Drafw 5
Drafw 5
Drafw 5
the Sun, massive enough to be gravitationally rounded, but insufficient to achieve orbital
dominance like the eight classical planets of the Solar System. The prototypical dwarf planet
is Pluto, which for decades was regarded as a planet before the "dwarf" concept was adopted in
Dwarf planets are likely to be geologically active, an expectation that was borne out in 2015 by
the Dawn mission to Ceres and the New Horizons mission to Pluto. Planetary geologists are
therefore particularly interested in them.
Astronomers are in general agreement that at least the nine largest candidates are dwarf planets
– in rough order of size, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Gonggong, Quaoar, Ceres, Orcus,
and Sedna. Considering the ten largest candidates adds Salacia.[b] Of these ten, two have been
visited by spacecraft (Pluto and Ceres) and seven others have at least one known moon (Eris,
Haumea, Makemake, Gonggong, Quaoar, Orcus, and Salacia), which allows their masses and
thus an estimate of their densities to be determined. Mass and density in turn can be fit into
geophysical models in an attempt to determine the nature of these worlds. Only one, Sedna, has
neither been visited nor has any known moons, making an accurate estimate of mass difficult.
Some astronomers include many smaller bodies as well,[1] but there is no consensus that these
are likely to be dwarf planets.
The term dwarf planet was coined by planetary scientist Alan Stern as part of a three-way
categorization of planetary-mass objects in the Solar System: classical planets, dwarf planets,
and satellite planets. Dwarf planets were thus conceived of as a category of planet. In 2006,
however, the concept was adopted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as a category
of sub-planetary objects, part of a three-way recategorization of bodies orbiting the Sun: planets,
dwarf planets and small Solar System bodies.[2] Thus Stern and other planetary geologists
consider dwarf planets and large satellites to be planets,[3] but since 2006, the IAU and perhaps
the majority of astronomers have excluded them from the roster of planets.
NASA announced in 2006 that it would use the new guidelines established by the IAU.[24] Alan
Stern, the director of NASA's mission to Pluto, rejects the current IAU definition of planet, both in
terms of defining dwarf planets as something other than a type of planet, and in using orbital
characteristics (rather than intrinsic characteristics) of objects to define them as dwarf planets.
Thus, in 2011, he still referred to Pluto as a planet,[26] and accepted other likely dwarf planets
such as Ceres and Eris, as well as the larger moons, as additional planets.[27] Several years
before the IAU definition, he used orbital characteristics to separate "überplanets" (the dominant
eight) from "unterplanets" (the dwarf planets), considering both types "planets".[28]
Euler diagram showing the IAU Executive Committee
conception of the types of bodies in the Solar System (except the Sun)
Names for large subplanetary bodies include dwarf planet, planetoid (more general term), meso-
planet (narrowly used for sizes between Mercury and Ceres), quasi-planet and (in the
transneptunian region) plutoid. Dwarf planet, however, was originally coined as a term for the
smallest planets, not the largest sub-planets, and is still used that way by many planetary
Alan Stern coined the term dwarf planet, analogous to the term dwarf star, as part of a three-fold
classification of planets, and he and many of his colleagues continue to classify dwarf planets as
a class of planets. The IAU decided that dwarf planets are not to be considered planets, but kept
Stern's term for them. Other terms for the IAU definition of the largest subplanetary bodies that
do not have such conflicting connotations or usage include quasi-planet[29] and the older
term planetoid ("having the form of a planet").[30] Michael E. Brown stated that planetoid is "a
perfectly good word" that has been used for these bodies for years, and that the use of the
term dwarf planet for a non-planet is "dumb", but that it was motivated by an attempt by the IAU
division III plenary session to reinstate Pluto as a planet in a second resolution.[31] Indeed, the
draft of Resolution 5A had called these median bodies planetoids,[32][33] but the plenary session
voted unanimously to change the name to dwarf planet.[2] The second resolution, 5B,
defined dwarf planets as a subtype of planet, as Stern had originally intended, distinguished from
the other eight that were to be called "classical planets". Under this arrangement, the twelve
planets of the rejected proposal were to be preserved in a distinction between eight classical
planets and four dwarf planets. Resolution 5B was defeated in the same session that 5A was
passed.[31] Because of the semantic inconsistency of a dwarf planet not being a planet due to the
failure of Resolution 5B, alternative terms such as nanoplanet and subplanet were discussed, but
there was no consensus among the CSBN to change it.[34]
In most languages equivalent terms have been created by translating dwarf planet more-or-less
literally: French planète naine, Spanish planeta enano, German Zwergplanet,
Russian karlikovaya planeta (карликовая планета), Arabic kaukab qazm ()كوكب قزم,
Chinese ǎixíngxīng (矮行星), Korean waesohangseong (왜소행성 / 矮小行星)
or waehangseong (왜행성 / 矮行星), but in Japanese they are called junwakusei (準惑星),
meaning "quasi-planets" or "peneplanets" (pene- meaning "almost").
IAU Resolution 6a of 2006[35] recognizes Pluto as "the prototype of a new category of trans-
Neptunian objects". The name and precise nature of this category were not specified but left for
the IAU to establish at a later date; in the debate leading up to the resolution, the members of the
category were variously referred to as plutons and plutonian objects but neither name was
carried forward, perhaps due to objections from geologists that this would create confusion with
their pluton.[2]
On June 11, 2008, the IAU Executive Committee announced a new term, plutoid, and a
definition: all trans-Neptunian dwarf planets are plutoids.[36] Other departments of the IAU have
rejected the term:
...in part because of an email miscommunication, the WG-PSN [Working Group for Planetary
System Nomenclature] was not involved in choosing the word plutoid. ... In fact, a vote taken by
the WG-PSN subsequent to the Executive Committee meeting has rejected the use of that
specific term..."[34]
The category of 'plutoid' captured an earlier distinction between the 'terrestrial dwarf' Ceres and
the 'ice dwarfs' of the outer Solar system,[37] part of a conception of a threefold division of the
Solar System into inner terrestrial planets, central gas giants and outer ice dwarfs, of which Pluto
was the principal member.[38] 'Ice dwarf' also saw some use as an umbrella term for all trans-
Neptunian minor planets, or for the ice asteroids of the outer Solar System; one attempted
definition was that an ice dwarf "is larger than the nucleus of a normal comet and icier than a
typical asteroid."[39]
Since the Dawn mission, it has been recognized that Ceres is an icy body more similar to the icy
moons of the outer planets and to TNOs such as Pluto than it is to the terrestrial planets, blurring
the distinction,[40][41] and Ceres has since been called an ice dwarf as well.[42]
Planetary discriminants[43]
Body m/M [†
Λ [‡]
µ [§]
Π [#]
Body m/M [†
Λ [‡]
µ [§]
Π [#]
The category dwarf planet arose from a conflict between dynamical and geophysical ideas of
what a useful conception of a planet would be. In terms of the dynamics of the Solar System, the
major distinction is between bodies that gravitationally dominate their neighbourhood (Mercury
through Neptune) and those that do not (such as the asteroids and Kuiper belt objects). A
celestial body may have a dynamic (planetary) geology at approximately the mass required for its
mantle to become plastic under its own weight, which results in the body acquiring a round
shape. Because this requires a much lower mass than gravitationally dominating the region of
space near their orbit, there are a population of objects that are massive enough to have a world-
like appearance and planetary geology, but not massive enough to clear their neighborhood.
Examples are Ceres in the asteroid belt and Pluto in the Kuiper belt.[46]
Dynamicists usually prefer using gravitational dominance as the threshold for planethood,
because from their perspective smaller bodies are better grouped with their neighbours, e.g.
Ceres as simply a large asteroid and Pluto as a large Kuiper belt object.[47][48] Geoscientists usually
prefer roundness as the threshold, because from their perspective the internally driven geology
of a body like Ceres makes it more similar to a classical planet like Mars, than to a small asteroid
that lacks internally driven geology. This necessitated the creation of the category of dwarf
planets to describe this intermediate class.[46]
Orbital dominance[edit]
Main article: Clearing the neighbourhood
Stern & Levison (2000) introduced a parameter Λ (upper case lambda), expressing the likelihood
of an encounter resulting in a given deflection of orbit.[28] The value of this parameter in Stern's
model is proportional to the square of the mass and inversely proportional to the period. This
value can be used to estimate the capacity of a body to clear the neighbourhood of its orbit,
where Λ > 1 will eventually clear it. A gap of five orders of magnitude in Λ was found between
the smallest terrestrial planets and the largest asteroids and Kuiper belt objects.[43]
Using this parameter, Soter and other astronomers argued for a distinction between planets and
dwarf planets based on the inability of the latter to "clear the neighbourhood around their orbits":
planets are able to remove smaller bodies near their orbits by collision, capture, or gravitational
disturbance (or establish orbital resonances that prevent collisions), whereas dwarf planets lack
the mass to do so.[28] Soter went on to propose a parameter he called the planetary discriminant,
designated with the symbol µ (mu), that represents an experimental measure of the actual
degree of cleanliness of the orbital zone (where µ is calculated by dividing the mass of the
candidate body by the total mass of the other objects that share its orbital zone), where µ >
100 is deemed to be cleared.[43]
Jean-Luc Margot refined Stern and Levison's concept to produce a similar parameter Π (upper
case Pi).[45] It is based on theory, avoiding the empirical data used by Λ . Π > 1 indicates a
planet, and there is again a gap of several orders of magnitude between planets and dwarf
There are several other schemes that try to differentiate between planets and dwarf planets,
but the 2006 definition uses this concept.[2]