9 Part39

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(iv) What were the conclusions of the researcher for practice, theory

and future research?

(v) What is the contribution of the study to the research literature?
(vi) What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study?
(f) Reference Section:
It consists of the following:
(i) Bibliography
(ii) Appendices: Questionnaires, Copies of letters used, evaluation
sheets, checklists etc.


1. Ackoff, Russell L. (1961). The Design of Social Research, University

of Chicago Press: Chicago.
2. Allen, T. Harrell, (1978). New Methods in Social Research, Praeger
Publication: New York.
3. Baker, R.P. & Howell, A.C. (1958). The Preparation of Reports,
Ronald Press: New York.
4. Barzun, Jacques & Graff. F. (1990).The Modern Researcher,
Harcourt, Brace Publication: New York.
5. Berelson Conard & Colton, Raymond. (1978). Research and Report
Writing for Business and Economics, Random House: New York.
6. Best, John, W.& Kahn, James. (1986).Research in Education, 5th ed.,
Prentice–Hall of India Pvt Ltd: New Delhi.
7. Bhattacharya, Srinivas. (1972).Psychometrics & Behavioural
Research, Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd.: New Delhi.
8. Burgess, Earnest. (1960).Research Methods in Sociology, New York
Philosophical Library: New York.
9. Chaturvedi, J.C. (1970). Mathematical Statistics, Nok Jonk
Karyalaya: Agra.
10. Clover, Vernon T. & Balsley, Howard L. (1984). Business Research
Methods, Grid, Inc: Columbus.
11. Cochran, W.G. (1963). Sampling Techniques, John Wiley & Sons:
New York.
12. Deming, W. Edwards. (1980). Sampling Designs in Business
Research, John Wiley & Sons: New York.
13. Dennis, Child. (1980). The Essentials of Factor Analysis, Rinehart &
Winston: New York.

14. Denzin, Norman. (1986). The Research Act, Aldine :Chicago.
15. Ferber, R. & Verdoorn, P.J. (1972). Research Methods in Economics
and Business, The Macmillan Company: New York.
16. Ghosh, B.N. (1992). Scientific Methods and Social Research, Sterling
Publishers Pvt. Ltd : New Delhi.
17. Glock, Charles Y. (1977). Survey Research in Social Sciences, Russell
Sage Foundation: New York.
18. Goode, William, J. & Hatt, Paul K. (1968). Methods in Social
Research, McGraw-Hill: New York.
19. Gopal, M.H. (1974). Research Reporting in Social Sciences, Karnatak
University: Dharwar.
20. Guilford, J.P. (1964). Psychometric Methods, McGraw Hills, Inc:
New York.
21. Hilway, T. (1964). Introduction to Research, 2nd ed., Houghton
Mifflin: Boston.
22. Hyman Herbert H.et al., (1975). Interviewing in Social Research,
University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
23. John Peter, W M. (1971). Statistical Design and Analysis of
Experiments, The Macmillan Co.: New York.
24. Johnson Ellen. (1961). The Research Report: A Guide for the
Beginner, Ronald Press: New York.
25. Kerlinger, Fred N. (1973). Foundations of Behavioral Research, 2nd
ed., Holt, Reinhart and Wilson: New York.
26. Kish, Leslie. (1965). Survey Sampling, John Wiley & Sons: New York.
27. Kothari, C.R. (1984). Quantitative Techniques, 2nd ed., Holt,
Reinhart and Wilson: New York.
28. Leonard Schatzman &Anselm L. Strauss. (1973). Field Research,
Prentice–Hall Inc.: New Jersey.


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