7: Table below shows price indices of a few types of
clothes sold at the shop for year 2019 based on year 2013 E.g. 1: Prices of a tube of facial cleanser in years 2005 and and their respective weightages. If composite index for 2007 were RM18.00 and RM20.00 respectively. Calculate year 2019 based on year 2013 is 124, find value of 𝑛. price index of cleanser for year 2007 based on year 2005. Item Price Index Weightage E.g. 2: Price of a bottle of cooking oil in year 1999 was Blouse 110 5 RM 15.00. Price index for year 2000 based on year 1999 Pants 120 𝑛 is 105. Calculate price of cooking oil in year 2000. Jacket 130 4 Gown 150 3 E.g. 3: (Textbook pg 275, SP 10.1, Q1) Malaysia Automotive Association (MAA) reported that total E.g. 8: number of registered commercial vehicles in year 2015 was 75376 whereas total registered number commercial vehicles in year 2017 was 61956. Calculate index for number of registered commercial vehicles in year 2017 based on year 2015 and interpret it.
E.g. 4: (Textbook pg 278, IP 10.1, Q3) Table below shows
the prices and the price indices of three ingredients P, Q and R which are used in preparing a type of biscuit. Find the values of 𝑥, 𝑦 and 𝑧. Pie chart above shows the division of expenditures in Material Cost (RM/kg) Price index in 2019 year 2014 for Mr. Loo’s family. Table below shows the Year 2015 Year 2019 based on 2015 price indices for year 2014 based on year 2010. P 𝑥 0.40 80 Q 2.00 𝑦 140 Item Price Index R 0.80 1.00 𝑧 Food 110 Household 110 E.g. 5: Table below shows the price indices of a few types Clothing 160 of noodles sold at a shop for year 2017 based on year Bills 150 2013 and their respective weightages. Calculate the (a) Calculate the composite price index for year 2014 composite price index for year 2017 based on year 2013. based on year 2010. Noodle Price Index Weightage (b) Calculate the total expenditure of Mr. Loo’s family for Fried Noodle 112 4 the same items in year 2014, given that the total Tomyam Noodle 104 3 expenditure in year 2010 was RM72000. Curry Noodle 109 2 Wantan Noodle 111 1 E.g. 9: A factory uses four materials, A, B, C and D, to produce an item. The following table shows the price of each material in the years 2014 and 2019. E.g. 6: Table below shows the price indices of a few types of items, P, Q, R and S, for year 2019 based on year 2014 Material Price (RM) and their respective weightages. If the composite index 2014 2019 for year 2019 based on year 2014 is 111.5, find the value P 110.00 121.00 of 𝒙. Q 90.00 97.20 Item Price Index Weightage R 60.00 67.20 P 110 10 S 40.00 46.00 Q 𝑥 4 (a) Calculate the price index of each material for the year 2019 based on the year 2014. R 120 4 (b) If item produced consists of 32% of material P, 33% of S 115 2 material Q, 28% of material R and 7% of material S, calculate composite index for year 2019 based on year 2014. E.g. 10: Table shows price changes of the expenses of a E.g. 15: Table shows the price indices, changes in price few items of Mr. Ishak’s family from year 2012 to year indices and weightages of four items A, B, C and D, which 2014. If composite index for year 2014 based on 2012 is are the main items used to make a type of biscuit. 111.5, calculate the percentage of price change of the Item Price index for Change in price Weightage expenses for item K. 2012 based on index from 2012 Item Price Change Weightage 2010 to 2014 K 4 A 110 10% increase 1 L Decreased by 5% 1 B 140 No change 4 C 120 5% decrease 2 M Increase by 20% 4 D 𝑥 No change 3 N Unchanged 1 (a) Calculate E.g. 11: Based on year 1995, index number of an oven for (i) the price of item A in year 2012 if its price in year 2010 was RM 4.00. year 1998 and 2001 are 110 and 130 respectively. Find (ii) the price of item C in year 2010 if its price in the index number for the year 2001 based on year 1998. year 2012 was RM 3.60. (b) The composite index for the cost of making a tin of E.g. 12: (Textbook pg 275, SP 10.1, Q4) Table below biscuit for year 2012 based on year 2010 is 130. Find shows the price indices for a particular type of drink. the value of 𝑥. Year 2013 Year 2019 Year 2019 (c) Hence, calculate the composite index for the cost of (2011 = 100) (2011 = 100) (2013 = 100) making a tin of biscuit in year 2014 based on year 2010. 150 225 𝑝 (d) Calculate the cost of making a tin of biscuit in year Find the value of p. 2014 if the corresponding cost in year 2010 was RM 20. E.g. 13: (Textbook pg 277, SP 10.2, Q2) The premium insurance payment of a company in year 2016 increased as much as 5 percent compared to year 2011. In year 2018, the premium increased again as much as 10 percent compared to 2011. Find the premium insurance index in year 2018 compared to year 2016.
E.g. 14: (Textbook pg 278, IP 10.1, Q5) Diagram below
shows the price index for a type of food in 2015 and 2018 based on year 2010. Find the price index of the food in year 2018 based on year 2015. Price Index Item Year 2015 Year 2018 Food 110 118