Dsiij Vol 22 2023 July-paper5-Final
Dsiij Vol 22 2023 July-paper5-Final
Dsiij Vol 22 2023 July-paper5-Final
besides the physical structure, Marma points administered at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya
also represent the junction of mind, body and (DSVV), Haridwar, to many patients suffering
consciousness; thus, the Marma points may hold from osteoarthritis, lumbar spondylosis, cervi-
vital information with regards to thoughts, emo- cal spondylosis, sciatica, prolapsed inter verte-
tions and feelings, and their link with the overall bral disc, leucodystrophy, etc., with encourag-
health. Schrott et al. (2016) [13] state that stim- ing results. The National Health Portal of In-
ulation of Marma points can affect the function- dia [28] describes Marma Therapy as an impor-
ing of the internal organs and mind-body coor- tant Ayurvedic treatment, wherein the pressure
dination, cause healing with regards to improve- applied on the Marmas causes the vital energy
ment in eye-sight, digestive system, headaches, (Prana) to flow along subtle channels (Nadis);
stress, etc.; Marma Therapy can be used to this portal mentions the application of Marma
detoxify, revitalize and provide strength to the Therapy for the management of several diseases,
body. The knowledge of Marman is employed by which include paralysis, sciatic pain, migraine,
the practitioners of Kalaripayat (ancient Indian tremors, diabetic neuropathy, trigeminal neural-
Martial Art tradition of Kerala) as a health pro- gia, facial or Bell’s palsy, lumbar spondilitis, cer-
moting technique [16, 20]. Varma-kalai (branch vical spondilitis, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel
of Siddha medicine) is an ancient therapeutic syndrome, muscular and joint pain, etc.
technique practiced in Tamil Nadu, that deals Just like electric switches, which when turned
with the stimulation of Varmam (the vital spots on, allow the flow of electricity through an equip-
of the body) for therapeutic benefits [20, 52– ment and make it work, Marma points may be
54]. Marma points are stimulated during Ab- regarded as special switches in the body, which
hyanga (massage), either by applying pressure in when properly stimulated, can lead to the proper
different ways, or through specific movement of flow of Prana in different body parts, resulting
hands or other body parts, for therapeutic ben- in the desired therapeutic benefits. Thus, the
efits [11, 18, 19]. application of Marma Science as a therapeutic
Joshi (2010) [7] states that Marma Science technique (Marma Therapy) can be supposed to
is one of the oldest medical science for preven- be comprising of two basic tasks, i.e.:
tion and cure of diseases, promotion of health • Proper identification of these locations, i.e.
and calmness of mind, as well as development of specific Marma points - this has already been de-
self-healing capabilities. It is extremely effective scribed by us previously [47].
and acts very rapidly, yet, because of the fact • Devising methods of stimulating and af-
that improper intervention at the Marma sites fecting the Marma points to attain the desired
can even be fatal, its use as a therapeutic pro- healing effect.
cedure, by directly stimulating or affecting the
Marma points, was not very common [7], and
was limited to some specific traditions and prac-
Different Methods of Stimulat-
tices. He [7] further defines Marma Therapy as ing and Affecting the Marmas
a natural, non-invasive, instant and permanent Marmas are the seats of Prana (vital life
method of healing. He [7–10] has developed a force), i.e. the subtle energy centers where the
simple methodology of stimulating the Marma Prana resides and flows [2]; Prana is the vital
points, and has successfully used this technique life force that governs all the physical and sub-
for providing relief in chronic disorders like sco- tle processes of a living being [3–6]. Thus, the
liosis, cervical spondylosis, muscular dystrophy, stimulation of these centers implies stimulating
prolapse inter vertebral disc, etc. Pathak (2015) the flow of Prana, rather than some physical or-
[21] used this technique for the treatment of cer- gans or tissues [11]. Since the Prana signifies live
vical spondylosis, and observed significant ther- electricity flowing through the body, hence the
apeutic benefits. Since more than five years, this Prana of the therapist is bound to interact with
simplified form of Marma Therapy has also been that of the subject [3–6]; thus, the exact location
of the Marmas should depend upon the Prana of Classification of Marmas Ac-
both the therapist and the subject, and may not
cording to their Therapeutic Use
be simply a fixed physical site [11]. Therefore, Several scholars have given therapeutic clas-
the identification of Marmas may not be a simple sification of Marmas, which is as follows [14]:
physiological definition, but instead a matter of
long-term practice and concentration; this may I. Sthula (physical) and Sookshma
be one of the reasons for the slight variations (subtle)
in the methods of Marma Therapy adopted by a. Sthula
different practitioners [11]. The locations and anatomical structure of
Different methods of stimulating and affect- various marmani are included here. These mar-
ing the Marma points, to gain therapeutic ben- mani can be assessed by naked eyes, i.e. Pratyak-
efits, are available in the literature. sha darshana.
Lad and Durve (2015) [12] have described 10
b. Sookshma
methods of stimulating the Marmas (Techniques Here, various subtle physiological functions
of Marma Chikitsa), which include oleation, su- are included, which are known and understood
dation, dry massage, deep pressure, application through Apta vachana (words of Sages / Rishis)
of paste and heat, puncturing with a needle, etc. and Anumana pramana (i.e. literature, clinical
Frawley et al. (2015) [11] have described sev- assumptions, and teachings of experts).
eral methods of Marma Therapy, which may be
classified into three main groups, i.e. (i) mas- II. Vulnerable (lethal) and Less vulner-
sage and energy methods, which include tech- able (therapeutic)
niques like Abhyanga (massage), applying aro- a. Vulnerable (Lethal)
matic oils, applying pressure, etc., (ii) herbal This includes marmani that are fatal, if stim-
methods, which include application of herbal ulated in the wrong manner; therefore, one
paste, taking medicinal herbs, etc., (iii) using in- should be extremely cautious while dealing with
struments, which include Acupuncture, heat ap- these. Wrong stimulation of these points can
plication, etc. lead to severe injury, unconsciousness or even
Schrott et al. (2016) [13] explain 20 meth- death [11]. These include Sadya pranahara
ods to treat the Marmas, which include tech- marma, and neck marmani.
niques like massage, pouring oil, application
b. Less vulnerable (Therapeutic)
of herbal paste or heat or light, taking herbal These are the locations that can be treated
medicines, using aromatic oils, yagya, yogasanas, for healing purposes [11]. These marmani are
pranayama, meditation, etc. comparatively safe, as the effect of wrong stim-
Joshi (2010) [7] has been working on Marma ulation is usually less disastrous; these can be
stimulation with a very simple method of giv- good starting points for inexperienced clinicians.
ing pressure on these points; the rate of applying These mainly include shakhagata marmani (of
pressure is in accordance with the heart beat and limbs) and prishthagata marmani (of back).
respiratory rate. This technique depends upon
three basic things - III. External and Internal
1. Identification of Marma point a. External
These are the marma points / sites located
2. Giving proper pressure on Marma point
near the external surface or skin. These can be
with the help of thumb and fingers
identified easily and manually stimulated. These
3. Relaxation of Marma point include shakhagata marmani, marmani of supra-
Thus, it may be understood that different clavicular region (like sthapani, apanga, simanta,
methods can be adopted to stimulate and affect krikatika), some marmani of back (like ansa,
the marma points. ansaphalaka, vrihati), etc.
Figure 1: Classification of the methods of Marma Therapy - With and Without Medicine [11–14].
Therapeutic Applications of ferent parts of the body; these have been listed
in Table 1 to Table 5. For most of the Marma
points, the web-links of videos depicting their
Several researchers have given the therapeu- method of stimulation, are also given in Table 1
tic applications of specific Marma points in dif- to Table 5.
Table 1: Therapeutic Application of Marmas of Limbs (Upper Extremity (UE) and Lower Extremity
(LE)) [7, 11–14]
Research Studies that Demon- Sir Sunderlal Hospital, Institute of Medical Sci-
ences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Ut-
strate the Benefits of Marma
tar Pradesh, India. All 300 cases were divided
Therapy randomly into 3 separate groups consisting of
Several research studies have demonstrated 100 cases in each group. Group A was treated
the encouraging outcomes of Marma Therapy with Dashamula Ghana Vati (2 tablets, three
in the treatment of various diseases; some such times in a day, after meal, with lukewarm water);
studies are described as follows. Group B was treated with Dashamula Ghana
Vati + palcebo points; and, Group C was treated
1. A study on anatomical concept of with Dashamula Ghana Vati + Kurpara Marma
kurpara marma and its therapeutic ap- Chikitsa (Marma Therapy) (3 times in a day);
plication in grivavata (cervical spondy- treatment was given to all the three groups for
losis) (Pathak, 2015) [21] 45 days, with a follow-up time period of 15 days.
This study was done on 300 cases of Griva On completion of the study, maximum benefi-
Vata (Cervical Spondylosis), aged between 20- cial effect was found in Group C, on all the signs
65 years, from Kayachikitsa OPD and IPD of
and symptoms of Griva Vata; this showed the 4. A study on rujakara marma and
efficacy of Marma Therapy in the management management of viddha laxanas - a clin-
of Cervical Spondylosis. ical study (Rajeshwari, 2010) [24]
This was done on 20 subjects from De-
partment of PG studies in Shalya Tantra, Sri
2. A critical study of gulpha marma in Jayachamarajendra Institute of Indian Medicine
basket ball players with special refer- (SJIIM) Hospital, Bangalore and Padmashree
ence to the role of mash tail along with Institute of Physiotherapy, Nagarabavi, Banga-
snehan and swedan as preventive mea- lore (Karnataka, India), to assess the efficacy of
sure (Bedekar, 2007) [23] Ashwagandha taila in the management of Ru-
jakara marma viddha laxanas (symptoms upon
This study was done on basketball players of
injury). Subjects with Rujakara marmabhigh-
age group 13-20 years. The experimental group
ata (injury to the marma) were selected having
consisted of 30 players, who were selected based
features such as pain, swelling, and restricted
on having Ankle Sprain, and were treated with
movement. Cotton soaked in taila was placed
Mash tail snehan and warm water swedan on
over the marma viddha pradesha, and bandag-
Gulpha Marma, for 30 days; a control group
ing was done daily for 15 days. Periodical obser-
of players was also selected, who applied crape
vations were carried out on 5th day, 10th day,
bandage while playing the game. The assess-
and 15th day, with a follow-up time period of 15
ment was done at day 0, day 15 and day 30. In
days from the completion of treatment. Pressure
the experimental group, on day 0 the pain was
Algometer was used to detect the pain threshold
moderate, which reduced to 50% on day 15 and
in Manibandha, Gulpha and Kurchasira marma
completely disappeared on day 30; while in the
pradesha (region), comparing it with the read-
control group, the pain persisted up to day 30.
ings of sites away from the marma pradesha. Sig-
It showed the effectiveness of the administered
nificant change (reduction) was observed in pain
therapy on Gulpha Marma.
threshold before and after the treatment, show-
ing the efficacy of oil application over Rujakara
3. A comprehensive study on marma marmas.
and acupuncture points and evaluation
5. Evaluation of efficacy of marma ther-
of their therapeutic importance (Vivek,
apy with janu basti in the management
2011) [25]
of janu sandhigata vata (osteoarthritis
This study was done on 40 patients of age of knee) (Mishra and Shrivastava, 2020)
group 40-75 years, having signs and symptoms of [30]
Janu Sandhigata Vata. These 40 patients were This study was done to evaluate the effi-
divided into 2 groups, Group A and Group B, cacy of Marma Therapy with Janu Basti (with
each consisting of 20 patients. Patients of Group Ksheerbala Taila) in the management of Janu
A were treated daily by Suchivyadha on Janu Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthritis of knee). The
Marma for 12 sessions and for about 30 minute therapeutic procedure involved administration of
duration; and, patients of Group B were treated Marma Therapy on four Marma points of the
daily by Acupuncture on Acupuncture points for legs, i.e. Kshipra, Gulpha, Indravasti and Janu,
12 sessions and for about 30 minute duration. three times during the day, and, Janu Basti
On completion of study, significant response was with Ksheerbala Taila, followed by Nadi Sweda
observed on all the subjective and objective pa- of Dashamoola Kwath. The total time dura-
rameters, in both the groups. Thus, this study tion of therapy was 65 to 75 minutes per day,
revealed the efficacy of treatment administered and this intervention was given for 9 days. Af-
over Janu Marma for the management of Janu ter that there was a followup time period of one
Sandhigata Vata. month, during which the patient had to daily do
the massage of the affected knee with Ksheer- the study was to analyze the improvement in
bala Taila, followed by plain water hot fomenta- various parameters associated with the leg move-
tion, as well as three sessions of Marma Therapy, ment, kick, etc., by the use of these techniques.
wherein each session included applying pressure The training program was conducted for a period
on each of the four Marma points, 16 to 20 times. of 24 weeks. The Ayurvedic Marma stimulation
Twenty patients completed the study, which in- was performed, in which muscular stimulations
volved the treatment of 30 knees. were given to reduce the related muscular knots
With regards to the management of the and stiffness, during the training period. Marma
symptoms of Janu Sandhigata Vata, Significant therapy were given for 25 minutes per session,
improvement was observed in the subjective pa- on alternate days. The pre and post tests were
rameters (Sandhi Shoola, Sandhi Shotha, Sandhi recorded for all the subjects, before and after the
Stabdhata, and Sandhi Atopa) and objective training, respectively. Significant improvement
parameters (WOMAC Index, ROM, Walking was observed from Marma Therapy in various
Time) analyzed during the study. Both during parameters, and it was concluded that Marma
the initial therapeutic intervention of nine days, Therapy should be useful in enhancing the per-
as well as the followup time of one month, there formance of the football players.
was continuous decrease in the mean values of all
the subjective and objective parameters with the
7. Physical and psychological effects of
duration of intervention, indicating the efficacy
of the therapeutic procedure. This also indicated
head treatment in the supine position
that after the short-term initial therapeutic in- using specialized ayurveda-based tech-
tervention, the patients attained the capability niques (Murota et al., 2016) [19]
of long term self-management of the disease at This study was performed on 24 female stu-
home through regular practice of Marma Ther- dents, to assess the physical and psychological
apy and massage. Verbal feedback taken from effects of head massage, performed in the supine
patients about six months after the completion position, using Ayurveda-based techniques (head
of the study period indicated that 4 patients still treatment). This was a crossover study design,
had almost complete relief (who had chronicity wherein the same participants were enrolled in
of less than 3 years) and were pursuing Marma both the head treatment intervention group, and
Therapy regularly, while 10 others were able to control group; there was an interval of one week
self manage the disease through regular Marma or more between measurements. The physio-
Therapy and massage (who had chronicity of 3 logical indices measured included blood pressure
to 10 years). These observations indicated the and heart rate fluctuations. The psychologi-
specific efficacy of Marma Therapy in the long- cal markers measured included liveliness, depres-
term self-management of Janu Sandhigata Vata. sion and boredom, using the Visual Analogue
Scale method. State anxiety was measured us-
6. Optimization of individual perfor- ing the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory method.
mance in football by augmenting classi- The head treatment was performed by using the
cal Indian marma therapy, kinesiology- 7-minute head treatment program (head mas-
taping and related physical exercises sage was done on marma points) in the supine
through supportive bio-mechanical pa- position. At the end of the study, the results
rameter (Dharmesh, 2017) [22] suggested that performing a head treatment not
This study was done on 40 subjects, which only decreased depression, boredom, and anxi-
were district level football players, aged be- ety, but also markedly increased liveliness. The
tween 18-25 years. They were divided into results of the study demonstrated the admin-
four groups (10 subjects in each group) namely istered head treatment as a massage technique
Marma group, Kinesio taping group, Physical that offers relaxing and refreshing effects; thus,
exercise group, and Control group; the aim of it also revealed the efficacy of Marma Therapy.
ance in this equilibrium leads to disease, and the mas may be correlated with the balance of the
aim of the therapy is to restore this balance [1]. three Doshas and their subtle forms (Prana, Te-
Therefore, the Ayurvedic therapies seek to main- jas, Ojas), as well as the three Gunas, which in-
tain or restore this balance. Schrott et al. (2016) cludes Sattva (mind) [11]. Ojas signifies the im-
[13] state that the Marma Therapy is especially munity power; by properly balancing it through
effective in this regard, as these Doshas reside in the appropriate stimulation of Marmas, the im-
the Marmas, and determine their proper func- mune system may be strengthened, as well as
tioning or blocked state, as well as the occur- it can cause rejuvenating effect [11]. Through
rence of defects or energetic weakness at these the connection with the Sattva Guna (mind), the
locations. Acharya Charaka has assigned great proper stimulation of Marmas can provide relief
importance to the Trimarmas, i.e. Basti, Hri- in stress [11].
daya and Shirah [45]; these three main Marmas As Marmas are the seats of Prana, the vital
seem to have a direct relationship with the three life force that governs the physical and subtle
Doshas, that are known to primarily reside in processes of the body, the stimulation of Mar-
the same regions, i.e. Vata in the lower abdomen mas can alter the state of Prana at these loca-
(site of Basti Marma), Pitta in the heart region tions, causing a corresponding effect on the phys-
(site of Hridaya Marma) and Kapha in the head ical and subtle processes, and the flow of energy
area (site of Shirah Marma) [13]. According to [11, 55]. Therefore, by the proper stimulation of
Acharya Sushruta [Sushruta Sharira 6/35] [1], Marmas, the Prana can be modulated in such
Marmas are the locations having the presence of a way that it can be used to remove blockages,
the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), as well and decrease or enhance the physical and subtle
as their subtle forms, i.e. Prana, Tejas, Ojas, energy currents within the body, resulting in the
and also the three Gunas, i.e. Sattva, Rajas corresponding healing effect [11, 28, 55].
and Tamas [11]. Thus, the stimulation of Mar-
Figure 2: Mechanism of Marma Therapy with reference to managing the flow of Prana in the body,
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