Arts LP Final

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Commission of Higher Education

University of Southern Mindanao

College of Education

Demonstration Lesson Plan in Art V

May, 2024

 Identify the materials used in making 3-dimensional crafts which express
balance and repeated variation of shapes and colors.
 Create mobile art with artistic designs and varied colors out of old magazines,
color paper, and any available materials.
 Display creativity in making mobile art.



A. Topic: 3-D crafts (Mobile)
B. References: K to 12 Curriculum, A5PL-IVe

C. Materials: pictures, old magazine, hanger, colored paper, scissor, glue,

Ruler, yarn and activity sheet
D. Method: Demonstration

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
 Please stand up for the
 Class president kindly lead  Amen
the prayer.

 Good morning teacher

2. Greetings
 Good morning children!  We are all doing great teacher!

 How are you today?

 None teacher.
3. Checking of Attendance
 Class secretary, is there any
absent today?
 I am very pleased to know
that you are all present.

 Avoid making noise.

 Raise your right hand if you have to

 Cooperate in class.

 Yes, teacher!

 Balance, teacher!
 Color, teacher!

 Space, teacher!


 Shape, teacher!


 Repetition!



 3-dimensional object (answer)

 Very Good, grade 5!
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
 So now, we have recalled
our previous discussion last
meeting. Let’s see if you can
identify all the pictures
whether they are in 3D form
or not.

 Yes, we understand, teacher.

 The difference between a 2-D and 3-

D is that 3D objects have height,
width and depth. While 2D objects
only have height and width.
 If the object in the picture is
in 3D, you should stand up.
And, if it’s not, sit down.
 Do you understand, Grade
 Before we begin, what is the
difference between a 2-D
and 3D art?

 Well said, John. (stand up)

 Okay. Let us begin with the
first picture.

(sit down)

(stand up)
(stand up)

(sit down)

(stand up)

 None, teacher.

 Now that you have mentioned it,

 Well done, Grade 5! teacher. There are similarities

 Have you noticed anything from  They are in 3D-form, teacher.

the pictures presented?
 There are 3D objects that are made
 Are you sure? with paper.
 Don’t you think there are
similarities in the pictures?

 They are called Paper Art, teacher.

 And, what are those?
 Anything else?

 That is correct! Some 3D objects

are created with papers.
 Do you know what they are
 Drawing!
 Very good!  Painting!
 And printing, teacher!
2. Presentation
 Yes, teacher!
 As we all know, paper is widely
used in art. What are the other
uses of paper, again?

 Yes. Do you think we can use

them to create 3D arts?
 We can create various types of  I see a decoration, teacher!
paper art such as paper mosaic,
paper quilling, pop ups, origami,
or paper cut designs and also a
decoration in our homes.
 Take a look at the picture in
front. What do you see?

 Teacher! They are made of colorful


 No, teacher.

 Good eye, Maria. And what is  Identify the materials used in

the decoration made of? making 3-dimensional crafts
which express balance and
repeated variation of shapes and
 That’s very observant of you,
Peter. That’s correct.
 Create mobile art with artistic
 Do you have an idea now on designs and varied colors out of
what we are about to do? old magazines, color paper, and
any available materials.
 Please read our objective for the
day.  Display creativity in making
mobile art.
 Today, I am going to show you
how to make mobile arts using
paper material in different colors
and shape.

 Yes, teacher!

 Listen carefully to what I say and

observe what I do. Because
later on you are going to make
your DIY mobile arts or
decoration with your group
mates. Am I clear, class?
(start demonstrating or present a
video clip on how to make
mobile arts)

3. Pre-Activity

 Now, go back to your previous

group. This time you have to
make DIY mobile art. And when
you are done choose one
representative to ramp your
finished product.

 And don’t forget to apply the

elements and principles of art.

 Here is your criterion for this


(see at the end of the lesson plan)

4. Activity Proper

Perform Activity No. 1, “DIY

Decoration”. (please see attached (representative of each group will ramp
Pupil’s Activity Sheet No.1) their finish product)

5. Post Activities
(the answer of the student’s may vary)
a. Checking of Outputs
 Good morning, Ladies and
Gentleman! Today, witness
as 3 dazzling candidates
present their very best and
showcase their talent in
making DIY Decoration.  Creativity
Again, help me welcome
them!  We call them elements of arts.

b. Deepening
 We also learned to recycle
 What principle of art does it  We also learned to be creative.

 How about the element of

art?  They are called principles of arts,
 In doing your activity what
value in life did you learn?

 The difference between a 2-D and

C. Generalization 3-D is that 3D objects have height,
 What do we call these three; width and depth. While 2D objects
color, shape and space, again? only have height and width.

 Very good!
 How about these; repetition and
 Exactly.
 What is the difference between
2D and 3D?
 I learned that paper can be used in
different ways especially in making
3-D art crafts.

 We learned how to make a

decoration out of papers.

D. Application and Valuing  We learned more about the

 What have you learned in doing principles of arts.
your activity?

 What else?
 Very well said!
 Another hand
 Excellent! I am very satisfied
with your performance today.

IV. Evaluation

Part I

Direction: Arrange the following steps of making mobile art orderly from 1 to 5.

Cut out four shapes for your mobile. Draw animals, hearts, stars, letters,
or other simple shapes onto sturdy felt and carefully cut them out
using scissors.
Hang the mobile. Attach another string to the top center loop. Use this
string to hang your mobile.

Attach the stringed shapes to your mobile. Tie each string to the loops on
the end of the hanger.

Cut lengths of string for each shape. You should have four lengths of
string, one for each shape, and each piece of string should be
slightly different in size from the others.

Staple your shapes to the string. Center each piece of string on the top
center of one shape. Staple in place.

Part II.

Direction: Color the hand with yellow if the sentence states the importance of
making an art with its relation to environmental sustainability, color it with red if

1. Scratch papers are not reusable for making mobile art.

2. The mobile art will be more meaningful if it doesn’t harm or

become a threat for the environment.

3. In making mobile art, it is more environmentally friendly if the

materials will be used are from used papers and it shall be
recycled for it to have a new physical image or product.

4. If you find mobile art ugly, you can burn it and throw it in the
trash bin.

5. The mobile art will be more pleasing if it is placed in a nice, and

clean area.

V. Assignment
Search on the internet of the other example of Mobile Art and examine the
materials used.
Pupil’s Activity Sheet No. 1
“DIY Mobile Art”

Group No: ____________________ Grade and Section: _______

I. Objective:

II. Create Mobile Art with artistic designs and varied colors out of old magazine
and color paper for home.
III. Materials
 Activity sheet
 Old magazine, stick, scissor, ruler, needle, glue, and yarn,
IV. Procedure
Step 1: Cut out four shapes for your mobile. Draw animals, hearts, stars,
letters, or other simple shapes onto sturdy felt and carefully
cut them out using scissors.
Step 2: Cut lengths of string for each shape. You should have four lengths
of string, one for each shape, and each piece of string
should be slightly different in size from the others.
Step 3: Staple your shapes to the string. Center each piece of string on the
top center of one shape. Staple in place.
Step 4: Attach the stringed shapes to your mobile. Tie each string to the
loops on the end of the hanger.
Step 5: Hang the mobile. Attach another string to the top center loop. Use
this string to hang your mobile.

Criteria for the activity

Criteria Advanced Proficiency Approaching Developing Beginning
(5) Proficiency
(4) (2) (1)
Design Can apply Can apply design Can apply Can apply Barely
design elements and design design applied
elements principles in elements elements design
and creating the and and elements
principles mobile art with principles in principles and
in creating great skill. creating the but had principles
the mobile mobile art some in the
art with with fair skill. difficulty. mobile arts.
Creativity Can show Can show great Can show Some parts Barely
excellent attention to detail. good of the paper shows
attention to The ideas/ attention to beads imagination
detail. The materials/methods detail. shows signs in the
ideas/ are effective. Imaginative of paper
materials touches are imagination. beads.
methods scattered
are highly throughout
effective. the project.
Originalit Can show Can show Can show Can fairly Barely
y originality originality in originality in show shows
in making making mobile art making originality in originality
mobile art very satisfactorily. mobile art making in making
excellently. satisfactorily. mobile art. mobile art.

Question to Ponder:

1. What principle of art does it fall?

2. How about the element of art?

3. In doing your activity what value in life did you learn?

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