Icepower 1000 Aspdata
Icepower 1000 Aspdata
Icepower 1000 Aspdata
Phone [45] 45 20 36 00, Fax [45] 45 20 36 99, CVR-no. 25053591
[email protected],
1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with
ICEpower Supply
Version 1.5
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
General Description
The ICEpower1000ASP is a high quality audio power
solution capable of generating 1000W RMS output
directly from selectable 115/230 volt mains.
Applications include:
• Active speakers and subwoofers
• Installation audio products Figure 1: ICEpower1000ASP Size15 cm x 23.3 cm x 5.7 cm
• High-end stereo and multi-channel amplifiers
For full range multi-way or multi-channel applications up to two additional ICEpower1000A or ICEpower500A
amplifiers may be powered from the DC-bus connector. The ±12.8 volt outputs of the ICEpower1000ASP also
provide general purpose auxilary supplies for external circuitry.
The aluminum extrusion includes slots that accept 3mm thread forming screws for easy mounting to any chassis
or back plate. The ICEpower1000ASP is protected against short-circuits, overload and over-heating and the on-
board fuse and EMI filtering provides a CE and FCC approved design.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Block Diagram
Live 120V
110/230V DC/DC
Buffering 80V
Neutral selector Rectification converter
EMI filter
and fuse and filtering with +12V
Earth isolation -12V
Vi+ DC- Output stage
Input control and
Clipping blocking and filtering
buffer COM Vo-
Vi- and mute
Connection Diagram
10KΩ 30nF
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
The plug interface of the ICEpower1000ASP modules has four industry standard connectors selected for long-
term reliability.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
I80V3) Maximum current draw from Vp2 (80V) 7 A
I120V3) Maximum current draw from Vp1 (120V) 9 A
I+12.8V4) Maximum current draw from Vcc (+12.8V) 0.8 A
I-12.8V4) Maximum current draw from Vss (-12.8V) -0.8 A
Table 6: Absolute Maximum ratings, DC-bus.
3) The stated value is the maximum current available from the power supply when the internal amplifier is idle. Note that this power bus is
only intended for use with other ICEpower amplifiers as shown in the ICEpower ASP-series Designer’s Manual.
4) The +/-12V outputs are not short circuit protected and must be fused to avoid damage. See the ICEpower ASP-series Designer’s Manual.
Input Section
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Vin+ , Vin- Maximum voltage range on pin ±12.85) V
Standby/protect Maximum voltage range on pin 0-12.86) V
Soft clip off Maximum voltage range on pin 0-12.86) V
Table 7: Absolute Maximum ratings, input section.
Output Section
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Rload Minimum load 2 Ω
Iout7) Maximum current draw from 40 A
amplifier output
CL Maximum purely capacitive load 470 nF
Soft clip Maximum voltage range on pin 0-12.86) V
Monitor Maximum voltage range on pin 0-12.86) V
Table 8: Absolute Maximum ratings, output section.
5) From Vss to Vcc.
6) From 0 to Vcc.
7) The over current protection will act to protect the amplifier
Thermal Section
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Ta Max. operating ambient temperature 50 C
Table 9: Absolute Maximum ratings, thermal section.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Power Specifications
Unless otherwise specified. Ta=25 OC, f=1kHz, Load=4Ω.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Vp1 Nominal DC voltage 1 Off-line input within range - 120 - V
Vp2 Nominal DC voltage 2 Off-line input within range - 80 - V
Vcc Positive analog supply Off-line input within range - 12.8 - V
Vss Negative analog supply Off-line input within range - -12.8 - V
TPmax Time of maximum rated output power 1000W out. No preheating. - 15 - s
PT Continuous output power8) without Thermal stab. @ Ta = 25 OC. - 85 - W
thermal shutdown. 4Ω, no external heatsink.
PT Continuous output power8) without Thermal stab. @ Ta = 50 OC. - 40 - W
thermal shutdown. 4Ω, no external heatsink.
PFTC FTC rated output power 0-3kHz9) 4Ω, No external heatsink - 150 - W
Pq Quiescent power dissipation Po = 0W - 15.8 - W
Pstby Stand-by power dissipation Amplifier disabled - 4.1 - W
η Power Efficiency Po = 1000W, 230V mains - 79 - %
(4 ohm load) Po = 500W, 230V mains 78
Table 10: Power specifications
6) The module is mounted vertically in free air. Continuous output power can be improved by the means of external heat sink or forced
7) The power bandwidth is limited to protect the output Zobel network.
Audio Specifications
Unless otherwise specified, f=1kHz, PO =1W, Ta = 25 OC, soft clip enabled
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
PO Output power @ 0.2%THD+N RL = 4Ω. - 1100 - W
10Hz < f < 20kHz RL = 8Ω. - 525 - W
(AES17 measurement filter) 10) RL = 4Ω, 1% THD+N - 1175 - W
THD+N THD+N in 4Ω f = 100Hz, PO =1W - 0.007 0.015 %
(AES17 measurement filter) 10)
THD+N Maximal THD+N in 4Ω 10Hz < f < 20kHz - 0.2 0.3 %
(AES17 measurement filter) 10) 100mW < Po < 1000W
VN,O Output referenced idle noise A-weighted 65 80 115 μV
10Hz < f < 20kHz
AV Nominal Voltage Gain f = 1 kHz 26.7 27.2 27.7 dB
f Frequency response 20Hz - 20kHz, All loads - ±0.5 ±1.0 dB
fu Upper bandwidth limit RL = 8Ω - 38 - kHz
(-3dB) RL = 4Ω - 31 - kHz
fl Lower bandwidth limit RL = 8Ω - 5.3 - Hz
(-3dB) RL = 4Ω - 5.3 - Hz
Zo Abs. output impedance f = 1kHz - 5 10 mΩ
ZL Load impedance range 2 4 ∞ Ω
D Dynamic range A-weighted 115 118 120 dB
Table 11: Audio specifications.
8) An Audio Precision AES17 20 kHz 7th order measurement filter is used for measurements. The frequency 6.67 kHz corresponds to the
worst-case situation where both 2nd and 3rd harmonics are within the audio band.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Electrical Specifications
Unless otherwise specified, Ta=25 OC.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
fo Offset switching frequency Idle 320 350 380 kHz
fs Switching frequency range Idle to full scale variation 60 - 380 kHz
fsmps Switching frequency power supply - 100 - kHz
VOFF,Diff Differential offset on output terminals Input terminated - - ±50 mV
VOFF,CM Common mode offset on output Input terminated - Vp1/2 ±10% V
Table 12: Electrical specifications
Timing Specifications
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Tacd Power supply start up delay. Time from min. AC to all power supplies are 450 ms
tsd Switching start up delay Time from all power supplies are good 1200 ms
tpsd11) Shutdown delay Supply fail or Standby pin 200 μs
Table 13: Timing Specifications.
11) Only valid with the circuit shown in tbd.
Thermal Specifications
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Rth, sink-a Thermal resistance, heatsink – ambient 1.3 K/W
Table 14: Thermal specifications
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
To avoid damage of the ICEpower1000ASP in case of surges caused by lightning, special care and component
selection have resulted in capability of withstanding surges up to 8kV. (Tested with surge generator meeting
IEC1000-4-5 at 8kV).
Mechanical Specifications
During development the ICEpower1000ASP has been exposed to tough mechanical tests to ensure reliable
performance in even the most demanding professional applications.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Frequency Response
+30 +90
+29 +70
+26 +20
+25 +0 e
+24 -20
+21 -70
+20 -90
10 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k 50k 100k 200k
Figure 4: Frequency response in 4Ω, 8Ω and open load. Top – amplitude. Bottom – Phase.
Output Impedance
The output impedance is measured by feeding 1ARMS into the output of the amplifier and measuring the voltage
on the output. The output impedance then corresponds to the measured voltage.
The measurement is done at three different points to illustrate the impedance of connectors and wires. The
curve showing the lowest impedance is measured directly on the PCB. The next curve is measured at the
terminals of the ICEpower application connector. The curve showing the highest impedance is measured at one
pair of the four banana plugs on the ICEpower application connector (10cm wire).
10 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k
Figure 5: Measured voltage at output terminals while feeding 1ARMS into the output of the amplifier.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Damping Factor
The damping factor is calculated as the ratio between the output impedance and the load impedance.
The three curves relate to the different curves of the output impedance.
Damping Factor
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Frequency [Hz]
Damping Factor
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Frequency [Hz]
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
S/N [dB]
8 Ohm
4 Ohm
1 10 100 1000
Output Power [W]
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
0.2 -40
0.05 B
% r -80
0.005 -120
0.001 -160
100m 200m 500m 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 700 2k 4k 6k 8k 10k 12k 14k 16k 18k 20k 22k
Watts Hz
THD+N vs. output power at 100Hz, 1kHz and 6.67kHz 12) (8Ω). Idle noise (4Ω). (32K FFT). Residual = 80μV(A). 0dB@1000W
1 +0
0.5 -20
0.2 -40
0.05 B
r -80
0.02 A
0.001 2k 4k 6k 8k 10k 12k 14k 16k 18k 20k 22k
100m 200m 500m 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1k Hz
12) An Audio Precision AES17 20 kHz 7th order measurement filter is used for measurements. The frequency 6.67 kHz corresponds to the
worst-case situation where both 2nd and 3rd harmonics are within the audio band.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
0.02 -60
% 0.01 r
0.005 -80
0.0005 -120
0.0001 2k 4k 6k 8k 10k 12k 14k 16k 18k 20k 22k
100m 200m 500m 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
W Hz
CCIF IMD vs. PO, RL = 4Ω, f1 =14kHz, f2 = 15kHz. CCIF IMD analysis. RL = 4Ω, PO =10W, 0dB@1000W
1 +0
0.2 -40
0.05 B
% r -80
0.005 -120
0.001 -160
100m 200m 500m 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 4k 6k 8k 10k 12k 14k 16k 18k 20k 22k
W Hz
TIM vs. output power. RL = 4Ω. TIM FFT analysis. RL = 4Ω, PO =10W, 0dB@1000W
Figure 10: Intermodulation distortion
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Power Bandwidth
Due to the compensating Zobel network in the output stage, the maximum allowable short-term output power
is frequency-dependant. The short-term output power is defined as the maximum undistorted (THD+N < 0.2%)
output power until thermal shutdown occurs. Note that long-term high power levels may be limited by other
safety circuits before the HF long-term power limit is reached.
HF long-term power
1 10 100
Due to the HF protection circuit the amplifier is only able to deliver full output at high frequencies for a short
Time [ms]
5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
f [kHz]
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Time [ms]
22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
I [Peak]
Figure 13: High current vs. time (Test signal 100 Hz sine).
22A to 32A into 2 Ohm load and 34A to 40A into1 Ohm load
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Eff [%]
40 110V
0 100 200 300 400 500
Pout [W]
Figure 14: Efficiency vs. output power (8Ω load, 1 kHz audio).
Eff [%]
40 110V
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Pout [W]
Figure 15: Efficiency vs. output power (4Ω load, 1 kHz audio).
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
With its low output impedance, the ICEpower1000ASP is designed to be unaffected by loudspeaker loading
characteristics. However, care should be taken with purely capacitive loads.
Traditionally amplifiers have been tested extensively in laboratories with purely capacitive loads. This was done to
test the amplifier’s stability and performance but it does not relate to any normal speaker load as even
electrostatic speakers do not present a purely capacitive load to the amplifier but include a resistive part as well.
The maximum purely capacitive load allowed is 470nF.
The ICEpower1000ASP has a number of useful features witch are described below.
Standby/Protect Control
The Standby/protect pin is pulled low internally when the protection circuits activates. It is also possible to pull
the pin low externally to activate the low power consumption mode.
The recommended external circuit for shutdown is shown in Figure 16. The timing specifications are only valid
with the interface circuit shown in Figure 16.
Protection indication
Control signal
Figure 16: Interface and simplified internal circuit for Shutdown/protect pin.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Monitor Output
The monitor output has been implemented as an attenuated ground referenced (unbalanced) version of the
balanced output signal. The internal output circuit of this output is shown in Figure 17.
Vo+ Vo-
Internal Feedback
47k 47k
Monitor -28.3dB
The monitor output is attenuated 1.1dB in relation to the input signal and the bandwidth is limited to 45 kHz.
The Soft clip pin is an open collector output with a series resistor for 1K
connecting directly to an LED or external processing circuits. The internal
Soft clip
circuit is shown in Error! Reference source not found..
Soft clip off
The Soft clip off pin disables the internal soft clipping circuit when pulled Figure 18: Interface and simplified
low. This allows for use of external clipping circuits to suit the application internal circuit for the Soft clip pin.
without interference from the internal circuit.
Even with the Soft clip off pin set to low the protection features still activate the internal circuit.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Protection Features
The ICEpower1000ASP is equipped with professional protection features for surviving in the rough professional
audio environment without damage and without compromising the audio quality.
Generally the protection circuits are designed with the philosophy of “audio all time” in mind and therefore all
protection circuits are self-resetting. The only circuit that does not reset is the ‘HF on output’ circuit that only
activates in case of a failure or large capacitive load.
(SMPS) Clip LED (red) Over current
Disable pin
and Clip pin (amplifier)
HF on
Input signal
Input clipping Output stage
Over current
Low output Output filter
stage voltage overload
Thermal Protection
The ICEpower1000ASP is equipped with two thermal protection circuits. The first monitors the temperature of
the power supply and attenuates the output voltage if the temperature exceeds the limit. The other protection
circuit monitors the amplifier temperature and shuts down the amplifier if the temperature becomes too high.
Both protection circuits are self-resetting once the temperature has dropped to an acceptable level.
Overload Protection
In case of high-amplitude continuous low frequency signals in loads lower than 4Ω the power supply may not be
able to deliver the required amount of power to the amplifier and the supply voltage will drop. The overload
protection circuit will then lower the threshold of the input soft clipping circuit until the output power has been
reduced to an acceptable level. As a result the amplifier will not shut down because of under voltage and the
music will still be playing but with a softly shaped audio signal.
Long-term HF Protection
The output filter of the amplifier is not capable of handling large long-term high frequency signals due to the
Zobel-network. This protection circuit decreases the threshold of the soft clipping circuit to limit the input signal
in case of overload. Consequently, damage to the Zobel-network (or a high frequency driver) should not occur
even under laboratory tests or any other condition that is not music (e.g. microphone feedback). The
ICEpower1000ASP has been tested at extreme music levels with the most demanding music without triggering
the high frequency protection circuit.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Input/Output Interfaces
Input Stage
The balanced input section on the ICEpower1000ASP provides signal buffering and anti-aliasing filtering. The
balanced configuration helps to avoid hum and noise pick-up in poorly shielded cables. An unbalanced input can
be set (without affecting the overall gain) by applying a short between Vi- and AGND.
1k 3k3
Vi- -
1k 3k3
Vi+ +
C1 C1
The input impedance of the signal input section is approximately 8kΩ over the audio bandwidth, which is an
acceptable loading condition for most pre-amps, active crossover outputs etc.
Output Stage
The output stage is a full bridge topology with a 2nd order filter meaning the power output on the terminals Vo+
and Vo- is balanced. The output filter design is a part of ICEpower’s proprietary MECC topology and has been
chosen as a compromise between demodulation characteristics, efficiency and filter compactness.
Stage C
Output filter
Warning! The balanced speaker outputs are both “hot” with a common-mode DC level equal to Vp/2. Balanced
probes should always be used for monitoring and measurements.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
tsd tpsd
Power-up Sequence
The power supply controls power-up of the ICEpower1000ASP. The power supply section has a delay (tacd) from
the mains voltage reaches the minimum value to all output voltages are up. In order to ensure power supply
stability before start-up, a controlled delay (tsd) has been introduced before the switching output stage is enabled
with a 50% duty-cycle (zero modulation). Thus the total delay from power is applied to full signal amplification is
tacd + tsd.
In all events the ICEpower1000ASP will shut off instantly (tpsd = 200μs typical) by disabling the switching power
stage. Following a power down event the ICEpower1000ASP will follow the standard power-up sequence.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Thermal Design
Thermal design is generally a great challenge in power amplifier systems. Linear amplifier designs operating in
class A or AB are normally very inefficient and therefore equipped with extensive heat sinking to keep the
transistor junction temperature low. The ICEpower1000ASP is based on highly efficient ICEpower switching
technology providing high overall efficiency characteristics at all levels of operation.
Part of the “component” philosophy of the ASP–series is to provide a self-cooled component thus eliminating
the need for special attention to thermal design.
The ICEpower1000ASP is designed for music reproduction, which means that the output power of the amplifier
will never be continuous. If the average power exceeds 85W @ 4Ω (typical) for a long time at 25°C ambient
temperature, the module will reach its maximum allowable temperature and the temperature protection will be
activated. At 50°C ambient temperature more than 40W @ 4Ω (typical) average power will activate the
temperature protection.
For extreme loading requirements with a high continuous average loading or ambient temperatures above 40°C,
we recommend the use of an external heat sink, which will improve the FTC power rating.
The ICEpower250ASP has been safety approved using the following fuses
T: time-lag H: high-breaking
5*20mm, according to IEC60127-2/5 and UL248.14
High-breaking capability (1500A) fuses are used for safety reasons and to allow powering up more than 30000
times. Fuses from different vendors are not guaranteed to be alike and in any case the module is only safety
approved with the above-mentioned fuses.
The ICEpower1000ASP is fitted with the fuse suitable for 230V use (and with the voltage selector set to 230V)
on delivery as this is the safest setup for protecting the module for global use. To use the ICEpower1000ASP in
100V/115V areas, please replace the factory mounted fuse with appropriate type for 115V mains and mount the
fuse in the 115V position as indicated on the board.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Physical Dimensions
Important! A minimum clearance of 12 mm. above the module is required for safety and ventilation reasons.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
Safety Standards
The ICEpower250ASP has been pre-approved for safety by CSA to ease the design-in procedure and complies
with the following standards:
Safety class
Class 1 (with earth)
ESD Warning
Bang & Olufsen ICEpower products are manufactured according to the following ESD precautions:
• IEC 61340-5-1: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena. General Requirements.
• IEC 61340-5-2: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena. User Guide.
• ANSI/ESD-S20.20-1999: Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment.
Further handling of the products should comply with the same standards.
The general guarantee policy of Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s does not cover ESD damaged products due to
improper handling.
Storage Humidity
Do not expose the pallets to rain or humidity levels higher than 85%.
Storage Temperature
The pallets are to be stored at temperatures from 0°C to 70°C.
Pallets may not be stacked on top of each other.
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ICEpower1000ASP, 1000W Professional ICEpower Amplifier with ICEpower Supply Version 1.5
For additional information about the ICEpower® technology from Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s, visit our web
site or contact us.
E-mail [email protected]
The data sheet contains specifications that may be subject to change without prior notice. ICEpower® is a
trademark of Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s.
Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices
or systems without the express written approval of the president and general counsel of Bang & Olufsen
ICEpower a/s. As used herein:
1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into
the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant
injury to the user.
2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can
be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or
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