Effective Credit Risk-Rating Systems (Part 1)
Effective Credit Risk-Rating Systems (Part 1)
Effective Credit Risk-Rating Systems (Part 1)
ally disadvantaged holders of credit the mean loss that can be expected nation for credits that seem identi-
risk. The combination of high capital from holding the asset. This is cal- cal to the credit officer considering
requirements and double taxation culated as the product of three com- the loans, damages the credibility of
means that credit extension is typical- ponents: the model and makes it difficult to
ly not contributing positively to Expected Loss (EL) 5 employ as a decision-support tool.
shareholder value creation. Improved Probability of Default (PD) 3 Unconstrained model development
risk ratings can improve the returns Exposure At Default (EAD) 3 also runs the risk of creating a
Loss Given Default (LGD).
in this business by significantly low- black-box solution; to the extent
This article concentrates on the
ering risk and process costs. possible, a new rating system
success of a credit rating system in
Some leading players are (joined with good internal training)
rethinking the business model as a terms of its ability to quantify PD should produce results with which
and LGD. For most commercial
credit conduit. The originate-and- people are intuitively comfortable
exposures, EAD is generally treated
hold strategy is being replaced with and be capable of providing guid-
one of originate-package-distribute. independently from the risk ratings, ance on why discrepancies have
and this article will treat it as such.
Credit risk is becoming managed in arisen. At times, this will require a
The important risk drivers that
much the same way as interest rate high-level design decision regarding
risk or equity risk. To make this affect PD and LGD vary from asset the balance between complexity and
class to asset class. For example,
strategy work, it is essential that clarity within the institution. While
the drivers of risk vary widely
credit risk is measured in a more complexity can add to a model’s
standardized, accurate, and timely between retail, commercial, and predictive power, it can also reduce
asset-backed lending. Therefore, a
fashion. organizational buy-in by making the
successful credit risk rating system
Additional impetus is provided system less intuitive, dramatically
by the proposed reforms to bank reg- that covers material exposures reducing its practical value. Good
across a bank will necessarily be
ulation put forward by the Bank for rating systems should improve
quite complex, with numerous dis-
International Settlements (commonly process efficiency by reducing
known as Basel II) that are intended tinct models. process costs and freeing time for
This points to a second goal of
to supersede the straight 8% mini- sales and relationship management.
a credit risk rating system: It is not
mum capital charge levied on banks All of these points require trust in
since 1988. The expectations inher- enough to accurately measure risk, the rating system—users must be
it also must provide the bank with a
ent in this reform adds to the pres- confident that it works—with vali-
unified view of its credit risk. It
sures for changing internal risk rat- dation and back-testing as crucial
ing systems. The promise is that less needs to ensure that a rating system elements in achieving this.
permits the simple aggregation of
capital will be required for banks Designing a system to include
risk—by obligor, portfolio, line of
using more advanced ratings. Many all the qualities listed above is chal-
banks will find that without a sub- business, and product type—and lenging, because it involves both a
thus allow the institution to make
stantial overhaul, their credit risk-rat- technical excellence during the
decisions based on solid estimation
ing system will fail to meet Basel II development stage and potentially
guidelines. of the credit risk being taken. far-reaching organizational and cul-
Simply put, being “right” is not
tural realignments.
enough. The system must be easily
Steps Toward Change Begin with
Understanding the Goal understood by a wide range of peo- Components of a Successful
ple and be useful for management
The fundamental goal of a System
decision taking.
credit risk rating system is to esti- There are three key dimensions
mate the credit risk of a given trans- For the user, this means that it to a risk rating system, as seen in
should behave in an intuitive and
action or portfolio of transactions Figure 1. To be effective, a system
predictive fashion. For example, a
/assets. The industry standard must be successful in all three
“building block” for quantifying system that generates dramatically dimensions:
different risk ratings, without expla-
credit risk is Expected Loss (EL), 1. Ratings Scale addresses the
Effective Credit Risk
Rating Systems
Figure 2
teristics. For example, the use of for achieving this will differ not The first two questions are
extensive financial and nonfinancial only from business line to business answered jointly, since validation
(subjective) data may result in line but also from bank to bank. At requires data. In fact, Basel II is
increased accuracy but can slow the some banks, ratings assignments for explicit about the need to validate
process, thereby adding cost. Such corporate and/or commercial credits internal ratings with historical data.
analyses should be used only when will be undertaken by the line, by Validation—the process of ensuring
the benefits from the marginal the credit function, or jointly. For that the ratings are accurately con-
increase in accuracy are great. This retail portfolios, it’s common for veying the bank’s credit risk—
applies to corporate lending, where centralized underwriting to assign includes:
many banks use a combination of ratings. The key is to ensure that it • Checking accuracy of rat-
financial and subjective information is clear who is responsible for ings—for example, are the
to drive a scoresheet approach to assigning the relevant ratings, be it model’s predicted results con-
assign ratings. In some cases, the line, credit, or centralized under- sistent with the default history
scoresheets may also be supple- writing, and that whoever assigns of the bank? If not, are the
mented by a model-based approach, the rating thoroughly understands models inappropriate, being
such as Moodys RiskCalc. the ratings approach. misused, or miscalibrated (both
Conversely, where the marginal ben- for PD and LGD)?
Validation. A key, but often
efit of increased accuracy at an indi- • Checking raters’ perform-
overlooked, part of a ratings system
vidual asset level is not as great— ance—for example, if there is a
is a well-defined process to ensure
for example, in small business lend- subjective component in the
that it is working well. Three ques-
ing —banks are making aggressive ratings process, does the rater’s
tions must be answered:
use of pure model approaches, simi- judgment improve the ratings
1. How are ratings validated?
lar to those used to manage retail or not?
2. What data is needed for valida-
credit card portfolios. • Checking applicability of mod-
tion and model refinement?
There should be a clear articu- els and tools—for example, has
3. Who is responsible for the
lation of responsibility for ratings enough data been collected for
assignment. The best mechanism further refinements? Are there
Effective Credit Risk
Rating Systems
costs of origination, approval, and a reduction of loss volatility—and the bank expects greater losses or
monitoring. Faster processes are consequently economic capital con- there is most uncertainty.The same
favorable, since they reduce these sumption—by 20-30%. The pro- approach can be taken throughout
costs and improve the customer’s posed Basel II guidelines provide an the value chain—from approvals,
experience with banks. The key is additional regulatory carrot, whereby through monitoring, to recoveries—
to optimize the potental tradeoff banks with more advanced credit rat- but only if the risk inherent in each
between speed and accuracy. ing systems will also enjoy reduced credit is well measured. Banks that
regulatory capital requirements as have been aggressive in credit
Benefits of a Leading-edge applied to their lending activities. process redesign have seen large cost
Ratings System reductions in credit-related process-
Increased risk-adjusted prof-
Implementation of leading edge es. In many instances, banks have
itability. Generally, we expect
risk-rating systems can have sub- reduced credit-related expenses by
enhanced credit risk measurement to
stantial costs. Costs include devel- 25-30%.
boost risk-adjusted profitability by
opment staff (internal and external);
supporting improvements in pricing
software/ modeling costs; IT and Conclusion
discipline. Risk-adjusted pricing
infrastructure costs; and training Upon reviewing the Basel II
facilitates the cherry picking of
costs. Given these not inconsider- guidelines relating to internal credit
higher quality credits from banks
able costs, banks should expect sig- risk models, many credit risk man-
with less robust risk measurement
nificant benefits from ratings sys- agers at banks globally are faced
capabilities and also ensures ade-
tems implementation in addition to with the reality that their internal
quate compensation from riskier
regulatory compliance. Substantial risk-rating systems fall short of what
credits. It is possible to realize risk-
benefits can be achieved as applica- is necessary for compliance. What
adjusted improvements in profitabil-
tions leverage a leading-edge rat- options are available? What is the
ity of 10-15 bps of assets per year
ings system, including a reduction cost-benefit of each? The answers to
through these mechanisms. The net
in risk cost, increased risk-adjusted these questions are constrained by
present value of this benefit, assum-
profitability, and cost reduction available time, data, IT systems, and
ing a 15% discount rate, is 80-90
through credit process redesign. organizational needs. In the perfect
bps of assets minus the fixed costs
situation, highly customized ratings
Reduction in risk cost. Banks associated with the project.
systems with internally calibrated,
face two costs of credit risk: expect-
Cost reduction through quantitative models can be designed
ed losses and the cost of the capital
credit process redesign. Leading- and rolled out. This may be desir-
required to protect the bank against
edge risk rating systems allow banks able for the many banks that are
the volatility of losses. The direct
to reduce costs in many credit-relat- partway there already. For others,
benefit from the introduction of an
ed processes. The key benefit of rat- this may be impractical. Regardless
improved rating system is the reduc-
ings tools is that they allow the of the approach, all models need to
tion in credit losses due to improved
streamlining of the entire credit follow the same basic outline. The
asset selection and the avoidance of
process along risk-adjusted lines. benefits generated from putting in
“winner’s curse,” whereby a bank
Simply cutting costs across the board such a system can far outweigh the
that systematically misprices loans
may, in the long term, actually costs, even without considering the
suffers from negative selection. An
increase losses as appropriate con- regulatory advantages, and the value
indirect benefit from improved rating
trols are compromised. Instead, of such a system can only increase.
systems is the more efficient use of
efforts are reconcentrated on the p
economic capital through improved
areas where additional, costly assess-
portfolio composition. Active man-
ments have the greatest pay-back.
agement of the credit portfolio,
The approvals process, in relation to
underpinned by robust risk and valu-
low-risk transactions, can be semi-
ation metrics, can dramatically
automated while efforts are recon-
improve risk/return characteristics.
centrated on those deals for which
In many instances, it also can lead to