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Medal Log 20240514
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[Info | 9:23:48 PM] [Medal Log Init] 3.830.0.
0 - 5/14/2024 9:23:48 PM
[Info | 9:23:49 PM] Honeycomb init successfully
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Available electron port not found, set port to default 10603
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Server: RESTService/
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Server running at
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Current DPI awareness: 0
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Change DPI awareness to PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE. result=0
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Remote config saved
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] User saved as 230733256 - sauerbeck
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Saving Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Backup clips folder is D:\Medal
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Initial app settings - Hotkeys are: [clip;length=15:
short_press of keyboard page down, segment_toggle: long_press of keyboard page
down, callback;event=dismiss: short_press of keyboard ALT + SHIFT + d,
callback;event=answerVoice: short_press of keyboard ALT + SHIFT + z,
callback;event=declineVoice: short_press of keyboard ALT + SHIFT + x,
callback;event=acceptMessageRequest: short_press of keyboard ALT + SHIFT + c,
callback;event=viewScreenshot: short_press of keyboard ALT + SHIFT + v] - FPS
setting is 60 - Resolution setting is 1280x720 - Clip length is 300 - Detect all
games setting is False - Encoding setting is CPU - Overlay setting is True - Sound
setting is True - Full Session Sound Alerts setting is True - Mic input setting is
True - Mic gain is 0.5 - Game sound gain is 0.5 - Auto upload setting is False -
Auto upload state setting is 1 - environment setting is production -
WindowsGameMode setting is False - Clip Folder is C:\Medal - Bitrate setting is 15
- Selected audio device is Auto - Selected mic device is Auto - Full Session Mode
Enabled setting is False - DevelopmentModeEnabled setting is False - Mono audio
setting is False - Selected webcam device is <None> - WebcamEnabled setting is
False - Show Cursor setting is False - Game Audio Only setting is False - Discord
Audio setting is False - In Memory Buffer setting is False - Mic noise gate enabled
setting is False - Mic noise gate open threshold is -100 - Mic noise suppression
enabled setting is False - Audio Notifications setting is False -
IncreaseMaxFrameLatencySetting is True - Aspect Ratio is Custom - Advanced Window
Capture setting is False - Recording Enabled setting is True - Voice Clipping
Enabled setting is False - Voice Clipping Phrases setting is - ICYMI setting is
False - ICYMI setting: { enabled: [Rocket League, League of Legends, Fortnite, War
Thunder, Apex Legends, Splitgate: Arena Warfare, Valorant, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel,
Counter-Strike 2], disabled: [] } - ICYMI Clip length is 300 - ICYMI Sound setting
is True - ICYMI use Overwolf setting is False - Output Format setting is matroska,
Extension .mkv - Multiple Audio Streams setting is False - BFrames Enabled setting
is False - UseStringID is False - External File Sources setting is
{"label":"OBS","value":"obs","enabled":false,"freeUpSpace":false}],"folders":[]} -
Quality Preset setting is Performance - Selected GPU device is Auto - Controller
key logging enabled setting is True - Monitor Device Name setting is {
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
} - Broadcast Target is hidden - Broadcast setting is Disabled - Progressive
uploads setting is False - Overlay Injected Mode setting is False
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] request user
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] request environment
[Info | 9:23:50 PM] Checking hardware encoders
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] Attempting to get supported GPU codecs
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] FindSupportedNvidiaGPU: NVAPI dll not found.
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] No supported NVIDIA GPU found.
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] Executing Request: set.sdkmode - {
"enabled": false
[Warning | 9:23:51 PM] No command for set.sdkmode
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond ef44279b-33b9-457f-b931-fe9b83830164
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:23:51 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond db27ded0-f4eb-43df-9d50-79fb504e551b
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] Username is base64 translated to sauerbeck
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] User updated 230733256 - sauerbeck
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond c7e81001-6345-479b-849e-07dd4babdbc6
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:23:51 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond d7efa4b4-c234-43cf-8442-1c95fede26c2
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] 1 logs of- job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond cc4860e9-3b67-4370-b093-133148c29208
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:23:51 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond 2437ae3a-6dc6-4199-afd4-b95cfa7956fb
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] Executing Request: set.useStringId - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] Saving UseStringID True
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond eb51be0e-b731-4de5-a4f7-db4778c71242
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:23:51 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"ef44279b-33b9-457f-b931-
[Info | 9:23:51 PM] Codec Succeeded h264_amf
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] AMD driver version is supported.
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Debug log- ReceiverFramePut error n264. Não há suporte para o
pedido. (Exceção de HRESULT: 0x80070032).
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Generated optimal encoding option h264_amf
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Video codec set: libopenh264 - software encoding
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.allSettings-{"settings":
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Received settings
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundAudioDevice - {
"audioDevices": [
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving unplugged audio devices -
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Selected audio output devices Auto
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": "Auto"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Set process priority to High
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Selected mic device Auto
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.devmode - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving DevelopmentModeEnabled False
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarkModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.fullSessionModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Attempting to start process watcher
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] [System.RuntimeMethodHandle] Set security permissions for C:\
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] [System.RuntimeMethodHandle] Set security permissions for C:\
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: - {
"enabled": false,
"position": {
"index": 1,
"value": "Top Right"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving WebcamEnabled False
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving WebcamPositionIndex: 1
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Process watcher started
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: - {
"selected": {
"id": "<None>",
"label": "<None>",
"value": "<None>"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Selected Webcam device <None>
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.gpu.device - {
"selected": "Auto"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Selected GPU device Auto
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Video codec set: libopenh264 - software encoding
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTrigger - {}
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.controllerTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "300"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving clip length 300
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.icymicliplength - {
"cliplength": "0"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving ICYMI clip length 300
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] No other MedalEncoder instances running
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer False
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.resolution - {
"resolution": "High"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] SDK feature flags--
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] correct_start_ts is false - mdelay_store_video is false -
dx_pipeline_reusable is false - audio_mixing is false -
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] [Global Keyhook] Started
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.fps - {
"fps": "60"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving FPS 60
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Video codec set: libopenh264 - software encoding
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Hook data extracted
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "15"
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving bitrate 15
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.sdkmode - {
"enabled": false
[Warning | 9:23:52 PM] No command for set.sdkmode
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 1
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving Mic Input True
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.monoAudio - {
"monoaudio": false
[Info | 9:23:52 PM] Saving Mono Audio False
[Debug | 9:23:52 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayalerts - {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Found available electron port 10603
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Username is base64 translated to sauerbeck
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts True
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.soundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.customGameSettings - {
"categoryId": "r-K7qepLC",
"enabled": 1,
"recording": 1,
"fullSessionMode": 0,
"clipLength": "300",
"resolution": "UHD 4K (2160p)",
"fps": "120",
"bitrate": "25",
"gao": false,
"hotkeys": [
"action": "clip;length=300",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press",
"inputs": "page down"
"hotkeyActions": [
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] User updated 230733256 - sauerbeck
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarksoundalerts - {
"bookmarksoundalerts": 1
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Game custom settings updated:r-K7qepLC, recording:1,
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] job.respond 71129cc0-4914-4993-8445-e53883fd47a6
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"71129cc0-4914-4993-8445-
on":"UHD 4K (2160p)","fps":"120","bitrate":"25","gao":false,"hotkeys":
e down"}],"hotkeyActions":
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving environment production
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Full Session Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.aspectRatio - {
"aspectRatio": 2
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Aspect Ratio Custom
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.detectallgames - {
"detectallgames": 0
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Detect All Games False
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.encoder - {
"type": "CPU"
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Video codec set: libopenh264 - software encoding
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.clipFolder - {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Medal%path.sep%",
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcTWVkYWxc"
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcTWVkYWxc
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Medal\
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] C:\Medal\ - folder verified
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUploadState - {}
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Auto Upload State
[Warning | 9:23:53 PM] Auto upload state settings invalid -- resetting to 1
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Sending available web cam devices {"availableDevices":
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Sending available GPU devices ASUS Radeon RX 560 Series
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] ForceNvGPU: NVAPI dll not found.
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUpload - {
"autoUpload": false
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] GPU Scheduling registry exists
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Auto Upload False
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.gameAudioOnly - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Game Audio Only 0
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.discordAudio - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Initializing DirectX overlay
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Initializing Electron overlay
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\lggab\AppData\
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\lggab\AppData\
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Updated vulkan registry info [C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Discord Audio 0
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.setVoiceClipping - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:53 PM] Saving Voice Clipping Enabled 0
[Debug | 9:23:53 PM] Executing Request: set.multipleAudioTracks - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving Multiple Audio Streams 0
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.showCursor - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving Show Cursor False
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedNoRestart
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.holdToRecordEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: ICYMIEnabled - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Running as admin False
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] DetectAllGames False
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Recorder Initilization Complete
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:23:54 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond 33e92b8e-e4e6-4018-a722-f354422cf145
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"33e92b8e-e4e6-4018-a722-
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] CPU supports ICYMI.
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving ICYMI False
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.icymisoundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving Output Format mkv
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving ICYMI Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.windowsGraphicsCapture - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Memory-mapped file does not exist.
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Config file not found at C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\NVIDIA
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Config file does not exist
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving Advanced Window Capture 0
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.experimentalCapture - {
"enabled": 0
[Warning | 9:23:54 PM] No command for set.experimentalCapture
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.hdrCompatibility - {
"enabled": 0
[Warning | 9:23:54 PM] No command for set.hdrCompatibility
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.forceWindowCapture - {
"enabled": 0
[Warning | 9:23:54 PM] No command for set.forceWindowCapture
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayCurrentInjectedMode - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving OverlayCurrentInjectedMode 0
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.recordingEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving Recording Enabled 1
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] [ESM Event] - EnableRecordingSet
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGate - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] TPGame API started at
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving mic noise gate enabled 0
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseSuppress - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving mic noise suppression enabled 0
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGateThreshold - {
"open_threshold": -100
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving mic noise gate threshold -100
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.externalFileSources-{"nativeOptions":
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Setting up external recorders
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] External recorder shadowplay is disabled
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] External recorder relive is disabled
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] External recorder obs is disabled
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] External recorder setup complete
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Update available. Downloading new game database from with force
update False
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving External File Sources {
"nativeOptions": [
"label": "NVIDIA ShadowPlay",
"value": "shadowplay",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "AMD ReLive",
"value": "relive",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "OBS",
"value": "obs",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"folders": []
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.advancedOverlayEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Warning | 9:23:54 PM] No command for set.advancedOverlayEnabled
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.monitorDeviceName - {
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Monitor Device Name:{
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving game sound gain 50
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving mic gain 50
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.hotkeys - {
"hotkeys": [
"action": "clip;length=15",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press",
"inputs": "page down"
"action": "segment_toggle",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "long_press",
"inputs": "page down"
"action": "callback;event=dismiss",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + d",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=answerVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + z",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=declineVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + x",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=acceptMessageRequest",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + c",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=viewScreenshot",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + v",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving hotkey settings [
"action": "clip;length=15",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press",
"inputs": "page down"
"action": "segment_toggle",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "long_press",
"inputs": "page down"
"action": "callback;event=dismiss",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + d",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=answerVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + z",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=declineVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + x",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=acceptMessageRequest",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + c",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=viewScreenshot",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + v",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleScreenCapture - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] [ESM Event] - StopScreenCapture
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Toggle Screen Capture False
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.codec - {
"codec": "H264"
[Warning | 9:23:54 PM] No command for set.codec
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond eb667d5d-f675-4674-a922-ae4dc37bcd46
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: set.customGameSettings - {
"categoryId": "r-K7qepLC",
"enabled": 1,
"recording": 1,
"fullSessionMode": 0,
"clipLength": "300",
"resolution": "UHD 4K (2160p)",
"fps": "120",
"bitrate": "25",
"gao": false,
"hotkeys": [
"action": "clip;length=300",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press",
"inputs": "page down"
"hotkeyActions": [
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Game custom settings updated:r-K7qepLC, recording:1,
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond adbdabc2-e68d-4e5e-8962-613eb81d754b
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: get.availableMicDevices -
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Sending available mic devices Microfone (2- H210)
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond 0757b7f0-1a47-49f5-a2e0-0f4bdfd0d965
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: get.availableAudioDevices -
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Sending available audio devices Alto-falantes (2- H210), 3 -
27G2G4 (AMD High Definition Audio Device)
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond 9d46803b-da78-465f-8a40-5bb3daa5efa1
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: get.micAudioDevice -
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Sending selected mic device Auto
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond bd40d04c-2d2d-411a-a253-fc94febffe18
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: get.gameSoundAudioDevice -
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] SendSelectedMicDevice reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Sending selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond 0e3d0be2-ef00-4944-8e58-b2fd6e0814bc
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] Executing Request: get.GAODisabledList -
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] SendSelectedAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Sending games with not supported GAO
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond 129367ce-f304-43d8-9a2d-78e73184b78a
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] SendGAODisabledList reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"eb667d5d-f675-4674-a922-
{"index":1,"value":"Top Right"}},"":{"selected":
down"},{"action":"callback;event=dismiss","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=answerVoice","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=declineVoice","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=acceptMessageRequest","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=viewScreenshot","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
on":"UHD 4K (2160p)","fps":"120","bitrate":"25","gao":false,"hotkeys":
e down"}],"hotkeyActions":
[Debug | 9:23:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:54 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] job.respond 7e4e5049-c78e-47e8-94da-8d1932bda0af
[Debug | 9:23:55 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply []
[Debug | 9:23:55 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] Game database updated. Version:
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] Processing command: none
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.830.0\
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] Custom database location is C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Roaming\
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Warning | 9:23:55 PM] Scanning already in progress (0.06s)
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2LBr6_ltG]
[Debug | 9:23:55 PM] SendAvailableWebCamDevices reply {"device":{"options":
[Debug | 9:23:55 PM] SendAvailableGPUDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 9:23:55 PM] Initilization complete reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:23:55 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 9:23:56 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 9:23:56 PM] job.respond 4d82e9b6-186d-44db-84c6-93663f98ad8b
[Debug | 9:23:56 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 9:23:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:56 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 9:23:56 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 9:23:56 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 9:23:56 PM] job.respond 00216659-629a-4a5c-afb1-5491e6859e61
[Debug | 9:23:56 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"00216659-629a-4a5c-afb1-
[Debug | 9:23:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:23:56 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Debug | 9:23:57 PM] {"GPU":[{"Name":"ASUS Radeon RX 560
Series","Status":"OK","Caption":"ASUS Radeon RX 560
amdxc64.dll","DriverVersion":"31.0.21912.14","VideoProcessor":"AMD Radeon Graphics
Processor (0x67EF)","VideoArchitecture":"5","VideoMemoryType":"2","AdapterRAM":"4.0
GB"}],"HardDrives":[{"Name":"Drive C:\\","Drive type":"Fixed","Volume
label":"Windows10","File system":"NTFS","Available space to current user":"76.4
GB","Total available space":"76.4 GB","Total size of drive":"222.4 GB","Root
directory":"C:\\","MediaType":"HDD"},{"Name":"Drive D:\\","Drive
type":"Fixed","Volume label":"HD","File system":"NTFS","Available space to current
user":"590.3 GB","Total available space":"590.3 GB","Total size of drive":"922.7
GB","Root directory":"D:\\","MediaType":"SSD"}],"CPU":[{"Name":"AMD Ryzen 5 4600G
with Radeon
","Caption":"AMD64 Family 23 Model 96 Stepping
[{"Capacity":"8192","Manufacturer":"Unknown","PartNumber":"CL16-20-20 D4-3200
{"Capacity":"8192","Manufacturer":"Unknown","PartNumber":"CL16-20-20 D4-3200
","Speed":"2133","MemoryType":"Unknown"}],"OS":[{"Caption":"Microsoft Windows 10
rimary":"True","AspectRatio":"16:9","Diagonal":"27"}],"Sound":[{"Name":"AMD High
Definition Audio Device","ProductName":"AMD High Definition Audio
entSupported":"False","Status":"OK","StatusInfo":"3"},{"Name":"Dispositivo de áudio
USB","ProductName":"Dispositivo de áudio USB","DeviceID":"USB\\
us":"OK","StatusInfo":"3"},{"Name":"AMD High Definition Audio
Device","ProductName":"AMD High Definition Audio Device","DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
entSupported":"False","Status":"OK","StatusInfo":"3"},{"Name":"AMD Streaming Audio
Device","ProductName":"AMD Streaming Audio Device","DeviceID":"ROOT\\
usInfo":"3"},{"Name":"Realtek High Definition Audio","ProductName":"Realtek High
Definition Audio","DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
[{"Name":"Placa Base","Model":"null","Manufacturer":"Gigabyte Technology Co.,
Ltd.","SlotLayout":"null","Product":"A520M DS3H"}],"Keyboard":[{"Name":"Dispositivo
de teclado HID"},{"Name":"Dispositivo de teclado HID"},{"Name":"Dispositivo de
Entrada USB"},{"Name":"Dispositivo de teclado HID"}],"Mouse":[{"Name":"Dispositivo
de Entrada USB","Manufacturer":"(Dispositivos padrão do sistema)"}],"Controllers":
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] Sending hardware info
[Debug | 9:23:57 PM] SendHardwareInfo reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 9:23:59 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:23:59 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:23:59 PM] job.respond fb700ef0-7f46-4dff-8730-2c82ed08e4cd
[Debug | 9:23:59 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"fb700ef0-7f46-4dff-8730-
[Debug | 9:23:59 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:03 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:03 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:03 PM] job.respond e38cd484-b6c9-4d93-b940-41017e9acacd
[Debug | 9:24:03 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"e38cd484-b6c9-4d93-b940-
[Debug | 9:24:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:08 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:08 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:08 PM] job.respond 7602367c-321d-4777-b392-fbb4dfb83575
[Debug | 9:24:08 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"7602367c-321d-4777-b392-
[Debug | 9:24:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:13 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:13 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:13 PM] job.respond e4f6e1d3-34e5-497a-aa93-f7a801184caf
[Debug | 9:24:13 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"e4f6e1d3-34e5-497a-aa93-
[Debug | 9:24:13 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:18 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:18 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:18 PM] job.respond bf9d782e-57a4-44eb-9e08-e6eb17436e9a
[Debug | 9:24:18 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"bf9d782e-57a4-44eb-9e08-
[Debug | 9:24:18 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:23 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:23 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:23 PM] job.respond b112b66d-e9d6-4214-845d-1482f7274213
[Debug | 9:24:23 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"b112b66d-e9d6-4214-845d-
[Debug | 9:24:23 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:28 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:28 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:28 PM] job.respond 499f3c79-f49d-4e23-bf80-047595c02ed0
[Debug | 9:24:28 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"499f3c79-f49d-4e23-bf80-
[Debug | 9:24:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:33 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:33 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:33 PM] job.respond 5a406f0c-9ff4-4550-b18d-b7c67dcfc19f
[Debug | 9:24:33 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"5a406f0c-9ff4-4550-b18d-
[Debug | 9:24:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:38 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:38 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:38 PM] job.respond 73a2f4ba-9ebf-4fd2-a972-041f63a30e44
[Debug | 9:24:38 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"73a2f4ba-9ebf-4fd2-a972-
[Debug | 9:24:38 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:43 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:43 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:43 PM] job.respond d668d31e-04a7-48ad-8873-378eedce3700
[Debug | 9:24:43 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"d668d31e-04a7-48ad-8873-
[Debug | 9:24:43 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:48 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:48 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:48 PM] job.respond ffc27700-a34b-4406-b801-58f896ea6998
[Debug | 9:24:48 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"ffc27700-a34b-4406-b801-
[Debug | 9:24:48 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:53 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:53 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:53 PM] job.respond 97681eb2-6150-432a-9fce-ba5caf87f6ea
[Debug | 9:24:53 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"97681eb2-6150-432a-9fce-
[Debug | 9:24:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:24:58 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:24:58 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:24:58 PM] job.respond 0f76c830-82d3-4de2-9ecd-b3a5f9bf5f6a
[Debug | 9:24:58 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"0f76c830-82d3-4de2-9ecd-
[Debug | 9:24:58 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:25:03 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:25:03 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:25:03 PM] job.respond 7f39631b-7ee5-43e7-b2ed-b893d6b46efe
[Debug | 9:25:03 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"7f39631b-7ee5-43e7-b2ed-
[Debug | 9:25:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:25:08 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:25:08 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:25:08 PM] job.respond 54a5e6e4-3004-4628-a2b9-4d4dd5cde2e7
[Debug | 9:25:08 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"54a5e6e4-3004-4628-a2b9-
[Debug | 9:25:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:25:13 PM] Executing Request: get.hardwareId -
[Warning | 9:25:13 PM] No command for get.hardwareId
[Info | 9:25:13 PM] job.respond 2c1ab6f5-30af-486f-a67a-1b342808706d
[Debug | 9:25:13 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"2c1ab6f5-30af-486f-a67a-
[Debug | 9:25:13 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Warning | 9:32:12 PM] Scanning already in progress (0.01s)
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.830.0\
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2LBr6_ltG]
[Debug | 9:38:55 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:38:55 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 9:38:55 PM] job.respond d2dab0cd-ed50-497f-b3d2-9a86bbadbb25
[Debug | 9:38:55 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"d2dab0cd-ed50-497f-b3d2-
[Debug | 9:38:55 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.830.0\
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 9:53:55 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2LBr6_ltG]
[Debug | 9:53:55 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:53:56 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 9:53:56 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 9:53:56 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 9:53:56 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 9:53:56 PM] job.respond a09f840a-32f0-4351-badc-cebc1df93bf4
[Debug | 9:53:56 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"a09f840a-32f0-4351-badc-
[Debug | 9:53:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Game Found Type ProcessFuzzyCaption: Minecraft
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Process name found javaw | Caption | Minecraft 1.10.2 | and
class | LWJGL | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Game found javaw Handle: 10094542
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Active game initialized Minecraft
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Start recording game Minecraft
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:02:30 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=994} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:497
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Capture area is 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Warning | 10:02:30 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Requested resolution 1280x994 is lesser than capture area. Not
upscaling the capture
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Debug | 10:02:30 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Debug | 10:02:30 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] job.respond 8b986515-896c-48a6-a0f2-ac6b1694682e
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Started Filter
[Debug | 10:02:30 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 10:02:30 PM] job.respond d46f12c0-7bdb-4ab5-984c-d388492d8766
[Debug | 10:02:30 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Added Mouse Device: Mouse
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:02:31 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=994} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:497
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Capture area is 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Warning | 10:02:31 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Requested resolution 1280x994 is lesser than capture area. Not
upscaling the capture
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Push to talk enabled
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:02:31 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Debug | 10:02:35 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 10:02:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:02:35 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Debug | 10:02:35 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayCurrentInjectedMode - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 10:02:35 PM] Saving OverlayCurrentInjectedMode 0
[Info | 10:02:35 PM] job.respond 4145e728-271b-4acc-89fd-40058b210bf7
[Debug | 10:02:35 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"4145e728-271b-4acc-89fd-
[Debug | 10:02:35 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Warning | 10:02:36 PM] InputManager polling slowly: average of 2.003ms
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Capture area is 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Using advanced overlay.
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Starting Electron overlay for Minecraft
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 1.0ms
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Average response time: 1.0ms (1 measures)
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1040x807
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 4.0ms
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Average response time: 2.5ms (2 measures)
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Starting Medal Performance monitor.
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1040x807
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Sending electron overlay show: Press F8 at any moment to save
the last 15 seconds
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 4.0ms
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Average response time: 3.0ms (3 measures)
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] SendOverlayShow reply "ok" after 3.0ms
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Average response time: 3.0ms (4 measures)
[Info | 10:02:36 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 10:02:40 PM] Minecraft server connection ended.
[Info | 10:02:41 PM] Error getting the CPU performance counter: Category does not
[Warning | 10:02:41 PM] Error getting the CPU temperature counter: Category does
not exist.
[Warning | 10:02:41 PM] Error getting the Memory performance counter: Category does
not exist.
[Info | 10:02:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:02:53 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:02:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:02:53 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:02:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:02:59 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:02:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:02:59 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:02:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:02:59 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:03:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:03:03 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:03:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:03:04 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:03:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:03:06 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:03:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:03:28 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:03:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:03:28 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:03:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:03:28 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:03:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:03:29 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:03:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:03:33 PM] Hiding: 451,183,1475,950
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Window object destroyed: -- 10094542
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Minecraft exited.
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Stop recording game Minecraft
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Game Found Type ProcessFuzzyCaption: Minecraft
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Process name found javaw | Caption | Minecraft 1.10.2 | and
class | LWJGL | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Game found javaw Handle: 198680
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Active game initialized Minecraft
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Start recording game Minecraft
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] 1 logs of- Removing window hooks
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Stopping performance monitor.
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 311.1ms
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Average response time: 64.6ms (5 measures)
[Debug | 10:04:44 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:04:44 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:04:45 PM] Fullscreen exclusive mode detected. Switching to stretch
aspect ratio
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Stretch
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 16:9
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Debug | 10:04:45 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Debug | 10:04:45 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Debug | 10:04:45 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] job.respond 89f82c4f-9bd9-4c7e-a776-0696da5b05bb
[Debug | 10:04:45 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Clear override settings
[Debug | 10:04:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] job.respond fe64308d-6931-4cab-975e-e209fd410e78
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Debug | 10:04:45 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"89f82c4f-9bd9-4c7e-a776-
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Debug | 10:04:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:04:45 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 1.0ms
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Average response time: 54.0ms (6 measures)
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:04:45 PM] Fullscreen exclusive mode detected. Switching to stretch
aspect ratio
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Stretch
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 16:9
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:04:45 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 2.0ms
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Average response time: 46.6ms (7 measures)
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:04:46 PM] Fullscreen exclusive mode detected. Switching to stretch
aspect ratio
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Stretch
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 16:9
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Push to talk enabled
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:04:46 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:04:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:49 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:49 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Info | 10:04:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:49 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:49 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:50 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:50 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:50 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:50 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Using advanced overlay.
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Starting Electron overlay for Minecraft
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1920x1080
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 1.0ms
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Average response time: 40.9ms (8 measures)
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Starting Medal Performance monitor.
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 8.0ms
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Average response time: 37.2ms (9 measures)
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1920x1080
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Sending electron overlay show: Press F8 at any moment to save
the last 15 seconds
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Error getting the CPU performance counter: Category does not
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Warning | 10:04:51 PM] Error getting the CPU temperature counter: Category does
not exist.
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 6.0ms
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Average response time: 34.1ms (10 measures)
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] SendOverlayShow reply "ok" after 7.5ms
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Average response time: 31.7ms (11 measures)
[Warning | 10:04:51 PM] Error getting the Memory performance counter: Category does
not exist.
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:51 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:04:52 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:53 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:53 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:53 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:04:54 PM] 1 logs of- Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:04:54 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:04:54 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:04:54 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 10:04:55 PM] Minecraft server connection ended.
[Info | 10:04:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:57 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:04:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:04:57 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:05:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:05:21 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:05:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:05:21 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:05:21 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:05:22 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:05:22 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:05:22 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 10:05:22 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:05:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:05:22 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:06:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:06:34 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:06:34 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:06:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:06:34 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:06:34 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:06:35 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:06:35 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:06:35 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 10:06:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:06:37 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:06:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:06:58 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:06:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:06:58 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:06:58 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:06:59 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:06:59 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:06:59 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 10:06:59 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:06:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:06:59 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Window object destroyed: Minecraft 1.10.2 -- 198680
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Minecraft exited.
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Stop recording game Minecraft
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Push to talk enabled
[Info | 10:07:06 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 286.5ms
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Average response time: 52.9ms (12 measures)
[Debug | 10:07:07 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2LBr6_ltG]
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Stopping performance monitor.
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 10:07:07 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Game process javaw for Minecraft exited with code 0, hook
attempted: no
[Debug | 10:07:07 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] job.respond 389e6e61-d6e2-4e4d-927f-0c4f81332d3e
[Debug | 10:07:07 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Clear override settings
[Debug | 10:07:07 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:07:07 PM] job.respond 09d127cb-773b-430f-9104-aaf09d423550
[Debug | 10:07:07 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"389e6e61-d6e2-4e4d-927f-
[Debug | 10:07:07 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Game Found Type ProcessFuzzyCaption: Minecraft
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Process name found javaw | Caption | Minecraft 1.7.10 | and
class | LWJGL | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Game found javaw Handle: 198730
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Active game initialized Minecraft
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Start recording game Minecraft
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] 1 logs of- Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:07:59 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=994} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:497
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Debug | 10:07:59 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:07:59 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] job.respond fc673f3d-ee9c-45f0-9d94-7197dcb4c617
[Debug | 10:08:00 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"fc673f3d-ee9c-45f0-9d94-
[Debug | 10:08:00 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Capture area is 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Warning | 10:08:00 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Requested resolution 1280x994 is lesser than capture area. Not
upscaling the capture
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Debug | 10:08:00 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 1.0ms
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Average response time: 48.9ms (13 measures)
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:08:00 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=994} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:497
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Capture area is 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Warning | 10:08:00 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Requested resolution 1280x994 is lesser than capture area. Not
upscaling the capture
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Push to talk enabled
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:08:00 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Debug | 10:08:04 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:08:05 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayCurrentInjectedMode - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Saving OverlayCurrentInjectedMode 0
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] job.respond 53a3bd44-6e47-4a41-93fe-c0b2751607ad
[Debug | 10:08:05 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"53a3bd44-6e47-4a41-93fe-
[Debug | 10:08:05 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Using advanced overlay.
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Starting Electron overlay for Minecraft
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1040x807
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 2.0ms
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Average response time: 45.6ms (14 measures)
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Starting Medal Performance monitor.
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1040x807
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Sending electron overlay show: Press F8 at any moment to save
the last 15 seconds
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 5.0ms
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Error getting the CPU performance counter: Category does not
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 3.0ms
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Average response time: 40.4ms (16 measures)
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] SendOverlayShow reply "ok" after 6.0ms
[Warning | 10:08:05 PM] Error getting the CPU temperature counter: Category does
not exist.
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Average response time: 38.4ms (17 measures)
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Average response time: 40.4ms (16 measures)
[Info | 10:08:05 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Warning | 10:08:05 PM] Error getting the Memory performance counter: Category does
not exist.
[Info | 10:08:10 PM] Minecraft server connection ended.
[Info | 10:08:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:08:52 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:08:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:08:52 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:09:21 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:09:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:09:23 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:09:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:09:38 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:09:38 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:09:39 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:09:39 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:09:39 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 10:09:39 PM] Capture area is 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:09:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:09:52 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:09:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:09:55 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:10:02 PM] Window object destroyed: Minecraft 1.7.10 -- 198730
[Info | 10:10:02 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 10:10:02 PM] Minecraft exited.
[Info | 10:10:02 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Stop recording game Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 103.0ms
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Average response time: 41.9ms (18 measures)
[Debug | 10:10:03 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Game Found Type ProcessFuzzyCaption: Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Process name found javaw | Caption | Minecraft 1.7.10 | and
class | LWJGL | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Game found javaw Handle: 10946604
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Active game initialized Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Start recording game Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Stopping performance monitor.
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] 1 logs of- Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Debug | 10:10:03 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:10:03 PM] Fullscreen exclusive mode detected. Switching to stretch
aspect ratio
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Stretch
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 16:9
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Debug | 10:10:03 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] job.respond 8195ac96-4d3e-443f-9d37-0d870fafa216
[Debug | 10:10:03 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] job.respond 2af990fe-8a98-45d3-a6e2-3f9faef5097f
[Debug | 10:10:03 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"8195ac96-4d3e-443f-9d37-
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Debug | 10:10:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:10:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Debug | 10:10:03 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Debug | 10:10:03 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 1.0ms
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Average response time: 39.8ms (19 measures)
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:10:03 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:10:04 PM] Fullscreen exclusive mode detected. Switching to stretch
aspect ratio
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Stretch
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 16:9
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:10:04 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Warning | 10:10:05 PM] Time-out error on video thread (no source)
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 2.0ms
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Average response time: 37.9ms (20 measures)
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:10:05 PM] Fullscreen exclusive mode detected. Switching to stretch
aspect ratio
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Stretch
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 16:9
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Push to talk enabled
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:10:05 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Using advanced overlay.
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Starting Electron overlay for Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1920x1080
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 1.0ms
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Average response time: 36.1ms (21 measures)
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Starting Medal Performance monitor.
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1920x1080
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 6.0ms
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Average response time: 34.8ms (22 measures)
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Sending electron overlay show: Press F8 at any moment to save
the last 15 seconds
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Error getting the CPU performance counter: Category does not
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Warning | 10:10:10 PM] Error getting the CPU temperature counter: Category does
not exist.
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 3.0ms
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Average response time: 33.4ms (23 measures)
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] SendOverlayShow reply "ok" after 4.0ms
[Info | 10:10:10 PM] Average response time: 32.2ms (24 measures)
[Warning | 10:10:10 PM] Error getting the Memory performance counter: Category does
not exist.
[Info | 10:10:13 PM] Minecraft server connection ended.
[Info | 10:10:37 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:10:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:10:38 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:38 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Showing: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1920,1080
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window object destroyed: Minecraft 1.7.10 -- 10946604
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Minecraft exited.
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Stop recording game Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 73.0ms
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Average response time: 33.8ms (25 measures)
[Debug | 10:10:40 PM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Game Found Type ProcessFuzzyCaption: Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Process name found javaw | Caption | Minecraft 1.7.10 | and
class | LWJGL | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Game found javaw Handle: 11012140
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Active game initialized Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Start recording game Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Stopping performance monitor.
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] 1 logs of- Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Debug | 10:10:40 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] job.respond 6add5f7e-cabe-4ea0-b982-038712f2c519
[Debug | 10:10:40 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] job.respond d9d06c81-ef4c-46dc-a6a7-4a394486aa2c
[Debug | 10:10:40 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"6add5f7e-cabe-4ea0-b982-
[Debug | 10:10:40 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:10:40 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] 1 logs of- job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:10:40 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=994} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:497
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Capture area is 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Warning | 10:10:40 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Requested resolution 1280x994 is lesser than capture area. Not
upscaling the capture
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Debug | 10:10:40 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Check for input devices
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:10:40 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Debug | 10:10:40 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 2.0ms
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Average response time: 32.6ms (26 measures)
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:10:41 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=994} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 640:497
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Capture area is 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Warning | 10:10:41 PM] Resolution dimensions corrected!
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Requested resolution 1280x994 is lesser than capture area. Not
upscaling the capture
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 10:10:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Warning | 10:10:42 PM] Time-out error on video thread (no source)
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 1.0ms
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Average response time: 31.4ms (27 measures)
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:64345
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microfone (2- H210), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:1, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Default device is Alto-falantes (2- H210)
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Alto-falantes (2- H210), Index:0,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Warning | 10:10:42 PM] Fullscreen exclusive mode detected. Switching to stretch
aspect ratio
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1280, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Stretch
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 16:9
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] codecName- libopenh264, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Buffer size (s): 22
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Push to talk enabled
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] 2 logs of- Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Audio config- 1,2 - 0 | tracksplitbits - 101 | mix channels -
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Set sound gain {0},{1},{1} - 3 - 0
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:10:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Using advanced overlay.
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Starting Electron overlay for Minecraft
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1920x1080
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 1.0ms
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Average response time: 30.3ms (28 measures)
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Starting Medal Performance monitor.
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 4.0ms
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Average response time: 29.4ms (29 measures)
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1920x1080
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Sending electron overlay show: Press F8 at any moment to save
the last 15 seconds
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Error getting the CPU performance counter: Category does not
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Warning | 10:10:47 PM] Error getting the CPU temperature counter: Category does
not exist.
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 4.0ms
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Average response time: 28.6ms (30 measures)
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] SendOverlayShow reply "ok" after 6.0ms
[Info | 10:10:47 PM] Average response time: 27.8ms (31 measures)
[Warning | 10:10:47 PM] Error getting the Memory performance counter: Category does
not exist.
[Info | 10:10:50 PM] Minecraft server connection ended.
[Info | 10:12:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:12:45 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:12:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:12:45 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:12:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:12:47 PM] Showing: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:12:47 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1040x807
[Info | 10:12:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:12:47 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:12:47 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:12:47 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 8.0ms
[Info | 10:12:47 PM] Average response time: 27.2ms (32 measures)
[Info | 10:12:48 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:12:48 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:12:48 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 10:12:48 PM] Capture area is 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:12:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:12:52 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:13:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:13:22 PM] Showing: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:13:22 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1040x807
[Info | 10:13:22 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 5.0ms
[Info | 10:13:22 PM] Average response time: 26.5ms (33 measures)
[Info | 10:13:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:24 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:13:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:25 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:13:31 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:16:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:16:08 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:16:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:16:16 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:17:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:17:44 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] Showing: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] Sending electron overlay size: 1040x807
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] SendOverlaySize reply "ok" after 5.0ms
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] Average response time: 25.9ms (34 measures)
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] Showing: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:04 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:05 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 10:20:05 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 10:20:05 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 10:20:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:06 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:10 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:10 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:30 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:31 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:31 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:33 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:33 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:20:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:20:33 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:21:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:21:26 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:23:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:23:20 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:23:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:23:20 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:23:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:23:22 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:23:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:23:22 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:23:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:23:22 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:28:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:28:37 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:31:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:31:23 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:31:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:31:23 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:32:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:34 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:32:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:32:40 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:33:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:33:42 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:33:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:33:44 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:33:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:33:48 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:33:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:33:50 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:34:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:34:35 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:34:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:34:35 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 10:41:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:41:56 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Warning | 10:41:57 PM] Scanning already in progress (0.02s)
[Info | 10:43:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 10:43:24 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Warning | 10:56:17 PM] Scanning already in progress (0.04s)
[Info | 11:03:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:03:29 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 11:03:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:03:30 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 11:03:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:03:30 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 11:06:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:06:07 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 11:06:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:06:07 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 11:18:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:18:01 PM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 12:13:52 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:13:52 AM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 12:13:52 AM] Game is not in focus
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Hiding: 456,188,1480,955
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Window object destroyed: Minecraft 1.7.10 -- 11012140
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Minecraft exited.
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Stop recording game Minecraft
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Sending electron overlay toggle injected mode: False
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - Minecraft[hAXdelx2t]
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] SendOverlayToggleInjectedMode reply "ok" after 102.0ms
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Average response time: 28.1ms (35 measures)
[Debug | 12:13:53 AM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2LBr6_ltG]
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Stopping performance monitor.
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:13:53 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Game process javaw for Minecraft exited with code 0, hook
attempted: no
[Debug | 12:13:53 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Clear override settings
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] job.respond 8b38b3ec-b004-4a15-a6f4-f141a925cfe0
[Debug | 12:13:53 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Clear override settings
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:13:53 AM] job.respond 62e73d29-cd7f-4665-bcec-bc14c91fbaa2
[Debug | 12:13:53 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:13:53 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"8b38b3ec-b004-4a15-a6f4-
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"8b38b3ec-b004-
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] Remote Info:
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] Local Info:
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] No update is available.
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] GameDB: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.830.0\
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2LBr6_ltG]
[Debug | 12:28:53 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:28:53 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] Clear override settings
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:28:53 AM] job.respond d197892a-f1a7-41de-ab5d-942ab757f83c
[Debug | 12:28:53 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"d197892a-f1a7-41de-ab5d-
[Debug | 12:28:53 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] Remote Info:
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] Local Info:
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] No update is available.
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] GameDB: C:\Users\lggab\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.830.0\
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:43:53 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2LBr6_ltG]
[Debug | 12:43:53 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:43:54 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 12:43:54 AM] Clear override settings
[Info | 12:43:54 AM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 12:43:54 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:43:54 AM] job.respond 46a9e366-72b3-41d4-a951-ffdbbe4b054c
[Debug | 12:43:54 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"46a9e366-72b3-41d4-a951-
[Debug | 12:43:54 AM] job.respond "ok"
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