Regulations Related To Land-Application of Abattoir Wastewater and
Regulations Related To Land-Application of Abattoir Wastewater and
Regulations Related To Land-Application of Abattoir Wastewater and
Gauri S. Mittal
Worldwide, legislations on regulating the disposal of abattoir wastewater and residues are not yet
uniform. In Europe and North America, new regulations are being developed to protect soil and
water. This provides an opportunity to review the regulations related to land-application of abattoir
wastewater and residues. In USA, all states must abide biosolids standards as set out. In Ontario,
Canada, a detailed proposal must be submitted to the local Ministry of Environment (MOE) office
for review. Biosolids Utilization Committee provides opinion to local MOE office on wastes other
than sewage biosolids. There are many minimum land-application restrictions for water and soil
protection. According to European Union, overall, land-application of abattoir waste is probably the
best practical environmental option for smallBscale abattoirs, but is likely to be much less
appropriate for modern, large-scale operations. The farmers are generally against the land-
application of biosolids in Finland and Luxembourg.
Worldwide, abattoirs are facing the tasks of treating and disposing of wastewater and residues
(Munack, 2002; Pereira, 2005). Mittal (2004) has provided an in-depth characterization of the
effluent from abattoirs for land-application without treatment. Meat plant wastewater quality and
quantity depend on water usage, the type of animal slaughtered, and the amount of rendering or
processing that is done on site. Masse and Masse (2000) studied slaughterhouses in Eastern Canada
and reported that average of 90 to 140 L of wastewater was produced per hog killed, compared to
200-600 L per hog in Germany (Tritt and Schuchardt, 1992). The Ontario Ministry of Environment
(MOE, 1999) reported water consumption at 180-450 L per hog, 800-1700 L per cattle, and 12-55 L
per bird for poultry. Other abattoirs, with further processing, produced 1250 L/hog (Masse and
Masse, 2000). About 21% of an animal is waste after processing (dependent on animal type), and
80-90% of solid abattoir waste is recycled or reused mainly into feed industry (EU, 2001). Much of
Mittal (2006) had reviewed treatment methods and techniques for wastewater from abattoirs before
disposal. In land-application, wastewater and biosolids are directly applied into the land either by
injection or by other mechanical means. The materials are biodegradable and provide nutrients to
soils. Advantages of land-application are (Masse and Masse, 2000): (i) recovery of wastes, (ii)
replacement of chemical fertilizers (N, P, K), and (iii) soil structure improvements. The limitations
are: (i) public visual nuisance and odor, (ii) risk of surface and groundwater pollution, (iii) soil
contamination due to toxic, heavy metals and organic compounds, and (iv) health hazards to human
and animals due to pathogens.
Legislations on regulating the disposal of wastewater and residues are not yet uniform. In the US,
the federal government provides guidance while state governments regulate land-application. The
U.S. Federal agencies including the Department of Environmental Conservation, Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), and Department of Ecology defer abattoir related questions either to state
biosolids rules or to federal regulations. In some states only the federal regulations, governing the
beneficial use of biosolids, are applied. This is Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Part 503 “Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge”, February 1993, as amended
February 1994, and October 1995 (often referred to as the “503” or the “Sludge” rule) (US-EPA,
2003). Because of the clean water act, EPA proposed effluent limitation guidelines for the meat and
poultry products industry. This includes slaughterhouses (abattoirs) and further processing facilities.
This paper provides an in-depth review of legislations, jurisdictions and regulations related to land-
application of abattoir wastewater and residues. Presently, the regulations pertinent to land-
application of abattoir wastewater and residues are derived from the municipal biosolids. Therefore,
some relevant discussion on municipal biosolids is also included in this review.
According to Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF, 1996), a detailed proposal must be
submitted to the local Ministry of Environment (MOE) office for review. Biosolids Utilization
Suggested maximum annual sodium (Na) addition varies from 200 kg/ha for sandy and sandy loam
soils to 500 kg/ha for loamy and organic soils (OMAF, 1996). For boron, a limit of 1 kg/ha/yr has
been established, and water soluble boron concentration in the soil should be ≤ 1 mg/L. Wastes
applied to agricultural fields shall contain no foreign non-biodegradable material that may cause
human or animal injury or damage to equipment. Up to 1% plastic pieces (<2.36 mm size) and 2%
other non-biodegradable material (<2.36 mm size) are allowed (OMAF, 1996).
Guidelines concerning minimum distance between the spreading site and surface watercourse are
given in various regulations (OMAF, 2002). These regulations list details on biosolids land-
applications regulations in Canada and USA concerning separation distances, waiting periods and
soil characteristics when biosolids are applied on the soil. Separation distance can be reduced if
wastes are injected directly into the soil. The wastes should never be applied within 10 m of any
watercourse. At the time of application, the groundwater table should be >0.9 m from the soil
surface. The spacing between the spreading site and individual residence should be 25 m minimum,
and 50 m minimum from a residence in a residential area. Application sites should be minimum 15
m away from deep water wells, and 90 m away from all other wells. Liquid wastes should not be
spread on frozen or ice covered soil (OMAF, 1996). For storage of wastes, a certificate of approval
is needed from MOE. Generally a minimum of 6 months storage will be adequate. The maximum
allowable application depth of liquid wastes at any one time is 1.3 cm (OMAF, 1996).
In New Brunswick, land-application of industrial wastes and by-products are prohibited if these have
not been previously stabilized, either through lime or aerobic or anaerobic digestion (Guidelines for
British Columbia has introduced a new Organic Matter Recycling Regulation (B.C. Reg. 18/2002)
which addresses biosolids and land-application, but there is no specifics in this document that deal
with the land-application of abattoir waste.
In Quebec during 1999, about 700 000 tons of biosolids were land-spread, of which about 10% came
from abattoirs. About 2% of farmland received residuals. Presently, short term accumulation of trace
elements in soils is non-existent or negligible. A certificate of approval (CA), issued by MENV
(Ministry of Environment), is generally required for land-application. High-quality residuals can be
spread without a CA if certified by a commercial quality control organization (Bureau de
Normalisation du Quebec, BNQ). About 10% of the waste land-spread now has this certification
(MENV, 2002). An agro-environmental reclamation plan (AERP) for land-application of wastes
must be prepared according to the latest agronomic standards and provide the following information:
(i) residual’s source and description, (ii) residual classification, (iii) location map showing lot
numbers, sensitive zones and crops, (iv) soil analysis, (v) agronomic recommendations, (vi) total N
available for growing season or post harvest application, (vii) rationale for selecting N and P
availability, (viii) compliance with environmental constraints, (ix) order and delivery slips, (x)
practices to limit leaching and runoff of N and P, (xi) commitment for two verification visits by a
professional, and (xii) sound and dust control measures. Land-application of wastes is subjected to
farm regulations that limit the amount of N and P that can be applied to the land. These land
application requirements are similar to those in Ontario and Europe. Quebec introduced legislation
in November 2002 that based land-application standards around an odor classification system, which
is more stringent than criteria in the U.S. (MENV, 2002).
Criteria regarding the land-application of biosolids are based on three factors, i.e., the levels of
organic and inorganic contaminants (categories C1 or C2, details in Table 10), pathogens (categories
P1, P2 and P3), and odors (categories O1, O2 and O3). Exception of these is for the use of C2
residuals in high amounts for the revegetation of degraded sites. Biosolids that do not meet minimum
requirements (C2-P3-O3) cannot be land-spread. Odor problems have caused the greatest concern
with land-application of biosolids. Odor scores are divided into 4 categories based on (MENV,
2002) the olfactomery test results and surveys of the perception of odors:
O2: Mean odor score of solid dairy cattle manure: 4.1 ± 1.7 (s.d.), i.e. odor score >2.4 and ≤ 5.8
Table 1 indicates that untreated abattoir waste falls into the out-of-category range. Abattoir wastes
that are limed generally fall into O2 or O3 class. Quebec’s C1 and C2 criteria were mainly derived
from the Canadian guidelines for compost quality. Residuals classified O2 and O3 are subject to
numerous application requirements. Categories are subject to specific requirements which include
application prohibition times, separation distances, communication plan requirements, restricted
public access, incorporation requirements, and application heights, etc. (MENV, 2002). Odor
measuring equipment are now available (Yuwono and Lammers, 2004a,b) and should be used to
quantify the problems.
There are additional constraints for malodorous residuals classified as O2 or O3 depending on their
odor levels. The constraints are the same as or harsher than those currently in force in the U.S
(SOLINOV, 2002). The application of O3 waste is prohibited on Saturday, Sunday and public
holidays. Untreated abattoir waste that had not been limed or stabilized attained odor scores higher
than liquid hog manure. These were designated as “out-of-category” and were not to be land-
The preventive approach of restricting unique loading to 22 t ds (dry solids)/ha/5 yr for the C2
category simplifies the management and control of activities. There are many minimum land-
application restrictions for water and soil protection. There are additional restrictions for category
C2 fertilizing residuals (MENV, 2002). In Ontario (Canada) and the US, soil metal analyses are
required and load limits vary from one metal to another. If current agronomic and forestry rules are
rigorously applied, the risks of N and P contamination are strongly reduced. For biosolids and
abattoir residuals, the following parameters have to be analyzed: Dry matter, total N, NH4-N, P2O5,
K2O, organic matter, C/N, pH and neutralizing value for wastes treated with lime, and Al analysis
for wastes treated with aluminum salts. Land-application of unmixed abattoir manure does not
currently require a CA. If the residual maximum value exceeds 20% of the C2 criteria, one of the
following measures must be implemented: (i) all batches or portions of batches of one type of
residual that exceed the C2 requirements must be stored separately and not apply, and (ii) all batches
or portions of batches of one type of residual that exceed 20% of the C2 requirements must be
uniformly mixed with other batches before application. A calculation must show that the final
mixture content meets C2 requirements. If the residual generator or professional suspects, that
unanalyzed contaminants may exceed C1 criteria, or that specific contaminants or undesirable
objects are present, remedial measures must be proposed (MENV, 2002).
Populations of E. coli and Salmonella are determined to establish the presence of faecal
Table 1. Residual/fertilizer type and odor score/type used to apply biosolids to land in Quebec,
Canada (adapted from Goyer et al., 2001)
Fertilizer residue or farm fertilizer Odor score Odor category1
Chemical fertilizers 1.2
Lime mud 1.3 O1
Fertilizing residuals compost (manure) 1.7 O1
Manure compost (manure) 2.1 O1
Municipal biosolids, aerated lagoons 2.5 O2
Beef cattle manure 3.8
Dairy cattle manure 4.1
Municipal biosolids, limed or heat dried 4.4 O2
Municipal biosolids, biological treatment in a plant 5.3 O3
Boiler hen manure 5.4
Beef cattle manure, liquid 5.9
Dairy cattle manure, liquid 6.2
Milkhouse wastewater 6.6
Potato wastes 7.1 O3
Abattoir biosolids, limed 7.4 O2 or O32
Laying hen manure, liquid 7.7 O3
Milk calf manure, liquid 8.1
Hog manure, liquid (feeders) 8.3
Abattoir biosolids, untreated 10.1 Out of category
Only substances classified as fertilizing residuals are assigned odor classes
Odor category depends on the liming process
For wastes of “excellent environmental quality” B Class C1-P1-O1, utilization constraints are
minimal due to low environmental risk. Wastes of “good environmental quality” are subjected to
additional restrictions. Wastes that do not meet the minimal quality standards (C2-P3-O3) including
abattoir waste cannot be land-applied under the new legislation, unless they are stabilized. MENV
Constraints are greater for malodorous biosolids or those containing human pathogens. These
constraints are mainly separation distance (residences, residential zones, property boundaries, roads,
etc.), a restricted period of one year to limit public access to application sites, the obligation to
incorporate the biosolids into the soil after application and the obligation to spread (aero-aspersion)
liquid waste at a height less than 1 m above the ground to avoid spreading particles through air. The
separation distance from an adjacent residence (Table 2) is at least 90 m for P2 and P3 wastes and
this distance increases to 500 m for the “very malodorous category” O3 (MENV, 2002). Other
constraints are required for malodorous wastes, such as setting up a communications plan. At the
abattoir, the wastewater should be kept in aerobic conditions, and liming at the plant <6 h following
withdrawal of the biosolids, or 6 h following drying. During storage: mixed with other types of
residues is not permitted, and pH must be ≥10 at all times (MENV, 2002). Table 3 lists maximum
annual loading of metals in biosolids applied to land in the US and Ontario, Canada.
O3 Odor level > than solid dairy manure and < than pig slurry 500
500 m from a residential zone.
BioCycle’s 2000 survey of state biosolids coordinators collected overall data on land- application of
Table 3. Biosolids land application jurisdictional scan B maximum annual loading (kg/ha) (from
various US and Canadian sources)
Ar Cd Co Cr Cu Hg Mo Ni Pb Se Zn
In the USA, sewage sludge is applied to approximate 0.1% of available agricultural land (US-EPA,
2002). This land-application is regulated by “Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 (part 503), under
section 405(d) of clean water act” established by EPA in 1993. Biosolids is referred to treated sludge
of municipal, industrial and agricultural origins to meet the land-application standards in the part
503 rule. Presently in biosolids, 9 inorganic chemicals are regulated, and now considering to include
“dioxins” in the list. Generally blood is not collected from very small operations even if they have
rendering services available. Most of it is applied on the land or buried.
Revised “Biosolids Management Guidelines for Washington State” (Publication #93-80, Revised
July 2000) of the Washington State Department of Ecology did not include specifics around the
land-application of abattoir waste that would distinguish its treatment from other biosolids. The
Maine Department of Agriculture (DAFFR) and Environment Protection Department have been
involved in developing a Compost Pilot Program.
G.S. Mittal. “Regulations Related to Land-application of Abattoir Wastewater and Residues”. Agricultural Engineering International:
the CIGR Ejournal. Invited Overview No. 10. Vol. IX. July, 2007
Table 5. Requirements for land application plans for biosolids in selected States of the USA
(adapted from Abt Associates, Inc., 2002)
Waste parameters x x x x x x x x
Total solids, pH x x x
Total volatile solids, P x x
Total Kjeldahl/Ammonia N x x x x
Total K x x
Total Na, Cl x
Salt content, microbial number x
Metal content x x x
Chem. Comp., physical characteristics x x x
Soil characteristics x x x x x x
Depth x
Texture x x x
Color, structure, matrix x x x
Bulk density, total N x
pH x x x x x
Organic matter, Exchangeable K x x x
Exchangeable P x x x x
Metals x x
Ion-exchange properties x x
Waste application rate x x x x x x x
Site limitations, ground/surface water x x x x x x x x
Crop characteristics x x x x
Nuisance control x x x x x
Adequate storage x x x
Sampling requirements x x x x x x x
Financial assurance x x
Closure plan x x x x x
Ar 13 75 170 75 75 75 75 -
Cd 3 10 34 85 8 85 85 25
Co 34 150 340 - - - - -
Hg 0.8 5 11 57 57 57 57 10
Mo 5 20 94 75 75 75 75 -
Furan, 17 50 100 - - - - -
easily be applied to land. However, accumulations of these metals have to be controlled by limiting
waste loading rate. Only animal stomach waste (Mittal, 2004) contains maximum levels of toxic
According to the Clean Water Act, direct dischargers (effluent is discharged directly into navigable
waters) must comply with effluent limitation guidelines and new source performance standards in
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits; indirect dischargers (effluent is
discharged to publicly owned treatment works) must comply with pretreatment standards (US-EPA,
2002). The Pollution Prevention Act (of 1990) describes that “pollution that can not be prevented or
recycled should be treated in an environmentally safe manner whenever feasible; and disposal or
release into the environment should be employed only as a last resort...” (US-EPA, 2002). Small
meat and poultry products (MPP) facilities are excluded from the proposed effluent regulation as (i)
these discharge <3% of the conventional pollutants, <1% of toxic pollutants, <4% of the nutrients
and <1.5% of pathogens of the entire MPP industry, and (ii) by improved treatments only a limited
amount of loading removal would be possible (US-EPA, 2002).
According to federal guidance (US-EPA, 2002), blood is classified as nonhazardous due to low
concentration of toxic metals in it. Blood comes under the definition of solid waste as specified by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
All the states, studied in the report, require a permit for land-application of solid waste. A land-
application plan has to be submitted. The land-application plan provides the information on the type
of waste proposed for application, the proposed method, location, frequency of application, and an
impact assessment of the surrounding environment. Some states (OMAF, 2002) regulate land-
application more strictly than other states. MN and PA require very specific data in the site plan
while other states, such as CA, ask applicants to prove the benefits of land-application, and it should
not pose any environmental risks.
In California the composting of blood and other animal material from mammals is prohibited. For
poultry processors, on-site composting may be excluded from regulations if the compost produced is
sold or given to the agricultural source from where the feedstock was purchased. Composting
regulations are given in Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 3.1, Composting
Operations Regulatory Requirements ( Regulations/Title14/ch31.htm).
Land-application permits are handled case-by-case basis on the regional level. For this, a processor
has to contact its Regional Water Quality Control Board for specific requirements, and it has to
submit a comprehensive site plan, including waste, soil and surrounding water environment. It also
In Colorado, composting feedstock is classified in three categories. The type 2 contains animal and
food wastes in which the meat processing wastes also falls. Composting facilities are classified into
four classes and meat processing waste facilities fall under Class II. A certificate of designation is
required for a Class II facility, for the approval of which a Design and Operation Plan has to be
submitted. Local governing bodies issue this certificate. Specific requirements for all classes of
composting facilities are laid down by Colorado regulations. Composting state regulations cover the
land-application. But a ground water discharge permit from the Colorado Discharge Permit System
Regulation (5 CCR 1002-61, specifically Regulation 61.3) might be required for the application of
blood and blood-water mixture on land (Abt Associates, Inc., 2002).
In Iowa, composting is regarded as the best viable method for disposing of blood from small meat
processing units. It becomes more viable because land-application is not recommended during the
time when the ground is frozen or when crops are growing. Iowa Department of Natural Resources
(DNR) regulates composting. The composting facilities are required to state and specify the types of
waste they are unable to accept. No permit is required for on-site composting. Only the requirements
as mentioned in the Iowa Administrative Code 567 B Chapter 105.9 must be met. Some
requirements are: incorporation of blood into the composting process within 24 h, prevention of run-
off and leachate, odor and vermin controls, and storage time limits (Abt Associates, Inc., 2002).
For land-application purposes, a land-application plan has to be submitted in accordance to the Iowa
Administrative Code (Title 567, Chapter 121). This plan must include soil, waste and site analyses.
Permit is not required, if the amount applied for, does not exceed 2 t/(acre.yr) (Abt Associates, Inc.
2002). For the permit, periodic sampling, record-keeping and site closure plans are required (Table
5). Site limitations are enforced to protect water (ground, surface) and other environmentally
sensitive areas. Environmental hazards and human contact are restricted through site limitation. For
financial assurance, the applicant has to assure the government that it will be able to cover closure
costs (Abt Associates, Inc., 2002).
Waste parameters and soil characteristics (Abt Associates, Inc., 2002): The waste parameters for the
analysis of the waste materials, and soil characteristics are mentioned as per state requirements.
Crop characteristics (Abt Associates, Inc., 2002): Pathogens or toxins present in the waste can have
a detrimental effect on the plant growth. Different states regulate crop characteristics so as to prevent
Groundwater and surface water risks (Abt Associates, Inc., 2002): Groundwater and surface water
run a risk of being polluted due to leaching, runoff and other means. The groundwater table and
surface waters on or near the land-application site are required to be analyzed in some states.
Adequate storage (Abt Associates, Inc., 2002): Waste storage planning is another criteria which is
given consideration due to the fact that waste production does not undergo any stoppage even when
the conditions are not suitable for its application on land e.g. when ground is frozen or during
Waste application rate (Abt Associates, Inc., 2002): The type of crop to be grown determines the
optimal waste application rate. The waste application rate must provide the requisite amount of
nitrogen for the plant's need. This need must guarantee the proper yield as well as minimize the
amount of nitrogen seeping below the root zone of the vegetation to the groundwater.
A report prepared by the European Commission (EU, 2001), presents information on the land-
application of wastes in the 15 Member States of the European Union (EU). The objectives of the
study were: (i) review current practices for land-application of organic wastes including abattoir
waste, but excluding sewage sludge and compost, (ii) provide a better understanding of the
associated risks of land-application, and (iii) suggest actions which would help ensure a high level of
environmental protection from land-application. Currently Waste Framework Directive (75/442/EEC
as amended 91/156/EEC), sets out the principles of the necessary controls where waste materials are
to be recycled to land. However, there is a case for introducing more specific controls to ensure a
high level of environmental protection. Recommendations are made for registration, record-keeping
and cost-effective controls on land-application. It would allow for each member state to build a
national database comprising the registers of designated wastes and land-application permits from
which all relevant information about land-application could be derived. Summary data could then
be provided to the European Commission as required, to present a synopsis of land-application
across the EU. There were considerable differences between member states concerning land-
application and availability of information about the practice.
It is estimated that 5-10% of abattoir waste in the EU is land-spread after composting, or without
treatment. This is mainly gut contents, consisting primarily of partly digested feed or vegetable
matter. The wash water from holding areas and vehicles is also typically land applied or discharged
to sewer. Application of blood to land is now less common. Overall, land-application of abattoir
waste is probably the best practical environmental option for smallBscale abattoirs, but is likely to be
To minimize odor nuisance, the wastes should be applied by sub-surface injection into grassland or
immediately incorporated into arable land. Public nuisance can be reduced by avoidance of
application in fields close to and upwind of residential areas. Storage should be avoided where
possible. It would be beneficial to treat abattoir waste by a stabilization process before land-
application. There are few waste treatment plants installed at abattoirs across Europe. Treatment
plants are more popular in Scandinavia, with some having aerobic or anaerobic digestion facilities
that also produce biogas (EU, 2001).
Some EU countries have developed more stringent legislations concerning land-application than
other developed countries.
An EU Animal By-products Regulation that is expected to come into force soon will cover how to
deal with blood and gut contents from abattoirs and will require treatment of blood, or mixtures of
blood and gut contents (by either rendering, incineration or composting) before applying on land
(EU, 2001). Gut contents from animals is not proposed for treatment under the Regulation, but will
be required to be spread on arable land (i.e, not on land to which grazing livestock have access). A
statutory requirement for blood from abattoirs to be treated prior to final disposal is now introduced
as part of the EU controls on animal by-products (SMHCC, 2001). According to the European
Commission, more than 90% of the waste spread on land is farm waste and predominantly animal
Tables 7 and 8 summarize limit values for heavy metals in biosolids, limit values of these metals that
4.1 Scotland
Presently, no nutrient management plan and requirements for qualifications of contractors are
required for waste land-application. There is no monitoring of exempt waste for microbiological
quality. It is recommended that the wastes should not be (i) injected on lands with field tiles, and (ii)
applied outside daylight hours. The maximum recommended land-application of waste is 50 m3/ha.
Land-application of abattoir wastes should not cause any health risk which should be ensured by the
farmer. The waste should be soil injected to prevent odor problems (EU, 2000).
Table 7. European Union limit values for amounts of heavy metals that may be added annually to
soil, based on a 10-year average (compiled from NRC, 2002, EU, 2000)
Limit values (g/ha/yr)
Elements Proposed
Cd 150 30
Cr - 3,000
Cu 12,000 3,000
Hg 100 30
Ni 3,000 900
Pb 15,000 2,250
Zn 30,000 7,500
The competent authority may decide to allow an increase in the loading rate for Cu and Zn on a
case-by-case basis for those plots of land that are Cu- or Zn-deficient and if it has been proved by
Strategic review of land-application of organic waste has been under taken by Scottish Environment
Protection Agency (SEPA) (SEPA, 1998). Exempt industrial waste application on land comprises
only 3% of the total land-application. Agricultural waste contributes 96% of land-application.
Table 8. European Union limit values for heavy metals in soil, mg/kg ds (compiled from NRC, 2002,
EU, 2001)
Directive Cd Cr Cu Hg Ni Pb Zn
(6<pH<7) 1-3 -- 50-140 1-1.5 30-75 50-300 150-300
Austria 0.5-2 50-100 40-100 0.2-1 30-70 50-100 10-300
Belgium (Fl) 0.9 46 49 1.3 18 56 170
Belgium (Wa) 2 100 50 1 50 100 200
Denmark 0.5 30 40 0.5 15 40 100
Finland 0.5 200 100 0.2 60 60 150
France 2 150 100 1 50 100 300
Germany 1.5 100 60 1 50 100 200
Greece 1-3 -- 50-140 1-1.5 30-75 50-300 150-300
Ireland 1 -- 50 3 30 50 150
Italy 1.5 -- 100 1 75 100 300
Luxembourg 1-3 100-200 50-140 1-1.5 30-75 50-300 150-300
Netherlands 0.8 100 36 0.3 35 85 140
soil pH<5.5 1 50 50 1 30 50 150
5.5<soil pH<7 3 200 100 1.5 75 300 300
soil pH>7 4 300 200 2 110 450 450
soil pH<7 1 100 50 1 30 50 150
soil pH>7 3 150 210 1.5 112 300 450
Sweden 0.4 60 40 0.3 30 40 100-150
5<soil pH<5.5 3 -- 80 1 50 300 200
5.5<soil pH<6 3 -- 100 1 60 300 250
6<soil pH<7 3 -- 135 1 75 300 300
G.S. Mittal. “Regulations Related to Land-application of Abattoir Wastewater and Residues”. Agricultural Engineering International:
the CIGR Ejournal. Invited Overview No. 10. Vol. IX. July, 2007
(iii) Soil Protection Law.
Greece No specific regulation.
Ireland Waste Management Act. SI 1998/146. Implements the EC Waste Directive.
Italy Land-application of industrial Decree 22/97. Waste is applied after composting.
Nether- (i) Decrees of Manure and (i) Decree 86/1998, 765/1997 (i) Land-application of other organic
lands Fertilizers, (ii) Mineral (ii) MINAS 1998. fertilizers; implementation of loss-making
Accounting System. standards, (ii) Farmers keep record of
nutrient application and depletion.
Portugal No specific regulation. -- --
Spain (i) Land-application of industrial (i) Macro Law 10/1998 (i) Ensures transcription of European
waste, (ii) Fertilizers and (ii) May 28, 1998 Directive 91/156/EEC, (ii) Lists fertilizers
Derivatives Act and derivatives regulations.
Sweden No legal requirements for Voluntary quality certification
organic wastes spread on land. scheme was accepted in 2000 for --
UK Control on industrial waste land- Part II of Environmental Protection Licensing of waste recovery, disposal and
application. Act 1990; Waste Management treatment operations.
Licensing Regulations (WMLR)
1994; Groundwater regulation 1998;
Protection of Water Against
Agricultural Nitrate Pollution
Regulations 1996; Animal By-
G.S. Mittal. “Regulations Related to Land-application of Abattoir Wastewater and Residues”. Agricultural Engineering International:
the CIGR Ejournal. Invited Overview No. 10. Vol. IX. July, 2007
product Order 1992; Bovine Material
Order (SI 1996 No. 1192).
G.S. Mittal. “Regulations Related to Land-application of Abattoir Wastewater and Residues”. Agricultural Engineering International:
the CIGR Ejournal. Invited Overview No. 10. Vol. IX. July, 2007
Exempt industrial wastes for land-application include blood and gut content from abattoirs. Most
exempt wastes are not pre-treated or stored at the point of source. This leads to odor problems, and
the possibility of not being applied at the time most beneficial to the land or the crop. There is only
limited data concerning fate and impacts of nutrients, and pathogens in the exempt wastes. Risks of
pathogens associated with exempt and agricultural wastes are not fully understood or quantified.
The SEPA (1998) first called for a ban on the application of abattoir waste, including animal blood
and gut contents on land. According to the Report, the present approach to the regulation and
management of organic wastes to land was inadequate, inconsistent, leading to practices which
posed a risk to the public, to the environment and to animal and plant health. A range of measures
were suggested, including a consistent legislative framework, enforceable Codes of Practice, land
management plans for farmland, and the prohibition of certain application activities, such as
untreated abattoir waste, to ensure that future land-application was carried out responsibly and
effectively. In 1987, the total amount of blood and guts recycled to land from abattoirs in Scotland
was estimated at 26,000 t (maximum) or 3% of total wastes applied to lands. SEPA is the enforcing
authority in Scotland for the Waste Management Regulations. Waste is currently applied to land
throughout the year and often during adverse weather conditions as a result of a lack of storage
facilities. Wastes have also been applied with little regard for weather conditions. Exempt wastes
are occasionally spread at night (SEPA, 1998).
The Final Report of the Task Force on E. coli O157 (SHMCC, 2001) addressed the issue of land-
application of blood and gut contents from abattoirs. Blood could be a good culture for growing
bacteria, such as E. coli O157, with the critical factors being temperature and time. Blood, if
managed properly before land disposal, should pose no significant risk of infection from E. coli
O157. Storage at 15oC or below would be a sensible precaution and that where storage is not
practicable, consideration should be given to more frequent removal from the abattoir i.e. daily. Gut
contents could be regarded as similar or less in hazard to excretions direct to land from animals in
the field. Solid layer of dung on cattle hides could lead to higher carcass microbial contamination.
In March 2001, SEPA notified relevant waste disposal contractors that the application of abattoir
waste on agricultural land, as opposed to sub-soil injection was illegal. SEPA took this action
following the directive by the Scottish Executive of “controls” for the disposal of abattoir waste as a
result of the national hoof and mouth disease outbreak. Incorrect or over application of waste on land
has the potential for non-point source or diffuse pollution of waste streams (EU, 2001).
Many recommendations were made based on the study conducted after surveying land-application
practices and waste characterization. These are: (i) Land-application of all organic wastes should be
regulated by a consistent legislative frame work, (ii) the legislation should cover mixed waste
streams and put standards for safe acceptable amounts for various wastes on different soil types, and
The Scottish Waste Management Licensing Regulations (WMLR94) under the Scottish EPA identify
a number of non-agriculture wastes, often referred to as industrial wastes, have been allowed to be
applied to agricultural land with legal exemptions from licensing. These wastes include blood and
gut content from abattoirs (also include septic tank sludges, distillery waste, dredgings from inland
waters, etc.). There was no government Code of Practice covering the application of wastes in
accordance with the exemptions, however SAC Technical Note (T459) provides guidance, and the
PEPFAA (Prevention of Environmental Pollution from Agricultural Activity) Code of Practice
should be followed, although this was not statutory. Overall, the Report recommended that the land-
application of blood and gut contents from abattoirs undergo suitable pre-treatment (EU, 2001).
Austria (EU, 2001): Solid waste from food industry is mainly converted to compost, and liquid
wastes are treated. The residues of the treatment are the part of wastewater treatment sludge.
Belgium (EU, 2001): Land-application of waste is carried out by contractors who report to different
administrators. Soft approach is taken on the recycling operation by the administration. The waste
producer reports the following to the administration before recycling waste in agriculture: (i) annual
waste production, (ii) waste quality, and (iii) waste production process description including raw
materials and their analysis. The waste license is issued by Regional Administration specifying the
land-application conditions. The sludge is mainly applied on land. The stomach content is mainly
composted before applied on land (SEPA, 1998).
Denmark (EU, 2001): A farmer’s Nutrient Management Plan is changed if industrial waste is spread
on land. Overall responsibility for enforcing Sludge Order is with Danish EPA. The sludge from
wastewater treatment plants at abattoirs is exempted from authorization under the Sludge Order. The
waste producer is liable or responsible for waste land-application even when a subcontractor is hired
to execute the actual land-application. This liability/responsibility is generally transferred to the
farmer from the waste producer after application. A detailed annual fertilizer budgets are maintained
by the farmers to ensure a balance of inputs and outputs. Application of liquid waste during winter is
prohibited since 1999 through a legislation. Due to the increase in growing of organic foods, some
farmers are not accepting industrial waste.
About 80-90% of organic material from abattoirs without flotation tanks is disposed to the municipal
wastewater treatment plants. About 80% of organic material from abattoirs with flotation tanks is
retained in the grates and the flotation tanks. There is an increasing trend in treating abattoir wastes
by anaerobic digestion before land-application. Only small concentrations of environmentally
undesirable substances are supposed to contain in abattoir wastes and by-products. Land-application
of industrial wastes accounts for <1% of the N applied from fertilizers and farm waste while P
accounts for 1-5% (EU, 2001).
Finland (EU, 2001): Land-application activities are licensed. If the quantities of waste recycled to
land is <500 t, then a permit for land-application is issued by the local municipalities otherwise by
the regional council. The MOE controls and supervises the implementation of waste legislation.
There is no specific regulation specifying quality requirements for waste land-application.
Composted organic waste used as soil improver is controlled by Fertilizer Act 232/1993.
France (EU, 2001): The decree of 1998 01 08 specifies the technical regulations governing the
sludge application on land under the provision of decree No. 97-1133, issued on 1997 12 08, related
to the distribution of the sludge produced by wastewater treatment. The sanitized sludge is the
sludge that has been treated so that pathogens are no longer detectable (Salmonella < 8 most
probable number (MPN)/10 g ds) . Industrial waste is applied to land by authorized professional
contractors who are required to have a written agreement from the farmer owning the land. The cost
of wastes land-application depends on (i) length of haul of wastes, (ii) waste liming, (iii) importance
of the considered deposits, and (iv) nuisances caused by land-application. Thus, the cost of land-
application of industrial effluent is Euro 1 to 4 per m3 and of sludge is Euro 15-23/t. In future, a tax
Germany (EU, 2001): Priority is being placed on more and better advisory bodies to assist farmers
concerning current practices.
Ireland (EU, 2001): A waste license is not required for the recovery of sludge from blood of animal
or poultry origin. Waste application is only permitted on land with phosphorous level of ≤15 mg/L
of waste. An application agreement is needed between the industry and land-owner. Waste
application rate to the land is determined by: (i) P requirement of the crop, (ii) permissible rate of the
N under the Nitrates Directive (250 kg N/ha), and (iii) a maximum hydraulic loading of 23 m3/ha on
limestone soils or 50 m3/ha on other soils. Waste treatment process includes biogas generation,
composting, and waste fired power stations.
Italy (EU, 2001): Industrial waste can be recycled to land according to Fertilizer Act requirements.
Land for waste application is classified based on geology, soil characteristics and water pollution
risk. Abattoir wastes are recycled to land without or with treatment by the fertilizer industry (about
20%), rest of the wastes is reused in other industries mainly the feed industry. Sludge is generally
spread on land, and some is composted before application on land.
Spain (EU, 2001): Waste characteristics must demonstrate its agronomic benefit and innocuous
nature. Heavy metals, pH, dry solids, organic matter, conductivity, N, P, K, Ca, and Fe are checked.
Soil of the application site must be analyzed, and an application program is required. Destination and
monitoring sheets are also required.
Macro law: The waste management organizations handling the recycling must be authorized and
registered. Each region in Spain controls the granting of such authorizations. Control is strict in
some regions and lacking in others.
Sweden (EU, 2001): There is no central governing body to regulate land-application of waste.
Voluntary regulatory and quality certification scheme initiated since 2003. Untreated organic waste
is no longer applied to land due to the opposition of public, farmers and dairy industry. Waste is
treated in anaerobic digesters or composting plants before applying to land.
UK (EU, 2001): Abattoir wastes, particularly blood can (i) contain beneficial levels of nutrients such
as nitrogen, (ii) have high conductivity and fat content, and (iii) be potentially odorous. Exempted
wastes are blood and gut contents. Dissolved air flotation (DAF) treatment has been used to separate
solids from liquid waste materials.
Except for land-application of sewage sludge, there is no regulatory requirement or control on the
waste or soil quality. Mostly contractors are applying industrial wastes to land. However, there is no
specific minimum standard for waste storage. Certain wastes for land-application are exempted from
licensing such as blood and gut contents from abattoirs. For this, contractors have to inform
regulatory agencies of the type and maximum quantity of waste, and location of land-application.
The land-application must be beneficial for agriculture or ecological improvements. Maximum of
250 t/ha/yr can be spread on the land. Strict procedures are now implemented at abattoirs and
renders for the purposes of removing, separate disposal, carcass components which might contain
Bovine Spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) prions (EU, 2001).
Three weeks notification will be required by the agency before the land-application takes place.
Secure and appropriate methods and location of waste storage should be used prior to application.
Agency is concerned about the presence of blood and gut contents in abattoir wastes due to the risk
of transmitting pathogens into the food chain. The Agency has recommended that exempt list should
include only treated abattoir wastes (EU, 2001).
Greece (EU, 2001): No specific legislation exists to the recycling of organic wastes.
Maximum quantities of biosolids land-application have been set from 1 t by Netherlands for
grasslands to 10 t by Denmark per ha per year. The opinion on biosolids recycling and disposal
varies in intensity and resolution throughout the EC. Almost all application of biosolids on
agricultural land has been prevented by regulations in the Netherlands and Flanders regions of
Belgium since 1991 and 1999, respectively. In Germany, public opinion is in favor of agricultural
land-application. The farmers are generally against the land-application of biosolids in Finland and
Luxembourg. The Swedish Federation of Farmers has recommended against the land-application of
biosolids because of quality concerns. Similarly, farmers unions in Austria, France, and the Walloon
region of Belgium have asked for a ban on biosolids because current methods of land-application of
biosolids are not addressing the perceived risks. New regulations, in Denmark and UK, will be strict
to reduce risks to an acceptable level and providing for additional restrictions on the land-application
of biosolids. Farmers have supported the agricultural land-application of biosolids in Ireland and
Portugal for economic and agronomic reasons (EU, 2001).
In most of cases, the application rate of biosolids for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on land is
determined from agronomic rate, i.e. the amount required by a crop for required yield. Some
countries have placed additional guidelines. In Ontario, Canada, the maximum rate for N is 135 kg N
per ha over a 5 year period (Anon., 1998). For P, the acid soluble P content of biosolids must be
determined (OMAF, 1996). About 40% of the applied P is available to plants. Quebec (MENV,
2002) and the USA (40CFR503, US-EPA, 2002), the biosolids application rate should be ≥ the
amount of N required by a crop. EPA is silent about how to take other N source into account.
However, in WI and Quebec, all sources of N (manure and mineral fertilizer) should be taken into
account when calculating biosolids application rate. In MN, the maximum N application rate is
based on realistic yield goals, soil organic matter content, and previously grown crops. In MI and
IL, P application is based on agronomic rate.
The application of manure in European countries varies from >200 kg N/ha and >100 kg P/ha in the
Netherlands to <40 kg N/ha and <20 kg P/ha in southern Europe (EU, 2001). In Denmark, the
maximum quantity of N and P recycled to land from land-application of biosolids is 170 kg N/ha/yr
and 30 kg P/ha/yr, respectively. In France, N application from biosolids is limited to 350 kg/ha on
grassland and 200 kg/ha on other arable land. In Ireland and UK, the waste application rate is
determined by maximum application of 250 kg N/ha and P is based on requirement of the crop to
which it is applied. However, in UK, the N limit is lowered to 170 kg/ha in nitrate vulnerable zones
set up by the government.
Pathogens (P-criteria): Criteria developed in the US for municipal biosolids are used in Quebec
(MENV, 2002). In USA, current federal environment regulations do not consider pathogen from
animal manure directly. Although the Clean Water Act (40CFR122) covers pollutants from point
sources, especially concentrated feed lots, under the national pollutant discharge elimination system
(NPDES) permit program (US-EPA, 2003). Although the regulations applicable to manure are those
applicable for nutrients; pathogens have recently become an issue since several disease outbreaks
have been traced to livestock. Pathogens involved in this are: E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella species,
Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, etc. There are no regulations related to
pathogen content of soil, although human sewage sludge must be treated to reduce the pathogen
content prior to use on fields (Clean Water Act 40CFR503). In Canada, packaged manures must not
be detrimental to plants, animals or public health (OMAF, 1996).
Part 503 rule (US-EPA, 2003) indicates that public risk is reduced by a combination of treatment to
Quebec <2 million P2:Liming; faecal coliform <2 M/g + aerobic Yes
C1 MPN/g biological treatment; US-EPA class B; faecal
coliform <2 M/g + Salmonella <3; P3: faecal
coliform <2 M/g + biological treatment >20 h
Quebec <2 million P2:Liming; faecal coliform < 2 M/g + aerobic Yes
C2 MPN/g biological treatment; US-EPA class B; faecal
coliform <2 M/g + Salmonella <3; P3: faecal
coliform<2 M/g + biological treatment >20 h
Quebec C1 P1:<3 P1:<1000 P1: must also meet drying at 80oC and dryness
MPN/4 g MPN/g >90%; or same as US-EPA
Quebec C2 P1:<3 P1:<1000 P1: must also meet drying at 80oC and dryness
MPN/4 g MPN/g >90%; or same as US-EPA
Table 11. European limit values for pathogens concentrations in biosolids (compiled from NRC,
2002, EU, 2001)
Country Pathogen limit Other microbes
Table 12. Threshold values for pathogens in abattoir wastes for land-application (adapted from EU,
Country/Region Salmonella Faecal Total E. coli
Streptococci Enterobacteria
Spain None in 25 g 1000 MPN/g 1000 cfu/g <1000 MPN/g of
of treated treated waste
Class A (US-EPA 2000b): These biosolids are treated to further reduce pathogens using processes
such as advanced alkaline treatment, composting, drying, heat treatment, pasteurization to meet the
pathogen density limits in part 503, so that biosolids will not pose a risk of infections disease
transmission through contact.
EQ (Exceptional Quality): Class A biosolids, satisfying one of part 503 VAR options 1-8 (Table 8)
and meet the metals limits (US-EPA, 2003), are EQ class. These have no site restrictions, and may
be generally marketed and distributed.
Class B (US-EPA, 2000b): These biosolids are treated to significantly reduce pathogens using
processes such as aerobic digestion, anaerobic digestion, air drying, and lime stabilization. Class B
biosolids contain some pathogens but at significantly reduce level. Due to this, site and crop
harvesting restrictions are implemented for public health protection.
According to US-EPA (2000b) (EPA / 832-B-00-007), the treated sludge quality is based on the risk
to human, animal and plant life. The pathogens level in the waste should not exceed the ambient
levels in the environment. It is recommended that E. coli population should be < 1000/g ds, and
tentatively spores of C. perfringens should be < 3000/g ds.
For new plants and treatment processes: At least 4 log reductions of added Salmonella and the
viability inactivation of Ascaris ova are recommended for treating sewage sludge or animal wastes
by advanced processes. Conventional treatment processes should demonstrate at least 2 log
reductions in pathogen population based on E. coli (US-EPA, 2000b).
According to EU guidelines, abattoir wastes can pose environmental concerns by Salmonella and
other zoonotic pathogens. Cryptosporidum parum may occur in gut contents. Wastes containing
animal fats should be incorporated into the soil. Due to the problems of odor and environmental
The European Commission conducted a study (EU, 2001) on proposed pathogen treatments for
numerous sludges that would render them suitable for unrestricted use. These sludges are treated
such that the levels of pathogens in material applied to land do not exceed the levels already in the
environment. This study looked at treatment needs to produce pathogen-free sludges, as the DG
Environment Waste Management Unit is considering revisions to the Directive relating to the land-
application of sludges (EC, 1986), and pathogen reduction treatments and related limits. Sludges, in
this study, included those from abattoirs and related establishments (which generate material from
slaughter and initial dressing of carcasses), and from butchery activities (that reduce carcasses to
manageable pieces). The study indicates that there is little published evidence relating to the range
and concentrations of pathogens in abattoir sludges. Two key conclusions from this study are: (i)
sludges that may contain BSE agent should not be applied to land where animals have direct access,
and (ii) planting, grazing or harvesting constraints will have to be applied to land that has received
meat processing sludge which has not been hygienized.
There are wide variations in limits for heavy metals allowed to be land-applied. For example, the
limit of Cu and Zn in Quebec is 100-757 and 500-1850 mg/kg ds, while in the USA, EPA allowed
these at the rate of 4300 and 7500 mg/kg ds, respectively (Table 6). In European countries, Cu limit
is from 10-25 mg/kg ds in Latvia to 50-210 mg/kg ds in Spain, and Zn limit is 35-100 mg/kg ds in
Latvia and 300 mg/kg ds in Estonia (Table 8). Similarly the pathogen limit in France is 8 MPN/10 g
ds where in Italy this limit is 1000 MPN/g ds (Table 11). Thus it is difficult to compare the
regulations of various countries. The limits for various heavy metals, toxic chemicals, pathogens, N
and P are based on the types of biosolids from various industries, traditional use, soil type, crop type,
nutrient and chemical profile of the soil, danger of chemicals flowing to river or lakes through
runoff, ground water contamination chances, public opinion and pressure, etc. There is no uniform
standard or regulation even in Europe. The data collected in this review will assist in developing a
uniform regulation for various countries. Environmental protection initiatives worldwide will also
assist in developing such regulation. Presently many States in the USA have prepared their own
regulations where different limits for various contaminants have been set up compared to EPA
guidelines (Table 6).
The project was supported by Ontario Ministry of Environment, and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
and Food.
Abt Associates, Inc. 2002. Guidelines and regulations regarding disposal options for blood from
small meat processors in selected states. US-EPA, Office of Policy, Economics, and
Innovation, Sector Strategies Division, Meat and Poultry Processing Sector, Washington,
Anon. 1998. A comparison of regulatory criteria and requirements for biosolids utilization on
agricultural land in Ontario and the Great Lake States. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and
Food, Toronto, Canada, Unpublished Report.
EC. 1986. Council directive 86/278/EEC of 12 June 1986 on the protection of the environment, and
in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture. Community Legislation
in Force. Document 386L0278. [Online]. Available:
lex/en/lif/dat/1986/en_386L0278.html. [September 12, 2001].
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 1996. Environmental regulations and technology:
Control of pathogens and vector attraction in sewage sludge. EPA/625/R-92/013. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC.
[Online]. Available: [January 4, 2002].
EU. 2000. Working document on sludge, 3rd Draft. ENV.E.3/LM. European Union, Brussels. April
27, 2000. The European Union On-Line. Available: pdf [March 20, 2002].
EU. 2001. Disposal and recycle routes for sewage sludge. Part 1. Sludge use acceptance. Part 2.
Regulatory report. European Communities, DG Environment. Luxembourg: Office for
Official Publications of the European Communities. October 2001. [Online]. Available: [March 27,2001].
Goyer, N., J. Lavoie, L. Lazure and G. Marchand. 2001. Les bioaerosols en milieu de travail: guide