Differentiation of Vectors
Differentiation of Vectors
Differentiation of Vectors
If a particle is moving along a curved path then the position vectorr of the particle is a
function of . If the component off() along x-axis, yaxis, z-axis are sj). S).S0 respectively
SO = hu) i + S(0)j+ SMk
Let O be the origin and P be the position of a moving particle at time t.
Let r
Let Qbe the position of the particle at the time + 8t and
the position vector of Q is o0
PO =00-OP
+8r)- =87 T+8T
is a vector. As ôt > 0, Q tends to P and the chord
becomes the tangent at P.
im d
We define o>0 8t,then
dr gives the velocity ofthe particle at P, which is along the tangent to its path. Also
dt d
gives the acceleration of the particle at P
dt dt
The order of the functions F, G is not to be changed.
384 Vectors
ax(uxB) -Bx(uxa
(a.b) u-(a.) b-[6.a) u-(6.u)a
(Vector triple product)
- (a.B) i- (i.) 6-(à.3)i+ (.3) a
= (u.B)ä-(ü. a)B
ux (ax B) Proved.
Example 14. Find the angle between the surface x + + # = 9 and = + - 3 at
(2,-1, 2). (M.D.U. Dec. 2009)
Solution. Here, we have
x+ + = 9
:=*+y-3 ...(2)
Normal to (1) n= V*++#-9)
-( 2+ y+-9) =
2 xi +
2yj +2 =k
Normal to (1) at (2, - 1, 2), n, = 4i - 2j +4k ...(3)
Vectors 385
n2 _(4i-2j+ 4k).(-4i +2j+) -
Inlln2 14i -2j+4k||-4 +2j +k| 16+4+16 16+4+1
16 -8
6V21 3/21
Hence the angle between (1) and (2) -8
cos.67 Ans
1. The coordinates of a moving particle are given byx = 41-a n d y = 3+ 61- Find the
velocity and acceleration of the particle wheni= 2 secs. Ans. 4.47, 2.24
2. A particle moves along the curve
x = 2r. y = r- 4 and 31 5
where is the time. Find the components of its velocity and acceleration at time t = 1, in the
814 V14
direction-3j+2k. (Nagpur Summer 2001) Ans.
3. Find the unit tangent and unit normal vector at = 2 on the curvex = f - 7
1, y = 41 - 3,
5. Find the angle between the tangents to the curve 7=12i +21j-k, at the points =+ 1.
Ans. cos
6. If the surface 5 x - 2by = 9x be orthogonal to the surface 4xy + = 4 at the point (1, -1, 2)
then b is equal to
(a) (6) (c) 2 (d) 3 (AMIETE, Dec. 2009) Ans. (b)