Cisco Meeting Management 2 9 User Guide Administrator
Cisco Meeting Management 2 9 User Guide Administrator
Cisco Meeting Management 2 9 User Guide Administrator
2 Deployment overview 7
2.1 Authentication of users 8
2.2 Security and auditing 8
2.3 Diagnostics and troubleshooting 8
2.4 Integration with Cisco TelePresence Management Suite (TMS) 9
2.5 Connection to the Cisco Smart Software Manager for Smart Licensing 9
2.6 Provisioning users and creating space templates on Meeting Server clusters 9
2.7 Resilience 10
2.8 If you are using the Cisco Meeting Server API or 3rd party tools 10
7 Provisioning 21
7.1 What do we mean by provisioning users? 21
7.2 What is a space? 21
7.3 What is a space template? 21
7.4 Provisioning steps 22
1 Introduction
This guide is for administrators of Meeting Management.
Cisco Meeting Management is a management tool for Cisco's on-premises video conferencing
platform, Cisco Meeting Server. It provides a user-friendly browser interface for you to monitor
and manage meetings that are running on the Meeting Server.
Meeting Management, with its current feature set, is included within existing Cisco Meeting
Server licensing.
If you combine Meeting Management with Cisco TMS (TelePresence Management Suite), you
can both schedule and manage meetings that are run on your Meeting Server Call Bridges.
For security, there is no user access to the console after first run. Except for the installation
process, all use of Meeting Management is via a browser interface.
2 Deployment overview
One instance of Meeting Management can manage a small Meeting Server deployment with
only a single Call Bridge or a large Meeting Server deployment with multiple clusters of Call
Bridges as shown below.
Meeting Management connects to Meeting Servers via the Call Bridge API. It installs itself as a
CDR (Call Detail Record) receiver and events client on each Call Bridge and gets information
about active meetings via API requests, CDRs, and Meeting Server events.
For greater reliability and accuracy you can configure more than one NTP server; Meeting
Management supports up to 5 NTP servers. We recommend that all Meeting Servers and all
instances of Meeting Management are connected to the same NTP servers.
We recommend that you have at least one local administrator user account. This is to make sure
that you can still access Meeting Management if there are LDAP issues. For general use in
production we recommend that users are authenticated via LDAP.
Note: All users can be either administrators or video operators. Their permissions depend only
on the role, not whether they are managed locally or via LDAP.
2.5 Connection to the Cisco Smart Software Manager for Smart Licensing
You can use Meeting Management to monitor whether your Cisco Meeting Server deployments
are using more licenses than you purchased. For traditional licensing, license files are installed on
Call Bridges within the Meeting Server deployments, and Meeting Management receives
information about both installed licenses and usage from the Call Bridges.
For Smart Licensing, Meeting Management uses the Smart Agent to communicate with the
Cisco Smart Software Manager (Cisco SSM). Meeting Management sends daily usage reports
to Cisco SSM, and Cisco SSM then reports back whether the deployment is in compliance.
Note: If you have more than one instance of Meeting Management connected to the same
Meeting Server cluster, for example to add resilience, then only one instance of Meeting
Management should be connected to the Cisco Smart Software Manager. If you connect both
instances, the reported usage will be counted twice.
Note: For security and auditing reasons, we recommend that you create a separate bind user
account for each Meeting Server cluster on each LDAP server.
2.7 Resilience
To add resilience to your Meeting Management deployment, you can connect up to two
instances of Meeting Management to the same Meeting Server deployments. They must be
configured independently; both get their information directly from the connected Call Bridges
and TMS servers. No information is exchanged between them. We recommend that the two
instances of Meeting Management are placed in different locations so e.g. power outages or
connection issues will not affect both instances at once.
There is no failover; both instances are active at all times, and settings that are local to Meeting
Management, such as pinning a meeting at the top of the list, are only seen in the instance of
Meeting Management where they were set.
2.8 If you are using the Cisco Meeting Server API or 3rd party tools
We strongly recommend that you do not use the API - or any 3rd party tool using the API - to
manage active meetings at the same time as you monitor or manage meetings using Meeting
Note: The number in the top bar is updated every 30 seconds, so it may temporarily differ from
the number seen on the Overview page.
You can also see status for license utilization on connected Cisco Meeting Server clusters.
There are 6 different status levels:
l Out of compliance: You have been out of compliance with your license agreement for
more than 15 days.
You get this warning if you have been over the limit for 15 or more days in a 90 day period.
You should purchase more licenses.
l Insufficient licenses: You have temporarily used more licenses than you have installed, and
you are out of compliance with your license agreement.
You get this warning if you have been over the limit at any time within the last 90 days. You
should purchase more licenses.
l Over 80% threshold: You are still in compliance with your license agreement, but you have
used more than 80% of the installed licenses.
l In compliance: You have used 80% or less of the installed licenses.
l Unknown compliance: License status for clusters that have Cisco Meeting Server
Capacity Units installed. Meeting Management cannot track Meeting Server Capacity
The blue bell icon is displayed for a cluster if a new status update has not been marked as
acknowledged by an administrator.
To see more details, click on a cluster name. This will open the Licenses page. This page shows
further information about licenses and also displays any event log messages related to licensing
that requires immediate action.
We recommend that you have at least one local administrator user account. This is to make sure
that you can still access Meeting Management if there are LDAP issues. For general use in
production we recommend that users are authenticated via LDAP.
Users can have two roles:
l Administrators have full access to Meeting Management. Administrators will typically set
up Meeting Management, change configurations, add users, and monitor and maintain
the system.
l Video operators only have access to the Meetings and Overview pages. Video operators
monitor and manage meetings, and they perform basic troubleshooting related to
ongoing meetings. For instance, they may try to call a participant who got disconnected or
check the call statistics if someone has audio issues.
Note: You can restart now or wait until you have completed the configuration.
Note: You can restart now or wait until you have completed the configuration.
Note: Changes to the security policies only take effect after you restart Meeting Management.
Note: Note that Enforce password policy and Enforce password reuse policy are applied only
when users change their own password.
Note: If the passphrase generator is enabled, Meeting Management will suggest passphrases
for all users.
Note: The username cannot be changed later, so check carefully before you save the
2. Find the user you want to delete, and click in the Actions column.
Note: You can never delete the administrator account you are currently signed in with.
If you only have one local administrator user account and you want to delete it, then sign in as an
LDAP administrator to delete the local account.
3. In the Port field, enter the port number for your Call Bridge API.
4. Enter the Username and Password for your Call Bridge API.
Note: For security and auditing reasons, we strongly recommend that you use a separate
user account for Meeting Management.
7. Optional: Check certificates against certificate revocation lists (CRLs) if you have chosen
to use certificates, and you want Meeting Management to reject the connection if a
certificate has been revoked.
Meeting Management will block the connection if a certificate in the chain has been
revoked, or if there is a CRL it cannot access.
We recommend that you enable this when possible.
Note: Only certificates with HTTP Certificate Distribution points (CDPs) are supported. If
you are using CRL checks, and a certificate has no CDP, or if the CDP is not reachable via
HTTP, then the connection is rejected.
Also, Meeting Management must be set up so it can connect to external address via
8. Optional: If you have chosen to use certificate security, then Upload certificate.
Certificate requirements:
l The certificate chain should include the certificate of the CA that signed the Web
Admin Interface's certificate, plus any certificates higher in the certificate chain, up to
and including the root CA certificate.
l The server address you entered for your Call Bridge must be included in the Web
Admin Interface certificate.
Note: If the SAN (Subject Alternative Name) field is used, Meeting Management does
not look at the Common Name, so make sure that the server address is added to the
SAN field.
9. Click Add.
10. Optional: Rename cluster to give it a name that makes sense to you as well as all other
If the Call Bridge you added is part of a cluster, the other Call Bridges in the cluster are auto-
discovered and displayed below so you can easily add them.
3. Enter details for the Call Bridge and upload certificate if relevant.
4. Continue until you have added all Call Bridges in the cluster.
7 Provisioning
You can use Meeting Management to provision users and space templates on connected
Meeting Servers.
You can access provisioning settings from the Servers page. For the cluster you want to set up
provisioning for, you can click Set up provisioning to go to a page that lets you configure the
provisioning settings.
There are also settings that are related to the behavior of meetings held in the space, such as the
default layout, whether meetings are automatically recorded, whether there is a participant limit,
For information about which versions have been tested with each version of the Meeting Server,
see the Interoperability Database.
CAUTION: If you have set up LDAP via the Meeting ServerWeb Admin Interface then provisioning
via Meeting Management will not work. Before you set up provisioning in Meeting Management,
sign in to the Web Admin Interface, go to Configuration, Active Directory page, and empty all
input fields, then click Submit. To avoid locking users out, do not synchronize before you have
finished setting up provisioning on Meeting Management.
For more information about using LDAP with the Cisco Meeting Server, see the appropriate
Meeting Server deployment guide. There is a section on LDAP configuration as well as an
appendix with more information on LDAP field mappings.
Note: You cannot upload a certificate via Meeting Management. To make an LDAPS
connection fully secure, you must enable certificate verification on the Meeting Server and
upload a certificate to its trust store. For instructions, see How do I enable LDAP server
certificate verification?.
7. Choose Use LDAP paged results control if you want the Meeting Server to receive search
results in chunks, corresponding to pages in the LDAP library, rather than going through
the whole database in one single operation.
We recommend that you use paged results, unless you are using Oracle Internet Directory.
Note: Your changes will not be applied before you have committed them. After you have
committed the changes, template settings will take effect immediately. Changes to LDAP server
details and user imports will take effect next time the Meeting Server is synchronized with the
LDAP servers.
Note: All changes to provisioning settings that you have entered in Meeting Management will be
lost if you restart Meeting Management before the changes have been committed.
Note: If the same user is included in two different user imports, Meeting Management cannot
control which user import the user will be associated with. This means that if a user is included in
one user import that assigns PMP Plus licenses to users and is also included in a user import that
does not assign any licenses, then you cannot control whether that user is assigned a license.
Note: If you are using Active Directory, make sure that you enter a filter that only includes
user objects.
Note: Your changes will not be applied before you have committed them. After you have
committed the changes, template settings will take effect immediately. Changes to LDAP server
details and user imports will take effect next time the Meeting Server is synchronized with the
LDAP servers.
Note: All changes to provisioning settings that you have entered in Meeting Management will be
lost if you restart Meeting Management before the changes have been committed.
11.1 Limitations
l You cannot use the templates to provision spaces for your users. The templates can only
be used by the web app users to create their own spaces.
l You cannot define which users get to use which space templates.
If you want to make different templates available to different users, then use the API to
create and assign templates.
l The user who creates a space is not assigned any of the roles that you define in Meeting
Management. The space creator, who is also the space owner, will receive the default call
leg profile for the space.
l The user who creates a space will be a member of the space.
l All members of a space will get the same call leg profile as the user who created it.
l When you make changes to a template, not all changes are applied to existing spaces.
New Participant role settings and Space template settings are applied to existing spaces.
Other template changes, such as adding or removing roles, do not affect existing spaces.
If you want to make changes to existing spaces, you can do this manually via the API.
l The web app does not indicate to users if a template has been changed.
We recommend that you update the name or the description when you make significant
changes to templates that are already in use.
l Meeting Management provides a small subset of possible space settings.
If you want to configure additional settings to space templates you have created using
Meeting Management, then you can use the API. See the "Create and apply coSpace
templates" section of the the Meeting Server 2.9 Release Notes for instructions.
l Templates that you have created or edited via the API will be visible in Meeting
Management but you can only see the subset of the settings that can be edited in Meeting
l Sync error details are only stored in the Meeting Server system logs, and Meeting
Management does not retrieve information about whether an LDAP sync has succeeded.
Note: If you use special characters in the template name, then they may appear differently
in status messages, displaying escape characters instead. The name will still appear
correctly in the web app.
Note: Meeting Management lets you enter more characters than you can commit to the
Meeting Server. The limit for the Meeting Server is 200 bytes, which corresponds to up to
200 Roman characters with no accents, or around 50 Chinese characters.
5. Decide if different roles should be differentiated by their passcode, or if they should each
have a unique URI and Meeting ID.
URI is called video address in the Meeting App and the web app.
Note: The Meeting Server recognizes roles by a participant's access method, which can
be either the weblink or a unique combination of URI and passcode. Meeting Management
will only add auto-generated passcodes if they are necessary to tell roles apart. web app
users can add or change passcodes when they manage their spaces.
Note: If you are using Meeting Management version 2.9.0 and you want to change from
using unique URIs to all participants having the same URI after you have saved the space
template, then you must remove all roles and create new ones for the change to take
Note: This field is disabled if you chose to use the same URI for all roles.
9. Click Next.
10. Check the Make this role an Activator check box if you want participants with this role to
be Activators.
Activators can start meetings, and they can let other participants in from the lobby.
If you are creating a host and guest space, we recommend that hosts are Activators and
guests are non-Activators. If you are creating a team space where you want all
participants to have the same role, then you should make them Activators.
Note: The web app has some limitations. For example, no participants can add others to a
meeting or control streaming when they dial in using the web app no matter what
permissions they have. See all limitations in the Cisco Meeting Server web app 2.9
Important information document.
Note: All roles will be available in the web app. In the Meeting App, only one of these roles
will be available in the invitation details, and no settings in Meeting Management can
decide which role that will be.
To define which role should be used for the invitation in the Meeting App, you can use the
Meeting Server API to set the scope field to public for the role that should be used for
invitations sent from the Meeting App. See "Multiple coSpace Access Methods" in the
Cisco Meeting Server API Reference Guide.
Note: If you want to define other settings than listed here, then you can adjust the
templates via the Meeting Server API. See the Meeting Server 2.9 Release Notes for
Note: Your changes will not be applied before you have committed them. After you have
committed the changes, template settings will take effect immediately. Changes to LDAP server
details and user imports will take effect next time the Meeting Server is synchronized with the
LDAP servers.
Note: All changes to provisioning settings that you have entered in Meeting Management will be
lost if you restart Meeting Management before the changes have been committed.
Note: Meeting Management lets you enter more characters than you can commit to the Meeting
Server. The Meeting Server limit is 200 bytes, which corresponds to up to 200 Roman
characters with no accents, or around 50 Chinese characters.
Note: When you commit your settings, they are saved to the Meeting Server. Template
changes take effect immediately. Changes to user imports take effect next time the
Meeting Server is synchronized with the LDAP servers.
Note: but no changes to users or space templates will be made before the Meeting Server
is synchronized with the LDAP servers.
Note: If you get the error message "Changes could not be committed at this time", some
of the changes may have been committed. Check that all provisioning settings are correct,
and try again.
l Discard changes: If you discard the changes, then the settings that were last committed
to the Meeting Server will be valid, and the tab will be updated to show these.
If you have not configured any new settings, the tab will show the settings that Meeting
Management has retrieved from the Meeting Server, and the buttons will be disabled. Settings
are retrieved from the Meeting Server every 5 minutes, except while you are making changes to
your settings.
Note: You cannot use Meeting Management to set up scheduled LDAP sync. However, you can
use a cron job to send daily API commands to trigger LDAP sync. You can see an example script
in the FAQ article How do I set up daily LDAP sync?.
Note: All logs accessed from Meeting Management are for Meeting Management, even though
many of the messages are based on information received from Meeting Server Call Bridges.
Note: Most timestamps are in UTC. The exception is event logs which are displayed in your
browser's time zone when viewed within Meeting Management.
Note: Event logs for a specific meeting are available on the Meetings page, meeting details view,
for up to a week after the meeting has ended. See the User Guide for Video Operators for
details. Event log information is also included in the Meeting Management system log, but you
will not see the messages neatly sorted by the meeting they belong to.
If you need to contact Cisco Technical Support, always include the log bundle.
Note: When troubleshooting issues with Meeting Management, you may need to look at
Meeting Server logs as well. We strongly recommend that you use external syslog servers for all
instances of Meeting Management, and for all your Meeting Servers.
Note: The latest system logs are stored locally, but the limit is 500 MB of system logs. When the
limit is reached, the oldest 100 MB of logs are deleted.
Note: If you type in IPv6 addresses, do not use square brackets here.
4. Choose protocol.
5. Optional: Check certificates against certificate revocation lists (CRLs) if you have chosen
to use certificates, and you want Meeting Management to reject the connection if a
certificate has been revoked.
Meeting Management will block the connection if a certificate in the chain has been
revoked, or if there is a CRL it cannot access.
We recommend that you enable this when possible.
Note: Only certificates with HTTP Certificate Distribution points (CDPs) are supported. If
you are using CRL checks, and a certificate has no CDP, or if the CDP is not reachable via
HTTP, then the connection is rejected.
Also, your network must be configured so Meeting Management can connect to external
address via HTTP.
Optional: If required in your organization, add a syslog server for audit logs.
To add an audit log server:
1. On the Logs page, choose Audit log servers.
2. Click Add log server.
3. Enter server address and port number.
Default ports are:
l UDP: 514
l TCP: 514
l TLS: 6514
Note: If you type in IPv6 addresses, do not use square brackets here.
4. Choose protocol.
5. Optional: Check certificates against certificate revocation lists (CRLs) if you have chosen
to use certificates, and you want Meeting Management to reject the connection if a
certificate has been revoked.
Meeting Management will block the connection if a certificate in the chain has been
revoked, or if there is a CRL it cannot access.
We recommend that you enable this when possible.
Note: Only certificates with HTTP Certificate Distribution points (CDPs) are supported. If
you are using CRL checks, and a certificate has no CDP, or if the CDP is not reachable via
HTTP, then the connection is rejected.
Also, your network must be configured so Meeting Management can connect to external
address via HTTP.
15.1 Summary
The Summary tab shows the following:
l A table displaying license status for each license type
l Graphs of license utilization over time. You can specify a date range, and you can filter the
graph based on license type.
Note: For date ranges of one day, Meeting Management displays one data point per 5
minutes. For longer date ranges, there is one data point per day showing the peak value.
Note: If you are using license of a type that has not been installed, no percentage can be
calculated, and any utilization will be shown at the top of a broken y-axis.
Note: Meeting Management does not support license status for Capacity Units. The number of
installed Capacity Units will appear in the table, but the use of Capacity Units will not be
displayed anywhere.
In the 90 day report you can see the number of Capacity Units installed, but the use of licenses
will be reported as if you were using SMP Plus or PMP Plus licenses.
For each license type, the table displays the following information:
l Installed: Number of licenses installed
This is only seen for traditional licensing.
Note: If you are using Smart Licensing, then the column header will say Available for
reporting, and you must enter the number of assigned licenses manually, see Enable Smart
l Last reported: The last peak that was reported to the Cisco Smart Software Manager.
This is only seen for traditional licensing.
Note: 90 day peak is rounded up to nearest 1 decimal place, and the Last reported is
rounded up to the nearest whole number. This means that in some cases, the number for
Last reported may be higher than the number for 90 day peak.
Note: The Acknowledge button will reappear next time the daily peak is over the threshold.
The license status is based on status for the following license types:
l Personal Multiparty plus licenses
These are assigned to specific users, and one license is valid for one active meeting.
l Shared Multiparty plus licenses
These are shared between all users, and one license is valid for one active video meeting.
Some meeting types consume only 1/6 of a license.
l Recording and streaming licenses
These are shared between all users, and one license is valid for one ongoing recording or
one ongoing streaming session.
See the Cisco Meeting Server 2.6 Release Notes as well as the Cisco Meeting Server
Deployment Guides for more information on license types and how licenses are applied to
Note: If Capacity Units are installed, the table will display a row for those. It will only show how
many units are installed; Meeting Management cannot track the use of these.
If you want more details than you can see in the summary, you can download 90 day report.
Meeting Management will provide a zip file named, which contains the
following files:
l host-reported.csv
This file contains the raw data as Meeting Management receives it from the separate Call
Bridges in the cluster. Each row will display:
l Host ID for the specific Call Bridge
l Time stamp (UTC)
l For each license type, number of licenses used.
Note: Call Bridges report recording and streaming use separately, but Meeting
Management tracks all recording and streaming together because they consume the
same license type.
Note: If Capacity Units are installed, the number of installed licenses will be displayed in the
90 day report, but the use of licenses will be shown as if you were using SMP Plus or PMP
Plus licenses.
l cluster-bins.csv
This file contains cluster wide license use for each 5-minute interval, as calculated by
Meeting Management. Each row will display:
l Time stamp for start time of the 5-minute interval (UTC)
l For each license type, summary of licenses used for all Call Bridges.
l daily-peaks.csv
This file contains daily peaks, as calculated by Meeting Management. Each row will
l Date (UTC)
l For each license type, peak number of licenses used that day after 3 point median
15.2 Events
The Events tab shows event log messages related to licenses.
You can click anywhere in the heading to sort the alerts by Severity, Date or License type.
This is also where you can back up, restore, upgrade, and restart Meeting Management.
Note: If you type in IPv6 addresses, do not use square brackets here.
Note: Meeting Management does not have capabilities to create a certificate signing request.
Use a separate tool, for instance OpenSSL toolkit, to create the private key and the certificate
signing request.
Certificate requirements:
l The certificate chain should include the certificate of the CA that signed the certificate,
plus any certificates higher in the certificate chain, up to and including the root CA
l Your CDR receiver address, as well as any addresses your users will use for the browser
interface, should be included in the certificate.
Note: We strongly recommend that you use an FQDN, as IP addresses may change. The CDR
Receiver address field configures only what Meeting Management tells Call Bridges to use, not
how your Meeting Management is presented to the wider network. You need to enter an
address that is set up in your network to be resolvable and reachable from your Call Bridges.
Note: Before you can connect to TMS, your Call Bridges must be connected to the TMS
booking API. For details, see the "Before you start" section of the Installation and Configuration
Note: Only certificates with HTTP Certificate Distribution points (CDPs) are supported. If
you are using CRL checks, and a certificate has no CDP, or if the CDP is not reachable via
HTTP, then the connection is rejected.
Also, your network must be configured so Meeting Management can connect to external
address via HTTP.
Note: You will not receive any information from TMS before you associate clusters with TMS.
4. Click Done to start seeing scheduled meetings for the Call Bridge.
Meeting Management will then verify the information and show the status Associated with
TMS for the cluster, and the Call Bridge that is connected to TMS will get the label TMS.
5. Repeat until you have verified all clusters you want to see upcoming meetings for.
Note: TMS may support contacts that cannot be reached by your Meeting Servers. Make sure
that you either update your outbound dial plans for the Meeting Servers or filter out phonebook
entries the Meeting Servers cannot reach following the existing dial plan rules.
If a video operator tries to add a participant who cannot be reached from your Meeting Servers
then Meeting Management will try to connect and fail. There will be no warnings or error
messages. The video operator will see a spinner for a short while, and after that the participant
will appear in the participant list as a disconnected participant.
Note: In TMS you can configure the number of search results to be displayed. This does not
affect Meeting Management. Meeting Management always displays up to 50 search results.
To let your video operators use TMS phonebooks, you must go through three steps:
l Add Meeting Management as a phonebook client in TMS.
We recommend that you edit your phonebooks first so it only includes contacts who can
l Assign phonebooks to your Meeting Management in TMS.
l Enable use of TMS phonebooks in Meeting Management.
Note: You need to connect Meeting Management to TMS before you can do this.
5. In the Server Name field, enter a name for your Meeting Management.
You can choose any name you want as long as it makes sense for other Meeting
Management and TMS administrators.
6. In the MAC Address field, enter the address you copied from Meeting Management.
Note: The time displayed is for your Meeting Management server and may differ from the time
settings on your computer.The offsets shown are between each connected NTP server and
your Meeting Management server.
Note: If you type in IPv6 addresses, do not use square brackets here.
Before you enable Smart Licensing, consider the following:
l You must set up a Smart Account if you do not already have one.
To set up a Smart Account, go to, then in the Administration area
click Request a Smart Account.
l Optional: Set up a separate Virtual Account for your Meeting Management licenses.
One Meeting Management deployment can be registered to one Virtual Account. You can
have licenses for other products in the same Virtual Account, but you can only have
licenses for one specific Meeting Server deployment in one Virtual Account.
l Optional: Set up one Meeting Management deployment for each Meeting Server cluster.
All licenses are accumulated for the clusters that are connected to your Meeting
Management deployment. If you want to keep licenses separate for different clusters, then
each cluster must be connected to a separate Meeting Management deployment, and
each of these Meeting Management deployments must be connected to a separate
Virtual Account.
l If you have set up a resilient Meeting Management deployment, decide which instance of
Meeting Management you want to use for license reporting.
If you register both instances with Smart Licensing, then the Cisco SSM will receive the
same license utilization reports twice for the same cluster, and it will determine that you
are of compliance when you have used only half of the allocated licenses.
l Determine how Meeting Management should connect to Cisco SSM.
If you need to set up a Proxy, or you are using Smart Software Manager On-prem
(satellite), then you must have address, port number, and certificate available so you can
Edit Transport Settings.
For information on transport settings, see the Smart Licensing information page.
l Smart Licensing does not work if at least one connected Meeting Server cluster is running
Meeting Server version 2.5 or older.
l In this release, Smart Licensing works only for usage licenses (Recording, Streaming, SMP
Plus, PMP Plus). You still need traditional activation licenses installed for a Meeting Server
deployment to work.
l Smart Licensing cannot activate your deployment for evaluation. You must install
traditional license (activation keys) for the Meeting Server deployment to work.
Note: Evaluation mode is not implemented for this release, so you cannot use Smart
Licensing to activate your Meeting Servers. You must install traditional licenses on the
Meeting Servers for them to work. Evaluation mode will still work in the sense that Meeting
Management does not send usage information to the Cisco Smart Software Manager
while the deployment is in evaluation mode.
Note: This is for you to see more details than what will be available in the Cisco Smart
Software Manager. The details that you see in Meeting Management are not reported
back to the Cisco SSM.
Note: If you have lost connection to an instance of Meeting Management then you can also
deregister from the Cisco SSM.
l Disable and deregister: You can disable Smart Licensing for Meeting Management and at
the same time deregister this instance. Choose to only deregister if you want to go back to
evaluation mode. Chose Disable and deregister if you want to stop using Smart Licensing
for this Meeting Management.
If you check the Display account activity after sign-in check box, the account activity will appear
after sign-in. The screenshot below shows an example where both the account activity and a
post-sign-in message are displayed.
Note: All security settings require a restart before they are applied. If you set up advanced
security settings as part of the first time setup, you can finish configuring all settings on the
Settings and Logs pages before you restart.
That means if users spend all tokens during the first interval, then they only get one attempt to
sign in during the second interval. If users try to sign in after they have used up all their tokens,
then they are given the message Too many sign in attempts. Please try again later. This happens
even if the credentials are correct.
Note: Meeting Management checks the status every 30 seconds which means that the timeout
can be the set time limit plus up to 30 seconds.
Note: Even when you enable idle session timeout, users will still be signed out 24 hours after they
signed in, whether they are active or not.
All connected browsers and servers support a range of cipher suites. If a connected unit
supports more than one of the cipher suites that are enabled in Meeting Management, then
Meeting Management will use the one that is closest to the top of the list.
By default, the following cipher suite is disabled:
l AES256-SHA
CAUTION: If you disable all cipher suites that are supported by a specific browser or server,
then it can no longer be connected to Meeting Management.
Be particularly careful checking that you have cipher suites enabled that are supported by your
preferred browser and your LDAP server. If your browser cannot connect to Meeting
Management, or Meeting Management cannot connect to your LDAP server, then you may be
locked out of Meeting Management.
Note: The backup is encrypted and cannot be used without the password.
Note: If your LDAP server or TMS is offline while you restore, then the restore will fail.
Note: If you restore LDAP details, we recommend that you sign in as a local administrator to
restore the backup.
You will not be able to restore a backup if you do not check either of the two options.
5. Enter password, then Restore.
Note: If you are signed as a local user when you restore Meeting Management, then Meeting
Management will add your account to the list from the backup, or it will update the backed-up
profile with the current settings. All other settings will be replaced with the settings from the
Note: When you restart Meeting Management, all users are signed out without warning, and all
information about meetings is deleted from Meeting Management. Start times for meetings
that are still active after restart, as well as join times for participants who are still connected, will
be restored via API requests. The times displayed in the meeting details will be correct, but
entries in the event log will be given new timestamps.
Date Description
2020-04-30 In the "Provisioning - Allow users to create spaces" section, we have updated a note
with "If you use Meeting Management version 2.9.0". The issues described has been
fixed in Meeting Management version 2.9.1 and later.
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