Machine Learning of Molecular Electronic Properties in Chemical Compound Space
Machine Learning of Molecular Electronic Properties in Chemical Compound Space
Machine Learning of Molecular Electronic Properties in Chemical Compound Space
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1. Introduction 2
2. Methods 4
2.1. Molecular structures (input) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2. Molecular representation (descriptor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3. Molecular electronic properties (output) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4. Training the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Results and discussion 8
3.1. Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2. Accuracy versus training set size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3. The final machine learning model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4. Conclusion 11
Acknowledgments 12
Appendix A. Details of random Coulomb matrices 12
Appendix B. Details of training the neural network 12
References 13
1. Introduction
The societal need for novel computational tools and data treatment that serve the accelerated
discovery of improved and novel materials has gained considerable momentum in the form of
the materials genome initiative8 . Modern electronic structure theory and computer hardware
have progressed to the point where electronic properties of virtual compounds can be routinely
calculated with satisfactory accuracy. For example, using quantum chemistry and distributed
computing, the members of the widely advertised Harvard Clean Energy Project endeavor to
calculate relevant electronic properties for millions of chromophores [1]. A more fundamental
challenge persists, however: it is not obvious how to distill from the resulting data the crucial
Based on the Materials Genome Initiative announced by the US President Obama
in June 2011, four federal science and research agencies (National Science Foundation, Department of
Energy, Air Force Research Laboratory and Office of Naval Research) recently published their support:
2. Methods
Figure 1. Overview of the calculated database used in training and testing the
ML model. The quantum chemistry results for 14 properties of 7211 molecules
are displayed. All the properties and level of theory, GW (G), PBE0 (P) and
Zerner’s intermediate neglect of differential overlap (ZINDO; Z) are defined
in section 2.3. Cartoons of ten exemplary molecules from the database are
shown; they are used as the input for quantum chemistry, for learning or for
prediction. Relying on the input in the ‘Coulomb’ matrix form, the concept
of a ‘quantum machine’ (QM) is illustrated for two seemingly uncorrelated
properties, atomization energy E and HOMO eigenvalue, which are decoded
in terms of the largest two principal components (PCA1, PCA2) of the last NN
layer for 2k molecules not part of the training. The color-coding corresponds to
the HOMO eigenvalues.
Table 1. Mean absolute errors (MAEs) and root mean square errors (RMSE)
for out-of-sample predictions by the ML model, together with typical error
estimates of the corresponding reference level of theory. Errors are reported
for all 14 molecular properties, and are based on out-of-sample predictions
for 2211 molecules using a multi-task multi-layered NN ML model obtained
by cross-validated training on 5000 molecules. The corresponding true versus
predicted scatter plots feature in figure 3. Property labels refer to the level of
theory and molecular property, i.e. atomization energy (E ref ), averaged molecular
polarizability (α), HOMO and LUMO eigenvalues, ionization potential (IP),
electron affinity (EA), first excitation energy (E 1st ), excitation frequency of
maximal absorption (E max ) and the corresponding maximal absorption intensity
(Imax ). To guide the reader, the mean value of the property across all
7211 molecules in the database is shown in the second column. Energies,
polarizabilities and intensity are in eV, Å3 and arbitrary units, respectively.
Property Mean MAE RMSE Reference MAE
E (PBE0) −67.79 0.16 0.36 0.15a , 0.23b , 0.09 − 0.22c
α (PBE0) 11.11 0.11 0.18 0.05 − 0.27d , 0.04 − 0.14e
α (SCS) 11.87 0.08 0.12 0.05 − 0.27d , 0.04 − 0.14e
HOMO (GW) −9.09 0.16 0.22 –
HOMO (PBE0) −7.01 0.15 0.21 2.08f
HOMO (ZINDO) −9.81 0.15 0.22 0.79g
LUMO (GW) 0.78 0.13 0.21 –
LUMO (PBE0) −0.52 0.12 0.20 1.30g
LUMO (ZINDO) 1.05 0.11 0.18 0.93g
IP (ZINDO) 9.27 0.17 0.26 0.20, 0.15d
EA (ZINDO) 0.55 0.11 0.18 0.16h , 0.11d
E 1∗st (ZINDO) 5.58 0.13 0.31 0.18h , 0.21i
E max (ZINDO) 8.82 1.06 1.76 –
Imax (ZINDO) 0.33 0.07 0.12 –
PBE0, MAE of formation enthalpy for the G3/99 set [54, 55].
PBE0, MAE of atomization energy for six small molecules [56, 57].
B3LYP, MAE of atomization energy from various studies [52].
B3LYP, MAE from various studies [52].
MP2, MAE from various studies [52].
MAE from GW values.
ZINDO, MAE for a set of 17 retinal analogues [58].
PBE0, MAE for the G3/99 set [54, 55].
TD-DFT(PBE0), MAE for a set of 17 retinal analogues [58].
Before reporting and discussing our results, we note the long history of statistical learning of
the potential energy hyper surface for molecular dynamics applications. It includes, for example,
the modeling of potential energy surfaces with artificial NNs starting with the work of Sumpter
and Noid in 1992 [43–49] or Gaussian processes [50, 51]. Our work aims to go beyond single
molecular systems and learn to generalize to unseen compounds. This extension is not trivial,
as the input representation must deal with molecules of diverse sizes and compositions in the
absence of one-to-one mapping between atoms of different molecules.
3.1. Database
Scatter plots among all properties for all the molecules are shown in figure 1. Visual inspection
confirms the expected relationships between various properties: Koopman’s theorem relating
ionization potential to the HOMO eigenvalue [52], the hard soft acid base principle linking
polarizability to stability [53] or electron affinity correlating with the first excitation energy.
Correlations of identical properties at different levels of theory reveal more subtle differences.
Polarizabilities, calculated using PBE0 or with the more approximate SCS model [28], are
strongly correlated. Also, less well-known relationships can be extracted from these data. One
can obtain to a very decent degree, for example, the GW HOMO eigenvalues by subtracting
1.5 eV from the corresponding PBE0 HOMO values.
Some properties, such as atomization and HOMO energies, exhibit very little correlation
in their scatter plot. The inset of figure 1 illustrates how our QM (i.e. the NN-based ML model)
extracts and exploits hidden correlations for these properties despite the fact that they cannot
be recognized by visual inspection. Similar conclusions hold for atomization energy versus first
excitation energy or polarizability versus HOMO energy.
Figure 3. Scatter plot of the true value versus the ML model value for all
properties. The red line indicates the identity mapping. All units correspond to
the entries shown in table 1.
(RMSE) are shown in table 1, together with the literature estimates of errors typical of the
corresponding level of theory. Errors of all properties range in the single digit percent of the
mean property. Remarkably, when compared to published typical errors for the corresponding
level of theory, i.e. used as a reference method for training, similar accuracy is obtained—the
sole exception being the most intense absorption and its associated excitation energy. This,
however, is not too surprising: extracting the information about a particular excitation energy
and the associated absorption intensity requires sorting the entire optical spectrum—thus
encoding significant knowledge that was entirely absent from the information employed for
training. For all other properties, however, our results suggest that the presented ML model
makes ‘out-of-sample’ predictions with an accuracy competitive with the employed reference
methods. These methods include some of the more costly state-of-the-art electronic structure
calculations, such as GW results for HOMO/LUMO eigenvalues and hybrid DFT calculations
for atomization energies and polarizabilities. Work is in progress to extend our ML approach
to other properties, such as the prediction of ionic forces or the full optical spectrum. We note,
however, that for the purpose of this study any level of theory and any set of geometries could
have been used.
The remarkable predictive power of the ML model can be rationalized by (i) the deep
layered nature of the NN model that permits us to progressively extract the relevant problem
subspace from the input representation and gain predictive accuracy [59, 60]; (ii) inclusion of
random Coulomb matrices for training, effectively imposing invariance of property with respect
to atom indexing, clearly benefits the model’s accuracy: additional tests suggest that using
random, instead of sorted or diagonalized [9], Coulomb matrices also improves the accuracy
of kernel ridge regression models to similar degrees; and (iii) the multi-task nature of the
NN accounts for the strong and weak correlations between seemingly unrelated properties and
different levels of theory. Aspects (i) and (iii) are also illustrated in figure 4.
We reiterate that evaluation of all 14 properties at the said level of accuracy for an out-
of-sample molecule requires only milliseconds using the ML model, as opposed to several CPU
hours using the reference methods used for training. The downside of such accuracy, of course,
is the limit in transferability. All ML model predictions are strictly limited to out-of-sample
molecules that interpolate. More specifically, the 5000 training molecules must resemble the
query molecule in a similar fashion as they resemble the 2211 test molecules. For compounds
that bear no resemblance to the training set, the ML model must not be expected to yield accurate
predictions. This limited transferability might one day become moot through a more intelligent
choice and construction of molecular training sets tailored to cover all of a pre-defined chemical
compound space, i.e. all of the relevant geometries and elemental compositions, up to a certain
number of atoms.
4. Conclusion
We have introduced a ML model for predicting the electronic properties of molecules based
on training deep multi-task artificial NNs in chemical space. Advantages of such a QM
(conceptually speaking, as illustrated in figure 1) are the following: (i) multiple dimensions:
a single QM execution simultaneously yields multiple properties at multiple levels of theory;
(ii) a systematic reduction of error: by increasing the training set size the QM’s accuracy can
be converged to a degree that outperforms modern quantum chemistry methods, hybrid density-
functional theory and the GW method in particular; (iii) a dramatic reduction in computational
cost: the QM makes virtually instantaneous property predictions; (iv) user-friendly character:
training and the use of the QM do not require knowledge about the electronic structure or even
about the existence of the chemical bond; (v) arbitrary reference: the QM can learn from data
corresponding to any level of theory, and even experimental results. The main limitation of
the QM is the empirical nature inherent in any statistical learning method used for inferring
solutions, namely that meaningful predictions for new molecules can only be made if they fall
in the regime of interpolation.
We believe our results to be encouraging numerical evidence that ML models can
systematically infer highly predictive structure–property relationships from high-quality
databases generated via first-principles atomistic simulations or experiments. In this study, we
have demonstrated the QM’s performance for a rather small subset of chemical space, namely
for small organic molecules with only up to seven atoms (not counting hydrogen) as defined by
the GDB. Due to its inherent first principles setup, we expect the overall approach to be equally
applicable to molecules or materials of arbitrary size, configurations and composition—without
any major modification. We note, however, that in order to apply the QM to other regions in
chemical space with a similar accuracy differing amounts of training data might be necessary.
This research utilized the resources of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility at Argonne
National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the US DOE under contract
no. DE-AC02-06CH11357. KRM acknowledges partial support from DFG, Einstein Foundation
and EU. MR acknowledges support from the FP7 program of the European Community (Marie
Curie IEF 273039). This work was also supported by the World Class University Program
through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education,
Science, and Technology, under grant no. R31-10008.
Random Coulomb matrices define a probability distribution over the set of Coulomb matrices
and account for different atom indexing of the same molecule. The following four-step
procedure randomly draws Coulomb matrices from the distribution p(M): (i) take an arbitrary
valid Coulomb matrix M of the molecule, (ii) compute the norm of each row of this Coulomb
matrix: n = (kM1 k, . . . , kM23 k), (iii) draw a zero-mean unit-variance noise vector ε of the same
size as n and (iv) permute the rows and columns of M with the same permutation that sorts
n + ε. An important feature of random Coulomb matrices is that the probability distributions
over Coulomb matrices of two different molecules are completely disjoint. This implies that the
randomized representation is not introducing any noise into the prediction problem. Invariance
to atom indexing proves to be crucial for obtaining models with high predictive accuracy. The
idea of encoding known invariances through such data extension has previously been used
to improve prediction accuracy on image classification and handwritten digit recognition data
sets [61].
The ML model and the NN perform a sequence of transformations on the input that are
illustrated in figure B.1. The Coulomb matrix is first converted to a binary representation before
being processed by the NN. The rationale for this binarization is that continuous quantities such
as Coulomb repulsion energies encoded in the Coulomb matrix are best processed when their
information content is distributed across many dimensions of low information content. Such
binary expansion can be obtained by applying the transformation
h x − θ x x + θ i
φ(x) = . . . , sigm , sigm , sigm ,... ,
θ θ θ
where φ : R → [0, 1]∞ , the parameter θ controls the granularity of the transformation and
sigm(x) = ex /(1 + ex ) is a sigmoid function. Transforming Coulomb matrices M of size 23 × 23
with a granularity θ = 1 yields three-dimensional tensors of size [∞ × 23 × 23] of quasi-binary
values, approximately 2000 dimensions of which are non-constant. Transforming vectors P of
Figure B.1. Predicting the properties for a new molecule: (a) enter the Cartesian
coordinates and nuclear charges, (b) form a Coulomb matrix, (c) binarize the
representation, (d) propagate into a trained NN and (e) scale outputs back to
property units.
14 properties with a granularity 0.25 of the same units as in table 1 yields matrices of size
[∞ × 14], approximately 1000 components of which are non-constant.
We construct a four-layer NN with 2000, 800, 800 and 1000 nodes at each layer. The
network implements the function φ −1 ◦ f 3 ◦ f 2 ◦ f 1 ◦ φ(M), where functions f 1 , f 2 and f 3
between each layer correspond to a linear transformation learned from data followed by a
sigmoid nonlinearity. The NN is trained to minimize the MAE of each property using the
stochastic gradient descent algorithm (SGD) [62]. Errors are back-propagated [63] from the
top layer back to the inputs in order to update all parameters of the model. We run 250 000
iterations of the SGD and present at each iteration 25 training samples. During training, each
molecule–property pair is presented in total 1250 times to the NN, but each time with different
atom indexing. A moving average of the model parameters is maintained throughout training
in order to attenuate the noise of the stochastic learning algorithm [64]. The moving average
is set to remember the last 10% of the training history and is used for the prediction of out-
of-sample molecules. Training the NN on a CPU takes ∼24 h. Once the NN has been trained, the
typical CPU time for predicting all 14 properties of a new out-of-sample molecule is ∼100 ms.
Prediction of an out-of-sample molecule is obtained by propagating ten different realizations
of p(M) and averaging outputs. Prediction of multiple molecules can be easily parallelized by
replicating the trained NN on multiple machines. For more details on training neural networks,
the reader is referred to [65, 66]
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