Standard Specifications For Building Works 2020 JKR
Standard Specifications For Building Works 2020 JKR
Standard Specifications For Building Works 2020 JKR
JKR 20800-0226-20
ISBN 978-967-2284-14-7
Published by :
Copyright © 2020
© Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia 2020
Pengarah Kanan
Cawangan Kontrak Dan Ukur Bahan
Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
Aras 14-19 Menara Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali
No. 25 Jalan Raja Laut
50582 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, whether mechanical
or electronic including photocopying and recording without the written consent of JKR Malaysia.
Committee Representation iv
Preface v
Acknowledgement vi - viii
List of Tables ix - xi
List of Figures xii
List of Abbreviations xiii
List of Appendices xiv
This Standard Specifications for Building Works 2020 was managed and developed by the Jabatan Kerja Raya
Malaysia with the assistance of the Main Committee of Standard Specifications for Building Works 2020, which
comprises representatives from the following departments:
This Standard Specifications for Building Works 2020 was prepared by the Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Malaysia
to replace the Standard Specifications for Building Works 2014. The Standard was first compiled in the 2005
This Standard serves to establish uniformity and base specifications for materials and workmanship required for
building works particularly in conventional tender procurement for JKR projects. It also sets out the level of
technical performance and characteristics required to promote an adequate, safe and well-maintained building
so as to effectively contribute to the development of the country.
The content of the Standard has incorporated updates and revisions to the previous edition. It has a significant
impact on the construction industry as it features current technology development, updating of the international
and national standards and revised specifications to be in line with the Government policies.
This Standard Specifications for Building Works 2020 is divided into 25 Sections. Appendix A/1 of Section A :
Preliminaries And General Conditions, make reference to the relevant Acts, Regulations and Guidelines et
cetera. Compliance with this Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
This Standard may be adopted in whole or in part. Any addition or omission may be effected to suit the
requirement of the particular project.
The Committee of Standard Specification for Building Works 2020 was establised in the JKR to coordinate
standard specification related to building works in the JKR. The Standard Specifications will be periodically
reviewed, updated and new editions issued to cater the current standards and regulations as well as the dynamic
technological developments in the construction industry. Between editions, amendments may be issued. It is
therefore important that users assure themselves that they are referring to the current Standard.
Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all those involved in the
development of this standard.
lr. Hj. Zulakmal Bin Hj. Sufian Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya
(Sektor Infra)
Y.Bhg. Dato' lr. Hj. Shuib Bin Tabri Mantan Pengarah Kanan
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik
Y.Bhg. Dato' lr. Hj. Mohamad Zulkefly Bin Sulaiman Pengarah Kanan
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Awam Dan Struktur
Y.Bhg. Datin Ar. Mariani Noor Binti Suhud Pengarah Kanan
Cawangan Arkitek
lr. Razdwan Bin Kasim Pengarah Kanan
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
Y.Bhg. Datuk lr. Ruslan Bin Abdul Aziz Pengarah Kanan
Cawangan Jalan
lr. Hj, Yaakob Bin Abdul Latif Pengarah Kanan
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik
Sr Nik Zainal Alam Bin Hasan Pengarah
Cawangan Kontrak Dan Ukur Bahan
lr. Hj. Mohamed Amin Bin Kasim Pengarah
Cawangan Kejuruteraan lnfrastruktur Pengangkutan
lr. Hj. Zulkifly Bin A. Ghani Pengarah
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Cerun
lr. Abdul Hadi Bin Abdul Aziz Mantan Pengarah
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Geoteknik
Puan Farah Bin Abdul Samad Pengarah
Cawangan Alam Sekitar Dan Kecekapan Tenaga
Puan Mastura Bin Shaari Pengarah
Cawangan Dasar Dan Pengurusan Korporat
Permanent Representative
Substitute Representative
lr. Dr. Abdul Murad Bin Zainal Abidin Jurutera Mekanikal Penguasa Kanan
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
lr. Atikah Binti Zakaria @ Ya Jurutera Awam Penguasa Kanan
Cawangan Jalan
Encik Massrol Nizzam Bin Md Salleh Arkitek Penguasa
Cawangan Arkitek
lr. Noraidah Binti Yahya Jurutera Awam Penguasa
Cawangan Kejuruteraan lnfrastruktur Pengangkutan
Sr Sabrina Binti Mohamad Juruukur Bahan Kanan
Cawangan Kontrak Dan Ukur Bahan
lr. Eng Boon Cheng Jurutera Awam Kanan
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Geoteknik
Encik Yuvabalan NL Govindasamy Jurutera Awam Kanan
Cawangan Alam Sekitar Dan Kecekapan Tenaga
Puan Ai'nun Bashirah Binti Hamid Jurutera Awam Kanan
Cawangan Dasar Dan Pengurusan Korporat
Puan Aiza Binti Abdul Adzis Jurutera Elektrik Kanan
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik
Puan Norfariza Binti Ismail Jurutera Awam
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Awam Dan Struktur
lr. Norliana Binti Manap Jurutera Awam
Cawangan Kejuruteraan Cerun
Table D25 - Identity Criteria for Compressive Strength of Certified Concrete D/60
Table D26 - Identity Criteria for Compressive Strength of Non-Certified Concrete D/60
Table D27 - Identity Criteria for Slump Specified as a Slump Class D/60
Table D28 - Identity Criteria for Slump Specified as a Target Value D/61
Table D29 - Identity Criteria for Flow Specified as a Flow Class D/61
Table D30 - Identity Criteria for Flow Specified as a Flow Value D/61
Table D31 - Recorded Data and Other Documents, Where Relevant D/62
Table D32 - Characteristic Strength of Steel Reinforcement D/63
Table D33 - Minimum Periods Between Concreting and Removal of Forms D/63
Table D34 - Measurement Location and Sampling for Element D/63
Table D35 - Recommended Minimum Concrete Strength for Lifting and Handling D/64
Table D36 - Recommended Corrugated Sleeve Diameter D/64
Table E1 - Masonry Mortars E/18
Table E2 - Minimum Concrete Cover for Carbon Steel Reinforcement E/19
Table F1 - Gradient of Sewer Pipes F/4
Table F2 - Parameter Limits for Sewage and Industrial Effluents F/11
Table F3 - Sewerage Work Submission F/11
Table F4 - Sewerage Work Submission for STP F/12
Table H1 - Schedule of Timber Grouping and Usage H/26
Table H2 - Schedule of Timber Species in accordance with Strength
Grouping (S.G) H/27
Table H3 - Schedule of Moisture Contents (M.C) of Timber for Various Positions
in Building H/28
Table H4 - Natural Durability 1 Classification of Peninsular Malaysia Timbers
For Ground Contact H/29
Table H5 - Natural Durability 1 Classification of Sarawak Timbers for Ground
Contact H/30
Table H6 - Common Commercial Timber Sizes H/31
Table H7 - Minimum required size of Washers for Structural Bolted Joints H/32
Table H8 - Properties of Malaysian Timber H/32
Table H9 - Schedule of Ironmongery H/33
Table L1 - Width of Pipe Trenches L/2
Table L2 - Type of Water Storage Tank L/9
Table P1 - Gradation Limits for Drainage Layer P/2
Table P2 - Gradation Limits for Sub-Base P/3
Table P3 - Gradation Limits for Crushed Aggregate Road Base P/5
Table P4 - Gradation Limit for Wet-Mix Road Base P/6
Table P5 - Tolerances in Surface Levels of Pavement Courses P/9
Table S1 - Grading Limits for Sand Backfill S/4
Table S2 - Grading Limit for Granular Backfill Other Than Sand S/4
Table S3 - Maximum Depths of Open Drain S/5
Table S4 - Maximum Steepness of The Side Slopes S/5
1. Scope of Works
The Works covered in this Contract comprise the provision by the Contractor at his
own risk and cost of all materials, scaffolding, tools, plant, labour, transport, water,
light and everything else necessary for the construction and completion of
1.…………………………………………………………………….……all to the
approval of the S.O..
The Conditions of Contract for the Works, which is embodied in the Form of
Contract (Form PWD 203/Form PWD 203A), shall be read in conjunction with this
Specification. A copy of the Form of Contract is available for inspection on the
Tender Table on any working day up to the time appointed for receiving tenders. If
the tenderer considers that any of the clauses of the Contract involves expenses,
he shall allow for the money value of such clauses in his Tender.
2. Standards
All Standards referred to in this Specification together with any addenda issued
shall be deemed to be the editions current at the time of Tender. If the Malaysian
Standard (MS) exists, which the S.O. deems to be equivalent to the British or
other Standard specified, then the MS shall be followed. Other equivalent
standards specifying superior material may be used with the approval of the S.O..
In the event of any discrepancy between the provision of this Specification and the
provision within the relevant Standards or Codes of Practice (CP) as mentioned in
this Specification, then the provision of this Specification shall take precedence.
3. Contract Documents
Form of Tender;
Letter of Acceptance;
Contract Drawings;
The documents shall be taken as mutually explanatory of each other and in case
of any discrepancy or inconsistency, the following rules shall apply:
The Conditions of Contract (PWD Form 203/ PWD Form 203A) shall
take preference over all other documents.
In Drawings, large scale details shall take preference over small scale
Any discrepancies shall be referred as soon as possible to the S.O. who shall
decide which shall be followed.
4. Adjoining Property
Where the property adjoining the Site is in constant use by the Employer/adjoining
owners and occupiers, the Contractor shall arrange and carry out the Works so as to
cause minimum interference or interruption to the use of adjoining properties including
No. Dokumen : JKR 20800-0226-20
No. Keluaran : 01
AND GENERAL CONDITIONS Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : A/3
roads, footpaths, other access and any existing services thereto. He shall comply with all
instructions or directions given by the S.O. in these matters.
Materials and workmanship throughout the Works shall be in accordance with the
Drawings and Specifications and to the approval of the S.O..
Where required, all works shall be executed by competent and skilled workers in
the related field.
If, however, the Contractor has shown beyond reasonable doubt that the specified
goods or materials cannot be obtained and the S.O. is satisfied with regard to the
non-availability of the goods and materials, the benefit of cost savings, if any,
resulting from the Contractor’s proposal or substitution of goods or materials
approved by the S.O., shall be deducted from the Contract Sum.
The Contractor shall use locally manufactured materials and goods as listed in the
‘Senarai Bahan/Barangan Binaan Tempatan’ issued by IKRAM QA Services Sdn.
Bhd. and/or ‘Senarai Bahan/Barangan Buatan Tempatan’ issued by SIRIM QA
Services Sdn. Bhd., whichever is relevant. If the Contractor fails to comply with
this requirement, a penalty shall be imposed and/or the materials supplied shall be
The locally manufactured materials and goods which are not listed aforesaid, may
be permitted if the materials have been tested and certified by IKRAM QA
Services Sdn. Bhd. and/or SIRIM QA Services Sdn. Bhd. whichever is relevant. If
the testing cannot be carried out by IKRAM QA Services Sdn. Bhd. and/or SIRIM
QA Services Sdn. Bhd., the Contractor may apply and, subject to the approval of
the S.O., carry out the testing by other agencies.
The Contractor shall ensure that the procurement of approved imported materials,
plant, equipment, or other goods are obtained directly from the country of origin
based on Free on Board (F.O.B) or other similar basis. The transportation and
insurance of such imported materials, plant, equipment, or other goods from the
country of origin to the Site shall be arranged by the Contractor through approved
Government’s Multi Modal Transport Operators (MTO). The Contractor shall allow
in his tender all costs and time required in complying with the requirements of this
sub-section including the cost required for the services provided by the MTO.
The Contractor shall submit documentary evidence of compliance with this sub-
section to the S.O. within one (1) month from the date of each delivery to the Site
of such materials, plant, equipment, vehicles or other goods.
The contractor shall refer to SIRIM/JKR Standard on Manual for Green Product
Scoring System (GPSS) for additional information on sustainable materials and
8. Metrication
9. Ordering
The Contractor shall place his orders for specified materials at the earliest possible date
after notification of acceptance of tender or at such times as may be specifically stated
for any particular material.
If the Contractor fails for any reason to supply any materials, which he has
contracted to supply, or if he fails to supply any such materials in sufficient time to
enable the Contract to be completed by the agreed date for completion, the
Government may supply any portion, or all of such materials.
If the Government supplies such material, the cost in respect thereof to be borne
by the Contractor shall be either the current market rates or the actual cost to the
Government, whichever is greater, plus 5% on cost charges.
The cost to be borne by the Contractor, as detailed above, shall be deducted from
any money due or to become due to the Contractor under this Contract and failing
which such costs shall be recovered from the Performance Bond or as a debt due
from the Contractor.
No action by the S.O. under this sub-section shall be deemed in any way to affect
or modify the right of the Government to claim for damages in the event of the
Contractor’s failure to complete the Works by the agreed date of completion.
The Contractor shall submit for approval relevant shop drawings as requested by
the S.O..
Mock-up units approved and accepted by the S.O. shall be referred as the
Standard of comparison for the work.
The Contractor shall submit for approval as requested by the S.O., manufacturer's
specifications, installation instruction, general recommendation for the work,
including certified laboratory test reports and other data required to show
compliance with these specifications.
The Contractor shall provide, erect, keep insured, maintain and remove on
completion all requisite scaffolding, hoist, ladder, staging, tarpaulins, tools,
vehicles, tackles and other plants and apparatus (excluding piling and pile testing
equipment), as required by all trades as are necessary for the execution of the
All mechanical plant used by the Contractor shall be of such type, size and
capacity suitable to the type and nature of the Works and site conditions where the
Works are to be executed.
The Contractor shall take note the required cranage for the erection and
completion of precast components and to ensure that the said cranes are or will
be available during the construction stages.
Within fourteen (14) days after the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the
Contractor shall submit to the S.O. for his approval the following:
Programme of Works
Method Statements
The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. the organisation chart of his
project team showing the personnel involved, their designations and
relationship including their roles and responsibilities.
(iii) Quality Assurance Plan shall set out the specific quality
procedures, practices, resources and sequence of
activities to meet the requirements of the Contract and
Specifications and shall include the proposed
organization structure of the Contractor including quality
assurance team, quality procedures, Contractor’s plant,
construction programme, method statements,
environmental management, health and safety, selection
and testing of materials, placement, installation, site
operational control, non-conforming reporting (NCR),
closing out NCR for the taking over, coordination with
local and statutory authorities, internal quality audit
control, remedying of defects , commissioning and
maintenance (if any).
a) Verification of Implementation
The Contractor shall provide, erect, paint and maintain a project signboard as shown on
the relevant drawing or as directed by the S.O.. The signboard shall be erected at a
prominent position at the Site as approved by the S.O..
photographs shall be sufficient enough to show the progress of the Works. For
building works, the average number per month shall not be less than six (6) per
block of building.
The Contractor shall supply six (6) sets of bound printed copies of the approved
photographs, all properly titled and dated. The photographs shall also be provided
in jpeg or other approved format with each image set at minimum size of 1920 x
1080 pixels and at resolution of 60 frames per second and submitted to the S.O.
monthly, in compact discs or removable storage devices.
The Contractor shall give sufficient notice to the relevant Local Authorities/Utility
Providers/Regulatory Bodies before commencing or to inspect any works in
relation to their scope of services. Failure to give sufficient notice shall not entitle
the Contractor to extension of time due to any subsequent delays in connection
with the Works.
Any notice given to the above-mentioned authorities shall also be copied to the
The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary temporary entrance to the Site
and temporary culverts, tracks, bridges, et cetera for access to and within the Site as
long as required to the approval of the S.O.. The position where the site access is to be
made shall be as indicated on the site plan or as approved by the S.O. and the
Contractor shall make all arrangements and obtain all approvals and permissions
required at his own cost.
Before commencing any excavation, et cetera, the Contractor shall enquire from
the various authorities whether any underground pipes, cables, et cetera are
present on the Site and if so, he shall make arrangements for the disconnection,
removal and if necessary, the relocation and reconnection of such services and
pay all necessary cost and fees in connection with all temporary diversion and
relocation of existing services.
The Contractor shall provide adequate power supplies for temporary lighting and
for the execution of the Works. Electricity shall be obtained from Tenaga Nasional
Berhad (TNB) or the local electricity supply company. Where such electricity
supply cannot be provided, generator set(s) may be used but safety precautions
must be taken. The use of kerosene lamps shall not be allowed.
The Contractor shall provide all water required for the use in the Works including
providing and removing all temporary plumbing and storage facilities on
The Contractor shall pay all associated costs and fees for the power and water
The Contractor shall pay all permanent bills until the issuance of Certificate
Practical Completion (CPC).
The Contractor shall provide all necessary personnel and lighting for the security of the
site at all times until completion of the whole works.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain everything necessary for proper protection of
materials and Works from any damage by weather, carelessness or otherwise. Any
damage caused shall be made good at the Contractor’s own cost to the approval of the
The Contractor shall at all times comply with the provisions of all legislation,
regulations and by-laws currently in force with regard to and in connection with the
construction works, the environment, safety and health. The relevant legislation,
regulations and by-laws including any revisions thereto are as listed in but not
limited to APPENDIX A/1.
The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Government against any
damages, expenses, liability, losses, claims, prosecution, proceedings, fines and
penalties caused by any non-compliance or contravention of the above legislation,
regulations and by-laws.
The Contractor shall execute the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) and
all control measures as shown on the Drawings in such a manner and order as
directed by the S.O. that will minimize accelerated erosion and sedimentation
during the construction phase. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance
with MSMA relating to erosion and sediment control.
The Contractor shall execute ESCP which requires for inspection of erosion and
sediment control devices and facilities on a weekly basis and following
precipitation events, as well as maintenance, replacement or repairs to inadequate
or damaged controls and devices to ensure effective and efficient operation.
The Contractor shall maintain all the temporary works regularly throughout the
construction period, or as directed by the S.O. and making good of any damaged
portions during the course of the works.
The Contractor shall make proper provision for the drainage of surface water from
the work site (run-off) including rainwater from surrounding areas (run-on) which
drain on to the site.
The Contractor shall provide, form, fix and maintain such pumps, chutes, walls,
drains, bunds and other temporary works necessary for the proper drainage of the
Site so that no ponding, flooding or other damage or disturbance is caused to
areas surrounding the works throughout the duration of the Contract.
The Contractor shall construct wash trough/wash bay complete with water jet as
shown on the Drawing unless otherwise directed by the S.O. for cleaning all
debris, dirt and mud from the wheels and tyres of Contractor’s vehicles leaving the
Site. The position of the wash trough/wash bay shall be as indicated on the site
plan or as approved by the S.O.. The wash trough/wash bay shall be maintained
regularly throughout the contract period as directed by the S.O..
The Contractor shall install check dam as shown on the Drawings unless
otherwise directed by the S.O., for preventing erosion by reducing the velocity of
storm water flows in diversion channel in steep terrain. The check dam shall be
constructed of rocks or logs which are secured against damage during significant
floods. It shall be of sufficient height and spacing to allow small pools to form
between each one and also promote sedimentation behind the dam. The check
dam shall be inspected after each rainfall and when a sediment accumulation of
approximately one third (1/3) of the check dam height is observed, the sediment
shall be removed.
The Contractor shall construct protection works to the drainage inlets and outlets
as shown on the Drawings unless otherwise directed by the S.O. for trapping
sediment and debris. The drainage inlet and outlet protection work may consist of
rock, grouted rip-rap, concrete rubble, gravel, sand bag, wire mesh or trash screen
shall be constructed in such a manner that will facilitate cleanout and disposal of
All access roads to the site shall be built away from the existing watercourses,
streams and rivers with proper drainage system and be paved for a distance of at
least 10 metre from where these access roads join existing roads.
The Contractor shall maintain all access roads including the drainage system
throughout the construction period to the satisfaction of the S.O..
If the Contractor fails to carry out his obligations as stated above, the S.O. shall
carry out such maintenance and restoration and all costs incurred shall be borne
by the Contractor or deducted from any money due or to become due to the
Contractor under this Contract.
The Contractor shall be responsible for controlling all persons under his
employment and those employed by his sub-contractors, merchants and haulers
at the work site and shall take all necessary precautions to prevent damage and
nuisance of any kind and shall indemnify the Government against any claim
arising therefrom.
The Contractor shall ensure, so far as is practicable, the safety, health and welfare
at work of all his workmen including:
The provision and maintenance of plant and system of work that is safe
and without risks to health;
Ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use
or operation, handling, storage and transport of plant and substances;
Ensuring all workmen have valid CIDB Green Cards before entering the
construction site.
The Contractor shall on each working day furnish, maintain and update a full list of all his
workers to the S.O. including all workers employed by his sub-contractors or Nominated
Sub-contractors on the work site giving all particulars in the format as approved by the
The Contractor shall be responsible for all fees and other charges or expenses
incurred in connection with such office and housing and shall keep the whole area
in a clean, tidy and well-maintained condition. The Contractor shall provide
adequate first aid facilities appropriate to the size and composition of his staff and
labour force.
The Contractor shall be responsible for controlling all persons under his
employment and those employed by his sub-contractors at the work site and shall
take all necessary precautions to prevent damage and nuisance of any kind and
shall indemnify the Government against any claim arising therefrom.
When instructed by the S.O. upon completion of the project, the Contractor shall
remove all such buildings and appurtenant works from the site, clean up the area
and restore it to the satisfaction of the S.O..
The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the Site in positions as approved by
the S.O. the following adequate, secure and weatherproof temporary building(s)
for use during the execution of the Contract.
Shed for storage of cement with the floor raised 300 mm above the
Insert other item if required
No. Dokumen : JKR 20800-0226-20
No. Keluaran : 01
AND GENERAL CONDITIONS Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : A/14
The Contractor shall store or stack at all times, all materials, tools, et cetera in a
safe and orderly manner so as not obstruct any passageway or place of work.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain a site office for the use of the JKR
supervisory staff all in accordance with JKR design type as shown on the relevant
Drawings inclusive of all fittings and furniture as stated therein.
Where relocatable site office is to be provided, the Contractor shall submit details
of the relocatable site office together with his tender. Such details shall include the
name of the manufacturer, floor area and layout, list of fittings and furniture and
brochures (if available). The Contractor shall also indicate whether the proposed
site office is new or had been previously used.
Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the office is to be sited, positioned and
constructed as approved by the S.O..
The Contractor is also permitted to rent a premise of equivalent floor area and
standard not inferior to the JKR design type and equipped with similar furniture,
fittings and equipment. Where a rented premise is to be provided, the Contractor
shall submit details, which shall include the layout and a list of furniture and fittings
to be provided to the S.O. for approval.
The Contractor shall make proper arrangement for and pay all charges in
connection with conservancy. The site office shall comply with local building by-
laws. It shall be erected or provided by the Contractor and approved by the S.O.
within four (4) weeks from the date of possession of Site.
On completion of the Works, unless otherwise instructed, the site office with all
fittings and furniture shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be
removed from the Site forthwith.
The Contractor shall arrange and provide telephone at the S.O.’s site office including
provision of high speed internet access and sufficient capacity for the sole use of the
S.O. and his representatives in connection with the supervision and administration of the
Contract and pay for all installation, rental, call charges and disconnection.
Within thirty (30) days from the issuance of the Certificate of Practical
Completion, the equipment shall be returned to the Contractor.
The Contractor shall ensure that the vehicle(s) is/are in a good and well-
maintained condition.
The vehicle(s) shall be in the custody of the Contractor at all times and
be readily available for the use of the S.O. and his staff.
Within thirty (30) days from the issuance of the Certificate of Practical
Completion, the vehicle(s) shall be returned to the Contractor.
Where specified, the Contractor shall provide a testing laboratory within the site
with a minimum floor area 60 m2 all in accordance with the relevant drawings
including water and electricity supply. The Laboratory shall be equipped with the
Alternatively, the Contractor may rent a premise of equivalent floor area and
standard not inferior to that of the JKR specified type with similar fittings and
necessary equipment as identified in APPENDIX A/4.
All equipment shall be returned to the Contractor within thirty (30) days after the
issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion.
All tests shall be carried out by qualified laboratory staff(s) and shall be witnessed
and approved by the S.O..
Subject to the S.O.’s approval, the Contractor may also propose an accredited
laboratory approved by SIRIM as an alternative to the construction of a testing
All works subject to laboratory test shall not be permitted to commence until the
laboratory and necessary equipment have been provided or the accredited
laboratory has been approved by the S.O..
The Contractor shall provide for the sole use of the S.O. and his staff all such
instruments, equipment and survey personnel as may be required until thirty (30) days
after the issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion. The Contractor shall ensure
that all instruments and equipment are maintained in good working condition at all times.
The Contractor shall at all times comply with Guidelines for Public Safety and Health at
Construction Sites, DOSH, and other Occupational Safety and Health requirements
stated and as listed in JKR Specifications for Occupational Safety and Health In
Engineering Constructions Works JKR No. 20700-0349-19 to ensure safe working area.
The Contractor shall be required to provide a complete First Aid Kit as stated
under Factory and Machinery (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulation 1970 which
shall be kept and properly maintained in the Contractor’s site office. The kit shall
be in the charge of either the Contractor’s site representative or some other
responsible person who shall be on the Site during all working hours to ensure
that the first aid facilities are available without delay at all times when Works is in
progress. At least one (1) designated person of the Contractor’s staff shall be
trained in first aid duties.
The Contractor shall refrain from dumping and/or depositing any form of materials
that are capable of collecting water which afford breeding places for mosquitoes,
rodents, insects and vermin of any kind. All excavation and any portion of the site
where water stagnates or accumulates shall be kept dry by pumping, bailing or
other operations. The Contractor shall pay all charges as may be required by the
MOH and/or Local Authority and employ whatever destructive measures as are
All Works shall be carried out without unreasonable noise level and dust emission.
The Contractor shall take measures to ensure that all equipment and machinery
are in proper working condition so as to minimize the amount of noise and dust
generated. The S.O. may require the Contractor to submit a proposal on how to
reduce excessive noise and dust.
The Contractor is prohibited from discharging oil and grease to any water course.
Storage tanks for oil and grease shall be placed on concrete base with upstand
edges to contain any spillage. Any spilled oil and grease shall be promptly
removed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall collect, and store used oil,
grease and other scheduled wastes and dispose these according to methods
approved by DOE.
Where the contract period is more than six weeks, the Contractor shall register
with DOSH within seven (7) days after commencement of Works.
All safety measures shall be carried out in accordance with Occupational Safety
and Health Act (OSHA) 1994, JKR Specifications for Occupational Safety and
Health In Engineering Constructions Works JKR No. 20700-0349-19 and relevant
local by-laws. The Contractor shall be held solely responsible for all accidents
arising from any negligence in this respect. The Contractor shall employ
throughout the entire contract period a competent and qualified person as Safety
and Health Practitioner as below:
Safety and Health Officer (SHO) to be stationed full time for contracts
worth more than RM20 million.
The Contractor shall submit Safety and Health Plan (S-Plan) in writing duly signed
by the Director of the company to the S.O. within one (1) month after the receipt of
the Letter of Acceptance. The S-Plan shall be as per requirements in JKR
Specifications for Occupational Safety and Health In Engineering Constructions
Works JKR No. 20700-0349-19. The Contractor shall submit revised S-Plan
whenever required.
The Contractor shall form a Safety and Health Committee in accordance with the
Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 and organise meetings at
minimum once in every three (3) months.
The Contractor shall conduct Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) related
training and programmes for the workmen including sub-contractors in accordance
with JKR Specifications for Occupational Safety and Health In Engineering
Constructions Works JKR No. 20700-0349-19.
The Contractor shall carry out site safety and health inspections and submit
monthly safety and health reports to the S.O. in accordance with JKR
Specifications for Occupational Safety and Health In Engineering Constructions
Works JKR No. 20700-0349-19.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain safety and health statistic scoreboard at
the entrance of site office and workplace in accordance with JKR Specifications for
Occupational Safety and Health In Engineering Constructions Works JKR No.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate traffic safety signage, warning
signs and warning lights at place of Works and close proximity to public.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain traffic control by competent persons
including provision of flagmen where Works is in close proximity to public roads.
The Contractor shall carry out site safety and health inspections as per DOSH
requirements and/or instructed by the S.O..
37. Sanitation
The Contractor shall provide and maintain sufficient water efficient temporary
toilets at appropriate locations on site as approved by the S.O.. Toilets shall be
complete with adequate water closets, urinals, hand-basins with proper sanitary
system and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition in accordance with the
requirements of the MOH.
All wastewater must be treated such that its discharged effluent meets the
requirements of all existing legislation and regulations.
The contractor shall ensure all waste generated on site shall be managed in
accordance with the latest statutes and other related legislation as follows:
Actions need to be carried out to ensure all waste generated on site are managed
properly as required by the law (but not limited to) are as follows:
The Contractor shall provide adequate Roll-On Roll-Off (RORO) Bin for
construction waste and Mobile Garbage Bin (MGB) for domestic waste.
The Contractor shall provide proper storage facility and container for
The contractor shall keep all records relating to disposal of waste from
For projects subjected to EIA under Section 34A of the Environmental Quality Act
(EQA) 1974, the contractor shall ensure full compliance to all EIA approval
conditions stipulated by Department of Environment (DOE) or other relevant
The Contractor shall prepare the EMP for the following situations:
No. of
Documents Reporting Frequency Timing
EMP must be approved
Environmental Once only (to be updated before commencement of
Management Plan (EMP) when necessary) site clearing and earthwork
activities on site*
Environmental Monitoring
5 Monthly 14 days after monitoring**
Report (EMR)
Environmental Audit
5 Quarterly 14 days after audit***
Report (EAR)
14 days prior to issuance of
Environmental Closure
5 Once Only Certificate of Practical
Audit Report (ECAR)
The Contractor shall appoint a qualified person as a full time E.O as per
S.O.’s approval for environmental management works, throughout the
contract period for the implementation of EIA and JKR Sistem
Pengurusan Alam Sekitar (SPAS) or project more than RM 20 million
including earthwork:
The Contractor shall carry out monitoring of water and air quality, noise and
vibration as indicated in the EMP and tests to be carried out by accredited
laboratories. Parameters to be tested are as specified in TABLE A2 (APPENDIX
Water Quality
All silt fence, silt traps, sedimentation basin and other erosion and
sediment control measures as shown in ESCP drawing must be
constructed and maintained by the Contractor.
The water used for cleaning vehicle tires in wash troughs should be
distributed through any sediment settling sump overflow and directed
into the silt trap. The used water should not be allowed to discharge
directly into existing drainage system.
Water quality standards and monitoring schedule from the silt traps/
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AND GENERAL CONDITIONS Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : A/21
Air Quality
The Contractor shall provide for the prompt removal of all dirt and other
materials spilled from his or his sub-contractor’s vehicles on public or
private roadways.
For Contractor’s trucks carrying sand, aggregates, earth and other loose
construction materials liable to spillage, tarpaulin must be used to cover
such open trucks when passing through villages and settlements or on
all roadways.
The Contractor shall also ensure dust control at quarry / batching plant (if
any) and usage of generator set (genset) complies with environmental
requirement as stipulated in the Environmental Quality (Clean Air)
Regulations, 2014.
All work shall be carried out with least disturbance and noise. The
contractor shall ensure all his equipment and machineries are in proper
working condition so as to minimize the amount of noise generated. The
S.O. may require the contractor to replace any machinery that to his
discretion is emitting excessive noise.
The Contractor shall ensure that at any time, the noise and vibration
levels resulting from his works at or across real property boundary
should not exceed the Recommended Limit as Specified in TABLE A2
(APPENDIX A/5). No person unless duly authorized by law or carrying
our legitimate duties shall use explosives or results in explosions which
create a vibration disturbance across a real property boundary or on a
The Contractor shall comply with the general recommendations set out
in The Planning Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and Control
and The Planning Guidelines for Vibration Limits and Control in the
Environment together with any specific requirements described in the
The contractor shall carry out noise and vibration monitoring at locations
as indicated in the EMP. The parameter to be tested is as specified in
The Contractor shall allow in his tender price for attendance and facilities upon all
Nominated Sub-contractors. Such attendance and facilities shall include the
Protecting, watching and taking full responsibility for all Nominated Sub-
contractor’s work and unfixed materials and goods intended for use
Removing rubbish and debris off the Site and cleaning the Works
internally and externally.
Unloading, getting in, storing and all handling and hoisting of these
materials, plant and tools into required positions.
Any scaffolding, staging, et cetera that are required for the Sub-contract
Works not covered by sub-section 42.1(v) above.
The Contractor shall allow in his tender, price for attendance upon all Nominated
Suppliers which is to include taking delivery, unloading, setting in, checking and
accepting delivery, returning empties, handling, storing and hoisting of the
materials/goods supplied by the Nominated Suppliers. Packing and carriage to Site shall
be borne by the Nominated Supplier unless specifically stated to the contrary.
This section shall describe the scope of works, qualifications, competency, roles
Scope of Work
Coordinated Drawings
The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the S.O. a complete set of
Coordinated Drawings which comprise Architectural, Structural, Mechanical and
Electrical works pertaining to all the services incorporated into the Works by his
sub-contractors, nominated sub-contractors or otherwise. The Coordinated
Drawings submitted by the Contractor must integrate with all the drawing for the
whole Works and must ensure efficient and orderly installation of all the parts of
the Works to ensure of non-interference with structural framing, ceilings,
partitions, equipment’s, lights, mechanical and electrical and other services, with
emphasis to safety maintainability and serviceability for the lifetime of the Works.
The Contractor shall guarantee that the said Coordinated Drawings shall be free
and independent of any fault and they are fit for the purpose.
The Contractor shall make every effort to keep the Site in a reasonably clean and
tidy condition for the duration of the Works. He shall, in addition, from time to time
and on the completion of any area of the Works or where directed by the S.O.,
remove rubbish, surplus materials, or any other construction debris from such
areas as may be attributable to his work under this Contract and generally
maintain the Site in a satisfactory condition, to the approval of the S.O..
The Contractor shall gather up and clear away all rubbish as it accumulates during
the progress of the Works at least twice each week at times approved by the S.O..
The services shall be continued until the completion of the Works. Garbage or
construction waste shall be disposed in a locally available landfill or hauled to
disposal sites approved by the S.O..
The Contractor shall provide and deliver to the S.O. approved As-built drawings in
the form of:
Asset Planning
Asset Creation
Asset Utilization
Asset Disposal
General Requirement
The overall planning of the project shall incorporate all the required
buildings and facilities specified in the project brief and shall reflect the
operational policies of the project.
Excellent supervision
Space for maintenance team and works shall be provided (e.g. Utilities
Room, Janitor Room)
Identification, Labelling and Registration of Asset
Identification and labelling (No. Daftar Premis Aset (DPA, Blok, Aras & Ruang)
asset informations shall be as per of latest Garis Panduan Pengumpulan Data &
Pelabelan Aset Tak Alih (PeDATA): Aset Bangunan and Sistem Kod Aset Tak Alih
(SKATA) in construction drawings.
All material, equipment and spare parts selected by the contractor shall be of high
good quality (as per specification), sustainable, durable, safe, economical and
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JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : A/28
The contractor shall ensure that all coding and labelling of government
assets including but not limited to No. DPA, Blok, Aras & Ruang shall be
done according to current government requirements.
Project Handover
The contractor shall provide all information required by the S.O./P.D for
the purpose of asset registration. The details are described in sub-
section 46.4. and 46.6..
The Contractor shall submit digital copy in the form of Microsoft Word/
MS Excel files of the followings to the S.O./P.D:
The contractor shall compile the asset informations as per requirement of latest
version Garis Panduan Pengumpulan Data & Pelabelan Aset Tak Alih (PeDATA):
Aset Bangunan for the approval of the S.O./P.D..
All Site Investigation Works Carried Out Shall Comply to Standard Specification
For Road Works Section 17: Site Investigation JKR/SPJ/2013-S17 or The Latest
Edition Published By JKR.
The Contractor shall ensure the existing roadside drains bounding the Site are
clear of any construction debris, soil, et cetera, at all times before handing over of
the Works to the S.O. upon completion.
Upon completion of the Works, the Contractor shall remove and clear away from
Site all temporary buildings, temporary works, temporary installation and
equipment, and ensure the Site is in a clean and tidy condition.
Before handing over of the Works, the Contractor shall scrub all floors, pavings,
staircases et cetera and clean out all gutters, gulleys, manholes, sumps and
drains. The Contractor shall also clean all glass panes and leave every part of the
completed Works included in this Contract in a clean, sound and tidy condition to
the approval of the S.O..
No. Dokumen : JKR 20800-0226-20
No. Keluaran : 01
AND GENERAL CONDITIONS Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : A/29
1. BS 5228: Code of Practice for Noise control on Construction and Demolition Site
2. Construction Industry Development Board Act, 1994
3. Electricity Regulations, 1994
4. Electricity Supply Act, 1990
5. Environmental Quality Act (EQA), 1974
6. Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 2015
7. Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulation 2014
8. Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulation 2005
9. Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluents) Regulation 2009
10. Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulation 2009
11. Explosives Act, 1957
12. Factory and Machinery Act (FMA), 1967 Rev 2006 and Regulations under the Act.
13. Federal Territory (Planning) Act 1982 (Act 267)
14. Fire Services Act, 1988
15. Forestry Act 1984 (Act 313)
16. Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control, 2008, DOSH
17. Guidelines for Public Safety and Health at Construction Sites, 2007, DOSH
18. Guidelines for the Prevention of Falls at Workplaces, 2007, DOSH
19. Guidelines on Occupational Safety And Health In Tunnel Construction, 1998, DOSH
20. Guidelines on Occupational Vibration, 2003, DOSH
21. Industry Code of Practice for Safe Working in A Confined Space, 2010, DOSH
22. Irrigation Areas Act, 1953
23. Land Conservation Act 1960 (Act 385)
24. Local Government Act, 1976
25. MS 2318: Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings, 2010
26. National Land Code (Act 56 of 1965)
27. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 1994 and Regulations under the Act.
28. Protection of Wildlife Act, 1972 (Act 76)
29. Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 (Act 672)
30. Standard ISO 45001: Occupational Safety and Health Management System
31. Standard ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
32. Street, Drainage and Building Act, 1974
33. Street, Drainage and Building Act, 1974: Act 133 and Amendment, 1978
34. The Planning Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and Control (DOE, 2004)
35. The Planning Guidelines for Vibration Limits and Control in Environment (DOE, 2004)
36. The Radiation Protection (Basic Safety Standards) Regulations 1987
37. Town and Country Planning Act 1976, (Act 172)
38. Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL), 1984
39. Workers Minimum Amenities Act 1990 (Act 446)
The Contractor shall provide and maintain the following testing laboratory equipment, those
which are deemed necessary only for the project, and shall become the property of the
Contractor at the end of the Contract: -
Test Equipment
1. Mixing Pan (500mm x 500mm)
2. Slump Cone (100mm x 200mm x 300mm)
1. Slump Test
3. Steel Tamping Rod (600mm x 16mm)
4. Measuring Tape
1. Steel Mold Cube (150mm (H) x 150mm (W) x 150mm (L))
2. Steel Mold Cylinder (150mm (D) x 300mm (H))
2. Compressive Strength Test
3. Scoop
(Fresh Concrete)
4. Steel Tamping Rod
5. Compression Test Machine
1. Coring Machine
3. Compressive Strength Test
2. Core Bit
(Cores Sample)
3. Compression Test Machine
9. Stopwatch readable to 1s 1
22. C.B.R. moulds fitted with collars and base plates for
compaction and soaking and tripods for small
measurement fitted with dial gauges having 10
0.01mmdivisions and 25mm travel as specified
in MS 1056
National Water
Environment Quality
JKR Minimum (Sewage) Regulations,
Aspects Parameter Requirement for 2009
Non-EIA Projects
Standard Standard Class Class
earthwork Phase
construction 6
Soil Soil loss berms/benches for
slopes ( 6m per
berm) Reuse
Turbidity ≤ 200 NTU - - ≤ 50 NTU
Suspended ≤ 100
≤ 100 mg/l ≤ 50 mg/l ≤ 50 mg/l
Solid mg/l
≤ 50 mg/l ≤ 20 mg/l ≤ 50 mg/l ≤ 3 mg/l
Demand 5 @
20°C (BOD)5
Oxygen ≤ 200
≤ 100 mg/l ≤ 120 mg/l ≤ 25 mg/l
Demand mg/l
Water 1,2 pH 5.5 – 9 6–9 5.5 – 9 6-9
≤ 400 counts / counts
E-Coli - - counts/
100 ml / 100
≥ 4 mg/l - - 5-7 mg/l
Oil and
≤ 10 mg/l ≤ 5 mg/l ≤ 10mg/l ≤ 40 µg /l, N
Nitrogen - ≤ 10 mg/l ≤ 20mg/l ≤ 0.3 mg /l
Silt trap Turbidity ≤ 250 NTU
sediment Total
basin Suspended ≤ 50 mg/l
discharge Solid
1) 2nd Schedule (Regulation 7), Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations 2009, Environmental Quality Act 1974.
(i) Standard A: For location with downstream water intake
(ii) Standard B: For location with no downstream water intake
2) National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia
(i) Class IIA: Water Supply II – conventional treatment required
a. Fishery II – sensitive aquatic species
(ii) Class IIB: Recreational use with body contact
3) Recommended Malaysian Guidelines on Ambient Air Quality
4) Schedule 1 & Schedule 6, Planning Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits & Control, (DOE, 2004)
5) Planning Guidelines for Vibration Limits and Control of the Environment (DOE, 2004)
For EIA Projects, all requirements should comply with Conditions of Approval (CoA) stipulated by DOE or other
relevant authorities.
1. General 8/1
2. Soil Investigation Report 8/1
3. Site Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping Topsoil 8/1
4. Timber 8/2
5. Demolition of Existing Structures 8/3
6. Relocation of Existing Utilities and Services 8/3
7. Excavation Works 8/3
8. Filling Works 8/9
9. Protection and Maintenance for Erosion Control 8/14
1. General
1.1. This work shall consist of all the required excavation and earthworks within the limits
of the Works. It shall include the removal and proper utilization and hauling, or
disposal of all excavated materials, and constructing, shaping and finishing of all
earthworks over the entire extent of the Works, in conformity with the Drawings and
these Specifications.
1.2. The excavation and earthworks shall be executed in such a manner and order as
approved by the S.O .. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with by-
laws and regulations relating to earthworks.
1.3. Excavation in rock and/or hard material shall respectively be measured and paid for
as extra over to excavation and earthworks in accordance with the Provisional B.Q ..
The Contractor shall give reasonable notice to the S.O. to examine, classify the
excavation and to take measurement prior to breaking up.
1.4. For contract based on Specifications and Drawings, unless otherwise provided in
the Contract, for the purpose of pricing the excavation and earthworks, the whole
excavation shall be assumed to be without rock and/or hard material as defined
1.5. For contract based on Quantities, the pricing shall be in accordance with the B.Q.
and deem to include all validation and quality control testing required by this
1.6. Computation of volume of rock excavation for payment shall be based on nett
volume excavated as shown on the Drawings.
1. 7. The Contractor shall comply with all statutory requirements and regulations such as
payment of royalties and environmental protection for removal of unsuitable material
and borrow materials.
A soil investigation report shall be made available (if any) at the S.O.'s office for the
Contractor information. The Contractor shall study the soil investigation report in detail and
make his own interpretation of the information provided and make due allowance for the
effect of site conditions on his construction operations. No responsibility is assumed by the
S.O. for any opinion given in the soil investigation report.
This work shall consist of clearing, grubbing and stripping topsoil in the areas within the
limits of Works designated hereunder and/or shown on the Drawings and/or directed by
the S.O., and of clearing only in other areas designated hereunder and/or shown on the
Drawings and/or directed by the S.O., all as specified herein and as required by the S.O ..
The work shall also include the demolition and disposal of structures in the said areas,
except where otherwise provided for in the Contract, as specified herein and as required
by the S.O ..
3.1 .1. Clearing shall consist of cutting and/or taking down, removal and disposal
of everything above ground level, including objects such as walls, fences,
drains and other obstructions, except such trees, vegetation, structures or
parts of structures and other things which are designated in the Contract
3.1 .2. All holes and cavities in the ground surface after clearing, grubbing and
stripping topsoil shall be filled with materials similar to the adjacent ground,
and such fill shall be compacted to a dry density as specified by sub-
section 8.4.3., with the agreement of the S.O .. This work shall be
considered incidental to the work of clearing, grubbing and striping topsoil,
and shall not be measured for payment.
3.2. Grubbing
3.3.1. Stripping topsoil shall consist of the removal of topsoil to an average depth
of at least 100mm below ground level, and its stockpiling for use in the
Works, and/or its disposal, as directed by the S.O ..
3.3.2. Topsoil to be stockpiled for the Works shall be sufficiently fertile to promote
and support the growth of vegetation, and shall be taken from such areas
where clearing, grubbing and stripping topsoil is required as approved or
directed by the S.O .. Before stockpiling, topsoil shall be separated from
objectionable materials such as combustible material including all timber
(except timber to be salvaged or used), all brushwood, stumps, roots,
vegetation from clearing, grubbing and stripping topsoil (including the
demolition of structures), with the agreement of the S.O .. The Contractor
shall arrange for stockpile sites either within or outside the site, at his own
expense, and with the agreement of the S.O. or as required by the relevant
laws and regulations.
3.4. Disposal
All materials resulting from site clearing, grubbing and stripping topsoil shall be
removed and disposed of as approved by the S.O. in accordance with
Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127) and Solid Waste and Public Cleansing
Management Act 2007 (Act 672).
4. Timber
4.1. The ownership of timber is vested in the Government. Saleable timber shall be
trimmed and stacked in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
Government agency, in accessible places within the site as approved or directed by
the S.O ..
4.2. The Contractor shall have the right to use unsaleable timber (or saleable timber
when permission is granted in writing by the appropriate Government agency or
authority) for his own purposes in connection with the Contract, always provided
that he shall comply with the requirements of the S.O ..
5.1. Major structures are those which cannot practicably be cleared by bulldozer and/or
hydraulic excavator, whose demolition requires pneumatic tools, explosives and/or
other specialized equipment. A brief description of each major structure (if any) and
depth to which extent it shall be demolished is given in the B.Q ..
5.2. All fences, buildings, structures, and encumbrances of any character within the
limits of the limits of the Works, except those to be removed by others or designated
to remain, shall be demolished and removed by the Contractor.
5.3. Materials designated in the Contract or directed by the S.O. to be salvaged, shall
be carefully removed and stored, and shall be the property of the Government.
6.1. The Contractor's attention is specially drawn to his responsibilities under the Clause
headed 'Damage to Property' of the Condition of Contract.
6.2. Before commencing on any excavation, the Contractor or his representative shall
accompany the S.O. on a site inspection to identify the presence of underground
cables, water or other service pipes at or in the vicinity of such excavation.
Thereafter, the Contractor shall carry out the excavation work in a manner and
sequence as approved by the S.O ..
6.3. If during excavation, the Contractor's workmen uncover any cables, water or other
service pipes, work shall be stopped immediately and shall not be again started until
the matter has been reported to the S.O. who will notify the appropriate local
authority, and subsequently issue whatever directions he deemed appropriate.
7. Excavation Works
7.1.1. The work shall include the excavation of all types of material, backfilling,
compaction, forming embankments and slopes, etcetera, as is necessary
for the completion of the works up to the formation levels, in accordance
with the lines, grades, dimensions, shapes and typical cross-sections
shown on the Drawings and to the approval of the S.O ..
7.1.2. The Contractor shall provide where necessary temporary water courses,
ditches, drains, pumping or other means of maintaining the earthworks
free from water. Such provision shall include carrying out the work of
forming the cuttings and embankments in such a manner that their
surfaces have at all times a sufficient gradient to enable them to shed
water and prevent water ponding.
7.1 .3. In pumping water out from excavation and in the lowering of water table
the Contractor shall pay due regard to the stability and settlement of all
7.1.4. Adequate means for trapping silt shall be provided on all temporary
drainage systems. Similar arrangements shall be made for all earthworks
including excavation whether for pile trenches, foundations or cuttings.
7.2. Definitions
Formation level means the final earthwork level after cutting or filling.
Common excavation shall mean excavation in any materials which are not
rock or hard materials as defined in sub-section 7.2.5. and sub-section
7.2.6 ..
(i) Running silt, peat, logs, stumps, roots, grass and other
vegetable matter, perishable or toxic material, slurry or
mud; or Materials that are soft or unstable merely because they are too
wet or too dry for effective compaction shall not be classified as
unsuitable, unless otherwise classified by the S.O .. Suitable materials shall mean those materials other than the
unsuitable materials defined in sub-section 7.2.3 .. This shall mean any cemented sediments, rock mass and highly
fractured rock mass which can be excavated using an excavator
with minimum weight of 41.4 tonnes and nett horsepower rating
of 321 brake horsepower with production rate not exceeding
50m 3/hour. All machineries shall be in good condition and
operated by skilled personnel approved by S.O. Hard mass shall exclude individual masses less than 0.5m 3 . Rock mass shall mean masses found in ledges or masses which
can be excavated using the following machinery with production
rate not exceeding 20m 3/hour:
Slopes in cutting shall be trimmed mechanically to neat and even surfaces which
shall have gradients not steeper than that shown on the Drawings. Widths of
excavations shall not exceed the dimensions shown on the Drawings by more than
300mm with encumbrance free to complete the Work, unless otherwise approved
by the S.O ..
7.5.1. Trial pit shall be carried out prior to removal of material to be excavated to
confirm water table and depth of excavation.
7.5.2. No excavated material shall be removed from the Site except on the
direction or with the approval of the S.O .. Should the Contractor be
permitted to remove suitable materials from the Site to suit his operational
procedure, then he shall make good any consequent deficit of fill material
arising there from, at his own expense. Unless designated dump sites
have been shown on the Drawings, the Contractor shall dispose of surplus
suitable material at his own dump areas outside the Site as approved by
the S.O ..
7.6.1. Trial pit/ hand auger/JKR Probe shall be carried out prior to removal of
material to be excavated to confirm water table and depth of excavation.
7.6.2. Unsuitable material shall be excavated to such depth and over such area
as shown on the Drawings and/or directed by the S.O. and be transported
and disposed of in an approved manner. Unless approval of the S.O. to
dump and spread the unsuitable material within the Site is obtained, the
Contractor shall be responsible for providing his own dump site for such
unsuitable material. Voids created due to removal of unsuitable material
shall be backfilled with suitable material compacted to a dry density as
specified in sub-section 8.4.3. or that specified for the respective part
earthworks or as directed by the S.O ..
The Contractor shall ensure that at all times, the sides of the excavation are
maintained in a safe and stable condition and shall be responsible for the adequate
provision of all shoring and strutting including sheet piling required for this purpose.
All temporary works shall comply with the requirements of BS 5975 Code of Practice
for Temporary Works Procedures and The Permissible Stress Design of Falsework.
7.9.1. The S.O. may instruct the Contractor or the Contractor himself may elect
to obtain material for the Works by widening cuts. In the latter case, the
Contractor shall first request permission in writing from the S.O ..
7.9.2. Widening of cuts shall not be permitted beyond the limits of the road
7.9.3. Any additional costs and time incurred that resulted from widening cuts
shall be borne by the Contractor.
7.10.3. Where explosives are used, the Contractor shall provide a method
statement and shall comply fully with requirements of these Specifications,
or any direction, order, requirement or instruction given by the PDRM or
any other authority competent to do so under any written law. The
Contractor shall comply to the safety and hazard requirements as specify
in Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and any misconduct and
the use of excessive explosive shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
7.10.4. All material from rock excavations shall be used as far as is practicable in
the Works.
7.10.5. Where the rock is of satisfactory quality, the Contractor may elect to crush
and screen it to produce aggregates required for concrete, road base, sub-
base, or other purposes with the prior approval of the S.O .. Excavated
rock needed for earthwork construction which the Contractor elects so to
use for producing aggregate materials shall be replaced at the
Contractor's own expense by borrow materials of satisfactory quality from
alternative locations approved by the S.O ..
7.10.7. The Contractor may only waste excavated rock with the approval of the
S.O .. Excavated rock needed for earthwork construction which the
Contractor elects to waste shall be replaced at the Contractor's own
expense by borrow materials of satisfactory quality from alternative
locations approved by the S.O ..
7.12. Blasting
7.13 .1. When blasting is carried out close to properties or roads, safety rules
complying to all authorities' requirements shall be strictly adhered to.
Where necessary or as directed by the S.O., heavy mesh blasting mats or
any other controlled materials shall be used to ensure that no damage is
caused to persons or properties on or off Site. Special care shall be taken
on highly weathered rock mass and sensitive ground. Plaster shooting will
not be permitted within 400m of any building or structure. The Contractor
shall keep records of the nearby existing properties and provide sufficient
monitoring instrumentation before any blasting commence. Any damage
caused by blasting shall be borne by the Contractor.
7.13 .2. If traffic on any road or railway has to be interrupted for blasting
operations, the Contractor shall obtain approval of his schedule for such
interruption from the appropriate authorities and shall prove to the S.O.
that he has obtained it, prior to the interruption.
7.13 .3. When blasting is carried out with close proximity to sensitive structures
and environmental sensitive areas, thresholds and criteria of vibration, air
blast, dust, fly rock and other blasting impact shall be established for
monitoring purpose.
The cut slopes shall be cleared of all rock fragments which move when pried with a
crowbar. The Contractor shall excavate any insecure material to an approved depth
and build up the resulting spaces with Grade 1SP/20 concrete or masonry using
rock similar to the adjoining natural rock so as to ensure a solid face.
8. Filling Works
8.1. Material
8.1.1. Fill materials to form formation level shall be of suitable material obtained
from excavation in cuttings. Where the quantity of such materials is
inadequate, the Contractor shall obtain suitable materials from the
designated borrow pits or from his own borrow pits which have been
approved by the S.O ..
8.1.2. The fill material shall be free from roots, grass, other vegetable material,
clay lump or material of particles size larger than 150mm.
8.1.3. Unless otherwise directed by the S.O., the following tests shall be carried
out for every 1,500m3 of fill material to be placed at Site:
8.1 .4. Sand shall not be used as fill materials at outer edges of the embankment.
8.2 .1. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating borrow pits. Designated
borrow pits shown on the Drawings only indicate to the Contractor
potential areas for borrow. Whether the Contractor obtains materials from
the designated or his own borrow pit, it shall be his responsibility to
ascertain the suitability of the pit with respect to the quantity and quality of
the materials, which shall be subjected to the approval of the S.O ..
8.2.2. The Contractor shall keep the borrow pits free from water ponding and the
excavation neat and tidy. The contractor shall make sure the sidewall of
the borrow pits is stable, protect the slope surface by turfing and shall carry
out other necessary erosion and environmental protection measures
following the agreed method statement or as instructed by the S.O ..
8.3.1. All fill materials shall be deposited in layers and brought up at a uniform
rate so that all parts of the Site reach the designed level at the same time.
The loose depth for each layer of fill shall be determined from the trial
compaction. Each layer shall extend over the full width of the fill area and
shall be compacted in accordance with the requirements of sub-section
8.4.. Each compacted layer shall be maintained at all times with a
sufficiently even surface of longitudinal and cross slope in order to
maintain the stability and drain away the surface water.
8.4. Compaction
8.4.1. General The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. for his agreement the
proposed method of compaction for each main type of material
to be used in the embankment. This shall include the type of
compaction plant for each type of material and the number of
passes in relation to the loose depth of material to achieve
desired compaction. The maximum loose thickness for fill shall
generally be limited to 400mm unless trial compaction shows
compliance with larger loose thickness and with the approval
from the S.O .. The Contractor shall carry out field compaction
trials, supplemented by any necessary laboratory investigations,
as required by the S.O.. This shall be done by using the
procedures proposed by the Contractor for earthworks and shall
demonstrate to the S.O. that all the specified requirements
regarding compaction can be achieved. Compaction trials with
the main types of material likely to be encountered shall be
completed before the works with the corresponding materials
will be allowed to commence. Each trial area shall be not smaller
than 8m x 15m.
The whole of the fill area shall be compacted in layers until no visible track
line and to not less than 90% (for cohesive material) or 95% (for cohesion
less material) of the maximum dry density (MOD) determined in the latest
MS 1056 Compaction Test (4.5kg-rammer method), unless otherwise as
shown on the Drawings.
Field density tests on each layer of compacted earth fill shall be carried
out using the sand replacement method in accordance with the latest MS If the natural water content of suitable material is too high for the
proper compaction to be carried out, the Contractor can either
bring down the moisture content by aeration or drying or
alternatively replace it with suitable materials of compactable
moisture range at his own cost.
8.5.1. For fill/ imported material, control test shall include a series of test as per
Sub-section 8.1.3.
8.5.2. For compacted material, control test shall consist of one field density test
which evenly allocated to each compacted layer of the entire compacted
8.5.3. The frequency of control tests shall be in accordance with Table B5.
8.5.4. The control tests shall be evenly allocated to each compacted layer of the
entire compacted fill.
8.5.5. If certain test methods are used for the reasons of speed and economy,
calibration between such tests and the master test method as per latest
MS 1056 shall be carried out at the interval of every 100 tests subject to
the S.O. agreement. The calibration is material specific and shall be
performed for each material type. The non-master test method with
variation of more than ± 5% shall be rejected.
8.6.1. Rock used in rock fill embankments shall be of maximum particle size of
300mm so that it can be deposited in horizontal layers, each not exceeding
500mm in compacted depth and extending over the full width of the
No. Dokumen JKR 20800-0226-20
No. Keluaran 01
No.Pindaan 00
Tarikh 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat 8/13
8.6 .2. There shall be a transition layer between rock fill and earth fill or the top
300mm of subgrade of at least 300mm compacted thickness. This shall
consist of uniformly graded crushed rock between 6mm and 150mm as
approved by the S.O ..
8.6.3. Each layer of rock used as rock fill in embankments shall be systematically
compacted by at least 12 passes of a vibrating roller with a static load per
25mm width of roll of at least 45kg or a grid roller with load per 25mm
width of roll of at least 200kg or other approved plant.
8.7 .1.2. The first layer of fill materials shall be deposited over the full
width of the embankment and berms in thicknesses not more
than 500mm or as approved by the S.O. to sufficiently support
earthwork machineries.
8.7 .1.3. If fill materials are required to be placed under standing water,
hard clean crushed rock, natural gravel or sand having grading
within the respective limits specified in Table B4 shall be used
to backfill the embankment not less than 300mm above the
standing water to receive compacted suitable fill thereafter. For the measurement of the volume that has settled below the
original level of the foundation of the embankment, the
measured settlement of each settlement gauge shall be used for
volume computation following the method shown on the
9.1. The Contractor shall be fully responsible to repair/ remedy any slope erosion, slip
or tension cracks (if any and due to whatever causes) at his own cost if the
requirements are not fully complied with. The method and procedure of remedy/
stabilization plus necessary stability analysis shall be prepared and endorsed by
Professional Engineer with full design verification and justifications.
9.2. Where turfing is required for earthworks protection, it shall be planted immediately
after cutting or filling as specified under SECTION R: LANDSCAPING AND
9.3. Where hydroseeding is required for earthworks protection, it shall be carried out
immediately after cutting or filling as specified under SECTION W:
9.3 .1. All grass shall be regularly watered until the vegetation is satisfactorily
established to the requirements of these Specifications. Any dead grass
shall be replaced at the Contractor's own expense.
9.4. Creepers
9.4 .1. Where creepers are introduced on gunited slopes, rocks or unsuitable
materials, species shall be of Malaysian origin such as ficus pumila,
centrusemo pubscens, or to the agreement of the S.O ..
9.4.2. The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. for his consideration and approval,
at least four (4) weeks in advance of the proposed work, full details of his
proposed method of planting the creepers. The information submitted
shall include, but not limited to, a full description of the following aspects
of the work:
9.4 .2.3. The types of creepers to be used, and the function, root and
growth characteristics of each type;
9.4 .2.5. The composition of fertilizer to be used after planting, the times
of application and the rate of application;
9.4 .2.6. The amounts of lime or other chemicals (if any) to be applied to
improve the soil before, during and/or after planting; the cultivation and after care of the areas, including rates and
frequencies of watering, fertilizing and general maintenance for
at least one (1) year after planting;
9.4 .2.8. the time after planting required for establishing permanent,
dense growth of creepers, which will require minimal
9.4.3. All creepers shall be regularly watered until the vegetation is satisfactorily
established to the requirements of these Specifications. Any dead
creepers shall be replaced at the Contractor's own expense.
Table B1. Equivalent Production Rate of Hard Mass Based On Types of Excavators
Table B2. Equivalent Production Rate of Rock Mass Based On types of Track-Types Tractors
With Ripping Equipment (bulldozer ripper)
Note: If the contractor elects to use machinery larger than as specified above, it should be considered equivalent to
the specified capacity for the purpose of approval.
Table B3. Category Of Excavation Based On Corrected Point Load Test Index ls(so)
1. Description C/1
2. General Requirements C/1
3. Soil Investigation Works C/2
4. Shallow Foundations C/2
5. Deep Foundations C/8
6. Subterranean Termites Treatment C/58
7. Damp Proof Membrane (DPM) C/59
8. Damp Proof Course (DPC) C/59
9. Filling Under Floors, Aprons Etc. C/59
10. Hardcore C/59
1. Description
This work shall consist of the supply, installation/ construction and testing of foundation
works in accordance with this Specification and the lines, levels, grades and cross-sections
shown on the Drawings and as directed by the S.O..
2. General Requirements
Setting out shall be carried out using the data and reference points as shown on the
Drawings. The foundation position shall be marked with suitable identifiable pegs or
markers at least 300mm length driven into the ground and the location marked with
contrasting material. If raking piles are to be installed then the setting out pins, pegs or
markers is located in an offset position at piling platform level taking into account of
depth to cut-off level and rake value of the pile. In addition, the alignment of pins, pegs
or markers shall indicate the direction of the rake. Immediately before pile installation
or casting of foundation, the foundation point shall be checked by the Contractor
2.2. Excavation
2.2.1. Foundations shall be excavated to the levels and dimensions as shown on the
Drawings, with sides trimmed and bottoms levelled and stepped as required.
2.2.2. All excavations shall be carried down to the required level as shown on the
Drawings unless otherwise, the depths of foundation are decided on the site
by the S.O.. The Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, make good
any over excavation below the required depth with suitable granular material
or concrete as approved by the S.O..
2.3.1. Two (2) weeks before the commencement of foundation works, the Contractor
shall submit to the S.O., a detailed method statement for the foundation
works. The method statement shall contain the followings: Shop Drawings showing details of all special requirements for the
construction activities such as hoisting of piles, reinforcement
cages, cast in fixing, etc;
2.3.2. If requested by the S.O., the Contractor shall submit additional information
pertaining to the method of construction (including temporary works and the
use of the construction plant), calculation of the stresses, strain and deflection
that will arise in the permanent works of any part thereof during construction.
2.3.3. The Contractor shall not deviate from the methods which have been approved
by the by the S.O. on the Contractor’s proposed methods of construction shall
not, in any way, relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities
under the Contract.
The Contractor shall give a written notice immediately to the S.O. of any
circumstances which, in the Contractor’s opinion, indicate ground conditions that may
differ from those expected by the Engineer as shown in the Drawings. The Contractor
shall submit to the S.O. a report which contains all information available to the
Contractor that will materially assist the S.O. in verifying the conditions reported, and
to modify the design, if necessary.
2.5.1. The Contractor shall carry out a dilapidation survey of adjacent properties to
establish the existing condition of the adjacent structures and facilities prior to
commencement of foundation works. Dilapidation surveys shall be conducted
by a registered building surveyor and the result of the survey shall be
submitted to the S.O. for record.
2.5.2. The Contractor shall pay very careful attention to the construction constraints
imposed by adjacent structures. The Contractor shall take adequate
measures to ensure his foundation works do not disturb or damage existing
adjacent structures and surrounding environment. The Contractor shall
provide a proposal for monitoring adjacent structures and surrounding
environment for any detrimental effects arising from execution of the
foundation works, so that appropriate and timely preventive action can be
taken to minimise damage. The Contractor’s proposal and monitoring
programme shall be certified by a Professional Engineer.
2.5.3. The Contractor shall be responsible and bear the cost incurred including
claims for damages arising from his execution of the foundation works.
The Contractor shall give all required notices to the appropriate utility authorities
before commencement of foundation works. The Contractor shall also locate existing
services by piloting, protect existing services, rectify any damage or interference to
them and provide temporary support while repairs are being carried out if so required.
A soil investigation report shall be made available (if any) at the S.O.’s office for the
Contractor information. The Contractor shall study the soil investigation report in detail and
make his own interpretation of the information provided and make due allowance for the
effect of site condition on his construction operation. No responsibility is assumed by the
S.O.’s for any opinion or conclusion given in the soil investigation report.
4. Shallow Foundations
4.1. Definition
Raft Foundation is a combined strip or pad foundation that may cover the
entire area under a structure supporting several columns and walls.
4.3. Materials
4.3.1. Concrete
4.3.2. Reinforcement
4.4.1. The Contractor shall conduct probe test to confirm the required allowable
bearing capacity. For pad foundation, the probe test shall be conducted at
every column position. Other types of shallow foundation probe test shall be
conducted as stated in the Drawings. The Probe test shall be carried out
according to Standard Specification for Road Works “SECTION 17: SITE
INVESTIGATION”. The Contractor shall submit the results to the S.O. for
4.4.2. In the case where the allowable bearing capacity required is more than or
equals to 150 kN/m2, the Contractor shall carry out the plate bearing test as
stated in the Drawings.
4.5.1. General The design and construction of the load application system shall
be satisfactory for the required test. These details shall be made
available prior to the commencement of testing. Supervision
(ii) All tests shall be carried out only under the direction of an
experienced and competent supervisor conversant with the
test equipment and test procedures. All personnel operating
the test equipment shall have been trained in its use.
Throughout the test period, all equipment for measuring load and
movement, and beams shall be protected from adverse effects of
sun, wind and precipitation.
(i) The test load shall be applied in one (1) of the following
(ii) In all cases, the reaction load or its supports shall be placed
sufficiently far from the proposed test position to reduce the
influence on the results to a tolerable level. Care shall be
taken to ensure that the reaction load remains stable
throughout the test without the possibility of load tilting or
(iv) In all cases the Contractor shall ensure that when the
hydraulic jack and load measuring device are mounted on
the loading column, the entire system shall be stable up to
the maximum load to be applied. If in the course of carrying
out a test, any unforeseen occurrence should take place,
further loading shall not be applied until a proper engineering
assessment of the prevailing conditions has been made and
steps taken to rectify any fault.
(vi) The hydraulic jack, pump, hoses, pipes, couplings and other
apparatus to be operated under hydraulic pressure shall be
capable to withstand a pressure of 1.5 times the maximum
pressure used in the test without leaking. Test certificate
shall be submitted before carrying the test.
(viii) When method (a) is used, care shall be taken to ensure that
the centre of gravity of the kentledge is on the axis of the
loading column. The longitudinal axis of the loading column
and the centre of the bearing plate shall coincide, and the
contact shall be such that any tendency for the plate to tilt is
resisted. General
b) The test shall be carried out in three (3) cycles with first
cycle test up to working load, second cycle test up to
twice the Allowable Bearing Capacity and third cycle test
up to full test load. Full test data, complete field test records and results from the
readout unit shall be jointly signed by the S.O.’s representative
and the Contractor’s authorised agent and submit to the S.O.
immediately upon completion of the load test. The submission
shall also consist of the following information:
The S.O.’s interpretation and conclusions on the test results shall be final.
Unless otherwise specified, the plate bearing test shall be deemed to have
failed if the total settlement at any stage of loading exceeds 25mm.
5. Deep Foundations
5.1. Definition
Deep foundation is defined as those where the depth is more than 3m below the
formation level. The types of deep foundation covered under this specification are as
follows, and not limited to:
(vii) Caisson
A trial pile is a pile installed for ultimate pile load test for which the pile is
normally tested to 2.5 to 3.5 times working load, or until failure occurs so that
the design parameters can be verified. The location of the trial pile shall be as
per drawing or as directed by the S.O.. The trial pile shall not be used as a
working pile.
The Working Load is the Design Load modified to allow for group effect, pile
spacing or any other factors changing the efficiency of the total foundation
from that of a single isolated pile and is at least equal to the dead plus
imposed loads on the pile together with the down drag or uplift loads as
Test load is load applied to a selected pile to confirm that it is suitable for the
load at the settlement specified. The Full Test Load (FTL) on a pile shall be
twice the Working Load (WL) noted on the Drawings.
5.2.1. Position
For a pile cut off at or above ground level the maximum permitted deviation of
the pile centre from the centre points shown on the Drawings shall not exceed
75mm in any direction. No pile edge shall be nearer than 150mm from the
edge of any pile cap.
5.2.2. Verticality
The maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from the vertical is 1 in
75 at any level.
5.2.3. Rake
The piling rig shall be set and maintained to attain the required rake. The
maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from the specified rake or
the rake shown on the Drawings is 1 in 25.
The Contractor shall, if instructed by the S.O., extract and reinstall any pile
which has deviated out of position or alignment by more than the specified
limit, or alternatively the substructure shall be modified and certified by a
Professional Engineer with Practicing Certificate to the approval of the S.O..
The cost of such extraction and reinstallation or any extra cost in the design
and construction of a modified foundation shall be borne by the Contractor if
such extra works have been made necessary due to the error and/or
negligence of the Contractor.
5.2.6. Welding Redriving of the piles shall only be allowed after the welded joints
have sufficiently air cooled to 100°C or below. All welding works shall be executed by qualified welders with valid
certificate issued by approved Authorities such as CIAST. Piles shall not be prebored without the written approval of the
S.O.. Preboring of piles may be allowed for the following reasons: The piles shall be in contact with surrounding soil and the
completed piles shall comply with the requirements of this
Specification. Diameter of preboring shall be in accordance with
sub-section of this Specification. If boring is oversize, any
gap between the tube and ground shall be filled with compacted
sand prior to driving the pile.
The Contractor shall take safety precautions throughout the piling operation in
accordance with the requirements of the relevant laws and by-laws.
5.2.10. Records
The Contractor shall keep records of the installation of each pile and shall
submit two (2) signed copies of these records to the S.O. not later than the
next working day after the pile has been installed. The signed records shall
form part of the records for the Works. Any unexpected driving or boring
conditions shall be noted in the records.
5.3.1. Material
(ii) Mild steel straps cast into the shoes shall be as shown on
the Drawings. Rock shoes where required shall consist of
wrought iron shoes and mild steel straps cast into "Chilled-
hardened" cast iron blocks, as shown on the Drawings.
The Contractor shall only use precast concrete piles supplied by approved
manufacturers. The Contractor shall produce the mill certificate and Perakuan
Pematuhan Standard (PPS) from CIDB to the S.O. for approval. No piles shall
be allowed for transportation before achieving concrete strength of 30N/mm 2.
a) The first pile in each pile system and every tenth pile
driven thereafter shall be driven full length, without a
follower, to verify that adequate pile length is being
attained to develop the desired pile capacity.
d) The final position and alignment of the first two (2) piles
installed with follower in each substructure unit shall be
verified to be in accordance with the location tolerances
specified in sub-section 2.1. before additional piles are
(iii) A detailed record of the driving resistance over the full length
of each pile shall be kept. The log shall record the number of
blows for every 0.3m of pile penetration. The Contractor
shall inform the S.O. without delay if an unexpected change
in driving characteristics is encountered. Where required by
the S.O. set shall be taken at approved intervals during the
driving to establish the behaviour of the piles.
(iv) A set shall be taken only in the presence of the S.O. unless
otherwise approved. The Contractor shall provide all
facilities to enable the S.O. to check driving resistances. The
No. Dokumen : JKR 20800-0226-20
LOWEST FLOOR LEVEL Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : C/13
b) The hammer blow shall be in line with the axis of the pile
and the impact surface shall be flat and perpendicular to
the hammer axis;
(vii) In soils that dilate when disturbed e.g. silts and some shales,
negative pore pressure can be set up temporarily and the
driving resistance may fall as these pore pressure returns to
normal. In clays disturbance can cause positive pore
pressure to develop and the strength of the soil may
increase as these dissipate. The necessary time interval
before redriving may vary from one (1) hour to two (2) hours
for non-cohesive soils or two (2) days or more for clays.
(ii) The new head shall be cast truly in line with the remainder of
the pile and be properly cured and allowed to harden
sufficiently to develop the strength necessary for further
driving. If a pile has been driven to the required set or depth
but the level of sound concrete of the pile is below cut-off
level, the pile shall be made good to the cut-off level as
described above so that the completed foundation will safely
withstand the specified ultimate load.
(iii) The lengthening bars shall butt on the exposed bars in true
alignment and shall be butt welded as specified or shall be
spliced with bars of the same diameter as the main pile bars,
60 diameters in length and lapping the main bars for a
distance of 40 diameters above and below the joint and shall
be securely bound with 1.63mm soft annealed iron wire.
(v) Care shall be taken to form the joint between the old and
new concrete as specified hereinbefore. The old concrete
shall be adequately roughened, and all loose particles shall
be removed by wire brushing, followed by washing with
clean water. The extension shall be truly in line at all stages
of handling and driving with the remainder of the pile and be
properly cured and allowed to harden sufficiently to develop
the strength necessary for further driving.
The bending strength test of pile joint shall be done for laterally
loaded pile only to determine the bending capacity at each
respective joint. The test shall be done as in sub-section
provided that the joint is positioned at the centre of the span. The
bending capacity at the pile joint shall be greater than the bending
capacity of the pile body by 10%. The result shall be submitted to
S.O. for approval prior to driving of any pile.
(ii) When a pile has been driven to the required set or depth, the
head of the pile shall be cut off to the level specified or
shown on the Drawings. This shall be done carefully to avoid
shattering or otherwise damaging the rest of the pile. Any
cracked or defective concrete shall be cut away and made
good with new concrete properly bonded to the old. The
length of reinforcing bars projecting above this level shall be
as shown or specified on the Drawings. If the length of
reinforcing bars left projecting is insufficient, then they shall
be extended by either of the following methods:
a) Butt Welding
b) Splicing
5.4.1. Material Concrete Reinforcement
The contractor shall only use Prestressed Spun Concrete piles supplied by
approved manufacturers. The Contractor shall produce the mill certificate and
Perakuan Pematuhan Standard (PPS) from CIDB to the S.O. for approval. No
piles shall be allowed for transportation before achieving concrete strength of
When a pile has been driven to the required set or depth, the
head of the pile shall be cut off to the level specified or shown on
the Drawings using a diamond cutter. Pile heads shall be
constructed to details as per manufacturer details and shall
comply with MS 1314.
5.5.1. Material
All steel H- section piles including the cast steel shoe shall comply with the
requirement of BS EN 10025 and/ or BS EN 10029, BS EN 10210, BS EN
10113, BS EN 10293, BS 7668 or JIS A5526. The profile and grade to be
used are as specified or as shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall
provide mill certificate of the manufactured H-section pile as may be
requested by S.O..
(i) When a pile has been driven to the required set or depth and
before encasing in concrete, the piles shall be cut to within
20mm tolerance of the levels shown on the Drawings. Pile
heads shall be constructed to the details as shown on the
5.6.1. Materials
(iii) For tubular piles where the load will be carried by the wall of
the pile, and if the pile will be subjected to loads that induce
reversal of stress during or after construction, the external
diameter at any section as measured by using a steel tape
on the circumference shall not differ from the theoretical
diameter by more than ± 1%.
(v) The root edges or root faces of lengths of piles that are to be
shop butt-welded shall not differ by more than 25% of the
thickness of pile walls not exceeding 12mm thick or by more
than 3mm for piles where the wall is thicker than 12mm.
When piles of unequal wall thickness are to be butt-welded,
the thickness of the thinner material shall be the criterion.
All piles within a stack shall be in groups of the same length and
on approved supports. All operations such as handling,
transporting and pitching of piles shall be carried out in a manner
such that no damage occurs to piles and their coatings. Piles that
are damaged during handling and transporting shall be replaced
by the Contractor at his own expense. All damaged and rejected
piles shall be removed from the Site forthwith.
5.6.3. Workmanship
(i) The Contractor shall submit for approval, full details of the
welding procedures and electrodes with Drawings and
schedules as may be necessary. Tests shall be undertaken
as may be required by the S.O. and shall be in accordance
with the requirements of BS EN 288
(ii) For spirally welded piles, one (1) of the following tests shall
be carried out:
The term ‘coating’ shall include the primer and the coats specified. If
protective coatings are specified, the preparation of surfaces and the
application of the coatings shall be carried out by skilled labour having
experience in the preparation of the coatings specified.
The protective coating system shall comply with BS EN ISO 12944-5 and
shall comprise of at least: Two (2) layers of Intermediate coating 0.08mm thick epoxy for
each layer
(ii) The nominal thickness of the finished coating and each coat
shall be as specified. The average coat or finished coating
thickness shall be equal to or greater than the specified
nominal thickness. In no case shall any coat or finished
coating be less than 75% of the nominal thickness. Each
coat shall be applied only after an interval that ensures the
proper hardening or curing of the previous coat.
(iii) Where more than one (1) coat is applied to a surface, each
coat shall be different colour from the previous coat. The
colour sequence and final coating colour shall be
established prior to application of coatings.
When a pile has been driven to the required set or depth and
before encasing in concrete, the pile shall be cut to within 20mm
of the levels shown on the Drawings and protective coatings shall
be removed from the surfaces of the pile head 100mm above the
soffit of the concrete. Pile heads shall be constructed to details as
shown on the Drawings. If a steel structure is to be welded to
piles, the piles shall be cut square and to within +/- 5mm.
(iii) The length of the reinforcing bars projecting above the pile
cut-off level shall be as shown on the Drawings.
5.7.1. Materials Concrete Reinforcement
(i) The diameter of piles shall not be less than the specified
designed diameter at any level throughout its length. Boring
(iii) Piles shall not be bored at a distance less than three (3)
times diameter close to other piles which have been cast
less than 24 hours or contain unset concrete.
(ii) Definition of coring in rock shall fulfil all two (2) criteria
d) Drilling fluid left in the bored hole for more than 12 hours
(vi) The frequency of testing drilling fluid and the method and
procedure of sampling shall be proposed by the Contractor
and agreed by the S.O. before the commencement of the
work. The frequency may subsequently be varied with the
approval of the S.O.. Control tests for density shall be
carried out daily on the drilling fluid using suitable apparatus.
The measuring device shall be calibrated to read within
0.01g/ml. The results shall be within the ranges stated in
Table C6 for bentonite and Table C7 for polymer drilling
(viii) If sand content is more than 5%, the Contractor shall carry
out desanding to screen out sand from drilling fluid before
The enlarged pile base shall not be smaller than the dimensions
specified and shall be concentric with the pile shaft to within 10%
of the shaft diameter. A sloping surface of the frustum forming the
enlargement shall make an angle to the horizontal of not less than
55º. At the specified diameter of the under ream at the perimeter
of the base there shall be a minimum height of 150mm. Inspection Compaction
(ii) The hopper and pipe of the tremie shall be clean and
watertight throughout. The pipe shall extend to the base of
the boring and a sliding plug or barrier shall be placed in the
pipe to prevent direct contact between the first charge of
concrete in the pipe of the tremie and the water or support
fluid. The tremie pipe outlet shall be kept at least 1.5 metres
below the surface of the concrete at all stages in the pour.
The Contractor shall develop a system of level checks for
the concrete and pipe outlet to ensure that this requirement
is met. The tremie pipe shall be withdrawn upward gently
below the concrete level and shall not be subject to any
shock or violent movement either in dislodging the concrete
within the pipe or for any other reason.
In the event of the ground water level being higher than the
required pile head casting level shown on the Drawings, the
Contractor shall submit his proposals for approval prior to placing
concrete. The pile head shall not be left below the ground water
level unless approved precautions are taken.
After each pile has been cast, any empty bore remaining shall be
protected and shall be carefully backfilled as soon as possible
with well compacted sand.
(ii) The format of the record shall be approved by the S.O. and
shall contain, but not be limited to the following information
where applicable:
e) Concrete mix
g) Method of concreting
(iii) All record shall bear the names of person who records and
person who checks. Pressure grouting shall not be used to compensate for poor pile
construction practice.
5.8. Micropiles
5.8.1. Materials Reinforcement Grout Drilling
5.8.5. Casing
5.9. Caisson
5.9.1. Materials Concrete Reinforcement
The effective diameters of the caisson shaft and bell out shall not
be less than those shown on the Drawings nor exceed the
specified dimension by more than 50mm at any level of the whole
(ii) The position of blast holes and the size of charges shall be
such that shattering of rock beyond the caisson is
(iii) The rock face shall not be shattered within the toe-in or bell-
out zone at the bottom of the caissons, and
(i) Rock proving load test machine shall be provided at site for
testing of recovered rock sample for shaft and base selected
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LOWEST FLOOR LEVEL Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : C/36
by S.O..
(iii) Prior to any concreting works, the shaft and base (for rock
only) for the caisson shall be properly cleaned by using
water jet or other approved method so that no debris or soil
stains the shaft surface or base. The base of each
completed excavation shall be carefully trimmed and levelled
to the minimum required toe level. Approval of the base of
any caisson by the S.O. shall not relieve the Contractor of
his responsibilities and obligations under the terms of the
(iv) Photographs at 4 sides of the shaft, i.e. 0o, 90o, 180o and
360o and rock base shall be taken by the Contractor after the
cleaning works and attached together with the inspection
forms for the S.O.. Dewatering
(iii) When required by the S.O., the Contractor shall record the
rate of pumping from the individual caissons and shall
submit two copies of the records on the following day. The
Contractor shall report immediately to the S.O. any marked
change in the rate of flow of water from any caisson. Emergencies
Soil removed from the excavation shall be removed from the site
and disposed off in accordance with statutory requirements.
(iii) Loose rock on the face of unlined shaft shall be scaled off
and removed before concreting.
(ii) Prior to any concreting works, the shaft and base (for rock
only) for the caisson shall be properly cleaned by using
water jet or other approved methods so that no debris or soil
stains the shaft surface or base. The base of each
completed excavation shall be carefully trimmed and levelled
to the minimum required toe level and approved by the S.O..
(i) All subsoil and debris shall be removed from the caisson to
the satisfaction of S.O.. No concrete shall be placed without
approval of the S.O.. Compaction The format of the record shall be approved by the S.O. and shall
contain, but not limited to the following information where
applicable: All records shall bear the names of person who records and
person who checks. General
(ii) The Contractor shall ensure that the concrete caisson lining
extends a minimum of 0.25m above and adjacent
surrounding ground at all times.
(iii) The Contractor shall keep all caissons not being worked
covered at all times by a stout safety cover capable of
supporting a uniformly distributed load of 1.5kN/m2 and
preventing entry of water into the caisson. The cover shall
be attached rigidly to the top of the concrete lining to fully
cover the caisson. Ventilation Lighting Oxygen
5.10.1. General To verify the working load, the Contractor shall carry out pile load The design and construction of the load application system shall
be satisfactory for the required test. These details shall be made
available prior to the commencement of testing.
Three (3) test cubes shall be made from the concrete used in the
preliminary test pile and from the concrete used for building up
the working pile. If the concrete pile is extended or capped for the
purpose of testing, a further three (3) cubes shall be made from
the corresponding batch of concrete. The cube shall be made and
tested in accordance with SECTION D: CONCRETING of this
(i) The cut-off level for the preliminary test pile/working piles
shall be as specified on the Drawings or as directed by the
(ii) Where the cut-off level of working piles is below the ground
level at the time of pile installation and where it is required to
carry out a load test from that installation level, either
allowance shall be made in the determination of the twice
working load for friction which may be developed between
the cut-off level and the existing ground level, or the piling
may be sleeved appropriately or otherwise protected to
eliminate friction which can develop over the extended
(i) For a pile that is tested in compression, the pile head or cap
shall be formed to give the plane surface which is normal to
the axis of the pile, sufficiently large area to accommodate
the loading and settlement measuring equipment and
adequately reinforced or protected to prevent damage from
the concentrated application of load from the loading
equipment. Supervision
(ii) All tests shall be carried out only under the direction of an
experienced and competent supervisor conversant with the
test equipment and test procedures. All personnel operating
the test equipment shall have been trained in its use. The
Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Tester(s) shall be submitted 48
hours prior to testing works being carried out.
Throughout the test period, all equipment for measuring load and
movement and beams shall be protected from adverse effects of
sun, wind and precipitation. Temperature readings shall be taken
at the start, end and at the maximum load of each loading cycle.
(i) The test load shall be applied in one (1) of the following
(ii) In all cases, the reaction load or its supports shall be placed
sufficiently far from the proposed test position to reduce the
influence on the results to a tolerable level. Care shall be
taken to ensure that the reaction load remains stable
throughout the test without the possibility of load tilting or
(iv) In all cases the Contractor shall ensure that when the
hydraulic jack and load measuring device are mounted on
the pile head, the entire system shall be stable up to the
maximum load to be applied.
(vii) Where method (a) or (b) is used; The hydraulic jack, pump,
hoses, pipes, couplings and other apparatus (jack assembly)
to be operated under hydraulic pressure shall be capable to
withstand a pressure of 1.5 times the maximum pressure
used in the test without leaking. For method (c), the rated
nominal capacity of jack assembly shall exceed the
maximum anticipated jack load by at least 10%. Test
certificate shall be submitted before carrying the test.
(ix) When method (a) is used, care shall be taken to ensure that
the centre of gravity of the kentledge is on the axis of the
pile. The nearest edge of the crib supporting the kentledge
stack shall not be closer than 1300mm to the surface of the
test pile. Kentledge shall not be used for testing raked
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JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : C/46
k) The jack load unit shall be fully welded together with the
upper steel rebar cage. The bearing plates shall be spot-
welded with the load unit. The plate shall be made to
receive uniform load distribution prior to testing.
(ii) The load cell or proving ring to be accepted for use shall be
calibrated within the test load range without extrapolation
and certificate of calibration within a validity of 6 months
shall be made available before the load test commences.
Use a level and levelling rod with a Vernier target that can
be read to 0.5mm. Determine deflections by readings on
the two fixed independent benchmarks, and on an
established scale or fixed point on the pile top. General
(i) The Full Test Load (FTL) on a pile shall be twice the
Working Load (WL) noted on the Drawings unless otherwise
stated, or directed by S.O..
(ii) The test shall be carried out in two (2) cycles, with first cycle
(vi) The working load shall be decreased in two (2) equal stages,
and time-settlement readings shall be as specified a
foresaid, until the rate of settlement is less than 0.05mm in
15 minutes. At least 30 minutes interval shall be allowed
between the unloading decrements while minimum one (1)
hour shall be allowed when unloading to zero load.
(ix) The maximum test load shall be decreased in four (4) equal
stages, and time-settlement readings shall be as specified a
foresaid, until the rate of settlement is less than 0.05mm in
15 minutes. At least 30 minutes interval shall be allowed
between the unloading decrements while minimum one (1)
hour shall be allowed when unloading to zero load.
Full test data, complete field test records and results from the readout unit
shall be jointly signed by the S.O.’s representative and the Contractor’s
authorised agent and submit to the S.O. immediately upon completion of the
load test. The submission shall also consist of the following:
(ii) The total settlement under twice the Working Load exceeds
38.0mm, or 10% of pile diameter / width whichever is the
lower value, or
(iv) For pile longer than 30m, the limit for maximum allowable
settlement (i) and (ii) above can be increased by 2.2% for
every meter length of pile beyond 30m.
5.11.1. General The Dynamic pile testing using Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA)
equipment is a high strain non-destructive load test method which
can be performed during initial pile driving and during pile restrike
to provide dynamic analyses using Case Pile Wave Analysis
Program (CAPWAP) or equivalent and Wave Equation analyses
programs approved by S.O.. The analyses programs shall be
performed for the purposes of obtaining ultimate pile bearing
capacity, pile stresses, pile integrity, and pile driving system
performance. PDA testing is undertaken in conformance with
latest ASTM Standard D-4945. The Contractor shall supply all material, equipment, and labour to
perform the dynamic monitoring. The Contractor shall obtain the
dynamic measurements with the PDA of monitor piles and furnish
the necessary dynamic data to the S.O..
(i) For cast in-situ piles, a spiral welded steel casing of at least
6mm thickness, same diameter as the cast in-situ pile and
one diameter in depth is used to prepare the pile head for
testing. Concrete of the same quality or better is used to
build up the pile head with the finished level just above the
steel casing (with the steel casing forming part of the pile
head). Care should be taken so that there is no cold joint
between the build up pile head and the pile.
(ii) Ten working days prior to testing, the Contractor shall submit
the Wave Equation Summary Report and the report shall be
endorsed by Professional Engineer with Practicing
Certificate and submitted to the S.O. for review and
(ii) Care shall be taken to ensure that the gauges are securely
attached at least 1.5 pile diameter from the pile head for pile
diameter less than 1000mm and at least 1 pile diameter for
pile exceeding 1000mm. The gauges shall be attached
above the existing ground level and at opposite sides for a
pair of gauges and at every quarter of pile circumference for
two (2) pairs of gauges.
(iii) The PDA shall include a screen for displaying the force and
velocity, a hard disk for obtaining a record for future
analysis, and a means to process the data. General Full test data, complete field test records and results from the
readout unit shall be jointly signed by the S.O.’s representative
and the Contractor’s authorised agent and submit to the S.O.
immediately upon completion of the Dynamic Test. The Contractor shall submit preliminary results within three (3)
days after completion of the test to the S.O..
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JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : C/57 The Contractor shall also submit the raw data file (W01) or
equivalent, upon completion of the test at the site. The final analysis and report shall consist of matches of forces
and velocities, resistance distribution, static simulation and
complete tables of numeric values. The Final Report shall be
submitted to the S.O. within at least 7 working days upon
completion of field testing. The specialist Contractor shall
complete and provide the following:
(i) Static Capacity of pile including the toe resistance and shaft
friction A PDA plot indicating all the gauges used for the testing and all
the output of the field results and the subsequent signal matching
on the same blow for all the piles are to be included in the Test
Report. These reports should only be prepared by an engineer
who has achieved Advanced Level or higher. The report shall contain complete analysis, results and their
interpretation with Professional Engineer with Practicing
Certificate’s endorsement. Unless otherwise specified, the head of each test pile shall be cut
off below ground level, and cut-off materials removed from the
site. The ground shall be made good to the original commencing
surface level.
6.1. The Contractor shall only appoint termite management company (TMC) that has
adequate equipment, competency and skilled workers to perform expeditiously. The
Contractor shall also ensure that the TMC engage workers who are licensed to apply
the termiticide by the relevant authorities.
6.2. All methods of application and chemicals to be used for the treatment of subterranean
termite infestation shall be in accordance to MS 8215: Protection of Buildings against
Subterranean Termites - CP for Prevention, Detection and Treatment of Infestation.
6.3. The Contractor shall submit a termite management programme and provide the
following in writing:
6.4. The Contractor’s termite management company shall submit the above proposal with
the Material Safety Data Sheet, product label and brochure indicating the termiticide to
be used to the S.O.’s for approval.
6.6. Treatment shall not be performed just before or after heavy rain, unless the area to be
treated can be physically protected to avoid leaching and runoff before the termiticide
chemical has bound to the soil.
6.7. Immediately after spraying the chemical, all surfaces exposed to direct sunlight or rain
shall be covered with an impervious black PVC sheet of minimum thickness of 0.08
mm to reduce the loss of chemical by UV light, alkaline wet concrete, leaching and
runoff caused by rain on exposed treated soil. In the case of areas receiving blinding,
the coverings shall be removed immediately prior to the placement of the blinding
6.8. As soon as practicable after the completion of anti-termite treatment and prior to the
issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion, the Contractor shall submit to the
S.O., the anti-termite treatment specialist’s Guarantee against any termite attack to
the Works which may arise during a period of two (2) years from the date of Practical
Completion of Works due to any defect, fault or ineffective anti-termite treatment. The
terms of the Guarantee shall be such as shall be approved by the S.O..
6.9. The Contractor shall verify the ground-water table before soil treatment. For this
purpose, the Contractor shall excavate trial holes of not less than 0.5 meter deep
measured from the level below the level of the soil to be treated. The restriction to soil
treatment by virtue of this requirement shall not in any way affect or diminish the
Contractor from any indemnity against termite attacks.
7.1. DPM shall be installed below the ground concrete floor level or as shown on the
Drawings to prevent the rise of moisture or damp through the structure flooring.
7.2. Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, the DPM shall be extruded polythene film
with a nominal thickness of 0.5mm. The nominal weight shall not be less than
0.45kg/m² and the tensile strength shall be not less than 44MPa in accordance with
ISO 527.
7.3. Unless the application surface is smooth it shall be blinded with compacted soft sand
to guarantee a soft bed, free from any objects that may puncture the membrane
during the installation or when concrete is applied.
7.4. When laying two (2) sheets of DPM, a minimum of 150mm overlap shall be provided
between each of the sheets and sealed with 100mm wide jointing tape.
7.5. Any punctures in the membrane shall be patched with sheets of identical thickness
lapped at least 150mm away from the perforation edge and sealed with double sided
pressure sensitive tape.
7.6. The DPM shall be covered with a protective layer or screed as soon as possible after
the membrane has been installed. Care shall be taken when applying concrete or
screed on top the DPM to avoid stretching or the DPM being displaced.
DPC shall comply with BS 8215: CP for design and installation of DPC in masonry
construction and as specified in SECTION E: WALL SYSTEM.
Filling shall be provided and laid under floors, aprons, etc. where required. Filling shall be of
suitable material as specified hereinbefore, deposited in layers not exceeding 155mm loose
thickness, and each layer well watered where necessary, rammed and compacted. No clay
shall be used for filling under floors and aprons.
10. Hardcore
Where shown and required, approved hardcore consisting of good, sound broken bricks or
stones shall be provided and laid to the thickness shown on the Drawings, well rammed,
compacted and blinded with sand. All hardcore shall be well watered immediately prior to
the depositing of concrete thereon.
Table C1. Plate Bearing Test – Load Increments and Minimum Holding Time
Note: The rate of settlement for each load increment should be based on the preliminary test
Minimum Minimum
Piles Method of
Concrete Cement
Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement Installatio
Strength Content
Type Class n
(N/mm2) (kg/m3)
M 45 1.2 % of cross sectional area 400
J 45 1.0 % of cross sectional area 400
Minimum effective prestressed of 4 Hammer
A 60 420
Spun N/mm2 driven
pile Minimum effective prestressed of 5 Hammer
B 60 420
N/mm2 driven
Minimum effective prestressed of 7 Hammer
C 60 420
N/mm2 driven
Minimum effective prestressed of 5 Hammer
X 60 420
N/mm2 driven
Minimum effective prestressed of 7 Hammer
Y 60 420
N/mm2 driven
Minimum effective prestressed of 3.5 Hammer
1 60 420
N/mm2 driven
Minimum effective prestressed of 3.5
2 55 420 Jacked-in
RCS Hammer
1 45 1.0 % of cross sectional area 400
2 45 0.8 % of cross sectional area 400 Jacked-in
Concrete strength means characteristic compressive strength at 28 days.
The nominal sizes and length for each class of piles are specified in Parts 3, 4, 5 or 6 of Malaysian Standard, whichever
Precast reinforced concrete square pile (RC pile)
A pile made of concrete cast in a uniform four-sided cross section before driving into the ground. It shall be suitably
reinforced mainly with steel bars.
Precast prestressed concrete square pile (PC pile)
A pile described in definition No. 1 but suitably reinforced mainly with prestressing steel.
Precast pretensioned spun concrete pile (Spun pile)
A hollow cylindrical pile made of concrete cast by centrifugal spinning before driving into the ground. It shall be suitably
reinforced mainly with pretensioned prestressing steel.
Small prestressed concrete square pile (PCS pile)
A small PC pile for sizes 200 mm and less.
Small reinforced concrete square pile (RCS pile)
A small RC pile for sizes less than 200 mm.
Slump Range
Typical Conditions of Use
Placed into water-free unlined bore. Widely spaced reinforcement leaving
75 to 125
room for free movement between bars.
Where reinforcement is not spaced widely enough to give free movement
between bars.
Where casting level of concrete is within the casing. 100 to 175
Where pile diameter is less than 600 mm.
150 to
Where concrete is to be placed by tremie under water or drilling fluid.
Table C4. Static Load Test – Load Increments and Minimum Holding Time
Tension Stress
Pile Material Compression Stress Tension Stress (psi)
Steel 0.9 Fy 0.9 Fy 0.9 Fy
Prestressed Concrete 0.85 f'c - fpe 3 (f'c )1/2 + fpe 0.25 (f'c )1/2 + fpe
Precast Concrete* 0.85 f'c 0.70 fy (As / Ac) 0.70 fy (As / Ac)
Timber 3 σa 3 σa 3 σa
*Allows for tension cracks; for uncracked section allow prestressed concrete tension stress with f pe = 0.
Fy = Steel Yield Strength
f'c = Concrete Compressive Strength (MPa or psi)
fpe = Effective Prestress (after losses) (MPa or psi)
As = Reinforcement Steel Cross Sectional Area
Ac = Concrete Cross Sectional Area
fy = Reinforcement Steel Yield Strength
σa = Allowable Timber Design Stress
Property Fresh Ready Before Test
for re- concreting Equipment
Density g/ml < 1.10 < 1.25 < 1.15 Mud balance
Marsh viscosity
sec 32 to 50 32 to 60 32 to 50 Marsh funnel
(946 ml)
Fluid loss (30
ml < 30 < 50 NA Filter press
pH 7 to 11 7 to 12 NA pH meter
Sand content % NA NA <4 Sand content set
Filter Cake mm <3 <6 NA Filter Press
Bending strength test on the pile body shall be done to determine the ability of the pile to
withstand the cracking bending moment (Mc) and the ultimate bending strength (Mu). The
bending strength test of pile body shall be made by the application of vertical load P to the
centre of the span, on the pile laid on two (2) supports which has a span equal to 3/5 of its
The applied bending moment shall be calculated from the following equation: -
1 P 3L
M= WL + − 1
Where, 40 4 5
M is the applied bending moment (kNm);
W is the weight of pile (kN);
L is the length of pile (m); and
P is the applied load (kN)
The minimum ultimate bending strength (Pmin-u) is obtained by multiplying the cracking bending
moment (Mc) by the factor ‘f’ as given in.
The pile is considered to have passed the bend test if the pile does not fail when subjected to
Pmin-u load.
Apparatus setup
The pile manufacturer shall design and fabricate a suitable set-up for carrying out the bend test.
The test shall be carried out using any suitable equipment of sufficient capacity and capable of
applying the loads continuously and vertically.
The loading arrangement and the device for applying the loads shall consist of two supporting
rollers and two load-applying rollers as in Figure 1.
All rollers shall be manufactured from steel and shall have a circular cross-section with a
diameter of 20 mm to 120 mm; the rollers shall be at least 20 mm longer than the width of the
test specimen. All rollers except one shall be capable of rotating around their axes and of being
inclined in a plane normal to the longitudinal axis of the test specimen. All rollers shall be
adjusted in their correct positions with all distances having an accuracy of ± 5 mm. Suitable
safety precaution should be taken to ensure that the rollers do not fall off while adjustment is
made and during the testing.
Rate of loading
The load shall be applied at the rate of (0.06 ± 0.04) N/mm2s using suitable equipment which
shall be capable of applying the load uniformly without shock using manual or automatic
Load pacers
If the equipment is not equipped with a device to maintain, automatically, the specified rate of
increase of load on the specimen, a load pacer shall be fitted or alternatively the control shall
be done by manual method to ensure the rate of loading as described in the paragraph above
is complied. If the pacer has a scale, this scale shall be basically linear such that 1 mm
represents not more than 100 N/s. Over the operating range of the scale the accuracy shall be
within ± 5 %.
NOTE. The pacer may incorporate a scale with an indicator or alternatively, it may be, for
example, a marked disc or pointer, which rotates at the rate at which, the load pointer should
move on the load scale being used. If the pacer is fitted with a variable speed control or has
preset speeds, then once the variable speed control has been set, or preset speed has been
chosen, the pacer speed shall remain within ± 5 % of the specified speed over the operating
range. Alternatively if the rate of loading is controlled manually then the manufacturer shall
prepare the table of loading application against time.
Load scale indicators or digital displays
The equipment shall be provided with either: -
a) Easily read dials or scales; or
Table 2 - Cracking Bending Moment (Mc) and Factor ‘f’ for Precast Reinforced Concrete
Square Piles (RC Piles)
Table 3 - Cracking Bending Moment (Mc) And Factor ‘F’ For Precast Pretensioned Spun
Concrete Piles (Spun Piles)
Table 4: Cracking Bending Moment (Mc) And Factor ‘F’ For Precast Prestressed
Concrete Square Piles –Class Pc-X, Class Pc-Y, Small Piles
Minimum Minimum
Size Cracking Bending
Class of Concrete Effective
(mm) Moment, Mc Factor 'f'
Pile Strength Prestress
(N/mm2) (N/mm2)
PCS-1 60 3.5 2.9 1.5
PCS-2 55 3.5 2.9 1.5
1. General D/1
2. Material D/5
3. Concrete Conformity and Identity Testing D/8
4. Handling of Concrete D/15
5. Construction with Concrete D/20
6. Steel Reinforcement D/26
7. Formwork and Surface Finish for Structure D/29
8. Mass and Lean Concrete D/36
9. Building Accuracy D/36
10. Apparatus D/36
11. Precast Concrete Works D/37
12. Other Concrete Works D/39
1. General
This section shall apply to the construction of all structures or parts of structures to be
composed of concrete with or without steel reinforcement. The work shall be carried out
all in accordance with this specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and
cross-sections shown on the Drawings and as required by the S.O ..
Concrete mixes are classified into designed concrete, prescribed concrete and
proprietary concrete.
(i) Notify the S.O. the name of the supplier, location of the
plant, journey time taken to transport the concrete to the
site and production capacity of the plant. Prescribed concrete is not allowed for all structural works except
for remote sites prior approval of the S.O .. A site is considered
remote when the journey from the source of the concrete supply
is having difficult access by land.
1.2.1. General Rejected concrete shall be removed from the Site. The delivery
ticket shall be marked 'REJECTED'. The batch weight of aggregate shall be adjusted to allow for the
moisture content of the aggregate being used. All measuring
equipment shall be calibrated on site or their calibration status
established by certificates from accredited laboratories. The mixing time shall be not less than two minutes and not more
than five minutes or any other time recommended by the
concrete supplier after all the ingredients have been placed in
the mixer. The mixer shall be thoroughly cleaned before any fresh concrete
is mixed.
2. Material
2.1. Cement
2.1.1. The cement to be used throughout the Work shall be cement obtained
from SIRIM-certified manufacturer. The cement shall be described and
complied with MS EN 197-1 as shown in Table D1 and Table D2. The S.O. may, without tests being made, order that any bag of
cement, a portion of the contents of which has hardened, or
which appears to be defective in any other way, be removed
from the Site.
2.2. Aggregates
2.2.4. Grading
2.3. Water
Water shall comply with the requirements of MS EN 1008. It shall be clean and free
from materials deleterious to concrete in the plastic and hardened state and shall
be from a source approved by the S.O.. The S.O. may instruct the Contractor to
carry out chemical tests at any approved laboratory at the expense of the
No. Dokumen : JKR 20800-0226-20
No. Keluaran : 01
Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : D/7
Contractor. The Contractor shall make adequate arrangement to supply and store
sufficient water at the Site for use in mixing and curing of concrete.
2.4. Admixtures
2.4.2. The admixtures, the sampling and testing of the admixtures and the
information to be provided with the admixture supplied shall comply with
MS EN 934 and requirements specified in Table D6.
2.4.4. For admixture to be used in design concrete, the Contractor shall carry out
initial test to verify the concrete mix as required in sub-section 3.1.2..
2.5.3. Consistence
The Total Chloride Content of the concrete mix arising from the aggregate
or any other source shall not in any circumstances exceed the limits in
Table D18 expressed as a percentage relationship between chloride ions
and weight of cement in the mix. The tests shall be carried out in
accordance with as 1881-124 for each grade of concrete, to demonstrate
that these limits are not exceeded.
The total estimated sulphate content of any mix, including that present in
the cement shall not exceed 4% by weight of cement in the mix. Where
necessary, tests shall be carried out in accordance with as 1881-124 for
each grade of concrete to demonstrate that this limit is not exceeded.
3.1.1. General All tests shall refer to concrete compressive strength test (cube
or cylinder). The designed concrete testing flow chart can refer in Figure D1. Initial test is required for designed concrete only and the
Contractor shall be responsible for the test. In the case of using a new concrete composition, initial test shall
be performed to provide a concrete that achieves the specified
properties or intended performance with a margin of 1.64 x
standard deviation.
(iv) For other properties that are specified, the concrete shall
meet the specified values with an appropriate margin. General
(iv) Where two or more specimens are made from one sample
and the range of the test values is more than 15% of the
mean, the result shall be disregarded.
a) Method 1
b) Method 2
3.2.1. General
(iv) One (1) specimen from the sample shall be tested for the
7-days compressive strength. The compressive strength
shall not fall below two-third (2/3) of the 28-days
compressive strength as given in Table D19 and Table
(iii) One (1) specimen from the sample shall be tested for the
7-days compressive strength as given in Table D23.
(iv) The remaining two (2) specimens shall be tested for 28-
days. The compressive strength of the specimens shall be
obtained from the average of the results of the two
(i) At least three (3) samples shall be taken for testing from
the defined volume of concrete.
(iii) The remaining two (2) specimens from the sample shall
be tested for the 28-days cube compressive strength. The
strength requirement shall be considered complied if at
least one of the following conditions is satisfied with:
(iii) For slump test, the test is only valid if it yields a true slump.
The slump value (h) is measured in accordance to MS 26-
1-2 and shown in Figure D2.
3.2.5. Conformance Identity Criteria for The Slump and Flow of an Individual
3.3.1. The following actions shall be taken by the Contractor in the event of non-
conformity: Check test results and if invalid, take action to eliminate errors
3.3.2. In the event that the compressive strength results of the test do not meet If the 7-days concrete strength is less than the specified strength
requirements (2/3 of characteristic strength), no more concrete
shall be placed on the suspect concrete and no removal of
propping on the affected area shall be allowed until the 28-days
strength result compliance is available, or unless otherwise
approved by the S.O. in writing. The S.O. may instruct the additional tests be carried out on the
hardened concrete to determine the quality of the suspected
concrete. The test may include non-destructive and destructive
tests. All methods of testing shall conform to MS EN 12504 and
results shall be assessed according to MS EN 13791 and MS
1242. If the results from the additional test did not meet the
requirements, the S.O. may instruct the Contractor the following
3.3.3. All works instructed under this item shall be at the Contractor's expense
and no extension of time shall be granted for such works.
4. Handling of Concrete
4.1. Supervision
The Contractor shall ensure the required standard of control over materials and
workmanship. The S.O. shall be afforded all reasonable opportunities and facilities
to inspect the constituent materials and the production of concrete and to take
samples for testing.
4.2. Transporting
4.3. Placement For all concrete whether mixed on or off the site of the Work,
each batch shall be placed and compacted within two (2) hours
of adding the cement to the dry aggregates and within 45
minutes (or any other period of time based on the initial test as
sub-section 2.4. and sub-section 3.1.2. and approved by the
S.O. if an admixture is used) of adding water to the cement and
aggregate. Concrete shall not be placed in any part of the
structure until the approval of the S.O. has been obtained. If
concreting is not started within 24 hours of approval given,
approval shall again be obtained from the S.O .. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against in-situ concrete which
has been in position for more than 45 minutes unless a
construction joint is formed in accordance with sub-section 5.1 ..
When in-situ concrete has been in place for four hours, no
further concrete shall be placed against it for a further 20 hours.
Where retarding admixture has been used, the S.O. may
approve variation to this limit.
(ii) The Tremie pipe shall be large enough with due regard to
the size of aggregate. For 20mm aggregates, the Tremie
pipe shall be of a diameter not less than 150mm and for
larger aggregates, a bigger diameter Tremie pipe
approved by the S.O. shall be used.
(iv) The Tremie pipe shall always penetrate well into the
concrete with an adequate margin of safety against
accidental withdrawal if the pipe is surged to discharge
the concrete.
4.4.2. At the time of placing, no part of the fresh concrete shall have a
temperature exceeding 36°C.
4.4.3. After placement of the concrete, the temperature of the concrete shall not
be more than ?o 0c.
4.4.4. The procedure used to measure the temperature of the fresh concrete
shall be as follows:
4.4.5. Freshly placed concrete shall be protected from direct sunlight and from
loss of moisture by covering, shading or other means.
4.4.6. The Contractor shall provide the method statement for temperature control
in the case of large volume or continuously concrete pour exceeding
100m 3 or as deemed necessary by the S.O. for approval before
commencement of works.
4.5. Compaction
4.5.2. The concrete maintained between the two walls of formwork shall be
compacted by internal or external vibrators. Concrete in slabs with no
formwork on its upper surface shall be compacted either by vibrators of
the pan type or by a vibrating screen.
4.5.3. The internal vibrators shall be inserted and withdrawn slowly and at a
uniform pace of approximately 100mm per second. Compaction shall be
deemed to be completed when cement mortar appears in an annulus
around the vibrator. Over vibration leading to segregation of the mix must
be avoided. The internal vibrators shall be inserted at points judged by the
area of mortar showing after compaction, with a certain allowance made
for overlapping and they shall not be allowed to come into contact with the
formwork or the reinforcement and shall be inserted at a distance of not
less than 75mm from the formwork.
4.5.4. The pan vibrator shall be placed on the surface of the concrete, which
shall have previously been tamped and levelled leaving an allowance in
height for compaction until the cement mortar appears under the pan. The
vibrator shall then be lifted and placed on the adjoining surface and this
operation shall be repeated until the whole surface has been compacted.
Alternatively, a vibrating screen spanning the full width of the surface may
also be used.
4.5.6. External vibrators shall be firmly secured to the formwork which must be
sufficiently rigid to transmit the vibration and strong enough not to be
damaged by it. Internal vibrators shall be capable of operating at not less
than 10,000 cycles per minute and external vibrators at not less than 3,000
cycles per minute. Sufficient vibrators in serviceable condition shall be on
Site so that spare equipment is always available in the event of
breakdowns. Vibrators shall be operated by workmen skilled in their use.
4.5.7. Concrete shall not be subjected to any disturbance within 24 hours after
compaction. No standing or flowing water shall be allowed to come into
contact with exposed concrete surfaces during the first two (2) hours after
placing and compaction of the concrete.
4.6.1. All concrete work shall be cured for the full period of curing which shall not
be less than five (5) days for F1, F2, F3 and F4 surfaces, but not less than
three (3) days for F11, F12, F13, F14 and F15 surfaces.
4.6.2. Curing and protection shall start immediately after compaction of the
concrete to protect it from: Concrete, after it is placed and until the expiration of the curing
duration, shall not be allowed to dry out. Provision shall be made
for adequate protection against direct sunlight and wind to allow
the process of curing to complete within the specified period. When the concrete has attained its final set, one of the following
curing methods shall be adopted: In the event where the Contractor does not do proper curing, the
S.O. has the right to inspect and to carry out further tests which
may include destructive methods. All expenses incurred in
carrying out such sampling, testing and remedial works shall be
borne by the Contractor irrespective of whether the tests proved
the structure to be sound or otherwise. Steam curing may be used for precast concrete element at the
factory. After the completion of the placing of concrete, four (4) hours
shall elapse before its temperature is raised, unless the
Contractor is able to prove that curing can start earlier by
furnishing all the relevant supporting data to the S.O .. The rise
in temperature within any period of 30 minutes shall not exceed
10°C and maximum temperature attained shall not exceed 70°C
unless it can be proven that any deviation from this provision
shall not result in any detrimental effect to the concrete work.
The rate of subsequent cooling shall not exceed the rate of
5.1.1. Construction joints shall be made at the location as shown on the drawing
and concreting work shall be carried out continuously up to the
construction joints. If the position and detail of any construction joints is
not described in the drawings, the Contractor shall propose and obtain the
approval of the S.O. prior to commencement of concreting. The
construction joints shall be made as few as possible with reasonable
precautions against shrinkage. The joints shall be at right angles to the
general direction of the member and shall take due account of shear and
other stresses.
5.1.2. Concrete shall not be allowed to run to a feather edge and vertical joints
shall be formed against a stop end. The top surface of a layer of concrete
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JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat D/21
shall be level and flat unless design considerations make this undesirable.
Joint lines shall be so arranged that they coincide with features of the
finished work, wherever possible.
5.1.3. At horizontal construction joints, gauge strips about 25mm width shall be
placed inside the forms along all exposed surfaces to ensure a straight
joint on those surfaces. Where a kicker (that is a starter stub) is used for
the construction of walls and columns, it shall be at least 75mm high, to
be constructed monolithically with the base concrete.
5.1.6. Where the S.O. considers that special preparation is necessary, e.g. for
an in-situ structural connection, preparation shall be carried out, preferably
when the concrete has set but not hardened, by spraying with a fine spray
of air and water or brushing with a stiff brush sufficiently to remove the
outer mortar skin and expose the larger aggregates without disturbing
them. Where this treatment is impracticable, sand blasting or a needle gun
shall be used to remove the surface skin and laitance. Hardened surfaces
shall be chipped manually or mechanically to be free from laitance and
properly roughened to the extent that the coarse aggregates are being
5.2.1. All fixing blocks, brackets, built in bolts, holes, chases, et cetera shall be
accurately set out and formed and carefully sealed prior to the concrete
being placed. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain all such
information for these items of work and to obtain the approval of the S.O.
before incorporating such work prior to the concrete being placed.
5.2.2. Bolts and other inserts to be cast into the concrete shall be securely fixed
to the formwork in such a way that they are not displaced during the
concreting operations and that there is no loss of materials from the wet
concrete through holes in the formwork.
5.2.4. Temporary plugs shall be removed and the threads of built in bolts shall
be cleaned and greased before handing over any part of the Work.
5.3.2. When forming movement joints, joint filler shall be fixed firmly to the first-
placed concrete. If more than one strip is used within a joint, it is essential
to butt the ends tightly or tape them together to prevent grout leakage
restricting the closure of the joint.
5.3.3. It is essential that the concrete on both sides of the joint, when placed, is
thoroughly compacted to form a dense uniform mass. Where stop ends
comprise more than one element, particular care is necessary to ensure
that joints between elements are sufficiently tight to allow no grout loss
through them during compaction of the concrete.
5.3.4. Where flexible water stops are used, they shall be fixed so as to ensure
that they are not displaced from their intended position during compaction
of the concrete and that the concrete surrounding them is fully compacted.
The design of the water stop should be practical and take account of the
problems often associated with integral water stop construction in difficult
placing conditions.
5.3.5. Water stops laid horizontally and located within the concrete mass shall
be avoided since they attract the greatest risk of local honeycombing.
5.3.6. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, all exposed expansion joints
shall be covered with 0.7mm thick aluminium cover strips fixed with
masonry nails at 300mm centres.
5.4.1. General
The installation method and the selection, mixing, application and curing
of all joint waterproofing materials shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations. The Contractor may propose to use
alternative joint waterproofing materials by submitting supporting technical
information, test reports and samples of the proposed waterproofing
materials to the S.O. for approval. The material for water stop can be made of rubber or flexible
plastics in accordance with MS 1292.
(i) The overall width of water stops shall be greater than the
smallest structural concrete cast.
(ii) The distance between the surface of the concrete and the
water stops shall be greater than half the width of the
water stops.
(iii) The width of the water stops shall be more than 150 mm. Preformed flexible strip sealant shall comply with the following
(v) Non-staining.
(i) Resistant to lime water (no visual effect after two (2)
weeks immersion).
5.5.1. General
The nominal cover, Cnom shall be specified in the drawing and defined
as below:
.: flcdev = 10mm
5.5.2. Tolerance
6. Steel Reinforcement
6.1. General
The Work shall consist of furnishing and placing reinforcing steel in accordance with
this specification and in conformity with the Drawings or as directed by the S.O ..
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JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat D/27
6.2. Materials
6.2.1. Hot rolled mild steel and high yield bars shall comply with the requirements
of MS 146. Cold worked steel bars shall comply with the requirements of
as 4461. Hard drawn mild steel wire shall comply with the requirements
of MS 144.
6.2.2. Steel fabric reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of MS 145
and shall be delivered to the Site in flat sheets, unless otherwise specified.
6.2.3. Dowel bars shall be plain, round bars conforming to the requirements of
MS 146. They shall be free from burring or other deformations restricting
slippage in the concrete. Dowel bar sleeves used for debonding shall be
of approved synthetic material. The closed end of the sleeve shall be filled
with 25mm thick compressible foam fillers and the sleeve shall fit tightly
over the length of the bar to be debonded.
6.2.4. Before any reinforcement steel is brought to Site, the Contractor shall
furnish the mill certificates of tests and these shall be submitted for
acceptance by the S.O .. In addition, Contractor shall on request, furnish
the S.O. with a test sheet from approved laboratories for any batch of bars,
giving the results of each of the mechanical tests and/or chemical
composition analysis required under the MS or any equivalent
international standards approved by the S.O .. The specified characteristic
strength of steel reinforcement shall be as given in Table D32.
6.2.5. During the course of the work, any reinforcement found to be not in
accordance with the MS or BS may be rejected by the S.O.
notwithstanding any previous acceptance on the strength of the test
certificates. The S.O. may call for additional tests to be made at the
Contractor's expense on samples taken from the batch of the defective
reinforcement. If the samples do not comply with the MS or BS, then the
S.O. may reject the whole batch and instruct its removal from the Site.
6.2.6. Steel reinforcement shall be stored in clean and dry conditions. When
placed in the work it shall be clean and free from loose rust, mill scale, oil,
grease, paint, dirt or anything which may reduce its bond with concrete. If
directed by the S.O., the steel bars shall be brushed or otherwise cleaned
before use, at the Contractor's expense.
6.2.7. Binding wire shall be 1.6 mm diameter soft annealed steel wire complying
with the requirements of as 1052. Bars shall be of their correct lengths and bent to the exact
shapes required before being fixed in the work. Bars shall be cut and bent cold by the application of slow, steady
pressure or in an approved bar-bending machine. Bending at
temperatures in excess of 100°C may only be carried out with
the S.O.'s approval and under his supervision. Except where
otherwise indicated in the Drawings, bars shall be bent and
measured in accordance with MS 1438.
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No. Keluaran : 01
Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : D/28 Cold worked and hot rolled bars shall not be straightened or bent
again once having been bent. Where it is necessary to bend the
free end of mild steel reinforcement already cast in the concrete,
the internal radius of the bend shall not be less than twice the
diameter of the bar. Special care shall be taken that the overall length of bars with
multiple bends is accurate and that after bending and fixing in
position the bars remain in place without wrap or twist. The number, size, length, shape, type and position of all
reinforcing bars, links, spacer bars and other parts of the steel
reinforcement, shall be in accordance with the Drawings. The Contractor shall take particular care that the reinforcement
is laid out correctly in every aspect and temporarily suspended
by annealed wire or supported on concrete blocks or other
approved spacers in the forms to prevent displacement during
the placing and compacting of concrete. Links shall tightly
embrace the longitudinal reinforcement to which they shall be
securely wired or spot welded. The top reinforcement in slabs
shall be rigidly supported on mild steel 'chairs' or equivalent
spaced in each direction to prevent sagging during concreting.
6.3.3. Splicing The size of supporting and spacer blocks required for ensuring
that the reinforcement is correctly positioned shall be not more
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No. Keluaran : 01
Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : D/29 Spacers left in situ shall not impair the desired appearance or
durability of the structure by causing spalling, rust staining or
allowing the passage of moisture. Other types of spacers may be used only with the approval of
the S.O..
7.1.1. Description The formwork shall be sufficiently rigid and tight to prevent loss
of grout or mortar from the concrete at all stages of construction
and shall be appropriate for the methods of placing and
compacting. Metal ties may only be used with the prior approval of the S.O..
Where metal ties are permitted, the use of storey height steel
soldiers shall be used to reduce the number of tie bolts required.
Tie bolts with rubber or plastic cone against the form face are to
be used to prevent unsightly grout loss. No metal part of any
device for maintaining formwork in the correct location shall
remain permanently within the specified concrete cover to the
reinforcement. Except for ties used for anchoring void formers,
all ties shall be at least 1.2m apart and through bolts will not be
permitted on exposed form finished faces. All holes left by ties
shall be made good within one day of the removal of the
formwork using a mortar of the same strength as the cast
concrete. Metal ties which allow for holes through the concrete
being cast shall not be permitted to be used in concrete for
water-retaining structure, roof slabs and walls.
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No. Keluaran : 01
Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : D/31 The type and treatment of any lining (plywood, metal, plastic,
Controlled Permeability Formwork liner, et cetera) of the forms
shall be appropriate to the concrete finish required. The Controlled Permeability Formwork (CPF) liner shall have the
following requirements:
(v) The concrete cast against the CPF liner shall have an
even uniformly textured matt finish and shall be free of
blowholes and other surface blemishes. The use of the
CPF liner shall meet the following performance
requirements which should be demonstrated by the
supply of test certificate:
7.4.6. Following the removal of forms, no further loads shall be imposed upon
the concrete until at least after the completion of the curing period or until
such later time as in the opinion of the S.O. the concrete shall have
attained sufficient strength to safely withstand such loads. Full design
loads shall not be applied to any structure until all load bearing concrete
is at least 28 days old.
7.5.1. The surface of the concrete shall be inspected for defects and for
conformity to the surface finish specified and where appropriate, with
approved sample finishes.
7.5.2. Subject to the strength and durability of the concrete being unimpaired,
the making good of surface defects may be permitted but the level of
acceptance shall be appropriate to the type and quality of the finish
specified and ensure satisfactory permanence and durability.
Mass and lean concrete shall consist of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate in
the nominal ratio by volume of 1:3:6 and 1:4:8 respectively. However, where a denser and
more workable concrete can be produced by a variation in the ratio of the fine aggregate
to that of coarse aggregate, this ratio may be varied within the limits (1:1½) and (1:3),
provided that the volumes of fine and coarse aggregate, each measured separately, shall
nevertheless equal the sum of the volumes of fine and coarse aggregate appropriate to
the nominal mix. The concrete shall be mixed as described for reinforced concrete.
9. Building Accuracy
After removal of formwork, the Contractor shall take measurements as directed by the S.O.
to check the deviation of the reinforced concrete works from specified dimensions shown
on the Drawings. All measurements shall be recorded and submitted to the S.O.. Any
deviation in building accuracy shall comply with BS EN 13670.
10. Apparatus
The Contractor shall provide the following apparatus for use on the Site at all times:
10.1. Concrete slump test apparatus and flow test apparatus complying with MS 26. One
set of the apparatus shall be provided for each concreting location.
10.2. At least twelve (12) numbers of steel or cast iron moulds for casting 150mm concrete
test cubes and six (6) numbers of prismatic specimen 40 x 40mm in cross section
and 160mm in length for mortar or grout test moulds in accordance to BS EN 445.
A minimum number shall be provided such that no stripping of cubes is required
prior to 24 hours setting and hardening period.
Compressive strength class, maximum w/c ratio and minimum cement or combination content for normal-weight
Nominal concrete with 20 mm maximum aggregate size Cement/
cover combination
(mm) 15 +∆c 20 + ∆c 25 + ∆c 30 + ∆c 35 + ∆c 40 + ∆c 45 + ∆c 50 + ∆c 60 + ∆c 70 + ∆c 80 + ∆c types
C20/25 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25
All in Table
0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 D1
240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240
Corrosion induced by chlorides other than seawater (XD exposure classes) adequate for any associated carbonation induced corrosion (XC)
Compressive strength class, maximum w/c ratio and minimum cement or combination content for normal-weight
Nominal Cement/
concrete with 20 mm maximum aggregate size
cover Combination
(mm) types
30 +∆c 35 +∆c 40 +∆c 45 + ∆c 50 +∆c 55 + ∆c 60 +∆c 65 + ∆c 70 +∆c 75 + ∆c 80 +∆c
Corrosion induced by chlorides from seawater (XS exposure classes) adequate for any associated carbonation induced corrosion (XC)
- - - - - - - - - - 0.35 IIB-S
C40/50 C35/45 C32/40 C28/35 C25/30 C25/30 C25/30
- - - - 0.35 0.45 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.55 0.55 IIB-V, IIIA
380 380 360 340 320 320 320
XS3 IIB-V ≥ 25 %
C40/50 C32/40 C28/35 C25/30 C25/30 C25/30 C25/30 C20/25
fly ash,
- - -
0.35 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 IIIA ≥ 46 %
380 360 340 320 320 320 320 320 ggbs
Compressive strength class, maximum w/c ratio and minimum cement or combination content for normal-weight concrete
Nominal with 20 mm maximum aggregate size Cement/
cover combination
(mm) 15 + ∆c 20 + ∆c 25 +∆c 30 +∆c 35 +∆c 40 + ∆c 45+ ∆c 50 +∆c 55 +∆c 60 +∆c 70 +∆c 80 +∆c types
Compressive strength class, maximum w/c ratio and minimum cement or combination content for normal-weight
Nominal concrete with 20 mm maximum aggregate size Cement/
cover combination
(mm) types
30 +∆c 35 + ∆c 40 +∆c 45 +∆c 50 + ∆c 55 +∆c 60+∆c 65 +∆c 70 +∆c 75 +∆c 80 +∆c
Corrosion induced by chlorides from seawater (XS exposure classes) adequate for associated carbonation induced corrosion (XC)
XS2 IIB-V ≥ 25 %
C40/50 C35/45 C32/40 C28/35 C25/30 C25/30 C25/30 C25/30
fly ash,
0.35 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 IIIA ≥ 46 %
380 380 360 340 320 320 320 320 ggbs
C35/45 C32/40 C28/35 C25/30 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25 C20/25
0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 IVB-V, IIIB
380 380 360 340 320 320 320 320
- - - - - - - - - - -
C40/50 C40/50 C35/45 C32/40 C28/35
- - - - - - 0.35 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 IIB-V, IIIA
380 380 380 360 340
IIB-V ≥ 25 %
XS3 C40/50 C35/45 C32/40 C25/30 C25/30
fly ash,
- - - - - -
0.35 0.40 0.40 0.55 0.55 IIIA ≥ 46 %
380 380 360 320 320 ggbs
C35/45 C32/40 C28/35 C20/25 C20/25
- - - - - - 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.55 0.55 IVB-V, IIIB
380 380 360 320 320
1. General H/1
2. Timber Grades And Size Tolerances H/1
3. Treatment of Timber H/2
4. Moisture Content And Storage H/4
5. Structural Assemblies Of Timber H/4
6. Timber Joints H/5
7. Prefabricated Timber Roof Truss System H/7
8. Engineered Timber Product (ETP) for Structures H/9
9. Carpentry Works H/17
10. Joinery Works H/17
11. Timber Floor Finish H/18
12. Ceiling Timber Battens H/18
13. Timber Partitions H/18
14. Fascia And Barge Boards H/18
15. External Boarding H/18
16. Staircase And Balustrades H/19
17. Timber Solid Panel Doors H/19
18. PVC Doors H/20
19. Products And Materials H/20
20. Ironmongery H/22
21. Built-in Furniture H/22
5.1.3. Bearing surfaces of notches and other cuttings shall be true and smooth
and in appropriate relation to the other surfaces of the piece.
5.2. Notches other than at the ends of beams shall be U-shaped formed by parallel
cuts to previously drilled holes. The diameter of the hole shall be equal to the width
of the required notch.
5.3. Where splitting is likely to have a deleterious effect, end sealing is recommended.
For timbers known to split and check especially after installation, the ends of the
boards and scantlings shall be protected with a coating designed to minimise end
checking and checking and splitting. In severe cases where the ends and sides of
heavy joists of timbers are liable to excessive split and check due to exposure to
windward slanting sunlight, appropriate skirting or cover with a thin timber board
shall be necessary.
6. Timber Joints
6.1. When solid timber members are to be jointed together using mechanical fasteners,
the workmanship and method of assembly shall be in accordance with MS 544:
Part 5. The mechanical fasteners are as listed below: A washer shall be fitted under the head of each bolt and
under each nut. The minimum sizes of washers are
shown in Table H7 as given in accordance with MS 544:
Part 6. Where joints using split-rings are to be used, as
shown in the Drawings, the members of the joints shall
be fitted together in their appropriate positions and
clamped or spiked together before drilling. Alternatively,
drilling jigs or multiple head boring machines may be
used, or individual members may be marked out from
the setting-out or by use of prepared templates.
7.8.1. The S.P. through the Contractor shall propose to the S.O. or his approval
a roof truss system which is safe, functional and conforming to design
standard. Submission of proposal shall include truss analysis, design
report, and construction drawings. The truss analysis shall indicate all
loads, load combinations, connections criteria, bracings and tie-down of
the truss. Design output of the truss members, battens, connections, tie-
down and wall plates, anchors, bracings, truss accessories, splicing and
stiffeners where related to the analysis shall be included in the design
report. (In accordance to Specification Pre-Fabricated Timber Roof Truss
- JKR 20601-0190-12).
7.8.3. Technical specifications for fastener and anchor of which the design
refers to shall also be submitted. Verification test certificate from an
approved accredited laboratory on the technical parameter specified in
the technical specifications shall be submitted upon request by the S.O..
7.9. Warranty
7.9.1. When a refabricated timber roof truss system is used, the Contractor
shall submit to the S.O. a warranty from the S.P. certified by a P.E. with
the following provisions:
19.4.1. All fibre building boards namely, Hard Board, Medium Board and Medium
Density Fibre Board (MDF) shall comply with MS 1429 and MS 1912.
The type and quality of Fibre building boards shall be as approved by the
S.O. Perforated hardboards shall be not less than 3.2mm thick with
maximum of 4.8mm perforation at 19mm centers unless otherwise stated
in the Drawings.
19.4.2. All fibre building boards shall be fixed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instruction. Unless otherwise detailed in the drawings, the
ceiling boards shall be butt and `V’ jointed.
19.5.1. The type and quality of composite boards shall be as approved by the
S.O. and shall be fixed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s
19.5.2. Fixing of timber base composite boards shall comply with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Panels which are to be painted or varnished
shall be properly sanded down and holes and crevices filled with
approved wood putty or filler to the satisfaction of the S.O.. Panels which
are for wet prone area, shall comply with MS 1787.
Woodwool slab shall comply with MS 1036 and shall be of the type and quality as
approved by the S.O.. Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, the slab shall
be laid with its length at right angles to support, fixed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instruction.
19.7.1. Wood cement boards shall comply with the requirements of MS 934 or
MS 544: Part 4. In fixing, the board must be supported on all four edges
and at immediate positions at centres not exceeding 610mm. Joints
between boards shall occur on centers of supports. Minimum edge
distance shall be 20mm.
19.7.2. Boards which are to be painted shall be lightly sanded and any dust shall
be removed from the surface with a piece of clean coarse cloth. Any
filling compounds used shall be alkali-resistant. Fixing of the board shall
be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
WPC shall be made from minimum 70% rice husk and balance recycled HDPE.
WPC solid decking system shall be of 145mm (w) x 25mm (t) fixed onto 300mm
c/c on Suspended Leveling System with hot dipped zinc-aluminium alloy coated
steel with a minimum coating mass of AZ150 to AS/NZS 1397-2002 steel sheet
1. Description V/1
2. Removal and Replacement V/1
3. Surcharge V/1
4. Geosynthetics V/3
5. Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD) V/10
6. Stone Columns V/16
7. Deep Soil Mixing V/25
8. Dynamic Compaction V/32
9. Piled Embankment V/35
10. Geotechnical Instrumentation V/36
1. Description
This work shall consist of numerous ground improvement technique and instrumentation
in regards with general requirement, method of installation and relevant testing to be
implemented during construction.
2.1. General
2.2.2. The apparatus used shall be the standard JKR probes or Mackintosh
probes. Procedure of works and details of the JKR probes and Mackintosh
probes are as per Standard Specification for Roadworks “SECTION 17:
2.3.2. Unless otherwise indicated in the Drawing, suitable materials for fill and
method of compaction shall conform to SECTION B: EXCAVATION AND
2.3.3. For replacement of excavated material under standing water, the fill
material shall be granular material conforming to SECTION B:
3. Surcharge
3.1. General
3.1.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of surcharge material
and the removal and disposal of excess material on completion of the
specified surcharge period or when directed by the S.O..
3.2. Materials
3.2.2. The filling material shall be laid in layer and compacted as per SECTION
The surcharge load shall be applied throughout the surcharge period. The
surcharge period specified in the Drawing is subjected to validation from field
monitoring results, which may be shortened or lengthened at the discretion of the
S.O. based on interpretation of field monitoring results.
3.4.1. The height of the embankment including the surcharge shall at no time
exceed the specified height in the Drawing. The placement of the
surcharge materials shall be in uniform layers and care shall be given to
ensure stability of the embankment. The Contractor shall check at all times
the rate of placement and adjust accordingly in order to avoid instability.
Stockpiling of excess earth, machineries or any other materials shall not be
permitted on the embankment.
3.4.3. The width, height and slope gradient of the counterweight berms shall be
constructed in accordance to details shown in the Drawing. Any remedial
works arising from non-compliance of the requirements of this section
which leads to embankment failure shall be borne by the Contractor at his
own cost and time.
3.5.1. The drainage blanket layer shall consist of clean sand with less than 10%
of fine content passing the 75m sieve having grading within the
respective limits specified in SECTION B: EXCAVATION AND
3.5.2. The drainage material for depositing in water shall be deposited without the
associated use of a compaction plant.
3.5.3. The drainage blanket shall be built up evenly in horizontal layers, each not
more than 300mm thick up to the design thickness as specified in the
Drawing. Filling shall commence from the lowest level, and each layer shall
cover the full area of the intended total fill area at that level before
deposition of the subsequent layer commences.
3.6. Instrumentation
3.6.2. The monitoring results shall be submitted to the S.O. according to the
agreed frequency and shall form part of the surcharge control measures.
Evaluation and amendments to the surcharging design may be carried out
from time to time by the S.O. based on interpretations of the monitoring
3.6.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall follow the instructions of
the manufacturer in the installation, calibration and testing of all measuring
instruments and equipment.
4. Geosynthetics
4.1. General
4.1.4. The contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting-out of
the areas to which the geosynthetics are to be placed and provide all
necessary resources and equipment related to supply and laying of
geosynthetics to the correct level and dimension as shown in the Drawing
or as instructed by the S.O..
4.2.2. Each roll of geosynthetics delivered to site shall be clearly labelled with the
4.2.3. The Contractor is solely responsible for the good condition of the
geosynthetics stored at the worksite and in the event of damages or
deterioration of the geosynthetics due to improper storage, the Contractor
shall be liable to replace the affected materials at his own cost when
directed by the S.O..
4.2.4. All materials which are damaged during transportation, handling or storage
and do not meet the minimum requirements of the specification shall be
rejected by the S.O. and shall be immediately taken off the site. No
payment of any kind shall be made on the rejected product. The Contractor shall also submit technical data and samples to
verify the physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties of the
geosynthetics to be used for S.O.’s approval. All tests shall be carried out in accordance with the Codes of
Practices and Test Standards provided within this Specification.
All cost associated with the tests and preparation of report shall
be borne solely by the Contractor. Individual sample shall not be less than two (2) meters in length
for non-woven geotextile and one (1) meter in length for high
strength woven geotextile and geogrid, times the full width of
the geosynthetics. Samples submitted for tests shall indicate
the linear meters of the geosynthetics and manufacturer’s
identifications represented by the sample.
4.4. Geotextile
4.4.1. General
Geotextile shall be made of new synthetic polymeric fabric that are stable
or stabilized against ultra violet (UV) radiation such that three months
exposure to sunlight shall not reduce its specified strength to less than
4.4.2. Installation In general, the joints are allowed for both machine direction
(MD) and cross direction (CD) of the non-woven or woven
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No. Keluaran : 01
No. Pindaan : 00
Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : V/7
(ii) Elongation
(iv) Permeability High strength woven geotextile shall be free of any flaws that
may have an adverse effect on its physical and mechanical
properties. Minimum roll width shall be 5.0 meters.
4.5. Geogrid
4.5.1. General The weft (referring to CD) elements shall be the same quality
material as the warp (referring to MD) elements. Durability of the geogrid shall be such that a design life of 120
years is achieved. The geogrid shall not deteriorate from
exposure to sunlight and due to chemical action or
biodegradation when buried in wet soil.
(iv) The fill within 1.0 meter of the face of the Geogrid
Reinforced Slope shall be compacted using one of the
a) Vibro tamper Drainage
5.1. General
5.1.1. This specification covers the technical requirements for the supply and
installation of Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD) as described herein. All
materials used shall meet the requirements of this specification and all
works shall be executed in accordance with the details shown in the
Drawing and the procedures described herein.
5.1.2. The Contractor shall provide all necessary resources including materials,
skilled workers, and plant/equipment to execute and complete the works
related to supply and installation of PVD as shown in the Drawing.
5.1.3. All materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with the appropriate
British Standards current at the time of tender, including those listed in this
Specification, except where the requirements of British Standards conflict
with this Specification, the latter shall take precedence unless otherwise
approved by the S.O..
5.1.4. The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting-out of
the areas to which the PVD is to be placed and for the correctness of the
lines, widths and levels.
A soil investigation report shall be made available at the S.O.’s office for the
Contractor’s information. The report is intended solely as a preliminary guide and
neither the completeness nor the accuracy of the information provided is
guaranteed. No responsibility is assumed by the S.O. for any opinion or conclusion
given in the soil report. The Contractor shall study the given soil report and make his
own interpretation of the information provided and to make due allowance for the
effect of site conditions on his construction operations.
Cone Penetration Test (CPT) may be carried out to verify the thickness of
sub-soil to be treated using PVD. CPT may be carried out if necessary.
The CPT results shall be submitted to the S.O. for design verification
purpose prior to the commencement of work.
5.3.1. The PVD materials shall be labelled or tagged for sample identification and
other quality control purposes. Each pallet shall be identified by the
manufacturer’s name, lot number, individual roll number, roll length, date of
manufacture or mill certificate, manufacturer and product identification of
the jacket and core.
5.3.2. During transportation and storage, the PVD shall be wrapped in heavy
paper, burlap or similar heavy-duty protection covering. The PVD shall be
protected from sunlight, mud, dirt, dust, debris and other detrimental
substances during transport and on-site storage.
5.3.3. The Contractor shall ensure that the PVD is in good condition and properly
stored in a covered area at the worksite. If no covered area is available,
the PVD may be stored on raised platform and covered with a waterproof
canvas. In the event of damage or deterioration of the PVD due to
improper storage, the Contractor shall be liable to replace the affected
materials at his own cost.
5.4. Materials
5.4.2. Geotextile
5.5. Installation
Proper method statement for installation shall be prepared and submitted to the
S.O. for approval before commencement of works. The method statement shall
include the use of all necessary resources such as materials, manpower,
machineries and equipments. Also, to include is the sequence of works with
diagrammatical illustrations where necessary, workmanship requirements as well as
the construction quality controls.
5.5.1. Procedure
The equipment used for the installation of the PVD shall have adequate
capacity to install the PVD to the required depth at one go without the need
for any withdrawal and re-insertion. The Contractor shall be responsible to
ensure that the working platform is stable and safe without risks to workers
and nearby buildings or structures.
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No. Keluaran : 01
No. Pindaan : 00
Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : V/13
5.5.2. Geotextile Equipment Verticality Tolerances Installation
(iii) The completed PVD shall be cut off neatly 150mm above
the working grade, or as otherwise specified in the
contract Drawing. Pre-Augering
(iii) At the direction of the S.O. and under his review, the
Contractor shall attempt to install a new PVD within
600mm horizontally from the obstructed PVD. A maximum
of two attempts shall be made as directed by the S.O.. If
the PVD still cannot be installed to the design tip
elevation, the PVD location shall be abandoned and the
installation equipment shall be moved to the next location,
or other action shall be taken as directed by the S.O.. Splicing
5.5.5. Surcharge
The Contractor shall submit to S.O. the daily installation record verified by S.O.
representative, specialist contractor and main contractor on the next working day.
The contractor shall submit as-built PVD treatment area plan certified by a Licensed
Surveyor within fourteen (14) working days of completion of the last PVD. The as-
built Drawing and records shall include the as-built position and depth of each PVD
point noting any deviation outside specified tolerances.
6. Stone Columns
6.1. General
The work shall consist of the supply of equipment, labour and materials for the
execution of stone column works for ground improvement. The stone column
described in this Specification shall be carried out by deep vibratory compaction
incorporating stone columns formed with imported granular backfill complying with
the requirements of the latest version of BS EN 14731. This section shall be also in
accordance with sub-section 5.1..
6.3.1. Two (2) weeks before the commencement of the works, the Contractor
shall submit to the S.O. a detailed method statement for the works. The
method statement shall contain the following: Shop drawing showing details of all special requirements for the
construction activities;
6.3.2. If requested by the S.O., the Contractor shall submit additional information
pertaining to the method of construction.
6.3.3. The Contractor shall not change the methods which have been approved
by the S.O.’s Approval. of the Contractor’s proposed methods of
construction shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of any of his duties
or responsibilities under the contract.
The Contractor shall report immediately to the S.O. any circumstances which, in the
Contractor’s opinion, indicate ground conditions that may differ from those expected
by him from interpretation of the soil investigation report. The Contractor’s report
shall be in the form of written notice of which shall be given to the S.O. at the
earliest possible time after encountering such conditions and obstructions. The
report shall be accompanied by all information available to the Contractor which will
materially assist the S.O. in verifying the conditions reported.
6.5. Adjacent Structures
6.5.1. The Contractor shall pay very careful attention to the construction
constraints imposed by adjacent structures. The Contractor shall exercise
extra care and implement adequate monitoring measures when carrying
out the works so as not to disturb or damage the existing adjacent
properties and foundations. The Contractor shall provide a proposal for
monitoring adjacent properties for any detrimental effects arising out in
execution of the works, so that appropriate and timely preventive action
can be taken to minimise damage. The Contractor’s proposal and
monitoring program shall be certified by his Professional Engineer and
approved by S.O..
6.5.2. The Contractor shall also carry out a condition survey of adjacent
properties to establish the condition of the existing structures and facilities
prior to commencement of work. Condition Survey shall be conducted by
competent personnel and the result of the survey shall be submitted to the
S.O. for record.
6.5.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall bear the cost of such
works and any claims of damage to adjacent structure and facilities
arising from his execution of the works.
6.7. Workmanship
6.7.1. The Contractor shall satisfy the S.O. regarding the suitability, efficiency
and adequacy of the equipment to be employed. The Contractor shall state
the type and number of rigs he intends to use.
6.7.2. On completion of each area of stone column the Contractor shall grade
debris and surplus material arising from the stone column to leave a
reasonable firm and level working surface. On completion of the stone
columns to the satisfaction of the S.O., the Contractor shall remove from
the site all plant and unwanted material.
6.7.4. For both dry and wet methods, the depth vibrator shall be sufficiently
powerful to ensure:
6.7.5. For the avoidance of doubt, any equipment other than a depth vibrator as
specified in the latest version of BS EN 14731, is non-complying and
Setting out shall be carried out by the Contractor from grid lines provided and
maintained by the Contractor. Immediately before installation, the column position
shall be marked with suitable identifiable pins, pegs or markers at least 300mm
length. The pins, pegs or markers should be driven to ground level and the location
marked with contrasting material.
6.9. Materials
6.9.1. Material used for forming stone columns shall consist of hard and durable
stone so as to remain stable during column construction and the working
life of stone columns. The material may be natural or crushed stones or
recycled material based on availability at site, and shall conform to the
following requirements: The Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) shall be not more than
30% (tested in accordance with latest version of MS 30 or
equivalent); The Flakiness Index shall be not more than 30% (tested in
accordance with latest version of MS 30 or equivalent);
The above tests shall be carried out on each of every source of material
supplied to site.
6.9.2. Material shall be used with a grading appropriate for compaction to form a
dense column fully interlocking with surrounding ground. Material shall be
compatible with the vibro plant used and flow freely within bottom and
through feed delivery systems without arching, which may block these
6.9.3. Material with particle size falling in the range of 20-40mm size (dry method)
and 50-75mm size (wet method), its appropriate grading limit are as per
Table V8. Quarry dust and other fine stone chippings shall be limited to not
more than 5%. The material shall also be free of unsuitable material.
6.9.5. Throughout the period of the works, when directed by the S.O., the
Specialist Contractor shall be required to substantiate that the output from
the approved sources of stone consistently conforms to the requirement of
the Specifications and any conditions stipulated during the initial approval.
6.10.1. The construction method may either be the wet or dry process. Generally,
the wet process is suited for sites underlain by very soft to firm soils and a
high ground water table. For dry process, it is suitable for soils with
undrained shear strength of about 40-60kN/m2 with relatively low ground
water table. If the dry process is used it shall be demonstrated on site that
the hole made by the machine will remain open to enable the stone to be
placed cleanly to the bottom of the hole to form a continuous column to the
6.10.3. Site working levels for the stone column shall be maintained throughout the
duration of the Works. Where near surface obstructions occur, they shall
be broken out prior to the commencement of the vibro works and the
resulting voids shall be filled with granular material that can be penetrated
and compacted by the vibrating poker.
6.10.4. The stone column shall be formed to the working surface without inclusion
of clay or other unsuitable material preventing intergranular contact
between stone particles.
6.10.5. When the dry top-feed process is being used, the vibrator may be removed
completely from the hole to allow access for the stone. Where the dry
bottom-feed process is used, the depth vibrator shall not be removed from
the ground during column construction. When the wet process is being
used, the vibrator shall be kept in the hole at all times in order to maintain
stability of the sides and to ensure that the stone shall reach the required
depth via the annular space around the vibrator.
6.10.6. The Contractor shall provide a supply of water if the wet process is
selected. The Contractor shall indicate the rate of water supply required
and be responsible for checking that this is available. The Contractor shall
be responsible for supplying any extra storage tanks and pumping as
6.10.8. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of effluent from the works
and complying with the Environmental Law and Regulations. The
Contractor shall provide countermeasures as required by the
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and maintain silt traps required.
On completion of the stone column the Contractor shall remove all such
equipment and backfill any pits.
6.10.10. Verticality
The maximum permitted deviation of the stone column from the vertical is
1 in 20.
The depth and spacing of the stone columns shall be as shown in the
Drawing and neither the depth nor spacing shall be varied without the prior
agreement of the S.O.. Any variations in depth of stone columns due to
site conditions not anticipated in the design shall be reported immediately
to the S.O. who shall advise on any action to be taken.
6.10.12. Tolerances
All stone columns shall be located to within 150mm of the plan positions
shown on the stone column layout Drawing.
6.11.1. The Contractor shall keep records each of the stone column carried out as
required by the S.O. and shall submit two signed copies of these records to
the S.O. not later than at noon of the next working day after the stone
column is completed. The duly signed records shall form part of the
records for the works. Any unexpected conditions shall be noted in the
6.11.2. The Contractor shall ensure that the equipment to be used shall be
instrumented with sensors and the data processed by a micro-processing
unit to enable continuous monitoring and data capture of the following
parameters during the construction of each stone column:
6.11.4. The records of each completed stone column shall contain but not limited
to the following information where applicable: -
6.11.5. Any observed ground heave or settlement during construction shall also be
recorded and reported to the S.O..
Prior to commencement of actual stone column works, the Contractor shall carry
out preliminary stone column as shown in the Drawing to establish the installation
criteria for the subsequent stone column and for confirming the adequacy of the
design, dimensions and working load through load test. The Contractor shall give
at least three (3) days’ notice of the commencement of construction of any
preliminary stone column.
No. Dokumen : JKR 20800-0226-20
No. Keluaran : 01
No. Pindaan : 00
Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : V/22
6.13.1. To verify the design assumptions and working load, The Contractor shall
carry out load test on stone column as shown in the Drawing or as
instructed by S.O.. The testing procedures shall be submitted two (2)
weeks before the commencement of load test for S.O. approval. Loading
of a stone column shall not commence until seven (7) days have elapsed
after completion of its installation.
6.13.2. Load testing for stone column can be carried using plate test or zone test
as shown in the Drawing or as instructed by the S.O. Plate test: A plate test is a loading test carried out using a plate
on treated ground essentially used as a control of
workmanship. It can be a single column plate load test or a
group of four columns plate load test. Zone test: A zone test is a loading test carried out over a large
treated area, intended to test stone columns’ performance over
a wider and deeper zone than in the plate bearing test. A zone
test is usually carried out by placing earth fill to simulate
widespread loads, and the fill height will be determined to meet
the required test pressures.
6.13.3. During the progress of a test, the testing equipment and all records of
the test shall be available for inspection by the S.O..
The plate load test shall be carried out in accordance with the latest
version of MS 2038. Full test data and results shall be jointly signed in duplicate
by the S.O.’s representative witnessing the test and the
Contractor’s authorized personnel immediately upon
completion of the test. A copy of this records shall be kept by
the S.O..
a) General
i. Contract identification
ii. Date of test
c) Treatment Details
d) Stone Columns
e) Test Procedure
f) Test Results
(i) General
a) Contract identification
b) Date Of tests
6.14.1. The Contractor shall submit an as-built stone column location plan certified
by a Licensed Surveyor to the S.O. within fourteen (14) working days after
the completion of the works. Partial as-built plan may be submitted
throughout construction of the works for verification by the S.O..
7.1. General
The work shall consist of the supply of equipment, labour and materials for the
execution of deep soil mixing (DSM) works. Deep soil mixing method shall comply
to BS EN 14679. This section shall also be in accordance with sub-section 5.1.. The Contractor shall carry out chemical test to determine the
types of chemical present in the soil for effective deep soil
mixing. The Contractor shall provide Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) produced by the Manufacturer for the handling
and storage of chemicals used. The use of chemicals shall be
in accordance with Standard Specification for Roadworks
7.3.1. This section shall be in accordance with sub-section 6.3.. The method
statement shall also include precautions against heave and settlement.
7.9. Material
7.9.1. Binder
7.9.2. Water
7.9.4. Additives
Soil-mixing material, resulting from the in-site mixing of soil with grout
suspension (mainly for a wet method of mixing), should have a
compressive strength as specified in the drawing. The factor of safety
concerning the maximum characteristic stress acting on a single column
shall be not less than 2.0.
7.10.1. General
The Contractor shall satisfy the S.O. regarding the suitability, efficiency
and adequacy of the equipment to be employed based on soil conditions
and the requirements defined herein and in the design. The equipment
chosen for the installation of works shall be in full compliance with the
provision of the BS EN 14679. The mixing tools shall consist of a minimum of one nozzle for
the binder delivery but shall be demonstrated that it is
adequately sized to meet the binder dosage as required by
In the dry method, the deep soil mixing process shall be carried
out by mixing the binder in powder form. The medium of
transportation of binder is typically compressed air unless
otherwise approved by the S.O.. Binder storage tank(s)/ silo(s)
is generally on-board with the DSM machine or on a separate
self-propelled chassis connected to the DSM machine.
In the wet method, the deep soil mixing process shall be carried
out by mixing the binder in slurry form. The medium of
transportation of binder usually is water unless otherwise
approved. The binder is generally prepared at the separate
mixing and holding tanks and pumping station shall be required
to deliver the binder to the DSM machine. The mixing and
pumping station shall be able to produce enough volume of
slurry required and enable continuous supply and controlled
delivery of slurry. After completion, the DSM columns shall be left undisturbed for
at least 14 days. The area of DSM columns shall not be driven
over with heavy equipment.
7.10.6. Obstruction
7.10.7. Verticality
The length, diameter and spacing of the DSM columns shown in the
Drawing shall be adjusted to suit site conditions when deemed necessary
as instructed by the S.O..
7.10.9. Tolerances
The maximum permitted deviation of the centre of the DSM column from
the centre point shown on the setting out drawing shall be 150 mm in any
7.11.1. On the same day, a daily record shall be submitted to the S.O.
summarizing the points done and depths of DSM column installed. Two (2)
copies of signed records for each soil mixing element shall be submitted to
the S.O. on the next working day.
7.11.2. The record shall include the following information, but not limited to: - Binder type and composition, injection rate and total injection
7.12.1. Before commencement of the DSM works, the Contractor shall carry out
field trial as shown in the Drawing. A total number of minimum four (4)
numbers of preliminary columns shall be constructed to verify the deep soil
mixing methodology, suitability of the mixing tool and the design
parameters. The quality of DSM columns shall conform to the design
requirements and shall be verified using the appropriate testing method,
e.g. by the mean of the load test. Loading on the DSM column shall not
commence until fourteen (14) days have elapsed after completion of its
7.13.2. Sampling
the instruction of the S.O.. The S.O. shall also instruct at what
depth the sampling needs to be taken. Sampling shall ensure
that the recovery ratio is at least 80% or otherwise instructed by
the S.O..
7.14.1. The Contractor shall submit an as-built DSM columns location plan
certified by a Licensed Surveyor to the S.O. within fourteen (14) working
days after the completion of the works. Partial as-built plan may be
submitted throughout construction of the works for verification by the
8. Dynamic Compaction
8.1. General
The works shall consist of the supply of plant, equipment and specialist personnel
for the execution of dynamic compaction (DC) works for ground improvement. This
section shall also be in accordance with sub-section 5.1..
8.8. Workmanship
8.8.1. Contractor shall satisfy the S.O. on the suitability and efficiency of the
equipment to be employed.
Contractor shall perform setting out from the temporary bench mark (TBM)
provided and shall be maintained by the Contractor. The approximate limits of
work shall be shown in the DC shop Drawing and the exact limit shall be
determined by the Contractor upon completion of the pre-treatment testing. DC
points shall be marked with suitable and identifiable markers.
The working platform shall be prepared and maintained by the Contractor and
suitable for safe movement and working for the DC plant and equipment. The
working platform shall be made of granular material and at least 1000 mm above
the ground water level.
8.11. Spacing
The spacing of the DC point shall be shown in the construction drawing. This shall
be confirmed by field calibration or field trial conducted as approved by S.O..
The Contractor shall perform at least one (1) DC field calibration or trial area prior
to commencement of the full production DC works. Minimum trial area shall be
20m x 20m. The objective of the field trial is to determine the optimum compaction
energy to be applied to the DC point and to confirm the technical data obtained is
as per design.
The Contractor shall keep and submit to the S.O. the following records:
8.13.1. Number of blows for each DC point for each phase of DC works.
8.13.2. DC pounder free fall height for each blow for each phase of DC works.
8.14. Testing The Contractor shall verify the ground improvements works for
compliance with the acceptance criteria by in-situ tests of the
improved soils and by analysis of the test results. The final
testing shall be conducted at a minimum of one week after
completion of the ground improvement works. The final tests shall generally be at the locations of the pre-
engineering test locations and shall include the following field
tests: Areas in which the specified criteria are not met shall be
reworked by the Contractor until the specified requirements are
met. The S.O., at his/her discretion, may check the Contractor’s
test results by conducting additional and independent testing.
8.15.1. The contractor shall submit to S.O. documents regarding the DC works as
9. Piled Embankment
9.1. General
9.1.1. The works shall consist of all labour, materials, tools, transportation,
instrumentation, etc. necessary to construct piled embankment in
accordance to the Drawing and SECTION C: FOUNDATION WORKS AND
10.1. General
10.1.2. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall follow the instruction of
the manufacturer and the requirements of this specification in the
installation, calibration and testing of all measuring instruments and
equipment, which shall be carried out under the direct supervision of the
S.O.. The Contractor shall inform the S.O. at least 2 days prior to
undertaking installation of the equipment. The Contractor shall make due
allowances in his construction programme for any delays which may
arise on account of the installation of the instruments.
10.1.5. Personnel Boreholes shall be cased to their full depth unless strata are
sufficiently competent for the hole to stay open under dry
conditions. If boreholes are drilled using water as a flushing
medium, clean water shall be used. Drilling mud or polymer
additives shall only be used with the approval of the S.O.. In the
case of installation of piezometers, drilling mud or polymer
additives shall not be permitted.
For all instruments placed in boreholes, grouting is required for part or the
entire borehole during installation. The grout shall be a bentonite: cement
mixture with sufficient water to achieve a pumpable mix. The proportions of
the mix shall be such as to imitate as closely as possible the strength or
consistency of the natural soils present. Unless otherwise stated in the
Drawing, the Contractor shall propose the suitable bentonite: cement
mixture to S.O.’s approval. Grout shall be pumped into boreholes using a
tremie pipe. The Contractor shall propose the location and depth of the deep
levelling datum for the approval of the S.O.. The datum itself shall be fixed into hard ground with Standard
Penetration Test (SPT) value more than 50 or rock and isolated
from soft and compressible overlying strata. If the SPT value of
more than 50 is not achievable at great depths, the contractor
and the S.O. shall mutually agree on the termination depth.
10.2.2. The marker shall comprise of a steel rod of minimum 20mm diameter
which shall be driven vertically into the embankment or undisturbed
ground for a minimum depth of 1.0m and shall project approximately
75mm above the ground surface. The rod shall be surrounded by not
less than 0.03m3 of concrete at ground level, and the top shall be domed
and centre-punched. The details of the installation are shown in the
Drawing. The concrete shall be scored with the reference number of the
10.2.3. For the settlement markers, the level of the top of the rod shall be
measured using standard precise levelling techniques, referencing and
closing back to the survey reference station with instrument to a
minimum of +1mm accuracy.
10.2.4. For the displacement markers, the lateral movement shall be measured
using a total station or other survey techniques agreed by the S.O..
10.3.2. The precise levels shall have robust tripods. Levelling studs are to be
provided for the purpose of precise levelling. Levelling studs shall be: - Fixed to the building lining in the same manner and standard. Designed such that the heads of the levelling studs on the
walls can be easily levelled without the studs being vulnerable
to damage. Designed such that the studs are safe from any hazards and to
human life.
10.4.2. The details of the rod settlement gauge shall be as shown in the Drawing
and the Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of all the gauges
as work proceeds. The base plate and first length of the rod shall be
placed as early as possible during earthworks, preferably before any
significant filling has been placed. Extension lengths shall be installed
when the level of compacted embankment is 250mm below the top of the
preceding lengths.
10.4.3. Should a rod settlement gauge be damaged, or should the Contractor fail
to extend the gauge when required, the Contractor shall stop all filling
activities in the vicinity of the gauge until the necessary remedial works
have been carried out. The Contractor shall be liable for any delay in his
programme, or any additional works that need to be done as result of such
10.4.4. Should any rod settlement gauge be damaged in such a way as to make it
useless for its purpose and unable for S.O. to assess the settlement, the
contractor shall engage a third-party specialist at his own cost to assess
the settlement for measurement purposes and shall be agreeable and
approved by S.O. as the final decision.
10.5. Inclinometer
10.5.2. Inclinometer access tube shall consist of broached polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
tubing with four keyways set at right angles to each other and with
couplings and end caps where necessary. The S.O. may instruct the
Contractor to obtain spiral metric measurements of the keyways in the
inclinometer tubing after installation. After that, assembly joints and rivets
shall be wrapped in sealing tape. The tube shall be coated with thick
grease over its upper part when it passes through compressible subsoils.
10.5.3. The assembled tube shall be lowered into borehole backfilled with a
suitable bentonite: cement grout mix. Alternatively, the tube may be placed
in an open borehole and grout placed afterwards. In granular material, the
backfill may be sand or pea gravel. The keyways shall be orientated such
that movements are measured parallel to and at right angles to the
embankment axis.
10.5.5. The inclinometer data logger unit shall display the readings from the
inclinometer torpedo on an alphanumeric display. The following facilities
are also, required within the readout unit:
10.5.6. The readings shall be read at every 0.5m and stored in the data logger.
10.5.7. The level of the top of the access tube shall be measured by standard
precise levelling techniques as and when necessary.
settlement. At each concrete pad, a survey pin shall be cast into the
10.6.5. Immediately before taking a set of readings, levels shall be taken of the
two survey pins set into the concrete pads.
10.7.3. Each protective cover shall be set into a concrete pad. If the expected
settlement is large such that the protective cover may not be long
enough to accommodate the relative movement of the access tube, then
the protective cover shall be extended using a suitable piece of plastic
pipe. The concrete pads shall have minimum dimensions of 1.5m x 1.5m
x 0.3m at both ends of the HDPE tube. The concrete pads shall be
located beyond the influence of the located area causing settlement. A
survey pin shall be cast into each of the concrete pad. Both ends of the
access tube shall be covered with a suitable end cap at all times.
10.7.4. The readout device system shall be capable of measuring elevation with
reference to the survey pin to an accuracy of ±1.0mm. Immediately
before taking a set of readings with the hydrostatic profile gauge, levels
shall be measured of the two survey pins set into the concrete pads.
10.8.2. The magnetic extensometer shall consist of an access tube and a series
of magnetic targets which are free to slide down the tube, together with a
datum magnet which is fixed to the tube near its base. The access tube
No. Dokumen : JKR 20800-0226-20
No. Keluaran : 01
No. Pindaan : 00
Tarikh : 02 Januari 2020
JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat : V/43
shall be a rigid PVC tube with minimum 33mm outer diameter and 24mm
inner diameter. External coupling shall be used to connect the access
tube and this compression/extension coupling shall allow axial
movement of access tubes to minimize distortion due to vertical strain. A
rigid PVC endcap shall be fixed to the lower end of the series of tubes.
10.8.3. A datum ring magnet shall be fixed approximately 1m above the lower
end of the tube. Spider magnets shall be used within the subsoil and
plate magnets within fill.
10.8.4. The tubes and spider magnets shall be assembled prior to installation in
such a way that the magnets remain in the correct position in relation to
the tube.
10.8.5. It shall then be lowered together with all magnets and necessary
accessories fixed in position into a 100mm diameter borehole backfilled
with a suitable bentonite: cement grout mix. Once in position the spider
magnets shall be released.
10.8.6. Where the access tube passes through fill which is being placed, the
access tube and outer sleeve shall be extended as filling progresses.
The top of the access tube, and the larger diameter sleeve where
present, shall be protected with a suitable cover.
10.9.3. The magnets shall be positioned in relation to sleeved joints such that
they can move downwards without obstruction sufficiently to monitor the
expected settlement.
10.10. Standpipe
10.10.3. The UPVC tubing shall be installed in not less than 3m lengths, except
for one shorter length as required to suit the total standpipe dimensions.
The concrete upper end of the tube shall be set in concrete.
10.11. Piezometers The VWP tip shall be of high air entry ceramic type with an
average pore diameter of 50 micron using a stainless steel
body. The piezometer system shall have a pressure range
with an accuracy of 0.1% of full scale. The cable shall be laid with sufficient slack to take up any
lateral movements that are expected to occur due to
settlement of embankments or structures.
10.12.2. In cases where instruments are installed during earthworks, three sets
of readings shall be taken in quick succession and the results
compared. These results shall be used to provide base readings in a
manner to be agreed with the S.O..
10.13. Readings
10.13.1. The measured values shall be recorded on a record sheet. for readings
that are recorded on data loggers, a record sheet shall be required
giving references to the data stored. The format of plotted results shall
be submitted to the S.O. for approval. Details of information and values
to be stored on each record sheet in addition to the general information
required but not limited to the details in Table V10.
10.13.2. The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. the specified number of copies
of each record sheet with necessary raw data within one working day
of taking the readings.
10.13.3. If any anomalous readings are detected and verified to be correct, the
S.O. shall be informed immediately.
10.14. Report The Contractor shall submit four sets of report (hardcopy and
softcopy) within 7 days after the end of each calendar month of
D4355 retained
* For high strength woven geotextile with required strength more than 800 kN/m, special design and specification
shall be discussed with the designer
** MD: Machine Direction
*** CD: Cross Direction
****The long-term design strength assessment should take into consideration of reduction factors for creep, installation
damage, environmental effects and extrapolation of data
Characteristics ≥ ≥ ≥ ≥ ≥
1. 10319 or ≥ 150 ≥ 200
Short Term kN/m 40 60 80 100 130
Strength – MD**
Characteristics ISO
≥ ≥ ≥
2. Short Term 10319 or kN/m ≥ 50 ≥ 65 ≥ 75 ≥ 100
Strength at 5% ASTM 20 30 40
elongation – MD** D4595
3. 10319 or kN/m ≥ 30
Short Term
Strength – CD***
Elongation at ISO
4. Characteristics 10319 or % ≤ 10
Short Term ASTM
Strength – MD** D4595
Long Term Design
≥ ≥ ≥
5. Strength at 120
BS 8006 kN/m ≥ 50 ≥ 75 ≥ 80 ≥ 105
years design life 20 30 40
* For geogrid with required strength more than 800 kN/m, special design and specification shall be discussed with
The designer
** MD: Machine Direction
*** CD: Cross Direction
****The long-term design strength assessment should take into consideration of reduction factors for creep, installation
damage, environmental effects and extrapolation of data
Types of PVD
Item Properties Test Standard Unit
Type A* Type B**
Continuous plastic drain
Material Core Filter core wrapped in non-
woven geotextile material
Width mm 100 ± 3
1. Dimension of drain
Thickness mm 4 to 5
Coefficient of permeability of
2. ASTM D 4491 m/s ≥ 1 x 10-4
drain filter
Discharge Capacity at Pressure,
≥ 100 x 10-
3. P=240kN/m2 and Hydraulic ASTM D 4716 m3/s ≥ 25 x 10-6 6
Gradient, i=1
4. Apparent Opening Size, O95 ASTM D 4751 m ≤ 90 ≤ 90
5. Tensile strength of entire drain ASTM D 4595 N ≥ 2500 ≥ 2800
6. Tensile strength of filter ASTM D 4595 N/m ≥ 3000 ≥ 6000
Tensile elongation of entire
7. ASTM D 4595 % ≤10 ≤ 10
drain at 1000N
* PVD Type A: For common application where soft soil depth is generally <25m and less compressible soil [Vertical
strain (Settlement) < 15%].
** PVD Type B: For more critical application such as when soft soil depth is generally ≥25m, highly compressible soil
like peat or gyttja [Vertical strain (Settlement) ≥ 15%], PVD associated with vacum preloading method or other special
considerations based on engineering judgement of the designer.
Table V8. Typical Gradings Used with the Different Processes for Stone
Process Grading in mm
Dry top-feed process 40 to 75
Wet process 25 to 75
Dry bottom-feed process 8 to 50
Displacement marker - distance from fixed point (m) (details to be given) including base
- change in distance from fixed point relative to base readings (mm)
Settlement marker - reduced level of top of rod (mRL) including base reading
- change in reduced level of top of rod relative to base readings and
previous reading (mm)
Survey reference - chainage, offset, coordinates (in WGS 84) and reduced level of top of
station rod (m)
Rod settlement gauge - reduced level of top of rod (mRL) including base reading
- original ground level at gauge location (mRL)
- reduced level of ground adjacent to gauge (mRL)
- record of fill placed (m)
- total thickness of fill (m)
- record of extensions (m)
- settlement of plate relative to base readings and previous reading
Combined magnetic - reduced level of top of access tube (mRL) including base reading
extensometer and - reduced level of ground adjacent to access tube (mRL) -distance of
inclinometer each magnet from top of tube (m)
- reduced level of each magnet (mRL)
- settlement of each magnet relative to base readings (mm)
- graph and listing of horizontal movement of access tube relative to
base readings against depth depth to water from top of tube (m)
Standpipe - depth to water from top of tube (mRL) including base reading
piezometers - reduced level of top of tube (mRL)
- reduced level of ground adjacent to standpipe (mRL)
- water head (mRL)
- change in water head relative to base readings (m)
Displacement marker - deflection vs. time indicating direction of movement (tabulation and
Rod settlement gauge - thickness of fill and settlement of plate vs. time (tabulation and plot)
Hydrostatic profile - latest graph of settlement of access tube relative to base readings and
gauge fill thickness against distance along the tube
- maximum gauge settlement and corresponding fill thickness vs. time
(tabulation and plot)
Horizontal inclinometer - latest graph of settlement of access tube relative to base readings and
fill thickness against distance along the tube maximum gauge
settlement and corresponding fill thickness vs. time (tabulation and
Magnetic extensometer - settlement of each magnet vs. time (tabulation and plot)
- settlement of each magnet vs. depth for latest set of readings (plot)