Complex Analysis Assignments hwk1
Complex Analysis Assignments hwk1
Complex Analysis Assignments hwk1
Assignment Number 1
Problem 6 (3 points) Write one or at most two paragraphs on the Joukowski transfor-
mation. You should also include one relevant picture. Neither your paragraphs nor your
picture should be from Wikipedia.
(Extra style points if the answer is in verse. Disclaimer: style points are not exchangeable
for actual assignment points.)
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Assignment Number 2
Problem 3 (4 points) Find all solutions z ∈ C of of the following (express your answers
in the form x + iy):
a) z = log(−4); b) z i = i.
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Assignment Number 3
b) lim = ∞;
z→∞ z 2 + 1337z
(az + b)2 a2
c) lim = if ad − bc #= 0 and c #= 0.
z→∞ (cz + d)2 c2
Problem 2 (3 points) Show that lim z/z does not exist. (Hint: consider what happens
to the function at points of the form x + 0i for x → 0, x #= 0, and then at points of the
form 0 + yi for y → 0, y #= 0.)
Problem 3 (3 points) Show that the following functions are defined on all of C, but are
nowhere analytic (here z = x + iy):
a) z %→ 2xy + i(x2 − y 2 ); b) z %→ sin z.
Problem 5 (4 points) Verify that the following functions are analytic on their domain
of definition, and state the derivative. (here z = x + iy = reiθ ):
a) z %→ ln r + iθ, domain {z : r > 0, 0 < θ < 2π};
4z + 1
b) z %→ 3 , domain C \ {0, i, −i}.
z +z
Due: 3:50PM, Thursday, 17/4/2014
Current assignments will be available at
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Assignment Number 4
Problem 1 (4 points) Evaluate the integral Im z dz for the following contours C from
−2 to 2:
a) The line segments from −2 to −2 − i to 2 − i to 2 (sketch!);
b) the lower half of the circle with radius 2, centre 0;
c) the upper half of the circle with radius 2, centre 0.
d) What conclusions (if any) can you draw about the function z "→ Im z from this?
Problem 3 (3 points) Let D be the circular annulus 7 < |z| < 9, and let C be any simple
closed contour inside D. Show that there holds:
= 0.
C z +4
Problem 4 (3 points)
(a) Let CR be the circle with radius R, centre 0, positively oriented. Show
z 2 + 8z + 42
lim dz = 0.
R→∞ C (z 2 + 4)(z 2 − 4z + 5)
z 2 + 8z + 42
dz = 0,
C (z 2 + 4)(z 2 − 4z + 5)
... / over
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Problem 6 (3 points)
(a) Define precisely what it means for a curve in C to be rectifiable.
(b) Give an example of a non-rectifiable curve in C. You don’t have to prove it is non-
Note: you will need to provide at least one reference, properly cited. This is not allowed
to be from wikipedia.
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Problem 1 (5 points)
(a) Suppose that U solves a Neumann problem for Laplace’s equation on a domain Ω.
Show that U + c also solves this problem for any c ∈ R.
(b) Does the same result hold for the corresponding Dirichlet problem?
Problem 2 (5 points)
Let Λ be the domain {w | 0 < Im w < π}. Denote the two components of the boundary
of Λ by Γ1 = {w | Im w = 0} and Γ2 = {w | Im w = π}.
(a) Let C be an arbitrary real constant. Verify that the function T != Im ( wπ +! C cosh w)
is harmonic on Λ, and satisfies the Dirichlet boundary conditions T !Γ1 = 0, T !Γ2 = 1.
(b) For what values (if any) of C is T a bounded function on Λ (i.e. for what values of
C does there exist an M > 0 such that |T (w)| ≤ M for all w ∈ Λ?)
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Consider the mapping f = (2/π) Log, where Log is the branch of the logarithm with
branch cut on the negative imaginary axis. You will investigate some analytic and nu-
merical properties of this mapping with MATLAB.
(a) Define the domain Ω = {z : −1 < Re z < 1, 0 < Im z < 2}. What is f (Ω)? Show
that f is conformal on Ω.
(b) Set up a grid as follows. Firstly, by using meshgrid and linspace, partition Ω into
a grid with grid-lines at half-integer multiples. Next, include a parameter N to control
how many points make up each gridline. Initially, set this to N = 10.
(c) By using subplot and plot you should now construct a diagram with two plots. The
left-hand plot should show the gridlines, and the right-had plot should show the image
of these lines under the given mapping. The gridlines with constant real part and their
image under f should be solid blue, and the gridlines with constant imaginary part and
their image under f should be dashed red. See linespec in the Matlab documentation
for more information. Your plots and axes should be labelled, and there should be ap-
propriate tick marks. As a guide, see Figure 1 for the output when f is replaced by a
particular Möbius transformation.
(d) In part (c), you should have a vertical line segment with Re z ≈ −1.4 in the right-hand
Explain where this line segment comes from. What happens if you set N = 11? N = 12?
(f) (2 bonus points) Repeat this for a substantially different function (i.e., not a branch
of the logarithm, not a Möbius transformation), on a different domain if necessary.
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z f(z)
2 2
1 1
0 0
−1 0 1 −1 0 1
Re Re
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Assignment Number 6
Problem 1 (3 points)
Find a power-series expansion of the function f (z) = about the point 4i, and cal-
culate the radius of convergence.
Problem 2 (3 points)
Find a Laurent-series expansion of the function f (z) = z −1 sinh(z −1 ) about the point 0,
and classify the singularity at 0.
Problem 3 (8 points) For each of the following functions, find and classify all singulari-
ties, and calculate the residue at each singularity:
(a) 1 − cos z (b) z3 (c) 2 1 (d)
exp z
z (1 + z)3 (z + 1)(z − 1)2 (1 − z)4
Problem 5 (4 points)
(a) Prove that the coefficients cn in the expansion
1 ! ∞
= cn z n
1 − z − z2 n=0
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