Solution Economic ch-1
Solution Economic ch-1
Solution Economic ch-1
CLASS - 10th
aglase .co
Class : 10th
Subject : Social-Science-Economics
Chapter : 1
Chapter Name : Development
Q1 Why do different persons have different notions of development? Which of the following
explanations is more important and why?
(a) Because people are different.
(b) Because life situations of persons are different.
Answer. (b) Different persons have different notions of development because life situations of
persons are different. Development goals of a girl from a rich urban family will be surely
different from a farmer in Rajasthan. It is because their situations, lifestyle and status are very
different from each other. A goal which a person has entirely depends on his or her present life
situation. Over a period of time if the situation changes, automatically goals of a person will
also change.
Q2 Do the following two statements mean the same? Justify your answer.
(a) People have different developmental goals.
(b) People have con icting developmental goals
Answer. Yes, these two statements mean almost the same, as different persons could have
different as well as con icting developmental goals, e.g., in Gujarat, government is in favour
of the Narmada Project, while the people who are adversely affected by the project/dam are
opposing this.
Q3 Give some examples where factors other than income are important aspects of our lives.
Answer. Though income is one of the most important aspects of our lives, there are other
important things, such as
(a) People also seek things like equal treatment, freedom, security and respect.
(b) Women need safe and secure environment to take up a variety of Jobs or run a business.
(c) People also need political rights.
(d) People seek a pollution-free environment.
Answer. The above section is based on the income and the goals of the people. Here, besides
seeking more income, people sometimes seek things like equal treatment, freedom, respect
and security. People have important goals as above. The factor on which life depends is money
or income but the quality of our life depends on non-material things also.
Q1 Look at the picture on the right. What should be the developmental goals for such an area?
Q2 Read this newspaper report and answer the questions that follow:
(i) Who are the people who bene ted and who did not?
(ii) What should be the developmental goal for this country?
Answer. (i) Those who dumped the toxic waste have bene ted while the people of Abidjan in
Ivory Coast were not bene ted.
(ii) Pollution awareness.
Q3 What can be some of the developmental goals for your village, town or locality?
Answer. Sanitation, security, per capita income etc are developmental goals for our locality.
Answer. Average income of two countries, average speed of two vehicles over a distance,
average height of the students in two different classes of a school.
Q2 Why do you think average income is an important criterion for development? Explain.
Answer. It is an important criterion because it tells us what an average person is likely to earn
and also gives some idea about the rising standard of living. Prosperity of a country depends
not only on its national income but also on the number of people who would share it. In case
the number of people is large, the average income will be less. This is the case in India.
Q3 Besides size of per capita income, what other property of income is important in
comparing two or more societies?
Answer. Average income, i.e., per capita income is important but not the only criterion for
development. Along with average income, equitable distribution of income in a country
should also be considered.
Q4 Suppose records show that the average income in a country has been increasing
over a period of time. From this, can we conclude that all sections of the economy
have become better? Illustrate your answer with an example.
Answer. All sections of the economy have become better cannot be concluded because
different sections of She economy may have become better or worse. An example is the
current situation in India, where the average income has increased every years; the services
sector has increased very much, but agriculture is having virtually no growth.
Page : 9 , Block Name : Let’s Work These Out
Q5 From the text, nd out the per capita income level of low-income countries as per
World Development Reports.
Answer. (5) Per capita income level of middle income countries as per WDR 006 was between
₹37,000 and ₹4,53,000 per annum.
Q6 Write a paragraph on your notion of what should India do, or achieve, to become a
developed country.
Answer. (6) To become a developed sovereign state, India should achieve the following—
(a) A highly developed economy.
(b) Have advanced infrastructure facilities like better roads, better telecom network, better
transportation facilities, etc.
(c) Higher per capita income, matching that of other developed countries.
(d) A higher general standard of living with enough food to feed the poorest people
(e) The service sector should provide more wealth / income than the industrial or agricultural
Q1 Look at data in Tables Is Haryana ahead of Kerala in literacy rate etc., as it is in terms of
per capita income?
Answer. Missing
Q2 Think of other examples where collective provision of goods and services is cheaper than
individual provision.
Q3 Does availability of good health and educational facilities depend only on amount of
money spent by the government on these facilities? What other factors could be relevant?
Answer. No, It does not only depend on amount of money spent. It also depends on the
capabilities of the doctors and quality of the medicines in the case of health facilities. In
education, the quality of the teachers is important.
Q4 In Tamil Nadu, 90 percent of the people living in rural areas use a ration shop, whereas in
West Bengal only 35 percent of rural people do so. Where would people be better off and why?
Answer. Health and nutritional status of people depends on availability of cheap and
reasonable quality food grains, sugar and other item from the PDS system. So, in Kerala, the
people will be better off, since more people there unities the facilities provided by the PDS
Q2 Which of the following neighbouring countries has better performance in terms of human
development than India?
(i) Bangladesh
(ii) Sri Lanka
(iii) Nepal
(iv) Pakistan
Q3 Assume there are four families in a country. The average per capita income of these
families is Rs 5000. If the income of three families is Rs 4000, Rs 7000 and Rs 3000
respectively, what is the income of the fourth family?
(i) Rs 7500
(ii) Rs 3000
(iii) Rs 2000
(iv) Rs 6000
Answer. (iv) Rs 6000
Q4 What is the main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries? What
are the limitations of this criterion, if any?
Answer. The main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries is the per
capita income or average income of a person in a country.
Q5 In what respects is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development different
from the one used by the World Bank?
Answer. The criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development is different from the one
used by the World Bank in the sense that it uses a combination of factors such as health,
education and income as indicators of development. It does not rely solely on per capita
income, as is the case with the World Bank.
Q6 Why do we use averages? Are there any limitations to their use? Illustrate with your own
examples related to development.
Answer. We use averages because they are useful for comparing differing quantities of the
same category. For example, to compute the per capita income of a country, averages have to
be used because there are differences in the incomes of diverse people. However, there are
limitations to the use of averages. Even though they are useful for comparison, they may also
hide disparities. For example, the infant mortality rate of a country does not differentiate
between the male and female infants born in that country. Such an average tells us nothing
about whether the number of children dying before the age of one are mostly boys or girls.
Q7 Kerala, with lower per capita income has a better human development ranking than
Punjab. Hence, per capita income is not a useful criterion at all and should not be used to
compare states. Do you agree? Discuss.
Answer. Kerala, with lower per capita income has a better human development ranking than
Punjab. However, it would be wrong to say that per capita income is not a useful criterion at
all. Per capita income is certainly not the only criterion and it has its limitations. But this does
not imply that it is not useful at all. To counter the inadequacy of this average, the human
development index is used. The human development index uses a combination of
development factors (such as health, education, income) for comparison. Thus, per capita
income is one of the development factors, and cannot be done away with. Also, per capita
income is useful for comparing the money index of states.
Q8 Find out the present sources of energy that are used by the people in India. What could be
the other possibilities fty years from now?
Answer. The present sources of energy that are used by the people of India are electricity, coal,
crude oil, cow dung and solar energy. Other possibilities fty years from now, could include
ethanol, bio-diesel, nuclear energy and a better utilisation of wind energy, especially with the
imminent danger of oil resources running out.
Answer. The issue of sustainability is important for development because development must
be in tandem with the future. If natural resources are not sustained, then development will
stagnate after a point of time. Exploiting resources unethically will ultimately undo the
development that a country may have achieved. This is because in the future, those resources
will not be available for further progress.
Q10 “The Earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy the
greed of even one person”. How is this statement relevant to the discussion of development?
Answer. “The Earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy
the greed of even one person”. This statement is relevant to the discussion of development
since both resources and development go hand in hand. For the sustainability of development,
the maintenance of resources is also crucial. As the statement claims, the Earth has enough
resources—renewable and non-renewable—to satisfy everyone’s needs; however, these need to
be used with a view to keeping the environment protected and clean so that a balance of
production and use is maintained, and shortages are avoided.
Q12 For each of the items given in Table 1.6, nd out which country is at the top and which is
at the bottom.
Answer. (i) Per Capita Income in US$: Top country – Sri Lanka; Bottom country – Myanmar
(ii) Life Expectancy at birth: Top country – Sri Lanka; Bottom country – Myanmar
(iii) Literacy Rate for 15+ yrs population: Top country – Sri Lanka; Bottom country –
(iv) Gross Enrolment Ratio for three levels: Top country – Sri Lanka; Bottom country –
(v) HDI Rank in the world: Top country – Sri Lanka; Bottom country – Nepal
Q13 The following table shows the proportion of undernourished adults in India. It is based on
a survey of various states for the year 2001. Look at the table and answer the following
(i) Compare the nutritional level of people in Kerala and Madhya Pradesh.
(ii) Can you guess why around 40 percent of people in the country are undernourished even
though it is argued that there is enough food in the country? Describe in your own words.
Answer. (i) The nutritional levels of people in Kerala and Madhya Pradesh are different. While
22% and 19% men and women respectively are undernourished in Kerala, the respective
percentages of male and female undernourishment in Madhya Pradesh are 43% and 42%. This
implies that Kerala has more well nourished people than Madhya Pradesh. Also, the
undernourishment average for Madhya Pradesh is greater than that for the entire country,
while that for Kerala is lower than the national average.
(ii) Despite the presence of adequate food in the country, around 40% of Indians are
undernourished. This is because of the erratic and unsystematic distribution of food. Some
states in the country ensure smooth running of ration shops and other forms of Public
Distribution System (PDS). This ensures that no one has to go without food, especially the
poor for whom ration shops provide food grains at subsidised rates. However, on account of
excess exports and inconsistent food supply to the masses, nearly 40% of the Indian people are