Entrepreneurship BS IT
Entrepreneurship BS IT
Entrepreneurship BS IT
Course Specifications
BAM- ---
Fall – 2023-24
Basic Information
Course Code:
Course credits/week: Theory: 03 Lab: Nil Total: 03
Program(s) on which the course is given: BS – IT
Is the course major or minor element of the Major: Minor:
Department offering the program: Lyallpur Business School
Department offering the course: Management Division
Academic year/level: 3
Revision #: 1
Last revised on (date): 23.08.2023
Overall Aims of the Course
Course Description:
Welcome to Entrepreneurship! The paper is an introductory course intended to provide students with
knowledge of entrepreneurship and the vital role played by entrepreneurs in the global economy. To
achieve this, this course focuses on the creation of new ventures, the skills necessary for success in an
entrepreneurial venture, and factors associated with new venture success. Entrepreneurship is
interdisciplinary so this paper provides students with the opportunity to draw together elements of
other papers such as finance, economics, management, marketing, production and so forth, showing
how these must fit together to create a whole organization, rather than viewing these as a series of
unrelated components.
This paper also mixes theory with practice. Students are challenged to apply principles, concepts and
frameworks to real world situations, particularly on assignments including the business plan and on
exams. This subject helps students determine if they want to start their own ventures or if they prefer
to operate as corporate entrepreneurs working within an existing organization. Companies
increasingly want and need employees who can identify problems and opportunities, exercise
initiative and develop creative solutions, and build support while implementing their ideas. The
concepts and skills emphasized in this subject are useful whether starting a new business or
innovating within an existing organization
Course Objectives:
Upon the completion of this course students will achieve basic competence in:
• understanding the concepts of entrepreneurship, innovation, intrapreneurship and small
business management
• be familiar with a variety of behavioral and personality issues in new venture creation.
• thinking and design thinking to develop new venture ideas
• how to use customer ethnography and interviews to validate value proposition(s) of new
venture ideas
• how to use the business model canvas to operationalize new venture ideas how to evaluate
growth opportunities
• how to write a business plan
Learning Outcomes:
After taking this course, students are able to:
• To define, identify and/or apply the principles of entrepreneurial and family business.
• To define, identify and/or apply the principles of viability of businesses, new business
proposals, and opportunities within existing businesses;
• To define, identify and/or apply the principles of entrepreneurial management and growth
through strategic plans, consulting projects and/or implementing their own businesses.
• To define, identify and/or apply the principles of preparing a start- up business plan
emphasizing financing, marketing, and organizing;
• To define, identify and/or apply the principles of creating and defending an entrepreneurial
marketing plan.
• To define, identify and/or apply the principles of developing pro forma financial statements.
• To define, identify and/or apply the principles of new venture financing, growth financing,
and growth financing for existing businesses.
Class Format:
Active involvement of students is needed in class discussions to understand this course.
Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:
Weekly Course Objectives
WEEK TOPIC Intended Learning Objectives
• Explain entrepreneurship and discuss its importance.
• Describe corporate entrepreneurship and its use in established firms.
• Discuss three main reasons people decide to become entrepreneurs.
• Identify four main characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
• Explain the five common myths regarding entrepreneurship.
• Explain how entrepreneurial firms differ from salary-substitute and
lifestyle firms.
Introduction to • Discuss the changing demographics of entrepreneurs in the United
Entrepreneurship States.
• Discuss the impact of entrepreneurial firms on economies and
• Identify ways in which large firms benefit from the presence of
smaller entrepreneurial firms.
• Explain the entrepreneurial process. Behavior and Personality Traits
of Entrepreneurs
Conduct an interview of a local businessman
• Explain why it’s important to start a new firm when its “window of
opportunity” is open.
• Explain the difference between an opportunity and an idea.
• Describe the three general approaches entrepreneurs use to identify
• Identify the four environmental trends that are most instrumental in
creating business opportunities.
Recognizing • List the personal characteristics that make some people better at
Opportunities recognizing business opportunities than others.
and Generating • Identify the five steps in the creative process.
Ideas • Describe the purpose of brainstorming and its use as an idea
• Describe how to use library and Internet research to generate new
business ideas.
• Explain the purpose of maintaining an idea bank.
• Describe three steps for protecting ideas from being lost or stolen.
COVID-19 as External Enabler of entrepreneurship practice and
research. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 24(3), 214-223.
• Explain what a feasibility analysis is and why it’s important.
Feasibility • Discuss the proper time to complete a feasibility analysis when
4 developing an entrepreneurial venture.
• Describe the purpose of a product/service feasibility analysis
and the two primary issues that a proposed business should
consider in this area.
• Explain a concept statement and its contents.
• Describe the purpose of a buying intentions survey and how
it’s administered.
• Explain the importance of library, Internet, and gumshoe
• Describe the purpose of industry/market feasibility analysis
and the two primary issues to consider in this area.
• Discuss the characteristics of an attractive industry.
• Describe the purpose of organizational feasibility analysis and
list the two primary issues to consider in this area.
• Explain the importance of financial feasibility analysis and list
the most critical issues to consider in this area.
Assignments Schedule
No. Week Assigned Week Due QUIZ TESTS
1 4 7 Two surprise quiz tests will be conducted during
the semester for better preparation of the students.
2 12 15
The examinations of mid-term and end-term question papers will be designed by following bloom taxonomy
as per table given below.
Instructor Responsibilities:
In keeping with the format of this class, I see myself as your immediate supervisor. In that sense,
I plan to mentor each of you so that you learn how to make the best decisions possible, to
understand and apply key entrepreneurial concepts, and to prepare you to become a successful
entrepreneur. Thus, besides class time, where I will often put you on the spot, I expect there
will be many times we will communicate outside of class, and I will do my best to help you in
a timely fashion.
Student Responsibilities:
You are expected to arrive to class on time, professionally dressed, and prepared for the day.
You should be fully prepared to discuss and debate the course material assigned for that date.
You are expected to participate at all levels and offer objective praise and criticism of your
classmates’ analyses and conclusions. This course is not for the meek or timid. You must
contribute to a greater understanding of Consumer Behavior. This course is a combination of
doing (homework), thinking, and discussing.