PAG1.2Terminal Velocity v1.2 3
PAG1.2Terminal Velocity v1.2 3
PAG1.2Terminal Velocity v1.2 3
Method 1
In this experiment, you will measure the terminal velocity of a ball bearing as it falls through
a viscous liquid with the possibility of using this value to determine the viscosity as an
extension task.
90 to 120 minutes
measuring cylinder
metre rule
paper towels
This document may have modified from the original – check the master version on OCR Interchange if in doubt.
1. Measure the mass of an empty measuring cylinder. Pour some of the viscous liquid into
the measuring cylinder. Record the volume of liquid and the new mass of the measuring
2. Determine the density of the liquid.
3. Measure and record the mass (m) and diameter (d) of the ball bearings.
4. Carefully drop a ball bearing into the centre of the liquid and watch it fall as shown in
Fig. 1.
5. Think about where the elastic bands should be placed to identify the distance
travelled in equal time periods as the ball falls through the liquid.
6. As the ball drops, mark the positions of the ball at fixed time intervals using elastic
bands. The magnet can be used to take a ball bearing out of the tube to repeat your
measurements and refine the position of the bands.
This document may have modified from the original – check the master version on OCR Interchange if in doubt.
7. For each time period measure the distance travelled between consecutive elastic
bands, record the time period and use this time to calculate the average velocity of
the ball.
8. Plot a graph of velocity, v, on the y-axis and cumulative time from the release of the
ball, t, on the x-axis and draw a smooth curve.
9. Identify the time at which the ball reached its terminal velocity.
10. Use your graph to determine the best value of terminal velocity.
11. Identify the range of values for terminal velocity and calculate the maximum
percentage variation from your best value.
12. a) Draw a sequence of diagrams to represent the forces acting on the ball bearing at
three different positions showing how they change.
b) Discuss what you would expect to happen with smaller or larger ball bearings,
giving scientific explanations to support your reasoning.
As evidence for the Practical Endorsement you should have the data collected from your
group in a clear and logical format. All work should be clearly dated.
In addition, to support the assessment of practical skills in the written examination and to
help you develop your understanding, you have used the data collected to plot a graph to
determine the terminal velocity of the ball.
Determining the area under the velocity/time graph should give a result equal to the depth of
the viscous liquid.
Be very careful to note the units used in measurement and the scales on each axis to make
sure that your answer is in the correct units.
Determine a value for the viscosity of the liquid using the equation
4 3
η = (mg - r g)
Comment on the reliability of your value for viscosity by considering your results and
possible variations in timings.
Estimate the error in timing. Estimate the error in your diameter measurements.
Combine the errors of all measurements to estimate the percentage error in viscosity
Method 2
In this experiment, you will determine the terminal velocity of a bun-case as it falls through
the air.
60 minutes
access to a balance
metre rule x 2
This document may have modified from the original – check the master version on OCR Interchange if in doubt.
As evidence for the Practical Endorsement you should have the data collected from your
group in a clear and logical format. All work should be clearly dated.
In addition, to support the assessment of practical skills in the written examination and to
help you develop your understanding, you have used the data collected to plot graphs to
determine the terminal velocity of the bun-case.
Terminal velocity- large tube
Terminal velocity – cupcake holders
This document may have modified from the original – check the master version on OCR Interchange if in doubt.