Mechanisms Gene Regulation FA
Mechanisms Gene Regulation FA
Mechanisms Gene Regulation FA
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Anastasia Georgiadi and Sander Kersten*
Nutrition, Metabolism and Genomics Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Consumption of specific dietary fatty acids has been shown to influence risk and progression of several chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease,
obesity, cancer, and arthritis. In recent years, insights into the mechanisms underlying the biological effects of fatty acids have improved considerably and
have provided the foundation for the emerging concept of fatty acid sensing, which can be interpreted as the property of fatty acids to influence
biological processes by serving as signaling molecules. An important mechanism of fatty acid sensing is via stimulation or inhibition of DNA transcription.
Here, we focus on fatty acid sensing via regulation of gene transcription and address the role of peroxisome proliferator–activated receptors, sterol
regulatory element binding protein 1, Toll-like receptor 4, G protein–coupled receptors, and other putative mediators. Adv. Nutr. 3: 127–134, 2012.
ã2012 American Society for Nutrition. Adv. Nutr. 3: 127–134, 2012; doi:10.3945/an.111.001602. 127
factors, including tissue metabolic activity, feeding status, fat by binding small lipophilic molecules. They share a modular
intake, and the intake of other nutrients, especially carbohy- structure consisting of a DNA- and ligand-binding domain
drates. Furthermore, circulating concentration and tissue and play a role in a numerous biological processes (6). Three
fluxes of FFA and TG-derived fatty acids are often altered dur- different PPAR subtypes have been cloned, each character-
ing obesity, type 2 diabetes, or other metabolic disturbances. ized by a unique tissue expression pattern. PPARa (Nr1c1)
A number of proteins are involved in the cellular uptake is found in many tissues but is predominant in oxidative tis-
of FFA, including CD36 and various fatty acid transporters sues such as brown adipose tissue, cardiac muscle, skeletal
(3). After uptake, fatty acids are bound by fatty acid–binding muscle, and liver. PPARd (Nr1c2) is found in many cell
proteins and can undergo a number of metabolic fates in- types, whereas PPARg (Nr1c3) expression is more re-
cluding oxidation in mitochondria and esterification and stricted, with adipocytes and macrophages expressing the
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storage in lipid droplets. In addition, fatty acids can serve highest level (7,8). Binding of ligand is thought to trigger
as signaling molecules by affecting intra- and extracellular the physical association of PPARs to specific DNA se-
receptor sensor systems either directly or after conversion quences, called PPAR response elements, in and around tar-
to specific fatty acid derivatives. An example of these lipid get genes. Additionally, ligand binding leads to recruitment
sensors are the nuclear receptors that mediate activation of of coactivator proteins and loss of corepressor proteins, re-
gene transcription by a variety of hydrophobic compounds, sulting in activation of DNA transcription (5). Similar to
including retinoic acid, steroid hormones, oxysterols, and many other nuclear receptors, PPARs bind to DNA as heter-
bile acids (4). This review provides an overview of our cur- odimer with the nuclear receptor retinoid X receptor (RXR),
rent knowledge of the various cellular receptor systems en- which binds the vitamin A derivative 9-cis retinoic acid.
abling the cell to sense the intra- or extracellular fatty acid PPARs serve as receptors for structurally diverse com-
concentration and respond by altering gene transcription. pounds. Although substantial specificity for 1 particular
PPAR subtype has been achieved in the design of synthetic
PPAR agonists, there seems to be comparatively little sub-
Peroxisome proliferator–activated receptors type specificity among endogenous PPAR agonists. In sev-
The PPARs perhaps compose the best recognized sensor sys- eral landmark articles from the 1990s, it was demonstrated
tem for fatty acids (Fig. 1). PPARs are transcription factors that all 3 PPARs are able to bind fatty acids with a general
that are members of the superfamily of nuclear hormone re- preference for long- chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
ceptors, which also include receptors for fat-soluble vita- (9–13). Subsequent studies using a variety of biochemical tech-
mins A and D and steroid hormones (5). Nuclear niques have firmly corroborated the direct physical association
receptors function as ligand-activated transcription factors between fatty acids and PPARs and have thus established
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and bound to fatty acid binding proteins) far exceeds the intra- dently of ligand-induced activation (40).
cellular concentration of eicosanoids and other endogenous PPARa acts as a master regulator of hepatic lipid catabo-
PPAR agonists and because fatty acids are able to bind PPARs lism by inducing the expression of numerous genes involved
with high affinity, the question can be raised to what extent in mitochondrial and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation, as well
do eicosanoids and other fatty acid–derived compounds sub- as other lipid-related pathways, inflammatory pathways, and
stantially contribute to the activation of PPARs in vivo. Rather, glucose metabolism (41). Accordingly, it can be argued that
it can be argued that PPARs serve as general fatty acid sensors activation of PPARa by fatty acids in the liver and heart is
with comparatively limited ligand specificity. However, this con- part of a feed-forward mechanism aimed at promoting oxida-
cept is not universally embraced and has clearly not stopped the tion of incoming fuels and thereby preventing the intracellu-
quest to identify the potentially elusive single true endogenous lar accumulation and consequent lipotoxicity of fatty acids by
PPAR ligand. Recently, Chakravarthy et al. (30) identified the stimulating their oxidation. A similar role can be envisioned
phosphatidylcholine 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phos- for PPARd in skeletal muscle. In addition to stimulation of
phocholine as the lipid compound likely responsible for the ac- fatty acid oxidation and possibly by stimulating conversion
tivation of PPARa in mice carrying a targeted deletion of the of fatty acids into TGs (41), activation of PPAR by fatty acids
fatty acid synthase gene. Because phosphatidylcholines are may protect against lipotoxicity by inhibiting LPL-dependent
abundant in any cell, it is unclear how activation of PPARa hydrolysis of circulating TGs and consequent uptake of fatty
by 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine fits acids via induction of the LPL inhibitor Angptl4 (42).
into the notion of PPARa being a lipid sensor that responds The role of PPARs in gene regulation by fatty acids is less
to changes in metabolic status and lipid fluxes. clear in adipose tissue. Marine oil fatty acids have major ef-
As discussed earlier, dietary fatty acids mostly enter the liver fects on adipose tissue function and metabolism as well as
as TGs within chylomicron remnants and are liberated after on adipose tissue gene regulation (43). Although PUFAs are
degradation of the remnant particles by hepatic and lysosomal direct agonists for PPARg (12), it is unclear to what extent
lipase. It has been shown that PPARa is dominant in mediating the observed changes in adipose gene expression on chronic
the effects of dietary fatty acids on hepatic gene expression, in- PUFA feeding reflect direct ligand activation of PPARg or
cluding many genes involved in fatty acid catabolism, as re- other PPARs or are secondary effects conferred by specific ei-
vealed by experiments in which wild-type and PPARa2/2 cosanoids or other fatty acid–derived compounds. Activation
mice were provided with a single oral bolus of synthetic TG of PPARg by fatty acids may be aimed at promoting conver-
consisting of 1 type of fatty acid (17). Lipolysis of circulating sion of incoming fatty acids to TGs and stimulating overall
lipoproteins, whether hydrolysis of high-density lipoproteins TG storage capacity, thereby protecting against lipotoxicity.
by endothelial lipase or lipolysis of VLDL by LPL, was shown
to be an important mechanism for generating ligands for Sterol-regulatory element binding protein 1
PPARa in endothelial cells (31,32), whereas hydrolysis of Dietary PUFAs suppress hepatic expression of genes involved
VLDL by hepatic lipase and LPL was shown to provide ligands in fatty acid synthesis (Fig. 1). The underlying mechanism in-
for PPARd in hepatocytes and macrophages, respectively volves a member of the family of basic helix-loop-helix leucine
(33,34). zipper transcription factors named sterol regulatory element
In contrast and very surprisingly, circulating FFAs, which binding protein (SREBP) 1 (Srebf1). There are 2 SREBP iso-
primarily originate from adipose tissue lipolysis, do not seem forms, designated SREBP-1c and SREBP-2, which differ in
to be able to activate PPARa, at least in the liver (35,36). The their tissue-specific expression and their target genes selectiv-
precise mechanism behind the differential effect of circulating ity. Although SREBP-1c preferentially activates genes involved
FFAs (“old fat”) versus dietary and endogenously synthesized in de novo lipogenesis, SREBP-2 has a preference for genes in-
fatty acids (“new fat”) on hepatic PPARa activation remains un- volved in cholesterol synthesis and uptake, at least in the liver
clear but may be related to the existence of distinct intracellular (44). Together, SREBPs activate the expression of >30 genes
fatty acids pools with distinct metabolic and signaling properties involved in the synthesis and uptake of cholesterol, fatty acids,
(35). In contrast, hepatic PPARd can be activated by plasma TGs, and phospholipids.
FFAs (36), and likely the same is true in skeletal muscle, as re- Although SREBP1 and SREBP2 have both been suggested
vealed by the stimulatory effect of increased FFAs on expression to be inhibited by PUFAs, there is much more evidence impli-
of the PPARd target Angptl4 in skeletal muscle (37,38). cating SREBP1 in the down-regulation of gene expression by
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that PUFAs inhibit the activity of Ubxd8, thus causing the Indeed, there is only very limited evidence that changes in
SCAP-SREBP complex to stay in the ER. In addition to the the concentration of fatty acids or acyl-CoA lead to activa-
mechanism described above, evidence has been provided that tion of HNF4a targets.
docosahexanoic acid (DHA) but not other PUFAs stimulate In addition to PPARs and HNF4a, the nuclear receptors
the removal of mature nuclear SREBP-1 via a mechanism de- LXR, FXR, and RXR have been proposed to serve as medi-
pendent on 26S-proteosome and extracellular signal–regulated ators of the effects of fatty acids on gene transcription.
kinase (51). Down-regulation of SREBP-1 mRNA by PUFAs has With respect to LXR, it was suggested that unsaturated fatty
been proposed to be mediated by stimulation of SREBP- acids suppress Srebp1c gene expression by inhibiting LXR
1 mRNA decay (52), or by antagonizing the activity of the nu- (53). However, another study found that unsaturated fatty
clear receptor liver X receptor (LXR) a, a potent inducer of acids do not influence LXR-dependent gene regulation in
SREBP-1 gene transcription (53,54). Because a role of LXR in primary rat hepatocytes or in the liver (55).
mediating effects of PUFAs is debatable (55), the reduction in DHA was originally identified as a ligand for RXR when
SREBP-1 mRNA by PUFA is more likely to be secondary to in- looking for a factor in brain tissue that activates RXR in a
hibition of SREBP-1 maturation, which, via autoregulation of cell-based assay (67). Subsequent experiments showed the
SREBP-1 transcriptional activation, leads to reduced SREBP- direct binding of PUFAs to RXR, with strongest RXR activa-
1 mRNA levels (56). tion observed for DHA and arachidonic acid, followed by
PUFAs have also been shown to reduce expression of the linolenic, linoleic, and oleic acids (68). Recent studies con-
glycolytic gene pyruvate kinase via a mechanism independent firmed the direct binding of DHA to RXR, although with
of PPARa (57). This effect may be mediated by inhibiting nu- much lower affinity compared with 9cRA (69). In as much
clear translocation of either carbohydrate-responsive element as DHA also binds PPARs and PPARs form permissive het-
binding protein (MLXIPL) or MAX-like protein X (MLX) erodimers with RXR, it is technically challenging to distin-
(Fig. 1) (58,59). ChREBP and MLX form a heterodimer func- guish between DHA gene signaling via PPAR versus RXR.
tioning as glucose-responsive transcription factor that in- Interestingly, using RXR and PPARg antagonists, it was
duces expression of genes involved in glycolysis and found that DHA induces expression of adipocyte differenti-
lipogenesis, including pyruvate kinase, acetyl-CoA carboxyl- ation-related protein (Plin2) in human choriocarcinoma
ase 1, and fatty acid synthase. However, additional data cells via activation of RXR (70). Recently, effect of DHA
need to be collected to more precisely define how PUFAs in- on despair behaviors and working memory could be attrib-
fluence ChREBP or MLX nuclear translocation and what the uted to activation of RXRg (71).
direct molecular target of PUFAs is.
NF-E2–related factor-2 (NRF2)
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a and other nuclear An oral lipid load with PUFAs causes rapid up-regulation of
receptors numerous oxidative stress genes in several organs, likely
The hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a (HNF4a, Nr2a1) is a nu- representing an adaptive mechanism aimed at preventing
clear receptor that is exclusively expressed in the gastrointes- cellular lipotoxicity (72). Increased levels of reactive oxygen
tinal tract, liver, and kidney (7). Targeted disruption of species and derivatives of fatty acid peroxidation activate the
HNF4a leads to early embryonic lethality related to defects transcription factor NRF2 (NFE2L2), which governs the ex-
in the expression of visceral endoderm proteins required for pression of multiple genes involved in the oxidative stress re-
maintaining gastrulation (60). Using liver-specific HNF4a2/2 sponse. Compounds that activate NRF2, ranging from
mice, it was shown that liver HNF4a is important for hepa- diphenols to hydroperoxides and heavy metals, are thought
tocyte differentiation and for governing the expression of to modulate the sulfhydryl group of cysteine residues with
genes involved in lipid homeostasis (61). In 1998, evidence KEAP1, which serves as an NRF2-specific adaptor protein
was provided that saturated fatty acyl-CoAs may be able to for the Cullin-3 ubiquitin ligase complex (73). As a result,
serve as agonists for HNF4a, whereas unsaturated fatty these compounds cause the dissociation of Cullin-3 and
acyl-CoAs were proposed to serve as an antagonistic ligand thereby inhibit NRF2 ubiquitination, leading to stabilization
(62). These data have been contested experimentally and are and nuclear translocation of NRF2 and subsequent induc-
not widely accepted (63). Elucidation of the molecular tion of NRF2 target genes. Studies have shown that oxida-
structure using X-ray crystallography revealed the presence tion products of linoleic acid, eicosapentanoic acid, and
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GPR43 as a sensor for SCFAs in the enteroendocrine system
flammatory effect of saturated fatty acids, whereas (n-3)
is not clear. Recently, it was proposed that GPR41 mediates
PUFA exhibit mostly anti-inflammatory properties (77).
the effect of gut microbiota on fat mass (91), whereas stimu-
Most of the modulatory effect of fatty acids on inflammation
lation of GPR43 by SCFAs was shown to be necessary for the
can probably be attributed to fatty acid metabolites, includ-
normal resolution of certain inflammatory responses (92).
ing prostaglandins, leukotoxins, resolvins, endocannabi-
In contrast to GPR41 and GPR43, GPR40 is activated by
noids, ceramides, and diacylglycerols (77). However, there
medium- and long-chain fatty acids, which include satu-
is accumulating evidence that fatty acids may be able to di-
rectly activate or suppress inflammatory pathways. rated and unsaturated fatty acids. GPR40 is expressed at
high levels in pancreatic b cells, where it mediates the stim-
Most of the biological activity of lipopolysaccharides is me-
ulatory effect of fatty acids on glucose-stimulated insulin se-
diated via its lipid A moiety. It is well established that the fatty
cretion (93,94). Apart from the pancreatic b cells, GPR40 is
acids that are part of lipid A play an important role in ligand
known to be expressed in various other cell types such as en-
recognition and receptor activation of Toll-like receptor 4
teroendocrine cells. In these cells, GPR40 is involved in the
(TLR4), leading to the suggestion that saturated fatty acids
stimulation of production of glucagon-like peptide 1 and
may promote inflammation by direct activation of TLR4
gastric inhibitory peptide by fatty acids (95).
(Fig. 1). Subsequent studies provided compelling evidence
that saturated fatty acids activate nuclear factor-kB and stim- Other relevant members of the GPR family are GPR84,
GPR119, and GPR120. GPR84 is well expressed in bone
ulate expression of nuclear factor-kB targets such as cycloox-
marrow–derived macrophages and has been proposed as re-
ygenase 2, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and interleukin-
ceptor for medium-chain fatty acids (96). GPR119 has an
1a in macrophages by activating TLR4 signaling in a
expression pattern similar to that of GPR40, but the recep-
MyD88-, IRAK-1-, and TRAF6-dependent manner (78–80).
tors shares only little homology. Endogenous ligands of
In contrast, unsaturated fatty acids are ineffective or may
GPR119 have been identified and include the fatty acid de-
even act as antagonists. It was reported that saturated fatty
rivatives monoacyl glycerol, lysophosphatidylcholine, and
acids activate TLR4 by promoting its recruitment to lipid rafts
via a mechanism involving reactive oxygen species (81). Data oleoylethanolamide (97,98). GPR120 is activated by satu-
rated and unsaturated fatty acids with $12 carbons.
showing direct physical binding of saturated fatty acids to
GPR120 is most abundant in mouse large intestine, lung,
TLR4 are still lacking, leaving open the mechanism of TLR4
and adipose tissue, but is also expressed in enteroendocrine
activation (82). Others have argued against TLR4 activation
cells where it mediates the effect of fatty acids on release of
by saturated fatty acids (83). Using TLR42/2 macrophages,
glucagon-like peptide 1 and cholecystokinin (99–101). Re-
the role of TLR4 in mediating the inflammatory effects of sat-
markably, GPR120 was recently proposed to serve as a spe-
urated fatty acids was convincingly demonstrated (84,85). Loss
cific sensor for (n-3) fatty acids in macrophages that may
of TLR4 was also shown to partially protect against diet-in-
duced obesity and insulin resistance, suggesting that TLR4 mediate the putative insulin-sensitizing and antidiabetic ef-
fects of (n-3) fatty acids in vivo by repressing macrophage-
may be involved in mediating the detrimental effects of
induced tissue inflammation (102). So far, evidence is lack-
chronic high saturated fat consumption (84,86,87).
ing that shows that activation of these receptors is directly
linked to the regulation of gene expression.
G protein–coupled receptors
Members of the G protein–coupled receptor (GPR) family Conclusion
are involved in mediating the stimulatory effects of fatty Although the importance of dietary fatty acids as determi-
acids on insulin secretion by pancreatic b cells and on secre- nants of the risk of numerous chronic diseases has been
tion of various gastrointestinal hormones in the gut (88,89). well recognized, only recently have we started to gain appre-
These receptors, which include GPR40 (FFA receptor ciation for the vast regulatory functions of dietary fatty acids
[FFAR]1), GPR41 (FFAR3), GPR43 (FFAR2), GPR84, and in the human body. It is now evident that fatty acids, either
GPR120, each exhibit a preference for a specific set of fatty directly or via its metabolites, act via a great variety of signal-
acids. To what extent activation of GPRs by fatty acids di- ing pathways to influence numerous metabolic, inflammatory,
rectly influences gene transcription remains to be deter- and other biological processes. In the past decade, nutrigenomics
mined (Fig. 1). Nevertheless, because of the emerging has provided the ideal conceptual framework and the necessary
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