t05 t06 Vitrofix Ultra Adhesive
t05 t06 Vitrofix Ultra Adhesive
t05 t06 Vitrofix Ultra Adhesive
Grey White
Open Time
Available in 20 kg pack.
All types of ceramic tile, Cement-based screeds/ bed, Floor and walls for internal
terracotta, pavers, brick, gypsum & cement based area, floor for external area*,
vitrified tiles, large format tiles, plasters/ renders, concrete dry & wet area like saunas, spa,
precast terrazzo, natural stones, surfaces & bricks, existing tiles fountains, domestic applications,
low thickness slabs. & stones, waterproofing commercial applications.
products, other cement-based
Only recommended for exterior floor application and mix with Roff RBR for external wall application. Consult with Roff technical team.
Adhesive Thickness 3 - 12 mm
c) Tensile adhesion strength after heat ageing ≥ 1.0 N/mm² ≥ 1.1 N/mm²
d) Tensile adhesion strength after freeze-thaw cycle ≥ 1.0 N/mm² ≥ 1.0 N/mm²
a) tensile adhesion at dry condition, after 28 days ≥ 1.0 N/mm² ≥ 1.2 N/mm²
Note : Test results are indicative as per testing method specified in standard. Test results may vary as per substrate, site condition & testing machine etc.
Actual field performance will depend on installation methods and site conditions.
pply adhesive to the substrate with the flat side of
the trowel.
• The substrate must be level, cured, undamaged, compact,
• Comb on additional adhesive with the notched side.
rigid, resistant, dry and free from any debonding agents
and from damp rising. • Use the proper sized notched trowel to ensure full
bedding of the tile.
• All surfaces must be plumb and true to within 6 mm in
• Tiles must be fixed within 20 minutes of adhesive being
10 ft (3m).
applied, depending on the porosity of the surface and
• Dry, dusty surfaces should be dampened with water & atmospheric conditions.
excess water should be swept off. • Check the adhesive ribs periodically and if a skin has
formed, remove the dried adhesive and apply fresh
• New concrete slabs shall be damp cured and 28 days old adhesive.
before application which will reduce the shrinkage from
• Press the tiles firmly into position with a slight twisting
tile fixing surface.
action, checking periodically that good contact is
• Expansion joints to be provided & filled with suitable maintained with the back of each tile and beat in using
rubber mallet to imbed tile and adjust level.
• Leave no voids behind tiles.
• Do not cover expansion joints with thin set tile
• For large size tiles or irregular surfaces, adhesive can
adhesive/ tile.
additionally be buttered on the backs of the tiles to
MIXING ensure full adhesive contact.
• Add 3 – 3.5 parts of powder to 1 part of water or 5 - 6 litre • Use suitable support along with adhesive for fixing tiles
water for 20 kg powder in a clean mixing vessel. on vertical surfaces.
• Adjust the water as per desired consistency. • For highly absorbent natural stones which may form a
wet patch when adhesive is used, it is recommended to
• Mix with a suitable mechanical stirrer or slow speed drills use suitable Roff Impregnating sealer on all sides. Please
(50 - 100 rpm) until a lump free homogeneous paste is refer Technical Data Sheets of product intended for use
obtained. for specific instructions of use
• Always mix required quantity, which can be consumed • Leave adequate joints between individual wall and floor
within pot life. tiles using Roff spacers. The joint width shall be as per
the recommendation of architect / engineer.
• Leave mixture for 5 minutes before use.
• Clean off surplus adhesive from the tile face and
• No further water should be added. between joints.
• Approx. 2.5 - 3 m²/ 20 kg Bag at 6 mm thickness For more details please refer the relevant Material Safety
(using 12 mm x 12 mm notch). Data Sheet, available on request.