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Brief History of the Electromagnetic Theory
Electricity and magnetism - in physics, these
two words often go together like horse and carriage,
in electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction.

Let us meet the original players in the

electromagnetism :


-During an evening lecture in April 1820, Oersted
discovered that a magnetic needle aligns itsself
perpendicularly to a current-carying wire, definite
experimental evidence of the relationship between
electricity and magnetism.
-During a lecture demonstration, on April 21,
1820, while setting up his apparatus, Oersted
noticed that when he turned on an electric current
by connecting the wire to both ends of the battery,
a compass needle held nearby deflected away from
magnetic north, where it normally pointed.
-French physicist who founded and named the science of
electrodynamics, now known as electromagnetism. His name
endures in everyday life in the ampere, the unit for measuring
electric current.
-Ampère proposed that fluorine could be isolated by electrolysis,
which Davy had previously used to discover elements such as
sodium and potassium. It was only in 1886 that French chemist
Henri Moissan finally isolated fluorine. He achieved this using
electrolysis, the method Ampère had recommended.
-The story of the ampere began when a Danish physicist named
Hans Christian Ørsted discovered that magnetism and electricity
were two aspects of the same thing. In 1820, he showed that you
could make a compass needle deflect from north by putting it near
an electric current.
-Michael Faraday (22 September 1791 – 25
August 1867)
Michael Faraday made his first discovery of
electromagnetism in 1821. He took the
work of Oersted and Ampere on the
magnetic properties of electrical currents as
a starting point and in 1831 achieved an
electrical current from a changing magnetic
field, a phenomenon known as
electromagnetic induction.
-(December 17, 1797 - May 13, 1878)
was an American scientist and
engineer. While building
electromagnets, he discovered the
electromagnetic phenomenon of self-
-He also discovered mutual
inductance, independently of Michael
Faraday, but faraday was the first to
publish his results.
-(1831-1879) was one of the greatest
scientists who have ever lived. To him
we owe the most significant discovery
of our age - the theory of
electromagnetism. He is rightly
acclaimed as the father of modern
physics. He also made fundamental
contributions to mathematics,
astronomy and engineering.
Accelerating electrons produce electromagnetic waves. These
waves are a combination of electric fields. A changing magnetic
field produces an electric field and a changing electric field
produces a magnetic field.
As accelarated electrons produce an electric field of a wave, the
varying electric field produces the magnetic field. Both the electric
field and the magnetic field oscillate perpendicular to each other
and to the direction of the propaganting wave.
All eloctromagnetic waves can travel through a midium but
unlike other types of waves, they can also travel in vacuum. They
travel in vacuum at a speed of 3 X 10 m/s and denoted as c, the
speed of light.
The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is a continuum of
electromagnetic waves arranged according to frequency and
wavelength. It is a gradual progression from the waves of lowest
frequencies to the waves of highest frequencies.

According to increasing frequency, the EM spectrum includes:

radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays,
gamma rays. These waves do not have exact dividing region.

The different types of electromagnetic waves are defined by the

amount of energy carried by/possessed by the photons are bundles
of wave energy.
Among the EM waves, the gamma rays have photons of high energies while
radio waves have photons with the lowest energies. On the other hand in
the terms of wavelength, the wavelength of radio waves can be compared to
the size of a football field while the wave lengths of gamma rays are as small
as the nuclei of an atom
The waves in the various
regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum
share similar properties but
differ in wavelength,
frequency, energy, and the
method of production.
.The Regions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Radio and TV waves: Microwaves: Infrared Waves:
- Have the longest - Are radio waves of very - Are waves that lie in the
wavelengths and the lowest short wavelength. region beyond the red end of
frequencies in the - They are used in satellite visible spectrum.
electromagnetic spectrum communications because - The wavelength of infrared
- They can be produced by waves is too long to be visible
they can penetrate the
making electricity oscillate to the naked eye.
ionosphere - a layer of the
in an aerial, or attenna, and - Infrared radiation is the
earth’s atmosphere in which
are used to transmit sound most noticeable when given
there is a high concentration
and picture information off by hot objects, especially
of changed particles.
over long distances. when objects are red hot.
Visible Waves: - When white light passes through a prism, it is
- At about 700°C , the shortest waves seperated into its constituent colors: red, orange,
present can be detected by the eye. yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Violet has a
These visible waves are what we know shortest wavelength and red has the longest. There
as light waves. Visible lights makes up are no sharp boundaries separating the various
only a amall proportion of the entire colors. Instead, there is a continuous blending from
electromagnetic spectrum. one color to the next.
- Are invisible radiation that lie beyond the violet end of the visible
spectrum. Ultra violet light has a shorter wavelength than violet light
and carry more energy. The sun is our main source of ultraviolet light.
X - rays:
-Have a short wavelength and high frequencies and are very
penetrating. They are produced by the rapid accelaration of electrons
in X - ray machines that collide with atoms. These atoms emit X - rays.
- X - rays with long wavelength that cab penetrate through flesh but
not bone are used in X - ray photography to help doctors inside the
body. X - rays with shorter wavelength that can penetrate through
metal are used in industry to inspect welded joints or faults.
All X - rays are dangerous because they can damage living cells
and can cause cancer.
Gamma Rays:
- Gamma rays are high-energy waves produced
from nuclear reactions. They have shorter
wavelengths than X - rays because energy
changes within the nucleus are normally much
larger than those that take place outside it. They
are more dangerous than X - rays because
radioactive substances emit them.


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