CEN 230 CH 11 Ac - Power - Analysis Modified
CEN 230 CH 11 Ac - Power - Analysis Modified
CEN 230 CH 11 Ac - Power - Analysis Modified
AC Power Analysis
Chapter 11
11.1 Instantaneous and
Average Power (1)
• The instantaneously power, p(t)
p(t ) = v(t ) i (t ) = Vm I m cos (w t + v ) cos (w t + i )
1 1
= Vm I m cos ( v − i ) + Vm I m cos (2w t + v + i )
2 2
Constant power Sinusoidal power at 2wt
p(t) > 0: power is absorbed by the circuit; p(t) < 0: power is absorbed by the source.
11.1 Instantaneous and
Average Power (2)
• The average power, P, is the average of the instantaneous
power over one period.
1 T 1
P = p(t ) dt = Vm I m cos ( v − i )
T 0 2
1. P is not time dependent.
2. When θv = θi , it is a purely
resistive load case.
3. When θv– θi = ±90o, it is a
purely reactive load case.
4. P = 0 means that the circuit
absorbs no average power.
11.1 Instantaneous and
Average Power (3)
Example 1
11.1 Instantaneous and
Average Power (4)
Example 2
Answer: 927.2W
11.3 Effective or RMS Value (1)
The total power dissipated by R is given by:
1 T 2 R T 2
P = i Rdt = i dt = I rms
T 0 T 0
Hence, Ieff is equal to: I eff =
T 0
i 2 dt = I rms
I eff = Vm I m cos (θ v − θ i ) = Vrms I rms cos (θ v − θ i )
Note: If you express amplitude of a phasor source(s) in rms, then all the
answer as a result of this phasor source(s) must also be in rms value.
11.4 Apparent Power and
Power Factor (1)
• Apparent Power, S, is the product of the r.m.s. values of
voltage and current.
• It is measured in volt-amperes or VA to distinguish it from
the average or real power which is measured in watts.
11.5 Complex Power (1)
Complex power S is the product of the voltage and the
complex conjugate of the current:
V = Vmθ v I = I mθi
V I = Vrms I rms θ v − θ i
11.5 Complex Power (2)
S = V I = Vrms I rms θ v − θ i
S = Vrms I rms cos (θ v − θi ) + j Vrms I rms sin (θ v − θi )
S = P + j Q
S = P + j Q
11.5 Complex Power (4)
S = Vrms I rms cos (θ v − θi ) + j Vrms I rms sin (θ v − θi )
S = P + j Q
2 2 2 2
The same results can be obtained for a series connection. 15