portion of the
dialog box. The purpose and operation of these and all other settings is completely
described in the following table.

CAUTION: Equipment misoperation.

The relay's stated frequency measurement accuracy is specified for ±5 Hz
around the nominal system frequency as determined by the System Frequency
setting in the General System Settings dialog box. Failure to observe this
limitation can result in equipment misoperation.

Element Description Range

81:E When checked, this enables underfrequency load Enabled (checked)
shedding using all under-frequency elements in Disabled
the dialog box. (unchecked)
81O:Alarm General-purpose overfrequency alarm. This does 45 to 65 Hz
not operate the circuit breaker in the relay’s
normal configuration.
81O:Alarm:62 Overfrequency alarm level time delay. 0 – 3600 seconds
81O1:62 Time delay for load shedding restoration 0 – 3600 seconds
81O1: Frequency load shedding restoration. The 8101 45 to 65 Hz
element is used only to supervise automatic
restoration after a frequency-based load shedding
event. If a general purpose overfrequency
element is required, it should be implemented via
the Idea Workbench.
81U:Alarm General-purpose underfrequency alarm. This 45 to 65 Hz
does not trip the circuit breaker in the relay’s

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

normal configuration.
81U:Alarm:62 Timer associated with the underfrequency alarm. 0 – 3600 seconds
81U1:62 Timer associated with the 1st underfrequency load 0 to 3600 seconds
shedding element
81U1: 1st underfrequency load shedding element pickup 45 to 65 Hz
81U2 2nd underfrequency load shedding element 45 to 65 Hz
pickup level
81U2:62P Timer associated with the 2nd underfrequency 0 to 3600 seconds
load shedding element
81U3 3rd underfrequency load shedding element pickup 45 to 65 Hz
81U3:62P Timer associated with the 3rd underfrequency 0 to 3600 seconds
load shedding element
81U4 4th underfrequency load shedding element 45 to 65 Hz
pickup level
81U4:62P Timer associated with the 4th underfrequency 0 to 3600 seconds
load shedding element
81U5 5th underfrequency load shedding element 45 to 65 Hz
pickup level
81U5:62P Timer associated with the 5th underfrequency 0 to 3600 seconds
load shedding element
81:27Sup Under-voltage supervision element for automatic 0 – 300 V
restoration. The bus voltage of at least one phase secondary
must exceed this setting for restoration to be
81:50Sup Current supervision element for the 81U1, 81U2, 0 – 90 A
81U3, 81U4 and 81U5 elements. The load secondary
current of at least one phase must exceed this
setting for the 81U elements to be enabled.
81:59Sup Over-voltage supervision element for automatic 0 – 300 V
restoration. The bus voltage of at least one phase secondary
must be below this setting for restoration to be
81:RestEn Automatic frequency based restoration enable Checked=Enabled
element. When checked, automatic frequency (setting of 1 in text
restoration is enabled. file)
(setting of 0 in text
81:62Abort Abort Automation Restoration Timer. If the 0.1 – 3600
restoration is not complete within this time after

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

the underfrequency load shed occurs, the seconds
automation restoration logic is disabled and the
restoration is aborted.
81:62Sch Restoration Coordination Schedule Delay (sec) 1 – 3600 seconds
This setting controls the timer which coordinates
restoration among multiple feeders. The
[81:62Sch] timer accumulates the time during
which the system frequency remains above the
81O1 level since the underfrequency loadshed
event occurred. After timing out, the feeder can
subsequently be restored. The timer stops
accumulating whenever the system frequency
falls below the 81O1 frequency level. This
accommodates frequency excursions due to the
restoration of other feeders. The timer resets
whenever the system frequency falls below the
81U1, 81U2, 81U3, 81U4 and 81U5
underfrequency loadshed setpoints for 81U1:62P,
81U2:62P, 81U3:62P, 81U4:62P or 81U5:62P
seconds as is appropriate. This indicates that the
system has re-entered a load shedding state. The
timer also resets when the feeder has been
successfully restored for 81:62Reset seconds.
81:62Tran This setting controls the timer which ensures that 0.1 – 3600
the system frequency has continuously remained seconds
above the 81U1, 81U2, 81U3, 81U4 and/or 81U5
settings since the 81:62Sch timer picked up,
scheduling the feeder for restoration. The
81:62Tran timer ensures that automatic
restoration is not attempted within 81:62Tran
seconds of any underfrequency excursion below
the 81O1 setpoint.
The (81:62Tran) delay ensures that not only has
the scheduled restoration time been reached, but
also that the system has maintained restoration
frequency for a contiguous (81:62Tran) seconds,
as well. This contiguous stability lends confidence
that the system can endure restoration of the
feeder. The accumulated (81:62Sch) time could
have come from numerous non-contiguous short
periods during which the system frequency was
above the restoration frequency, and is not as
accurate of an indicator of the actual current
strength of the system.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.12 Breaker Settings

The Breaker Failure & Monitoring dialog provides access to the settings that control
breaker failure logic and breaker mechanism monitoring. This dialog is accessed via the
Settings>Breaker Failure & Monitoring menu path. See Figure 8-46. This results in the
dialog box as shown in Figure 8-47.

Figure 8-46: Opening the Breaker Dialog

Figure 8-47: Breaker Failure & Monitoring Settings Dialog Box

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.12.1 Breaker Failure Functions

The iDP-210 is equipped to detect abnormal breaker trip and close operations. This
includes failure to close, slow to close, failure to open, and slow to open. These are
controlled by the following settings:

Element Description Range

50DCB Detect closed breaker phase overcurrent 0.025 – 90 A
element. This element should be set to secondary
detect the minimum amount of current
flowing through the breaker that would
indicate the breaker is closed.
79:62ftt16 Failure to trip timer. If the breaker takes 0 – 100 seconds
longer than the duration of this time to trip
once the trip contact is asserted, then a
fail to trip is declared. The timer starts
when the trip contact is closed and ends
when the 50DCB element drops out.
The 50DCB is a low set element used to
sense any current flowing in the feeder.
79:62stt16 Slow trip timer. If the breaker takes 0 –3600 seconds
longer than this timer to actually trip then
an external alarm of slow to trip is
declared. The timer starts when the trip
contact is closed and ends with a
transition of the breaker’s 52a contact.
79:62ftc Failure to close timer. If the breaker takes 0 – 100 seconds
longer than the duration of this time to
close once the close contact is asserted,
then a fail to close is declared.
79:62stc Slow close timer. If the breaker takes 0 –3600 seconds
longer than this timer does to actually
close then an external alarm of slow to
close is declared. The timer starts when
the close contact operates and ends with
a transition of the breaker’s 52a contact.
79:62:52ab/50 52ab to 50DCB disagreement alarm. 0 –3600 seconds
This timer starts if the 50DCB element is
picked up while the breaker is open as
indicated by the status of the 52a or 52b
contact input. If the timer expires, a
79:62:52ab/50 external alarm is

Note the subtle difference between the 79:62ftt and 79:62stt settings. The former stops timing on the cessation of current flow
through the breaker, and the latter stops when the mechanism says it is open. The 79:62ftt is designed to properly indicate a fail to
clear regardless of what the 52 circuit indicates, making it immune to a bad mechanism or defective 52 circuit. The 79:62stt is better
used for early warning of mechanism or wiring problems.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.12.2 Breaker Monitoring Functions

The iDP-210 is able to monitor various statistics that reflect the duty that the breaker has
experienced. Note that these settings are global and therefore do not change with the
setting group selected. These settings are:

Element Description Range

52:ITC Initial breaker trip count. The relay will 0 – 999
start its breaker operations counter from
this value.
52:EXP Exponent for calculating accumulated 0.1 – 20
breaker interrupted current. For
example, setting this to 2 will result in the
relay accumulating I2.
52:Alarm The level of accumulated interrupted 1 – 9999 kA
current that will result in an alarm. Sum[kAEXP]

8.12.3 Breaker Duty Preset

Upon setting the breaker duty cycle information, clicking on the Preset button will
immediately download the values to the relay (provided the PC is connected to the relay).
Therefore, you must enter the intended values in all of the fields before clicking on the
Preset button. These items are not part of the setting file and are not updated when a
setting file is sent to the relay from the PC.
Since ProView executes the preset operation by modifying the values directly on the relay
hardware, the Preset button is only active if you have a communications connection
established with the relay.
Each phase of the breaker incurs wear based on the current interrupted and the number
of times the interruption occurs.
The Breaker Duty should be set to zero when used with a new breaker.
If retrofitting an existing breaker, preset the relay Breaker Duty counters to match the
breaker counters.

8.13 Incipient Cable Splice Fault Detector Logic17

The incipient cable splice fault (ICSF) detector algorithm recognizes the unique waveform
characteristics that occur in the days preceding a pending cable splice failure due to water
ingress. By monitoring how often this waveform footprint occurs over time, the user can
obtain a highly reliable indicator of impending cable splice faults.
Before a cable splice fails, water seeps in to the splice causing a line to ground fault. The
resulting fault current causes a sudden burst of gas that extinguishes the fault. The result
is a waveform that is best described as a ¼ cycle self-extinguishing fault. See Figure
8-48 for a typical waveform.
The second characteristic of incipient cable splice faults is that they occur with increasing
frequency over time. See Figure 8-49. The ICSF algorithm in the iDP-210 provides the
ability to sense the absolute number of occurrences as well as the number of occurrences
that occur during a programmable time period.

US Patent 6,198,401

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Note that current limiting fuse operations may occasionally generate a waveform that will
be counted by the ICSF detector. However, these events will be very limited in number
compared to the number of counts that will occur prior to an actual cable splice failure.
August 06, 1995 at 09:38:33

Current [kA ]
Phase B
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time [mS]

Figure 8-48: Typical ¼ Cycle Self Extinguishing Fault Signature Detected by

ICSF Algorithm

Fault Occurances

Time (pu)

Figure 8-49: Typical Nature of Occurrences of Incipient Cable Splice Fault


To access the Incipient Cable Splice Fault settings, follow the Settings>Incipient Cable
Splice Fault Logic menu path as shown in Figure 8-50. This will open the settings window
shown in Figure 8-51.

Figure 8-50: Opening the Incipient Cable Splice Fault Detection Setting Window

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-51: ICSF Setting Window

The settings available in this dialog box are described in the table below.

Element Description Range

SCF:E Self-clearing fault Enable setting. 0 to Disable logic
1 to Enable logic
SCF:50 Self-clearing fault threshold. The fault 0.1 – 90 A secondary
current must exceed this level to initially
arm the ICSF logic. This would typically
be set to 80% of the available short
circuit current on the feeder. This
prevents the logic from registering
excessive fault counts.
SCF:CA Self-clear fault alarm pick-up. This is an 1-100 Waveform
absolute counter of the number of counts
characteristic waveform signatures
SCF:RA Self-clearing fault rate alarm. This alarm 1–100 counts/SCF:W
will pick up and latch when SCF:RA
faults are detected in an SCF:W long
SCF:W Self clear fault occurrence rate. This is 0 – 168 hours
the time period over which the number of
counts is evaluated. This is a sliding

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.14 Load Encroachment

The purpose of the load encroachment logic is to determine if a heavy three phase loading
condition exists. If this condition exists, the logic blocks operation of the phase overcurrent
elements for as long as the balanced three phase load current is present. This logic will
not block the phase overcurrent elements that may be involved in phase-to-ground or
phase-to-phase-to-ground faults, but only for balanced three-phase faults.
Specifically, the load encroachment logic blocks the operation of the phase overcurrent
elements (67P, 67P1, 67P2 and 67P3) for balanced three-phase faults if the load falls
within the area defined by the two areas shown in Figure 8-52. The areas are defined by
the corners FQP1-FQP2-FQN2-FQN1 and RQP1-RQP2-RQN2-RQN1.
Each of the elements 67P, 67P1, 67P2 and 67P3 can be independently selected to be
blocked during load encroachment conditions. Note that ground and negative sequence
overcurrent elements are not affected. The phase overcurrent elements are also not
affected during any unbalanced fault.
To qualify as a balanced load for the load encroachment logic, the following two conditions
must be met:
• The 50DCB element must be picked up in all three phases.
• Both of the unbalanced fault detectors 46NFD and 46QFD must be dropped out.

Figure 8-52: Active Load Encroachement Area

The load encroachment elements are plotted on a power plane. As shown in the figure,
the following reference points are defined as:
• FS = the maximum MVA level which is supplied to the feeder.
• FQP1 = the maximum positive reactive power at the minimum forward load, in
per unit of FS.
• FQP2 = the maximum positive reactive power at the maximum forward load, in
per unit of FS.
• FQN1 = the maximum negative reactive power at the minimum forward load, in
per unit of FS.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

• FQN2 = the maximum negative reactive power at the maximum forward load, in
per unit of FS.
As the maximum allowable MVA level to serve the feeder is increased, the radius of the
right-sided semi-circle is increased to the right.
• RS = the maximum MVA level which is ‘received’, being sent from the other ends
of the feeder to the local breaker. Examples would be for a looped feeder circuit,
or a feeder with attached co-generation.
• RQP1 = the maximum positive reactive power at the minimum reverse load, in
per unit of RS.
• RQP2 = the maximum positive reactive power at the maximum reverse load, in
per unit of RS.
• RQN1 = the maximum negative reactive power at the minimum reverse load, in
per unit of RS.
• RQN2 = the maximum negative reactive power at the maximum reverse load, in
per unit of RS.
As the maximum allowable MVA level to serve local loads is increased, the radius of the
left-sided semi-circle is increased to the left.
The load encroachment settings are accessed from Settings>Load Encroachment menu
path shown in Figure 8-53 The Load Encroachment settings window is shown in Figure

Figure 8-53: Accessing the Load Encroachment Setting Window

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-54: Load Encroachment Settings Window

8.14.1 Load Encroachment Enable Settings

It is possible to block any combination of the phase overcurrent elements under load
encroachment conditions. The settings to control the blocking action are located in the
Block Selected Elements sub-group within the main dialog box. These settings are:

Element Description Range

LE:67P:BE Phase time overcurrent load Check (enable) or
encroachment blocking supervision setting uncheck (no supervision)
LE:67PL:BE 50L definite time overcurrent load Check (enable) or
encroachment blocking supervision setting uncheck (no supervision)
LE:67PM:BE 50M definite time overcurrent load Check (enable) or
encroachment blocking supervision setting uncheck (no supervision)
LE:67PH:BE 50H definite time overcurrent load Check (enable) or
encroachment blocking supervision setting uncheck (no supervision)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.14.2 Setting Forward Load Encroachment Settings

The Forward Load Encroachment Settings are made from the “Forward” sub-group of the
main dialog box as shown Figure 8-54.

Element Description Range

LE:FS Maximum forward load 1 – 1000 VA secondary
LE:FQP1 Maximum positive reactive power at the 0.001 – 0.99 pu of LE:FS
minimum forward load
LE:FQP2 Maximum positive reactive power at the 0.001 – 0.99 pu of LE:FS
maximum forward load
LE:FQN1 Maximum negative reactive power at the -0.99 to –0.001 pu of
minimum forward load LE:FS
LE:FQN2 Maximum negative reactive power at the -0.99 to –0.001 pu of
maximum forward load LE:FS

8.14.3 Setting Reverse Load Encroachment Settings

The Reverse Load Encroachment Settings are made from the “Reverse” sub-group of the
main dialog box as shown Figure 8-54.

Element Description Range

LE:RS Maximum reverse load 1 – 1000 VA secondary
LE:RQP1 Maximum positive reactive power at the 0.001 – 0.99 pu of LE:RS
minimum reverse load
LE:RQP2 Maximum positive reactive power at the 0.001 – 0.99 pu of LE:RS
maximum reverse load
LE:RQN1 Maximum negative reactive power at the -0.99 to –0.001 pu of
minimum reverse load LE:RS
LE:RQN2 Maximum negative reactive power at the -0.99 to –0.001 pu of
maximum reverse load LE:RS

8.15 Cold Load Pickup

The iDP-210 provides the ability to modify the pick up levels of overcurrent elements
during the period of time after the breaker has closed. This is to prevent false trips from
occurring while loads are being picked up. Access to these settings are made in the Cold
Load Pickup dialog box accessed via the Settings>Overcurrent>Cold Load Pickup menu
path. Refer to Figure 8-55. The Cold Load Pickup setting windows is shown in Figure
Time overcurrent elements, 67P, 67R and 67Q, are not shifted (in the TCC plane) during
cold load pickup conditions. Rather, the TCC curves are truncated for currents below the
current equal to the set pickup value multiplied by the value of the CL:Multiplier setting.
This is accomplished by restraining the time overcurrent elements for pickup levels below
this level. Figure 8-57 shows how the restraint signal is generated. A graphical
representation of the effect of the Cold Load logic on time overcurrent elements is shown
in Figure 8-58.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-55: Menu path to access Cold Load Pickup Setting Window

Figure 8-56: Cold Load Pickup Setting Window

The pickup setting of all low set definite time elements, 67PL, 67NL and 67QL, are
multiplied by the CL:Multiplier setting. The settings of the medium and high set definite
time elements (67PM, 67PH, 67NM, 67NH, 67QN and 67QH) are not affected by the cold
load logic.
Note: Cold load pickup logic may be disabled by setting the CL:Duration:62D timer to zero
(0). This explicitly disables the logic. See Figure 8-57.

Element Description Range

CL:Multiplier Multiplier which will be applied to all 1 – 999
inverse-time and low-set overcurrent
elements when the cold load logic is
CL:Duration:62D Timer which determines how long the 0.1 – 3600 seconds
CL:Mulitplier will be applied to the
overcurrent elements. If the cold load or
pickup logic is enabled, the Multiplier is
applied from the time the breaker is 0 to Disable.
closed until the expiration of this timer.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

Set to 0 to explicitly disable the logic.

CL:Enable:62P Minimum breaker open time required to 0.1 –3600 seconds

enable the cold load pickup logic.

Figure 8-57: Cold Load Pickup Logic for Time Overcurrent Elements

Trip Time

Thin Curve is the
portion of the curve
for which operation
is restrained.

10 Tripping
Time (seconds)

Heavy Curve Characteristic

is the set
curve. Cold-Load
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23

Breakpoint: This is the

set pickup value time
the CL:Multiplier
Multiples of Pickup

Figure 8-58: Effect of Cold Load Pickup Setting CL:Multiplier on Time Overcurrent

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.16 Demand Meter Settings

The demand meters follow an exponential characteristic defined by the response to a
step-function input current of magnitude IPeak as follows:

I Demand = I Peak (1 − e −t / τ )

Where the time constant τ is defined by the value of the demand interval setting, Dmd-Int,
such that, starting from t=0 and IDemand = 0, at a time equal to the Dmd-Int setting, IDemand
reads 90% IPeak.

Dmd _ Int * 60
τ =− = 26.0577 * Dmd _ Int
ln (0.1)

To access these settings follow the Settings>Demand Meter Settings menu path as
shown in Figure 8-59. This will open the dialog box shown in Figure 8-60.

Figure 8-59: Menu Path to Access Demand Meter Settings

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-60: Demand Meter Settings Dialog Box

Element Description Range

Dmd-Int Demand interval to 90% of step input 1 – 1440 minutes
Dmd-IP:PU Pickup threshold for phase current 0.1 – 100000 amps
demand alarm. If any phase current primary
exceeds this threshold, the Demand
Threshold Exceeded alarm is triggered.
Dmd-3I0:PU Pickup threshold for 3I0 demand alarm. If 0.1 – 100000 amps
current exceeds this threshold, the primary
Demand Threshold Exceeded alarm is
Dmd-Wout:PU Pickup threshold for exported watts 0.001 – 1000 MW
demand alarm. If the 3-phase exported primary
MWs exceeds this threshold, the
Demand Threshold Exceeded alarm is
Dmd-Vout:PU Pickup threshold for exported VARS 0.001 – 1000 MVAR
demand alarm. If the 3-phase exported primary
VARS exceeds this threshold, the
Demand Threshold Exceeded alarm is
Dmd-Win:PU Pickup threshold for imported watts 0.001 – 1000 MW
demand alarm. If the 3-phase imported primary
MWs exceeds this threshold, the
Demand Threshold Exceeded alarm is
Dmd-Vin:PU Pickup threshold for imported VARS 0.001 – 1000 MVAR
demand alarm. If the 3-phase imported primary
VARS exceeds this threshold, the
Demand Threshold Exceeded alarm is

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.17 Non-Volatile Operating Modes

The iDP-210 has four factory default non-volatile operating modes. Non-volatile means
that if the relay loses auxiliary power for some reason, when power is restored, the relay
remembers the state of these four modes. These modes are:
Hot Line Tag mode: When ON, this prevents the relay from closing the breaker for any
reason. If the breaker is already closed, it will remain closed until such time as it is tripped.
If the breaker is open when Hot-line Tag Mode is applied, or if the breaker trips after it is
applied, Hot Line tag will prevent the breaker from closing.
Supervisory Off mode: When ON, this prevents any communication-related signal from
changing the relay’s operation in any way, or from operating the breaker.
Non-Reclose mode: When ON, reclosing is prevented.
Ground Trip Block: When ON, the operation of all ground overcurrent elements is blocked.

8.17.1 Setting Non-Volatile Modes When Connected to the Relay

It is possible to observe and change the status of any non-volatile operating mode from
ProView while connected to the relay. (The exception is the IdeaPlus relay with a Hot Line
Tag switch. For this type of relay, Hot Line Tag can only be enabled/disabled via the
toggle switch on the relay’s front panel.) To accomplish this, follow the Display>Non-
Volatile Mode Status menu path as shown in Figure 8-61. This will result in the open
dialog as shown in Figure 8-62.
When in View-Online mode, the dialog shows the current state of each of the modes. If not
in View-Online mode, you may enter this mode by clicking on the Go Online button in the
upper right hand corner of the dialog box. The mode status may be changed by clicking on
the appropriate button in the dialog box.


If the mode status is changed from within ProView when not in View Online mode, the change will occur
immediately. If the mode status is changed from within ProView when View Online mode is active, the
status change may take as long as 20 seconds to occur and be confirmed in the dialog. This delay is the
result of the amount of data traffic occurring between the relay and ProView when in View Online mode.

Figure 8-61: Menu Path for Accessing the Status of Non-Volatile Modes Dialog

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

0 in a green
field is
displayed if
status is
NOT set.

1 in a red
field is
displayed if
the status IS

Figure 8-62: View of the Opened Status of Non-Volatile Modes Dialog

8.17.2 Configuring Non-Volatile Mode Names

The names of these modes, both how they appear on the relay MMI as well as in
sequence of event (SOE) reports, may be redefined. This is accomplished from the Relay
Operating Modes dialog accessed through the Settings>Relay Behavior>Relay Operating
Modes menu path. The dialog appears as shown in Figure 8-63.

Figure 8-63: Configuring Fixed Non-Volatile Modes Dialog

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

There are five settings for each mode. They are:

User NV Mode Name: This is the name of the mode as it appears on all displays within
the ProView environment.
User “OFF” Descriptions (single character): This is the character used to indicate the
mode is OFF from the front panel MMI in the MODES menu. See Section 5.7.2 on page
User “OFF” Descriptions (long name): This is a 16 character-maximum name that is used
in the SOE recorder to tag the moment when the selected mode is turned OFF.
User “ON” Descriptions (single character): This is the character used to indicate the mode
is ON from the front panel MMI in the MODES menu. See Section 5.7.2 on page 59.
User “ON” Descriptions (long name): This is a 16 character-maximum name that is used in
the SOE recorder to tag the moment when the selected mode is turned ON.

8.18 External Alarm Contact Output Behavior

External alarms are the result of conditions external to the relay itself. Compare this with
internal alarms, such as RAM Error, ROM Error, etc., that are alarm conditions due to the
state within the relay itself.
When any external alarm occurs, it is possible to operate contact output CO2 as a means
of signaling to SCADA, an annunciator panel, etc. that an alarm has occurred. For each
external alarm there are three possible settings for the operation of CO2 (normally closed),
as controlled by this dialog box. These settings and their affects are:
• No Action: The CO2 contact will not operate at all.
• Hold Until Cleared: The CO2 contact will operate and be held in its operated state until
the alarm is cleared.
• Pulse: The CO2 contact will operate for a period of 5 seconds after which it will return
to its default state.
In all but one case, even if the alarm is programmed for “No Action,” the alarm will still be
logged to the SOE and the front panel. Only the action of the CO2 output contact is
disabled. The one exception to this is the alarm for “IR and IN inputs not equal.”
The iDP-210 has two means of monitoring ground current. The first is to compute a
residual ground current from the three phase current inputs. This calculated quantity is
referred to in the relay as IR. The relay also has a dedicated neutral current input on the
back of the relay. The current flowing in this input is referred to as IN. As IR should
normally equal IN, the purpose of this alarm is to indicate when they are not equal.
However, if no IN current signal is connected, or if the IN current channel is being used for
an unrelated purpose, then this alarm should be disabled.
The settings for these are accessed by following the Settings>Relay Behavior>External
Alarm Behavior menu path as shown in Figure 8-64. This will bring up the dialog box
shown in Figure 8-65.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 8-64: Menu Path to Control External Alarm Output Contact Behavior

Figure 8-65: External Alarm Output Contact Control Dialog Box

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

8.19 Target Behavior

The Target Behavior settings are accessed by following the Settings>Relay
Behavior>Target Behavior menu path. This will bring up the dialog box shown in Figure

Figure 8-66: Target Behavior Dialog Box

The settings in this dialog box are:

Element Description Range

TargetType Allows configuration 1 = Show only those targets captured on the
of the LED targets initial trip after targets are cleared
2 = Accumulate all targets since they were
last cleared
3 = Show only those targets captured on the
most recent trip
TargetRatioE Allows the user to Checked = Enable Current Ratio
enable the targets
based on the current- Unchecked = Disable Current Ratio
ratio below
TargetRatio Allows the user to set 0.25 to 1.5 per unit
the targets to
illuminate based on a
per unit setting of
current related to the
maximum current
TargetOK Allows the user to set 0 = Steady LED when relay OK
the behavior (when
illuminated) of the iDP 1 = Blinking LED when relay OK
RELAY OK target

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

9 Using the Virtual Test Set

To facilitate the testing of settings and IDEA Workbench programming, the IDP-210
includes a virtual test set, or VTS. The VTS permits the user to create a fault event and
literally “play it” through the relay’s logic contained within the iDP-210 scheme file. The
VTS generates virtual data as it would normally be produced by the relay hardware’s
analog-to-digital converter circuitry. During this playback, it is possible to view the
behavior of the relay from the Application Diagram view, any of the Oscillography views, or
in the IDEA Workbench.
The VTS also permits the testing of multi-shot reclosing by allowing faults to remain
permanent for a given number of reclose operations. Conversely, the VTS may be set to
clear a fault without relay intervention, to simulate a remote fault clearing event. The VTS
also contains a full set of frequency tools to test load-shedding algorithms.

9.1 Setting up the Virtual Test Set

There are two ways to configure the VTS.
• The first method is to define actual current voltage and current magnitudes during
pre-fault, fault, and post fault conditions.
• The second method is to define a system model and initiate a fault. In this case
the VTS computes the appropriate voltage and current signals to generate.
Making changes to any VTS settings is not permitted while viewing an event record
opened from a file.

9.1.1 Using Fixed Fault Voltages and Currents in the VTS

Access the Fixed Fault Setup dialog by following the Settings>Virtual Test Setup>Fixed
Fault Setup menu path as shown in Figure 9-1. This opens up the dialog as shown in
Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-1: Accessing the Fixed Fault Setup Dialog for the VTS

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 9-2: The Fixed Fault Setup Dialog for the VTS

The drop down box at the top of the dialog permits the user to select whether the fixed
phasors as defined in the dialog box, or the computed phasors resulting from the model
method, will be used during the VTS event. In this figure, the dialog indicates the model
derived phasors will be used.
The settings are divided in to three sections. From left to right they are the voltage and
currents during the pre-fault, fault, and post fault periods. Note that there are no currents
to define for the post fault period as it is assumed the breaker has cleared the fault. The
time duration of the pre-fault period is defined in the Fault Dynamics Settings dialog box.
See Section Error! Reference source not found.
The voltage VAy is the single phase voltage appearing on the opposite side of the breaker
and is usually used for synch-check applications.
The control of the timing of when the VTS switches from the pre-fault, fault, and post-fault
periods is provided in the Fault Dynamics dialog. See Section Error! Reference source
not found..

9.1.2 Using Model-Based Voltages and Currents in the VTS

Access the Model Based Fault Setup dialog by following the Settings>Virtual Test
Setup>Model Fault Setup menu path as shown in Figure 9-3. This opens up the dialog as
shown in Figure 9-4.
This dialog permits a fault type to be specified. ProView will then calculate the appropriate
phasor values to be applied before (pre-fault) and during the fault period. The result of
these calculations can be seen in the Show Model Results dialog as seen in Figure 9-5
after the Init button on the Simulator control bar (see Figure 9-10 on page 200) has been
The drop down box at the top of the dialog permits the user to select whether the fixed
phasors as defined in the dialog box, or the computed phasors resulting from the model
method will be used during the VTS event. In this figure, the dialog indicates the model-
derived phasors will be used. Refer to Figure 9-6 for the circuit used for the model-based

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 9-3: Accessing the Model Fault Setup Dialog

Figure 9-4: The Model Fault Setup Dialog for the VTS

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 9-5: The Fault Model Results Dialog for the VTS

Vs Vr
ZS2 ZL2=ZL1 ZR2 Vs

Power Angle
Relay Vr

Figure 9-6: VTS Fault Model Schematic

The Model Fault Setup dialog box has a group of variables gathered in the Fault Setup
sub-group. The variables are:

Element Description Range 18

Distance Distance to fault in per unit of the ZL1 Per unit
impedance specified in the model.
Relay Polarity This permits reversing the virtual CTs in Forward or Reverse
the VTS model, so the "forward" direction
for the relay is toward VS instead of VR.
This provides an easy method for testing
reverse direction faults.
Fault Type Defines what type of fault is to be applied Phase-Phase (B-C)
at time T1 Phase-Ground(A-G)
Three phase

All impedances entered in Ohms secondary.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range 18

Rotation Defines how the phasors are rotated. None
Allows selectable phase involvement A-to-B, B-to-C, C-to-A
during unbalanced faults.
A-to-C, B-to-A, C-to-B
Fault Impedance The value of the fault impedance. This Ohms secondary
applies to phase to phase, phase to
ground, and balanced three phase faults.
For phase to phase to ground faults, this
is the impedance applied between the
two phases.
PPG-fault Specifies the fault impedance between Ohms secondary
impedance ground and the phase to phase fault

“System Setup” is the next sub-group down the dialog. This section contains all of the
settings necessary to define the system impedance characteristics. Note that all
impedances are specified as being in per unit. The actual base unit is not important, just
that all quantities are on the same base.

Element Description Range19

ZL0 Zero sequence line impedance No limit
ZL1 Positive sequence line impedance No limit
ZS0 Zero sequence source impedance No limit
ZS1 Positive sequence source impedance No limit
ZS2 Negative sequence source impedance No limit
ZR0 Zero sequence remote end impedance No limit
ZR1 Positive sequence remote end No limit
ZR2 Negative sequence remote end No limit
Power Angle The angular difference between the local 0 – 360 degrees
and remote bus Thevinen voltages
Local Bus Per unit source voltage magnitude No limit
Remote Bus Per unit remote voltage magnitude No limit
One Per Unit Value in secondary volts of 1 pu bus No limit
Volts voltage

All impedance values are in Ohms-secondary.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range19

DC Offset Time The model parameters and fault 1e-12 minimum
Constant incidence angle chosen may result in a
DC offset occurring during fault initiation.
This setting defines the DC decay time
constant for fault currents.

9.1.3 Controlling the Simulated Fault Dynamics

The Fault Dynamics Setup dialog contains the settings that define how the VTS
progresses from the pre-fault to fault, and then from fault to post-fault conditions. Access
the Fault Dynamics Setup dialog by following the Settings>Virtual Test Setup>Fault
Dynamics Setup menu path as shown in Figure 9-7. This opens up the dialog as shown in
Figure 9-8.

Figure 9-7: Accessing the Fault Dynamics Setup Dialog for the VTS

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 9-8: The Fault Dynamics Setup Dialog for the VTS

The settings available in this dialog are used for two purposes. The first is to control the
pre-fault, fault and post fault transitions. The second is to simulate system frequency shifts.
This is used primarily to test load shedding schemes or other schemes that utilize the iDP-
210’s frequency elements. These settings are:

Element Description Range

T1 Fault application time. This is the No limit
number of seconds into the simulation
that the VTS transitions from the pre-
fault to fault conditions. This should be
long enough for any relay algorithms to
stabilize (approximately 0.1 sec).
TD Maximum fault duration in seconds. No limit
This timer starts when the fault
initiates. After it expires, the VTS
jumps to the post-fault phasors. This
timer resets with each reclose event.
TC Maximum clearing time. Essentially No limit
the same as TD, except this timer
starts running at the beginning of the
entire simulation. This timer keeps
running through all reclose events.
TE Maximum simulation halt time. Starts No limit
counting at the beginning of the whole
simulation. This defines the maximum
amount of time the simulation will
free-run before automatically stopping.
Slip from T1 to TC Change in system frequency that Delta Hz

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

occurs at time T1 (fault). Frequency
restores to original frequency at time
TC. For example, to simulate a
change in frequency from 60 Hz pre-
fault, to 59.8Hz during the fault, set this
setting to –0.2Hz.
Slip’ from T1 to TC Slip’ simply defines the rate in Hz/sec Hz/second
at which frequency changes during the
time interval from T1 to TC. Slip’ is
additive with slip and slip’’ effects.
Slip’’ from T1 to Rate of acceleration of the rate of Hz/sec2
TC change of the system frequency that
occurs at time T1.
Breaker Trip Delay The time delay that occurs before the 0 – 3600 seconds
virtual breaker in the VTS trips after the
scheme initiates a TRIP command.
This time delay appears in the time it
takes for the current to stop flowing
and for the simulated 52a contact to
change status.
Breaker Close The time delay that occurs before the 0 – 3600 seconds
Delay virtual breaker in the VTS closes after
the scheme initiates a CLOSE
command. This time delay appears in
the time it takes for the current to start
flowing and for the simulated 52a
contact to change status.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Element Description Range

Fault box This drop down box controls how the simulator is to interact with
the reclose logic. The possible settings are:
Fault Clears after First Trip After trip, the VTS goes
immediately to post-fault
Fault Clears after Second Trip Upon reclosure after 1st trip, the
VTS returns to the fault
condition phasors. After the 2nd
trip, the VTS goes to post-fault
Fault Clears after Third Trip Upon reclosure after 1st and 2nd
trips, the VTS returns to the
fault condition phasors. After
the 3rd trip, the VTS goes to
post-fault phasors.
Fault Clears after Fourth Trip Upon reclosure after 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd trips, the VTS returns to
the fault condition phasors.
After the 4th trip, the VTS goes
to post-fault phasors.
Fault is Permanent Upon any reclosure, the VTS
returns to fault condition
phasors regardless of how
many times the relay has

9.2 Saving and Restoring Simulation Settings

It may be desirable to save and/or restore all of these settings for a given simulation. It is
possible to create a whole library of standard simulations, load them, and run them as
needed. To save, view or load simulator settings, go to either the Fixed Fault Model or
Model Fault Setup dialogs as shown in Figure 9-2 and Figure 9-4, click on Manage
Simulation Files button, and proceed below as applicable.
To Save Simulation Settings click on the Write Simulation Settings to Disk button. This
will bring up a standard Windows Save As settings dialog box. Make sure you use a long
file name that is descriptive. It is also recommended that the file name begins with the
string “Simulation_Settings_”. This will result in showing only VTS files when using the
Read or View buttons. For example, a filename of “Simulation_Settings_Close-in Fault
without reclosing.txt” is better than “Simulation_Settings_Fault001.txt”.
To View a Simulation Settings file, click on the View Simulation Settings to Disk button.
This brings up a standard Windows Open File dialog box. Select the file desired to view.
At this point the file will be opened with the file you have defined to open *.txt files. For
most systems this will the Windows Notepad applet. It is possible to open and view this
file with any word processor or text editor.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

To Read a Simulation Settings file, click on the Read Simulation Settings from Disk
button. This brings up a standard Windows Open File dialog box. Select the file desired
to read. At this point the file will be opened with the settings in this file will overwrite any
settings in the existing Fixed Fault Setup, Model Fault Setup, and Fault Dynamics settings

9.3 Running a Simulation

After setting up the simulation parameters, select the Simulation command from the
Manage menu. See Figure 9-9. This will bring up the Simulation Toolbar as shown in
Figure 9-10. This toolbar can be moved to any convenient location on the screen.

Figure 9-9: Accessing the Simulation Toolbar

Figure 9-10: The Simulation Toolbar

To prepare the PC for the simulation, click on the initialize button marked Init . If the
scheme is not ready, a progress bar will appear advising the status of the preparation
process. When ready, the Simulation Toolbar will re-appear.
At this time the simulation may be run. It is best to run the simulation while viewing a
screen displaying oscillography, the Application Diagram, the synch-scope, the IDEA
Workbench, target displays, etc. The entire system becomes “live” during event playback
just as if the PC were connected to a relay in View Online mode.
As an example, and to better demonstrate the manner in which the VTS operates, open
an oscillography window that shows the analog parameters. Each click on the Step button
will play into the system one data point for each voltage and current. The data points
represent simulated output from the relay’s analog input channels. After opening one of
these windows, LEFT CLICKING on the Step button a few times will result in a screen
similar to that shown in Figure 9-11 in which we have opened the Waveforms and
Symmetrical Components window.
Pressing the FreeRun button will result in the VTS to continuously generate signals until
an event record is generated. At this time a PC Event will have been created which can be
saved to disk and reloaded at any time. All event playback features will be available. See
Section 7.5 for more information on loading event records and event playback.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

9.4 Forcing an Event Trigger in the VTS

Once the VTS has been started and initialized, pressing the TriggerEvent button will
cause a 200-sample event record to be recorded as a PC Event in the Event Manager
(see Section 7.5). Note this does not trigger an event within the relay itself. These VTS
Triggered Events may be saved and recalled as any other event.
Note: Any altered simulator settings (fault-type, minimum trip, current, etc.) will only take
effect in the simulator after re-initialization, i.e. pressing the “Init” button.

Figure 9-11: Oscillography View During Beginning of a VTS Simulation

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

10 Test Procedure

The intent of this test procedure is to verify that the relay hardware is properly functioning.

These tests are to be run on the relay with the factory default scheme and settings.

1. Verify Relay is Functioning

1.1. Apply power to the relay in accordance with its auxiliary power supply rating.

1.2. Verify the relay briefly flashes all front panel LEDs.

1.3. Verify that after approximately 5 seconds the LCD displays the root menu.

2. Verification of Analog Inputs and D/A Subsystem

2.1. Apply balanced 3-phase voltage and 3-phase current inputs, at nominal system frequency, to
the phase and voltage inputs. Apply an AC current signal to the IN (4th current0 input channel.

2.2. Press the Menu button on the relay faceplate.

2.3. Scroll down to the Metering line and press the ENTER button.

2.4. Scroll down to the SEC AMPS, VOLTS, DEG line and press the ENTER button.

2.5. Verify the measured current and voltage signal magnitude and phase angles match those

3. Verify Contact Output Operation: Verify all contact outputs properly show as being in their “default”
open or closed states and operate properly when closed as follows:

3.1. Press the MENU button on the relay HMI.

3.2. Scroll down to the Contact Outputs line and press ENTER. This will now show the status of
contact output ss1 as being equal to 0. The display will look like the following:
> 0=ss1
User ss1 Description
Contact Output
Next Prev Enab forc
F1 F2 F3 F4

3.3. Apply an ohm-meter to contact output SS1. This is a normally open contact and the ohm-
meter should display a value close to infinity ohms.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

3.4. Press the F3 key to enable the status of ss1 to be changed.

3.5. Press the F4 button and hold it down. This will toggle the state of the ss1 contact. Verify the
ohm-meter now reads near 0 ohms.

3.6. Press the F1 and F2 keys to move to the next contact output of co2 and repeat steps 3.3.1
through 3.3.6. Note the normal condition of the contact outputs as follows:

Relay Ordering Auxiliary I/O Board Option Number

(NO= Normally Open,
NC= Normally Closed
N/A=Not Applicable)
Contact Name N 0 1 2 3
co1 N/A Form c Form c Form c Form c
co6 N/A Form c Form c Form c Form c
co10 N/A NO NO NC NC
co11 N/A NO NO NO NC
co12 N/A Form c Form c Form c Form c

4. Verify Proper Operation of all Front Panel Buttons and Controls

4.1. Hotkey Operation

4.1.1. Press the METERING hotkey and verify the LCD displays voltages and currents.

4.1.2. Press the RESET TARGETS hotkey and verify the LCD brings up the reset target

4.1.3. Press the EVENTS hotkey and verify the LCD displays the last event summary.

4.1.4. Press the LAMP TEST hotkey and verify all LEDs illuminate.

4.1.5. Press the SETTINGS hotkey, enter the password, and verify the settings menu is

4.1.6. Press the BREAKER STATUS hotkey and verify the breaker status display is displayed.

4.1.7. Press the ALARMS hotkey and verify the Alarms menu is displayed.

4.1.8. Press the TEXT MESSAGES hotkey and verify the message screen is displayed.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

4.2. IdeaPLUS Hardware ONLY: Verify IdeaPLUS Control Panel Functionality

4.2.1. Verify Option Key functionality Press the GND TRIP BLOCKED button and verify the status of integral LED
changes state. Press the button again and verify the LED again changes state. Press the NON RECLOSING button and verify the status of integral LED changes
state. Press the button again and verify the LED again changes state. Press the LOCAL MODE button and verify the status of integral LED changes
state. Press the button again and verify the LED again changes state. USER OPTION #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 will only be active and illuminate if they have
been programmed in the IDEA WORKBENCH.

4.2.2. Verify Operation of the Hot Line Tag or Close Inhibit Switch For IdeaPLUS relays with Hot Line Tag Switch, move the toggle level to the up
position and verify the associated LED illuminates. Return the toggle switch to the
down position and verify the LED extinguishes. For IdeaPLUS relays with the Close Inhibit switch, move the toggle switch to the
up position and allow the spring loaded toggle lever to return to the center position.
The behavior of the associated triple LED lamp assembly varies depending upon
the state of the Supervisory Off feature:

• If Supervisory Off is not turned on as indicated by the SUPERVISORY OFF

button LED not being illuminated, then the Close Inhibit triple LED will
flash. This indicates that the Close Inhibit is possible to be removed by

• If Supervisory Off is turned on as indicated by the SUPERVISORY OFF

button LED being illuminated, then the Close Inhibit triple LED will
illuminate continuously (not flash). This indicates that the Close Inhibit is
not possible to be removed by SCADA and that the Close Inhibit feature
is now acting like a traditional Hot Line Tag.

Press the SUPERVISORY OFF button an appropriate number of times to simulate

both conditions described above.

4.2.3. Verify Operation of the TRIP and CLOSE buttons. Apply an ohm-meter to the rear contact terminals of the TRIP button contacts
(labeled as “TRIP contact” on the back of the relay). This is normally open contact
and the ohm-meter should display a value close to infinity. Press the TRIP
pushbutton and verify the ohm-meter now should display a value close to zero.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07 Apply an ohm-meter to the rear contact terminals of the CLOSE button contacts
(labeled as “CLOSE contact” on the back of the relay). This is normally open
contact and the ohm-meter should display a value close to infinity. Press the
CLOSE pushbutton and verify the ohm-meter now should display a value close to

4.2.4. Test Trip and CLOSE Lamps Apply a voltage equal to the rating of the lamps ordered across the “Green Lamp”
and “Red Lamp” terminals on the back of the relay and verify the lamps illuminate.

The lamp ratings are as follows:

Lamp Ordering Option Code Lamp Voltage Rating

1 24VDC
2 48VDC
3 125VAC/VDC
6 24VDC incandescent lamps
7 48VDC incandescent lamps
X Custom – Consult Factory

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

11 Troubleshooting
If you receive an alarm from the relay, or some other indication of improper operation, here
is a brief troubleshooting guide. For more detailed troubleshooting assistance, contact
Cooper Power Systems Relay Technical Support as described in the next chapter.

11.1 Hardware

11.1.1 If the Edison Idea or IdeaPLUS fails to operate, no lamps are illuminated and
the LCD display is blank-
• Verify that supply voltage is present at terminals 1 and 2 of J1, and that the voltage is
• If correct voltage is applied and problem persists, a failure of the Edison IdeaPLUS is
possible. Contact Cooper Power Systems Technical Support as described in 12.1.

11.1.2 If the Edison Idea or IdeaPLUS fails to operate, most or all LEDs are
illuminated, and the LCD display shows all “A” characters only-
• Using ProView, first download firmware and then download a scheme file to the relay
• If the scheme or firmware cannot be downloaded, or if the problem persists after
download, a failure of the relay is possible. Contact Cooper Power Systems Technical
Support as described in 12.1.

11.1.3 If you cannot establish a communication link between ProView and the Edison
Idea or IdeaPLUS, check the following:
• There is an entry in the "Phone Book" for the relay
• The entry in the "Phone Book" refers to the proper COM port on the PC
• The communications cable is connected to one of the RS-232 ports (NOT to the RS-485
port, unless a special adapter is used). A straight DB-9 RS232 cable is required to
communicate through the front RS232 port on the relay.
• The cable is a 1:1 direct patch wired cable for the front port, or a null-modem cable for the
rear port when connecting the relay directly to a computer. A 1:1 cable is used on the
rear port if the relay is connected to a modem.

11.1.4 If the Edison Idea or IdeaPLUS OK light is off, alarm light is on, and/or the LCD
reports an "Internal Alarm":
• Use the front panel menus to determine the specific alarm(s), and then contact Cooper
Power Systems Relay Technical Support for more specific troubleshooting information.

11.1.5 How do I use the two DC monitoring inputs on the back of the IdeaPlus?
These are currently non-functional in the present release of the IDP software.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

11.2 ProView Software

11.2.1 Scheme file takes several minutes to open.

The ProView software and scheme files form a very rich software environment that requires a
reasonably powerful PC to provide crisp response. Please refer to Section 6.2 for computer
requirements. Having less RAM than suggested is the most frequent cause of poor
performance in ProView.

11.2.2 When I press the Connect button, or select the Manage>Simulation or

Manage>Oscillographic Events menu items, a progress bar appears that takes
several minutes to finish.
All three of these activities require ProView to organize its internal logic in such a fashion to
properly model the operation of the relay. Because of the very rich software environment that
ProView provides, it requires a reasonably powerful PC to provide crisp response. Please refer
to Section 6.2 for computer requirements. Having less RAM than suggested is the most
frequent cause of poor performance in ProView.
An alternate cause is if custom logic has recently been created or changed in the IDEA
Workbench. The first time any of the listed functions is executed, ProView must incorporate all
of the custom logic in with existing internal relay model. To ensure this blending process does
not have to be repeated, after the progress bar has completed, save the scheme. This can
reduce the length of time required for this process to complete during subsequent executions
of the listed commands.

11.2.3 When in Online-View mode, the following warning message appears:

“Too many real-time variables requested – exiting Online view.”
Too many Online-View mode display screens are open in ProView. This condition occurs most
commonly when the Application Diagram View and one of the Harmonic metering display
screens are attempted to be opened simultaneously.
When in Online-View mode, the relay must continuously send data back to the relay in order to
update the screens that can be active while in Online-View mode. Only the data required by
any open View-Online display screens is communicated to the PC. If too many screens are
open, the amount of data required to be communicated may exceed the available
communication time window. If this is the case, the View-Online mode will automatically be
terminated and this message will be displayed. The solution is to have fewer View-Online
screens open simultaneously.

11.2.4 When I connect to the relay, none of the screens accessed from the Display
menu, nor the IDEA Workbenches, are updating.
You are not in Online-View mode. After connecting to the relay, click on the Go Online button.
This button is located both next to the Connect button at the top of the screen, and in many of
the Display menu dialog boxes, including the Application Diagram display.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

11.2.5 When I connect to the relay, a message box appears telling me I have a
different version of firmware on my relay.
The scheme file loaded in ProView was developed for a different firmware version than what
resides in the relay.

WARNING: Equipment misoperation: The process of downloading new firmware

! will cause the relay to stop operating as a protective relay until a
new Scheme Structure file is downloaded to the relay. Firmware
downloads should only be done when the relay is out of service.
Leaving the relay in service while performing a firmware update can
result in death, severe personal injury, and equipment damage.

To update the firmware you must be logged in at the Modify password level. Then follow these
1. Connect to the relay.
2. Follow the Manage>Device>Download Firmware menu path from the main menu.
3. Wait for the firmware to download. When this is complete the relay will have stopped
functioning as a relay. See above Warning.
4. Click on the Compare button as described in Section 7.3 Comparing PC Schemes and
Settings to Relay on page 87.
5. Choose “Download Structure” from the Compare dialog box. This will load the new
scheme to the relay.
6. Reload your settings to the relay.
7. The relay will now be ready for testing.

11.2.6 Shortly after I power up my relay I get a Cold Load Pickup event in the
Sequence of Events log.
When the relay is first powered up, the 52A opens and the Cold Load Pickup timer
(CLEnable:62P) starts timing. Once that timer expires, a Cold Load Pickup event is

11.2.7 While downloading to the relay, power was inadvertently lost, and now the
relay is either locked up or behaving incorrectly.
If power is lost during a structure or setting download to the relay, it is possible that the
incomplete download will result in erratic relay behavior. The following procedure will
rectify this situation.
1. Power down the relay.
2. Power up the relay with the MENU softkey pressed and held in until the relay LEDs
illuminate. This process clears the partially loaded scheme.
3. Connect to the relay and down the desired scheme and settings.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

12 Getting Help

What to do if you have a problem…

Cooper Powers Systems supports our products in a variety of ways. If you are having
trouble with your Edison IdeaPLUS relay system, Please CALL US!

12.1 Free, Unlimited Telephone Technical Support

Call 1 (800) 497-5953 from 8:30 AM to 4:00PM Central Time (USA) (GMT – 6 hours)

Outside the USA, call 1-414-768-8203 from 8:30 AM to 4:00PM Central Time (USA) (GMT – 6 hours)

Or e-mail: [email protected]

Or Fax: 1 (414) 768-8334 (USA)

12.2 Onsite Service and Training

Call 1 (800) 497-5953 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Central Time (GMT – 6 hours)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

13 Appendices

13.1 Specifications
Frequency 50/60 Hz

Voltage Inputs Four voltage input channels

50 - 250 VAC continuous (phase-to-neutral)
Current Inputs Current input channels
INominal = 5A, Icontinuous = 15A, I3sec = 150A, I1sec = 300A
Burden <0.2VA at 5A
Primary DCR 3.4 mW
Error % <0.3
INominal = 1A, Icontinuous = 3.2A, I3sec = 30A, I1sec = 100A
Burden <0.2VA at 1A
Primary DCR 52.1 mW
Error % <0.3
Digital Inputs (Optically 48 or 125 or 250 Vdc ±20%, nominal current draw of 5mA,
Isolated) minimum operating time of 5msec
Relay Outputs 240 Vac / 250 Vdc
Make: 30A for 0.2 seconds; Carry: 8A continuous
Break: 0.2A (L/R = 40 ms)
Pickup time: <8ms; Dropout time: <5ms
Solid-State Outputs 240 Vac / 250 Vdc
Make: 30A for 0.2 seconds; Carry: 8A continuous
Break: 10A (L/R = 40 ms)
Pickup time: <1ms; Dropout time: <15ms
Power Supply 48 Vdc +/- 20%
120 Vac / 125 Vdc +/- 30%
250 Vdc +/- 20%
Burden: 14W
Ride-through on loss of power: 60msec
Local/Remote EIA-RS-232C, 1 ea. located on front and rear panel
communications Baud Rates: Auto baud rate up to 57,600 bps
EIA-RS-485 1 located on the rear panel
Front Panel Targets 25 Programmable LEDs
Front Panel Display 20 x 4 character LCD

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Front Panel Keypad 8 fixed-function keys, 4 multi-function "soft" keys

8 programmable “Hot-Keys”
Dimensions 3 U high by 8.5” wide
Relay Weight 10 lbs.
Mounting Horizontal
Operating Temperature -40 °F to +158 °F (-40°C to +70 °C) continuous (below s/n 2000)
-40 °F to +158 °F (-40°C to +75 °C) continuous (above s/n 2000)
-40 °F to +185 °F (-40°C to +85 °C) up to 16 hrs
Bump & Shock Test IEC 255-21-2
Cold Temperature Test IEC 68-2-1
Electrostatic Discharge EN 61000-4-2
Environmental Withstand IEC 68-2-30
High temperature Test IEC 68-2-2
Humidity Test IEC 68-2-30
Impulse/Dielectric IEC 255-5
Radio Frequency EN 61000-4-3 Idea IdeaPLUS
Interference 150kHz-1Ghz 100V/m 60V/m
1GHz – 18 Ghz 100V/m 100V/m
Surge Withstand ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1
Vibration Test IEC 255-21-1

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

13.2 Catalog Numbers and Ordering Information

NOTE: Tagging and Lamp Style options (columns J and K) A B C D E F G H I J K
apply only to IdeaPLUS part numbers. Idea and IdeaPlus IdeaPlus


Lamp Style.
Input Range



Aux I/O
Construct Catalog Number

from this table.

Sample Catalog Number: PR6 P2 D10 E 1 5 1 N S T 3
TYPE Edison Idea/IdeaPlus Relay PR6
Edison Idea Chassis D2
Edison IdeaPlus Chassis P2
Scheme/ iDP-210 Feeder Relay D10
Model iDP-210 Feeder Relay w/2 sets of 3-phase voltage inputs D16 Requires Aux I/O Board
iDP-210 Feeder Relay with SEF D20
iDP-210 Feeder Relay with SEF and 2, 3-phase VT inputs D26 Requires Aux I/O Board
Inserts English E
Language Portuguese P
Spanish S
Other O
Power 48VDC Power Supply 4
125VDC/120VAC Power Supply 1
250VDC/240VAC Power Supply 2
24VDC Power Supply 3
Input 5 Amp CT Inputs, 67/120V PT Inputs 5
Ranges 1 Amp CT Inputs, 67/120V PT Inputs 1
Comm. RS485 1
Options Fiber serial 3
Ethernet Fiber Optic:Fiber Optic MTRJ/MTRJ 4
Ethernet Fiber Optic:Wire MTRJ/RJ45 5
Ethernet Wire:Wire RJ45/RJ45 6
Standard: None 7
Ethernet Single Mode Fiber LC/LC 8
Aux I/O No additional Contact I/O N
Add 8 Contact Inputs and 8 Contact Outputs, all N.O 0
Add 8 Contact Inputs and 8 Contact Outputs, 1 NC, 7NO 1
Add 8 Contact Inputs and 8 Contact Outputs, 2 NC, 6NO 2
Add 8 Contact Inputs and 8 Contact Outputs, 3 NC, 5NO 3
Term. All Barrier S
All Compression C
Tag Type Mechanical Hot-Line Tag, CLOSE inhibited on relay fail T
Mechanical Hot-Line Tag, CLOSE enabled on relay fail A
Software based Close-inhibit, CLOSE inhibited on relay fail C
Software based Close-inhibit, CLOSE enabled on relay fail R
Trip/Close 125VDC/120VAC LED Lamps for Trip and Close Status 3
Lamp 48 VDC LED Lamps for Trip and Close Status 2
Type 24VDC LED Lamps for Trip and Close Status 1
48VDC Incandescent Lamps for Trip and Close Status 7
24 VDC Incandescent Lamps for Trip and Close Status 6

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Other X
No Bulbs 0

13.3 Idea and IdeaPLUS Relay Accessories

Description Catalog Number

19” rack mount panel adapter for Idea relay PR6ADRP
19” rack mount panel adapter for IdeaPLUS relay PR6APRP
19” 2-relay side-by-side mounting adapter for Idea relays PR6ADJK
19” 2-relay side-by-side mounting adapter for IdeaPLUS relays PR6APJK
6 foot (2m) front panel RS232 cable F500066001

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


RS-232 9Pin Female D-Sub configured as DCE

1 DCD Carrier Detect Output
2 TXD Transmit Data Output
3 RXD Receive Data Input
4 DSR Data Set Ready Not Connected
5 GND Ground Ground
6 DTR Data Terminal Ready (same as RTS) Output
7 CTS Clear to Send Input
8 RTS Request to Send (same as DTR) Output
9 NC Not Used Not Connected

Recommended Cable: 1-1 Male-Female Cable to PC

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


13.5.1 Communication Board Accessories

The Idea/IdeaPlus relay is equipped with a Communication Board Accessory (expansion
bay) offering versatile support for modern communication media. Six distinct
communication options (Figure 13-1) are available, providing two-way, real time digital
communications with a remote terminal unit (RTU), wireless, telephone modem, Ethernet
network, or other communication devices. The following options are available:
• No auxiliary communication card installed (standard)
• RS485 (isolated) Serial communication card
• Fiber-optic-based Serial Communication Card (ST)
• 10/100 Base-T dual Ethernet communication card (2*RJ-45)
• 100 Base-FX dual Ethernet communication card (2*MT-RJ)
• 10/100 Base-T, 100 Base-FX Ethernet communication card (RJ-45 + MT-RJ)
The expansion bay based Communication Board Accessory concept offers high versatility
with respect to communication medium and protocol support. Additional accessories are
being continuously developed. Contact your Cooper Power Systems representative for the
latest information regarding particular media and communication protocol support.

Figure 13-1: Back panel Ethernet and Communication options (above s/n 2000)

13.5.2 RS485 Serial Communication Card

The RS485 serial communication card accessory provides means for establishing
asynchronous link-based digital communications with the relay. The Galvanic isolated
(1000V DC) RS485 port uses a single shielded twisted pair connection and can support
16 devices in multi-drop configuration. Communication speed is controlled through
software and can be set at: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, and 115kBPS.
Digital communications must be programmed through the Communications Workbench to
ensure proper operation of the RS485 communication card accessory.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

13.5.3 Fiber-Optic Based Serial Communication Card

The Fiber-Optic based Serial Communication Card offers means of establishing
asynchronous (RS-232 like) digital communications through multi-mode fiber media. The
use of the fiber-optic based serial communication card accessory can enhance
communication reliability, and provides excellent electrical isolation thus protecting
transmitted data from extraneous electrical interference.
An optional fiber-optic-to-RS-232D converter with DB-25 connector (Catalog Number
KME4-163) is available for interfacing between an optical signal and a hard-wired RS-232
signal, when required.
A pair of industry standard ST type fiber-optic connectors are mounted on the back of the
board enabling customer connection to a digital communication system using fiber-optic
cables (customer-supplied).
The fiber-optic link has separate receive (RX) and transmit (TX) ports operating at 820nm.
Typical transmission distance is 2000m with 62.5/125µm multi-mode fiber. Consult your
Cooper Power Systems representative for availability of long haul and single mode fiber
solutions. Link communication speed is controlled through software and can be set at:
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, and 115kBPS.
The fiber-optic accessory must be programmed through the Communications Workbench
for the appropriate protocol.
The fiber-optic based serial accessory includes TX and RX indicating LEDs for verifying
communications along with an echo / non echo switch for supporting ring / star fiber
When operated in a ring configuration, the toggle switch must be set in the ECHO position.
In this mode, the fiber-optic card will repeat (pass through) all messages received on the
RX fiber, and will respond to the Master station by first echoing the incoming command
and then sending the response. This arrangement is best suited for creation of low cost
multi device fiber loops. For reliable communications, the fiber loop system requires that all
devices in the loop remain powered at all times, thus enabling unobstructed flow of
information throughout the loop.
A more resilient system can be designed by using the fiber-optic ports in a point-to-point or
multiple point-to-point (star) configuration. For this mode, the toggle switch must be set in
the NON-ECHO mode. The relay will respond to the Master station by sending a response
only (total separation of Receive and Transmit fibers). Additional hardware (fiber-optic star
coupler) is required to support the multiple point-to-point device configurations.

13.5.4 Ethernet Communication Cards

The Ethernet communication card accessory brings the Ethernet network connectivity to
the relay platform. It is highly flexible, offering simultaneous support for multiple sessions,
device management (ProView over TCP/IP) and SCADA communications (DNP3 over
By natively supporting a set of widely accepted industry standards (TCP/IP, UDP/IP, OSI)
the Ethernet communication accessory ensures seamless interoperability with other
network devices.
The Ethernet communication card accessory is offered in 3 physical layer configurations
(twisted pair and optical-fiber options) as shown in below.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Maximum link length is determined by the use of the particular physical layer
implementation, and can be further constrained by the actual network configuration. In
case of the 100Base-FX MT-RJ connector based implementation, maximum link length in
excess of 2000m can be achieved with 62.5/125µm multi mode fiber. The fiber-optic link
uses 1300nm wavelength, and can easily be interfaced to other 100Base-FX solutions
(ST connector patch cord solution).
The Ethernet communication accessory card is equipped with two physical ports
configured to act as primary and standby LAN connections. Availability of the backup
communication port enables creation of highly redundant Ethernet networks thus
increasing the overall system reliability.
• Under normal network conditions, all communications will be channeled through
the primary port (#1, Figure 13-1), with the standby port either logically disabled,
or configured for fast automatic throw-over in case of the primary Ethernet link
Ethernet Communication Card Configurations
Card Output Communication
Type Configurations Connectors Speed
1 10/100 Base-T 2 * RJ-45 10 / 100MBps
(auto switching)
2 100 Base-FX 2 * MT-RJ 100MBps
(fiber) (full duplex)
3 10/100 Base-T, RJ-45 + MT-RJ 10/100MBps
100 Base-FX and 100MBps

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

J1 J2 J3

Figure 13-2: Back panel communication options (below s/n 2000)

J1- RS-232 9Pin Male D-Sub configured as DTE

1 DCD Carrier Detect Input
2 RXD Receive Data Input
3 TXD Transmit Data Output
4 DTR Data Terminal Ready Not Connected
5 GND Ground Ground
6 DSR Data Set Ready Not Connected
7 RTS Request to Send Output
8 CTS Clear to Send Input
9 - Do not connect Do not connect

Recommended Cable: 1-1 Male-Female Cable to Modem

Recommended Cable: Null Modem Female-Female Cable to PC

J2- IRIG-B 5V Demodulated Time Code Input Female BNC

J3- RS-485 2-Wire 9Pin Female D-Sub

1 SGND RS-485 Signal Ground (Same as 3) Signal Ground
2 GND Chassis Ground Chassis Ground
3 SGND RS-485 Signal Ground (Same as 1) Signal Ground
4 A RS-485 “A” Signal (+)(Same as 8) I/O
5 B RS-485 “B” Signal ( - ) (Same as 9) I/O
6 GND Chassis Ground Chassis Ground
7 GND Chassis Ground Chassis Ground
8 A RS-485 “A” Signal (+)(Same as 4) I/O
9 B RS-485 “B” Signal ( - ) (Same as 5) I/O

Recommended Cable: Twisted pair with 3rd conductor for Signal Ground

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

13.6 Behavior of Frequency Measuring Elements

The following discussion provides a description of the behavior of the frequency measuring algorithms
used in the iDP-210 for both the frequency elements 81O and 81U and the synch-check element and
for certain signals in the IDEA Workbench. Note that the terminology “asserts” means the logic
produces a logical 1 output, and “unasserts” indicates the logic returns to a logical 0 output.

Assuming sinusoidal single-frequency voltages, then on the three-phase side of the breaker, if the
positive sequence voltage estimate falls below 2% of full scale, the frequency elements latch and
maintain their prior status, asserted or unasserted.

If the positive sequence voltage remains below 2% of full scale for longer than 4 cycles, then the
frequency elements are unlatched and unasserted (all 81U's drop out, and all 81O's drop out) and the
Workbench signal <X Freq Not Measurable> asserts, where "X" stands for either "Bus" or "Line",
depending upon which side of the breaker the three-phase PT's are located.

One and one-half (1.5) cycles after the positive sequence voltage rises above 2% of full scale, the
<X Freq Not Measurable> signal unasserts and the frequency elements commence reporting their
actual realtime status.

On the single-phase side of the breaker, all of the above logic applies equally except:

• The single-phase sync voltage is used in place of positive sequence, and;

• The signal <Y Freq Not Measurable> is asserted when voltage is inadequate for frequency
determination, where "Y" stands for either "Line" or "Bus", depending upon which side of the
breaker the single-phase PT is located.

Also available to the IDEA Workbench for the iDP-210 is a third signal, <Slip Not Measurable>, which
asserts simply when either of the <Bus Freq Not Measurable> or <Line Freq Not Measurable>
signals assert.

13.6.1 Comparison of iDP-210 Relay and Form 6 Recloser Control Frequency

Measuring Elements

The only substantive difference between the iDP-210 relay and the Form 6 recloser control is that in the
Form 6, the <Phase Freq, Slip Unstable> and <Sync Freq, Slip Unstable> signals assert 4 cycles
sooner than the similar <Bus Freq Not Measurable> and <Line Freq Not Measurable> signals in the
iDP-210. The vast majority of frequency functionality is identical between the Form 6 and iDP-210. The
practical effect will be that the Form 6 will provide an earlier warning to frequency measurement
problems, while the iDP-210 will provide fewer false warnings due to switching transients.

13.7 Sequence of Events: Event Definitions

The relay with iDP-210 scheme contains capabilities to perform Sequence of Events (SOE) time-
stamping for more than 74 event types (binary inputs).

Sixteen additional event types can be user-defined through the ProView™ Idea Workbench™. The
status of the 16 user-defined events types are displayed on the relay front panel LCD in the
Workbench> Workbench Status menu display. These 16 event types are displayed as USER SOE #01
ON, USER SOE #02 ON, etc. (through USER SOE #16 ON) as the default. Refer to the Workbench
Status Outputs to MMI and SOE section in S165-210-2 iDP-210 Workbench Programming Guide for
additional user-defined event information.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

A minimum of 250 events will be available in the event recorder. The most recent event appears at the
top of the event recorder. The event recorder uses a first in, first out protocol.

Refer to 7.5.6 of this manual for additional event recorder information.

SOE Event Name Event Definition

27P1:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 1st undervoltage element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
27P2:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 2nd undervoltage element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
27P3:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 3rd undervoltage element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
3 PHASE FAULT Asserts when a 3-phase fault is identified by the fault detector algorithm.
32R:62P PU Asserts when the delay setting timer for Reverse Power Element Three-
Phase Pickup (kWpri) expires.
59P1:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 1st overvoltage element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
59P2:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 2nd overvoltage element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
59P3:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 3rd overvoltage element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
59Q:62P(V2) TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the negative-sequence
overvoltage element expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
59V0:62P(V0)TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the zero-sequence overvoltage
element expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
67N/SEF TRIP Asserts when the relay issues a trip signal due to a directional Sensitive
Earth Fault (SEF) neutral overcurrent element pickup.
67P INVTIME TRIP Asserts when a directional phase inverse time overcurrent trip occurs.
67PH TRIP Asserts when a directional high-set phase overcurrent element trip occurs.
67PL:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the directional low-set phase
overcurrent element expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
67PM:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the directional medium-set phase
overcurrent element expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
67Q INVTIME TRIP Asserts when a negative sequence inverse time overcurrent trip occurs.
67QH TRIP Asserts when a directional high-set negative sequence overcurrent
element trip occurs.
67QL:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the directional low-set negative
sequence overcurrent element expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
67QM:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the directional medium-set
negative sequence overcurrent element expires and the relay issues a trip
67R INVTIME TRIP Asserts when a directional ground inverse time overcurrent trip occurs.
67RH TRIP Asserts when a directional high-set residual overcurrent element trip
67RL:62 TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the directional low-set residual
overcurrent element expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
67RM:62 TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the directional medium-set
residual overcurrent element expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
81U1:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 1st underfrequency element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
81U2:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 2nd underfrequency element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
81U3:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 3rd underfrequency element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

SOE Event Name Event Definition

81U4:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 4th underfrequency element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
81U5:62P TRIP Asserts when the delay setting timer for the 5th underfrequency element
expires and the relay issues a trip signal.
BREAKER CLOSED Asserts when the breaker is closed.
BRKR. WEAR Alarm Asserts when the cumulative interrupted current of the breaker has
exceeded its alarm threshold.
CableSpliceEvent Asserts when the number of self-clearing faults detected by the Incipient
Cable Splice Fault Detector algorithm exceeds an alarm threshold.
CLOSE FAILURE Asserts if the breaker does not close upon receiving a close command
from any source.
CLOSE INPUT HIGH Asserts when the relay issues a remote close command from the
Workbench Outputs Signal Contact Input 3.
COLD LOAD PICKUP Asserts when Cold Load Pickup is activated when a CLOSE signal is
applied to the relay.
FREQUENCY Asserts when the frequency returns to normal for a sufficient time (per
RESTORED operation of the 8101:62P element) to allow for the restoration logic to be
hotline tag off Asserts when Hot Line Tag is turned off.
HOTLINE TAG On Asserts when Hot Line Tag is turned on.
IN LoadEncr ZONE Asserts when a heavy three phase loading condition is detected, operation
of one or more phase overcurrent elements are not blocked, load
encroachment occurs, and load encroachment is enabled. This is valid as
long as the heavy three-phase load current is balanced.
NVmode-G off Asserts when the relay transitions from Ground Trip Blocked mode to
Ground Trip Blocked Off Mode, i.e. Ground Trip Blocked is no longer
NVmode-G ON Asserts when the relay transitions from Ground Trip Blocked Off mode to
Ground Trip Blocked On Mode, i.e. Ground Trip Blocked is active.
NVmode-R off Asserts when the relay transitions from an active Non-Reclosing mode.
Non-Reclosing mode is now inactive; therefore, automatic reclosing
operations are allowed.
NVmode-R ON Asserts when the relay transitions from Non-Reclosing off mode. Non-
Reclosing is now active; therefore, automatic reclosing operations are
NVmode-S off Asserts when the relay transitions from Supervisory On mode to
Supervisory Off (Local) mode.
NVmode-S ON Asserts when the relay transitions from Supervisory Off (Local) mode to
Supervisory On mode.
off <UserMode-W> Asserts when user customized non-volatile Mode W transitions from active
to inactive status.
off <UserMode-X> Asserts when user customized non-volatile Mode X transitions from active
to inactive status.
off <UserMode-Y> Asserts when user customized non-volatile Mode Y transitions from active
to inactive status.
off <UserMode-Z> Asserts when user customized non-volatile Mode Z transitions from active
to inactive status.
ON <USER Mode-W> Asserts when user customized non-volatile Mode W transitions from
inactive to active status.
ON <USER Mode-X> Asserts when user customized non-volatile Mode X transitions from
inactive to active status.
ON <USER Mode-Y> Asserts when user customized non-volatile Mode Y transitions from
inactive to active status.
ON <USER Mode-Z> Asserts when user customized non-volatile Mode Z transitions from

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

SOE Event Name Event Definition

inactive to active status.
PH A-B FAULT Asserts when an A phase-to-B phase fault is identified by the fault detector
PH AB-G FAULT Asserts when an A phase-to-B phase-to-Ground fault is identified by the
fault detector algorithm.
PH A-GRD FAULT Asserts when an A Phase-to-Ground fault is identified by the fault detector
PH B-C FAULT Asserts when a B phase-to-C phase fault is identified by the fault detector
PH BC-G FAULT Asserts when a B phase-to-C phase-to-Ground fault is identified by the
fault detector algorithm.
PH B-GRD FAULT Asserts when a B Phase-to-Ground fault is identified by the fault detector
PH C-A FAULT Asserts when a C phase-to-A phase fault is identified by the fault detector
PH CA-G FAULT Asserts when a C phase-to-A phase-to-Ground fault is identified by the
fault detector algorithm.
PH C-GRD FAULT Asserts when a C Phase-to-Ground fault is identified by the fault detector
PowerSupplyAlarm Asserts when the power supply output voltage is out of range. If the power
supply fails, the relay will not operate.
PT FUSE FAIL Asserts when a fuse operation occurs on one or more PTs.
RAM REFRESH Asserts when the relay resets (reloads the scheme in RAM and refreshes
the memory).
RECLOSR IS RESET Asserts when the recloser is closed and no overcurrent is detected after a
successful reclose occurs.
RECLSR Lockd Out Asserts when the reclosing relay element transitions to a locked out state.
SELF-CLEAR FAULT Asserts whenever the incipient cable splice fault algorithm detects an
incipient cable splice fault clearing incident. This event indicates pending
cable splice failure.
SWITCH ONTO FLT Asserts when a close onto fault condition occurs
TRIP FAILURE Asserts if the breaker does not trip upon receiving a trip command from
any source.
TRIP INPUT HIGH Asserts when the relay issues a remote trip command from the Workbench
Outputs Signal Contact Input 2.
TRIP VOLTAGE OK Asserts when there is once again sufficient power to trip the breaker after a
TripVoltage Lost event.
TripVoltage Lost Asserts when there is insufficient power to trip the breaker.
UF RESTORE CLOSE Asserts when the breaker automatically closes due to the frequency
returning after a load-shedding event.

13.8 Mounting the Idea or IdeaPlus Relay with optional Mounting Kits
The Idea and IdeaPlus relays are designed to be mounted in a standard 19” rack. These are the
mounting options:
• Double Rack Mounting Kit
• Single Mount with Filler Plate Mounting Kit

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 13-3: Relay Mounting Kits

13.8.1 Idea/IdeaPlus Relay Double Rack Mount Connecting Plate and Handle
Attachment Instructions
These instructions apply to the attachment of the handles and connecting plate for two Idea or
IdeaPlus relays mounted side-by-side in a standard 19” rack. Follow these procedures to
attach the handles and connecting plate.
Item Description Part Number Quantity
1 Idea Relay (for reference) 2
IdeaPlus Connecting Plate 6A00169501
2 or or 1
Idea Connecting Plate 6A00185101
3 #10-24 Screw 813315110100A 2
Table 13-1: PR6ADJK (Idea) / PR6APJK (IdeaPlus) Double Rack Mounting Kit Parts List
1. Remove the relay from service.
2. Carefully transport the relay to a suitable service facility.

Note: The entire kit assembly/installation process should be conducted in a clean environment, such as a
repair shop.

3. Orient the handles and relays as illustrated in Figure 13-4.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 13-4: Double Rack-Mount Connecting Plate and Handle Attachment

4. Remove one handle from each relay so they fit together as shown in front view.
5. Remove the middle screws from the back of each relay with a Phillips head screwdriver.
6. Place the connecting plate over the screw holes in the relays.
7. Secure the connecting plate with the previously removed screws.
8. Completely tighten hardware. Do not torque.
9. Secure the relays together.
10. Connecting two relays requires removing the front panel from the relay (right-side) as
shown in Figure 13-5.
11. Unscrew the six screws from the relay front panel until they detach from the relay box.
12. Pull the right side of the right relay front panel out towards the left Figure 13-5.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Note: Various connecting wires will keep the panel attached to the relay. It is not necessary to disconnect
any wires.

13. Use a long flathead screwdriver to screw each #10-24 screw (Item 3, Table 13-1) right to
left into the pre-threaded holes.

Note: It is not necessary to remove the front cover panel of the left relay.

14. Tighten screws completely.

15. Gently place the front cover panel back onto the relay.
16. Re-screw the screws back into the right relay front panel and tighten all hardware
completely. Do not torque.
17. Return the relay to service.

Figure 13-5: Double Rack—Single Mount Handle and Filler Plate Attachment

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

13.8.2 Idea/IdeaPlus Relay Single Rack-Mount Filler Plate Attachment Instructions

Item Description Part Number Quantity
1 Idea Relay (for reference) 1
Idea Plus Filler Plate 6A00166802
2 or or 1
Idea Filler Plate 6A00163701
3 #10-32 Pan Hd Screw 723315310050A 2
Table 13-2: PR6ADRP (Idea) / PR6APRP (IdeaPlus) Single Rack Mounting Kit and Filler
Plate Parts List
These instructions apply to the attachment of one filler plate to one relay prior to mounting
it in a standard 19” rack.
The relay is shipped without the filler plate attached. Follow this procedure to attach the
filler plate to one side.

Note: The filler plate can be mounted on either side of the relay.

Note: This procedure is required prior to mounting one relay in a standard 19” rack.

1. Remove the relay from service.

2. Carefully transport the relay to a suitable service facility.

Note: The entire kit assembly/installation process should be conducted in a clean environment, such as a
repair shop.

3. Remove the screws from the handle on the side the filler plate will be mounted to. Retain the
4. Align the holes of the loose handle over the pre-drilled holes on the side of the relay.
5. Align the filler plate over the handle holes as shown in Figure 13-6.
6. Attach the handle and filler plate (Item 2) to the relay with the two new #10-32 Pan Head
Screws (Item 3) and the screws retained in Step 3 as shown in Figure 13-6.
7. Tighten all hardware completely. Do not torque.
8. Return the relay to service.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Figure 13-6: Single Rack-Mount Filler Plate Attachment

13.9 Explanation of Reclose Ready LED Behavior

Why does the RECLOSE READY LED turn off when a fault is detected and why does the
relay count 79:62RES to turn on the LED? The reason that the RECLOSER READY LED
indicator turns off when a fault is detected is because the reclosing sequence has started,
and now the recloser status is “reclosing in progress.”
The 46NFD should be set to pick up for the lowest residual current which the user desires
the iDP-210 relay to identify as a fault condition. This will probably be the same value as
the lowest set, enabled residual overcurrent element. If the user were applying the relay
with only the 67R enabled, then it would be appropriate to set the 46NFD to the same
pickup value as for the 67R.
When the 46NFD picks up, that is the iDP-210 relay evidence that a ground fault condition
currently exists on the system, for which it may be called upon to take some protective
action, i.e. after expiration of a timer or inverse time overcurrent function. Thus, the
recloser module must not be allowed to reset while these conditions persist, because
some protective function may be in the process of timing toward trip, and if allowed to
reset, the recloser module could lose track of shot counts from previous trip shots or
sequence coordination shots.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

When the fault condition is no longer detected (the 46NFD drops out) then some time
must elapse before the user can be assured that the associated trip/reclose sequence
(either local or downstream) is complete. The (79:62res) timer setting (Recloser Reset
Time) is employed for this purpose. This is the reset timer setting which would normally be
employed when resetting from a local trip/reclose sequence. But, as described above, the
46NFD pickup is used to alert the reclosure module of just such a condition (either local or
downstream). So pickup/dropout of the 46NFD has the same effect as pickup/dropout of
any enabled residual overcurrent element, as far as the reset of the recloser module is

13.10 Operation of RECLOSER BLOCKED LED

The RECLOSER BLOCKED LED will illuminate for any of the following four conditions:
• The "Non-Reclosing" NV mode is currently activated.
• The recloser module is currently in a "Locked Out" state.
• The Cancel Reclose input to the recloser module is currently asserted.
In the default scheme, the Cancel Reclose signal asserts whenever one of the
tripping functions selected in the Reclose/Lockout Action setting dialog asserts,
when the Hot-Line Tag NV mode is active, or when the "Non-Reclosing" NV
mode is active.
Note, however, that via the Workbench, the user can alter some of these default
signals driving the Cancel Reclose input, although the NV Modes "Hot-Line Tag"
and "Non-Reclosing" cannot be prevented from asserting Cancel Reclose.
• The Permit Breaker Close input to the recloser module is currently unasserted.
In the default scheme, the Permit Breaker Close signal can assert only if the NV
Mode "Hot-Line Tag" is unasserted, and there is no Internal Alarm condition
detected. If both the foregoing conditions are met, then the Permit Breaker Close
signal can assert if either Sync-Check is disabled, or if it is enabled and the
various sync-check functions detect acceptable pre-conditions for breaker
Note, however, that via the Workbench, the user can alter some of these default
signals driving the Permit Breaker Close input, although the NV Mode "Hot-Line
Tag" or detection of an Internal Alarm cannot be prevented from unasserting
Permit Breaker Close.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

14 Protective Settings List

Other Identifier:
Scheme Scheme Revision Date:
Setting Group:
Settings Prepared By: On Date:
Settings Set By: On Date:

NOTE: Variables whose settings are shown as a series of comma delimited values are variables
whose settings can change with the selected Setting Group. The first number in the series
represents the setting for the first setting group, and so forth. Variables with a single entry are
global variables whose settings do not change with the setting group.


25:27Dead 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Max Dead Bus or Line Volts for
Close (Vsec)
25:59Hot 100,100,100,100, Min Hot Bus or Line Volts for Close
100,100,100,100 (Vsec)
25:62APump 10,10,10,10,10,10, Interval during which additional
10,10 Control Close attempts are ignored
25:62Setup 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Live/Dead and Static Angle Sync-
Check Setup Time (sec)
25:81OFB 60.05,60.05,60.05, Maximum Bus-Side Frequency for
60.05,60.05,60.05, Control Close (Hz)
25:81OFL 60.1,60.1,60.1, Maximum Line-Side Frequency for
60.1,60.1,60.1, Control Close (Hz)
25:81UFB 59.95,59.95,59.95, Minimum Bus-Side Frequency for
59.95,59.95,59.95, Control Close (Hz)
25:81UFL 59.9,59.9,59.9, Minimum Line-Side Frequency for
59.9,59.9,59.9, Control Close (Hz)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


25:AAngle 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Maximum Anticipated Breaker
Angle for Anticipatory Control Close
25:ASlip 0.01,0.01,0.01, Maximum Breaker Slip for
0.01,0.01,0.01, Anticipatory Control Close (Hz)
25:BCT 0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2, Breaker Mechanism Close
0.2,0.2,0.2 Operation Time (sec)
25:DV27 10,10,10,10,10,10, Max In-Sync Diff. Volts for HLHB
10,10 Close (Vsec)
25:E:AMotor 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Anti-Motoring Supervision of Close
25:E:DLDB 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Permit Dead-Line/Dead-Bus Close
25:E:DLHB 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Permit Dead-Line/Hot-Bus Close
25:E:HLDB 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Permit Hot-Line/Dead-Bus Close
25:E:HLHB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Permit Hot-Line/Hot-Bus Close
25:Enable 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Sync-Check Supervision of
Close (0=N,1=Y)
25:SAngle 10,10,10,10,10,10, Maximum Breaker Angle for Static
10,10 Angle Control Close (deg)
25:SSlip 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1, Maximum Breaker Slip for Static
0.1,0.1,0.1 Angle Control Close (Hz)
25:Try62 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Time duration to try Sync Check.
25:V3P:Loc 0 Bus/Line Location of 3-Phase
Voltage Measurements (0=B,1=L)
25:VS:Phase 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Phase Voltage [0=A, 1=B, 2=C] to
which Sync Voltage corresponds
25:VS:Rotate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Angle by which to rotate Vsync so
as to match the angle of the
selected Vphase (deg)
27FF 15 Phase Undervoltage for Fuse
Failure Detection (Vsec)
27FF:62P 2 Fuse-Failure Logic P.U. Delay (sec)
27P1 40,40,40,40,40,40, Level-1 Phase Undervoltage pickup
40,40 (Vsec)
27P1:62 2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5, Level-1 Phase Undervoltage PU
2.5,2.5,2.5 Delay (sec)
27P1:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
27P1:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Level-3 Def Time Phase
Undervoltage Trip (0=N,1=Y)
27P2 90,90,90,90,90,90, Level-2 Phase Undervoltage pickup
90,90 (Vsec)
27P2:62 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 Level-2 Phase Undervoltage PU
Delay (sec)
27P2:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


27P2:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Level-2 Def Time Phase
Undervoltage Trip (0=N,1=Y)

27P3 108,108,108,108, Level-3 Phase Undervoltage pickup

108,108,108,108 (Vsec)
27P3:62 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Level-3 Phase Undervoltage PU
Delay (sec)
27P3:62P_REC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Select Reclose or Lockout each
27P3:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Level-3 Def Time Phase
Undervoltage Trip (0=N,1=Y)
32NF:MTA 90,90,90,90,90,90, Zero Seq Directional [using V0 and
90,90 I0] Maximum Torque Angle (deg)
32NF:Trq 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Zero Seq Directional Torque
Threshold (V0*I0sec)
32PF:MTA 90,90,90,90,90,90, Pos Seq Directional Maximum
90,90 Torque Angle (deg)
32PF:Trq 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Pos Seq Directional Torque
Threshold (V1*I1sec)
32QF:MTA 90,90,90,90,90,90, Neg Seq Directional [using V2 and
90,90 I2] Maximum Torque Angle (deg)
32QF:Trq 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Neg Seq Directional Torque
Threshold (V2*I2sec)
32R 13,13,13,13,13,13, Reverse Power Element Three-
13,13 Phase Pickup (kWpri)
32R:62 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Delay setting for Reverse Power
32R:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Reverse Power protection
32SEF:MTA 90,90,90,90,90,90, SEF Directional [using V0 and IN/3]
90,90 Maximum Torque Angle (deg)
32SEF:Trq 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 SEF Directional Torque Threshold
46FDRatio 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Ratio of 46FD auto set
46NFD 0.05,0.05,0.05, Residual Overcurrent Fault
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, Detector (IRsec)
0.05, 0.05,
46NFDAutoSet 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 46FD element will be automatically
set. 1=Yes, 0=No
46PFD 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 Positive Sequence Overcurrent
Fault Detector (I1sec)
46PFDAutoSet 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 46FD element will be automatically
set. 1=Yes, 0=No
46QFD 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Negative Sequence Overcurrent
Fault Detector (I2sec)
46QFDAutoSet 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 46FD element will be automatically
set. 1=Yes, 0=No
50DCB 0.05,0.05,0.05, Phase O.C.: Detect Closed Breaker
0.05,0.05,0.05, (Asec)
52:Alarm 250 Alarm threshold for accum.
exponentized interrupted current =

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


52:EDialog 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Ckt Bkr Cntl via Remote
ProView Dialogs (0=N,1=Y)
52:EXP 2 Exponent applied to interrupted kA
prior to Summation
52:ITC 28 Initial Trip Count prior to relay
52aDebounce62 0 52a contact input will have this time
delay for status change.
59FFR 108 Fuse-Fail Reset - Phase
Overvoltage (Vsec)
59FFR:3P:62P 6 Fuse Failure Reset Delay (sec)
59P1 140,140,140,140, Level-1 Phase Overvoltage pickup
140,140,140,140 (Vsec)
59P1:62 1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5, Level-1 Phase Overvoltage PU
1.5,1.5,1.5 Delay (sec)
59P1:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
59P1:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Level-1 Def Time Phase
Overvoltage Trip (0=N,1=Y)
59P2 135,135,135,135, Level-2 Phase Overvoltage pickup
135,135,135,135 (Vsec)
59P2:62 2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5, Level-2 Phase Overvoltage PU
2.5,2.5,2.5 Delay (sec)
59P2:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
59P2:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Level-2 Def Time Phase
Overvoltage Trip (0=N,1=Y)
59P3 129,129,129,129, Level-3 Phase Overvoltage pickup
129,129,129,129 (Vsec)
59P3:62 1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5, Level-3 Phase Overvoltage PU
1.5,1.5,1.5 Delay (sec)
59P3:62P_REC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Select Reclose or Lockout each
59P3:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Level-3 Def Time Phase
Overvoltage Trip (0=N,1=Y)
59Q 10,10,10,10,10,10, Neg Seq Overvoltage pickup
10,10 (V2sec)
59Q:62 1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5, Neg Seq Overvoltage PU Delay
1.5,1.5,1.5 (sec)
59Q:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
59Q:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Def Time Neg Seq
Overvoltage Trip (0=N,1=Y)
59V0 10,10,10,10,10,10, Zero Seq Overvoltage pickup
10,10 (V0sec)
59V0:62 1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5, Zero Seq Overvoltage PU Delay
1.5,1.5,1.5 (sec)
59V0:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
59V0:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Def Time Zero Seq
Overvoltage Trip (0=N,1=Y)
67N/SEF:62 0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2, 67N/SEF Neutral OC PU Time
0.2,0.2,0.2 Delay (sec)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


67N/SEF:62P_R 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each
EC Shot
67N/SEF:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0:Neither, 1:Neutral or 2:Sensitive
Earth Fault relaying via IN input
67N/SEF:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of 67N/SEF Neutral OC (012=XFR)
67NL 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 Low-Set Inst. Neutral Overcurrent
67P:Curve 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 CurveType: IEEE: MI=0, VI=1,
EI=2, IEC: A=3, B=4, C=5, D=6,
E=7, SEL:U1=8, U2=9, U3=10,
U4=11, U5=12, Custom=13
67P:Custom:A 0.0515,0.0515, Custom curve parameter "A", where
0.0515,0.0515, Trip Time=TDx[A/(M^P-1)+B]
67P:Custom:B 0.114,0.114,0.114, Custom curve parameter "B", where
0.114,0.114,0.114, Trip Time=TDx[A/(M^P-1)+B]
67P:Custom:C 4.85,4.85,4.85, Custom curve parameter "C",
4.85,4.85,4.85, where Reset Time=TDxC/(M^2-1)
67P:Custom:P 0.02,0.02,0.02, Custom curve parameter "P", where
0.02,0.02,0.02, Trip Time=TDx[A/(M^P-1)+B]
67P:E 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Residual TOC (0=N,1=Y)
67P:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67P:Flat 20,20,20,20,20,20, Multiples of Pickup Current at which
20,20 to Flatten the Time Curve (N)
67P:PU 30,30,30,30,30,30, Pickup Current (Asec)
67P:RST 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 IEEE Reset: 0=Disk-like, 1=Inst.
[IEC always Inst.] (0=D,1=I)
67P:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of Residual TOC (012=XFR)
67P:TD 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Time Dial Multiplier of Base Curve
67P:Trip_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67PH 40,40,40,40,40,40, High-Set Inst. Max Phase
40,40 Overcurrent Pickup (Asec)
67PH:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable High-Set Phase OC
67PH:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67PH:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of High-Set Phase OC (012=XFR)
67PH_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67PL 10,10,10,10,10,10, Low-Set Max Phase Overcurrent
10,10 Pickup (Asec)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


67PL:62 20,20,20,20,20,20, Low-Set Phase OC PU Delay (sec)
67PL:62P_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67PL:E 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Low-Set Phase OC
67PL:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67PL:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of Low-Set Phase OC (012=XFR)
67PM 22.5,22.5,22.5, Med-Set Max Phase Overcurrent
22.5,22.5,22.5, Pickup (Asec)
67PM:62 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Med-Set Phase OC PU Delay (sec)
67PM:62P_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67PM:E 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Med-Set Phase OC
67PM:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67PM:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of Med-Set Phase OC (012=XFR)
67Q:Curve 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 CurveType: IEEE: MI=0, VI=1,
EI=2, IEC: A=3, B=4, C=5, D=6,
E=7, SEL:U1=8, U2=9, U3=10,
U4=11, U5=12, Custom=13
67Q:Custom:A 0.0515,0.0515, Custom curve parameter "A", where
0.0515,0.0515, Trip Time=TDx[A/(M^P-1)+B]
67Q:Custom:B 0.114,0.114,0.114, Custom curve parameter "B", where
0.114,0.114,0.114, Trip Time=TDx[A/(M^P-1)+B]
67Q:Custom:C 4.85,4.85,4.85, Custom curve parameter "C",
4.85,4.85,4.85, where Reset Time=TDxC/(M^2-1)
67Q:Custom:P 0.02,0.02,0.02, Custom curve parameter "P", where
0.02,0.02,0.02, Trip Time=TDx[A/(M^P-1)+B]
67Q:E 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Residual TOC (0=N,1=Y)
67Q:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67Q:Flat 20,20,20,20,20,20, Multiples of Pickup Current at which
20,20 to Flatten the Time Curve (N)
67Q:PU 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8 Pickup Current (I2sec)
67Q:RST 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 IEEE Reset: 0=Disk-like, 1=Inst.
[IEC always Inst.] (0=D,1=I)
67Q:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of Residual TOC (012=XFR)
67Q:TD 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Time Dial Multiplier of Base Curve
67Q:Trip_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


67QH 17.5,17.5,17.5, High-Set Inst. Neg. Seq.
17.5,17.5,17.5, Overcurrent (I2sec)
67QH:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable High-Set Neg Seq OC
67QH:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67QH:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of High-Set Neg Seq OC
67QH_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67QL 0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9, Low-Set Inst. Neg. Seq.
0.9,0.9,0.9 Overcurrent (I2sec)
67QL:62 20,20,20,20,20,20, Low-Set Neg Seq OC PU Delay
20,20 (sec)
67QL:62P_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67QL:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Low-Set Neg Seq OC
67QL:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67QL:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of Low-Set Neg Seq OC
67QM 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 Med-Set Inst. Neg. Seq.
Overcurrent (I2sec)
67QM:62 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Med-Set Neg Seq OC PU Delay
67QM:62P_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67QM:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Med-Set Neg Seq OC
67QM:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67QM:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of Med-Set Neg Seq OC
67R:Curve 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 CurveType: IEEE: MI=0, VI=1,
EI=2, IEC: A=3, B=4, C=5, D=6,
E=7, SEL:U1=8, U2=9, U3=10,
U4=11, U5=12, Custom=13
67R:Custom:A 0.0515,0.0515, Custom curve parameter "A", where
0.0515,0.0515, Trip Time=TDx[A/(M^P-1)+B]
67R:Custom:B 0.114,0.114,0.114, Custom curve parameter "B", where
0.114,0.114,0.114, Trip Time=TDx[A/(M^P-1)+B]
67R:Custom:C 4.85,4.85,4.85, Custom curve parameter "C",
4.85,4.85,4.85, where Reset Time=TDxC/(M^2-1)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


67R:Custom:P 0.02,0.02,0.02, Custom curve parameter "P", where
0.02,0.02,0.02, Trip Time=TDx[A/(M^P-1)+B]
67R:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Residual TOC (0=N,1=Y)
67R:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67R:Flat 20,20,20,20,20,20, Multiples of Pickup Current at which
20,20 to Flatten the Time Curve (N)
67R:PU 0.05,0.05,0.05, Pickup Current (IRsec)
67R:RST 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 IEEE Reset: 0=Disk-like, 1=Inst.
[IEC always Inst.] (0=D,1=I)
67R:T32 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Residual O.C. Directional Type:
Neg. Seq[1] or Zero Seq[0]
67R:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of Residual TOC (012=XFR)
67R:TD 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Time Dial Multiplier of Base Curve
67R:Trip_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67RH 30,30,30,30,30,30, High-Set Inst. Residual Overcurrent
30,30 (IRsec)
67RH:E 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable High-Set Residual OC
67RH:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67RH:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of High-Set Residual OC
67RH_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67RL 1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5, Low-Set Inst. Residual Overcurrent
1.5,1,1.5 (IRsec)
67RL:62 20,20,20,20,20,20, Low-Set Residual OC PU Delay
20,20 (sec)
67RL:62P_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each
67RL:E 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Low-Set Residual OC
67RL:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67RL:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of Low-Set Residual OC
67RM 14.75,14.75,14.75, Med-Set Inst. Residual Overcurrent
14.75,14.75,14.75, (IRsec)
67RM:62 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Med-Set Residual OC PU Delay
67RM:62P_REC 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Select Reclose or Lockout each

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


67RM:E 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Med-Set Residual OC
67RM:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67RM:TC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 None, Fwd, or Rvs Torque Control
of Med-Set Residual OC
67SEF 0.01,0.01,0.01, SEF Neutral Overcurrent (INsec)
67SEF:FF 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block or Non-Directionalize during
Fuse Failure (0=N,1=B)
67SEF:T32 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 SEF O.C. Directional Type:
0:Ground[V0, IN], or 1:Neg.
Seq[V2, I2] (0=G,1=Q)
79:62:52ab/50 0.25,0.25,0.25, Alarm Pickup Delay when 52ab
0.25,0.25,0.25, disagrees with 50DCB (sec)
79:62frc 0.05,0.05,0.05, Fast Reclose Open Interval (sec)
79:62ftc 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5, Fail To Close Detection Time (sec)
79:62ftt 0.15,0.15,0.15, Fail To Trip Detection Time (sec)
79:62max 90,90,90,90,90,90, Max Cycle Time Before Lockout
90,90 (sec)
79:62mct 0.03,0.03,0.03, Min Close Output Assrt. Time (sec)
79:62mtt 0.03,0.03,0.03, Min Trip Output Assrt. Time (sec)
79:62res 30,30,30,30,30,30, Recloser Reset Time (sec)
79:62sc 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1, Downstream trip detector dropout
0.1,0.1,0.1 delay for seq. coord. (sec)
79:62sof 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 Switch Onto Fault Detection
Window [0 disables detection] (sec)
79:62stc 0.25,0.25,0.25, 52ab-Measured Slow Close Alarm
0.25,0.25,0.25, Pickup Delay (sec)
79:62stt 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1, 52ab- and 50DCB-Measured Slow
0.1,0.1 Trip Alarm Pickup Delay (sec)
79:ELO:ftc 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Lock Out Reclosing and Inhibit
Control Closes when Failure-to-
Close is detected (0=N,1=Y)
79:ELO:ftt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Lock Out Reclosing and Inhibit
Control Closes when Failure-to-Trip
is detected (0=N,1=Y)
79:frs 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Number of Fast Reclose Shots (N)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


79:mnrs 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 Max Number of Reclose Shots,
beyond which Trips Lock Out
Recloser (N)
79:oi1 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5, Open Interval #1 (sec)
79:oi2 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Open Interval #2 (sec)
79:oi3 10,10,10,10,10,10, Open Interval #3 (sec)
79:oir 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 De-assertion of <Enable OI Timer>
input Resets or Pauses Open
Interval Timer (0=P,1=R)
79:sce 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Sequence Coordination
Logic (0=N,1=Y)
79:scs 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 Number of Sequence Coordination
Shots (N)
81:27Sup 150,150,150,150, Under-Voltage Supervision of
150,150,150,150 Restoration from UFLS (Vsec)
81:50Sup 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Load supervision of
Underfrequency Loadshedding
81:59Sup 90,90,90,90,90,90, Over-Voltage Supervision of
90,90 Restoration from UFLS (Vsec)
81:62Abort 60,60,60,60,60,60, Abort Restoration if not complete by
60,60 time delay after UF Loadshed (sec)
81:62Sch 60,60,60,60,60,60, Restoration Schedule Time:
60,60 Accumulated Time of In-Band
Frequency (sec)
81:62Tran 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Final Continuous Time of In-Band
Frequency to Allow Restoration
81:E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable Underfrequency
Loadshedding (N=0,Y=1)
81:RestEn 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Enable UF Loadshed
Overfrequency Resoration Scheme
81O:Alarm:62 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 81O:Alarm:62 Overfrequency Time
Delay (sec)
81O:Alarm:PU 60.1,60.1,60.1, 81O:Alarm:PU Overfrequency
60.1,60.1,60.1, pickup (Hz)
81O1:62 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1, 81O1:62 Overfrequency Time
0.1,0.1,0.1 Delay (sec)
81O1:PU 59.98,59.98,59.98, 81O1:PU UF Loadshed Restoration
59.98,59.98,59.98, Overfrequency pickup (Hz)
81U:Alarm:62 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 81U:Alarm:62 Underfrequency
Time Delay (sec)
81U:Alarm:PU 59.9,59.9,59.9, 81U:Alarm:PU Underfrequency
59.9,59.9,59.9, pickup (Hz)
81U1:62 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 81U1:62 Underfrequency Time
Delay (sec)
81U1:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


81U1:PU 59.5,59.5,59.5, 81U1:PU Underfrequency pickup
59.5,59.5,59.5, (Hz)
81U2:62 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 81U2:62 Underfrequency Time
Delay (sec)
81U2:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
81U2:PU 59.6,59.6,59.6, 81U2:PU Underfrequency pickup
59.6,59.6,59.6, (Hz)
81U3:62 10,10,10,10,10,10, 81U3:62 Underfrequency Time
10,10 Delay (sec)
81U3:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
81U3:PU 59.7,59.7,59.7, 81U3:PU Underfrequency pickup
59.7,59.7,59.7, (Hz)
81U4:62 15,15,15,15,15,15, 81U4:62 Underfrequency Time
15,15 Delay (sec)
81U4:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
81U4:PU 59.8,59.8,59.8, 81U4:PU Underfrequency pickup
59.8,59.8,59.8, (Hz)
81U5:62 20,20,20,20,20,20, 81U5:62 Underfrequency Time
20,20 Delay (sec)
81U5:62P_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
81U5:PU 59.9,59.9,59.9, 81U5:PU Underfrequency pickup
59.9,59.9,59.9, (Hz)
AC/DC capable 0 Contact Input DC only or AC/DC.
CLDuration:62D 10,10,10,10,10,10, Cold Load Duration Active Time
10,10 (sec)
CLEnable:62P 600,600,600,600, Min Bkr Open Time for Cold Load
600,600,999,600 Logic (sec)
CLMultiplier 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Cold Load Multiplier for 67x and
67xL Elements (pu)
Debounce Timer 0 SelectFrequency
Dmd-3I0:PU 500,500,500,500, Residual [3I0] Current Demand
500,500,500,500 Threshold (Apri)
Dmd-Int 15,15,15,15,15,15, Demand Interval to 90% of Step
15,15 Input (minutes)
Dmd-IP:PU 3000,3000,3000, Phase Current Demand Threshold
3000,3000,3000, (Apri)
Dmd-Vin:PU 25,25,25,25,25,25, Reactive Pwr Import Dmd Thrshld
25,25 (MVAr pri)
Dmd-Vout:PU 25,25,25,25,25,25, Reactive Pwr Export Dmd Thrshld
25,25 (MVAr pri)
Dmd-Win:PU 50,50,50,50,50,50, Real Pwr Import Demand
50,50 Threshold (MW pri)
Dmd-Wout:PU 50,50,50,50,50,50, Real Pwr Export Demand
50,50 Threshold (MW pri)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


En:25FF 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:52ab/50 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:52W 2 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:DT 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:FF 2 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:FTC 2 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:FTT 2 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:IR/IN 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:IR/IN:Alrm 1 Enable External Alarming for IR not
equal to IN (0=N,1=Y)
En:LTV 2 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:MCT 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:OverFrq 1 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:SCF 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:SOF 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:STC 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:STT 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:TWO 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En:UnderFrq 0 AlarmOption: NoAction=0, Pulse=1,
En-ForceInputs 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Forcing of Contact Inputs
via MMI (0=N,1=Y)
En-ForceOutputs 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Forcing of Contact Outputs
via MMI (0=N,1=Y)
En-TripClose 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Enable Breaker Trip/Close via MMI
Event 0.365 total length of any automatically
CaptureTotal captured event
FL:Length 10,10,10,10,10,10, Line length corresponding to ZL1
10,10 (User-Units)
FL:RL0 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 Zero Sequence Resistance of the
Protected Line (Ohms sec)
FL:RL1 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Positive Sequence Resistance of
the Protected Line (Ohms sec)
FL:RS0 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 Zero-Seq Source Resistance to
estimate V0=-ZS0*I0 with Delta
PT's (Ohms sec)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


FL:Units 1 Fault distance reporting units:
FL:XL0 30,30,30,30,30,30, Zero Sequence Reactance of the
30,30 Protected Line (Ohms sec)
FL:XL1 10,10,10,10,10,10, Positive Sequence Reactance of
10,10 the Protected Line (Ohms sec)
FL:XS0 30,30,30,30,30,30, Zero-Seq Source Reactance to
30,30 estimate V0=-ZS0*I0 with Delta
PT's (Ohms sec)
Grp:Active 0 Grp:Names
LE:67P:BE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block 67P during Load
Encroachment (0=N,1=Y)
LE:67PH:BE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Block 67PH during Load
Encroachment (0=N,1=Y)
LE:67PL:BE 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 Block 67PL during Load
Encroachment (0=N,1=Y)
LE:67PM:BE 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Block 67PM during Load
Encroachment (0=N,1=Y)
LE:FQN1 -0.4,-0.4,-0.4,-0.4, Max Neg React Pwr at Min Fwd
-0.4,-0.4,-0.1,-0.4 Load (PU of FS)
LE:FQN2 -0.4,-0.4,-0.4,-0.4, Max Neg React Pwr at Max Fwd
-0.4,-0.4,-0.2,-0.4 Load (PU of FS)
LE:FQP1 0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4, Max Pos React Pwr at Min Fwd
0.4,0.2,0.4 Load (PU of FS)
LE:FQP2 0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4, Max Pos React Pwr at Max Fwd
0.4,0.4,0.4 Load (PU of FS)
LE:FS 300,300,300,300, Max Forward Load Volt-Amps (VA
300,300,300,300 sec)
LE:RQN1 -0.4,-0.4,-0.4,-0.4, Max Neg React Pwr at Min Rvs
-0.4,-0.4,-0.4,-0.4 Load (PU of RS)
LE:RQN2 -0.4,-0.4,-0.4,-0.4, Max Neg React Pwr at Max Rvs
-0.4,-0.4,-0.4,-0.4 Load (PU of RS)
LE:RQP1 0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4, Max Pos React Pwr at Min Rvs
0.4,0.4,0.4 Load (PU of RS)
LE:RQP2 0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4,0.4, Max Pos React Pwr at Max Rvs
0.4,0.4,0.4 Load (PU of RS)
LE:RS 300,300,300,300, Max Reverse Load Volt-Amps (VA
300,300,300,300 sec)
LogicType 8 Logic Used by Scheme
Nom:Freq 1 SelectFrequency
Nom:INpri 500 Nominal Primary Line-Ground
Neutral Current (Apri)
Nom:INsec 1 Nominal Secondary Line-Ground
Neutral Current (Asec)
Nom:IPpri 500 Nominal Primary Line-Ground
Phase Current (Apri)
Nom:IPsec 5 Nominal Secondary Line-Ground
Phase Current (Asec)
Nom:VPpri 20 Nominal Primary Line-Ground
Phase Voltage (kVpri)
Nom:VPsec 120 Nominal Secondary Line-Ground
Phase Voltage (Vsec)

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07


Nom:VSsec 120,120,120,120, Nominal voltage level which is
120,120,120,120 supplied to the relay's VS input
Password:MMI 0 Password Number for Critical Front-
Panel MMI Functions (0-30000)
PTCnx 0 PT Connections to relay: Wye:0 or
Delta:1 (0=Y,1=D)
Relay OK LED 0 Ratio of IA,B,C to Imax to indicate
option phase involvement
Rev. 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
Pwr:62P_REC Shot
SCF:50 4 Self Clear Fault Current Threshold
SCF:CA 100 Self Clear Fault Count Alarm pickup
SCF:E 1 Self-Clear Fault Detection Enable
SCF:RA 10 Self Clear Fault Rate Alarm pickup
(counts per SCF:W)
SCF:W 24 Self Clear Fault Ocurrance Rate
Window (hours)
TargetRatio 0.95 Ratio of IA,B,C to Imax to indicate
phase involvement
TargetRatioE 1 Enable Target Indication of Phase
Involvement by Current-Ratio
TargetType 3 First[1], Cummulative[2], or Last[3]
Trip Targets (123=FCL)
TRIP(CI)_REC 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Select Reclose or Lockout each
TripCloseDeboun 0 Trip,Close contact input will have
ce62 this time delay for status change.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

15 Revision History
Rev 1.27 March 2002
• All revision notes prior to Rev 1.27 deleted from this section. For details on revision
notes prior to Rev 1.27, see manual Revision 1.26.
• Corrected setting range minimum values for 50PH, 50RH and 50QH in Section 8.5.2.
• Corrected the IEEE MI TCC curve.
• Added additional documentation about self test failures in Section
Rev 1.28 March 2002 (REV 02)
• Added Section 8.16, Demand Meter Settings and Section 8.17.1, Setting Non-
Volatile Modes When Connected to the Relay
KA2048 520 REV 03 October 2002
• Updated Section 3.2, IdeaPLUS DC Connection Diagram.
• Adding Warning G140.0 to Section 7.
KA2048 520 REV 04 July 2004: Manual release for iDP-210 release in ProView 4.0.1
• Updated delta PT AC wiring diagrams. The connections to the C phase PTs were
• Added ProView 4.0.1-specific documentation.
• Added new DC wiring diagram for front panel synch-check operation with IdeaPLUS
(see page 34).
KA2048 520 REV 05 September 2004:
• Added descriptions of the Generate Report and Copy to Clipboard buttons in the
Event Manager dialog.
KA2048 520 REV 06 November 2004:
• Updated IdeaPLUS DC Wiring diagrams to correct indicate terminal numbers for SS1,
C01, CO3 and CO4.
• Section Added note regarding need to manually set fault detectors where
matching overcurrent elements are not enabled.
KA2048 520 REV 07 January 2005
• Section Added the following statement to each published TCC Curve: The
timing tolerance on the TCC curves is ±10% and ±1 cycle.

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Adjusting, 52
Control Close events, 159
A Control logic, 20
AC Wiring Diagram Control Panel (IdeaPlus Only), 21
ABC rotation, 4 voltage inputs, 45
ABC rotation, 6 voltage inputs, 48
ACB rotation, 4 voltage inputs, 46
ACB Rotation, 6 voltage inputs, 49 DC Connection Diagram
Delta PT, 4 voltage inputs, 47 Idea, 25, 26
Delta PT, 6 voltage inputs, 50 Idea Plus, 33
Alarms, 65, 67 Definite-time overcurrent elements, 126
ALARMS Demand Meter
External, 65 Alarm display on LCD, 66
External, display, 100 Displaying metering values, 109
Internal, display, 100 HMI Submenu, 68
ANALYSIS, 21 Hotkey, 57
Interactive oscillography, 21 Settings, 184
Relay-replay, 21 Dialog box
View-online, 21 External alarm output contact, 191
Virtual test set, 21 Dialog window
Anti-Pump Timer. See Operator Window Compare, 89
Application diagram, display, 98 Directional fault detectors
Automatic restoration, 172 Setting, 124
Directional parameters
Setting, 122
B Disconnecting from the relay, 87
Baud rate, 86 Display with controls, 21
Breaker Displaying relay data, 98
Failure functions, 174 Downloading settings, 90, 91
Moniotoring functions, 175 Downloading the scheme structure, IDEA Workbench
Settings, 173 and settings, 91
Breaker statistics, display, 105
C Equipment mis-operation
Catalog numbers, 212 Warning, 208
Circuit breaker Event record, loading, 92
Operation of, from ProView, 111 Event records, 92
Circuit Breaker, trip and close, 98 External alarm, 188
Close circuit External alarms, 65
Disable link, 52 External Alarms, 65
Close circuit break
IdeaPlus, 55
Cold load pickup, 181
Communicating with the Relay, 84 Fail to trip timer, 174
Communications, 20 Fault locator results, display, 105
Compare button, 88 Firmware
Comparing PC Schemes and Settings to Relay, 87 Updating, 208
Configuring ProView Connection Profiles, 85 Frequency elements, 169, 219
Connecting to the Relay, 84 Front panel communication port pinouts, 214
Contact inputs and outputs, display, 101 Front panel elements, 52
Contact output bvehavior Front panel targets, 53
External alarms, 188 Fuse fail logic, 165
Contrast of the LCD Fuse failure settings, 166

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Fuse size, Close Circuit Break, 55 Load encroachment, 178

Reverse, settings, 181
Load encroachment logic, 124
G Loading events
Go Online, 97 From a file, 94
Ground Overcurrent Element, 126 From the relay, 93
Ground trip block, 186 Loading the scheme, 82
IdeaPlus, 56 Lockout action defined, 153
Lower control panel
IdeaPlus, 54
Hardware M
IdeaPLUS, 32
Hot line tag control Measurements, 20
IdeaPlus, 55 Mechanical hot line tag switch (ordering option “T”)
Hot line tag mode, 186 IdeaPlus, 55
HOTKEY Operations Metering data, display, 109
Alarms hotkey, 57 Modes menu, 59
Breaker status hotkey, 57 Monitoring functions, 20
Demand meters hotkey, 57
Events hotkey, 57
Lamp test hotkey, 57
Metering hotkey, 57 Non-reclose mode, 186
Reset targets, 57 Non-volatile operating modes, 186
Reset targets hotkey, 57 Changing status from within ProView, 186
Settings hotkey, 57
I Online View mode, 97
IEC Operator Window, 159
A curve TCC, 138 Anti-Pump Timer, 160
B Curve TCC, 139 HLHB (Hot Line Hot Bus), 160
C curve TCC, 140 Ordering information, 212
IEEE Extremely inverse TCC, 137 Oscillographic events
IEEE Medium inverse TCC, 135 Triggering, 92
IEEE Very inverse TCC, 136 Viewing, 94
Incipient cable splice fault detector logic. Oscillographic features, 92
Input/Output description summary, 31, 42 Oscillography events
Internal alarms, 67 Manually triggered, 92
Inverse time-overcurrent elements, 129, 131
IRIG-B Port, 218
L Panel cutout dimensions
Idea relay, 28
LCD IdeaPLUS relay, 37
Breaker statistics display, 71 Password for protected menus, 58
Breaker trip/close menu, 71 Polarization method
Contact inputs display, 72 Setting, 122
Contact outputs menu, 73 Programmable Hotkeys, 21
Date/Time display, 75 Protective elements, 19
F type distance DUR display, 70 ProView, 76
Frequency display, 68
Menu, 58
Metering display, 67, 68 R
Power/energy meters display, 68 Reclose action defined, 153
Primary amps, KV display, 67 Reclose block
Recloser status display, 68 IdeaPlus, 56
Scheme identity display, 75 RECLOSER
Sec amps, volts, deg display, 68 Fast shots, 151
Self-clear fault display, 70 Lockout action defined, 153
Workbench menu, 74 Miscellaneous settings, 149

iDP-210 Feeder Relay Manual KA2048 520 REV07

Operation in the presence of alarms, 151 Viewing, 114

Pausing, 152 SETTINGS, 60
Reclose action defined, 153 Simulation
Reclose shots, setting, 149 Execution, 200
Setup, general, 148 Slow to trip timer, 174
Recloser status, display, 102 Software controlled close inhibit switch (ordering option
Reclosing, 148 “C”)
Relay MMI for control actions, 110 IdeaPlus, 56
Relay password, 109 Specifications, 210
Configuring Subnet mask. See TCP/IP
MMI Control, 109 Supervisory off
Relay password, setting, 110 IdeaPlus, 56
Relay replay, 97 Supervisory off mode, 186
Restoration coordination schedule delay, 172 Switch onto fault detection timer, 150
Reverse power, 164 Synch-check, 155
RS-232 Dead bus and hot bus determination, 157
Front panel pin outs, 214 Determination of in-synch conditions, 158
Rear panel pin outs, 218 Voltage phase determination, 157
RS-485 pin outs, 218 Synch-scope status, 104
Sync-scope, display, 103
Equipment mis-operation, 208 Targets, 21
Safety Instructions, 12 TARGETS
Scheme Code, 64
Comparing PC schemes & settings to relay, 82 Display, 99
Loading, 82 TAR, sub-menu, 64
Scheme modified message, 89 TCP/IP
Sensitive earth fault, 126 Changing IP and Subnet addresses, 87
Sensitive ground fault Configuring, 86
Terminals, 45, 46, 47 Technical support, 209
Sensitive ground faults, 45, 46, 47 Test procedure, 202
Terminals, 48, 49, 50 Torque angles
Sequence coordination, 153 Setting, maximum, 122
Sequence of event recorder (SER) data, viewing, 96 Training, 209
Serial communication. See Configuring ProView Trip and close controls
Connection Profiles IdeaPlus, 54
Service, 209 Troubleshooting
Setting group, 116 Firmware version, 208
Copying, 118 Hardware, 206
Establishing names, 118 Phone book, 206
Modify, 116 ProView software, 207
Select active group, 117
Setting groups, 115
View, 116 V
SETTINGS View-Online, 97
Breaker, 173 Virtual test set
Details comparison, 90 Setting up, 191
Directional fault detectors, 124 Voltage elements, 162
Directional parameters, 122 VTS
Display setting and make setting changes, 62 Event trigger, 201
Downloading, 90, 91 System setup, 195
Fuse failure, 166
General, 119
Loading, 114 W
Saving, 114, 199
Selecting a settings group, 61 Wire Size and Terminations, 44
Sequence coordination, 153 Wiring Diagrams
Simulation, restoring, 199 AC. See AC Wiring Diagrams
Sub-menu, 60 DC. See DC Wiring Diagrams
System, general, 119


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