Autonomic Peripheral Neuropathy One of Which AAA Syndrome
Autonomic Peripheral Neuropathy One of Which AAA Syndrome
Autonomic Peripheral Neuropathy One of Which AAA Syndrome
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Amyloid neuropathy
Amyloidosis is caused by the deposition of insoluble fibrillar proteins in
a beta-pleated sheet configuration within the extracellular space of various tis-
sues and organs. Various amyloidogenic proteins have been associated with
amyloidosis. The current classification of the systemic amyloidoses is based
on the biochemistry of the precursor protein [52,53]. Although the fibril pre-
cursor proteins differ, there are strong similarities between the clinical presen-
tations and pathology of the neuropathies associated with the different
amyloidoses. Autonomic dysfunction frequently accompanies the polyneur-
opathy of primary ([AL] immunoglobulin light chain associated) and heredi-
tary amyloidosis (familial amyloid polyneuropathy [FAP]) but in contrast is
not common in secondary (amyloid A protein-associated) amyloidosis [52,53].
Patients who have amyloid neuropathy typically present with distal sen-
sory symptoms, such as numbness, pain, paresthesias, and dysesthesias, al-
though the autonomic manifestations occasionally may be the presenting
feature of the neuropathy. On examination, there are signs of a sensorimotor
polyneuropathy that predominantly involves the small fibers that mediate
nociceptive and thermal sensation. Touch-pressure, position, and vibration
perception are typically less severely impaired, particularly in patients who
have FAP. Weakness is not a prominent feature and usually occurs later
in the course of the disease. Painless, trophic ulcers may occur because of
sensory loss and autonomic dysfunction. Characteristic autonomic signs
and symptoms include postural hypotension, early satiety, diarrhea, consti-
pation, fecal incontinence, disturbances in bladder function, pupillary ab-
normalities, and erectile failure. These autonomic manifestations are
similar to those described with diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Sick sinus
syndrome and A-V conduction deficits also are frequently present. Tests re-
sults for assessing cardiac vagal function are often abnormal [54].
Amyloid neuropathy is characterized pathologically by the deposition of
insoluble beta-fibrillar proteins in the epi-, peri-, and endoneurium, the
perineuronal tissues, and the neural vasculature. Ischemic, infiltrative, in-
flammatory, and toxic-metabolic factors have been implicated in the patho-
genesis of the peripheral neuropathy, which remains unresolved [54].
The pathogenesis of amyloid peripheral neuropathy is unresolved [54].
Proposed pathogenic processes include ischemia caused by obliteration of
small arteries and arterioles of nerves by amyloid deposits [55–57], infiltra-
tion and compression of peripheral nerves, dorsal nerve root ganglia, or au-
tonomic ganglia by amyloid [56–58], inflammation, and toxic-metabolic
factors, including oxidative stress [59,60].
Amyloidosis can be diagnosed by subcutaneous fat pad aspiration, gingi-
val biopsy, or biopsy of rectal (and other gastrointestinal tract) mucosa.
Nerve biopsy may be less sensitive because of the focal distribution of the
amyloid deposits [61]. Amyloid deposits have a homogeneous, eosinophilic
appearance on light microscopy and reveal a characteristic yellow-green bi-
refringence when viewed under polarized light with Congo red staining.
Primary (AL) amyloidosis is the most common form of amyloidosis in
the Western world. This disorder is a plasma cell dyscrasia in which a mono-
clonal population of bone marrow cells produces monoclonal immunoglob-
ulin light chains or light-chain fragments that deposit as amyloid [62].
Symptoms typically appear in the sixth or seventh decade. Patients usually
present with weight loss and fatigue. Peripheral neuropathy, which may be
the presenting feature of the disease or an incidental finding, is present in up
to 20% of patients who have AL [58]. Autonomic involvement of the cardio-
vascular, gastrointestinal, and urogenital systems is common [52,58,63].
Other systemic features include hepatomegaly, macroglossia, cutaneous ec-
chymoses, cardiomyopathy, and nephrotic range proteinuria. Immunofixa-
tion electrophoresis of serum or urine detects immunoglobulins or light
chains in 90% of patients who have AL amyloidosis [62].
The median survival of patients who have AL amyloid neuropathy ranges
from 13 to 35 months, with a 3-year survival rate of 38% to 50%. The prog-
nosis for patients who have heart failure is considerably worse [64,65].
Treatment with melphalan and prednisone improves survival, particularly
when associated with a reduction in serum or urine monoclonal protein
[64,65]. Stem cell transplantation in carefully selected patients may improve
survival further [66].
Fabry’s disease
Fabry’s disease, or angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, is an X-linked, re-
cessively inherited disorder that is associated with deficiency of the enzyme
alpha-galactosidase A (ceramide trihexosidase). The enzyme deficiency re-
sults in the accumulation of ceramide trihexoside and other neutral glyco-
sphingolipids in homozygotes. There is extensive lipid deposition in
various tissues, including the skin, nervous system, vascular endothelium,
kidney, cardiovascular system, and eye [152]. The neurologic manifestations
of this disorder are caused by the deposition of glycolipids in autonomic and
dorsal root ganglia, perineurial cells, and unmyelinated and myelinated
axons [153–155].
The autonomic manifestations include hypo- or anhidrosis, reduced sa-
liva and tear formation, impaired cutaneous flare response to scratch and
histamine, and disordered intestinal motility. Gastrointestinal symptoms
may be as severe as their sensory complaints. The generalized presentation
of the anhidrosis has suggested that sweat gland dysfunction, perhaps
caused by intracytoplasmic inclusions in the eccrine glands, may play
a role in the anhidrosis [156]. Sural nerve biopsies studies have demonstrated
degeneration and loss of unmyelinated fibers [153–155]. Skin biopsies show
decreased intraepidermal small nerve fibers [157]. Fabry’s disease can be di-
agnosed by assaying the enzyme alpha-galactosidase A in leukocytes or skin
fibroblasts [158].
Enzyme replacement therapy leads to a modest improvement in the clin-
ical manifestations of the small-fiber neuropathy associated with this dis-
order. QSART testing may even normalize in some patients; however, no
evidence indicates that these functional changes are associated with im-
provement in intraepidermal innervation [159,160].
Allgrove’s syndrome
Allgrove’s syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by
achalasia, alacrima, autonomic impairment, and adrenocorticotropin hor-
mone (ACTH) insensitivity and progressive neurologic dysfunction. Af-
fected individuals have between two and four of these relatively common
symptoms occurring in varying combinations. Because these are relatively
common clinical conditions, individuals with this syndrome may be undiag-
nosed [128]. The pattern of inheritance is autosomal recessive. Most cases of
Allgrove’s syndrome have no family history. A locus on chromosome 12q13
has been identified using genetic linkage analysis in a small number of fam-
ilies [128]. The disorder rarely may be unrecognized until adulthood [161].
Botulism is an acute neuromuscular disorder caused by the binding of
a neurotoxin from the anaerobic bacterium, Clostridium botulinum, to the
presynaptic nerve terminal, preventing acetylcholine release [162]. The ill-
ness begins with gastrointestinal manifestations, followed by autonomic
symptoms and a descending paralysis that spreads from the extraocular
and bulbar muscles to the limbs [163–166]. Autonomic symptoms result
from cholinergic dysfunction and include constipation, blurred vision, uri-
nary hesitancy and retention, and dry mouth and eyes. Dilated pupils,
with poor response to light and accommodation, are characteristic auto-
nomic signs. Orthostatic hypotension also may be present. Autonomic
symptoms may occur in botulism, even in the absence of the characteristic
motor and cranial nerve abnormalities [163–165]. Among toxigenic strains
of C botulinum, types A, B, and E account for most human cases [162].
Bowel and bladder symptoms often persist after resolution of the infec-
tion. Diagnosis is based on the clinical and electrophysiologic findings and
is verified by demonstrating neurotoxin in the serum, stool, or contaminated
food or by culturing C botulinum from the stool. Botulism may manifest as
a subacute cholinergic disturbance without associated clinical or electro-
myographic evidence of motor-endplate pathology [167,168]. Treatment in-
volves eliminating sources of toxin. Intravenous trivalent equine antitoxin
can prevent progression and reduce mortality, which remains at approxi-
mately 5% to 15%. Case studies of patients with the subacute onset of cho-
linergic disturbance without associated clinical or electromyographic
evidence of motor-endplate pathology [167] underscore that dysautonomia
may occur in botulism without the typical motor abnormalities [168].
HIV infection
Autonomic dysfunction may occur in patients with HIV infection. Al-
though autonomic dysfunction seems to occur more frequently and with
greater severity in patients who have AIDS, several reports suggest that se-
ropositive patients and patients in the early stages of infection exhibit evi-
dence of dysautonomia. The severity of autonomic dysfunction seems to
constitute a continuum from the early to later stages of HIV infection
[169–172]. In addition to direct virus effects and virus host interactions,
toxins, medications, vitamin deficiency, and malnutrition may play a role
Chagas’ disease
Chagas’ disease, which is caused by a parasitic infection by the protozoan
Trypanosoma cruzi, is found predominantly in Latin America. Because of
immigration patterns, there is an increasing incidence of Chagas’ disease
in the United States, and the autonomic manifestations of this disease
should be considered in the differential diagnosis of dysautonomia in non-
endemic areas. Vectorial transmission is the most common mode of infec-
tion in Latin America, whereas in nonendemic areas, transmission via blood
transfusions is more common [174].
Clinical manifestations occur in two stages, the acute and chronic phases
of the disease, which are separated by an indeterminate phase. Acute infec-
tion is characterized by fevers, myalgias, and sweating. Congestive heart
failure may be present. Autonomic abnormalities occur in the chronic phase
of the disease and are characterized by severe gastrointestinal and cardiovas-
cular dysfunction. Gastrointestinal complaints include dysphagia, sialorrhea
and constipation; reduced bowel motility, megaesophagus, and megacolon
are the most frequent gastrointestinal findings. These abnormalities are
caused by denervation of the intrinsic enteric neurons of the submucosal
(Meissner) and myenteric (Auerbach) plexuses [175–177]. Cardiovascular
manifestations include impaired blood pressure response to standing, resting
bradycardia, conduction system abnormalities, arrhythmias, cardiomegaly,
and cardiac failure [178–183]. The pathogenesis of the autonomic dysfunc-
tion is unresolved and may be caused by direct neural injury during the
acute illness, an immune-mediated response, or both.
Autonomic dysfunction is observed in patients with leprous neuropathy
caused by infection by the acid-fast bacillus Mycobacterium leprae. Focal
anhidrosis, which is the best documented autonomic abnormality, occurs
in association with impaired pain and temperature perception in the cooler
regions of the body. These are the earliest neurologic manifestations of lep-
rosy and correlate with the loss of cutaneous innervation [184]. More gener-
alized autonomic symptoms, such as syncope, gustatory sweating, and
erectile dysfunction, also may occur [185].
A toxin-mediated sensorimotor neuropathy occurs some weeks after pha-
ryngeal or cutaneous diphtheria. Early palatal paralysis in the disease is
probably a direct effect of diphtheria toxin but can occur at any time be-
tween the first and seventh weeks after infection [186,187]. Accommodation
paralysis, with preserved light responses, is an early manifestation in 10% to
50% of cases [186]. The sparing of the light reflex is a clinical feature that
distinguishes diphtheritic from botulism-related pupillary changes. Tempo-
rary loss of bladder or bowel control has been reported. Resting tachycardia
and an often serious myocarditis are other features. Abnormalities on tests
of cardiac vagal function have been documented [187,188].
Toxic neuropathies
Several industrial and environmental toxins and medications can cause
autonomic neuropathy (see Box 1). Autonomic neuropathy has been re-
ported in individuals exposed to organic solvents [189,190], arsenic [191],
mercury [192], other heavy metals [193], industrial-use acrylamide [194],
thallium [192,195], and the rat poison, Vacor (N-3-pyridylmethyl-N’-para-
nitrophenyl urea) [196].
Autonomic neuropathy also may follow treatment with cytotoxic agents
used in cancer chemotherapy. Clinically evident dysautonomia occurs most
consistently with the vinca-alkaloid, vincristine [197,198]. Autonomic ab-
normalities are also observed in patients treated with cisplatin [199–202]
and paclitaxel [203–206]. There are interindividual differences in susceptibil-
ity to chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathies; however, patients
with pre-existing peripheral nerve injury caused by diabetes mellitus, etha-
nol, and inherited and other peripheral neuropathies may show a greater
predisposition to the development of chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity.
Other medications that may cause autonomic dysfunction include the
anti-arrhythmic agent, amiodarone [207], the coronary vasodilator, perhexi-
line [208], and pentamidine [209].
Marine toxins may affect ion transport, induce channels or pores in neu-
ral and muscular cellular membranes, alter intracellular membranes of
organelles, and release mediators of inflammation. The box jellyfish, partic-
ularly Chironex fleckeri, which is in the Indo-Pacific region, is the world’s
most venomous marine animal and causes severe sympathetic and parasym-
pathetic nervous system dysfunction in exposed patients [210]. Ciguatera
poisoning is the most prevalent marine toxic exposure. Ciguatoxins are po-
tent heat stable, non-protein, lipophilic sodium channel activator toxins that
bind to the voltage sensitive sodium channel. The toxin is stored in the vis-
cera of fish that have eaten the photosynthetic dinoflagellate and is progres-
sively concentrated upwards along the food chain. The initial manifestations
are characteristically sensory and include paresthesias, dysesthesias, and
pain. Autonomic features may be prominent, including hypersalivation, bra-
dycardia, hypotension, mydriasis, and meiosis [210–212]. Intravenous man-
nitol may reverse the acute sensory and autonomic features of ciguatera
toxicity [212].
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