Sale CPD Policy

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CPD Policy 2015

A copy of this policy is to be found on the Staff Intranet under ‘Policies and Procedures’

Policy Title CPD Policy 2015 (Continued Professional Development)

This document outlines the core ethos of CPD at Sale Grammar School.
The Policy supports, through prescribed procedure, roles and
responsibilities, the growth of the school as a learning community and the
development of a culture of sustained professional development.
Mrs J Branch
Mr T Brittain

Document History This Policy succeeds the previous guidance on CPD.

Date Policy
May 2015
Introduced/ Amended

1 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015

SGS is an outstanding school, providing outstanding learning outcomes for our students. We are
committed to establishing a learning community and believe that only through sustained professional
development will we:
 continue to inspire teaching colleagues to strive
to be the best that they can be
 robustly tackle areas for improvement
 continue to deliver outstanding teaching
 achieve outstanding learning outcomes.

SGS champions CPD and is committed to fostering an

environment of trust, mutual respect, and collective
responsibility. Staff are encouraged to take advantage
of the opportunities available to share outstanding
practice, engage in dialogue about teaching and
learning and actively seek out opportunities to
develop their own practice or progress their career.

Individual accountability is paramount to the success

of CPD at SGS and we recognise the clear links
between continued professional development and
key processes such as self-evaluation, self-review and
the organisation development plan cycle. At SGS all
staff are expected to:
 engage in high-quality CPD activity
 apply learning from CPD activities within the school setting
 engage with professional coaching / mentoring to support CPD
 undertake professional reflection and evaluation of the impact of CPD.

2 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
CPD at SGS will:
 be managed by the Continued Professional Development and Senior Leadership Teams
 be reflective of school and staff development objectives
 be planned annually and reviewed termly
 support the delivery of outstanding teaching and learning
 be supported by school based, local and national coaching and mentoring schemes
 involve individuals and teams in needs identification
 draw upon school based, local and national providers
 reflect the school ethos
 link into the school Self Evaluation Cycle

This policy is intended for use during:

 the writing of school, team and individual development plans
 the review of school, team and individual development plans
 professional development discussions, including lesson observation feedback and Appraisal reviews
 whole school, team and individual CPD planning
 development of the CPD calendar
 interview feedback to identify ‘next steps’
 completion of applications for external courses

Roles and Responsibilities:

Governors will ensure they:

 review and approve the CPD policy
 annually review CPD provision
 participate in Governor training
 approve adequate resources to meet the CPD needs identified in the School Development Plan

SLT will ensure that:

 the school has a shared ethos for CPD
 a range of evidence is used to provide an accurate assessment of staff needs and establish clear
priorities for the professional development. Sources will include:
 analysis of assessment data
 observations of teaching and learning
 scrutiny of students’ work
 subject, faculty and whole-school reviews
 appraisal and self-evaluation by staff
 feedback from parents and students about the performance of the school
 feedback from examination boards
 feedback from external inspections /data
 Health and Safety inspections
 Identified local or national priorities
 Identified curriculum priorities
 CPD impacts on teaching and learning, standards and processes
 governors have an understanding of and a commitment to CPD and its impact on achievement

3 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
 governors’ training is included in the SDP
 the SDP identifies short, medium and long-term priorities for CPD
 the SDP is evaluated annually, the impact of CPD reported and future CPD needs identified

Individual members of staff will ensure they:

 engage in regular, high-quality CPD
 apply learning from CPD activities within the school setting
 engage with professional coaching / mentoring to support CPD
 undertake professional reflection and the evaluation of the impact of completed CPD
 make line managers aware of essential training requirements to ensure they have the skills
required to fulfil their job description / professional standards
 read the CPD policy and follow the appropriate application processes for externally provided
 identify and review CPD needs through Individual Action Plans
 share expertise within their teams and across the learning community
 ensure CPD requests have a clear focus on better outcomes for students and on improvements in
teaching and learning, including the learning environment

CPD Team will ensure

 a shared understanding of the CPD policy, provision and procedure
 professional needs of individual staff are balanced against the improvement needs of teams and
the school community
 CPD provides value for money
 staff share expertise within the learning community
 CPD provision has a clear focus on better outcomes for students and on improvements in teaching
and learning, including the learning environment
 SLT and Governors are made aware of essential / urgent CPD requirements
 CPD provision is reviewed annually

Team Leaders will ensure:

 members of their team complete essential training and have the skills required to fulfil their job
description / professional standards
 members of their team engage in high-quality CPD activity
 a shared understanding of the CPD policy, provision and procedure exists within their team
 they are aware of the CPD needs of members of their team
 the CPD team and SLT Link are made aware of essential training requirements for members of their
 CPD needs are identified and reviewed in team and Individual Action Plans
 professional needs of individual staff are balanced against the improvement needs of the team and
the school community
 they promote a sharing of expertise within their teams and across the learning community
 CPD requests from members of their team have a clear focus on better outcomes for students and
on improvements in teaching and learning, including the learning environment

3 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Identified Annual CPD Requirements:
 Safeguarding
 Quality tutoring
 Student progress and intervention
 SEN, medical, Pupil Premium, Looked After Children updates
 Awareness of new / amended school policies and practice at a level which is fit for purpose
 Review of personal practice against relevant national professional and occupational standards
 Admissions test
 Appropriate health and safety / first aid training
 Behaviour for learning

Additional Requirements for New Staff:

 Structure of the school day
 Policies and procedures, including literacy and numeracy
 Extension study
 SGS Top Twelve Principles for Teaching and Learning
 Skills for Life
 Rewards and School Ethos, including Halls
 Parents’ Evenings
 Use of Images, Image Policy, use of social media

Application process for all staff, for CPD provided by an external provider

An application for CPD provided by an external provider can take place when:
 the CPD requirement has been identified in the ‘Action’ or ‘Organisational Commitments’ sections
of BlueSky Objectives
 the training requirement is linked to subject / faculty / pastoral / whole school development
 the request has been part of a professional
development discussion with the appropriate
Line Manager
 an application has been completed on BlueSky
(It is expected that CPD applications are made at
least 1 month before the date of the event)

NB Staff may be asked to contribute towards the

cost of expensive courses, which are not essential to
their current role, eg NPQML / NPQSL. Please refer to
The CPD Financial Agreement

It should be recognised that an application for an

externally provided CPD course does not guarantee
approval to attend.

4 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Responsibilities of the CPD Team in relation to CPD provided by an external provider

The CPD Team will ensure:

 BlueSky applications are checked weekly
 staff are informed of the decision to agree or disagree to the funding of the course
 cover Team / Line Managers are informed of staff absence
 funding requests are processed by the Finance Department
 the course evaluation is completed
 staff share / disseminate outcomes

5 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
SGS Continuing Professional Development Framework
This framework provides guidance on CPD activities that may be completed at various stages in an individual’s career. It takes into account the progression in
Teachers and Leadership Standards that teachers/leaders are expected to develop through CPD activity. There is no expectation that an individual should
complete all activities or progress through each stage.
Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development
Newly Qualified Teachers
Within School School Networks External Expertise
 Engage with support from an induction tutor and participate in an  Visits to other schools  Websites
induction programme  Observe teaching in other contexts  Links with HEIs (eg CPD modules
 Sustain your career entry and development profile (e.g. different phase, catchment, from your university)
 Deepen understanding of teaching and learning strategies and the special school etc.)  Professional Association CPD
curriculum (e.g. welcome coaching, seek advice, be observed,  Network with other teachers (e.g. events
observe others teach, act on feedback on your teaching) other NQTs, other teachers
 Be supported in using pupil data for your own class to plan future teaching the same year groups)
learning  Visits to other teachers within the
 Lead support staff in planning for pupils’ learning, explaining local area
approaches and strategies used  Take part in the activities and joint-
 Identify possible areas of expertise for future development (e.g. research of a local network
subject responsibility, specialisms etc.)  NQT Residential Conference and
 Participate in a working group on a specific whole-school issue NQT-specific-training
 Contribute to meetings  Undertake accredited training
 Undertake team-teaching  Visits to leading teachers
 Shadow other staff with specific responsibilities (e.g. SENCo,  Opportunities to engage in an
subject leader) improvement project (e.g. learning
 Contribute to school-based innovation teams, assessment working parties)
 Use release time effectively to support CPD
 Join a professional association
 Undertake a course of accredited study (Post-Graduate certificate,
diploma, MA)

6 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development
Within School School Networks External Expertise
 Lead a working group on a specific faculty, whole-school  Visit other schools  Middle Leadership Programme
or year group issue  Deliver CPD for other schools (NCSL)
 Lead INSET for teachers and/or support staff  Take part in the activities of a local network  Regional Conferences (NCSL)
 Develop a broader range of expertise and/or capabilities ~ possibly leading on an aspect of personal  International Placements
that can be used within and across schools strength  Websites
 Coordinate a community or charity initiative  Undertake a partnered walk-through in  Subject Association CPD events
 Support a Hall coordinator or HoPL with a specific task other schools  Professional Association CPD events
 Take part in a supported walk-through  Join a Subject Leaders’ Network  Examination marking
 Discuss school performance data (at an individual class  Join a Leading Teachers’ Network
level) with a member of the senior leadership team  Leadership and Management Training
 Identify training and development needs of other staff Programmes and courses
 Report to the senior leadership team on standards in  Generic and subject-specific training and
areas of responsibility development programmes
 Take responsibility for a budget (e.g. subject, aspect, PTA  Act as an Associate Teacher in other schools
etc…)  Train as a mentor for trainees
 Act as a mentor or coach to other teachers  Undertake subject leader training
 Contribute to school-based innovation  Engage in an improvement project (e.g.
 Make a contribution to links with the governing body learning teams, assessment working
(e.g. through link governors, reports to governors, act as parties)
a teacher governor)
 Work with external support agencies
 Engage with your own appraisal
 Maintain a professional portfolio
 Join a professional association
 Undertake action research
 Undertake a course of accredited study (Post-Graduate
Certificate, Diploma, MA)

7 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development
Middle Leaders
Within School School Networks External Expertise
 Shadow the induction, recruitment and selection  Visit other schools  Middle Leadership Development
process  Deliver CPD for other schools Programme (NPQML)
 Take on the role of NQT / RQTs Mentor  Host teachers from other schools  Leadership Pathways (NPQSL)
 Support other middle leaders as coach/mentor  Take on a leadership role within local networks  Regional Conferences (NCSL)
 Contribute to school-based innovation  Partnered walk-through in other schools  International Placements
 Lead CPD  Subject Leaders’ Network  Websites
 Lead a working group on a specific whole-school issue  Leading Teachers’ Network  Go for accreditation as an SLE
 Make a contribution to links with the governing body  Leadership and Management Training  Subject Association CPD events
(through link governors or reports to governors) Programmes and courses  Professional Association CPD
 Work with external support agencies  Subject Leader and subject-specific training and events
 Identify training and development needs of other staff development programmes  Deliver National CPD (Leading
 Take responsibility for a budget  Potential School Leaders’ Network Edge / SSAT)
 Undertake action research  Training in statutory responsibilities and core  Aspiring Headteachers
 Undertake a course of accredited study (MA) duties of senior leaders (e.g. safeguarding, programme
 Analyse and discuss school performance data with a health and safety, diversity)
member of the senior leadership team  Deliver / coordinate CPD for other schools
 Act as reviewer for appraisal  Coordinate a community project
 Engage with your own appraisal  Leading Teacher and Leading Subject Leader
 Maintain a professional portfolio opportunities
 Take part in a supported walk-through  Secondment as a Consultant
 Join a professional association  Opportunities to engage in an improvement
 Complete joint observations with SLT project (e.g. learning teams, assessment
working parties)
 Provide training for subject leaders
 Complete Appraisal reviewer training

8 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development
Support Staff (Faculty Support Assistants, Student Services, LRC Manager and Cover Supervisors Exams, Administration and Bursars, ICT Manager,
Within School School Networks External Expertise
 Act on feedback from colleagues on systems they  Undertake a visit to another school  Certificate and diplomas e.g.
feel could be improved  Identify good practice across the local administration, accounting, management
 Increase involvement and develop skills following area and share ideas and resources  Apprenticeship in Business
discussions with line manager where possible Administration
 Undertake work shadowing of colleagues in school  Invite input from colleagues in Trafford to  National Bursars Association (NBA)
to get a better understanding of roles and give advice and guidance on specialist  Certificate and Diploma in School
responsibilities, pick up new skills and ideas areas e.g. personnel, finance, ICT Business Management (via National
 Coaching / Mentoring  Conference / workshops for College website)
 Join a professional association administrators
 Engage with own appraisal  Specialist training courses e.g.
 Maintain a professional portfolio modules, accredited courses in
 Work with external support agencies management, health and safety , manual
 Contribute to school based innovations handling, COSHH training
 Participate in a working group for school  Secondment opportunities
improvement  Management training
 Contribute to meetings  E-learning (eg ICT, safeguarding)
 Identify ways that systems and /or procedures can
be improved in school and through discussions with
line manager, implement the changes
 Network with other staff in school and gain
 Participate in a working group
 Join a professional association

9 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development
Senior Leadership
Within School School Networks External Expertise
 Lead school-based innovation / action research  Co-lead networks  Leadership learning with leaders in business
at a leadership level  Complete multi-agency training (HTI)
 Work with and develop the governing body  Work with leaders in other agencies  Head for the Future (NCSL)
 Engage with your own appraisal  Support schools in difficulty  International Placements
 Use to maintain a professional portfolio  Undertake visits to other schools  Host trainee Headteachers (NPQH)
 Undertake action research at a leadership level  Host teachers and leaders from other schools  NCSL
 Undertake a course of accredited study  Develop supportive cross-phase links  Attend regional Conferences (NCSL)
 Undertake a whole school review  Develop coaching culture within your school  Join the Leadership Network (NCSL)
 Plan and manage the recruitment and selection  Support a coaching culture in other schools  Visit centres of excellence
process  Lead courses in an area of expertise  Apply for National Leaders of Education
 Lead and manage opportunities for whole-  Attend Leadership and Management Training Programme (NLE)
school CPD (CPD Co-ordinator) programmes, courses and conferences (QCI)  Subject Association CPD events
 Evaluate whole-school data and contribute to  Attend Termly Forums and annual conferences  Professional Association CPD events
the SEF  Train in statutory responsibilities and core  Executive headship training (NCSL)
 Develop an understanding of the school’s duties of senior leaders  Fellowship programme for NLEs (NCSL)
budget and budget management systems  Complete partnered walk-through in other  Leadership learning with leaders in business
 Lead a walk-through schools (HTI)
 Undertake Appraisal reviewer training  Seek mentoring from an experienced  NPQH (NCSL)
 Spend time as Acting Deputy / Headteacher Headteacher / Mentor other new  Tomorrows Heads, Future Leaders
 Shadow the Headteacher Headteachers  Go for accreditation as an SLE
 Observe / lead meetings of the governing body

10 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development
Teaching Assistants
Within School School Networks External Expertise
 Engage with own appraisal  Visit other schools  Websites
 Maintain a professional portfolio  Observe TAs in other contexts e.g. different  Links with HE institutions e.g. foundation
 Implement and maintain an area of phase, special school, etc. degree, degree
expertise within the school  Attend TA/HLTA local network meetings  Links with FE institutions e.g. coaching,
 Work with external support agencies  Network with other support staff in school mentoring
 Contribute to school based innovations  Role specific training e.g. management skills  TA forums on The Times Educational
 Participate in a working group for HLTAs and TAs. Supplement
 Contribute to meetings  Undertake accredited training e.g. improving
 Deeper understanding of teaching and subject knowledge.
learning strategies e.g. by observations  Gain HLTA status.
 Network with different teachers in school  Attend specialist courses for TAs and HLTAs
 Support the induction of new TAs. e.g. Maths, Science, SEN.
 Coach and mentor other TAs.  E-learning (eg ICT, safeguarding)
 Line manage and/or co-ordinate other TAs.
 Join a professional association.
 Buildings and Premises Staff
 Engage with own appraisal  Visit other schools  Websites:
 Maintain a professional portfolio  Observe other site supervisors and buildings  Accredited qualifications at local colleges.
 Take part in own induction training and premises staff in other schools Examples:
 Identify and develop an area of expertise  Management skills - Brickwork (Levels 2 and 3)
 Support the induction of new staff  Generic training - Carpentry and Joinery (Levels 2 and 3)
 Contribute to school based innovations  Health and Safety - Cleaning and Support Services (Level 2)
 In-house training  Manual handling - Floor Covering (Level 2)
 Work with external agencies  COSH training - Maintenance Operations (Level 2)
 Join a professional association  Specialist courses – different maintenance - General Construction Operations (GCO)
equipment etc. - Painting and Decorating (Levels 2 and 3)
 E-learning (eg ICT, safeguarding) - Plastering / Plumbing (Levels 2 and 3)

11 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development
SGS Excellence in Teaching Programme
Module 1: Research Module 2: Collaboration & Partnership Module 3: Quality
M1.01: M2.01: M3.01:
Teaching & Learning Research Action Project Subject Mentor for ITT Trainee Developing Quality through CPD Engagement
 Leading a Research Action Project Working Party  Engage in both Subject Mentor Training with  Identify professional development needs
 Researching a particular aspect of pedagogy University and Subject Networks with partner through effective self-reflection
 Collection of evidence and analysis of findings and schools  Seek opportunities to attend additional CPD
impact on teaching and learning outcomes  Mentor an ITT Trainee events beyond whole-school INSET
 Presentation and dissemination of findings to M2.02: M3.02:
department and/or whole school Coaching Mentor Developing Quality through CPD Delivery
 Publish research  Act as a Coaching Mentor for a NQT/RQT or a  Identify professional development needs of
colleague new to SGS others; lead and deliver a CPD Event
M2.03: M3.03:
Peer-to-Peer Joint Practice Project Developing Quality through Observation
 Engage in peer observations and learning walks  Engage in a series of learning walks or
 Develop a coaching role in relation to feedback observations of other colleagues
on lesson observations and learning walks
 Develop Joint Practice Projects
M2.04: M3.04:
Primary CPD Sharing Quality
 Work collaboratively with Primary Schools to  Plan and deliver a TeacherTalk Session to
develop and lead CPD promote an aspect of teaching and learning
M2.05: M3.05:
Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) Communicating Quality
 Work collaboratively with other schools as a SLE  Promote an aspect of teaching and learning
through TeacherLearnerLite
Developing Quality through Educational Visits
 Engage in training in relation to leading
Educational Visits
 Plan and lead an educational visit

12 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Continued Professional Development
Financial Agreement
 The CPD Agreement formalises the arrangement between Sale Grammar School and a member of staff,
when there is shared financial responsibility for a CPD Activity.

 The CPD Agreement assumes the CPD Activity has:

o been discussed with the appropriate line manager
o approved by the CPD Team
o applied for via BlueSky.

 If the member of staff defaults on the completion of the CPD Activity Sale Grammar School expects all
costs to be met by the member of staff.

 The Agreement should be signed by the member of staff, the Senior Leader responsible for CPD and
the Headteacher.

 A copy of the signed Agreement should be retained by the member of staff and a copy held by the
School finance Department and the CPT Team.

13 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015
Continued Professional Development
Financial Agreement

Name of Teacher:

Title of CPD Activity:

Date of Commencement of CPD


Date of Completion of
CPD Activity:

Total Cost of CPD Activity:

Total Contribution by member

of staff:

Total Contribution by Sale

Grammar school:

Details of Payment Schedule:

‘I acknowledge that invoice for my training will be paid by the school on my behalf, I accept that I am responsible
for the repayment of my share of these costs, as stated on the schedule above.

I agree that in the event of my leaving this employment or non-completion of the training, I remain responsible
for the costs and will repay Sale Grammar School any outstanding balance.

Signed: (member of staff) Date:

Signed: (SLT CPD Team) Date:

Final Approval
Signed: (Headteacher) Date:

14 Continued Professional Development Policy – Sale Grammar School

J Branch May 2015

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