BPSC Bihar Special
BPSC Bihar Special
BPSC Bihar Special
Champaran Sitamarhi
Siwan Supaul
Muzaffarpur Araria
Uttar Saran
Samastipur Saharsa Purnia
Pradesh Vaishali
Buxar Begusarai Khagaria Katihar
Bhojpur Patna
Arwal Nalanda Lakhi- Munger
Kaimur Rohtas sarai Bengal
Aurangabad Gaya Nawada Jamui banka
Agro-climatic Zones of Bihar
Note: This map is not to scale and is for reference only.
Agro-climatic Zones of Bihar
OSWAAL BPSC Prelim 20 previous years solved papers
The following are the agro-climatic zones of Bihar. y The Eastern part receives 200 cm of rainfall while the
1. North-West zone, consisting of 13 districts with an annual western part receives 100 cm.
rainfall of 1040 mm-1450 mm. y Nor’wester – tropical cyclonic thunderstorm, extremely
2. North-East zone, covering 8 districts having annual helpful for pre-Kharif crops
rainfall of 1200 mm to 1700 mm and loam or clay loam soil. y The temperature of the eastern part is reduced due to the
3. South Zone covering 17 districts, having soil of sandy impact of the Nor’wester shower.
loam, loamy, clayey or clay-loam and rainfall of 990 mm to Factors influencing the climate of Bihar:
1300 mm. The climate of Bihar is influenced mainly by following five
Out of the three zones, the north-east zone receives high factors:
annual precipitation. Also, the precipitation in this zone is y Proximity to Himalayas.
more than 80% during the Kharif season. y Proximity to Tropic of Cancer.
Geological Structure of Bihar: y Proximity to Bay of Bengal.
With the oldest formation, the Dharwar Rock System, located y Activities of South-West monsoon.
in the southern portion of the state, bordering Jharkhand, and y Nor-westers and Summer Winds.
the youngest formation, the Quaternary Rock System, located } Seasons in Bihar
in the central part of the state, Bihar has an unified framework y Bihar experiences three distinct seasons because it is located
of its geological formations (in between Dharwar System and in a tropical area:
Tertiary rock system of North-Western Terai Region of Bihar). y Summer Season: March to June
A four-part division of Bihar’s geological structure is as y Rainy Season: July to October
follows: y Winter Season: November to February
1. Dharwar Rock System } Summer Season
2. Vindhyan Rock System y It begins in March with the Inter Tropical Convergence
3. Tertiary Rock System zone moving slowly and gradually towards the Tropic of
4. Quaternary Rock System Cancer and extends up to Ganga Plains.
Given below is the detailed information about each of the y It causes the air pressure to drop and the temperature to
rock system of Bihar: rise in the area. Bihar experiences the greatest temperatures,
} Dharwar Rock System which can reach up to 45 °C, particularly in Gaya, the state’s
y The Dharwar Rock Formation is a part of the oldest hottest region.
Archaean Rock System. y In the Bihar plains, a strong summer wind known as “Loo”
y This Dharwar Rock System created the southern regions blows in the months of April, May, and early June. There are
of the Bihar districts of Aurangabad, Gaya, Nawada, Jamui, many health conditions and even deaths in Bihar as a result
Bhagalpur, Banka and Munger. of the dry, hot air.
y Quartzite, Phyllite, Gneiss, Schist, Shale, and Slate made up } Rainy Season
this rock system. Schist and mica are abundant in the area. y Nearly 91% of Bihar’s yearly rainfall falls during the rainy
} Vindhyan Rock System season, and that too in just three months: June, July, and
y Vindhyan Rocks are found in Rohtas and Kaimur districts August.
y The Vindhya Ranges served as the basis for the naming of y The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which draws
this rock formation. the South-West monsoon from the Arabian Ocean and Bay of
y Sandstone, limestone, dolomite, quartzite, and shale are Bengal, completely shifts over the Ganga Plain in the middle
the main constituents of Vindhyan rocks. of June.
y Large reserves of limestone and pyrite are present in the Bihar receives monsoon from both of the monsoon’s
region. branches:
} Tertiary Rock System y S-W Monsoon branch in the Bay of Bengal.
y The Tertiary Rock System of Bihar are found in the Western y S-W Monsoon’s Arabian Sea Branch.
Champaran districts in the state’s Upper North-Western } Retreating Monsoon:
regions or in the Terai Region of the Shivalik Ranges. y The S-W Monsoon slows down and begins to retreat after
y Sandstone, sandy shale, mudstone, and conglomerate make August.
up this rock system. y It is accompanied by little to no rain.
} Quaternary Rock System } Winter Season:
y It is situated between the northern Chota Nagpur plateau y After the summer and rainy season ends, there is a
region and the southern Himalayan Terai region of Bihar. decreased heating of the land surface. The fall in temperature
y This rock structure was created by the rapid deposition of marks the beginning of the winter season.
alluvium by Himalayan and Peninsular rivers like the Ganga, y The day length significantly shortens, and the nights are
Ghagra, Gandak, Koshi, Bagmati, Koshi, Son, Mahananda, and chilly and long.
Punpun, which slowly deposited and crushed to create the y The temperature often drops the most in December and
Quaternary rocks. January.
y Sandstone, conglomerate, coarse gravels, and other y The Shiwalik Ranges in North-Western Bihar experience
materials are used to make quaternary rocks. frost in January, which significantly damages agriculture in
} Important Facts the area (especially Potato).
y According to standard classification its climatic type is y Light rain (approximately 5% to 10% of the year ’s total
Humid Subtropical (Cwa). rainfall) is brought on by North-Western Disturbances in
y The average daily high temperature in Bihar is only 26°C, the months of January and February, which aids in the
while 26°C is the average temperature throughout the year. growth of Rabi Crops.
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List of Major Rivers in Bihar
The Vidhan Sabha is also known as Legislative Assembly. 5 years but remains in office at the pleasure of the President.
The Legislative Assembly is directly elected on the basis of adult He works as a liaison between Centre and the State. There
suffrage elected i.e. general elections. is a provision under Article 158 of the Constitution that if a
member of a Legislature is appointed as Governor, he ceases
The Bihar Legislative Assembly first came into existence in
to be a member immediately upon such appointment.
1937 after Bihar attaining statehood in 1936 and its separation
The first Governor of Bihar after independence of India
from Orissa.
was Jairamdas Daulatram.
The strength of the Assembly at that time was 152. In the first
general elections held in 1952 in Bihar its strength increased to } Qualifications
331 and was reduced to 318 in 1956. In 1977, the members again The Constitution lays down only two qualifications for the
increased to 324. After the formation of Jharkhand, there are appointment of a person as a governor. These are:
total 243 members of the Bihar Legislative Assembly. 38 seats are He should be a citizen of India.
reserved for Scheduled Castes and 2 seats for Scheduled Tribes. He should have completed the age of 35 years.
The Chairman is also called the Speaker and Deputy Chairman Additionally, two conventions have also developed in this
is known as Deputy Speaker. regard over the years. First, he should be an outsider, that is,
z Functions and Powers of Bihar Legislative Assembly he should not belong to the state where he is appointed, so
The functions and the powers of Legislative Assembly: that he is free from the local politics.
To make laws related to the working of the executives. Other is while appointing the governor, the president is
To prepare interim budget for the state. required to consult the chief minister of the state concerned.
Money bill can be introduced in Legislative Assembly only. However, both the conventions have been violated in some
Laws related to State List and Concurrent List are framed of the cases.
by Legislative Assembly. The Constitution lays down the following conditions for the gover-
z Qualification of Members of Bihar Legislative nor’s office:
Assembly 1. He should not be a member of either House of Parliament
According to Article 173, qualification for membership of State or a House of the state legislature. If any such person is
Legislative Assembly are: appointed as governor, he is deemed to have vacated his seat
Should be a citizen of India.
in that House on the date on which he enters upon his office
as the governor.
Should not be less than 25 years of age.
2. He should not hold any other office of profit.
Should possess other qualifications prescribed in that
3. He is entitled without payment of rent to the use of his
behalf by or under any law made by Parliament.
official residence (the Raj Bhavan).
z Speaker of Legislative Assembly
4. He is entitled to such emoluments, allowances and
According to Article 178 of the Constitution of India one privileges as may be determined by Parliament.
Speaker and one Deputy Speaker is appointed for each 5. Parliament and cannot be diminished during his term of
Legislative Assembly by the elected members of the Assembly. office.
Ram Dayalu Singh was the first Speaker or Chairman of
The normal term of a Governor’s office is five years, however he may
Bihar Legislative Assembly. His tenure was from 23rd July, be terminated earlier by: dismissed by the President under Article
1937 to 11th November, 1944. 156(1) resignation under Article 156(2).
Protem Speaker: A Protem Speaker is a presiding officer in } Term of Governor’s Office
the State Legislative Assembly who carries out the functions
A governor holds office for a term of five years from the
of the speaker till the time, a Speaker or Deputy Speaker are
date on which he enters upon his office. However, this term
not elected.
of five years is subject to the pleasure of the President.
} Patna Secretariat Further, he can resign at any time by addressing a
The Patna Secretariat was constituted in the year 1912 from resignation letter to the President. The Supreme Court held
where all administrative work of the state was carried. The that the pleasure of the President is not justifiable. The
Patna Secretariat building was designed by Joseph Munnings governor has no security of tenure and no fixed term of office.
and Martin Burn in 1913. It is in Indo-Saracenic style, has Raj
He may be removed by the President at any time. The
Bhawan and Patna High Court in its Western and Eastern
President may transfer a Governor appointed to one state to
another state for the rest of the term. Further, a Governor whose
The new Secretariat is located at Bihar Vikas Bhavan, Patna. term has expired may be reappointed in the same state or any
B. Bihar Executive other state. A governor can hold office beyond his term five
As per Article 153 to 167 of Indian Constitution, the Governor, years until his successor assumes charge to avoid interregnum.
Chief minister and Council of Ministers together form the } President’s Rule in Bihar
Executive. The President’s rule is imposed during the time of emergency,
when the state Legislature dissolves before time or there is
loss of majority in the State Legislative Assembly and when
Bihar Prelims
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a coalition government breaks down. It is imposed by the is earlier. BPSC initially began its functioning for the state
Governor of the state after consulting it with the President. with its headquarters at Ranchi.
The President’s rule in Bihar was imposed for 8 times. 4. The State Government decided to shift the headquarters of
} Chief Minister BPSC from Ranchi to Patna and it was finally shifted to Patna
Article 164 only says that the Chief Minister shall be appointed on 1st March, 1951. The first Chairman of BPSC was Rajandha
by the governor. In accordance with the convections of the Sinha.
parliamentary system of government, the governor has to 3. Bihar Human Rights Commission
appoint the leader of the majority party in the state legislative 1. The Protection of Human Rights Act 1993, provides for
assembly as the Chief Minister. But, when no party has a clear establishment of State Human Rights Commissions. The Hu-
majority in the assembly, then the governor may exercise his man Rights Commission was established in Bihar on 3rd Jan-
personal discretion in the selection and appointment of the uary, 2000 and was formally constituted on 25th June, 2008.
Chief Minister. A Chairperson and two other members are appointed by the
The Governor appoints the Chief Minister, whose is collectively Governor.
responsible to the assembly. The Chief Minister’s term is for 5
2. The first Chairperson of Bihar Human Rights Commission
years and is subject to no term limits. He is given oath by the
was Justice S. N. Jha.
The first Chief Minister of Bihar was Shri Krishna Singh. Bihar Judiciary
} Bihar Cabinet The Supreme Court is the highest judiciary body of India.
First Cabinet of Bihar was formed in 1946 consisting of two The High Court is the highest judiciary body of a State. Bihar
members, Dr. Shri Krishna Singh as first Chief Minister also has a High Court situated in Patna.
of Bihar and Dr. Anugrah Narayan Sinha as Bihar’s first } High Court
Deputy Chief Minister cum Finance Minister (also incharge Article 214 to 231 of the Indian Constitution provides
of Labour, Health, Agriculture and Irrigation). Other ministers provisions for the establishment of a High Court in each
were inducted later. The Cabinet served as the first Bihar state. High Court stands at the head of the state’s judicial
Government after independence in 1947. administration. Under Article 231, some powers have been
} Council of Ministers given to the Parliament for creation of common High Court
Article 163 provides that there shall be a Council of Ministers for two or more states. High Court is headed by a Chief Justice
with the Chief Minister as the head to aidand advise the and other judges. According to Article 217, Chief Justice of a
Governor in the exercise of his functions. High Court is appointed by the President with the consent of
Article 164 provides that Council of Ministers shall hold the Governor.
office during the pleasure of the Governor. Council of The Judges of High Court is/are appointed by the President
Ministers shall be collectively responsible to the Legislative in consultation with Chief Justice of India and the Governor
Assembly of the state. Before a Minister enters upon his office, of the concerned state.
the Governor shall administer to him the oaths of the office The other judges of a state are appointed in consultation
and of secrecy according to the forms set out for the purpose with Chief Judge of High Court. A person to be appointed
in the Third Schedule. as a judge of a high court, should have the following
A Minister who is not a member of the state legislature for qualifications:
a period of six consecutive months shall cease to be a minister 1. He should be a citizen of India.
at the expiration of that period. 2. (a) He should have held a judicial office in the territory of
The salary and allowances of Ministers shall be determined India for ten years; or (b) He should have been an advocate of
by the State Legislature, specified in Second Schedule. a high court (or high courts in succession) for ten years. They
91st Constitutional Amendment 2003 of Article 164 provides hold office till the age of 62 years.
that the total members of the Council of Ministers should not } High Court in Bihar
be more than 15% of the members of State Legislature and
The High Court in the State of Bihar is located in Patna. The
not less than 12.
foundation stone of High Court building at Patna was laid by
C. Important Commissions in Bihar the then Viceroy of India, Lord Hardinge, on 1st December,
1. Bihar State Election Commission 1913 and the building was inaugurated on 3rd February, 1916.
1. The Bihar State Election Commission is a constitutional body The Patna High Court started its work in 1916 with the
entrusted with the duty and responsibility of holding elec- Chief Justice and six other Judges. In the year 1947, the
tions in Panchayat elections. sanctioned strength of the Court was nine permanent and
2. The commission is formed as per Article 243 (K). The head three additional Judges.
of this commission is Chief Election Officer who is appointed Though a separate province for Odisha was created in
by Governor of Bihar. the year 1937, this High Court exercised jurisdiction over
2. Bihar Public Service Commission the territories of both Bihar and Orissa till 26th July, 1948. A
1. The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) is a body separate High Court was constituted for Orissa in 1948.
created by the Constitution of India (Article 318). It consists A circuit bench was opened for Patna High Court at Ranchi
of a Chairman and other members who are appointed by the in 1972. This circuit bench became the Jharkhand High Court
state Governor. under the Bihar Reorganisation Act of 2000 on November, 2000
2. BPSC came into existence on 1st April, 1949. Its headquarters when the separate state of Jharkhand was created. At present
was in Ranchi, but now it is shifted to Patna. there are 32 permanent judges including the Chief Justice in
3. The tenure of the Chairman and members of BPSC is six the Patna High Court. This High Court has completed 100
years or until the attainment of the age of 62 years, whichever years of its working on 3rd February, 2016.
OSWAAL BPSC Prelim 20 previous years solved papers
} Prominent Judges from Bihar 2016 to provide/address the grievances and complaints of
First Chief Justice of Patna High Court was Sir Justice common public and provide relief/benefit in a time bound
Edward Maynard Des Champs Chamier. manner i.e. within 60 days of lodging the complaint. The state
Lakshami Kant Jha was the first Indian Chief Justice of
provids online portal Lokshikayat.bihar.gov.in to provide
Patna High Court after independence. support and information for lodging complaints.
Justice Rekha Doshit, was the first woman Chief Justice of
} Lokayukta
Patna High Court. Lokayukta is appointed by the governor after consulting the
Justice Gyan Sudha Misra is the first female judge of the
committee consists of the Chief Minister, Speaker, Opposition
Supreme Court of India from Bihar. Leader and Chief Justice of High Court. Once appointed,
Lokayukta cannot be dismissed or transferred. It can be re-
Justice Bhuvaneshwar Prasad Sinha from Bihar served as
moved by passing an impeachment motion.
the 6th Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India.
} Lokayukta in Bihar
Justice Lalit Mohan Sharma from Patna High Court served
as the 24th Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India. Lokayukta in Bihar was constituted under the Bihar
Lokayukta Act of 1973. The State Government brought
} Subordinate Courts
various changes in the Act under Bihar Lokayukta Act of
Subordinate Courts in Bihar included District Courts, Lok 2013. The Lokayukta is extended to the whole of Bihar. It
Adalats and Lokayuktas. is appointed by the Governor of Bihar after consultation
} District Courts with the Chief Justice of Patna High Court and leader of
The Constitution of High Court and District Court is the opposition of the Bihar State Legislative Assembly. It is
formed as per Article 233 to 237 of the Indian Constitution. appointed for a period of 5 years.
The District Court administers justice at district level. } Structure of Bihar Lokayukta
The District Court is presided over by District Judge who Bihar Lokayukta consists of three members out of which two
is appointed by the Governor in consultation with the Chief members should be from Bihar Judiciary serving or served
Justice of the High Court of the concerned state.Other as Judge of Bihar High Court.The three members consist of
appointments to the judicial service is also made by the Chairperson, Judicial member and member. The age of the
Governor in consultation with State Public Service Commission members of Bihar Lokayukta should be less than 70 years.
and the High Court. The first Chairperson of Bihar Lokayukta was Justice Sridhar
} District Courts in Bihar Vasudev Sohoni.
There are total 38 districts in Bihar. All the districts are having } Advocate General
District or Subordinate Courts. The oldest District Court in The post of Advocate General is a constitutional post in nature
Bihar is in Muzaffarpur. The judgeship was formed in the year and created as per the Article 165 of the Indian Constitution.
1875 and was under the Calcutta High Court at that time . The Governor of a State appoints the Advocate General of
} Gram Katchahary or Village Court in Bihar that state. The proposal for appointment is moved at the
The state of Bihar is the only State to set up Gram level of Joint Secretary in the Department of Legal Affairs.
Katchahary or village court under Section 990 of Bihar Advocate General is assisted by Additional Advocate General.
Panchayati Raj Act 2006. The Gram Katchahary consists of } Advocate General in Bihar
five members including all the Panches and Sarpanch. One The Solicitor or Advocate General in Bihar is a law officer of
of them is elected as the judge of the proceedings. the highest order and is appointed by the Governor of Bihar.
It functions under the Panchayati Raj Institutions in rural He gives advices to State Legislature from time to time. The
Bihar. post of Advocate General was restored in Bihar from 1937 in
The Gram Katchahary has the right to hear cases related to the Patna High Court.
the loss of movable property of less than ten thousand as per Local Self Government
section 120 of the Civil Right Act. It is an initiative of the State For understanding of Panchayati Raj in India, two important
Government to settle petty disputes without the loss of time committees deserve special mention. These are Balwant Rai
or money. The police department gives necessary assistance Mehta Committee in 1957 and the Ashok Mehta Committee in
for the proper functioning of the Gram Katchaharis. 1978. Moreover the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment
The Gram Katchahary are formed for a period of five years are the milestone in the process of establishing democratic
from the date appointed. Sarpanch is elected leader of Gram decentralised.
Katchahary, Up-Sarpanch is Vice Chairperson and Panches
are the elected members of it. Panchayati Raj System in Bihar
} Lok Adalats The Bihar Panchayati Raj Act was passed in 1947,
Lok Adalats are formed under the Legal Services Authority Act, immediately after independence and the act started
1987. They are organised at the central, state and district levels. functioning from 1949. This act was further amended in 1959
according to the recommendations made by Balwant Rai
} Lok Adalats in Bihar
Mehta Committee.
The Bihar State Legal Services Authority (BSLSA) is constituted
The Bihar government enacted Bihar Panchayat Samiti and
under the Legal Service Authority Act, 1987 to provide legal
Zila Parishad Act in 1961. It came into force from 2nd October,
services to weaker sections of the society. There are three
1963. According to these two acts, the entire state of Bihar
types of Lok Adalats running in Bihar. They are Continuous
was divided into three tier Panchayati Raj System beginning
Lok Adalat, Mobile Lok Adalat and National Lok Adalat.
from the lowest level i.e. Gram Panchayat.
Bihar Right to Public Grievance Redressal Act The second tier is the Panchayat Samiti that works at
The State of Bihar has implemented this Act from 5th June, block level and it is followed by Zila Parishad at district
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level. State Election Commission undertakes elections of 1. Municipal Corporation
Gram Panchayats. Salient Features of Panchayati Raj in Bihar 2. Municipal Council
In response to the 73rd constitutional amendment, Bihar 3. Nagar Panchayat
Panchayati Raj Act, 2006 was enacted to strengthen the three- z Municipal Corporation
tier panchayat system in the state. As per Census 2011, the state of Bihar is having 12
The salient features of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Bihar: Municipal Corporations.
There is reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes (16%) The population of the twelve cities is more than two lakhs.
and Scheduled Tribes (1%) in every Panchayat. The first city of Bihar to get a Municipal Corporation was
The Bihar government has given 50% reservation to Muzaffarpur and Patna in 1864.
women in the local Panchayats. It is the first Indian state The Patna Municipal Corporation was established on 15th
to do so. It is also legalised in other certain states such as August, 1952. The Corporation receives its funds by way of
Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. taxes, rents and government grants.
Around 20% reservation is given to extremely Backward
Muzaffarpur Municipal Corporation is reserved for
Backward Classes and Gaya Municipal Corporation is
The duration of a Panchayat is for 5 years and there has to be reserved for Scheduled Tribes. The cities with Municipal
four meetings of Gram Sabha within one year. Corporation in Bihar have population ranging from five to
Three Tier Structure of Panchayati Raj System ten lakhs or more.
The Panchayati Raj system has a three tier or levels of z Municipal Council
governance i.e. Zila Parishad, Panchayat Samiti and Gram The Municipal Councils (Nagar Parishad) operating in
Panchayat. The Chairpersons of the Gram Panchayat, Bihar take care of small cities, towns and semi urban areas.
Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad are called Mukhiya, Usually these places have a population ranging from 40000-
Pramukh and Adhyaksha, respectively. 200000.
} BIPARD These towns/small cities are distributed into wards ranging
The Bihar Institute of Public Administration and Rural from 25 to 45. The Municipal Council is headed by Chairman
Development (BIPARD) is one of the most important and other members.
regulatory departments of the State Government. The z Nagar Panchayats
department has created a group of master resource persons
Nagar Panchayats in Bihar operate in those areas that are
to impart training to IT personnel and implement the
undergoing a transition from rural to urban areas. These
e-Panchayat mission mode project.
areas usually have a population from 12000-40000 people.
} Urban Self Government They are distributed into wards ranging from 10 to 25.
According to the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act of
The Nagar Panchayat is headed by Chairman and ten
1992, all state governments have to make provisions for
other members, all of them are elected by general elections in
local self government in urban areas. The 74th Constitutional
their respective wards.
Amendment Act of 1992 proclaims the formation of urban
local bodies.
} Urban Local Bodies in Bihar
4. Ancient History
The urban local bodies in Bihar are operating in the state Archaeological Evidences
since 1920. The Government of British India passed the } Stone Age
Bihar and Orissa Municipal Act in 1922 according to which The stone age culture has been divided into three stages:
various Municipalities and Notified Area Committees were
1. Palaeolithic
constituted. The rules came into effect from 1st April, 1929.
2. Mesolithic
The Patna Municipal Corporation was formed after the
3. Neolithic Ages
Patna Municipal Act 1951. The Municipalities in Bihar were
notified as Municipal Council/Nagar Parishad and Notified z Palaeolithic sites
Area Committees as Nagar Panchayats and reconstituted It had been discovered in Munger and Nalanda.
after the 1951 Act on the basis of population and level of The Palaeolithic age in India have been divided into three
urbanisation. The 74th Constitutional Amendment Act made phases:
it mandatory for state governments to give clear and well Early or Lower Palaeolithic Age (5,00,000 BC to 50,000 BC):
defined functions, responsibilities to Urban Local Bodies. y Tools of the early Palaeolithic age associated with hominids
The Bihar Legislature enacted the Bihar Municipal Act 2007 are pebbles of quartz known as chopping tools.
replacing all previous acts of the formation and working of y In the Early stone age the people were food gatherers.
the urban local bodies in Bihar. They took to small game hunting and lived also on fish and
The Bihar State Government has given fifty percent res- birds.
ervation to women, twenty percent reservation to backward Middle Palaeolithic Age (50,000 to 40,000 BC):
classes and some percentage of seats to SC and ST in urban y It is also known as Flake Culture because it was based
local bodies. Apart from Municipal Corporations, Municipal upon flakes or small pieces of stones. After a long period of
Councils and Nagar Panchayats, there are township and can- time they learnt to control fire which helped to improve their
tonment boards to look after the urban and semi-urban areas living in many ways.
in Bihar. y Their Tools: Blades, points, borers and scrapers (all made
Three Tier Structure of Urban Local Bodies - The three tier of flakes).
structure of urban local bodies is explained below: y Major Sites: Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh.
OSWAAL BPSC Prelim 20 previous years solved papers
Upper Palaeolithic Age (40,000 to 10,000 BC): Rigveda mentions Kikatas, as the earliest inhabitants of
y New flint industries and men of modern type (Homo Magadha.
sapiens sapiens) are the main appearance of this age. The main information about the Aryan expansion in north
y In the upper palaeolithic age caves and rock shelters were Bihar is contained in Satapatha Brahmana.
used by humans. Markandeya Purana presents details about the kings who
y Oldest paintings have also been found here. ruled Videha and Vaishali.
y Their Tools: Blades and burins. The Buddhist canons, the Anguttara Nikaya, mentions the
y Major Sites: Belan valley, Renigunta, Bizapur. republics and monarchies in north-east India.
z Mesolithic sites Digha Nikaya (Book of Dialogues) and Vinaya Pitaka (Book
Have been discovered from Hazaribagh, Ranchi, of Discipline) give an account on the history of the monarchy
Singhbhum and Santhal Pargana (all in Jharkhand). of Magadha and republic of Vaishali.
The transitional phase between the Palaeolithic and the The Jain canon Bhagavati Sutra provides information
Neolithic or New Stone ages is known as the Mesolithic Age. about the Licchavis of Vaishall, the Arthashastra of Kautilya,
In this stone age the Mesolithic people lived on Mudrarakshasa of Vishakhadatta, Mahabhasya of Patanjali and
hunting, fishing and food gathering, at a later stage they Rajatarangini of Kalhana provide valuable inputs of Mauryan
also domesticated animals, so this age is also known as a empire.
transitional phase in the mode of subsistence leading to Mahajanapadas
animal husbandry.
Kuru: Covering the modern Haryana and Delhi area to the
Evidence for the domestication of animals in India has
west of river Yamuna with its capital at Indraprastha (Delhi).
been found from Adamgarh in Madhya Pradesh and Bagor
Avanti: Modern Malwa, with its capital at Ujjaini and
in Rajasthan.
From a study of the deposits of Sambhar lake (Rajasthan)
Ashmaka: Between the rivers Narmada and Godavari with
evidence for the cultivation of plants around 7000-6000 BC
its capital at Patna.
has been found.
Kashi: Covering the present area of Banaras with its capital
Tools: Paisara (Munger, Bihar)
at Varanasi.
z Neolithic (6000 – 1500 B.C.)
Kosala: Covering the present districts of Faizabad,Gonda,
It was one of the largest Neolithic settlements between the
Bahraich etc., with its capital at Shravasti.
Indus and the Mediterranean.
Vatsa: Covering the modern districts of Allahabad and
It was the food producing stage. At this stage the humans
Mirzapur etc., with its capital at Kaushambi.
started to cultivate plants and domesticate animals.
Chedi: Modern Bundelkhand with its capital at Shuktima-
This settlement is located in Mehrgarh, on the banks of
Bolan river in the Kochi plain, which is called the breadbasket
Panchala: Covering the area of Western Uttar Pradesh upto
of Balochistan.
the East of river Yamuna, with its capital at Ahichhatra.
Some cereals like wheat and barley were grown by them.
Surasena: Covering Braj-mandal with its capital at
As a result man started to settle down in certain selected
areas. This led to the growth of villages and farming. Mathura.
Matsya: Covering the area of Alwar, Bharatpur and Jaipur
The Wheel was the most important and useful discovery
by them. in Rajasthan.
Their Tools: Tools made of bones, polished tools like stone In the Later Vedic Age, a number of small kingdoms
axes. emerged.
Major site: Senwar (Bihar), Maski, Brahmagiri, Hallur, 16 monarchies and republics known as Mahajanapadas
Edakkal. stretched across Indo-Gangetic plains.
There is also evidence of the earliest village. They used Three Mahajanapadas were in Bihar namely:
coarse pottery. 1. Magadha,
People used bone tools. 2. Anga and
Chirand (Saran, Bihar)- A big number of bones have been 3. Vajji.
found here that are made of deer horn. } Magadha Kingdom
Literary Sources It is mentioned for the first time in Atharvaveda. It
Accounts of Fa-hien and Hieun Tsang gives an account of extended from the Ganga in the north to Chhotanagpur in
the social and religious history of Bihar in Gupta and post- the south, Champa in the east to river Sone on the west.
Gupta times. Its capital was Girivraja or Rajgir which was surrounded
Dharmasvamin visited Bihar in 1232-34, gives an account on all sides by five hills. Later the capital was shifted to
of Nalanda after the Muslim invasion. Patliputra.
Asokavadana and Divyavadana present an organised life The Magadha Kingdom annexed Koshal, Vatsa, and Avanti.
history of Ashoka. It played an important role in the development of Buddhism
A Buddhist text Aryamanjusrimulakalpa throws light on and Jainism.
the political history of Bihar under the Guptas. Two of India’s greatest empires, Maurya and Gupta,
The earliest references to Bihar in the Vedic are found in emerged in Magadha
the Atharvaveda and Panchavimisha Brahmana, both texts
} Anga Kingdom
speak of people called Vratyas living in the land of Magadha.
It is mentioned for the first time in Atharvaveda.
Bihar Prelims
Special 29
It comprised present-day Khagaria, Bhagalpur, and Brihadratha was the earliest known king of Magadha. He
Munger. was the eldest son of Vasu, Kuru king of Chedi. His name has
It was situated to the northeast of the Magadha Empire. been mentioned in Rigveda.
Champa (in present-day Bhagalpur) was the capital. The Pradyota dynasty succeeded the Brihadratha dynasty
It was established by king Maha Govind. It was also called in Magadha.
Chenanpo (by Hiuen Tsang) and Malini. } Haryanka Dynasty - 544 B.C. to 412 B.C.
} Vajji Kingdom z Bimbisara
It consisted of eight clans. He was a contemporary of Buddha. He founded the
Most important clans were - Licchavi, Videha and Jnatrika. dynasty and established his capital at Rajgir. He had forces/
It was located in Northern India. The capital of Vajji was army.
located at Vaishali. It was considered the world’s first republic. He also sent royal physician Jivaka to Ujjain for treating
} Mahajanpads and their Capital Chanda Pradyota, King of Avanti, and his longtime rival who
later became a friend.
Name Capitals Locations
z Ajatshatru
Panchala Ahichhatra, Present time part of Central To become the next ruler he killed his father Bimbisara.
Kampilya Doab in UP and Rohilkhand. Lord Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana and Lord Mahavira
Kashi Banaras Present time located in Varanasi also attained Moksha during his reign. The first Buddhist
UP. Council (483 B.C.) was conducted under his patronage at
Magadha Rajagriha or Modern district of Gaya, Patna, Rajgir.
Girivraja Arwal, Aurangabad, Nalanda z Udayin
and Nawada. He also killed his father Ajatshatru to become the next
Kuru Hastinapur Modern Haryana and to the ruler.
or west of river Yamuna Delhi. He founded the city Patliputra at the confluence of rivers
Indraprastha Ganga and Sone and made it his capital.
Kosala Sravasti Present district of } Shishunaga Dynasty - 412 B.C. to 344 B.C.
Gonda,Faizabad etc. z Shishunaga
Anga Champa Modern district of Bhagalpur He was a viceroy of Banaras and was the founder of the
and Munger in Bihar. dynasty.
Vatsa Kaushambi Situated on the banks of river During this time Magadha had two capitals -
Yamuna near modern Allahabad. 1. Rajgir and
Avanti Ujjain It is identified with modern 2. Vaishali
Malwa and some parts of He finally destroyed the resistance Avanti and brought to
Madhya Pradesh. end the 100-year rivalry.
Vajji Vaishali Covering the area to the north of z Kalasoka
the river Ganga in Bihar. The second Buddhist Council (383 B.C.) was conducted
Matsya Virat Nagri Located in the areas of under his patronage at Vaishali.
Bharatpur, Alwar and Jaipur in He also made his capital Patliputra and it continued as the
Rajasthan. capital of the Magadha Empire onwards.
Malla Pawa and Covering the modern district } Nanda Dynasty - 344 B.C. to 322 B.C.
Kusinara of Basti, Deoria, Gorakhpur in z Mahapadma Nanda
Easter UP.
After killing the last Shishunaga ruler Nandivardhana he
Chedi Suktimati Located in the area of modern established the dynasty .
He was also introduced as Mahapadmapati - sovereign of
Surasena Mathura Covering the areas of the Mathura an infinite host of the immense wealth In Maha Bodhi Vamsa,
at the junction of the Uttarapatha called Ugrasen.
and Dakshinapatha.
Dhana Nanda was the last ruler of this dynasty and was
Asmaka Potali or Covering the areas of modern the contemporary of Alexander.
Potana Paithan on the banks of river } Mauryan Dynasty - 322 B.C. to 185 B.C.
Godavari in Maharashtra.
z Chandragupta Maurya:
Gandhar Taxila Covering the areas in the North Founder of the dynasty with the help of his mentor
Western Province between Kabul Chanakya or Kautilya or Vishnugupt.
and Rawalpindi.
Chandragupta was born as Mura to a Shudra woman in
Kamboja Rajpur Located in the Punch area of the court of Nanda.
As per Buddhist tradition, he belonged to the Moriya
Pre-Mauryan Dynasties Under Magadha Empire Kshatriya clan.
} Brihadratha Dynasty In Mudra Rakshasa, he is also referred to as Vrishala.
Jarasandha, son of Brihadrath was the most famous In 305 B.C he fought Seleucus Nikator, a general of
king. Expanded his empire through matrimonial alliances Alexander. Seleucus later sent Megasthenese to the Mauryan
e.g. Kosala. He was also the first ruler in history to form court. Megasthenesess wrote Indica describing the Mauryan
permanent Girivraja (Rajgir) was the capital under Jarasandh. administration.
OSWAAL BPSC Prelim 20 previous years solved papers
The empire was divided into four provinces, each under 1. Kalidas 2. Shanku
one governor. According to him, the Mauryan administration 3. Amarasimha 4. Vetalbhatta
in Patliputra was under a council of 30 members divided into 5. Vararuchi 6. Panaka
6 committees of 5 members each. 7. Varahamihira 8. Dhanwantari
z Bindusara 9. Ghatakarpara
Bindusar was also called by the name Amitrochates by Fa-Hien, a Chinese traveller, visited during his reign.
Greek writers. } 4. Kumaragupta
Deimachus - Syrian ambassador sent by king Antiochus He was also known as Mahendraditya.
Dionysius - sent by Ptolemy II of Egypt. He established Nalanda University which became a centre
He was also known as Mudrasar in Vayu Purana and of learning.
Seemseri in Jaina text Rajvalli Katha. } 5. Skandagupta
z Ashoka He was the last of the great rulers and after him, the empire
According to “Dipavamsa”, Ashoka became a king after killing began to disintegrate.
99 of his brothers, sparing only one. Junagarh Inscription - his governor got restoration of
Kalinga War - 261 B.C. - The Major Edict XII gives Sudarshana Lake. It was originally constructed by the
information about Kalinga war. Ashoka embraced Buddhism Mauryas.
under the influence of monk Upagupta after the Kalinga war. Vishnugupta was the last ruler of the dynasty.
Bhabru inscription - Ashoka as king of Magadha.
Pala Empire
Third Buddhist Council - 250 B.C. - was convened by
They were the followers of Mahayana school of Buddhism.
Ashoka under the presidentship of Mogaliputta Tissa in
Patliputra. Gopala was the first ruler of the dynasty. He was elected
} Sunga Dynasty
Odantipur (now in Bihar Sharif), a Buddhist Mahavihara was
z Pushyamitra Sunga established by Gopala.
He was the Commander-in-Chief of Mauryan armed forces. Dharmapala captured Kannauj and took the title of
The last Mauryan rule was overthrown by him. Uttarapatha Swamin (“Lord of the North“).
Two Ashwamedha Yagyas were held under his reign with Vikramshila University (in Bhagalpur) was established by
Patanjali as the main priest - Ayodhya Inscription of Dhandev. Dharmapala.
Agnimitra, son of Pushyamitra was the hero of Kalidasa’s
They also constructed many temples.
Buddhism and Bihar
Gupta Empire
The divine light of enlightenment was showered on Gautama
Sri Gupta was the founder of the Gupta dynasty.
Buddha so Bihar is the birthplace of Buddhism.
Rule of the Guptas is known as the Indian Golden Age as
It was a place where Buddha attained enlightenment.
rapid strides were made in various fields.
} Gautam Buddha (General Introduction)
Guptas Empire was divided into provinces and each
province was further divided into districts. Villages were the He was born in Lumbini near Kapilavastu Nepal. He
smallest units. belongs to the Sakya clan.
Suddodhana was his father and Mayadevi was his mother.
The most striking difference in the administration of Guptas
from Mauryas was that in Mauryas power was centralised He married Yasodhara at the age of 16.
while in Guptas power was decentralised. Prajapati Gautami was his foster mother who brought him
Monuments Place District which was replaced by a position named ‘Revenue Chief of
Bihar’ in 1781.
Queen’s Palace, Tomb of Ibrahim Bihar Sharif Nalanda
} Bihar and Bengal Famine 1770 and 1783
In 1783 when a devastating famine stuck again, the then
Rohtasgarh Fort Rohtasgarh Rohtas Governor-General Warren Hastings ordered for the massive
Tomb of Sher Shah Suri Sasaram Rohtas dome-shaped granary of Golghar. It was built by Captain
Three Rock Inscription Sasaram Rohtas John Garstin in 1786.
Tomb of Bakhtiyar Khan Malik Sarai Kaimur } Permanent Settlement or Zamindari System
Tomb of Hasan Shah Suri Sasaram Rohtas It was introduced in Bengal, Orissa, and districts of
Benaras and northern districts of Madras by Lord Cornwallis.
Tomb of Shah Makhadum, Daulat Maner Patna
Its architect was John Shore.
Maneri and Ibrahim Khan
It declared Zamindars as owners of the land.
Zamindars could keep 1/11th of the revenue collected and
5. Modern History of Bihar give 10/11th to the British.
} Revolt of 1857 in Bihar
1. The arrival of Europeans
Governor General - Lord Canning
} Portuguese
Revolt was started in Deoghar district (now in Jharkhand)
Portuguese were the first European to enter Bihar. at the headquarters of the 32nd Infantry Regiment on 12th June
They mainly traded in spices for textile, especially cotton 1857. Two British officers Lt. Norman Leslie and Sergeant Dr.
producing region. Grant were killed in this revolt. But the revolt was crushed
Hooghly was the first place in the region where the by McDonald.
Portuguese established their factory in 1579-80. The first incident of the revolt in Bihar can be traced to
When Emperor Akbar gave permission to a Portuguese “Rohini village” in Deoghar where on June 12, 1857 at the
captain Pedro Tavares. headquarters of 32nd Infantry Regiment.
In 1599, the Portuguese traders built a convent and a It was crushed by Macdonald. On 3rd July 1857, the revolt
church in Bandel which was the first Christian church in started in Patna under bookseller Pir Ali.
Bengal known as ‘Bandel Church’ today. The revolt at Danapur Cantt. marked the widespread
} English (British) beginning of the revolt in Bihar on 25th July 1857 but the
English (British) was the second European who built their Maharajas of Darbhanga, Dumrao, and Hatwa and their
factory in Patna at Alamganj in 1620 for saltpetre but it fellow landlords helped the British with man-power and
was got closed in 1621. Again in 1651, the British East India money in crushing the revolt.
Company revived the factory which is now turned into Babu Kunwar Singh was the leader of revolutionaries in
government printing press at Gulzar Bagh. Bihar during the revolt of 1857. Kunwar Singh was born
} Dutch in November, 1782 to Raja Shahabzada Singh and Rani
Pancharatan Devi in Jagdishpur of the Shahbad district
Interested in cotton textiles, saltpetre and food grains.
[Presently Bhojpur district of Bihar]. He belonged to the
Dutch East India Company also established their factory Ujjainiya Rajput clan.
at Patna in 1632 which is now the place is known for Patna
At the age of 80, he actively led the “First War of
Independence” in 1857 in Bihar.
} Danes He actively led a band of armed forces of 4000 soldiers and
Established the factory at Nepali Kothi in Patna. recorded victories in many battles. He successfully occupied
In 1774, Danes East India Company established their Arrah in July 1857 and later with the help of Nana Saheb
factory at Nepali Kothi in Patna. defeated British forces at Azamgarh (UP).
OSWAAL BPSC Prelim 20 previous years solved papers
Soon the revolt spread to Muzaffarpur, Danapur marking } Champaran Satyagraha
spread of revolt in Bihar. The Champaran Satyagraha of 1917 was Mahatma Gandhi’s
Areas like Munger remain unaffected by the revolt. first Satyagraha (first Civil Disobedience Movement).
} British Raj in Bihar Rajkumar Shukla and Raam Lal Shah invited M. K.
Bihar under the British especially Patna retain its lost glory Gandhi to look after the system of Tinkathiya which forced
and emerged as an important strategic center for learning the peasants to grow indigo on 3/20th of the total land.
and trade during British rule. Several other leaders like - Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Brajkishore
After 1905, there were several changes in the British Prasad, Acharya J. B. Kriplani, Dr. Anugrah Narayan Sinha,
administrative setup: Mahadeo Desai, Narhari Parikh, C. F. Andrews, H. S. Pollock,
○ Bihar remained a part of the Bengal Presidency of British Raj Kishore Prasad, Ram Navami Prasad, Shambhu Sharan
India until 1912 when Delhi became the capital in 1911, and Dharnidhar Prasad also participated.
(resulted due to Delhi Darbar of 1911 which was attained by Movement forced the British Government to form a
King George V). Province of Bihar and Orissa was carved committee i.e. Champaran Committee to make inquiry
out from Bengal making Patna its capital. On 22nd March against the atrocities. M. K. Gandhi was the member of the
1912 Bihar was constituted. committee and he convinced the authority pay the peasants
○ There was a number of educational institutions built by the 25% compensation.
British in Patna such as Patna College, Patna Science College, } Non-Cooperation Movement
Bihar College of Engineering, Prince of Wales Medical College, It was started by M. K. Gandhi in the backdrop of the
and the Patna Veterinary College. Jalliawalan Bag Massacre, Khilafat Movement, and the
○ GOI of India Act 1935 divided Bihar into two separate Rowlatt Act. J. P. Narayan left Patna College before his
provinces of Bihar and Orissa in 1936. examination to participate in the movement.
} Wahabi Movement In August 1920, the Bihar Congress meets under the
Bihar was one of the active participants in the revolts and presidentship of Dr. Rajendra Prasad and passed the non-
movement of freedom struggle against British atrocities. cooperation resolution which was introduced by Dharnidhar
The movement was inspired by the Abdul Wahab of Saudi Prasad and Shah Mohammad Zubair. And Mazhar-ul-Haq.
Arabia and Shah Waliullah of Delhi. M. K. Gandhi inaugurated ‘Bihar Vidhyapeeth’ in February
Haji Shariyatlluah was its main leader and Patna was the 1922.
center from 1828 to 1868. Mazhar-ul-Haqstarted the newspaper i.e. Motherland in
} Revolutionary Movement September 1921 to disseminate the Hindu-Muslim Unity and
A branch of Anushilan Samiti was established in Patna Gandhian Ideology.
by Sachindranath Sanyal in 1913 and Bankimchandra Prince of Wales (British) visited Bihar which was opposed
Mitra of BN College was given responsibilities to lead by the Congress.
the organization.And formed Hindu Boys Association for } Swarajist Movement
teaching Vivekananda’s ideas. The Swaraj Party was established by C. R. Das and Motilal
Benaras Conspiracy Case 1915 - Sachindranath Sanyal and Nehru in 1923.
Bankimchandra Mitra. One who supports the entry of the legislative council
Patna Yuvak Sangh formed in 1927. called Pro-changers - C. R. Das, Motilal Nehru, Vitthalbhai
Bihar Yuvak Sangh 1928 in Motihari - Gyan Shah Patel, and Ajmal Khan.
Patliputta Yuvak Sangh 1929 - formed in Patna by Others who opposed this and supported the Gandhian path
Rambriksha Benipuri and Ambika Kant Singh. called No-changers - Vallabhbhai Patel, C Rajagopalachari
Monthly Magazine YUVAK was started in Patna. and M. A. Ansari.
Female revolutionaries - Kusum Kumari Devi and Gauri Shri Krishna Singh established a branch of “Swaraj Dal” in
Das. Bihar in February, 1923.
Limitations - Religious overemphasis kept Muslims Shri Narayan Prasad was its first president and Abdul Bari
aloof, limited upper-caste involvement and lack of mass was its secretary.
involvement made it a subject of govt. suppression. The party participated in the assembly elections held in
} Home Rule League in Bihar November, 1923 and won 8 seats in the assembly and 10
Established in Bankipore (Patna) on 16th December 1916. seats in the council.
President - Mazhar-ul-Haque } Simon Commission
Vice-Presidents - Sarfaraz Hussain Khan and Purnendu For boycotting Simon Commission, the All Party Meeting
Narain Sinha. was organized in the leadership of Anurah Narayan Sinha.
Secretaries - Chandravanshi Sahay and Baijnath Narain Singh. Commission reached Patna on 12th December 1928.
Some Important Leaders of Home Rule Movement in Bihar: } Boycott Movement
○ Muzhar-ul-Haque It was a movement of boycotting of foreign goods and the
○ Hasan Imam adoption of Indian-goods.
○ Purnendu Narayan Sinha In Bihar Congress committee started a campaign of
○ Sarfraz Hussain Khan popularising Khadi through Magic lantern to reach villages
○ Sachchidanand Sinha and carried signature campaign.
Bihar Prelims
Special 39
} Purn Swaraj (Complete Independence Resolution) In 1936, when All India Kisan Sabha was formed at
On 20th January 1930, Bihar Congress Working Committee Lucknow, Swami Sahajanand Saraswati was it’s President
endorsed the plan of complete Independence of Congress and N. G. Ranga was made secretary.
through the unfurling of Flag. Pandit YamunaKarjee and Rahul Sankrityayan who was
} Civil Disobedience Movement followers of Swami Shahjanand Saraswati started the Hindi
z Salt Satyagraha in Bihar weekly “HUNKAR” in 1940 which became the mouthpiece of
the agrarian and peasant movement in Bihar.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad drafted the Salt Satyagraha and
chosen 6th April 1930 as the date of the movement. z Peasant Movement
Pt. Jawaharlal visited Bihar for the success of the Organisation Places Founder/People
Satyagaraha. He travelled Bihar from 31st March to 3rd April, Associated
1930. Kisan Sabha Madhubani (Spread Swami Vidyanand
In Patna, the salt satyagraha was inaugurated on 16th April, to Shahbad, Patna,
1930, when the volunteers proceeded to Nakhas Pind, near Saran, Muzzafarpur)
Mangal Talab in Patna city, which had been selected as the
Kisan Sabha Hilsa Jagnath Pathak
spot for the violation of salt laws by manufacturing salt.
(27th October, 1920 (President-Shah
In 1930, as a response to the national call for civil
disobedience, the people of Bihpur [Bhagalpur] began a
Satyagraha which included the manufacture of salt and Kisan Sabha Munger (1922-23) Md. Zubair and Shri
picketing of liquor and drug shops. (Formal) Krishna Singh
In the Munger district, Shri Krishna Singh the then Bihar 1929 Swami Sahjanan
secretary of the Provincial Congress committee and Nand Provincial Saraswati
Kumar Sinha led the congress activities. Kisan Sabha
The inmates of the Chapra jail refused to use foreign All India 1936 President Shajanand
clothes and went for naked hartal till swadeshi clothes were Kisan Sabha Saraswati. Secretary-
provided. N. G. Ranga
The Congress was declared an illegal organization on June
} Bihar Socialist Party
30, 1930.
Bihar Socialist Party formed by Ganga Sharan Sinha,
Swadeshi League was set up at Patna. Movement got
Rambriksha Benipuri and Ramanand Mishra in 1931
great participation of women from every section of society.
Bihar Congress Socialist Party was formed in 1934 when
Sachidanad Sinha, Hasan Imam, and Sir Ali Imam were
Jaiprakash Narayan convened meeting at Anjuman Islamia
prominent leaders.
Hall in Patna. Archarya Narendra Dev was the first president
Bihpur Satyagrah was started at the same time.
and Jai Prakash Narayan was made General-Secretary.
Chandarvati Devi and Ramsunder Singh was another
leader of the movement who took active participation. Party/Organisation Founder/Menber Year
Champaran, Bhojpur, Purnia, Saran, and Muzaffarpur was Bihar Socialist Party Ganga Sharan Sinha, 1931
an important district where the movement got flourished. Ramprasad Benipuri,
Gorkha Police were employed for the brutal suppression of and Ramanand Mishra
the movement.
Bihar Congress J. P. Narayan 1934
z Salt Movement in Bihar Socialist Party (at
Location Leader Anjuman Islamic
Hall, Patna)
Champaran Bipin Bihari Verma
Congress Socialist President - Acharya 1934
Bareja Girish Tiwari
Party Narendra Dev General
Goria Kothi Chandrika Singh Secretary - J. P. Narayan
Hajipur Bharat Mishra } First Congress Government in Bihar
Patna Ambika Kant Singh The Government of India Act, 1935 came with constitutional
Munger Shri Krishna Singh remedies and provincial autonomy in the state as well as
dual administration in centre that resulted many constructive
Lakhisarai Nand Kumar Singh work.
Darbhanga Satyanarayan Singh Congress fights election with 107 members from which 98
were winners. Congress got the majority in both Legislative
} Kisan Sabha and Bihar Assembly and Legislative Council but refused to form the
Kisan Sabha was organised in 1922 by Mohammad Zubair government. Hence, Mohammad Yunus who was the leader
and Sri Krishna Singh in Munger. of independent candidates formed the government. Thus,
In 1929, Swami Sahajanand Saraswati formed the “Bihar Mohammad Yunus was the first Prime Minister of Bihar. The
Provincial Kisan Sabha” to mobilize peasant’s grievances elected Government of Bihar formed by Shri Krishna Singh
against Zamindars atrocities of occupancy rights. resigned in, 1938 for the “release of political prisoners”.
Zamindars in retaliation formed “United Political Party” in After 3 months later on 20 July 1937, the elected Government
order to suppress peasants. of Bihar formed by Shri Krishna Singh resigned in February,
Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha was formed in 1929. 1938 for the “release of political prisoners”.
OSWAAL BPSC Prelim 20 previous years solved papers
The Ministry in Bihar strong resented to a circular issued Anurag Narayan Singh, Maulana Mazhar-Ul-Haq, Loknayak
by Mr. Brett, the Chief Secretary, and he had to withdraw it. Jaiparakash Narayan, Bhadra Yajee, Pandit Yamuna Karjee,
When the Governor refused to release the political Dr. Maghfoor Ahmed Ajazi.
prisoners, the Ministry resigned. Upendra Narayan Jha “Azad” and Prafulla Chaki were also
However, the ministry resumed office, only after an active revolutionary of Bihar.
agreement was reached on this matter in February, 1938. Sheel Bhadra Yajee joined Subhash Chandra Bose to found
Ramdayalu Singh as first Speaker of Legislative Council. All India Forward Bloc.
Abdul Bari as first deputy Speaker of Legislative Council. z Prominent Woman leaders of Bihar
The other ministers were Anugraha Narayan Sinha, Syed
Mahmud and Jaglal Choudhary. Rajbanshi Devi Prabhawati Devi
Baldev Sahay was appointed the Advocate General. Janakdulari Thakurani Bhagwati Devi
} Quit India Movement Apala Bharti Saraswati Devi
Congress Committee in Bihar under the leadership of
Sadhna Devi Radhika Devi
Dr. Rajendra Prasad drafted the line of action towards the
movement on 31st July, 1942. Shailbala Rai
Several outrages were going on like unfurled of national } Labour Movement
Flag but the British came with herculean attempt to crush
the movement. W. C. Archer who was the District Magistrate Method/ Places Dates
ordered firing at several places. Organisation
z Leader arrested during August Revolution Strikes Rohtas 1937-38
Name Prison (Dalmiyanagar), Gaya
Cotton Mill, Tatanagar
Rajendra Prasad Bankipur
Foundry Company,
Shri Krishna Singh Bankipur Japan Cement Works
Anugrah Narayan Sinha Bankipur
Bihar Trade Giridih 10th June 1944
Jaiprakash Narayan Hazaribagh Union Congress
Yogendra shukla Buxar
Labour Conference Patna 17th to 20th
Seven Martyrs of Patna Secretariat Shooting on 11 August 1942 by CPI June 1947
Martyr Student Residence
} Tribal Revolt in Bihar
Ramanand Singh Dhanarua (Patna) Revolts were mainly against British annexation of land or
Ramgovind Singh Punpun (Patna) their revenue policy or occupation by outsiders or for forest
Umakant Prasad Sinha Narendrapur (Saran) rights. They were localized, unorganized and very violent.
Santhal Pargana was created by the British to pacify the
Rajendra Singh Banwari Chak (Saran)
Santhal uprising. Kanhu was arrested in 1856.
Satish Chandra Jha Khadhara (Banka) Munda Revolt - Forest Regulation Act 1865 empowered the
Jagatpati Kumar Kharati (Aurangabad) British govt. to declare any forest land as Government Forest
Devi Pad Choudhary Silhat (Jamalpur) and make rules for it. Under Birsa Munda, it was a socio-re-
ligious movement (Ulgulan) with agrarian and political con-
} Freedom Fighters of Bihar tent. Birsa was captured on 3rd March 1900.
State had given famous leaders like Swami Shahjanand Tana Bhagat Movement - mainly a religious movement
Saraswati, Sahaheed Baikuntha Shukla, Biahr Bibhuti with the adoption of Hindu practices.
z List of Tribal Revolt in Bihar
Name of Revolts Description of Revolt
Ho and Munda Date: 1820, 1827, 1899, People associated with Nature and Objective: Against Britishers new
Uprisings 1900, 1860-1920 revolt: Raja Parhat land revenue policy
Kol Uprisings Date: 1831-32 People associated: Budhu Nature and Objective: Against expansion of
Bhagat, Vinda Rai, and British rule on Kol land and transfer of their land
Surga Munda to outsiders like Sikh and Muslim farmers.
Bhumij Revolt Date: 1832-1833 People associated: Ganga Nature and Objective: Against land revenue
Narayan policy of Britishers.
Santhal Uprising Date: 1855-56 People associated: Sidhu, Nature and Objective: Against the exploitative
Kanhu, Bhairo and Chand Zamindars and moneylenders.
Sapha Hor Revolt Date: 1870 People associated: Baba Nature and Objective: Against restriction on
Bhagirath Manjhi, Lal religious sentiment
Hembram and Paica Murmu
Bihar Prelims
Special 41
Munda Revolt Date: 1899-1900 People associated: Birsa Nature and Objective: Against alienation of
Munda tribal land due to forest Regulation Act of 1865
Tana Bhagat Date: 1914 People associated: Oraon Nature and Objective: Against moneylenders
Movement started the movement and and contractors.
Jatra Bhagat was the main
} Modern Education in Bihar He was President of Constituent Assembly in 1946 and also
became elected president of constituent Assembly in 1950.
Establishment Year Name of Institution
Jagjivan Ram
1863 Patna College, Patna
He was a leader of Dalit Community and founding member
1883 T. N. B. College, Bhagalpur of the All India Depressed Classes League.
1889 B. N. College , Patna He was youngest minister in Jawaharlal Nehru’s interim
government and became the youngest cabinet of India as
1898 R. D. & D. J. College, Munger Labour Minister.
1899 Bhumihar Brahman College, Muzaffar- He was also member a member of Constituent Assembly
pur (Now L. S. College) where he ensured that social justice was enshrined in the
1909 Patna Law College, Patna
He was defence minister during the Indo-Pak war of 1971.
1917 Patna University Shri Krishna Singh
1917 Post Graduate department in the Arts He was the first Chief Minister of Bihar.
faculty of Patna College
Known as Shri Babu and Bihar Kesari.
1919 Post Graduate department in the Along with the nationalist Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr.
physics and chemistry department of Anugra Narayan Singh and Shri Babu is regarded among
Patna College the Architectures of Modern Bihar.
1925 Patna Medical College and Hospital He led the Dalit entry into Baidyanath Dham temple,
1926 Government Ayurvedic School in Deoghar.
Patna. (In 1947, it was given the status He was the first Chief Minister to abolished Zamindari
of a College) System.
1926 Indian School of Mining, Dhanbad Dr. Anugrah Narayan Sinha
1927 Science College, Patna He was the sfirst Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and also
1924 Bihar College of Engineering, Patna holds the Finance Ministry of the Indian State of Bihar.
He was called as “Bihar Vibhuti’’.
1927 Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
1938 Rajendra College, Chhapra Jayprakash Narayan
1938 Chandradhari Mithila College, Dar- He was popularly referred to as JP or Lok Nayak.
bhanga He was remembered for spearheading the opposition to
Indira Gandhi during the 1970s era for whose overthrow this
called as ‘total revolution’.
6. Important Personalities of Bihar Biography was written by an eminent writer of Hindi
literature, Rambriksha Benipuri.
Kunwar Singh
Chhapra-Delhi-Chhapra Weekly Express was renamed as
He was from Ujjaini house of Jagdispur who was at the age ‘Loknayak Express’ in his honour.
of 80 revolted against British India Company during India’s
He was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratana.
First War of Independence in 1857.
He was also a receiver of Magyasaysay award for public
He actively led a select band of armed forces against the
British troops through guerrilla warfare. service in 1965.
To honour his contribution to India’s Freedom Struggle, Yadunandan Sharma
Government of Bihar issued a memorial stamp and established He was an Indian peasant leader from Bihar who started
Veer Kunwar Singh University, Arrah in Bhojpur district in movement for the rights of tillers against zamindars and
1992. British known as Reora Satyagraha.
Rajendra Prasad Swami Sahajanand Saraswati
He was first President of the Republic of India and also was He was an intellectual, prolific writer, social reformer and
the first President to have been in the office twice. revolutionary.
He was key leader from Bihar during Salt Satyagraha of Formed the All India Kisan Sabha and established Ashram
1930 and the Quit India Movement of 1942. at Bihta near Patna.
He became president of Indian National Congress during
Bombay Session of 1934. Baikuntha Shukla
He served as minister of food and agriculture in the central He was member of revolutionary organisations like the
Government after the 1946 elections. Hindustan Seva Dal and HSRA.
OSWAAL BPSC Prelim 20 previous years solved papers
He was hanged for murdering Phanindra Nath Gosh who } Karma
had approver which led to the hanging of Bhagat Singh, The traditional Karma Dance gets its name from the Karma
Sukhdev and Rajguru. tree which stands for fortune and good luck. The dance
Satyendra Narayan Singh begins with the planting of the tree, followed by circular
He was former Chief Minister of Bihar and leading man of formations around it.
JP’s Complete Revolution Movement during the emergency. In this group dance, there are usually as many men as
Karyanand Sharma women dancers.
He was peasant leader and was born in Munger district The dancers form a two-tiered formation and the
in 1901. movements are usually backward and forward, towards and
He was key member of Non-Cooperation Movement and away from each other.
Kisan Movement. The dancers swing to the rhythm of the drum and the
Basawon Singh clapping of the women folk.
Later, breaking the formation, the dancers thread in and
He was founding member of the Congress Socialist Party
in Bihar along with Yogendra Shukla. out and the body movements involve bending of the torso
and the knees. The dancers put their arms around the waists
He was an activist in the Indian Independence Movement
of their neighbours and form semicircular rows.
and campaigner for the rights of the underprivileged,
Each row of dancers sings and dances alternately to the
industrial labourers and agricultural workers.
accompaniment of the Mandur and Timki.
Yogendra Shukla Drums beat fast and loud and the dance ends on a happy
He was one of the founding members of the Hindustan note.
Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) and also founding The choreography is imaginative and the themes of the
members of Congress Socialist party from Bihar. songs are contemporary and relevant.
He was one of the leaders of the revolutionary movement } Kajari
who was the prison in Kalapani Kajari is a song of rainy season.
Sheel Bhadra Yajee The popular melodious tune of Kajari songs produce
He was activist and peasant leader from Bihar who was a sweet sensation in body and it is heard from the very
associated with the Congress Socialist Party and Kisan beginning of the Shravan month with the rhythmatic note
Movement. of rain.
In 1939, he joined Subash Chandra Bose to found the All The eves of village begin dancing like peacock with the
India Forward Bloc. song of “Bhijat awe Dhaniya Ho Rama.
He authored several books such as- A Glimpse of the } Jhumar
Indian Labour Movement, Forward Bloc and its Stand, Is Jhumar is a traditional folk dance of Bihar, which is
Socialism a Necessity to India, True Face of Monopolistic performed by the rural women.
American Democracy.
There is no fixed season for this beautiful dance form, it is
Bidhan Chandra Roy a dance, which is performed at all times.
He was active member of Brahma Samaj. Spring descends on earth with its beauty and spreads joy
He was second Chief Minister of West Bengal and was and happiness all around.
considered as the great architect of West Bengal who founded } Magahi Jhumar
the five eminent cities Durgapur, Kalyani, Bidhanagar, The Magahi Jhumar dance is usually presented in the form
Ashokenagar and Habra. of a duet, where male and female dancers play the role of
He constituted a trust for his properties at Patna for social husband and wife.
service and made eminent nationalist Ganga Sharan Singh They dance in unison, expressing their desires and
(Sinha) the trustee. aspirations.
He was awarded Bharat Ratna on 4th February, 1961. The wife asks her husband for good clothes and beautiful
7. Art and Culture of Bihar The husband promises to give her everything she desires.
This vibrant folk dance in performed to the accompaniment
Important Folk Dances of Bihar of melodious music.
} Jat Jatin } Jharni
The Jharni Dance is a ritualistic dance performed by the
Jat-Jatin is the most popular folk dance of North Bihar,
Julaha community during Muharram.
especially in Mithila and Koshi region.
The dancers use bamboo sticks split at one end.
It is performed by a pair of man and woman.
They stand in a circular formation, and move around, each
Jat-Jatin is a folk dance of the same emigrant husband
dancer striking the stick of his partner.
accompanied by his spouse.
The sound produced provides the beat for the dance.
Apart from poverty and sorrow, this dance reflects a
rainbow of the sweet and tender quarrel as well as some } Jhijhia
complaints between husband and wife. Jhijhiya is a cultural dance from the Mithila region of the
The folk mocks to comfort the hurdles of life with a smile. Indian subcontinent.
The headlines of the lyrics is “Tikwa-jab-jab Maugailion re Jhijhiya is mostly performed at time of Dusshera, in
jatwa – Tikwa kahe na lawle re”. dedication to Durga Bhairavi, the goddess of victory.
Bihar Prelims
Special 43
While performing jhijhiya, women put lanterns made of Famous Fairs and Festivals In Bihar
clay on their head and they balance it while they dance. It
1. Chhath Puja 2. Makar-Sankranti
is believed that when women perform this dance, negativity
3. Buddha Jayanti 4. Sonepur Cattle Fair
cannot touch them and their loved ones.
5. Sama-Chakeva 6. Bihula
} Jhumeri
7. Madhushravani 8. Pitrapaksha Mela
Jhumeri is a folk dance from Mithilanchal.
9. Malmas Mela
After the month of Ashwin comes Kartik with its clear
skies. On the full moon night of Kartik the young maidens of } Chhath Puja
the village sing and dance to celebrate the turn of the season. Chhath Puja is the famous and main festival of Bihar. Bihar is
The words of the Jhumeri song Kartik maas na akashey an ancient land having deep roots in religion. Folks in Bihar,
badari and the graceful movements of the dance cast a spell being spiritually inclined, celebrate many festivals to worship
on the audience. God. Chhath Puja is the only Vedic festival that is dedicated
} Sohar Khelwana to the Sun God. The festival is celebrated twice a year, in
Sohar Khelwana is a dance performed by women to Chaitra Maas (March) and in Kartik Maas (November). It is 4
celebrate the birth of a child. days of festivity where people fast and offer prayers during
the sunset gathering near the river banks. They also sing folk
In India, the arrival of a newborn is celebrated with
songs and dance in praise of Surya Dev and Chhatti Maiyya.
traditional rituals.
The child receives blessings from family members,
} Makar-Sankranti
neighbours and well-wishers. Makar Sankranti is the harvest festival of Bihar. Similar to
Through the Sohar songs, the women compare the new
Pongal in South India and Lohri in North India, Makar-
born to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, popular Hindu Gods Sankranti, known as Tila Sankrant in Bihar incorporates
who are the embodiments of virtue. The eunuchs are an religious as well as mythological significance. Every year in
integral part of the celebration of childbirth and take part in January, Makar Sankranti Mela is held at Rajgir. In the Banka
this dance. district celebrates the festival by organizing a massive fair at
Mandar Hills. With its origin in Mahabharata, it is believed
} Holi Dance/Dhamar Jogira that the conch shell -the shank of Lord Krishna has been
Spring arrives, resplendent in the colours of ‘abir’ as the found on the hills.
magic of Holi sweeps across the land. } Buddha Jayanti
Commemorative of the victory of good over evil, the
Bihar being the place where Gautam Buddha attained
Festival of Colours is celebrated with unabated enthusiasm
enlightenment, Buddha Jayanti is, therefore, the revered
by the young and old alike.
festival in Bihar. It is celebrated in Bodh Gaya and Rajgir
Come Holi and the hues of the rainbow deck the air in fine
on a full moon day (Purnima) in May. Buddha Poornima is
mists, the streets in telltale smears and our hearts with the the most sacred day for Buddhists which is why an outsized
joyful hope that peace and happiness shall reign. number of individuals belonging to the Buddhist community
The Holi dance is a vibrant dance form of Bihar. The pay a visit to the Mahabodhi temple in Bodh Gaya.
accompanying songs are sung in the Dhamar style. } Sonepur Cattle Fair
} Krishi Nritya It is Asia’s largest cattle fair that is celebrated in Sonepur and
The rains have quenched the earth’s thirst. has its roots in ancient mythology and folklore. It is believed
The sight of their fields rich with the golden crop fills the that Chandragupta Maurya used to buy elephants and horses
farmers’ hearts with joy. across the river Ganges and since then the fair is being held
They express their happiness through dances, which are once a year in November.
rhythmic and enjoyable. } Sama-Chakeva
} Chaita Celebrated in November, the ten-day festival Sama-Chakeva
Chaita songs, as the name suggests, are sung in the month has a special significance in Mithila. It marks the bond
of Chaitra, when flowers appear in the mustard plants. Men between brothers and sisters and it begins soon after the
sing these romantic songs. arrival of colorful migratory birds that are regionally named
Sama And Chakeva. It tells the story of Sama who is believed
} Nachni
to be the daughter of Lord Krishna.
The Nachni dances with her Rashik or male partner, to the
singing and clapping of male accompanists. } Bihula
Nachni dances are presented at various festivals and Also known as Bishari Puja, Bihula is an extrusive festival that
special occasions. is celebrated in the Bhagalpur district and the eastern part
The Nachni is not only the dancer, but also the singer.
of Bihar. Falling on the fifth day of Shravan Maas (August),
Bihula is a festival that proclaims the regional Manjusha Art.
The accompanying musical instruments include the
Nagara, Shenai and Harmonium. } Madhushravani
Harbinger of the monsoon season, Madhushravani is
} Natua celebrated all over Mithilanchal in August (Sawan) by
The Natua dance begins with an item called the Natua worshipping the Snake God Vishahara and the family
Kachal. Goddess Gosaun. Kheer and traditional Ghorjaur along
In this duet performance, the accompanying musical with fried vegetables, mangoes, and jackfruit are offered as
instruments include the Nagara, Dhol and Shenai. prasad. During the festival, married women in the Mithila
The costumes worn by the dancers are indigenous and region fast for the long life of their husbands, mango groves,
attractive. and courtyards in Mithila are filled with beautiful brides.
OSWAAL BPSC Prelim 20 previous years solved papers
} Pitrapaksha Mela Population Density
The holy city Gaya in Bihar is where the famous Pitrapaksha
Population Density 382 per Sq. Km
Mela is held. Rituals like taking a dip in river, worshipping
ancestors, etc are performed in order to bring salvation to the Highest Population Density Bihar, West Bengal, Kerala
souls of the loved ones who left for heavenly abode. Observed State
during the month of September - October, Pitrapaksha Mela Lowest Population Density Arunachal, Mizoram
is held every year for 16 days when a large number of people State
from different regions visit Gaya to offer prayers with utmost
devotion. It is believed that Lord Buddha was the first person Highest Population Density UT Delhi, Chandigarh
who performed the ritual of Pind Daan here and since then Least Population Density UT Andaman Nicobar
the tradition is being followed by many Hindus.
Highest Population Density North-East Delhi
} Malmas Mela
Organized at Rajgir, Malmas Mela is one of the most significant
and grand fairs in India that is attended by a large number Least Population Density Dibang (Arunachal
of devotees. It is a belief that during the sacred month of District Pradesh)
Malmas, also known as Adhimas, the 33 crores Hindu Gods Sex Ratio
and Goddesses make their dwelling in Rajgir, and therefore
this period is marked with prayers and offerings for the entire Sex Ratio 940
month. A grand fair is organized during this period and lakhs
Rural Sex Ratio 949
of devotees mark this auspicious month by paying homage to
the holy land of Rajgir and taking bath in a hot water spring Urban Sex Ratio 929
to wash off their sins. Highest Sex Ratio State Kerala (1084), Tamil Nadu
Census of India
Population Lowest Sex Ratio State Haryana (879)
Highest Sex Ratio UT Pudducherry
Total Population 1,21,08,54,977
Lowest Sex Ratio UT Daman & Diu
Overall rank in the world Second
Child Sex Ratio 919
% of World Population 17.5%
Highest Child Sex Ratio State Andhra Pradesh
% of Male Population in India 51.47%
Lowest Child Sex Ratio State Haryana
% of Female Population in India 48.53%
Highest Child Sex Ratio UT Andaman and Nicobar
% of Rural Population 68.9%
Lowest Child Sex Ratio UT Delhi
% of Urban Population 31.1%
Literacy Rate
% of SC Population 16.6%
% of ST Population 8.6% Total Literacy Rate 74.04
Top Highly Populated States U.P, Maharashtra, Bihar Male Literacy Rate 82.14
Most Populated UT Delhi, Pudducherry Highest Literacy Rate- State Kerala (94%), Mizoram
Least Population Growth Nagaland, Kerala Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes
rate- State
Demography SC ST
Negative Population Growth Nagaland (-0.6%)
rate- State Overall Population 20.137 crore 10.43 crore
Population density per sq km 1,106 (1st in India) High Population density areas 1050 to 8
Area (sq km) 94,163
Medium Population density areas 850 to 1050 10
Total Child Population (0-6 Age) 19,133,964
Low Population density areas 650 to 850 5
Male Child Population (0-6 Age) 9,887,239
Female Chile Population (0-6 Age) 9,246,725 Least Population density areas Less than 2
Overall Literacy 61.8% (Lowest in India)
} Bihar Sex Ratio, 2011
Male Literacy 71.2%
Five Districts with Highest Sex Ratio: Gopalganj, Siwan,
Female Literacy 51.5% Kishanganj, Nawada.
Total Literate 52,504,553 Five Districts with Highest Sex Ratio (0-6 Age Group):
Male Literate 31,608,023 Kishanganj, Katihar, Gaya, Araria, Jamui.
Five Districts with Lowest Sex Ratio (0-6 Age Group):
Female Literate 20,896,530
Vaishali, Patna, Muzaffarpur, Bhojpur, Begusarai.
Bihar Religion Based Demography, 2011 Five Districts with Lowest Sex Ratio: Munger, Bhagalpur,
Religion Population (%) Sex Ratio Literacy (%) Khagaria, Sheohar, Begusarai/Vaishali.
} Bihar Urban Population, 2011
Hindus 82.69 915 47.9
Five Districts with Lowest Urban Population: Sheohar,
Muslims 16.87 943 42 Arwal, Kaimur, Khagaria, Madhepura.
OSWAAL BPSC Prelim 20 previous years solved papers
Five Districts with Highest Population: Patna, Bhagalpur, Five Districts With Lowest Schedule Caste in Pop-
Gaya, Begusarai, Muzaffarpur. ulation: Kishanganj, Katihar, Bhagalpur, Siwan,
Five Districts with Highest Urban Population in %: Patna, Sitamarhi.
Munger, Bhagalpur, Begusarai, Sheikhpura. } Bihar Schedule Tribe Population, 2011
Five Districts with Lowest Urban Population in %: Five Districts with Highest Schedule Tribe Population:
Samastipur, Banka, Madhubani, Kaimur, Sheohar. West Champaran, Katihar, Purnea, Banka, Siwan.
} Bihar Schedule Caste Population, 2011 Five Districts with Lowest Schedule Tribe Population
Five Districts with Highest Schedule Caste in Percent: in percent: Khagaria, Samastipur, Aurangabad, Sheohar,
Gaya, Nawada, Aurangabad, Kaimur, Vaishali. Begusarai.
Five Districts with Lowest Schedule Caste in Percent: Five Districts with Highest Schedule Tribe Population in
Kishanganj, Katihar, Bhagalpur, Siwan, Sitamarhi. percent: West Champaran, Katihar, Jamui, Banka, Purnea.
Five Districts With Highest Schedule Caste in population: Five Districts with Lowest Schedule Tribe Population:
Gaya, Patna, Samastipur, Muzaffarpur, Vaishali. Sheohar, Arwal, Sheikhpura, Khagaria.
6 Which one of the following describes best the concept (A) Treaty of Allahabad 1. 1782
of Nirvana in Buddhism? (B) Treaty of Manglore 2. 1784
(a) The extinction of the flame of desire.
(C) Treaty of Salbai 3. 1769
(b) The complete annihilation of self.
(c) A state of bliss and rest. (D) Treaty of Madras 4. 1765
(d) A mental stage beyond all comprehension. Codes:
7 The doctrine of Apurva is related to A B C D
(a) Charvaka (b) Jaina (c) Buddha (d) Mimamsa (a) 4 2 3 1
(b) 2 4 3 1
8 Which one of the following was not a capital of
Magadhan Empire? (c) 4 2 1 3
(a) Girivraja (b) Rajgriha (c) Pataliputra (d) Kaushambi (d) 2 4 1 3
9 Which of the following can be compared to ‘Prince’ of 16 Select the correct chronological order of the given
Machiavelli? events from the codes given below:
(a) Kalidasa’s ‘Malvikagnimitram’ 1. Clive’s re-arrival in India.
(b) Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ 2. Treaty of Allahabad.
(c) Vatsyayana’s ‘Kamasutra’ 3. Battle of Buxar.
(d) Thiruvalluvar’s ‘Thirukkural’ 4. Warren Hastings became India’s Governor.
Bihar Prelims
Special 47
Codes: 25 Newton’s first law of motion is known as:
A B C D (a) Gravity
(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) Law of Inertia
(b) 3 1 2 4 (c) Law of conservation of momentum
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) Vertical motion
(d) 2 1 4 3 26 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
17 The policy of ‘Security cell’ is related with: from the code given below the lists:
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Lord Dalhousie List-I (Substance) List-II (Use)
(c) Henry Lawrence (d) Lord Hastings
(A) Blue Vitriol 1. Artificial rain
18 Which Governor - General was prosecuted for
impeachment? (B) Eosin 2. Fungicide
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Lord Clive (C) Silver iodide 3. Red ink
(c) Lord Cornwallis (d) Lord Wellesley (D) Zinc phosphide 4. Rodenticide
19 Who was the founder of the Servants of India society? Code:
(a) M. G. Ranade (b) Anant Patwardhan A B C D
(c) G. K. Gokhale (d) B. G. Tilak (a) 2 3 4 1
(b) 2 1 3 4
20 Who said that “If God were to tolerate untouchability, (c) 2 3 1 4
I would not recognize him as God at all”? (d) 2 4 1 3
(a) B. R. Ambedkar (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
27 Which one of the following diseases is caused by Fungi?
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai (d) Mahatma Gandhi
(a) Allergy (b) Colour blindness
21 The first “Lokayukta” was established in which of the (c) AIDS (d) Baldness
following states?
28 Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly
(a) Odisha (b) Kerala (c) Maharashtra (d) Punjab
22 The first Speaker of Bihar Legislative Assembly after (a) Thiamine - Beriberi (b) Ascorbic acid - Scurvy
independence was: (c) Vitamin A - Colour blindness
(a) Bindeshwari Prasad Verma (b) Maulana Abul Kalam (d) Vitamin K - Blood clotting
(c) Jayprakash Narayan (d) Babu Jagjivan Ram 29 Which one of the following is used in food
23 What is the motto of Bihar Police? preservation?
(a) Sarvada Gagne Charet (b) Balidan Param Dharma (a) Sodium Carbonate (b) Acetylene
(c) Satyamev Jayate (d) A Voyage of Excellence (c) Benzoic Acid (d) Sodium Chloride
24 Which one of the following is the unit of measure of 30 Which of the following is a waterborne disease?
the thickness of the ozone layer of the atmosphere? (a) Smallpox (b) Malaria
(a) Knot (b) Dobson (c) Poise (d) Maxwell (c) Cholera (d) Tuberculosis