BB1205-15 Revisioniuyuyuyu
BB1205-15 Revisioniuyuyuyu
BB1205-15 Revisioniuyuyuyu
Social media or social network platform is defined by Boyd and Ellison that they are
computer network services that allows individual to create public portrait within a bordered
system. It also coherent lists of users that shares connection, views and transverse their
connection with others within system (Boyd and Ellison 2007). Innovation in social media has
fully changed the learning system by invention of system such as asynchronous learning which
involves learners to learn the same material at different time and location. Asynchronous
learning is the opposite of synchronous learning which occurs when classes occur on set
scheduled and timeframe (Worthington, 2013). Furthermore students are nowadays registering
on popular social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp with the use of Smartphones to
access these sites. According to (Kustijono and Zuhri, 2018) over 400 million people in India are
users of WhatsApp, this make it the most common tool used for communication in the society.
WhatsApp is very easy to use and undergraduate students commonly use it to communicate with
each other and also being used by class representatives to pass important messages relating to
academics to the whole class. In that regard the essay is organized to help understand the
Social media
There are ways in which social media platforms can directly be used in the classroom.
This is because the social media applications contain tools that can be beneficial to academic
Use Facebook page for updates – Facebook page can be the best platform to be incorporated
into classroom. By adding both students and instructors into the page it is unlike the new
learning systems when dealing with traditional way of conducting online classes. Therefore it is
advisable to use a platform that everyone is already familiar with. Have a class Facebook page
where instructor can post class updates, allows discussion and share class assignments (West,
Figure 1. Arkansas Tech University College of Business. Source. Arkansas Tech (2021).
Use Twitter as a class message Alert – twitter can be the best a message board for class,
instructors can create a single twitter handle for each class in school of professions and use it
every year or create another one for the new class. The 280 character limit within twitter will
improve the thinking capacity of students on communicating precisely and effectively which is
more beneficial for the students. In addition, instructor can use twitter to create discussion room
for the students and also post reminders, assignments and links that can help students to
Use Instagram for photo essays – for the virtual classes students can make use of Instagram to
do their graphic presentation in a descent visual appealing manner. In addition to that Instagram
can also allow students to conduct digital narrations in different ways as compared to other social
media platforms. Therefore, class representatives of various classes can create specific Instagram
account for the class and delete them after the completion of the course (West, 2021).
Figure 2. Facbeook post of UGA Class of 2021. Source Meta facbook page (2021).
Create a class specific Pinterest board – lecturers can create Pinterest board for each class and
save relevant pin for each lesson. Pinterest are social media platforms for the instructors that they
use to prepare lessons, resources and worksheet for each and every class in organized manner.
Instructor should create board according to the subject, class and sub-topic for every unit to be
Focus of the use of social media platform to conduct teaching and learning has
challenged the creation of connection among international student and fellow classmates. Use of
social media in higher education is a venue that enables both learning and social connection
between students to improve their connection and sense of community. A small survey
conducted in Australia university indicate that several international students had a great
experience with social media platform for their personal education as compared to other
platform such as blogs and wikis. Furthermore the finding states that the usage of social media
platforms has encourage additional of new classmates in the friends profile, this has impacted the
choice of digital platform for online learning the way it may impact teaching of higher education
As many of universities are transforming to digital pedagogies, student are also making
changes on the student bodies. According to (Australian Government, 2016) in 2015 about two
hundred and sixty thousands of international students registered for tertiary student cohort. The
trend was also carried out by other top developed countries by oversea students. In 2016 about
four hundred and thirty-five thousands of international students enrolled in United Kingdom.
When it comes to tertiary education more than one million of oversea students have been
enrolled in the USA between the year 2015-2016 (Higher Education Statistic Agency, 2017).
Virtual education and international students have gone through challenges and affordance
of social media learning platform, it has been reported that online communication can cause
problem for international students who has problem of language difficulties of different cultural
learning has also been identified by international students that it give more time to compose
The international students use various types of social media platforms, but it is found that
they are using SNSs compared to other types of platforms. Although Facebook is the most
popularly used SNSs. But they also use different platforms; we found that in China students use
Facebook to allies with classmates since the arrival of Australia. In analysis conducted it
demonstrate that in a group of 43 participants only 35 of them use SNS at least a day with no
participant fail to use SNS at all, As show in the demonstration table below(Habib, Johannsen et
Figure 3. Data on the use of social media platforms by the youths. Source. Researchgate (2021)
Social media as a topic of study for both researches and journalist has opportunities and
challenges; in the past research it has stated how journalist and the new organization maneuver
their professional in social media, starting from objectivity, gatekeeping and finally verification.
The research on the social media tried to explain how journalist behave outside institutional
professional structure, the limitation of such research have found that much of it has analysis of
social media by the use of traditional journalism, demonstrating how norms in broadcast has
played out on social media. By trying to consider journalistic rules and practices social media,
Figure 4. Illustration of the Americans who obtain news mostly from Websites. Source. Statista
conducted on social media demonstrate that it has double effect on students learning, use of
social media has contributed to positive behavior of the students such as relationship creation
of students noted that social media use is interfearing with their concentration in the classroom
and when doing school work. For instance 29.7% of students from UW noted that social media
interfears with their concentration. Further, it is noted that 64.3% of the students said that
multitasking with technology devices and services prevent the from concentrating, addition to
that instructor also giving regard of social media as a source of entertainment which is a source
The seperation of the Online and Social lives: Students are increasingly concerned on
how social media is affecting their privacy. In a research carried out by ECAR between 2012-
2015 it is noted that the number of studnets who are concerned about their safety while using
social media has singifcanty increased. The number of students who agree to put their lives
separete from online increased from 43.5% to 65.1% in the year 2012-2015.other researchers
also reported persistence privacy concern in the use of social media in learning environment
(Al-Harthi, 2005).
Figure 5. The Distribution of social media usage frequncy among college students. Source.
Statista (2021).
In conclusion, social media is still transforming the way teaching and learning is
happening. From the research it is evident that it is becoming an important tool especially for the
international students. Apart from helping them to get a sense of identity and to adopt to their
new location, social media plays a critical role in their learning and teaching. However, its use is
not without challenges as it has been evident that its use has numerous challenges to the students
as well as the instructors themselves. Various research has established that majority of education
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Retrieved from
Documents/Student%20Numbers%202015.pdf (2016). The top 500 sites on the web. Retrieved from