So Dudhi Nallah 8871 2024-05-28-11-29-54

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Technical Evaluation Criteria

1.1 All the pages of T-Bid should have been signed by the bidders/authorized rep having
valid Power of Attorney.

1.2 Eligibility Criteria:-Bidders shall meet the following eligibility criteria for qualifying in
Technical bid.

(a) The bidder shall submit the scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD
mentioned in the bid document) and hard copy of EMD shall receivd by this
office before T-bid opening date .

2. Past Experience of Bidder : Bidder should have successfully completed, one same/
similar work (*) costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of estimated cost of this bid,
during last three years, with any Govt agencies/PSU/Municipal Corporation/local Govt bodies.

(*) Similar works means : carryingout SSI work IN hill area of UT of J&K.

a. Bidder shall submit list of work executed in the last 3 years in their letter head duly
signed in the proforma contained as below.

Nam Brief Name of Accept Date of Origina Exten Actual Cost Remar
e of Scope Address Comm I date ded date of of ks
work of of Arnotln of date complet com explaini
work ent of Compl of ion/ plete
employe t ng
CA r/client work etion compl Present d reason
etion Progres work of
No s delay if


3.1 As per GEM Policy Guidelines.

3.2 Balance sheets/Certificates from Chartered Accountant indicating annual turnover of

last 03 years.

4 Disqualification

4.1 Even though the Bidders meet the above criteria, they are liable to be disqualified, if
they have made misleading or false information in bidding documents submitted.

4.2 Bidders are liable to be disqulified, in case the firm is not considered capable for taking
more work load due to unsatisfactory performance in the running works in BRO as per the
prevailing report (WLR), in that case their technical bid shall be rejected.


or his authorized representative will inspect the site(s) of

The Contractor/ supplier
work by physically meeting with the OC 109 RCC C/0 56 APO Pin 930109 at Tikker Distt
Kupwara, so as to acquaint himself with regard to the nature and conditions of site, nature and
means of local communication, working hours, conditions of access and all other cognate
matters concerning the execution and completion of the work. Any paths, tracks, approaches
etc, required for the plants, equipment's, machines and vehicle etc to the work site
movement of
and platform, bund etc. required for the execution of work will be the responsibility of the
contractor/ supplier and rates quoted must include these aspects also where required. The
Bidder shall be deemed to have inspected the site and made himself familiar with various factors
which may affect his quotation whether he actually inspects the site or not. No extra charges
consequent on misunderstanding or otherwise will be allowed. The supplier is to upload the
site inspection note duly signed by OC 109 RCC as additional documents before opening
of T-Bid.

7. All other pre-qualification criteria, as per existing GeM policy guidelines will also be
considered during finalization process of this proposal.

JOB NO. B-301/02 (32 BRTF)

All materials to be used, all methods adopted and all works performed shall be
strictly in accordance with the requirements of the specifications mentioned herein.
However, in case of any situation wherein any omission, the standard specification for
roads and bridges as per MORT&H publication shall be followed. In case of any variation
given herein these tender documents with respect to standard specifications as per
MORT&H publication, the former shall rule. However, in case of any doubt whatsoever, the
decision of OC 109 RCC shall be final and binding.
1. Preamble

Sub soil investigation is to be carried out by taking bores at specified locations along
the alignment of the proposed bridge and taken up to a depth as directed by Engineer-in-
charge from the existing ground levels. Drilling of bores and collection of soil samples at
selected bore hole locations must be taken in presence of Engineer-in-charge. Disturbed
and undisturbed samples should be collected and SPT values should be recorded.

Preliminary & Detailed sub soil investigation and all field tests and lab tests shall be
in accordance with clause 704.1 to 704.6 of IRC:78-1983 as amended vide clause 704 and
Appendix-2 of IRC-78-2000.

The soil investigation is to be carried out as per MoRTH specification and includes
the following:-

Setting up the boring rig and auger equipment at each borehole location after preparation of
sufficiently levelled and workable area.

Back and forth movement of shifting of boring rig can take place and no additional
compensation will be payable for such movements including mobilization, remobilization if
required of all necessary equipment and personnel at site & locating the bore holes.

Rates include provision for casing pipes, if and as required.

Conducting Standard penetration test at regular intervals & collection of Samples from SPT
spoon as specified.

Drilling through hard rock & collection of core samples with NX size coring bits.
Conducting field Vane Shear Tests inside the bore holes, if required considering soil strata.
Collection of undisturbed soil samples including waxing, labelling, handling and
transportation, etc. complete.

Determination of natural ground water levels and collection of water samples.



2.1 The work shall cover investigation to determine the suitability or otherwise of the soil
or rock to support the foundations of the bridge or other structure and also to determine soil
parameters and rock characteristics required for the design of foundations by in-situ testing
or testing of samples
/ taken from bores / drill holes. The subsurface investigation
shall be carried out in such a way that the profiles of different types of soil for the entire
length of the proposed structure are obtained and recorded. Other information to be
obtained are mechanical and physical properties such as grain-size distribution, sensitivity,
existence of deleterious material in soil or ground water, porosity of rock, subsidence due to
mining, ground water lever, artesian condition, likely sinking and driving effort and likely
constructional difficulties.

2.2 The field work shall consist of excavation, drilling of boreholes for the purpose of
collection of undisturbed and disturbed samples, standard penetration tests, in-situ vane
tests, other field tests, as specified by the Engineer-in-charge and preparation of bore logs.
It will also include collection, preservation and testing of disturbed and undisturbed samples
from boreholes, borrow pits, etc. as specified by the Engineer-in-charge. All in-situ tests
shall be supplemented by laboratory investigations. Relevant Indian Standards such as
IS:1498, IS:1888, IS:1892, IS:1231, IS:2132, IS:2720, 184434 and IS:4968 and Appendix 2
of IRC:78 shall be followed for guidance.

2.3 The soundings by dynamic method, where required shall be carried out in bore holes
using a standard sampler as specified in IS:2131.


3.1 Investigations shall cover the entire length of the bridge. The bore holes locations
shall be as per approved drawing.

3.2 Where detailed investigation indicates appreciable variation or where variations in a

particular foundation are likely to appreciably affect the construction (specially in case of
bridge foundations resting on rock), it will be necessary to take additional bores in the
transverse direction also, to establish complete profile of the underlying strata. The number
of additional bores shall be decided depending upon the extent of variation in local geology
at a particular foundation location and should
cover the entire area of that foundation.

4.1 Approved drawing shall be followed for deciding the depth of boreholes. If rock is
met with, the depth of drilling into rock having RQD more than 75, may be limited to 3


5.1 The subsurface investigation for bridges shall be carried out in the following three
i) Between bed level and upto anticipated maximum scour depth (below H.F.L.)
From the maximum scour depth to the founding level
From founding level to a depth of about 11/2 times the width of the foundation
or as given in approved drawing.
(Contd/-... P/5)
The data required to be obtained from each zone will cover soil classification,
particle size distribution, shearing strength characteristics, compressibility and
permeability as detailed Table
in Annex 2 of IRC:78. In all cases,
1 of samples of
soils shall be collected at every 1m to 1.5m depth or at change of strata.

5.2 Whenever a change in the subsoil strata

/ rock profile is
encountered during
construction, further investigations shall be carried out to establish the correct data required
for revised design of foundations, if necessary.

5.3 The investigations shall be comprehensive enough to give the following information
to the designer:-

i) The engineering properties of the soil / rock,

The location and extent of soft layers, cavities and gas pockets, if any, under
the hard founding strata,
the geological condition like type of rock, faults, fissures or subsidence due to
mining, cavities, hollows, porosity etc.,

ground water level,

v) Artesian conditions, if any,
vi) Quality of water in contact with the foundation,
vii) The depth and extent of scour,
viii) Suitable depth of foundation,
Bearing capacity of the stratum,
x) Probable settlement and differential settlement of the foundations,
xi) Likely sinking or driving effort, and \
xii) Likely construction difficulties.

6. Presentation of Data:- The data shall be presented as per IRC:78.


Boring shall be done by any of the following methods depending on the soil types
and types of samples required for the investigation.

i) Auger Boring
Shell and Auger Boring
Percussion Boring
iv) Wash Boring
v) Rotary Boring

For detailed subsurface investigation, only rotary drills shall be used. Casing shall
also be invariable provided with diameters not less than 150 mm upto the level of rock, if
any. Use of percussion or wash boring equipment shall be permitted only to penetrate
through boulder or gravelly strata for progressing the boring but not for the collection of
samples. While conducting detailed borings, the resistance to the speed of drilling i.e. rate
of penetration, core loss etc., as specified in Annex 2 of IR:78 shall be carefully recorded to
evaluate the different types of strata and specially to distinguish sand from sandstone, clay
from shale, etc.

(Contd/-... P/6)

8.1 The field records for the preliminary and detailed investigation shall contain the
date when the boring was made, the location of the boring with reference to a permanent
system to co-ordinates and the elevation of the ground surface with respect to a permanent
bench mark. They shall include elevation at which the water table and the upper boundary
of each of the successive soil strata were encountered, the investigator's classification of
the layer on the basis of general information obtained from field examination (refer to Appex
2.1 of IRC:75) and the value of the resistance obtained by means of Standard Penetration
Test. The type of tools used for borings shall be recorded. If the tools were changed at any
stage, the depth at which the change was made and the reason therefore shall also be
noted. Incomplete and abandoned borings shall be described with no less care than
successfully completed ones. The notes shall contain everything of significance observed
on the job such as the elevation at which wash water was lost from the hole.

8.2 For borings and trial pits, necessary information shall be given covering the

A site plan showing the disposition of the bore holes shall also be attached:-

a) Agency
b) Location with reference map
c) Pit / Bore-hole number
d) Reduced level (R.L.) of ground surface or other reference point
Date of starting and completion
f) Names of supervisor
g) Scales of planes and sections
h) Description of methods such as hand tools, blasting, boring, etc. used for
proceeding with investigation
i) General description of strata met with the RLS at which they are met
Position and altitude of contacts, faults, strong joint, slicken sides, etc.
k) Inflow of water, methods of controlling the water, required capacity of pumps
I) The level at which subsoil water is met
m) Dip and strike of bedding and of cleavage
n) Visual description of strata
0) Results of field tests e.g. SPT, in-situ vane shear test etc.
p) Any other information and remarks
q) The length of the sample in the tube and the length between the top of the
tube and the top of the sample in the tube upon removal of sampling tube.


There are two types of samples viz. (a) Disturbed sample (b) Undisturbed sample.
The usual methods for sampling conforming to IS: 1892 and IS:2132 are given below:-

(Contd/-... P/7)

10.1 For proper identification of subsurface material, samples should be recovered

containing all the constituents of the material in their proper proportion. In clayey deposits,
such samples could be collected by split spoon samplers. In sandy deposits, sampling
spoons shall be fitted with suitable devices for retaining samples. All data required for soil
identification (Appex 2.1 of IRC:75) should be collected from the samples so extracted
when undisturbed samples, are not available. Penetration test should be carried out with
the standard split spoon sampler or penetrometers if the soil is coarse grained. If the soil
profile is known to be fairly regular, preliminary and detailed investigation may be
combined. Tube samplers can be used in place of split spoon samplers for collecting
samples in clayey strata.


10.2.1 Disturbed samples of soil shall be obtained in the course of excavation and boring.
For procuring samples from below the ground water level, where possible, special type of
sampler shall be used. Where Standard Penetration Test is conducted, representative
samples shall be obtained from the split spoon. While collecting disturbed samples from
borrow area it shall be ensured that the samples collected represent all types of borrow
materials to be used in the construction of embankment and subgrade.

10.2.2 The size of sample generally required shall be as per following table:-

S/ Purpose of Sample Soil Type Weight of

No. sample required

1) Soil identification, natural moisture Cohesive Soils 1

content tests, mechanical analysis and
index ro erties, chemical tests Sands & ravels 3
2) Compression tests Cohesive soils and 12.5
3) Comprehensive examination of Cohesive Soils 25-50
construction material and borrow area
soil includin soil stabilization Sands & ravels 50-1 oo

10.2.3 While taking out disturbed soil samples, Standard Penetration Test may also be
conducted to find out the bearing capacity of the subsoils at specified levels.

10.3. Undisturbed Soil Samples

10.3.1 The location of

the bore-hole shall be as indicated on the drawing or given by the
Engineer. The depth the bore-hole shall be as indicated on the drawing or shall be
governed by the criteria given therein or as directed by the Engineer.

10.3.2 Samples shall be obtained in such a manner that their moisture content and
structure do not altered. This may be ensured by use of correctly designed sampler and
by careful preservation and packing.

10.3.3 Standard Penetration Test may have to be conducted in each case to obtain
additional data as directed by the Engineer. In soft clay, in-situ vane shear test as per
IS:4434 may have to be conducted. Where all the three operations have to be carried out in
follows: Undisturbed soil sampling, in-situ vane shear
one layer, the sequence shall be as
test, Standard Penetration Test.

10.3.4 For compression test samples, a core of 40 mm diameter and about 150 to 200 mm
length may be sufficient, but for other laboratory tests, a core of 100 mm diameter and 300
mm length shall be taken unless otherwise specified by the Engineer.

10.3.5 The upper few millimeters of both types of sample shall be removed as the soil at the
bottom of the bore hole usually gets disturbed by the boring tools.


11.1 The samples shall be labelled and handled carefully so that they are received in the
laboratory in a fit state for examination and testing and can be correctly identified as coming
from a specified trial pit or bore.

11.2 The disturbed material in the upper end of the tube shall be completely removed
before applying wax for sealing. The length and type of material so removed should be

11.3 The soil the lower end of the tube shall be reamed for a length of about 20mm.
After cleaning, both ends shall be sealed with wax applied in such a
way that it does not
enter the sample. Wax used for sealing should not be heated to more than a few degrees
above its melting temperature. The empty space in the samplers, if any, should be filled
with moist soil or saw dust and the ends covered with tight fitting caps.

11.4 Labels giving the following information should be affixed to the tubes:-

a) Job designation
b) Sample location
c) Boring number
d) Tube number
Sample number
f) Depth
g) Penetration
h) Gross recovery ratio

The tube and boring numbers should be marked in duplicate.

The boring number and sample numbers should also be marked on a sheet of
material which will not be affected by moisture and enclosed in the tube.


12.1 The tests to be conducted for obtaining the properties of soil are different for
cohesive soils and for cohensionless soils. These are enumerated below



a) Laboratory Tests

i) Classification tests, index tests, density determination etc.

Shear strengths by triaxial/direct shear etc.

b) Field Tests

i) Standard Penetration Tests (as per IS:2131)


a) Laboratory Tests

i) index tests, density determination etc.

Classification tests,
Shear strengths by shear etc.

Unconfined Compression Test (as per IS:2720 Part X)

iv) Consolidation Test (as per IS:2720 Part V)

b) Field Tests

j) Vane Shear Test (as per IS:4434)

Standard Penetration Tests (as per IS:2131)

13.1.3 For both cohesion less and cohesive soils where dewatering is expected,
permeability tests may be conducted as per IS:2720 Part XVII.

13.2 The subsoil water shall be tested for chemical properties to ascertain whether
there is any hazard which may cause deterioration of concrete in foundations. Where
dewatering is expected to be required, permeability characteristics shall also be


The firm shall submit SSI report in triplicate (hard copy as well as soft copy) as per
IRC:78- 1983 as amended vide IRC:78-2000 giving results of all tests alongwith
recommendation for bridge scheme.




The SO amount/ quoted rates in bids shall inter-alia be deemed to be inclusive of all


The contractor/ supplier shall not communicate any classified information regarding
works/organization to others.


Contractor/ supplier shall make his own arrangements for obtaining necessary permit
from local authority for plying his vehicles for the work in accordance with the Rules and
Regulations of the land.


(a) The rates quoted shall deemed to be inclusive of considering all the cost of
materials, labour, process, operations and transportation with loading/unloading.


5.1 Measurements pertaining the work completed under this SO will be recorded in
the Measurement Register (MR) by the Junior Engineer which shall be 100% checked and
signed by the Engineer-in-charge, after taking into account that the required laboratory tests
have been done as per the limits stipulated, as per the frequencies laid down in the
"Technical Specifications" of this SO and MORT&H Specification for Road and Bridge
Works (latest revision) and connected documents thereof and test results are found
satisfactory and proper records are maintained.

(a) The measurement recorded by the Junior Engineer shall be 100% checked
and signed by the Engineer-in-charge.

(b) 25% test check will be carried out by OC RCC on each day of measurement
by the Engineer-in-Charge.

(c) The measurements should also be signed by the contractor/ supplier as token
of the acceptance of the measurement.

(d) case of discrepancies in arriving out work done details, the decision of the
Accepting Officer will be final and binding for both the parties.

6.2 The measurement Register along-with all documents pertaining to SO shall be kept
at HQ RCC location for further verification in future, if


(a) No payment will be made to the contractor/ supplier against any materials if
not properly safeguarded against loss/damage due to natural calamities/theft.

(Contd/-... P/11)

(b) No payment shall be made for any rejected supplied materials.

8. EARNEST MONEY:-EMD is required from contractor/ suppliers and to be attached

(Scanned copy) with Technical Bid 5% of estimated bid value in the shape of Deposit
Receipt in favour of Commander 32 BRTF, C/0 56 APO obtained from any Nationalized/
Scheduled Bank and having maturity/ validity period 180 days more than validity period of
his bid (offer).

Incase of applications/bids (where scanned copies of requisite Earnest money) were

uploaded but the same are not received in physical form within stipulated time, such bids
shall not qualify for opening of financial bid.

9. PERFORMANCE SECURITY: -Successful Bidder (L-1) shall deliver to Accepting

Officer a performance Security for an amount of 5% of value of Ll bid in the shape of
Deposit Receipt.

10. DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD: Defects liability period for the SO shall be till the
date of completion of work. The contractor/ supplier shall deposit a Performance
@ 5% of contract/ SO value (L 1) before the placing of SO. it shall be retained
with HQ 32 BRTF till expiry of defect liability period and shall be refunded to the contractor/
supplier after successfully completion of 100% quantities of SO.

However, The EMD deposited by the contractor/ supplier (L 1 Bidder) 5% during

bidding process may be continued as Performance Guarantee during the currency of SO if
period of EMD is valid till completion of SO.

If contractor/ supplier fails to deliver the quantities

of material mentioned in
the SO within stipulated time/ extended time as approved by the Accepting Officer
then in that case the Performance Guarantee/ EMD
department against the failure of supplier. @
5% shall be encashed by the


The rejected materials shall at once be removed from the site by the contractor/
supplier on receipt of orders otherwise consignee/ Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right of
removing such rejected materials from site after issuing the notice in writing to the
contractor/ supplier. The rejected materials thus removed will be disposed off to the best
interest of Govt and contractor/ supplier will have no claim on this account.

12. The matter shall be referred to the Accepting Officer for his decision in event of any
misunderstanding as regards to the interpretations of "Technical Specifications/ Additional
conditions" of the SO. The decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final and finding on all
such issues.

13. Latest version/revision of all IS/IRC codes and MORT&H Specifications for Road and
Bridges works referred will be followed.

(Contd/-... P/12)


Item Description Units Quanti location Bore hole

No. ty

(a) Sub investigation of total 04

soil Mtr 130.00 02 Nos Bore hole at
Boreholes of abutments of 30.48 Mtr Bangus side Abutment
span Modular Bridge at Km 33.50 and 02 Nos Bore hole
(New Location Km 40.120) on road Drangyari side
Kashtwar-Nildori-Lokut-Bangus- Abutment
Drangyari as per approved drawing
attached .including submission of SSI
report & its enclosures.





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