History - Section - 3 - New - Sources - GR - 9 2059/01
History - Section - 3 - New - Sources - GR - 9 2059/01
History - Section - 3 - New - Sources - GR - 9 2059/01
Q. (b) what does Source B tell us about Pak-India relations in 1950? [5]
Ans: This is an important meeting between the Prime Minister of Pakistan and India. There are
several delegates of both countries witnessing the signing of the Pact. Liaqat Ali Khan is wearing
the national dress introduced by Jinnah that reflects his strong sense of Pakistani nationalism
whereas Nehru is clad in typical Hindu outfit. Both Prime Ministers have reached a consensus
about stopping the movement of minorities across the border as both are signing the
documents. This Pact would mark a temporary improvement in Pak-India relations as well as a
significant stoppage of minorities across the Indo-Pak border.
Source A: A part of the declaration of Malik Ghulam Muhammad,
“The Governor-General, having considered the political crisis with which the country is
faced, has decided to declare a State of emergency. The constituent assembly, as at
present constituted, has lost the confidence of people and can no longer function. Until
such time as elections are held, the administration of country will be carried out by a
reconstituted Cabinet”.
Q. (a) According to source A, how is Malik Ghulam Muhammad justifying his Act?
Ans: Ghulam Muhammad is referring to the political crisis that necessitated the declaration of
emergency. According to his claim, the Constituent Assembly was rightly dissolved as it had the
lost the confidence of the people. He is talking about his plan of holding fresh elections so that a
new assembly could be elected.
Q.(b) What do we learn about the ambitions of Ghulam Muhammad regarding the
promotion of Urdu?[5]
Ans: The source shows a very important occasion as the Government General is
surrounded by some important state officials. The Baba-e-Urdu, Moulvi Abdul Haq is
seated very close to Malik Ghulam Muhammad, that reflects the recognition of his
importance in working for Urdu. Both carry a serene look that reflects their dedication
to the promotion of the national language. All the participants are wearing the national
dress of Pakistan, the traditional dress ‘sherwani’ with pyjamas that conveys a message
of Pakistani nationalism. This will be one of a series of steps taken by various
governments of Pakistan to promote national unity by the way of patronizing the
national language Urdu.
Source A
A comment made by Quaid-e-Azam's sister, Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah, in an interview
with the Morning News, 29 October 1958.
A new era has begun under General Ayub Khan and the armed forces have undertaken to
root out the administrative malaise and anti-social practices, to create a sense of
confidence, security, and stability and eventually to bring the country back to normalcy. I
hope and pray Allah may give them the wisdom and strength to achieve their objective. “
Q: (a) According to Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah what is going to happen in Pakistan? [3]
Ans: Miss Jinnah is expressing her hope of a better future of Pakistan under the military rule of
Ayub Khan. She is pointing to the prevailing political and social problems that justified the
martial law. She is conveying her best wishes to the military ruler for the success of his mission
of restoring in Pakistan.
Source B a photograph on the title page of the weekly magazine, TIME, showing heads
of states of Pakistan and India.
Source B: A photograph taken Ayub’s visit in July 1961.
Q. (b) What message source B convey about Pak-Us relations in the early 1960’s? [5]
Ans: The Source displays a historic occasion of Pak-Us relations. There is a huge crowd wearing
both western and eastern outfits that means American citizens of Asian origin are also excited
on Ayub’s visit. This also means the President Kennedy wants to draw public attention to his
successful foreign policy. Both Ayub and J.F. Kennedy look happy and overjoyed that means
both leaders are eagerly willing to improve relations between the two countries. A historic
dinner was arranged in honor of Ayub Khan. Shortly after this meeting , the US military aid to
India in the Sino-India war of 1962 would damage Pak-US relations.
Ch: 13
Source based Questions
Source A: A part of an article published in a Pakistani newspaper.
“It was under the pretext of the second summit of OIC held in Lahore in Feb. 1974 that
Pakistan recognized the former East Pakistan as the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Pakistan had initially not invited Bangladesh to attend the summit. However, as members
of the OIC group gathered in Lahore, several heads of the Arab states put pressure on
Pakistan’s PM Mr. Bhutto to invite Sheikh Mujeeb to participate in the summit.”
Q. (a) what do we learn about the importance of Bangladesh in the 2nd OIC summit? [3]
Ans: The OIC platform became a source of Sheikh Mujeeb’s participation in the summit. Mr. Bhutto
was reluctant to invite him. The Arab leader, however, played a key role in bringing Sheikh Mujeeb
to Pakistan, and attend the historic summit.
Source B: A photograph of Z.A. Bhutto and Sheikh Mujeeb in the 2nd OIC summit.
Q. (b) Describe the interaction between Bhutto and Sheikh Mujeeb. [5]
Ans: Both leaders are accompanied by the Libyan President Col. Gaddafi. All look quite cheered
up and holding each other’s hand to demonstrate their ambition of promoting strong relations.
Such gestures were aimed at erasing the scars of the tragedy of separation of East Pakistan in
1971. Bhutto is wearing a western dress whereas Sheikh Mujeeb is clad in a typical Bengal outfit
that reflects his confidence in wearing national dress on such occasions. They seem to have
reached some consensus about promoting bilateral ties between Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Perhaps Col.Gaddafi has played an intermediary role in this important achievement of Bhutto.
Bangladesh was officially recognized by Bhutto in the 2nd OIC summit, and he would visit
Bangladesh in July 1974 to further strengthen friendly relations the two countries.
Source B: A photograph of a military trainer training the members of the Mukti Bahini.
Q. ( b) Describe the aims and ambitions of the Mukti Bahini as shown in Source B
Ans: Members of the Mukti Bahini ( the Liberation Army) seem quite determined to acquire
military training. Most of them are not in proper clothing partly due to the summer heat and
partly to their poverty that drove them to adopt militancy. The tent huts in the background
show that it is a deserted place suitable for such secret training. The volunteer trainees are
mainly young Bengali men. The trainer looks to be an army man, perhaps an Indian army officer,
as he is holding the gun in skilled way. This means the Mukti Bahini has willingly accepted the
Indian aid to achieve freedom from West Pakistan. The Pak Army would be defeated by the
Indian Army in the third Indo-Pak war in December 1971.
Ch: 14
Source based Questions
Source B: A photograph of Mr. Bhutto walking out of the UNSC session on 15 December 1971.
Q. (b) From source B what do we learn about Bhutto’s presentation of Pakistan’s case in
the UNSC?[5]
Ans: Mr. Bhutto carries an angry look as he is walking away in an informal way. It seems to be a
historic session of the UN Security Council as there are many delegates of other countries including
India. Though apparently disappointed, Bhutto seems determined and firm in defending Pakistan’s
case in the wake of the Indian attack on East Pakistan in December 1971. Bhutto expressed his
protest by tearing apart the UN resolution the Soviet Union vetoed against Pakistan’s demand of
withdrawal of Indian army from East Pakistan. The third Indo-Pak war was lost by Pakistan and led
to the creation of Bangladesh.