OS Environmental Science Level 6 - 024936
OS Environmental Science Level 6 - 024936
OS Environmental Science Level 6 - 024936
P.O BOX 15745-00100
First published 2019
Copyright TVET CDACC
Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: [email protected]
Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya Vision
2030 and meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education
sector had to be aligned to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and this resulted to the
formulation of the Policy Framework for Reforming Education and Training. A key
feature of this policy is the radical change in the design and delivery of the TVET
training. This policy document requires that training in TVET be competency based,
curriculum development be industry led, certification be based on demonstration of
competence and mode of delivery allows for multiple entry and exit in TVET
These reforms demand that Industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to
ensure the curriculum addresses its competence needs. It is against this background
that these Occupational Standards were developed for the purpose of developing a
competency-based curriculum for Environment. These Occupational Standards will
also be the bases for assessment of an individual for competence certification.
It is my conviction that these Occupational Standards will play a great role towards
development of competent human resource for the Environment sector’s growth and
sustainable development.
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 on
Reforming Education and Training in Kenya, emphasized the need to reform
curriculum development, assessment and certification. This called for a shift to CBET
in order to address the mismatch between skills acquired through training and skills
needed by industry as well as increase the global competitiveness of Kenyan labour
The occupational standards are designed and organized with clear performance
criteria for each element of a unit of competency. These standards also outline the
required knowledge and skills as well as evidence guide.
I acknowledge all other institutions which in one way or another contributed to the
development of these Standards.
BC : Basic Competency
CDACC : Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
CPU : Central Processing Unit
CC : Common Competency
CR : Core Competency
ENV : Environment
SCI : Science
ICT : Information Communication Technology
KCPE : Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
KCSE : Kenya Certificate of secondary Education
KNQA : Kenya National Qualifications Authority
OS : Occupational Standards
OSHA : Occupation Safety and Health Act
OSHS : Occupation Safety and Health Standards
PC : Personal Computer
PPE : Personal Protective Equipment
SOPs : Standard Operating Procedures
SSAC : Sector Skills Advisory Committee
NEMA : National Environmental Management Authority
TVET : Technical and Vocational Education
Industry or sector
Occupational area
Type of Unit
Unit number
Competency level
Version control
This unit covers the competencies required in meeting communication needs of
clients and colleagues; developing, establishing, maintaining communication
pathways and strategies. It also covers competencies for conducting interview,
facilitating group discussion and representing the organization in various forums.
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Communication strategies Language switch
include but not limited to: Comprehension check
Asking confirmation
Clarification request
Required Skills
Required Knowledge
Communication process
Dynamics of groups and different styles of group leadership
Communication skills relevant to client groups
Flexibility in communication
Communication skills relevant to client groups
Key elements of communications strategy
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of 1.1 Developed communication strategies to meet the
Competency organization requirements and applied in the
1.2 Established and maintained communication pathways
for effective communication in the workplace
1.3 Used communication strategies involving exchanges
of complex oral information
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
4. 1Access to relevant workplace or appropriately
simulated environment where assessment can take
4. 2Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Direct Observation/Demonstration with Oral
3.2 Written Examination
4. Context of Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
Assessment workplace or through accredited institution
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the
information industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
This unit describes the competencies required by a worker in order to apply a wide
range of mathematical calculations for work; apply ratios, rates and proportions to
solve problems; estimate, measure and calculate measurement for work; Use detailed
maps to plan travel routes for work; Use geometry to draw and construct 2D and 3D
shapes for work; Collect, organize and interpret statistical data; Use routine formula
and algebraic expressions for work and use common functions of a scientific
2. Use and apply 2.1 Information regarding ratios, rates and proportions
ratios, rates and
5. Use geometry to 5.1 A range of 2D shapes and 3D shapes and their uses
draw 2D shapes and in work contexts is identified
construct 3D shapes 5.2 Features of 2D and 3D shapes are named and
for work described
5.3 Types of angles in 2D and 3D shapes are identified
5.4 Angles are drawn, estimated and measured using
geometric instruments
5.5 Angle properties of 2D shapes are named and
5.6 Angle properties are used to evaluate unknown
angles in shapes
5.7 Properties of perpendicular and parallel lines are
applied to shapes
5.8 Understanding and use of symmetry is
5.9 Understanding and use of similarity is demonstrated
5.10 The workplace tasks and mathematical processes
required are identified
5.11 2D shapes is drawn for work
5.12 3D shapes is constructed for work
5.13 The outcomes are reviewed and checked
5.14 Specialized mathematical language and symbols
appropriate for the task are used
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Geometry May include but not limited to:
2.1 Scale drawing
2.2 Triangles
2.3 Simple solid
2.4 Round
2.5 Square
2.6 Rectangular
2.7 Triangle
2.8 Sphere
2.9 Cylinder
2.10 Cube
2.11 Polygons
2.12 Cuboids
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Applying Fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, division,
Using calculator
Using different measuring tools
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Types of common shapes
Differentiation between two dimensional shapes / objects
Formulae for calculating area and volume
Types and purpose of measuring instruments
This unit covers the competencies required to effectively use digital devices such as
smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs. It entails identifying and using digital
devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs for purposes of
communication, work performance and management at the work place.
These describe the These are assessable statements which specify the required
key outcomes which level of performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
function Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Appropriate computer A collection of instructions or computer tools that
software may include but enable the user to interact with a computer, its
not limited to: hardware, or perform tasks.
Required Skills
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Software concept
Functions of computer software and hardware
Data security and privacy
Computer security threats and control measures
Technology underlying cyber-attacks and networks
Cyber terrorism
Computer crimes
Detection and protection of computer crimes
Laws governing protection of ICT
Word processing;
Functions and concepts of word processing.
Documents and tables creation and manipulations
Mail merging
Word processing utilities
Spread sheets;
Meaning, formulae, function and charts, uses and layout
Data formulation, manipulation and application to cells
Database design, data manipulation, sorting, indexing,
storage retrieval and security
Desktop publishing;
Designing and developing desktop publishing tools
Manipulation of desktop publishing tools
Enhancement of typeset work and printing documents
Presentation Packages;
Types of presentation Packages
Creating, formulating, running, editing, printing and
presenting slides and handouts
Networking and Internet;
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Aspects of 1.1 Identified and controlled security threats
Competency 1.2 Detected and protected computer crimes
1.3 Applied word processing in office tasks
1.4 Designed, prepared work sheet and applied data to the
cells in accordance to workplace procedures
1.5 Opened electronic mail for office communication as per
workplace procedure
1.6 Installed internet and World Wide Web for office tasks
in accordance with office procedures
1.7 Integrated emerging issues in computer ICT
1.8 Applied laws governing protection of ICT
2. Resource 2.1 Tablets
Implications 1.1 Laptops and
2.2 Desktop PCs
2.3 Desktop computer
2.4 Lap top
2.5 Calculator
2.6 Internet
2.7 Smart phone
2.8 Operations Manuals
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Written Test
7.2 Partnership
7.3 Limited companies
7.4 Cooperatives
10.3 Hobbies
10.4 Skills
12.6 Consistency
12.7 Informality
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Assessing a range of alternative products and strategies
Critically analyzing information, summarizing and making sense of previous and
current market trends
Identifying changing consumer preferences and demographics
Thinking “outside the box”
Ensuring quality consistency
Reducing lead time to product/service delivery
Using formal problem-solving procedures, e. g., root-cause analysis, six sigmas
Applying motivational principles, e. g., positive stroking, behavior modification
Assessing range of alternatives rather than choosing the easiest option
Achieving ownership and credibility for the enterprise vision
Critically analyzing information, summarizing and making sense of previous and
current market trends
Developing solutions and practical strategies which are “outside the box”
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Entrepreneurial competencies
Decision making
Business communication
Change management
Coping with competition
Risk taking
Net working
Time management
Factors affecting entrepreneurship development
Principles of Entrepreneurship
Features and benefits of common operational practices, e. g., continuous
improvement (kaizen), waste elimination,
Conflict resolution
Health, safety and environment (HSE) principles and requirements
Customer care strategies
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Distinguished entrepreneurs and business persons
1.2 Identified ways of becoming an entrepreneur
1.3 Explored factors affecting entrepreneurship development
1.4 Analysed importance of self-employment accurately
1.5 Identified requirements for entry into self-employment
1.6 Identified sources of business ideas correctly
1.7 Generated Business ideas and opportunities correctly
1.8 Analysed business life cycle accurately
1.9 Identified legal aspects of business correctly
1.10 Assessed product demand accurately
1.11 Determined Internal and external motivation factors
1.12 Carried out communications effectively
1.13 Identified sources of business finance correctly
1.14 Determined Governing policy on small scale enterprise
1.15 Explored problems of starting and operating SSEs
1.16 Developed Marketing, Organizational/Management,
This unit covers competencies required to demonstrate employability skills. It
involves conducting self-management, demonstrating interpersonal communication,
critical safe work habits, leading a workplace team, planning and organizing work,
maintaining professional growth and development, demonstrating workplace learning,
problem solving skills and managing ethical performance.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make required level of performance for each of the elements.
up workplace function.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Conduct self- 1.1 Personal vision, mission and goals are formulated
management based on potential and in relation to organization
1.2 Emotions are managed as per workplace
1.3 Individual performance is evaluated and monitored
according to the agreed targets.
1.4 Assertiveness is developed and maintained based
on the requirements of the job.
1.5 Accountability and responsibility for own actions
are demonstrated.
1.6 Self-esteem and a positive self-image are
developed and maintained.
1.7 Time management, attendance and punctuality are
observed as per the organization policy.
1.8 Goals are managed as per the organization’s
1.9 Self-strengths and weaknesses are identified as per
personal objectives
1.10 Critics are managed as per personal objectives
2. Demonstrate 2.1 Listening and understanding is demonstrated as per
interpersonal communication policy
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect
Range Variable
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Personal hygiene practices
Intra and Interpersonal skills
Communication skills
Knowledge management
Interpersonal skills
Critical thinking skills
Observation skills
Organizing skills
Negotiation skills
Monitoring skills
Evaluation skills
Record keeping skills
Problem solving skills
Decision Making skills
Resource utilization skills
Resource mobilization skills
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Work values and ethics
Company policies
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit specifies the competencies required to lead the implementation of
workplace’s safety and health program, procedures and policies/guidelines.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Hazards may include 1.1. Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure,
but are not limited to: noise,
vibration, extreme temperature, radiation
1.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants,
parasites, mites, molds, fungi, insects
1.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes,
gasses, vapors
1.4 Ergonomics
Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive
awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct pressure,
varying metabolic cycles
Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
1.6 Safety hazards (unsafe workplace condition) –
confined space, excavations, falling objects, gas
leaks, electrical, poor storage of materials and
waste, spillage, waste and debris
1.7 Unsafe workers’ act (Smoking in off-limited areas,
Substance and alcohol abuse at work)
2. Indicators may 2.1 Increased of incidents of accidents, injuries
include but are not 2.2 Increased occurrence of sickness or health
limited to: complaints/ symptoms
2.3 Common complaints of workers related to OSH
2.4 High absenteeism for work-related reasons
3. Evaluation and/or 3.1 Health Audit
work environment 3.2 Safety Audit
measurements may 3.3 Work Safety and Health Evaluation
include but are not 3.4 Work Environment Measurements of Physical and
limited to: Chemical
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Skills on preliminary identification of workplace hazards/risks
Knowledge management
Critical thinking skills
Observation skills
Coordinating skills
Communication skills
Interpersonal skills
Troubleshooting skills
Presentation skills
Training skills
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
General OSH Principles
Occupational hazards/risks recognition
OSH organizations providing services on OSH evaluation and/or work
environment measurements (WEM)
National OSH regulations; company OSH policies and protocols
Systematic gathering of OSH issues and concerns
General OSH principles
National OSH regulations
Company OSH and recording protocols, procedures and policies/guidelines
Training and/or counseling methodologies and strategies
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit describes the competencies required to prepare project proposal, collect
data, analyse data and prepare project research report.
Variable Range
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Literature review
Project proposal format
Project research report format
Data acquisition
Data analysis
Work plans
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit describes the competencies required to manage effects of climate change
and global warming, apply responses, mitigation and adaptation strategies, apply
international policies and interventions and sensitize community.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Sustainable development
Causes, impact and adaptation of climate change
Local and International policies on climate change
Indigenous knowledge of regions
Emerging issues
Integration of scientific perspectives
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit describes the competencies required to perform environmental planning,
manage land resources, manage water resources, manage marine and coastal resources
and manage ASALs.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Plant and animal adaptations in ASALs
Sustainable environmental management
Project planning and management
Agricultural production
Environmental laws, policies and conventions
Marine protected areas
This unit describes the competencies required to develop laboratory layout, maintain
lab safety, administer first aid, install laboratory equipment, administer lab practicals,
handle lab animals and plants, produce photographs and manage laboratory records.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Setting up equipment
Performing first aid
Preparing reagents
Breeding animals and plants.
Performing post mortem
Housekeeping skills
Producing photographs
Keeping records
Report writing
Supervisory skills
Communication skills
Basic ICT skills
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Organization of lab
Lab rules and regulations
Lab layout
Solutions and reagents
First aid
Safety precautions
Lab equipment, tools and materials
Lab animals and plants.
Preservation of species
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply Principles of ecology, manage
environmental resources, manage pollution and wastes, demonstrate sustainable
resource use, apply environmental legislations and implement and monitor
environmental programs
ELEMENT These are assessable statements which specify the
These describe the key required level of performance for each of the
outcomes which make up elements.
workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the
1. Apply Principles of 1.1 Environmental components are identified and
ecology monitored
1.2 Bio-geochemical cycles are identified
1.3 Ecosystems are identified and monitored
1.4 Ecological interactions are determined
1.5 Identify contemporary environmental issues
2. Manage environmental 2.1 Environmental resources are identified and
resources classified
2.2 Environmental resources are monitored and
assessed as per monitoring tool
2.3 Environmental resources are mapped
2.4 Environmental resources are conserved and
2.5 Environmental resource management plan is
2.6 Environmental resource policies and
regulations are identified
3. Manage pollution and 3.1 Environmental pollution control measures are
wastes compiled following standard protocol.
3.2 Procedures for solid waste management are
observed according Environmental
Management and Coordination (Amendment)
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
PPE May include but are not 1.1 Mask
limited to 1.2 Gloves
1.3 Goggles
1.4 Safety hat
1.5 Overall
1.6 Hearing protector
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Following storage methods of environmentally hazardous materials
Following disposal methods of hazardous wastes
Using PPE
Practicing OSHS
Complying environmental pollution control
Observing solid waste management
Complying methods of minimizing noise Pollution
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Storage methods of environmentally hazardous materials
Disposal methods of hazardous wastes
Usage of PPE Environmental regulations
Types of pollution
Environmental pollution control measures
Different solid wastes
Solid waste management
Different noise pollution
Methods of minimizing noise pollution
1. Critical Aspects
Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of 1.1 Applied Principles of ecology
Competency 1.2 Managed environmental resources
1.3 Managed pollution and wastes
1.4 Demonstrated sustainable resource use
1.5 Applied Environmental legislations
1.6 Implemented and monitored environmental
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Workplace with storage facilities
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment relevant to the
tasks (e.g. Cleaning tools, cleaning materials,
trash bags)
2.3 PPE, manuals and references
2.4 Legislation, policies, procedures, protocols and
local ordinances relating to environmental
2.5 Case studies/scenarios relating to environmental
3 Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Demonstration
3.2 Oral questioning
3.3 Written examination
3.4 Interview/Third Party Reports
3.5 Portfolio (citations/awards from GOs and NGOs,
certificate of training – local and
3.6 Simulations and role-play
4 Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job
or a combination of these. Off the job assessment
must be undertaken in a closely simulated workplace
5 Guidance information Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the
for assessment industry sector, workplace and job role is
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Environmental impact assessment guidelines
Mitigation measures
Project management
Audit and review
Environmental resources
Environmental policies and laws
Relevant government authorities
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Observation skills
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Lab experiments
Solutions and reagents
First aid
Safety precautions
Lab apparatus
Stability of complexes
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Variable Range
1. Groups/Classes Kingdom
includes but not Division
limited to: Class
2. Unique number/ date of collection
detail includes but sequential number of that collection
not limited to: plant species location
live appearance
3. favorable low light
conditions include low humidity
but not limited to: optimum temperature
4. controlled includes mechanical
but not limited to: biological
5. efficient farming mulching
methods includes use of organic fertilizers
but not limited to: irrigation
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Plant and animal species
Plant and animal biodiversity
Plant and animal sample collection and handling
Plant and animal specimen preservation
Pest, disease and weed control
Invasive species
Gene banks
Tree nurseries
Policies, Acts and Regulations
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Types of pollutants
Sources of pollution
Methods of pollution control
Environmental laws, policies and regulations
Pollution monitoring and evaluation tools
Environmental degradation and pollution
Safety precautions
Types of wastes
Technological knowhow
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Variable Range
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Map layout
Geographical information systems
Types of GNSS receivers
Aerial photography
Digital models
Watershed delineation
Remote sensing
Data processing
Data presentation
Mapping scales
Map projections
Map design
Reference systems
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Variable Range
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Environmental toxins
Physiological parameters
Anatomy of organisms
Exposure pathways
Levels of toxicity
Sources of toxins
Toxin channels
Safety precautions
First aid
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Policies and regulations
Profit and loss
Cost benefit analysis
Elasticity demand and supply
Market failure
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.