CASE STUDY 1 Shahida

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I. Identifying Information

Name: Shahida Cortez Age : 12 years old

Address : Talon-Talon Zamboanga City Sex : Female

Date of birth : November 09, 2010 Religion : Islam

Place of birth : Talon-Talon Zamboanga City

Educational attainment : N/A

School : N/A

Category : XXXXXX

II. Family Composition :



Ramos Father Deceased

Anna Mother 34 Grade 2 N/A N/A Housewife
Lay Sister 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Thima Sister 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Radie Brother 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Kyle Brother 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rick Brother 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A

III. Source of referral:

The minor was referred to DSWD Center last February 2, 2018 by Social Worker agency

center for guidance and treatment.

IV. Source of information :

 The Client

 The Social worker of the agency

V. Problem presented:

The child is a 12 years old minor, a victim of raped and alleged

physical violence and the child claimed that she was beaten by his

mother which lead her to mental illness. She was raped brutally by the

older guy. Shahida didn’t even know that she was pregnant by that

raped accident. When the mother finally knows that she was raped, her

mother was ashamed and disgust of her own daughter and wants her to

leave their home.

VI. History of the problem:

Shahida grew up carrying the responsibility and burden of the family.

When her father died, she was the one who worked and struggled to

help her mother. Sometimes she earns enough money to buy food and

needs for the family. While on her way back to the evacuation center

suddenly a strange man with a knife grabbed her and brutally raped her

behind the tall grasses. Because Shahida is weak and lacking of

strength she couldn’t resist to fight for herself. Crying in the darkness,

Shahida is completely out her mind and after that incident she went

back to her mother crying and painfully hurt. Her mother asked her

what happened, but Shahida was afraid to tell her the truth. Shahida

suffered an extremely fear, she was afraid to face the crowed. She was

traumatized. When her mother knows the truth and that she was

pregnant, her mother was mad and trowed away her daughter out of

their home without mercy.

VII. Background information:

In the year 2005, client’s father, Ramos Cortez who was a resident of

Talon-Talon Zamboanga City met Anna Rivera a resident of Isabela

City Basilan Province. They crossed path and got married and Shahida

introduced to the world as their first child born on November 10, 2010.
VIII. Assessment:

This is the case of a minor who came from dysfunctional family

characterized by the lack of care and abusive mother. A shy and weak

innocent girl named Shahida who is carrying the burden of the family.

Suffering from trauma and extremely depression. Shahida who needs

love, care and guidance.

IX. Treatment goal:

At the end of 7 months, child will no longer get scared immediately,

will learn to socialized and interact with others. Will no longer

experience traumatic memories of the past for him to developed social

relationship at the end of the 6 months.

X. Treatment plan

For the Client :

Objectives Activities Responsible Time Frame Expected

Person Output
To Integrate Integration and The Assigned January 2018 The Client
and Familiarization Practitioner starts to
familiarize express what
with the he feels.
Starting point
for the client
to express
himself .
To give the  Behavioral The Social February The children
children Modification Work 2018 will be
knowledge Being thankful and Practitioner applying this
and let them considerate. behavior to
apply it in their daily
real life lives.
To be able to Establishing client-worker The assigned March 2018 The Client
build rapport. relationship Practitioner will be open
to the worker
and feel
To let the  Developmental The Social April-May For the
child be Approach Work 2018 children to be
aware of his  United Practitioner aware of its
right. Nation rights and to
Convention be able to
on the apply it.
Rights of
the child.
The right for children to
be free from violence.
To increase  Relaxing The Social June 2018 The client
his capacity  Skill building Work will no
to express  Education Practitioner longer be
fears and  Controlled scared and
worries Breathing feel a
freely.  Cognitive comfortable
Processing life.
To know and School Visit The Assigned July 2018 The client
assess the Practitioner will express
clients himself
standing or according to
situation in its ability.

XI. Recommendation:
Based on the above facts and findings, the undersigned recommends that the client

should be provided appropriate programs and activities of intervention to improve\

sustain clients-social functioning and development.

The experience of rape represents a crisis , which precipitates the individual into a

state of disequilibrium. Crisis intervention ha been promoted as a rapid, brief,

focused intervention, design to stabilize the individual and help them master the

situation. For the rape victims, immediate intervention my be helpful in correcting

distorted Perceptions of what happened, reducing guilt and self-blame, mobilizing

effective coping skills and facilitating the victims use of their wider social network

and family members continuing support.

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