Strategies To Improve The Home Care of Periodontal Disease in Dogs: A Systematic Review
Strategies To Improve The Home Care of Periodontal Disease in Dogs: A Systematic Review
Strategies To Improve The Home Care of Periodontal Disease in Dogs: A Systematic Review
Keywords: The expected contribution of this study is to have a complete view of the available products used in the pre
Canine vention of periodontal disease in dogs. The related studies in databases including Web of Science, Science Direct,
Dental products and Scopus, from 1992 to 2021, were retrieved, and 36 studies were used in the systematic review. Among the
continents researched, North America proved to have the most developed research relating to the subject. The
Oral health
active ingredients researched, isolated, or compared to each other, were polyphosphates > phytogenics >
chlorhexidine > enzymes > vitamin C > xylitol = adelmidrol = and probiotics. The form of use of active products
was chewable > solution via water = via food > biscuits > paste and gels > mucoadhesive. Gingivitis index was
the most studied parameter used to assess oral health. According to the evidence recovered in the systematic
review was possible to conclude that products with different active agents and forms of use demonstrated
positive effects in the prevention of periodontal diseases. The results of this study summarize the most frequently
used active ingredients and application forms for cleaning dogs' teeth and provide a roadmap for future research
on the maintenance of oral health in dogs.
* Corresponding author at: Advanced Poultry Gut Science, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Moraes).
Received 9 August 2022; Received in revised form 1 October 2022; Accepted 25 October 2022
Available online 3 November 2022
0034-5288/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Barbosa et al. Research in Veterinary Science 154 (2023) 8–14
E. Barbosa et al. Research in Veterinary Science 154 (2023) 8–14
Table 1
Characteristics of the studies included in the systematic review about oral health in dogs (in alphabetic order).
Reference Country Dogs Product Active ingredient Dental and oral Outcomes
analyzed analysis
Allan et al. United Multiple dental chew, feed, enzyme dental calculus, Daily brushing was more effective in controlling
(2019) Kingdom breeds toothpaste dental plaque plaque build up compared to dental chew or diet.
n 22
Bonello and Italy Multiple sealant aldemidrol gingivitis The combined use of mucoadhesive gel ↓ gingival
Squarzoni breeds inflammation.
(2008) n 20
Brown and Australia Multiple dental chew chlorhexidine gingivitis, dental No significant difference between mastication,
McGenity breeds plaque control treatment, and chlorhexidine.
(2005) n 12
Carciofi et al. Brazil Multiple biscuits polyphosphate dental calculus The biscuit was effective in ↓ dental calculus.
(2008) breeds
n 28
Clarke et al. Australia Toy breed dental chew – gingivitis, dental The daily use of vegetable blend ↓ the
(2011) n 16 plaque, accumulation of plaque, calculus, gingivitis, and
Do et al. (2019)- South Beagle solution via water probiotic dental calculus, Daily brushing was more effective in controlling
Korea n 18 breath, dental plaque plaque build up compared to dental chew or diet.
Garanayak et al. India Multiple feed chlorhexidine, gingivitis, dental Chlorhexidine + dental chew ↓ reduced plaque
(2019) breeds enzyme, phytogenic plaque deposition.
n 16
Gorrel (1996) US Multiple dental chew, feed – dental calculus, The use of dental chew daily ↓ to halitosis,
breeds breath, dental plaque, plaque, and calculus.
n 24 gingivitis
Hennet (2001) France Beagle leather – dental plaque The use of raw bovine hides ↓ plaque
n 22 accumulation when offered BID.
Hennet (2002) France Beagle toothpaste chlorhexidine, dental plaque Application of chlorhexidine as a component of a
n 22 polyphosphate dental gel ↓ dental plaque.
Hennet et al. France Multiple dental chew phytogenic dental plaque Feed + dental chew ↓ plaque deposition and
(2006) breeds calculus build up.
n 18
Hennet et al. France Beagle feed polyphosphate dental calculus, dental Sodium tripolyphosphate was shown to be an
(2007) n 40 plaque effective anti-calculus agent compared to
Isogai et al. Japan Multiple feed phytogenic gingivitis, breath Japanese green tea extracts ↓ bad odor and
(1995) breeds gingivitis.
n 10
Jeusette et al. Spain Multiple dental chew vitamin c breath ↓ bacterial growth for 12 h and bad odor for 24 h.
(2016) breeds
n 10
Kozlovsky et al. Israel Beagle mucoadhesive chlorhexidine dental calculus, dental Chlorhexidine ↓ plaque build up and gingivitis.
(1992) n 30 plaque, gingivitis
Lage et al. (1990) US Beagle biscuits polifosfato dental calculus Biscuit was no more effective than rawhide in ↓
n 67 the calculation.
Lindinger (2016) Canada Multiple solution via water enzyme, phytogenic dental plaque The product showed good palatability and ↓
breeds plaque formation in the first two weeks.
n 87
Logan et al. US Multiple feed – gingivitis The feed ↓ plaque and gingivitis.
(2002) breeds
n 40
Low et al. (2014) US Multiple toothpaste phytogenic dental calculus, There was ↓ halitosis when using daily
breeds breath, dental plaque antimicrobial gel with antioxidants.
n 27
Lowe and Canada Multiple solution via water xylitol dental calculus, dental Xylitol ↓ the accumulation of plaque and calculus.
Anthony breeds plaque, gingivitis
(2020) n 15
Mateo et al. Spain Toy bread dental chew vitamin c dental calculus, dental Daily use of dental chew ↓ plaque build up,
(2020) n 17 plaque calculus, gingivitis, and halitosis.
Milella et al. US Multiple tooth gel phytogenic gingivitis, dental Gel + brushing ↓ plaque build up and gingivitis.
(2014) breeds plaque
n 15
Paiva et al. Brazil American biscuits polyphosphate dental calculus, dental Oral adjuvants with polyphosphate had an
(2007) Foxhound plaque effective ↓ action on the formation of dental
n16 calculus.
Pieri et al. (2010) Brazil Multiple solution via water copaíba oil dental plaque Copaiba oil is a candidate to replace
breeds chlorhexidine in oral antimicrobial therapy.
n 18
Pinto et al. Brazil American feed polyphosphate dental calculus Phosphates ↓ the calculus deposit on the dogs
(2008) Foxhound teeth.
n 25
Pinto et al. Brazil Beagle bone – dental calculus Bone supplementation was effective in removing
(2020) n 12 supragingival calculus.
Quest, Bradley W US dental chew, feed polyphosphate dental calculus, There was ↓ plaque and calculus accumulation in
(2013) dental plaque, breath the test group.
(continued on next page)
E. Barbosa et al. Research in Veterinary Science 154 (2023) 8–14
Table 1 (continued )
Reference Country Dogs Product Active ingredient Dental and oral Outcomes
analyzed analysis
n 60
Rawlings et al. England Multiple dental chew, feed polyphosphate dental calculus, There was a difference in stone formation with a
(1997) breeds breath, dental plaque specific oral health diet compared to the standard
n 15 diet.
Rawlings et al. England Multiple dental chew chlorhexidine gingivitis Chlorhexidine ↓ the accumulation of bacterial
(1998) breeds plaque.
n 11
Santos et al. Brazil Multiple biscuits polyphosphate, dental calculus Biscuits with pomegranate extract ↓ the area
(2021) breeds phytogenic covered by dental calculus in dogs.
n 40
Sitzman (2013) US Beagle sealant enzyme dental calculus, There was no significance in the gingival score
n 15 gingivitis, dental but there was ↓ in the plaque index.
Smith and US Multiple toothpaste enzyme dental calculus, dental In gingivitis and plaque accumulation there was
Smithson breeds plaque, gingivitis no difference, and the calculation score was
(2014) n 20 reduced.
Stookey et al. US Beagle biscuits polyphosphate dental calculus Sodium hematophosphate ↓ the formation of
(1995) n 29 dental calculus.
Stookey et al. US Beagle biscuits polyphosphate dental calculus There was ↓ dental calculus with the use of
(1996) n 24 sodium hematophosphate.
Stookey (2009) US Beagle leather polyphosphate dental calculus, dental There was ↓ the formation of plaque with the use
n 16 plaque, gingivitis of leather with sodium triphosphate.
Torkan (2015) Iran Uninformed spray solution chlorhexidine, dental plaque Herbal spray ↓ gingivitis, bad breath, and oral
n 20 phytogenic bacteria.
American Veterinary Medical Association, Journal of Small Animal 3.3. Analyzes used to assess the oral health of dogs
Practice, Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, Microbial Ecology in
Health and Disease published only one article (1 paper - 2.77%) each. The indicators used to assess oral health were (presented in order of
highest occurrence in the articles): gingivitis index (41.66%), plaque
index (33.33%), dental calculus index (27.77%), plaque coverage
3.2. Characteristics of animals (27.77%), halitosis index (22.22%), microbiota assessment (16.66%),
calculus coverage (16.66%), calculus reduction (13.88%), plaque
The studies showed variations in the dog breeds used. Beagle dogs reduction (8.33%), gingivitis reduction (2.77%), plaque thickness
accounted for 41.66% of the studies, however, 52.77% of the studies did (2.77%). These are based on indices previously used in humans and
not use a single breed of dog. The greater frequency of the Beagle breed laboratory studies in Beagles dogs (Ericsson et al., 1992).
was expected, because the breed is known to be widely used in scientific The gingivitis index was the most used in the evaluations, as it re
research due to its medium size and good genetic patterning (Gorrel, cords the gingival condition and severity of the lesion. According to the
1996). Regarding housing conditions, most animals belonged to protocol established by the VOHC, the gingivitis index needs to be
research centers (72.22%) while the rest of the dogs were evaluated at described and referenced, however, if a new gingivitis index is used,
the owners' homes (27.78%). Studies without breed standardization there must be a detailed statement justifying the evaluation method. In
were carried out with animals that lived with owners. Small and this review, 20 papers evaluated gingivitis with the following indices:
medium-sized dogs were used more frequently (63.63%). A total of Silness-Loe indices (70%), own method (10%), Logan-Boyce (15%),
27.70% of the studies used dogs of different breeds and sizes in the same Lobene (5%).
study. The standardization of the breed used is important for better The plaque index requires detection and recording on the surface of
homogeneity between treatments, as dogs of different breeds, and even each tooth, revealed by the application of fuchsin solution that identifies
within the same breed, may respond differently to the presence of pla the affected area and estimates the plaque thickness based on the in
que on the dental surface (Ruparell et al., 2020). In addition, small dogs tensity of staining. The main methods used in the studies were: Logan-
E. Barbosa et al. Research in Veterinary Science 154 (2023) 8–14
Boyce (34.61%), Tureskey (23.07%), and Silness-Loe (19.23%) of diets containing chlorhexidine and phosphates. Currently, research is
According to VOHC recommendations, teeth must be scaled and interested in evaluating the effects of using phytogenics, in spray form or
polished on day zero for the test to start with zero scores for plaque and included in dog diets. The focus of the discussion is the three most used
calculus. Most studies met this recommendation (83.33%). The recom active agents.
mended minimum trial period is 7 days for plaque and 21 days for Polyphosphates, such as hexametaphosphate and tripolyphosphates,
calculus. The studies found in this review remained within the recom function as salivary calcium chelators, preventing plaque mineralization
mended range, where 17 studies (47.22%) presented an average expe (Paiva et al., 2007). A total of 30.95% of the studies evaluated poly
rience time of 21 to 35 days, while 13 studies (36.11%) presented 45 to phosphates, found in the form of sodium hexametaphosphate (60%) or
120 days and 6 studies (16.66%) presented from 7 to 14 days. tripolyphosphate (26.4%) or pyrophosphate (13.3%), included via food
Following the VOHC, the teeth of the upper jaw - I3, C, P3, P4, M1, (food or treat). These additives were effective in reducing dental cal
and the lower jaw - C, P3, P4, M1 must be present and intact, with culus formation, halitosis, and gingivitis. Published studies with
normal occlusion and scores must be made on the oral surfaces of the different products containing polyphosphates show beneficial effects in
teeth on both sides of the mouth. The affected tooth varies according to reducing plaque accumulation, calculus, and salivary flow stimulation
the size of the animal, in general, the articles evaluated the third incisor (Mateo et al., 2020; Stookey, 2009).
(I3); canine (C); second premolar (P2), third premolar (P3), fourth Phytogenics are secondary metabolites of plants and have several
premolar (P4), and first molar (M1), both in the mandible and maxilla actions, such as: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral,
(Table 2). and antifungal activities (Low et al., 2014). In the present review
21.43% of studies evaluated the effects of phytogenics on the oral health
of dogs. The main phytogenics used alone or in the association were:
3.4. Strategies to improve oral health in home care green tea (3 articles); thymol and menthol; pomegranate (2 articles);
parsley: blueberry; papaya; eucalyptus; Echinacea. Of the nine studies
Dog oral health care needs daily maintenance. This systematic re that used phytogenics, three were in the form of dental chews, two were
view highlights two important factors in this maintenance: the active in the form of paste and/or gels, three were in the form of a liquid so
agents and the way of using the products evaluated in the studies. lution (spray, via water), and one was included in the diet. The appli
cation of phytogenics via dog food is an effective method for the
3.4.1. Active agent prevention of periodontal diseases (Hennet et al., 2006; Torkan, 2015),
The active ingredients researched, isolated or compared with each due to its antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory
other, as a preventive focus for oral diseases in dogs were (presented in action. Water delivery of 0.8% green tea extract showed an average
order of highest occurrence in the articles): polyphosphates (30.95%), 37% reduction in plaque formation in the first two weeks of evaluation
phytogenics (21.43%), chlorhexidine (14.29%), enzymes (9.52%), and a reduction in plaque index and coverage at 28 days of evaluation
vitamin C (4.76%), xylitol (2.38%), adelmidrol (2.38%) and probiotics ((Lindinger, 2016). The supply of phytogenics via treats and biscuits also
(2.38%). Perhaps the use of other similar search terms (e.g. bioactive) shows promise. Santos et al. (2021) developed baked biscuits with
during the search and selection phase of papers could modify the result different phytogenics under evaluation and concluded that pomegranate
found. Previously, studies were aimed at verifying the effects of the use extract (0.9%) reduced the area covered by dental calculus in dogs,
having a similar effect to the use of sodium hexametaphosphate.
Table 2 Chlorhexidine is a chemically synthesized antiseptic with a broad
Relationship between the size of dogs and the tooth evaluated in the study. spectrum of action. Their acts by increasing the permeability of the
Reference Breeds size Teeth Assessed bacterial cell membrane, precipitating macromolecules in the cyto
plasm, causing bacterial cell lysis and subsequent death (Serra et al.,
Lindinger, Small: 7 Medium: I3, C, P3, P4 e M1
2016 10 Large: 1 2018; Severiano et al., 2010). The articles evaluating chlorhexidine
Milella et al., Small: 20 Medium: Maxillary sets: (16.67%) evaluated the bacteriostatic action in the prevention and
2014 8 Large: 13 All six incisor; left side Canine/Premolar + treatment of diseases related to plaque formation, and the different
P1–3, P4 + M1, M2; right side Canine/
routes of application: liquid solution, in the form of mouthwashes and
Premolar + P1–3, P4 + M1, M2
Mandibular sets:
gels, sprays, and mucoadhesive or dental chews. The lowest chlorhexi
All six incisors + both canines, left side dine level evaluated was 0.12% (Jeusette et al., 2016) and the highest
P1–4, Left side molars 1–3 was 20% (Kozlovsky et al., 1992). The absorption of chlorhexidine is
Logan et al., Small: 2 Maxillary sets: minimal, and it has low toxicity. Some studies conducted with radio
2002 I3, C, 3-4P, 1 M.
actively labeled chlorhexidine mouthwash have indicated that pene
Mandibular sets:
C, 2–4P, 1 M tration into the mucosa and gingiva is low, with little gastrointestinal
Bonello et al., Small: 4 Medium: Maxillary sets: I3, C, 2–4P, 1 M absorption (Case, 1977).
2008 3 Large: 5 Mandibular sets:
C, 2–4P, 1 M 3.4.2. Form of use/application of the active ingredient
Rawlings et al., Small: 5 Maxillary sets: I3, C, 2–4P, 1 M
1998 Mandibular sets:
The forms of application of the active agents used in the studies
C, 2–4P, 1 M found in this review were chewable (38.89%), solution via water
Paiva et al., Large: 1 Maxillary sets: C, P2–4, M (16.67%), via food (13.89%), via biscuits (13.89%), paste or gel
2007 (11.11%), mucoadhesive or sealant (5.56%).
Rawlings et al., Small: 2 Maxillary sets: I3, C, 2–4P, 1 M
Compared to main meal feed, the calorie level in chewable products
1997 Mandibular sets:
C, 2–4P, 1 M like dental chews or leathers is negligible. There are several products
Pinto CFD Large: 1 Maxillary and Mandibular sets: C, 2–4P available on the market, developed as a form of enjoyment to stimulate
et al., 2008 chewing. Due to their mechanical abrasion, they help to reduce the
Allan et al., Small: 8 Medium: Maxillary sets: I3, C, 2–4P, 1 M accumulation of dental substrate, they may or may not contain active
2019 6 Large: 5
Do et al., 2019 Small: 1 Maxillary sets: I3
agents (Logan et al., 2002). This review points out chewable as the main
Mandibular sets: C, 2–4P, 1 M format of research on the oral health of dogs. Active agents inserted in
Sitzman, 2013 Small: 1 Maxillary sets: I3, C, 3-4P, 1 M Mandibular dental chews can have an effective and significant action in reducing the
sets: formation of dental calculus. Some components help prevent bad breath.
C, 3-4 PM, 1 M
The addition of functional ingredients such as phytogenics, prebiotics,
E. Barbosa et al. Research in Veterinary Science 154 (2023) 8–14
and special fibers, also promote health and well-being in the dog beyond inflammation for a period of 45 days. The other study with
oral health. (Silva et al., 2020; Stookey et al., 1996, 1995). chlorhexidine-based mucoadhesive utilized a slow-release technology
Bovine skin and bones can be included in the daily routine of dogs to for the active ingredient (Kozlovsky et al., 1992), after eight weeks 88%
promote oral health. Some dogs accept leather straps well and friction of the vestibular surfaces and 52% of the lingual surfaces of the dogs
during chewing helps remove plaque. Bones can promote a reduction of teeth had no plaque. Regarding sealants, these are composed of poly
up to 57.7% of dental calculus (Pinto et al., 2020). However, some mers (poly-L-lactic acid, polyglycolic acid), and are used to prevent the
studies have associated bone consumption with visceral perforation accumulation of plaque in dogs. They exhibit good bioadhesion poten
problems and esophageal and intestinal concretion formation (Gianella tial in the oral mucosa, making it possible to add an active ingredient,
et al., 2009). In this review, no research reported these adverse effects. which is released in the region in small amounts (Labib and Aldawsari,
The consumption of raw bones is effective due to the friction caused by 2015). In addition, sealants act as a hydrophobic barrier binding to tooth
the bone in contact with the bacterial plaque on the teeth (Davies et al., enamel, repelling the attachment of bacterial plaque. Sitzman (2013)
2019), but the fact that they are raw can cause contamination by Sal used a sealant on the teeth of dogs and found a 30% reduction in plaque
monella sp., Escherichia coli, Clostridium species, Listeria monocytogenes, compared to dogs that did not receive the treatment.
Yersinia and Campylobacter species. Cooked bones are not recommended
because cooking alters the collagen structure, making them more lethal 4. Conclusion
than raw bones in terms of dangers of digestive tract perforations (Marx
et al., 2016). In addition, the use of hard bones can cause fractures in The results of 36 papers showed that a wide variety of active in
dogs' teeth. A study using the fourth premolar tooth from dog cadavers gredients have received attention for their benefits to the oral health of
performed by Soltero-Rivera et al. (2019) observed that the mean dogs. Among the active ingredients used, polyphosphates were the most
maximum sustained force at the fracture point was 1281 N at a mean tested. Another important result of this study was that the gingivitis
impact angle of 59.7◦ . index is a common metric for evaluating the oral health of animals.
Solutions are formulated to clean and refresh the oral cavity. Among the countries researched, the United States was ranked as the
Although dental solutions do not replace daily brushing, they help fight first in establishing investigations. There has been increasing interest in
plaque, reduce tartar accumulation, and prevent gingival disease (Pieri canine oral health and periodontal disease over the last 10 years as
et al., 2010). Substances such as chlorhexidine, xylitol, enzymes, and measured by the number of scientific publications, probably the reason
phytogenics can help inhibit the release of sulfur compounds, reducing is the close relationship between dogs and owners and the impact of bad
bad breath (Lindinger, 2016). Phytogenic-based sprays have been breath, one of the early warning signs for poor oral health, has on their
studied to assess the potential for preventing plaque formation, gingi interaction. In addition, there is a tendency towards increased research
vitis, and periodontal diseases in dogs, with statistically significant re on this topic, mainly focusing on different herbal medicines.
sults in the antibacterial effect on the oral cavity (Lindinger, 2016).
Daily tooth brushing in dogs is the main way to maintain oral health. Availability of data and material
The plaque formed by the bacterial biofilm is soft enough to be removed
with brushing, however, after the formation of tartar, it becomes more The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
resistant. The use of active ingredients such as chlorhexidine, poly corresponding author.
phosphates and phytogens aids in the removal of dental plaque (Smith
and Smithson, 2014). Low et al. (2014) observed a reduction in plaque
Authors' contributions
and halitosis index with the use of a gel containing phytogenics, applied
twice a day for a period of 4 weeks. Hennet (2002) used chlorhexidine
All authors contributed to the study and reviewed the final manu
dental gel with a standardized application technique, with 10 back-and-
script. Conceived study: Priscila de Oliveira Moraes. Performed
forth movements with the index finger, resulting in a 32.9% reduction in
research: Evelyn Louise Candida Machado Barbosa. Analyzed data:
the plaque index. Possibly, this reduction in the plaque index was only
Priscila de Oliveira Moraes. Wrote the paper: Evelyn Louise Candida
achieved due to the antimicrobial effect of phytogenics and
Machado Barbosa, Paula Gabriela da Silva Pires, Priscila de Oliveira
Moraes, Lucélia Hauptli.
Some commercial pet foods have kibbles with an abrasive texture,
and periodic consumption can significantly reduce dental plaque build
up and gingival inflammation (Hennet et al., 2007; Rawlings et al., Declaration of Competing Interest
1997). Wet or homemade diets, with a softer texture, favor the accu
mulation of dental plaque, which can result in periodontitis (Logan The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
et al., 2002). As dogs do not have the habit of chewing, the use of active
agents leads to greater efficiency of these rations in oral health. Hennet
et al. (2007) observed that the size of the kibble interferes with the
abrasive capacity to reduce plaque and tartar and that the addition of
We acknowledge support for a scholarship from Fundação de
sodium hexametaphosphate increased the effectiveness, reducing the
Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santas Catarina – FAPESC
accumulation of dental calculus in dogs. Sodium hexametaphosphate
for Evelyn Louise Candida Machado Barbosa.
applied in the food is an effective active ingredient in the oral health of
dogs and can be added as a coating on the granule or inside the kibble
mass (Pinto et al., 2020). References
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