Aar - Exercise C4istar Demo and Katihan

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Fort Andres Bonifacio, Taguig City

6/C3SOB 11 April 2024

SUBJECT: After Activity Report – C4S Support for Exercise “KATIHAN”

TO: Commanding General, PA


1. References:

a. Letter Directive Nr 15 dated 13 February 2024 with subject: Exercise

“KATIHAN” and 127 Philippine Army Founding Anniversary Program Proper; and
b. Land Defense Concept.

2. Background:

In the references, the concept of large-scale movement exercise was

approved by the Commanding General, Philippine Army (CGPA) last 11 December 2023
in commemoration of the 127th Founding Anniversary of the PA. Relatedly, a series of
Pre-Anniversary activities were conducted prior to the culmination of the exercise last 22
March 2024 at the Headquarters, Training and Doctrine Command (HTRADOC), PA.

a. Pre-Anniversary Activities:

Activity Date Location OPR

17 – 18 February 2024
PA Cyber Capture-the-Flag HPA, FBTC OG6
24 – 25 February 2024
CATEX “KATIHAN” 08 – 16 March 2024 OG8
C4ISTAR Demonstration 20 March 2024 HTRADOC OG6 / OG2

b. Major Activities:

Activity OPR / Lead Planner

Movement of Large-scale forces
Operations Branch, OG3, PA
Information Operation
Reservist Participation OG9, PA
Logistics Support OG4, PA
Security OG2, PA
C4S Support OG6, PA
Effectiveness of Public Affairs OG7, PA


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Personnel Sustainment OG1, PA

Strategic Direction of the Activity OG5, PA

c. Objectives:

1) To evaluate the rehearsal conducted on moving large-scale

2) To evaluate the capability of the PA in sustaining its C4S
resources (human financial, logistics, and maintenance);
3) To evaluate the synchronization of all activities from planning,
execution, culmination up to the post activities;
4) To identify areas in signal support operations that need to be
sustained, improved, and developed;
5) To capture C4S best practices and key lessons learned
during the activity; and
6) To determine and test response capacity of involved Signal
units to perform their C4S tasks.

d. Areas of Concern:

1) Conceptualization/Planning:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Proper / actual
C4S Equipment and skills inventory of theConduct of Bottom-Up
Complete Staff works.
inventory. resources and facilitiesDetailed Mission
available is compulsory.Analysis together with
 Venue scrutinyPresentation of actualFGD / TDD including a
including power and internetdata from subordinatepurposive site surveys
sources be thoroughlyunits is essentialis essential in creating
considered. thereby eradicating thea clear concept in
Event and Location
exhaustive andtandem with clear
Evaluation.  Availability of C4Svoluminous projectiondetermination on whose
resources on-hand and to beof requirements for aother staffs are
outsourced. large-scale event such concerned / essential.
as PA Anniversary.
C4S resources were
Conduct of Signal
made available
Planning together with
however not all were
FGD / TDD is essential
Availability of C4SAttention to employment andconsidered especially
in arriving to a concrete
Equipment; skilleddeployment of all available C4Son communication
plan in tandem with
personnel; and funds. resources. requirements due to
clear determination on
inconsistencies from
C4S requirements from
other UPR / OPR
other staffs concerned.

2) Preparation:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation


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The deployment of ICT

equipment is dependent
Involvement of the OPR
on the approved layout
during the initial
Availability of approvedbased from the
preparation and
(final) layout of venue aconferences conducted.
Early formulation of the finalization of the layout
day prior the activity. Thus, abrupt changes by
concept for the PA and concept at least one
the OPR may adversely
Anniversary. (1) day prior the activity.
Availability of final conceptaffect the preparations in
Continue conduct of
prior the activity. terms of network and
technical rehearsals prior
software implementation
the activity.
and procurement of
needed equipment.
Installation and
Use of ISPs like Starlink
Availability of Satellite- maintenance of
Lack of available ISPs atmay be affected by
Based Internet to provide subscription of ISPs at
venues like Libingan ngaircrafts flying by and the
connectivity to remote areas that are common
mga Bayani and PA Golfweather condition. Use of
areas not covered by venue of activities of VTC
Course. Fiber Optic is the most
TELCOs. that are outside the
reliable connection.
premise of HPA.

3) Coordination:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Resolutions and
UPR / OPR personnelagreements were madeTo recommend that
Open channel ofwere unaware on the priorduring coordinationpersonnel concerned be
communications available. arrangements madehowever, there was ainformed immediately after
during coordination. delay in dissemination tocoordination
Majority of the immediateInvolvement of other staff
UPRs / OPRs wererequirements were(G/P/S/T); UPRs / OPRs
Availability of C4Sconfused as to whom theyprovided and addressed,and other principal
equipment; skilledshould properly addresshowever, those were notstakeholders in the
personnel; and funds. their immediateunder the functionalbeginning of the planning
requirements. purview of C4S to beginloop with clear and
with. detailed tasks.

4) Execution:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Carry on with agreed plan
Additional / extraObjective/s of activity were
that was discussed and
Timely deployment of C4Srequirements wereattained and was
formulated prior the
equipment and supportabruptly demanded thatsuccessfully conducted
activity especially on C4S
personnel. was not in the agreeddespite the unforeseen
requirements (since it is
deployment plan. circumstances.
Issuance of C4S access
It has been observed that
Issuance C4S access tags prevented untowardSustain the issuance of
there are still assertive
tags for authorized incidents and technicalC4S access tags and
unauthorized personnel
designated support glitches caused bystringent enforcement of
trying to gain access on
personnel. unauthorized involvement ofRestricted Areas.
C4S areas and facilities.
non-technical personnel.
Use of InformationDesignation of personnelProgrammers/Technicians Designation of NETBn


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of this unit are capable of

System or Automations: proving IS and network
support. However,
personnel as technical
 Registration and designation of the
support to activity.
gathering of data andas encoders of data orprogrammers/technicians as
Conduct of users training
analytics for an activity; operators. encoders may lessen on the
to encoders and end-
 Blue Force Tracking availability of the technical
System; and support because they are
 Scoring System. focused on non-technical

5) Post-Anniversary Activities:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

It is imperative that a
Continuous conduct AAR
conduct of AAR every after
Conduct of After ActivityConsolidation of data as an effective
activities in order to gain
Review (AAR) andrequired from functional management tool for
perspectives on how to
Debriefing. purviews. effective planning
improve and refine actions
for future preparations.
The “Night of Fellowship
with the Signaleers”
strengthened the
Conduct of Fellowship Sustain the conduct of
The availability of venuecamaraderie of signal
Night with C4S Planners Fellowship Activities every
for the event. corps personnel and
and Support Personnel. after events.
allowed them to unwind
from the stress brought the

3. Narrative:

a. C4S Support to CATEX “KATIHAN”:

1) Background:

The PA conducted Combined Arms Training Exercise

(CATEX) also known as CATEX “KATIHAN” in order to simulate wartime operations with
emphasis on a realistic large-force maneuver, sustainment, and battle-focused setting.
The events were conducted in the designated training areas in Fort Magsaysay, Nueva
Ecija; Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac and Camp Edwin Ravina Airbase, Capas, Tarlac
from 08 to 16 March 2024. The design of various unit trainings involving different
warfighting functions were integrated to simulate Combined Arms Operations (CAO)
involving Maneuver, Maneuver Support, Maneuver Service Support and Reserve Units in
order to synchronize the delivery and effects of diverse combat arms system.

2) Objectives:

a) To test and evaluate the ability of Signal units to

provide a responsive, effective, and uninterrupted C4S support during movement of
large-scale forces;


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b) To evaluate the response capacity of Signal personnel

during movement of large-scale forces;
c) To determine the capability of Signal units to sustain
their resources in a large-force maneuver, sustainment and battle-focused setting;
d) To identify areas in Signal operations that need to be
improved; and
e) To test and evaluate the PA C4ISTAR System.

3) Areas of Concern:

a) Conceptualization:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

The absence of specificDetermine C4S training
Lack of clear and specific
C4S training objectivesobjectives ahead of time
C4S training objectives for
has led to less effectivebased on unit doctrine and
the exercise.
The conduct of large-scale C4S employment. mission essential tasks.
combined-arms training Develop C4S concepts for
Insertion of new C4ISTAR
exercise. Inconsistent concept CATEX KATIHAN in
concept led to poor
developed by the C4S consonance with the
execution of unplanned
planners for the exercise. exercise training
C4S support activities.

b) Planning:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Lack of designated C4SThe lack of C4S plannerThere should be one (1)
planner from OG6,from TRADOC led toC4S planner from OG6,
TRADOC and/or C2C,insufficient C4S trainingTRADOC and/or C2C,
TRADOC. objectives for the exercise. TRADOC.
Develop a concrete C4S
Failure to identify thesupport plan by following
mixed C4S requirementsSignal MDMP procedures
C4S support plan failed to
for admin and trainingand take into account all
consider and properly
Attendance to coordinating exercise led to improperthe C4S requirements of
identify the C4S training
conferences of C4S employment of C4Sthe units involved based
and admin requirements.
planners from OG6, PA, resources and evenon the limitations of the
ASR, PA and action equipment malfunction. equipment and
officers of involved units. complexities of the terrain.
Action Officer was not
Insertion of additional
aware of the utilization of
C4S support plan for the C4ISTAR system and
MANET radios leading to
training exercise was not equipment must be
unplanned installation of
followed due to abrupt communicated to the
additional C4ISTAR
changes with the inclusion Action Officer ahead of
equipment and poor
of C4ISTAR concept. time for planning
execution of the C4S
support plan.

c) Coordination:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Coordination amongstPoor dissemination on theDedicated channels ofUnits should continue
Signal planners andutilization of dedicatedeach unit were notbasic trainings for Radio


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Communications as part of
followed resulting to radiotheir in-house trainings
operators of HICOM,channels for LOCON and
interference and garbledand program their signal
HICON and LOCON. attached units.
reception. personnel to undergo
signal career courses.
Utilize authorized
The PA should develop its
commercial instantUnauthorized use ofRisk of compromise of
own instant messaging
messaging platforms likeInstant Messagingclassified data due to
platform for secured
Signal App or Threema forplatforms such as Viberutilization of unauthorized
collaboration and
coordination of all involvedand Telegram. Instant Messaging Apps.

d) Preparation:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Shortened time for Units should continue basic
rehearsals and lack of trainings for Radio
Radio propagation uponC4S equipment affectedInsufficiently trained SignalCommunication as part of
determination of C2the orientation andoperators led to failure oftheir in-house trainings and
locations. refresher trainings for theradio communications. program their signal
designated radio personnel to undergo
operators. signal career courses.
Conduct of trainings Insufficiency of C4S
Lack of C4S equipment
(lectures, drills and equipment during trainingProgram funds for the
(SMVRS and Harris
rehearsals) for the MCC led to outsourcing fromenhancement of MCC
Handheld for Blue Force
Crew in the employment of other signal units whichCapabilities.
Tracking System).
its capabilities. affects the operational
Lateral coordination services of those units andIssuance of additional C4S
Not all C4S variance of
amongst all involved units this may no longer beequipment to all involved
involved units were filled-
regarding the availability of applicable in times of crisisunits like Harris 7800V
C4S equipment. or war. handheld radio for BFTS.

e) Execution:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

CATEX planners have
Lack of appreciation of
limited understanding onConduct of refresher
CATEX planners for the
the C3 capabilities (MCCcourses for C4S planners
employment of
and CNRS) which led toprior to the conduct of
appropriate C3 capabilities
poor communicationtraining exercises.
(MCC and CNRS).
support planning.
Employment of MCC
C3 equipment of the
during CATEX.
Employment for theMCCs were extracted from
Equipment for fixed
Mobile Command Centerits mounting in order to
operations centers should
(MCC) should be forprovide the C3
be sourced out from other
deployable operationsrequirements for the
units not the MCCs.
centers. established operations
Use of Tactical Radios forInsufficient number ofRadio communications isRadio Operators should be
voice and datatactical radios of involvedvery effective in theproficient in tactical radio
communications. units. absence ofcommunications and
Use of Tac Chat for communications should be adequately
secured data infrastructure which mighttrained for Electronic


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eventually happen in timesCounter.
of war however it is also
BFTS provides Ground
Issuance of additional C4S
Lack of 7800V handheldCommanders with
equipment to all involved
radio and Spot X or Spotsituational awareness but
units like Harris 7800H
Gen in order to fully utilizethe lack of equipment
(HH) and Spot Gen for
Employment of BFTS forthe capabilities of BFTS. resulted to limited tracking
enhanced Situational of involved units.
Awareness and Common The subscription of the
Operational Picture. GPS trackers haveGPS trackers used is for 5To subscribe the GPS
delayed reporting ofminutes reporting whichtrackers used in the BFTS
Position and Locationresulted to inaccurateto a much faster reporting
Information of troops. information on the actualtime.
location of troops.
Use of PA Information
System requires Satellite
Communications for
Ensure availability of
Lack of mobile stableinternet and intranet
Use of Zimbra mail for mobile power sources to
power source forconnectivity in remote
secured submission of establish internet and
sustained use of ICTareas necessitating the
reports. intranet connectivity of
equipment. need to acquire mobile
identified Command Posts.
stable power sources for
sustained use of ICT

b. PA Cyber Capture the Flag:

1) Background:

The Philippine Army (PA) conducted the Cyber Capture-the-

Flag (CTF) from 17 to 18 and 24 to 25 February 2024 (Saturday to Sunday) at the Agila
Hall, Philippine Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (PAICOE), Fort Bonifacio, Taguig
City (FBTC) as part of Exercise "Katihan". The event was conducted using the Cyber
Exercise for Excellence (Cyber eX) platform, a specialized platform developed by the
Army Signal Regiment (ASR) for a challenging and engaging experience. It was
participated by students from various universities and some potential affiliate reserve

2) Objectives:

a) To provide a platform for participants to apply their

theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, fostering collaboration, critical thinking, and
problem-solving skills;
b) To enrich participants' understanding of cybersecurity
and foster collaboration within the PA, the academe, and civilian community; and
c) To inspire participants to consider career opportunities
within the PA's Cyber Workforce.

3) Areas of Concern:

a) Conceptualization/Planning:


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Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Included training phase Having participants with
prior exercise proper to different courses not
ensure leveling of related to informationExpand the categories for
knowledge of all technology, theparticipants for future
participants. training/orientation cyber exercises to include
provided them withreservists, civilians and
Engaging participants
general concept anddependents.
other than active
knowledge and skill
Philippine Army personnel.
requirement for the activity.

b) Preparation:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

HHSG providing vehicles
to transport participants
from RESCOM to HPA and
vice versa consumes moreParticipating units
time and resources in should provide the
vehicle for their
Vehicles for theterms of personnel,
Provided billeting for the respective participants.
transportation offinancial and POL. However, POL and
participants at TOQ, EPTQ
participants were providedWith the participants notfinancial support for the
by the HHSG. having to travel daily formovement shall still be
the exercise, it ensuredprovided by the HHSG.
that they are well rested
for the activities and at the
same time ensured their

c) Execution:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Allot more time for the
Since most of the teams
exercise proper. The
were able to only reach
Limited time for the recently conducted cyber
“WARRIOR” level, allotting
SMEs from CyBn readilyexercise proper due to the exercise was held for two
more time for the exercise
assisted participatingstudents not being able to (2) days only, future
proper could possibly
teams throughout theparticipate during the exercise is recommended
produce a better outcome
duration of the exercise. weekdays because of their to be conducted for four
where teams can reach
classes. (4) days in order to
the final level or
achieve better

4. Results of the activity:

Ranking Points Team Ranking

Champion 14,285 CMU ROTC Champion


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1st Runner-up 14,045 MPC 1st Runner-up

2nd Runner-up 12,485 ANARCHY ESPORTS 2nd Runner-up

c. PA C4ISTAR Demonstration:

1. Background:

The PA C4ISTAR System Project of the Philippine Army is

part of the 2nd Horizon (1st List) of the AFP Modernization Program which is intended to
bridge the gap between sensors (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and
Reconnaissance), decision makers, and shooters (combat units and weapon systems)
using Mobile Ad-Hoc Network System or MANET. After acquiring the MANET Radios,
the PA was able to integrate different sensors and the newly acquired weapon systems.
This integration allowed the PA to collect feeds that will be transported from the Brigade
Tactical Operations Center (TOC) to the Army Operations Center (AOC) and eventually
to the newly acquired weapon systems for enhanced situational awareness and shorten
the Sensor-to-Shooter kill chain. The Hermes 900 of the Philippine Airforce was also
integrated into the PA C4ISTAR system in CY 2024, resulting to improved joint
operations among different branches of the AFP.

The PA C4ISTAR capability demonstration was conducted on

20 March 2024 at HTRADOC to test, evaluate and assess the system as well as provide
significant updates to the PA Senior Leaders, the Secretary of National Defense and to
the Commander-in-Chief with the latest significant developments of the PA C4ISTAR.

2. Objectives:

a) To provide updates on the successful integration of the

different sensors and weapon systems in the PA C4ISTAR under the Revised AFP
Modernization Program Horizon 2 (H2) Projects; and
b) To test, evaluate and assess the PA C4ISTAR System

3. Areas of Concern:
a) Conceptualization/Planning:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Continuous Coordination
to PAF especially
Availability of involveAlways schedule of FGD
300AISW for the usual
personnel for the planningfor the smooth preparation
testing on integration of
of activity is not consistent on the conduct of activity
Hermes 900 UAV and PA

b) Preparation:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Provide Additional TrainedConduct of PAC4ISTAR Constant conduct of
Personnel for theMANet (Torch X) System exercise to emphasize to
Operation of MANetTraining the PA personnel what is
Equipment the importance of this


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c) Execution:

Sustain Deficiencies/Gaps Analysis Recommendation

Since the connectivity useIssuance of MANet
Personnel of 300AISW,
Establishment of MANetfor the activity is StarlinkEquipment (Command
PAF assisted the
equipment to the GroundSatellite there were timePost) to 300AISW and
personnel of PA for the
Control System (GSC) ofthat the connection isestablishment of high band
integration of MANet
Hermes 900 UAV timeout especially whennetwork connectivity using
equipment to Hermes 900
the weather is cloudy fiber optic cable

4. Analysis:

a. The conduct of large-scale CATEX is relatively new to the PA

resulting to different gaps and challenges encountered by the C4S planners as well as
the signal operators. The C4S concepts and plans developed were inconsistent and
lacked specific training objectives to serve as the basis for the Signal support operations
and services for the entire duration of the exercise;
b. Even with the attendance of C4S planners from OG6, PA, ASR, PA,
and Action Officers of involved units during coordinating conferences, the C4S support
plan to CATEX KATIHAN failed to consider and properly identify the C4S training and
admin requirements, and eventually the plan was not followed due to abrupt changes
with the inclusion of the C4ISTAR concept days prior the start of the exercise;
c. During CATEX KATIHAN, coordination amongst C4S planners and
operators of HICOM, HICON and LOCON was practiced, however, poor dissemination
on the utilization of dedicated channels for LOCON and attached units prior the start of
the exercise resulted to radio interference and garbled reception during the actual
exercise. Unauthorized use of Instant Messaging platforms such as Viber and Telegram
for coordination purposes was also observed, increasing the risk of compromise of
classified data;
d. Radio propagation upon determination of C2 locations was practiced
followed by conduct of trainings (lectures, drills and rehearsals) for the employment of
C4S capabilities. However, with the shortened time period as well as the lack of C4S
equipment, there were still insufficiently trained radio operators from LOCON units who
failed to perform their designated tasks resulting to poor radio communications during
e. Employment of MCC during CATEX was effective as it provided the
necessary C4S requirements for the C2 of involved units yet there were still some
CATEX planners who fail to understand the concept on the employment of MCCs as
deployable operation centers which led to poor communication support during some
portions of the exercise;
f. Despite being relatively new to the field of cybersecurity, the ROTC
cadets were able to quickly gain basic knowledge and skills in cybersecurity in just a
span of four (4) days as reflected with the high scores that each team has garnered
during the course of the PA Cyber CTF;
g. The results of PA Cyber CTF showed that the participants already
have an understanding and awareness in cybersecurity which is actually good as it
would help prevent potential attacks and exploitation from any cyber threats;
h. The results also showed that the Cyber Ex platform developed by
the Army Signal Regiment is an effective tool to train, equip and capacitate the PA
cyber workforce in order to secure, respond and defend the PA’s assets in the cyber
domain; and


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i. The C4ISTAR Demonstration was able to update the PA senior

leaders and SND with the progress that has been made in integrating the various assets
and weapon systems acquired under the AFP Modernization Program Horizon 2. It
enabled them to assess how these technologies integrate into existing systems,
evaluate potential strengths and weaknesses, and anticipate how they might influence
future tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). This direct experience allows them to
make more informed decisions regarding procurement, deployment, and strategic

5. Assessment:

a. The absence of clear and specific C4S training objectives has led to
less effective C4S employment. This can be attributed to the lack of C4S planners from
TRADOC and the sudden insertion of a new C4ISTAR concept resulting to
inconsistencies in the concept developed by the C4S planners. Designated action
officer was not initially informed of the utilization of MANET radios leading to unplanned
installation of additional C4ISTAR equipment and poor execution of the C4S support
b. Failure to identify the mixed C4S requirements for admin and
training exercise resulted to improper employment of C4S resources and even
equipment malfunction. Dedicated channels of each unit were not followed leading to
radio interference and garbled reception due to poor frequency management and lack of
spectrum analyzer. Insufficiently trained radio operators also led to failure of radio
c. CATEX planners have limited understanding of C3 capabilities
(MCC and CNRS) which resulted to poor communication support planning. Additionally,
the insufficient number of MCCs limit the Command and Control (C2) capability of
Commanders during rapid deployment of large-scale forces, prompting the need to
outsource C4S equipment from other Signal units which affects the operational services
of those units and this may no longer be applicable in times of crisis or war. Also, due to
a lack of policy on the utilization of MCCs, the C3 equipment of the MCCs were
extracted from its mounting in order to provide the C3 requirements for the established
operations center;
d. BFTS provides Ground Commanders with situational awareness but
the lack of equipment resulted to limited tracking of involved units. The subscription
availed for the GPS trackers was for 5 minutes reporting which also resulted to
inaccurate information on the actual location of troops. This shows that there is a need
to enhance the BFTS capability of the MCCs;
e. The use of PA Electronic Messaging Collaboration System (EMCS)
requires Satellite Communications for internet and intranet connectivity in remote areas
with limited electricity and telco services available, necessitating the need to acquire
alternate mobile power sources and on-the-move Satellite Communication terminals for
sustained use of ICT equipment. There is a high risk of compromise of classified data
due to utilization of unauthorized Instant Messaging Apps for coordination purposes;
f. The lack of MANET radios and BMS limit the ability of ground
Commanders to exercise Command and Control (C2) during multi-domain operations
and movement of large scale forces, ultimately affecting the execution of orders and

6. Recommendations:


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a.Determine C4S training objectives based on unit doctrine and

mission essential tasks. Develop C4S concepts for CATEX KATIHAN in consonance
with the exercise training objectives. Develop a concrete C4S support plan by following
Signal MDMP procedures taking into account all the C4S requirements of the units
involved based on the limitations of the equipment and complexities of the terrain. There
should also be one (1) C4S planner from OG6, TRADOC and/or C2C, TRADOC;
b. Units should continue basic trainings for Radio Communications as
part of their in-house trainings and program their signal personnel to undergo signal
career courses. Radio Operators should be proficient in tactical radio communications
and should be adequately trained for Electronic Counter Measures. Additionally, the PA
needs to acquire additional units of spectrum analyzers to aid in frequency
management, minimize noise distortion, and enhance survivability in contested
c. The PA should program funds for the enhancement of existing MCC
capabilities and fabrication of additional MCCs for PAMUs down to the Brigades.
Equipment for Fixed Operations Centers and/or Command Posts should be sourced out
from other units and not from the MCCs. There should be a policy on the employment of
MCCs as deployable operation centers. Ensure availability of mobile power sources to
establish internet and intranet connectivity of identified command posts;
d. Issuance of additional C4S equipment to all involved units like Harris
7800V handheld radio and GPS trackers for BFTS. To subscribe the GPS trackers used
in the BFTS to a much faster reporting time;
e. The PA should develop its own instant messaging platform for
secured collaboration and coordination to reduce the reliance of PA personnel on third-
party messaging applications. Relatedly, the PA shall acquire additional units of on-the-
move Satellite Communication terminals and mobile alterative power sources to be
installed in the MCCs to maintain data connectivity in areas with very limited network
coverage and prevent disruption of operations primarily rely on electricity;
f. Acquisition of additional MANET radios and BMS to achieve optimal
understanding of the movement of forces, targets, and of the operating environment for
future large scale events such as Exercise “KATIHAN” and PA Anniversary.
g. To further strengthen the PA’s overall cybersecurity posture, the PA
should pursue the following:

Continuous enhancement on the integration of websites VPN

support development and application for the Philippine Army stand-alone virtual access
servers using L2TP/IPsec connection;
2) Continuous enhancement on the system firewall and a
network dedicated space within the platform for the participants to connect; and
3) Conduct of Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) Refresher
Training to PAMUs and ASR Territorial Signal Battalions (TSBns) to be able to join in
the succeeding cyber exercises.

7. Lessons Learned:

Proper and Purposive Planning Prevents Poor Performance (6Ps);

Conduct site surveys and technical rehearsals to properly plan and
determine the ICT equipment needed to be procured;
c. Conduct of users training prior the activity;
d. Implement hardware solutions instead of software stop gap
measures to lessen point of failures;


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e. C4ISTAR equipment need to be fixed in exact location and to have

sufficient time for rehearsals and test the system to fully maximize the capability. C4S
Planners should develop a comprehensive plan where the system will be deployed and
who will use the system;
f. Ensure that all the sensors from other units are integrated in order to
acquire interoperability handshake with the C4ISTAR system and test the connectivity
of MANET radio.

Colonel GSC (SC) PA
AC of S for C4S, G6, PA


Enclosure 1 – Pictorials
Enclosure 2 – Task Organization
Enclosure 3 – Proposed Citation


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