Grade 11 Samle QP

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GRADE: XI Max. Marks: 70


● This question paper consists of 36 questions in 5 sections.

● All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A
student is expected to attempt only one of these questions.
● Section A consists of 18 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.

● Section B consists of 7 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these
questions should be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
● Section C consists of 5 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to
these questions should be in the range of 50 to 80 words.
● Section E consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to these
questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
● Section D consists of 2 source-based/case-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with


1 If the density of a solution is 3.12 g mL–1 , the mass of 1.5 mL solution in significant figures is 1
a) 4680 × 10–3g
b) 4.7g
c) 47.80g
d) 4.680g
2 Oil drop experiment is for determining the: 1
a) deviation of the electron.
b) mass of the electron
c) number of electrons
d) charge on the electrons

3 The enthalpies of elements in their standard states are taken as zero. The enthalpy of 1
formation of a compound is:
a) is never negative.
b) may be positive or negative.
c) is always negative.
d) is always positive.
4 If nucleon (mass) and proton (atomic) number is 40 and 20 respectively, element is 1
a) chlorine
b) phosphorus
c) potassium
d) calcium
5 Enthalpies of formation of CO(g), CO2 (g), N2O(g), and N2O4 (g) are -110, –393, 81, and 9.7 kJ 1
mol-1 respectively. Find the value of ΔrH for the reaction:N2O4 (g) + 3CO(g) → N2O(g) +
3CO2 (g)
a) - 850 kJ
b) -600 kJ
c) -778 kJ
d) -802 kJ
6 De-Broglie equation is 1
a) λ = hv m
b) λ = mv h
c) λ = hmv
d) λ = h mv
7 In which of the following compounds, an element exhibits two different oxidation states. 1
a) NH4NO3
b) N3H
c) N2H4
d) NH2OH
8 Which of the following carbocation is most stable? 1
a) (CH3 )3 ⊕ C
b) (CH3 )3C ⊕ CH2
c) CH3 ⊕ CHCH2CH3
d) CH3CH2 ⊕ CH2
9 Baeyer's reagent is: 1
a) K2MnO4
b) alkaline KMnO4
c) bromine water
d) acidified KMnO4
10 . Which of the following compounds is/are amphoteric in nature? 1
a) As2O3
b) Both AI2O3 and As2O3
c) CI2O7
d) AI2O3
11 Which of the following conditions is/are applied for the measurement made in calorimeter? 1

a) Both Constant volume, qv or Constant pressure, qp
b) Constant temperature, qT
c) Constant pressure, qp
d) Constant volume, qv
12 An aqeous solution of compound A gives ethane on electrolysis. 1
The compound A is .....?
a) Sodium propionate
b) Sodium acetate
c) Sodium ethoxide
d) Ethyl acetate
13 What is the oxidation state of mn in Kmno4
© +2
(d) +4

14 Identify the formula of limewater 1


a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

15 Assertion (A): The resonance structure is hypothetical and individually represents any 1
real molecules.
Reason (R): According to the resonance theory the actual structure of benzene cannot
be adequately represented by an
16 Assertion (A): Addition of HBr on in presence of peroxide give as major product. 1
Reason (R): Addition of HBr on alkene proceed by carbocation intermediat
17 . Assertion (A): All isotopes of a given element show the same type of chemical 1
Reason (R): The chemical properties of an atom are controlled by the number of
electrons in the atom.
18 . Assertion (A): Both 44g CO2 and 16g CH4 have same number of carbon atoms. 1
Reason (R): Both contain 1 g atom of carbon which contains 6.023 × 1023 carbon atoms.


19 Calculate the molar solubility of Ni(OH)2 in 0.10M NaOH. The ionic product of 2
Ni(OH)2 is 2.0 × 10-15 .
20 What do you understand by exothermic reaction and endothermic reaction? Give one 2
example of each type.
21 Draw the structure of the following compounds all showing C and H atoms. a. 2- 2
methyl -3-isopropyl heptane b. Dicyclopropyl methane.
22 Calculate: Number of gram atoms in 1.4 grams of nitrogen. (Atomic mass, N = 14 2

23 Write equations for the preparation of 2

i. HC ≡ CD and ii. DC ≡ CD
24 Commercially available concentrated hydrochloric acid(HCl) contains 38% HCI by 2
i. What is the molarity (M) of the solution (density of solution = 1.19 g mL-1 )
ii. ii. What volume required of concentrated HCI is required to make 1.0 L of an

25 An element 'X' with atomic number 112 has been recently predicted. Its electronic 2
configuration is : [Rn] 5f146d107s2 .
Predict i. its group
ii. block in which this element would be placed
iii. IUPAC name and symbol

26 4. Calculate the standard Gibbs energy change for the formation of propane at 298 K. 3
3C (graphite) + 4H2 (g) → C3H8 (g) ΔfH o for propane, C3H8 (g) is - 103.8 kJ mol-1
Given, s ∘ m C3H8 (g) = 270.2 JK-1mol-1 s ∘ mC (graphite) = 5.70 JK-1mol-1 and s ∘
mH2 (g) = 130.7JK-1mol-1
27 In the reactions given below, identify the species undergoing oxidation and reduction. 3
i. H2S(g) + CI2 (g) → 2HCl(g) + S(s)
ii. 3Fe3O4 (s) + 8 AI(s) → 9 Fe(s) + 4Al2O3 (s)
iii. 2Na (s) + H2 (g) → 2NaH(s
28 1. Two liters of an ideal gas at a pressure of 10 atm expands isothermally at 25 °C into 3
a vacuum until its total volume is 10 liters. How much heat is absorbed and how much
work is done in the expansion?
2. Identify the state functions and path functions out of the following. Enthalpy,
entropy, heat, temperature, work, free energy.
3. If enthalpy of fusion and enthalpy of vaporisation of sodium metals are 2.6 and
98.2 kJ mol-1 respectively, what is the enthalpy of sublimation of sodium?
30 . Calculate the energy required for the process: He+ (g) ⟶ He2+ (g) + eThe ionization 3
energy for the H atom in the ground state is 2.18 × 10-18 J atom. An element 'X' with
atomic number 112 has been recently predicted. Its electronic configuration is : [Rn]

5f146d107s2 . Predict i. its group ii. block in which this element would be placed iii.
IUPAC name and symbol

31 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: 4

IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) system of
nomenclature. Common names are useful and in many cases indispensable,
particularly when the alternative systematic names are lengthy and complicated. A
systematic name of an organic compound is generally derived by identifying the
parent hydrocarbon and the functional group(s) attached to it. By using prefixes and
suffixes, the parent name can be modified to obtain the actual name. In a
branchedchain compound, small chains of carbon atoms are attached at one or more
carbon atoms of the parent chain. The small carbon chains (branches) are called alkyl
groups. An alkyl group is derived from a saturated hydrocarbon by removing a
hydrogen atom from carbon. Abbreviations are used for some alkyl groups. For
example, methyl is abbreviated as Me, ethyl as Et, propyl as Pr and butyl as Bu
. i. Draw the structure of 3-Ethyl-4,4-dimethylheptane. OR Why CH4 after becoming-
CH3 called a methyl group?
ii. How is the numbering in branched chain hydrocarbon done?
iii. Derive the structure of 2-Chlorohexane.
32 . Read the text carefully and answer the questions: When anions and cations approach 4
each other, the valence shell of anions are pulled towards the cation nucleus and thus,
the shape of the anion is deformed. The phenomenon of deformation of anion by a
cation is known as polarization and the ability of the cation to polarize the anion is
called as polarizing power of cation. Due to polarization, sharing of electrons occurs
between two ions to some extent and the bond shows some covalent character. The
magnitude of polarization depends upon a number of factors
i. Out of AlCl3 and AlI3 which halides show maximum polarization?
ii. Out of AlCl3 and CaCl2 which one is more covalent in nature?
iii. The non-aqueous solvent like ether is added to the mixture of LiCl, NaCl and KCl.
Which will be extracted into the ether?
33 . Attempt any five of the following: 5
1. What happens to equilibrium constant when temperature increases for a reaction?
2. Explain why alkynes are less reactive than alkenes towards addition of Br2 .
3. What is a Lindlars’ catalyst?
4. Why do alkynes not show geometrical isomerism?
5. Which conformation of ethane is more stable?
6. State Le chatelier’s principle.
7. How is alkene produced by vicinal dihalide?

35 . Write a relation between △G and Q and define the meaning of each term and answer 5
the following: a. Why a reaction proceeds forward when Q < K and no net reaction
occurs when Q = K. b. Explain the effect of an increase in pressure in terms of
reaction quotient Q for the reaction: CO(g) + 3H2 (g) ⇌ CH4 (g) + H2O(g)
Ethyl acetate is formed by the reaction of ethanol and acetic acid and the equilibrium
is represented as: CH3COOH(l) + C5H5OH(l) ⇌ CH3COOC2H5 (l) + H2O(l) a.
Write the concentration ratio (reaction quotient), Qc , for this reaction (note: water is
not in excess and is not a solvent in this reaction) b. At 293 K, if one starts with 1.00
mol of acetic acid and 0.18 mol of ethanol, there is 0.171 mol of ethyl acetate in the
final equilibrium mixture. Calculate the equilibrium constant. c. Starting with 0.5 mol
of ethanol and 1.0 mol of acetic acid and maintaining it at 293 K, 0.214 mol of ethyl
acetate is found after some time. Has equilibrium been reached

36 Answer the following: 5

i. Give the IUPAC name of the following compound
CH3 − CH | Br − C | | O − CH | CH3 − CH3
iii. 0.12 g of an organic compound containing phosphorous gave 0.22 g of
Mg2P2O7 by usual analysis. Calculate the percentage of phosphorous in the
i. Which of the two structures CH3COOH and CH3COOis more stabilized by
resonance? Explain
. ii. Will CCl4 give a white precipitate of AgCl on heating it with AgNO3


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