Instruction For Reg. & Filling Application Form 2023-24

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izos'kkdfjrk dj.ks o vtZ Hkj.;kdfjrk lqpuk

1. Required documents and general Instructions:
vko';d o lkekU; ekfgrh-
The instructions and other information regarding filling the online application form are
available at University Website Please read them carefully. In order to
complete the application submission procedure, you need a scanned copy of the
following documents:
vkWuykbZu vtZ Hkj.;kckcr lqpuk o brj ekfgrh fo|kihBkP;k izos'kkdfjrk vlysY;k ladsrLFkGkoj
miyC/k vkgs- R;k lqpuk dkGthiwoZd okpqu ?;kO;kr- laiw.kZ vtZ Hkj.;kdfjrk [kkyhy
LdWu djkoh ykxrhy-

1. Your recent colour photograph (format - .jpg, file size between 30 kb to 200 kb)
vfydMhy vkiys jaxhr Nk;kfp=k
Your signature ( format - .jpg, file size between 5 kb to 100 kb)
vtZnkjkph Lok{kjh
2. All SSC Passed Marksheets ( format - .jpg, file size between 50 kb to 400 kb)
'kkykar ifj{kk mRrh.kZ vlY;kP;k laiw.kZ iz;RukP;k (Attempt) xq.kif=kdk-
3. School/College leaving certificate, Bonafied and Gap Certificate (If required) ( format
- .jpg, file size between 50 kb to 400 kb)
'kkGk@fo|ky; lksMY;kpk nk[kyk] cksukQkbZM vkf.k [kaM ¼ykxq
4. Aadhar card ( format - .jpg, file size between 50 kb to 400 kb)
vk/kkj dkMZ
5. Your Caste/Category/SBC/EWS eligible certificate etc. ( format - .jpg, file size
between 50 kb to 400 kb) for Reserved categories.
tkrhpk nk[kyk@oxZokjh@,lchlh@,lbchlh@bZMCyq,l ik=krk b-
6. Non creamy layer certificate ( format - .jpg, file size between 50 kb to 400 kb)
for VJ(a), NT(b), NT(c), NT(d), OBC/ SBC & eligible certificate for EWS categories.
izxr o mUurxVkr u eksM.kkjs foeqDr tkrh ¼v½] HkVD;ktkrh ¼c½] HkVD;ktkrh
¼d½] HkVD;ktkrh ¼M½] brj ekxkloxZ] lkekftd o 'kS{kf.kd ekxkloxkZdjhrk vkf.k ik=krk vkfFkZd n`"V~;k nqcZy ?kVdkdfjrk-
7. Your PwD/PH, Orphan certificate ( format - .jpg, file size between 50 kb to 400 kb)
issued by an appropriate authority for PwD category Orphan Certificate
viax mesnokjkl viax vlY;kckcrps l{ke vf/kdÚ;kps vukFk
8. Details of SBI collect money transfer receipt towards the application fee.
,l- ch- vk;- dysDV }kjs vtkZdjhrk 'kqYd Hkj.kk dsY;kps fooj.k ikorh-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

General Instructions:
lkekU; lqpuk %

1. Before applying online, candidates are advised to download the LMDP Diploma Prospectus 2022- 23
(pdf) and read it carefully.
vkWuykbZu vtZ dj.;kiwohZ vtZnkjkus ekfgrh izos'k IkqfLrdk 2022&23 ladsrLFkGko:u MkmuyksM d:u
dkGthiwoZd okpqu ?;koh-
2. Please ensure that all information provided is correct and accurate. Admission on false information
and certificate will be ipso facto null and void and is also punishable under the various provisions
of Indian Penal Code.
vki.k fnysyh laiw.kZ ekfgrh vpqd o cjkscj vlY;kph [kk=kh d:u ?;koh- [kksVs fdaok ekfgrh}kjs
izos'k ?ksrY;kl izos'k jnn~ gksbZy- rlsp Hkkjrh; naMlfgarsP;k fofo/k rjrqnhuqlkj mesnokj f'k{kslik=k
3. Before the last date, after filling the complete form, you will be prompted to “Final Application
Submission and Freeze”. After clicking this button, the Form is set to read only. You may
however return to the form to view or print it again.
laiw.kZ vtZ HkjY;kuarj vafre lknjhdj.k o Qzhtdjrk ;sbZy- ;ke/;s vki.k vtZ okpq 'kdrks o vki.kkl
vtZ iq.kZ ikgwu fizaV ?ksrk ;sby
Z -
4. Except Full Name in marathi, all entries in the application form shall be required to be filled only in
vtkZrhy ejkBhrhy ukokO;frjhDr brj loZ ukasnh baxzth e/;s Hkj.ks vko';d vkgs-
5. Applicant once cancelled their admission will not be allow again for admission.
vtZnkjkus R;kpk izos'k jn~n dsY;kl iqUgk izos'k fnyk tk.kkj ukgh-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

2. New Registration to create Login
ufou vtZnkjkl ykWxhax fuek.kZ dj.ks-
1. New Candidate to visit the website : or
ufou mesnokjkaus fdaok ladsr LFkGkyk HksV n;koh-
2. Fill the details to register. You must have a valid/active Mobile number and Aadhar card
number for applying online.
uksan.khdjhrk lfoLrj ekfgrh Hkjk- vkiY;k dMhy pkyq Hkze.k/ouh Øekad vkf.k vk/kkj
dkMZ Øekad vkWuykbZu vtkZdfjrk vko';d vkgs-
3. Fill all fields and press the button “Register”. OTP will be received on your entered mobile
number. Once the information is filled here, it can not be changed.
laiw.kZ ekfgrh vpqd HkjY;kuarj “Register” cVu nkck- ekfgrhr fnysY;k Hkze.k/ouh
Øekadkoj OTP uacj feGsy- ,dnk ekfgrh HkjY;kuarj cny djrk ;s.kkj ukgh-
4. The confirmation for the registration SMS will be sent on your mobile number entered. >kY;kckcrph [kk=kh vkiY;k eksckbZyoj lans'k izkIr gksbZy-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

Enter your OTP received on your entered mobile number and Click on “SUBMIT”.
vkiY;kyk vtkZr fnysY;k Hkze.k/ouhoj izkIr >kysyk OTP Øekad Vkdk o “SUBMIT”CkVu nkck-

You will get a message registration successful message along with your application ID. Note down the
application ID for further use. Click on Login.
R;kauarj vkiY;k vtkZph ;'kLohfjR;k >kY;kckcr lans'k o vtZ Øekad izkIr gksbZy- izkIr >kysyk
vtZØekad uksan d:u Bsoqu iq<hy izos'kklanHkkZr mi;ksxkdjhrk tiwu Bsok- Login cVu nkck-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

3. Login for filling the application form:

vtZ Hkj.;kdfjrk ykWxhax dj.ks-

1. Visit the following website for Login ;k ladsrLFkGkoj HksV n;k-
2. Already logged in candidate has to complete the process of filling online application form:
iqohZ ukasn >kysY;k vtZnkjkl vkWuykbZu izos'k vtZ Hkj.;kph dk;Z i/nrh-

Action-1: Fill up Fee details-

'kqYdkps fooj.k Hkjk-
Action-2: Fill up personal Information.
OkS;Drhd ekfgrh Hkjk-
Action-3: Upload Photograph, Signature and other documents.
Nk;kfp=k] Lok{kjh o brj dkxni=ks tksMk-
Action-4: Fill up Diploma college choices.
rqeP;k ilarhps infodk fo|ky;s fuoMk-
Action-5: Edit application form (if required).
vtkZr lq/kkj.kk dj.ks ¼vko';drk vlY;kl½-
Action-6: For final submission click on “Final Submission & Lock Application
Form”. vtZnkjkus vtZ lekos'k cVu fDyd dsY;kuarj rqepk vtZ YkkWd gksbZy-
Action-7: Take a print of your application for future reference.
Lakiw.kZ vtZ HkjY;kuarj vtkZph fizaV ?;koh-

• Login Page : Login with your application id and password. Confidentiality of Password is the
sole responsibility of the User and all care must be taken to protect the password.

vkiY;k vtZ Øekad o ikloMZ }kjs ykWxbZUk gks.ks o ikloMZph xksiuh;rk ikG.ks fg loZLoh
tckcnkjh okijdR;kZph vlwu R;kckcr laca/khrkauh ;ksX; dkGth ?;koh-

• For security reasons, always click on the LOGOUT button and close all windows related to your
session before you exit the website. Read the instructions carefully and fill the form.

lqjf{krrsP;k n`"Vhus fu;ehr ykWx vkÅV cVu nkckos o laca/khr loZ foaMks can dsY;kuarj
ladsrLFkG can djkos- laiw.kZ ekfgrh dkGth iqoZd okpk o vtZ Hkjk-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24
Action-1: Fill up Fee details : 'kqYdkps fooj.k Hkjk-

➢ Pay the fee using SBI Collect website: Open and select SB collect and go
with any version. Pay the fees, download and Print receipt having MAFSU logo.
,l-ch-vk;- dysDV}kjs 'kqYd Hkj.ks & 'kqYd ladsrLFkG m?kMqu ,l-ch-
dysDVe/khy dks.kR;kgh izdkjk}kjs 'kqYd Hkjkos- ekQlw yksxks vlysyh ikorh download d:u fiazV d:u ?;k-
➢ Fill the details on the online application form. Your application will be screened based on the
information furnished by you. You are required to exercise sufficient care to correctly furnish the fee
details. You are required to scan the fee receipt and upload it in the space shown below. The size of the
scanned image should be less than 400kb in JPG/PNG format . Instructions to reduce size of image is
given at the end of this document.
vkWuykbZu vtkZe/;s laiw.kZ ekfgrhps fooj.k Hkjk- vkiyk vtZ vki.k HkjysY;k ekfgrhP;k vk/kkjkoj Nkuuh dsyk
tkbZy- vki.k 'kqYd lknj dsY;kckcrph ekfgrh dkGthiqoZd o cjkscj Hkj.ks vko';d vkgs- 'kqYd HkjY;kP;k
ikorhph LdWu d:u [kkyh fnysY;k ;ksX; tksMk;ph vkgs- LdWu dsysYkh Nk;kph=k JPG/PNG e/;s
vlkoh o vkdkj 400 kb is{kk deh vlkok- vkdkj deh dj.;kckcr lqpuk ;k ekfgrh i=kdkpk 'ksoVh fnysyh
➢ While filling the application form online, please save the information by clicking the button “SAVE”.
Applicant can fill and edit the information at the same page.
vkWuykbZu vtZ Hkjrkauk vki.k Hkjysyh ekfgrh “SAVE” cVu nkcqu lqj{khr djk- vtZnkj ,dkp i`"Bkoj
ekfgrh Hk: vkf.k laikfnr d: 'kdrks

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

Action-2: Fill up personal & school details:
oS;Drhd o 'kS{kf.kd ekfgrh-

➢ Fill the details on the online application form. Since your eligibility will be screened based on the
information furnished by you, you are required to exercise sufficient care to correctly furnish the details
of your Qualification, etc.
vkWuykbZu vtkZe/;s laiw.kZ ekfgrh Hkjk- vkiyh ik=krsph Nkuuh vki.k lknj dsysY;k ekfgrhP;k
vk/kkjs dj.;kr ;sr vlY;keqGs OkS;Drhd o 'kS{kf.kd ekfgrh cjkscj lknj dj.;kph ifjiw.kZ dkGth
➢ While filling the application form online, please save the information by clicking the button “SAVE”.
Applicant can fill and edit the information at the same page.
vkWuykbZu vtZ Hkjrkauk vki.k Hkjysyh ekfgrh “SAVE” cVu nkcqu lqj{khr djk- अर्जदार एकाच पष्ृ ठावर माहिती भरू
आणि संपाहदत करू शकतो

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

Action-3: Upload Photograph, Signature and other documents
Nk;kfp=k] Lok{kjh o brj nLrk,sot tksMk-
➢ Upload Photograph-Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture. The image should only be in
.jpg or .jpeg format. Size of file should not be less than 30 kb & more than 200 kb.
Nk;fp=k tksM.ks& Nk;kfp=k vyhdMhy] jaxhr o ikLkiksVZ lkbZtpk vlkok- Nk;kfp=k .jpg or .jpeg format
e/;s vlkos- QkbZypk lkbZt 30 kb is{kk deh o 200 kb is{kk tkLr ulkoh-
➢ Upload Signature-Sign on white paper with Black ink pen and scan it. Please scan the signature area only
and not the entire page and ensure that the size of the scanned image is not be less than 5 kb & more than 100
kb.The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg format.
Lok{kjh tksM.ks& ika<Ú;k dkxnkoj dkG;k isukus Lok{kjh d:u LdWu djkoh- d`i;k Lok{kjh LdWu djkoh
laiw.kZ iku LdWu d: u;s- .jpg or .jpeg format e/;s vlkos- QkbZypk lkbZt 5 kb is{kk deh o 100 kb is{kk
tkLr ulkoh -
➢ Upload SSC Marksheet: upload all SSC attempt marksheets.The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg
format. Size of file should not be less than 50 kb & more than 400 kb.
'kkykar ifj{ksps tksM.ks & laiw.kZ 'kkykar ifj{ksP;k xq.kif=kdk tksMk- .jpg or .jpeg format e/;s
vlkos- QkbZypk lkbZt 50 kb is{kk deh o 400 kb is{kk tkLr ulkoh-
➢ Upload school leaving certificate: Last School leaving certificate or Bonafide certificate and Gap
certificate (if requied).The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg format. Size of file should not be less than 50
kb & more than 400 kb.
'kkGk lksMY;kpk nk[kyk tksM.ks & 'ksoVpk 'kkGk lksMY;kpk nk[kyk fdaok cksukQkbZM o [kaM ¼vko';drk vlY;kl½ .jpg or .jpeg format e/;s vlkos- QkbZypk lkbZt 50 kb is{kk deh o 400
kb is{kk tkLr ulkoh-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

➢ Upload Caste or Validity certificate (if applicable): The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg
format. Size of file should not be less than 50 kb & more than 400 kb.
tkrhpk nk[kyk fdaok oS/krk tksM.ks&.jpg or .jpeg format e/;s vlkos- QkbZypk lkbZt 50 kb
is{kk deh o 400 kb is{kk tkLr ulkoh-
➢ Upload Non creamy layer certificate (if applicable):The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg
format. Size of file should not be less than 50 kb & more than 400 kb.
mUur o izxrxVkr u eksM.kkjs tksM.ks&jpg or .jpeg format e/;s vlkos- QkbZypk lkbZt 50 kb
is{kk deh o 400 kb is{kk tkLr ulkoh-
➢ Upload PH/ Orphan certificate (if applicable):The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg format. of file
should not be less than 50 kb & more than 400 kb.
viax@vukFk vlY;kckcrps l{ke vf/kdkÚ;kps tksM.ks&jpg or .jpeg format e/;s vlkos- QkbZypk
lkbZt 50 kb is{kk deh o 400 kb is{kk tkLr ulkoh-
➢ Upload HSC certificate (if applicable):The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg format. of file should
not be less than 50 kb & more than 400 kb.
mPp 'kkykar ifj{ksps tksM.ks &jpg or .jpeg format e/;s vlkos- QkbZypk lkbZt 50 kb is{kk deh o
400 kb is{kk tkLr ulkoh-
➢ While filling the application form online, please save the information by clicking the button “SAVE”.
Applicant can fill and edit the information at the same page.
vkWuykbZu vtZ Hkjrkauk vki.k Hkjysyh ekfgrh “SAVE” cVu nkcqu lqj{khr djk- vtZnkj ,dkp i`"Bkoj ekfgrh
Hk: vkf.k laikfnr d: 'kdrks-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

Action-4: Fill diploma college choices:
infodk fo|ky;kl ilarh Øe ns.ks-
➢ Only chosen region at the time of registration will appear here. Choose the zone and diploma college name
from the drop down box. You should choose minimum of one college and maximum of five colleges.
ukasn.khP;k osGsl fnysys foHkkx@?kVd egkfo|ky; vki.kkl fnlsy- drop down box e/kqu foHkkx o infodk
fo|ky; fuoMk- vki.kkl dehr deh ,d o tkLrhr tkLr ikp infodk fo|ky; fuoMrk ;srhy-
➢ While filling the application form online, please save the information by clicking the button “SAVE”.
Applicant can fill and edit the information at the same page.
vkWuykbZu vtZ Hkjrkauk vki.k Hkjysyh ekfgrh “SAVE” cVu nkcqu lqj{khr djk- vtZnkj ,dkp i`"Bkoj ekfgrh
Hk: vkf.k laikfnr d: 'kdrks-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

Action-5: Edit application from (if required)
vtkZrlq/kkj.kkdj.ks ¼vko';drk vlY;kl½-
➢ Click on “Edit Application”. Check your choosen college choices.
“Edit Application” nkckoh- fo|ky;kpk i;kZ; riklqu ?;kok-

➢ Your filled data will appear.

vki.k Hkjysyh ekfgrh fnlsy-
➢ In case you wish to edit any information, you can do that by login in again using Application ID and
Password. After editing the information, make sure to save the information by clicking the button “SAVE”.
vkiY;kyk vtkZe/;s dkgh cny@lq/kkj.kk djk;ph vlY;kl vki.k laiw.kZ vtZ HkjY;kuarj iqUgk vkiY;k vtkZpk
Øekad o ikloMZ}kjs ykWxbZu d: 'kdrk- ;ksX; cny@lq/kkj.kk >kY;kuarj “SAVE” cVu nkcqu ekfgrh lqjf{kr
dsY;kph [kk=kh d:u ?;k-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

Final View of application:
vtkZph vafre

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

Final Submission & Lock Application Form:
vtZ lekos'k cVu i;kZ; %
➢ To freeze/Lock your application, click on “Final Submission & Lock Application Form”. Freeze of
the application is important for all the candidates. If you fail to freeze your application, the system
will freeze your application automatically after the last date of registration.
vtZ lekos'k@ykWd dj.;kdfjrk Final Submission & Lock Application Form cVu fDyd
djkos- vtZ lekos'k@ ykWd dj.ks loZ mesnokjkuk vfuok;Z vkgs- vtZnkjkus u dsY;kl iz.kkyh vkiksvki
'ksoVP;k fnukadkyk ykWd djsy-
➢ If your application not filled properly or incomplete, it will not be considered and rejected by
MAFSU. Hence, it is advised to the candidate to freeze your application on or before last date of
vki.k vkiyk vtZ O;ofLFkr Hkjyk ulY;kl o viw.kZ vlY;kl fo|kihBk}kjs xzkg; /kjY;k
tk.kkj ukgh o jí dsY;k tkbZy- Eg.kwu vki.kkl lYyk ns.;kr ;srs dh] vafre fnukadkP;k vxksnj
vtZ O;ofLFkr ikgwu ykWd djkok-
➢ After freezing the application, the information provided by the candidate is treated as final and the
candidate is unable to edit/modify further. He/she can view or print the application only.
vtZ lekos'k@ykWd >kY;kuarj vki.k lknj dsysyh ekfgrh vafre letY;k tkbZy o iq<s
dks.krkgh cny djrk ;s.kkj ukgh- vtZnkjkl QDr vtZ ikgrk ;sbZy fdaok fizaV ?ksrk ;sbZy-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

fp=kkpk vkdkj ygku dj.;kdjhrk lwpuk

1. Right click on Image and open with “Microsoft Office Picture Manager”
izfresoj mtoh cVu nkcqu “Microsoft Office Picture Manager” }kjs m?kMk-

2. Image will open and Go to Picture -> Resize.
izfrek m?kMsy R;kuarj Resize yk-

3. Right side of the picture Resize box will appear.

izfresP;k mtO;k cktqyk Resize box fnlsy-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

4. Select “predefined width x height” in Resize box ,select “Document size” as per
requirement (preferable Document small (800 x 600 px)and click on “OK”.
iqoZlqphr width x height fuoMk- vko';d vlysyk vkdkj fuoMk ¼izk/;kukaus ygku vkdkjkps] 800 x
600 px ½ o “OK” cVu nkck-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

5. Save the file.
QkbZy lekos'k djk-

6. Close the file and go to the file directory and Right click on the Image, select properties and check
the file size. If file size is not between 50 to 400 kb, do the same process again starting from step 1.
QkbZy can djk o izfresP;k QkbZyk tk vkf.k izfresoj mtoh Dyhd djk] select properties vkf.k QkbZypk lkbZt
vkdkj riklwu ?;k- tj QkbZy 50 rs 400 kb e/;s ulsy rj ijr ojhy izek.ks izfØ;k djk-

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24


,dk is{kk tkLr Nk;kfp=ks ,dkp QkbZye/;s ifjoZrhr dj.;kdjhrk [kkyhy osclkbZV igk-

1. or
2. or
3. or
4. or

Use of above sites is optional and it is just for information to the candidates. A candidate
can use any other software or website for merging of the files.
ojhy ladsrLFkGkpk okij vtZnkjkl i;kZ; o ekfgrh djhrk vkgs- vtZnkj dks.krsgh nqljs lkWIVosvj fdaok
ladsrLFkG gs QkbZy ,d=k dj.ksdjhrk oki: 'kdrkr-


Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

Instruction For Reg. & Filling App. Form 2023-24

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