Word Prosessing
Word Prosessing
Word Prosessing
A word processor is a computer program that is used to work with
words i.e. text. Text is used in many different types of documents such
1. Letters
2. Reports
3. Posters
4. Party invitations
A word processor is especially helpful because it contains commands
which you can use to do things to your text ( like change its size,
font and colour ) and added things to your text ( like diagrams,
pictures, and tables ).
Word layout
The Ribbon
The blank working area
contains the
looks like a clean sheet of
groups of
paper – this is where we
commands that
will enter text.
you can use
Entering text – spacing rules
• There must only be one space between one word and the next word.
• Most punctuation marks (like commas, full stops, question marks, exclamation
marks, colons and semicolons) are typed with no space before them, and one
after them.
• Do not press Enter at the end of each line. When it starts to look like you are
going to run out of space at the end of a line, just continue typing – Word will
jump over to the next line for you automatically. This is know as word wrapping.
Activity 1 Activity 2
Soft Return
Hard return
When you press the Enter A ‘soft return’ is when you press the
key in a Word document, Shift+Enter keys at the same time
you add a ‘hard return’ (Hold down the Shift key, press Enter,
and create a new then release both keys) to move to
paragraph. the next line without creating a new
Symbol for an Enter
Symbol for a
Open a word
• Type in the text shown on the right, making sure to use the
correct ‘hard returns’ and ‘soft returns’
01 02 03