Reading and Writing Test: Questions Minutes
Reading and Writing Test: Questions Minutes
Reading and Writing Test: Questions Minutes
The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing skills. Each
question includes one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read each
passage and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question based on
the passage{s). All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices.
Each question has a single best answer.
B) exception
A) authorities
C) distortion
B) restraints
D) idiosyncrasy
C) benchmarks
D) commands
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- Text 1
A 1979 paper by father- and- son team Luis
- The following text is adapted from Mother
)ones's 1912 speech to coal miners picketing in
and William Alvarez identified their discovery Charlestown, West Virginia.
of unusual quantities of a rare element called
I want to show you here that the average
iridium in a layer of sediment about 65 million
wages you fellows get in this country is $500
years ago. They contended that the iridium was
indicative of a massive meteor impact that sent a year. Before you get a thing to eat there is
$20 taken out a month, which leaves about
clouds of dust into the atmosphere, cooling the
$24 a month. Then you go to the "pluck- me"
Earth enough to trigger the mass extinction of the
dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period. stores (operated by the mine) and want to
get something to eat for your wife, and the
Text2 child comes back and says, "Papa, I can't get
Though dramatic, the idea of a meteor strike
wiping out the dinosaurs is fur- fetched, say "Why," he says, "there is $24 coming to me?"
modern paleontologists. They agree a strike
occurred but claim that there was actually no The child says, "They said there was nothing
simultaneous or instantaneous event that could coming to you." And the child goes back
be classified as a mass extinction. Instead, species crying without a mouthful of anything to eat.
slowly died out over millions of years, with the The father goes to the "pluck- me" store and
last major representatives living to approximately says to the manager, "there is $24 coming to
the end of the Cretaceous period me," and the manager says, "Oh, no, we have
kept $26 for rent."
Based on the texts, which choice would the
authors of the text most likely agree about' According to the passage, what is true about the
wages of the mine workers?
A) A massive meteorite impact occurred) though
it may not have caused a mass extinction. A) They are lower than the income of mine
B) Though the earth cooled due to a meteor workers around the country.
impact, it was not enough to kill the B) They are periodically being reduced without
dinosaurs. explanation.
C) There was actually no mass extinction of C) They are not consistent with the minimum
dinosaurs, though eventually they all died. wages of other jobs.
D) Most dinosaur species died prior to the D) They are insufficient because of the policies of
period after the Cretaceous period. the mine owners.
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Ill 1B
If we manage to separate out a clean signal from Percentage of Registered Nurses by Field
a planet outside our solar system and find some
Government (5%} Educational Ser.foes (3%)
features in the light spectrum that might be
indicative of life, we will need to work hard to
think of any non- biological process that might
account for them. "Life is the hypothesis of
last resort." noted astronomer Carl Sagan. This
requires some understanding of what processes (outpatient) Hospitals (60%)
might operate on worlds that we will know care (l8%)
relatively little about; what we find on Earth can
serve as a guide but also has potential to lead us
Data from US Bureau of Labor Statistics, June,
Which hypothetical situation is Carl Sagan most
likely warning to avoid in his quote?
Nursing is one of the fields in most demand. with
A) A rover that was sent to Mars discovers a an anticipated annual growth rate of 7 percent
bacteria- like organism when it drills deep through 2029. Although some nurses work only
into the core of the planet. in hospitals. there are actually many options.
B) An astronomer realizes that the atmosphere of especially as the population ages and nurses are
a planet is too hot to sustain life even though needed to tend to the daily needs of seniors. For
it has oxygen. example, _ _
C) A scientist finds a planet with a large amount \<Vhich choice most effectively uses data from the
of oxygen in its atmosphere so claims that the graph to complete the example'
oxygen is produced by living creatures.
D) A new telescope finds a new planet orbiting A) educational services employed about 3
a star that was previously believed to have no percent of the registered nurses in 2021.
planets. B) fewer registered nurses worked for the
government than in ambulatory care.
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Engineering and Computer Science Stereotypes
Favoring 2
.: 0.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Favoring . Q. 5 Grade level
"Scientists ran an experiment where they found that a diverse set of students believed
gender-interest stereotypes favoring boys in computer science and engineering. Students
developed these stereotypes at a very young age. They also found that Gender-interest
stereotypes were stronger than gender-ability stereotypes. Girls who believed the
stereotypes were _ _ _ _ _.
Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to complete the text'
Practice Tests for the Digital SAT 168
Ill Ill
The following text is adapted from Jefferson Keel's Behavioral activation is a type of talk therapy that
2011 statement, "The Indian Reorganization helps a patient get unstuck from negative mood
Act- 75 Years Later: Renewing our Commitment spirals by noticing a connection between what
to Restore Tribal Homelands and Promote Self- they do and how they feel, and gradually adding
determination." more small and enjoyable actions back into life.
Behavioral activation has the goal of decreasing
Two years ago, our shared vision and the avoidance) bolstering peer connection, and
Federal responsibility to Indian tribes improving engagement in rewarding activities.
were threatened by the Supreme Court's Through behavioral activation, a client works
interpretation of the IRA in Carcieri v. with a counselor to start looking at actions that
Salazar. There are at least 14 pending cases could help boost the mood. For exan1ple, it might
where tribes and the Secretary of Interior are start ·with a goal to get out of one's pajamas and to
under challenge. There are many more tribes shower every morning. Feeling a little bit better
whose land- to- trust applications have simply just by taking that step, the patient then could
been frozen while the Department of Interior reach out to get extra support catching up in
works through painstaking legal and historical poor school subjects. ln other words) rather than
analysis. We are seeing harassment litigation waiting to feel better, the patient does things that
against tribes who were on treaty reservations align with personal values and that ¾ill lead to
in 1934 with a BIA superintendent. Land feeling better.
acquisitions are delayed. Lending and credit
are drying up. Jobs are lost or never created Based on the text, why is behavioral activation
We fear that this will continue to get worse successful in treating depression?
until Congress acts. Even worse, this decision
will create two classes of Indian tribes: A) It encourages the patient to do what feels most
those who will benefit from Federal trust comfortable at the time.
responsibility and those who will not.
B) It uses incremental steps to form patterns of
According to the text, why is the Carcieri decision behavior that alter emotions.
especially problematic? C) it focuses on solving the problems that
triggered the depressed behavior.
A) It did not adhere to the exact wording of the
D) It emphasizes long- term goals that can be
original 1934 legislation.
attempted when the patient is healthy
B) It asserted that the 1934 legislation only
applies to specific Native Americans.
C) It cre,ited new methods by which the Native
Americans could regain lands.
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In the Solomon Islands. co·wry shells were sewn Numerous theorists have offered minimum wage
into long pieces of cloth as a form of currency, as a mechanism for leveling economic inequality
and although _ _ use has declined, they have by enabling lower- paid workers to earn more
not been completely replaced by modem coinage. money. However, Professor David Neumark, in
conjunction with Dr. William Wascher of the
Which choice completes the text so that it Federal Reserve Board, _ _ with this view. The
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? results of their literature survey covering over
JOO papers revealed that only 10 percent reported
A) its positive results and over two- thirds documented
B) their increased disparity.
A) dissent
B) dissents
A) granted but;
B) granted; but
C) granted, but
D) granted but
Practice Tests for the Digital SAT 170
Wheat and rice are the most common cereal crops According to _ _ the variation among the
in the world and are consumed as the staple part sites would increase over time. as random chance
of diets in many countries. but there are many caused different species to go extinct in some
other cereal _ _ that can be eaten directly or areas but not others.
fed to meat animals.
vl'hich choice completes the text so that it
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
conforms to the conventions of Standard English'
A) Clark the neutral model would predict that:
A) crops- such as rye and sorghum-
B) Clark, the neutral model would predict that
B) crops, such as rye, and sorghum,
C) Clark, the neutral model would predict: that
C) crops- such as rye and sorghum)
D) Clark the neutral model would predict, that
D) crops, such as rye and sorghum-
Which choice completes the text so that it 'Nhich choice completes the text with the most
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' logical transition?
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E-choloc.ation is a form of sonar in which an
animal emits a sound and, using the resulting
echo. can locate and identify various objects.
Echolocation is highly developed in only a few
species. such as bats. whales and dolphins. _ _
it is also present in a limited form among shrews
and t\vo species of cave- dwelling birds.
A) However.
BJ Consequently,
CJ Accordingly,
DJ Clearly,
AJ Although
BJ Because
CJ Despite
DJ Since
Practice Tests for the Digital SAT 172
• Maya Angelou was a famous civil rights activist, poet, and author, though she held
many other roles throughout her life.
• I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings ( 1969) is one of her most acclaimed books; it
publicly reveals details about her private life up to the age of 17.
• She was asked to read the poem •on the Pulse of Morning" at President Bill Clinton's
inaugural ceremony in 1993.
• She directed her first movie, Down the Delta, in 1996, though she had previously
participated in acting and production of other mO\ries.
• Published in 2013 when she was 85 years old, Mom & Me & Mom recounts her
complex relationship with her o·wn mother.
• At her death in 2014) she was working on a new book about her experiences with
different world leaders.
The student wants to emphasize an underlying theme in some of Maya AngeJouS books.
Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish
this goal'
A) Maya Angelou wrote a ·wide variety of works in her later years. including Down the
Delta and Mom & Me & Mom.
B) Many of Maya Angelou's works, such as / Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and Mom &
J\,fe & J\,fom, are autobiographical.
C) Maya Angelou had close contact with many world leaders, as shown by reading "On
the Pulse of Morning" at President Bill Clinton's 1993 inaugural ceremony and writing
a book on the subject prior to her death.
D) While some of her books received great critical acclaim, such as/ Know Why the
Caged Bird Sings, others were not popular, such as Mom & Me & Mom.
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No Test Material On This Page
The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing skills. Each
question includes one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read each
passage and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question based on
the passage{s). All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices.
Each question has a single best answer.
D) endemic A) arguable
B) questionable
C) improbable
D) unresolved
Practice Tests for the Digital SAT 176
What is the main purpose of the underlined What is the main structure of the text?
portion in the overall structure of the text?
A) It establishes a contrast between two images.
A) It highlights the motivation for conducting B) It shows the futileness of an action.
the experiments.
C) It offers a solution to a problem.
BJ It outlines the methodology the scientists are
D) It elaborates on an extended metaphor..
using to conduct the experiments.
C) It offers a point of comparison for the results
of the experiments.
D) It presents an example of the phenomenon
viewed in the experiments.
Practice Tests for the Digital SAT 178
Which choice best summarizes the text? A) He was able to invent equipment that
performed different functions.
A) A young man reminisces about his family.
B) He was a doctor who took care of the workers'
B) A man's family's appearance is explained. medical needs.
C) An aristocrat's achievements are outlined. C) He was zealous about fulfilling duties
D) The cause of a tragic event is revealed. regarding the health of workers.
D) He surveyed the area to determine the best
way to build cities for workers.
Practice Tests for the Digital SAT 180
Ill 1B
Median annual wages for urban and regional JOO
planners in selected industries in the United l 80
States, May, 20 I 9 ~
Median Income r
,E 40
({Jf!'~~ -
n=IS n=3 n=4 o:Jl n=IO
; ; •
J ~•r •l.
~ t
1 ~ ~
"s- ]
.,,_ ;i; <) 5
I■ J..ledi:ui Income I "s- .F
The median annual wage for urban and regional "This study, authored solely by Sugiura Shinji,
planners was $73,050 in May 2018. The median an ecologist from Kobe University in Japan)
wage is the wage at which half the workers in an describes how the Japanese water scavenger beetle
occupation earned more than that amount and (Regimbartia attenuate) manages to extricate
half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less itself from inside several species of frog within
than $45,180, and the highest IO percent earned 6 hours of being swallowed. Active escape of the
more than $114. 170. The median rate varies aquatic beetle Regimbartia attenuata from the
depending on the field of the planning as well. For vents of five frog species via the digestive tract.
instance) the median income is _ _ . Although adult beetles were easily eaten by frogs,
Which choice most effectively completes the
example using information from the graph?
Which choice most effectively uses data from the
graph to complete the text'
A) higher for state government employees than
for local government employees
A) a muimum of 65% of swallowed beetles were
B) greater for those in architectural. engineering. excreted were still alive.
and related fields than for those in any
B) on average the swallowed beetles were
government position
excreted did not survive.
C) lower for those working in the government
C) it took less than 6 hours for the swallowed
than for those who work in private industries
beetles to be extracted.
such as engineering or related services
D) an average of 90% of swallowed beetles were
D) not as high for management, scientific, and
excreted were still alive.
technical consulting service employees as it is
for local government employees.
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Coffee is the third most consumed beverage in
.. Marilyn Monroe, the iconic actress and fashion
the worldt a wekome statistic for the people in model from the 1950s and '60s, is attributed as
Uganda, _ _ is the leading cash crop. _ women rarely make history." In reality, the
credit should go to Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, who
Which choice completes the text so that it was a student at the time but who later went on to
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' become a professor at Harvard University.
A classic image of colonial cooperation, _ _.
Martha kept detailed records of her experiences
in the American frontier for over three dee.a.des.
Volunteers of America is a non- profit
Which choice completes the text so that it organization which helps homeless, disabled,
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' senior, and other underserved individuals regain
a balanced life. Over the past 125 years, the _ _
A) the diary of an 18th- century midwife named have helped an average of 1.5 million people
Martha Ballard documents several quilting annually.
Which choice completes the text so that it
B) an 18th- century midwife named Martha
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Ballard documented several quilting bees in
her diary
A) volunteers efforts'
C) Martha Ballard, an 18th- century midwife,
B) volunteer's efforts
documented several quilting bees in her diary
C) volunteers' efforts
D) several quilting bees were documented in
the diary of an 18th- century midwife named D) volunteers's efforts'
Martha Ballard
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Which choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Archaeologists determined that a pair of sandals
made from sagebrush bark that were found in
a cave in Oregon in 1939 are actually the oldest
extant example of shoes in the _ _ specimens
have been dated to between 7,000 and 8,000 BCE.
C) world, the
D) world. The
Practice Tests for the Digital SAT 184
Ill Ill
Edward Tingatinga's professional art career only Tropical saltwater fish are beautiful to watch, but
lasted four years. _ _ he is considered one of they take a lot of time and special equipment to
the most influential modern African painters and maintain properly. That equipment is not cheap,
was the founder of an art style now archetypal in either. A standard tank with fish can easily cost
Tanzania. around $2,000 to set up, and there are monthly
expenses such as food, salt. and minerals) which
Which choice completes the text with the most can run over $35 a month for a SO- gallon tank.
logical transition? _ _ the upkeep alone is equivalent to over two
coffee lattes from a specialty store every week.
A) Therefore,
vl'hich choice completes the text with the most
B) Even so, transition?
C) Specifically,
A) On the other hand,
D) Moreover,
B) Even so,
C) In addition,
D) In other words,
Dogs trained for search and rescue have the same
goal of finding humans, but there are actually
two main methods that the dogs use to reach
this goal. One is called air sc.ent, in which a dog
sniffs its surroundings and makes a straight line
for the target once the scent is detected. _ _
a dog sniffs the ground and follows the specific
route that the person took. even if the path is very
convoluted This method is called tracking.
A) Furthermore,
B) Precisely.
C) However,
D) Alternatively,
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• Ada Lovelace (nee Byron) was born 1815 and was very interested in science and math
from an early age, so her tutor introduced her to the mathematician Charles Babbage.
• It is possible that Lovelace wrote the first computer program in the world because she
helped design programs for the Anal}~ical Machine.
• In a 1842- 1843 Italian translation explaining how the Analytical Machine worked,
she wrote down a program in an appendix: that was not in the original materials
provided by Babbage.
• She reali2ed that the Anal}~ical Machine could be used for non- numerical purposes
if other symbols such as letters or musical notes were substituted.
The student wants to emphasize that Ada Lovelace's contributions to mathematics are
just as important as Charles Babbage's. Which choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) Charles Babbage is famous for creating the Analytical Machine, but Ada Lovelace also
was interested in explaining how it worked to others, even in different languages.
B) Ada Lovelace wrote a program for the Analytical Machine in 1842- 1843, without
which Charles Babbage would not have been able to create a working computer.
C) Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace's tutor, introduced her to the Anal}~ical Machine, and
she excelled beyond his abilities at using it.
D) Although Babbage invented the Analytical Machine, Ada Lovelace was able to
explain how it worked, create effective programs, and offer additional uses beyond
mathematical calculations.
Practice Tests for the Digital SAT 186
• Edward Tingatinga was born in 1932 in a small town called Namochelia in Tanzania.
• An art movement was named after his unique style of cartoon- like animals and
• He tried his hand as a musician, and only started painting in 1968. His work was first
done using recycled materials like old boards and bicycle paint
• His work became popular among tourists so he was able to be an artist full time. He
started a gallery and studio in 1970.
• In 1972 he was accidentally killed by a policeman who mistook him for someone else.
• His students continue to paint using his style and today his gallery is the largest in
The student wants to emphasize how influential Edward Tingatinga's painting is in Africa.
Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish
this goal'
A) Edward Tingatinga painted using recycled materials, which started a trend towards
using recycled art by a wide range of artists.
B) Though his art career only lasted four years, Edward Tingatinga's art was appealing
enough to build a following that carries on the art style today.
C) Edward Tingatinga was the most popular artist of animals and landscapes for tourists
to Africa, so his original paintings are highly sought- after today.
D) Despite using recycled materials, Edward Tingatinga became so famous that other
artists copied and sold pictures of his artwork.
Practice Tests for the Digital SAT 188