Sac 301
Sac 301
Sac 301
Lec. 1. Soil Fertility and Productivity
Soil Fertility:
Soil fertility is the ability of the soil to provide all essential plant nutrients in available forms
and in a suitable balance.
Soil productivity:
The capability of soil to produce specified crop yield under well defined and specified
systems of management of inputs and environmental conditions.
Soils on the upper slope are less fertile than the soils on lower slope because high leaching
and erosion on upper slope.
In tropical climate decomposition of organic matter is faster than temperate climate. Thus
soils of tropical regions are less fertile when compared to temperate region.
Artificial Factors:
i. Water logging
4. All fertile soils are not 4. All productive soils are fertile.
i. Trials with graded doses of nutrients will determine the exact requirement.
iii. Expensive and time consuming and growth condition can’t be fully controlled.
ii. Limitations Preferential root growth Limited volume of soil Problems during packing of
ii. The amount of ‘k’ extracted in mycelium compares favourably with the content of
exchangeable ‘k’ in soil under investigation.
i. If soil is deficient in ‘k’ or ‘p’ or both, the calories of the Azotobactor will not develop.
3. Visual Symptoms:
i. Indicator plants
ii. Approach
Visual Symptoms
i. The conductive tissue consisting un assimilate nutrients in sap or extracts are analysed.
2. Tracer Technique:
i. The plants of few supplied the phosphatic fertilizers with P.
ii. The harvested plants tested for total ‘P’ as well as 32P.
A = В (1 –Y / Y)
The land capability classification scheme developed by soil conservation service. United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA).The classification scheme has four categories
namely land suitability class, land capability classes (comprising eight classes). Land
capability subclass and land capability units.
.S1 . S3 . S5
. S2 .S 3 . S3 .S 4 . S4
. S2 .S 2
. S3 .S 3
. S4
. S3 .S 2
. S3 .S 4
. S3
. S3 . S4 . S4
.S 3 .S 4
Soil is a natural finite resource base which sustains life on earth. It is a three phase
dynamic system that performs many functions and ecosystem services and highly
heterogeneous. Soil biota is the biological universe which helps the soil in carrying out its
functions. Often soil health is considered independently without referring to interlinked soil
functions and also based on soil test for few parameters. Physical condition of soil and
biological fertility are overlooked in soil health management which needs revisiting of soil
users. Recognising the importance of soil health in all dimensions, 2015 has been declared as
the International Year of Soils by the 68th UN General Assembly. Food and Agriculture
organisation of the United Nations has formed Global soil partnership with various countries
to promote healthy soils for a healthy life and world without hunger. India, the second most
populous country in the world faces severe problems in agriculture. It is estimated that out of
the 328.8 m ha of the total geographical area in India, 173.65 m ha are degraded, producing
less than 20% of its potential yield (Govt. of India, 1990).
Soil heterogeneity is the reasons for the diverse nature of cropping and production
pattern. Soil heterogeneity is the case where soil in a relatively small area varies greatly in
texture, fertility, topography, moisture content, drainage etc. If it exists in large scale due to
the parent material or manmade activities, then the problem of soil suitability to agriculture
Types of problem soils
(ii) Formation of ridges and furrows: For rainfed crops, ridges are formed along the slopes for
providing adequate aeration to the root zone.
iii) Formation of broad beds: To reduce the amount of water retained in black clay soils
during first 8 days of rainfall, broad beds of 3-9 m vide should be formed either along the
slope or across the slope with drainage furrows in between broad beds.
v). Huge quantity of sand /red soil application to change the texture
vii). Application of soil conditioners like vermiculite to reduce runoff and erosion
Bold grained seeds may be used for sowing on the crusted soils.
Proportional mixing of good quality (if available) water with saline water and then using for
irrigation reduces the effect of salinity. Alternate furrow irrigation favours growth of plant
than flooding. Drip, sprinkler and pitcher irrigation have been found to be more efficient than
the conventional flood irrigation method since relatively lesser amount of water is used under
these improved methods.
Fertilizer management
Addition of extra dose of nitrogen to the tune of 20-25% of recommended level will
compensate the low availability of N in these soils. Addition of organic manures like, FYM,
compost, etc helps in reducing the ill effect of salinity due to release of organic acids
produced during decomposition. Green manuring (Sunhemp, Daincha, Kolingi) and or green
leaf manuring also counteracts the effects of salinity.
Alkali or sodic soil is defined as a soil having a conductivity of the saturation extract
less than 4 dS m-1 and an exchangeable sodium percentage greater than 15. The pH is usually
between 8.5 – 10.0. Most alkali soils, particularly in the arid and semi-arid regions, contain
CaCO3in the profile in some form and constant hydrolysis of CaCO3 sustains the release of
OH ions in soil solution. The OH ions so released result in the maintenance of higher pH in
calcareous alkali soils than that in non – calcareous alkali soils.
Soil colloids adsorb and retain cations on their surfaces. Cation adsorption occurs as a
consequence of the electrical charges at the surface of the soil colloids. While adsorbed
cations are combined chemically with the soil colloids, they may be replaced by other cations
that occur in the soil the soil colloids. While adsorbed cations are combined chemically with
the soil colloids, they may be replaced by other cations that occur in the soil solution.
Calcium and magnesium are the principal cations found in the soil solution and on the
exchange complex of normal soils in arid regions. When excess soluble salts accumulate in
these soils, sodium frequently becomes the dominant cation in the soil solution resulting
alkali or sodic soils.
Major production constraints
Excess exchangeable sodium in alkali soils affects both the physical and chemical properties
of soils. a) Dispersion of soil colloids b) Specific ion effect
Reclamation of alkali / sodic soils
Physical Amelioration
This is not actually removes sodium from exchange complex but improve physical
condition of soil through improvement in infiltration and aeration. The commonly followed
physical methods include Deep ploughing is adopted to break the hard pan developed at
subsurface due to sodium and improving free-movement water. This also helps in
improvement of aeration. Providing drainage is also practiced to improve aeration and to
remove further accumulation of salts at root zone. Sand filling which reduces heaviness of
the soil and increases capillary movements of water. Profile inversion – Inverting the soil
benefits in improvement of physical condition of soil as that of deep ploughing.
2.3. Saline-alkali/ sodic soils
Saline-alkali / sodic soil is defined as a soil having a conductivity of the saturation
extract greater than 4 dS m-1 and an exchangeable sodium percentage greater than 15. The
pH is variable and usually above 8.5 depending on the relative amounts of exchangeable
sodium and soluble salts. When soils dominated by exchangeable sodium, the pH will be
more than 8.5 and when soils dominated by soluble salts, the pH will be less than 8.5.
These soils form as a result of the combined processes of salinisation and alkalization. If the
excess soluble salts of these soils are leached downward, the properties of these soils may
change markedly and become similar to those of sodic soil.
Management of saline alkali soils
The reclamation / management practices recommended for the reclamation of sodic soil can
be followed for the management of saline – sodic soil.
2.4. Acid soils
Soil acidity refers to presence of higher concentration of H+ in soil solution and at exchange
sites. They are characterized by low soil pH and with low base saturation.
In acid soil regions (ASR) precipitation exceeds the evapotranspiration and hence leaching is
predominant causing loss of bases from the soil. When the process of weathering is drastic,
the subsoil and in many cases, the whole profile becomes acidic.
Acid soils occupy approximately 60% of the earth land area and are arise under humid
climate conditions from carbonaceous less soil forming rocks in all thermal belts of the earth.
• World wide – 800 M ha
• India - 100 M ha
95% of soils of Assam and 30% of geographical area of Jammu and Kashmir are
acidic. In West Bengal, 2.2 M ha, in Himachal Pradesh, 0.33 M ha, in Bihar, 2 Mha and all
hill soils of erstwhile Uttar Pradesh come under acid soils. About 80% of soils in Orissa, 88%
in Kerala, 45% in Karnataka and 20% in Maharastra are acidic. The laterite zone in Tamil
Nadu is covered with acid soil and about 40,000 ha are acidic in Andhra Pradesh.
Sources of soil acidity
Leaching due to heavy rainfall Acidic parent material and alumina silicate minerals
Acid forming fertilizers Humus and other organic acids Carbon dioxide and hydrous oxides
Acid rain
Production constraints
Increased solubility and toxicity of Al, Mn and Fe Deficiency of Ca and Mg,
Reduced availability of P and Mo and Reduced microbial activity
Management of acid soils
Management of the acid soils should be directed towards enhanced crop productivity
either through addition of amendments to correct the soil abnormalities or by manipulating
the agronomic practices depending upon the climatic and edaphic conditions.
Soil amelioration
Lime has been recognized as an effective soil ameliorant as it reduces Al, Fe and Mn
toxicity and increases base saturation, P and Mo availability of acid soils. Liming also
increases atmospheric N fixation as well as N mineralization in acid soils through enhanced
microbial activity. However, economic feasibility of liming needs to be worked out before
making any recommendation.
Liming materials
Commercial limestone and dolomite limestone are the most widely used amendments.
Carbonates, oxides and hydroxides of calcium and magnesium are referred to as agricultural
lime. Among, the naturally occurring lime sources calcitic, dolomitic and stromato litic
limestones are important carbonates. The other liming sources are marl, oyster shells and
several industrial wastes like steel mill slag, blast furnace slag, lime sludge from paper mills,
pressmud from sugar mills, cement wastes, precipitated calcium carbonate, etc equally
effective as ground limestone and are also cheaper. Considering the efficiency of limestone as
100%, efficiencies of basic slag and dolomite are 110 and 94 % respectively. Basic slag and
pressmud are superior to calcium oxide or carbonates for amending the acid soils. Fly ash, a
low- density amorphous ferro-alumino silicate, also improves pH and nutrient availability.
• The blanket recommendation for rice is 100: 50: 50 kg NPK /ha.
The soil test value is 150 kg N/ha, 8 Kg P /ha (Olsen’s P) and 420 Kg K/ha.
Calculate soil test based nutrient prescription and calculate the rate of fertilizers to be
applied in terms of Urea, SSP, and MOP.
Soil test fertilizer based prescription
Nutrients Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
Low 100 % 100 % 125 %
Medium 75% 75% 100%
High 50% 50% 75%
The soil test value says that Nitrogen is low, phosphorus is low and potassium is
high. As per the soil test value the fertilizer prescription for rice crop is 100: 50: 37.5 Kg
NPK /ha.
The rate of fertilizers to be applied for maize crop through straight fertilizers is
For giving 60 kg of Potassium, 100 kg of MOP should be applied (MOP contains 60% of K)
The soil test value says that nitrogen is low, phosphorus is low and potassium is high.
As per the soil test value the fertilizer prescription for tomato crop is 75: 50: 37.5 Kg
NPK /ha.
The rate of fertilizers to be applied for tomato crop is (First the rate of complex fertilizers
should be calculated)
From the above 108 Kg of DAP, we can produce 19.44 kg of Nitrogen to tomato (DAP
contains 18 % of N)