Creating Renewable Energy From Agricultural Wastes in Nigeria and Enabling Policy and Legal Framework

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Creating Renewable Energy from Agricultural Wastes

in Nigeria and Enabling Policy and Legal Framework
Ogan, H. I.1; Akaakar, F. O.2; Agbogunleri, B.3
CEO, Ibiteinye Integrated Farms and Lecturer, Department of Marketing. Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt
Ph.D., Department of Public Law, Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt
Ph.D., Rivers State University, Port Harcourt

Abstract:- Agricultural wastes will continue to rise as the I. INTRODUCTION

demand for agricultural produce continues to increase to
feed the growing world population. The processing of the Population growth and economic development have
agricultural produce and the management system of the astronomically increased wastes and equally made waste
wastes require energy, making it imperative to look for management challenging. Among several wastes generated
the energy source that will reduce the dire environmental by the huge and increasing population is agricultural waste
consequences of fossil fuel. This study therefore aimed to (Obi et al., 2016). Agricultural wastes are diverse and such
estimate the renewable energy (electricity) that will be biomass resources of Nigeria can be identified as wood,
available from agricultural wastes in Nigeria, while the forage, grasses and shrubs. organic wastes, crops residues,
objectives are to review literate to identify the types and municipal and industrial wastes, animal and aquatic biomass.
quantities of agricultural wastes, estimate the biogas It is important to note that improper handling of agricultural
potentials of the identified agricultural wastes, to wastes have always created significant environmental and
determine the energy equivalent in firewood, for kerosine, health problems. Agriculture remains the largest sector of the
and electricity generation from the biogas, as well as Nigeria economy. It creates employment for about 70% of the
review the enabling policy and legal framework that population and contributes about 40% to the gross domestic
empowers corporate bodies and individuals to generate product (GDP) with crops accounting for 80%, livestock 13%
electricity from biomass. This study relied on current (Jekayinfa et al, 2015). Wastes from these could be converted
available secondary data. Results from this study revealed to renewable energy to solve world’s energy problem in a
that crop residue from maize, cassava, rice, sorghum sustainable manner (Jekayinfa et al, 2020). Nigeria can
represent 16.4%, 22.3%, 12.1% and 19.3% respectively; comfortably and significantly reduce her current energy crisis
millet contributed (7.2%); cowpea (4.9%); others ranged through the application of the biogas technology. The term
from 0.1% (wheat) to 3.0% (yam). The estimated biogas biogas is gas comprising primarily of methane and carbon
potential in billion m3 year-1 revealed that cattle manure dioxide produced by the biological breakdown of organic
represents 47.9%, followed by crop residue (15.5%). matter in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic digestion) or
Abattoir wastes represent 11.1% while goat manure fermentation of biodegradable materials biomass, manure,
represents 10.5%. Others are sheep (6.48%), poultry sewage, municipal wastes and energy crops that can serve as
(6.28%) and pig (2.3%). This study further reported 578.4 a source of sustainable and renewable energy. With the
million tons year-1 from cattle manure, 44.5 million tons awareness and acceptance of the technology in Nigeria
year-1 from sheep manure, 72.1 million tons year-1 from (biomass conversion technologies {BCT}), the country can
goat manure. In terms of crop residues, this study conveniently channel the large quantities of wastes from her
reported a waste of about 6.2 billion tons year-1 in total. agricultural activities into electricity generation and biofuel
The value of biogas potential from this study revealed production. This will reduce the greenhouse gases (GHG),
about 19.1 billion m3 from cattle manure, about 2.6 billion waste disposal load, create jobs, and engender value-
m3 from sheep and about 4.2 billion m3 from goat. In additions to products. Agricultural wastes constitute the
terms of potential electricity generation from these largest part of organic wastes which comprise 44%-66% of
wastes, this study found about 18.7 billion kwh of the total solid waste, and can be converted to useful energy
electricity will be available for utilization. This study known as biogas. The biogas has been found to have direct
therefore recommends that Nigeria should consider the positive impacts and contributions to 12 out of the 17
use of biomass as one of the ways to address her energy sustainable development goals (SDGs). Other advantages of
challenges, preserve her environment and become a self- the biogas include ability to increase renewable energy,
reliant economy. reduce climate change, enhance the waste management
process, and create jobs (Obaideen et al., 2022). Other
Keywords:- Agricultural Wastes, Renewable Energy, Legal renewable energy sources available include solar,
Framework, Self-Reliant Economy. geothermal, wave, wind, tidal and biomass (Ogbu & Okey,
2023). Of all these sources, biomass can be converted to
renewable energy that can exist in three forms i.e. solid, liquid
and gaseous state (Patel et al., 2016).

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Electricity supply to the national grid in recent times II. LITERATURE REVIEW
have been grossly inadequate making social and economic
development difficult. This condition has made the A. Concept of Waste
decentralization of energy generation and distribution Waste is variously referred to as refuse, trash, or
imperative in Nigeria. Also, fossil fuel has become very garbage. It is essentially the unintended by-product of
expensive to mine and process in addition to its grievous production and consumption. Simply put, waste is a product
impact on the environment, necessitating very serious or substance which is no longer suited for its intended use
consideration and use of alternative (renewable) sources of (UNEP, 2024). Human activities generate wastes which have
energy. Since biomass could be used to generate electricity, been increasing as a natural consequence of urbanization,
the huge agricultural wastes left to degrade in the economic development, and population growth. As nations
environment could be digested and converted to useful energy and cities become more populated and prosperous, offering
for electricity generation. The aim of this study is to estimate more products and services to citizens, and participate in
the amount of renewable energy (electricity) that could be global trade and exchange, they face corresponding increase
generated from agricultural wastes in Nigeria, while the of waste to manage through treatment and disposal. Global
objectives are to review literate to identify the types and waste generation in 2016 was estimated to have reached 2.01
quantities of agricultural wastes, estimate the biogas potential billion tons annually (Kaza, et al., 2018). Figure 1 shows
from quantities of the identified agricultural wastes, and to waste generation by regions of the world.
determine the energy equivalent in firewood, for kerosine and
total electricity generation from the biomass.

Fig 1: Annual Regional Generation of Waste in Million Tons

Source: Kaza, et al., 2018

B. Waste Generation in Nigeria C. Agricultural Wastes

Waste generation in Nigeria is estimated at 0.65-0.95 Agricultural wastes are all forms of plant-derived and
kg/capita/day which gives an average of 42 million tons animal-derived material that are considered useless either
annually, and about 24% of the annual waste generated in because they have no known positive economic importance
sub-Sahara Africa. Where and how to channel these wastes or because they are not grown/raised for any specific purpose
have become a huge problem for our nation. It was equally (Adeyi, 2010). Agricultural wastes chiefly take the form of
noted that 52 % of wastes generated are organic wastes which crop residues (residual stalks, straw, leaves, roots, husks,
create additional disposal problems (Ike, et al., 2018). shells, etc.,) (Figure 2), and livestock wastes manure (Aruya
et al., 2016). Their composition will depend on the system
and type of agricultural activities and they can be in the form
of liquids, slurries, or solids (Obi, et al., 2016).

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2: Components of Agro-Industrial Waste

Source: Sadh et al. (2018)

The benefits of recycling agricultural solid wastes agricultural wastes are majorly aerobic composting and
include reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing anaerobic digestion (Alhassan et al., 2019; Banga & Kumar,
significantly to the development of new green markets, 2019).
creation of jobs, production of bio-energy and bio-conversion
of agricultural solid wastes (Adejumo and Adebiyi, 2020). Aerobic composting is the decomposition of organic
matter using microorganisms that require oxygen. The
D. Effects of Improperly Managed Agricultural Wastes microbes responsible for composting are naturally occurring
Just as we cannot do without agriculture because food is and live in the moisture surrounding the organic matter.
a necessity for life and living across the globe, we can also Oxygen from the air diffuses into the moisture and is taken
not run away from the impact of ineffectively managed up by the microbes. Anaerobic digestion on the other hand,
agricultural wastes. The negative impact of ill managed is a process whereby bacteria break down organic matter—
agricultural solid wastes on human health, animal health, and such as animal manure, wastewater, biosolids, and food
the environment is significant. Hence the need to effectively wastes—in the absence of oxygen (Alhassan et al., 2019;
manage such wastes and possibly, convert them to useful Banga & Kumar, 2019).
resources cannot be over-emphasized. Suffice it to say that if
agricultural wastes are not properly managed, they would F. Energy Generation/Distribution Situation in Nigeria
lead to environmental degradation, low agricultural Power is a major index in rating a Nation’s level of
productivity and eventual food shortage (food insecurity). development. Unfortunately, Nigeria is grossly deficient in
energy generation and distribution. Nigeria generates
E. Methods of Agricultural Waste Management approximately 4,000 MW of electricity which is inadequate
for its population of over 206.14 million energy demands
 Some of the Methods used to Manage Agricultural Waste (Olujobi, et al., 2022). The 2020 World Bank Ease of Doing
(Banga & Kumar, 2019) are: Business report ranked Nigeria 171 out of 190 countries in
getting electricity and that electricity access is seen as one of
 Ploughing in roots and stubbles in the field as a the major constraints for the private sector. The report also
sustainable farming practice which is often employed by noted that 85 million Nigerians do not have access to grid
our local farmers. electricity which represent 43% percent of the country’s
 Collected, stored and used for livestock feed e.g., cassava population making Nigeria the country with the largest
peels energy access deficit in the world. To worsen the case, it was
 Used for animal comfort e.g., wood shavings/saw dust all over the news media in the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2022 that
used as beddings for Day old chicks (DOC) and Piglets. Nigeria’s energy generation crashed from 3600MW to
 Spent bedding treated with livestock feed etc. 900MW. Nigeria as at 2022 was generating a theoretical
3,900 MW of electricity while the demand was estimated at
However, agricultural wastes could be better managed over 36,000 MW giving a shortage of over 30,000 MW that
through: recycling; incineration; landfill; animal feed; and can never be met from the existing sources (Otobo et al.,
biological processing. The biological processing of 2023). Also, the problem of transmitting grid-generated
electricity to the rural areas through very difficult and

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

insecure terrains make electricity supply to the rural A. International and Regional Treaties
communities herculean, making energy generation from
biomass an attractive alternative.  United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
G. Effects of Energy Shortage in Nigeria  Paris Agreement.
This power supply deficit has made business to seek  United Nations Renewable Energy Resolution 73/236.
alternative energy sources like firewood, charcoal, Kerosine Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and
as well as gas and diesel-powered generators. These modern 2018.
alternatives are relatively expensive, non-renewable, and  AGENDA 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
highly environmentally unfriendly. A better option is
electricity generation from biomass (biodegradable wastes) as Renewable energies are cleaner and cheaper, which is
a source of energy which is renewable, cleans the the roadmap to ensure access to affordable, reliable,
environment, conserves resources, preserves the ecosystem, sustainable and modern energy for all (Goal 7). Access to
prevents pollution of air and aquifers, besides creating green affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy will
jobs. achieve the dual purpose of ending poverty in all its forms
everywhere (Goal 1), Sustainable Cities and Communities
III. ENABLING POLICY AND LEGAL (Goal 11), Positive Climate Action (Goal 13) Renewable
FRAMEWORK energy is essential to build resilient infrastructure, promote
inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster
The foregoing study and analysis reveal that Nigeria has innovation (Goal 9) and will promote gender equality (Goal
a stock of renewable energy in form of biomass and biogas. 5). Regional Treaties: ECOWAS Renewable Energy Plan.
These renewable energy resources constitute natural capitals
that make up the tangible assets and wealth of the nation and B. National Laws
which must be captured in wealth accounting in a well
thought out wealth economy framework. The Wealth  The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Economy framework emphasizes the importance of investing The constitution restates the fundamental objectives and
in sustainable infrastructure that takes into account the long- directive principles of State policy to be that in pursuit of
term impact on the environment and future generations. This economic objective, the State shall harness the resources of
includes investments in renewable energy, public the nation and promote national prosperity and an efficient,
transportation, and energy-efficient buildings, as well as dynamic and self-reliant economy (Section 16(a) 1999
investments in natural resource conservation and biodiversity constitution). This provision constitutes the foundation upon
protection. By prioritizing sustainable infrastructure, which every other national resource management policy
countries can build a more resilient and sustainable economy stands for resource harnessing.
that is better equipped to meet the challenges of the future. To
account for a nation’s physical capital, the Wealth Economy  Electricity Act 2023:
framework proposes the use of "wealth accounting," which Electricity Act 2023 (EA2023), provides a
takes into consideration the full value of a country's natural comprehensive legal and institutional framework to guide the
resources, infrastructure, and other physical assets. This operation of a privatised, contract and rule-based competitive
includes not just the market value of these assets, but also electricity market in Nigeria and attract through
their contribution to overall well-being and sustainability. By transformative policy and regulatory measures, private sector
including the value of physical capital in national accounts, investments in the entire power value chain of the Nigerian
countries can better understand their true economic and social Electricity Supply Industry. EA 2023 is a consolidation of
progress and make more informed policy decisions. numerous policies and statutes that make up the legal and
institutional architecture albeit fragmented, of the Nigerian
Energy occupies a central position in human existence. electricity supply industry. Significantly, EA2023 liberalized
The level of energy utilization in an economy, coupled with Nigeria’s electricity generation, transmission, and
the efficiency of conversion of energy resources to useful distribution at the National level, empowering States,
energy, is directly indicative of the level of development of companies and individuals to generate, transmit and distribute
the economy. Furthermore, how energy is generated and used electricity. Its broad objectives are: to provide an ideal legal
in Nigeria is of immense importance given the grave and institutional framework to leverage on the modest gains
consequences associated with negative patterns. In 2018, the of the privatisation phase of electric power sector in Nigeria
energy sector reportedly contributed to 60% of total GHG to accelerate growth in power generation capacity and
emissions. improve utilisation of generated power through increased
investments in new and efficient power generation
The energy sector plays a major role in driving the technology and revamping existing power plants; promote
nation’s development objectives. A well-articulated national policy and regulatory measures to ensure the expansion of
policy and properly designed legal framework are essentials power transmission networks in Nigeria to address any
for wealth economy to promote national development. The imbalance in the existing transmission infrastructure;
following section presents a summary of the policy and legal stimulate policy and regulatory measures to generally scale
framework that govern harnessing renewable energy up efficient power generation, transmission, and distribution
resources in Nigeria. capabilities of the power sector in Nigeria with a view to

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

achieve a national electricity access targets and attaining the IV. MATERIALS AND METHODS
highest per capita power consumption in Africa within a
reasonable time frame; eliminate through policy and A. Secondary Data
regulatory measures, barriers to investments in generation,
transmission, distribution, and related sub-sectors in the  Population and Manure Values
electricity industry in Nigeria (Electricity Act 2023). Current available data for the population of cattle, sheep
and goat were obtained from the Federal Ministry of
EA2023 is a major stimulant and framework for action Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD, 2017).
to drive the transition into the era of renewable energy-based Estimated manure values for cattle, sheep, and goat were
electricity in Nigeria. From the articulated goals and calculated from the work of Garba (2010) through least-
objectives on renewable energy, EA2023 with a strong square regression equation, while values for pig, poultry,
government commitment, is a veritable vehicle to move abattoir, were obtained from the work of Ngumah et al.
Nigeria away from fossil fuel-based energy to clean and (2013). Agricultural residues based on Nigeria’s 2018 crop
renewable energy, with the attendant socio-economic production was obtained from Okafor et al. (2022).
benefits, with respect to: (i) provide a framework to stimulate
the development and utilisation of renewable energy sources  Estimation of Biogas
and create an enabling environment to attract investment in The amount of biogas was obtained from reported work
renewable energy sources to increase the contribution of of Ngumah et al. (2013) as follows:
renewable energy to the energy mix; (ii) provide a framework
for improvement of access to electricity in rural, unserved,  33 m3 ton-1 for cattle excreta;
underserved, peri-urban and urban areas through the use of  58 m3 ton-1 for sheep and goat excreta;
conventional sources and renewable energy off-grid and  60 m3 ton-1 for pig excreta;
mini-grid solutions; (iii) promote indigenous capacity in  78 m3 ton-1 for poultry excreta;
technology for renewable energy sources through a  53 m3 ton-1 for abattoir waste and;
framework for local content in the Nigerian electricity supply
 60 m3 ton-1 for crop residue (waste).
industry; (iv) promote public education on renewable energy
production and consumption to increase the generation and
 Estimation of Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP)
consumption of electricity from renewable sources.
Estimation of the biochemical methane potential (BMP)
were calculated based on the reported work of Ngumah et al.
C. National Policies
(2013) as follows:
 National Energy Policy (Revised 2022), which
 56% for cattle excreta;
Articulates Nigeria’s broad policy on renewable energy,
 70% for sheep and goat excreta;
bio-energy, electricity policy, energy utilization,
efficiency, and conservation, energy financing,  60% for pig excreta;
environment and climate issues, amongst other things.  66% for poultry excreta;
 The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy  60% for abattoir waste and;
(NREEEP), whose broad objectives are to enhance energy  60% for crop residue.
security in the nation through diversifying the energy
supply mix; increase energy access especially in the rural V. RESULTS
and semi-urban areas; facilitate employment creation and
empowerment; protect the environment; and mitigate The population of livestock in 1997 from Federal
climate change. Ministry of Agriculture (FMA) as reported by Garba (2010),
 National Policy on The Environment 2016, which affirms showed cattle 18.1 million and manure produced was 170.4
the centrality of energy to life and sustainable million tons; sheep was 33.2 million and manure produced
development, and government efforts to provide power to was 13.0 tons while goat was 53.5 million and manure
all Nigerians in order to spur development and improve produced 21.1 tons. The calculated manure values for the
livelihoods, expresses government’s commitment to: 2001 for cattle, sheep and goat were 197.6 tons, 15.1 tons and
implement the National Policy on Renewable Energy; 24.5 tons respectively as shown in Table 1. Using trend
develop and promote an integrated national strategy for equation from manure produced in 1997 and 2001, the
sustainable utilization of renewable energy; promote estimated manure produced from 18.4 million cattle, 76
adaptation of the cleaner production concept in all energy million goat, 43 million sheep are 578.4 million tons year -1
production and consumption activities; promote the use of for cattle, 44.5 million tons year -1 for sheep, and 72.1 million
energy forms that are environmentally safe and tons year -1 for goat as shown in Table 2.
sustainable; and support capacity building to enhance
sustainable use and monitoring of energy resources
(National Policy on the Environment {Revised}2016}).

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 1: Population of Livestock and Manure Production in Nigeria (Garba, 2010)

Livestock FMA (1997) Manure produced Population based on FMA 2001 (calculated
Population (million) (calculated figures) (1997) figures (millions figures)
(million tons) (million tons)
Cattle 18.1 170.4 21.0 197.6
Sheep 33.2 13.0 38.5 15.1
Goat 53.8 21.1 62.4 24.5
Pig 8.3 13.2 9.6 15.3
Poultry 97.3 28.1 112.9 32.6

Table 2: Estimated Manure from Livestock Population

Livestock FMARD (2017) Population (million) Estimated manure (tons year-1)
Cattle 18.4 578.4
Sheep 43 44.5
Goat 76 72.1

 Desk Research Estimation value was converted to tons on Table 3, which shows that
Crop residue which includes, oil palm, maize, cassava, maize, cassava, rice, sorghum represents 16.4%, 22.3%,
rice, yam, sugarcane, plantain, sorghum, cocoa, wheat, millet, 12.1% and 19.3% respectively. Aside from millet which is
groundnut, cocoyam, coconut, cowpea, sweet potato, soybean 7.2% and cowpea 4.9%, other crop residue wastes ranged
was provided in metric tons (Mt). For convenience, the total from 0.1% for wheat to 3.0% for yam.

Table 3: Crop Residue from 2018 Crop Production in Nigeria

oil palm 1950000 2.095
maize 15300000 16.435
cassava 20825000 22.370
rice 11288000 12.125
yam 2850000 3.061
sugarcane 426000 0.458
plantain 1545000 1.660
sorghum 17973200 19.306
cocoa 306900 0.330
wheat 99900 0.107
millet 6720000 7.218
groundnut 3612500 3.880
cocoyam 1650000 1.772
coconut 71250 0.077
cowpea 4567500 4.906
sweet potato 2015000 2.164
soybean 1895000 2.036
Total (Mt) 93095250 100.000
Total (tons) 102590965.5
Total biogas potential 6155457930
Source: Modified from the Work of Okafor et al. (2022).

The estimated biogas potential in billion cubic metres represents 11.1% while goat manure represents 10.5%.
per year on Table 4 revealed that cattle manure represents Others are sheep 6.48%, poultry 6.28% and pig 2.3%.
47.9%, followed by crop residue of 15.5%. Abattoir waste

Table 4: Estimated Biogas Potential

Biomass Estimated biomass Estimated biogas potential
(Agric Waste) (million tons year-1) billion m3 year-1 % Value
cattle 578.4 19.08 47.89
sheep 44.5 2.58 6.48
goat 72.1 4.18 10.49
pig 15.3 0.92 2.31

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

poultry 32.6 2.5 6.28

abattoir 83.3 4.42 11.09
Crop residue 102.6 6.16 15.46
928.8 39.84 100.00
Source: Desk Research estimation based on the calculation from Okafor et al. (2022), Ngumah, et al. (2013) and (Garba, 2010)

The biomass resources when utilized to provide energy day for various energy needs. From this study analysis, about
can provide the needed energy mix for this country. For 18.8 million kwh of electricity would have been added to our
instance, about 19.1 billion cubic meters of biogas can be national grid. This implies that the 18,768,421,053 kwh of
derived from our current cattle production 18.4 million cattle electricity would have taken care of 125,122,807 households.
(Table 5). This can save the country about 30.8 billion Litres In addition, 64,258,064,516 liters of kerosine and
of kerosene, about 5.5 billion kg of firewood and add about 11,468,048,359 kg of firewood would have been saved.
10 billion kwh of electricity from only cattle manure to our Besides, Nigeria has the highest rate of deforestation in the
nation. The energy situation in Nigeria as at 2021 indicated world with 55.7% (9,587,577 hectares) of her primary forest
that an average household required 150 kwh of electricity per were lost between 2000 and 2005 (FAO, 2010).

Table 5: Biogas Equivalent of 1 m3 in Kerosene, Firewood, Coal and Electricity (

Fuel 1 m3 equivalent 1.612903226 0.287852619 0.526315789
Kerosene (Litre) Firewood (kg) Electricity (kwh)
Cattle manure 19,080,000,000 30,774,193,548 5,492,227,979 10,042,105,263
Sheep 2,580,000,000 4,161,290,323 742,659,758.2 135,7894,737
Goat 4,180,000,000 6,741,935,484 1,203,223,949 2,200,000,000
Pig manure 920,000,000 1,483,870,968 264,824,409.9 484,210,526.3
Abattoir waste 4,420,000,000 7,129,032,258 1,272,308,578 2,326,315,789
Crop residue 6,160,000,000 9,935,483,871 1,773,172,136 3,242,105,263
Poultry 2.500,000,000 4,032,258,065 719,631,548.6 1,315,789,474
64,258,064,516 11,468,048,359 1,876,8421,053
Total 64,258,064,516 11,468,048,359 18,768,421,053
Desk Research


There has been a steady growth in the production of The world is tending towards reduction in the use of
agricultural waste. This study reported 578.4 million tons fossil fuel which is not only a wasting asset, but pollutes and
year-1 from cattle manure, 44.5 million tons year -1 from sheep degrades the environment resulting in reduction in life
manure, 72.1 million tons year -1 from goat manure. Values expectancy and promoting underdevelopment. Besides, with
reported in this study are much higher than 61 Mt year -1 of The Hubert Peak theory (Tushar k. Ghosh and Mark A.,
animal waste (Agba et al., 2010) and 83,037,500 tons of 2009), becoming a reality, we need to find alternative sources
animal manure (Okey et al., 2014). In terms of crop residues, of energy that are renewable and green. Agricultural wastes
this study reported a waste of about 6.2 billion tons year -1 in provide one of such alternatives. Though other sources of
total. Previous studies have reported 83 Mt year -1 of crop renewable energy like solar, wind, and geothermal are
residues which is equivalent of 91.466 tons year -1 (Agba et available, biomass (agricultural wastes) should be given
al., 2010), 145 Mt year -1 (Simonyan & Fasina, 2013). On the special attention because of the numerous Energy,
other hand, Ngumah et al. (2013) reported a total of 542.5 Environmental, Economic, Green job opportunities as well as
million tons of organic waste with inclusion of municipal the Agricultural benefits it portends. The technology is simple
solid waste. The value of biogas potential from this study and can be purpose built, even for households, which makes
revealed about 19.1 billion m3 from cattle manure alone, it affordable. It needs very little maintenance, and Nigeria has
about 2.6 billion m3 from sheep and about 4.2 billion m3 from enough substrate for the biogas generation. In addition,
goat. In terms of potential electricity generation from these Nigerians are apprehensive with the current increase in tariff
wastes, this study found about 18.7 billion kwh of electricity from sixty-six Naira (N66) per kwh to two hundred and
will be available for utilization. Previous studies had reported twenty-five Naira (N225) per kwh for those enjoying
2,850.4 kWh and 4560.70 kWh of electricity from daily minimum of 20 hours per day (B and A consumers) from the
generation of biogas produced from cow wastes at a low-end national grid. This makes it imperative for urgent need to
efficiency of 25% and at the high-end conversion efficiency utilize biomass as energy source in the country.
of 40% respectively which on annual basis, yields 1040 MWh
and 1665 MWh respectively (Odekanle et al., 2020). In Currently 18.7 billion kwh of electricity would have
addition, Ngumah et al. (2013) estimated 169,541 MWh of been available for utilization. Besides 64,258,064,516 liters
electricity from their study. of kerosene and 11,468,048,359 kg of firewood that would
have been saved, Nigeria would have equally saved about 2
trillion Naira based on reported saving of 2013 (Ngumah et

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

al., 2013). Since Nigeria is grossly deficient in energy supply,  The provision of more information on proper handling
availability of adequate, reliable, sustainable and cost- and management of biodegradable wastes for bio-energy
effective energy will enhance her socio-economic among the general public.
development. Biogas technology will equally make it
possible for Nigeria to utilize her mountains of biodegradable Education is a key driver in the transition to renewable
wastes which are drowning the environment to recondition energies There is a need for more comprehensive training and
her environment for sustainable livelihood. An opportunity capacity-building programs. This challenge underscores the
she must leverage on to surmount her current environmental, need to review and consequently overhaul the entire
food, health and unemployment crises which the green education sector and its architectural design so as to ensure
initiative (waste to energy) aims to address. The anaerobic that the entire education system from policy to delivery, is
digestion of biodegradable wastes, should of a necessity be such that is in consonance with the tenents of education for
given the attention it deserves. Increased renewable uptake development. Florence’s statement on the essence of
scenario, otherwise known as the Transforming Energy education, is indeed apposite as one reflects on the setbacks
Scenario (TES), sees future capacity expansion of Nigeria’s the CCI encounters as a result of paucity of knowledge and
electricity supply system provided largely by renewables, skills. According to Akaakar (2023), “Put simply, the very
which reduces primary energy requirements (because most of essence of education, the purpose it must achieve, its
the renewables deployed are more efficiently converted to measurable usefulness, is that it drives, it accomplishes,
useful energy than fossil fuels) and greenhouse gas emissions knowledge, skill, innovations, it stimulates talents, potentials,
in tandem with increased electrification. In the TES, the share ability to address all manner of issues embedded in nature,
of primary energy requirements met with renewable energy and discovery of dynamics of exploitation of natural
reaches 47% by 2030 and 57% by 2050. Investment in resources to meet human needs, Education must serve a
renewables is more cost‐effective than the conventional purpose. Education must meet a need. Education must have a
pathway. Total installed power generation capacity needs in goal to achieve, education must be purpose-driven.”
the TES reach 62 gigawatts (GW) in 2030 and 178 GW in
2050, of which 77% is renewable in 2030 and 92% is REFERENCES
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