Final Internship Report Pramit Aryal
Final Internship Report Pramit Aryal
Final Internship Report Pramit Aryal
Submitted By:
Pramit Aryal
Golden Gate Int’l College
TU Reg. No: 7-2-453-85-2019
TU Exam Roll No: 6182/19
In the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Hotel Management
(BHM) 6th & 7th Semester.
Battisputali, Kathmandu, Nepal
(May 2024)
Firstly, I would like to express my special thanks to Golden Gate International College and Tribhuvan
University for providing me the golden opportunity for doing the internship in one of the well-known
hospitality industries in the world. This opportunity helped me a lot to know what actual hospitality industry
is like and how to work on that real environment. It also helped me to gain lot of experience which will be
very helpful on coming days.
Secondly, I would like to show my gratitude towards my staff members of GGIC who in spite of being busy
with their duties, took their time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path allowing me to carry
out my project smoothly.
This report is entirely based upon my experiences, studies and observations during nine months internship
at Dubai World Trade Center. Information required for the effective study of my project was provided by
the hotel sufficiently which helped me for the effective completion of the report. I would like to extend my
sincere gratitude to all department's heads and all the staffs that were kind and cooperative and helped me
to learn many new things during my entire internship period. I would also like to thank the people who
directly or indirectly help to groom my knowledge and provide me proper guidance during my whole
internship time.
Lastly, I would also like to thank Dr. Bibav Neupane, internship program supervisor who provided me with
various opportunities and guidance and helped me groom for a successful internship project experience.
Pramit Aryal
BHM 8th Semester
May, 2024
CHAPTER ONE………………………………………………………………………………….1
1.1 Objectives of Hotel Internship………………………………………………………………………….1
1.2 Methodology……………………………………………………………………………………………1
1.2.1 Organization selection……………………………………………………………………...2
1.2.2 Placement…………………………………………………………………………………...2
1.2.3 Duration……………………….…………………………………………………………….2
1.2.4 Activities done…………………….………………………………………………………...3
CHAPTER TWO……………………………………………………………………...…….…...4
2. INTRODUCTION TO HOTEL INDUSTRY………………………………………………...4
2.1 Introduction of Hotel Industry………………………………………………………………………….4
2.2 History of Hotel Industry…………………………………………………….…….....………………...5
2.3 History and Growth of Hotel Industry…………………………………………………………………...6
2.3.1 In international context……………………………………………………………………….6
2.3.2 In national context……………………………………………………………………………7
2.4 Impact of Covid-19 on Hotel Industry………………………………………….……………………….8
2.5 Hotel Industry Economic Growth……………………………………………………………………….9
2.6 Trends of Hotel Industry……………………………………………………………………………….10
2.7 Catering Industry………………………………………………………………………………………10
CHAPTER THREE………………………………………………………………………….....13
INTRODUCTION OF HOTEL………………………………………………………………..13
3.1 History of Hotel……………………………………………………………………………………….13
3.2 Location………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
3.3 Outlets…………………………………………………………………………………………………15
3.3.1 Food & Beverage Department………………………..…………………………………….15
3.4 Recreational Activities…………………………………………………….…………………………..16
3.5 Other Facilities………………………………………………………………………………………...16
CHAPTER FOUR……………………………………………………………………………....17
OBSERVATION, EXPERIENCE & LEARNING OUTCOMES...........................................17
4.1 Observation………………………………………………………………………...………………….17
4.1.1 Food & Beverage Department………………………………………………………………17
4.1.2 Front office Department……………………………………………………………………18
4.1.3 House Keeping Department…………………………………….…………………………19
4.1.4 Kitchen Department………………………………………….……………………………20
4.2 Experience………………………………………………………………………………………….….21
4.3 Learning Outcomes…………………………………………………………………………………….21
CHAPTER FIVE…………………………………………………………………………….….23
5.1 Analysis of Activities Done…………………………………………………………………………....23
5.2 Problem Solved………………………………………………………………………………………..24
5.2.1 Languages related problems……………………………………………………………...24
CHAPTER SIX………………………………………………………………………………….25
6.1 Recommendation & suggestions………………………………………………………………………25
6.2 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………….26
➢ Internship helps students develop skills in the application of theory to practical work
➢ Internship will provide students the opportunity to test their attitude for a career before
permanent commitments are made.
➢ Internship will aid students in adjusting from college to full - time employment.
➢ Internship helps to increase the sense of responsibility in students.
➢ Internship helps to learn things in detail such as: direct interaction with guests, operation
of new technological equipment, know the actual responsibilities as an employee.
➢ It helps to expose the students to professional role models or mentors who will provide
with support.
➢ Gain an international exposure in order to be fully indulged in the international hospitality
and tourism market.
The objectives mentioned above are the main reasons of internship program so that the student
would not hesitate to work in hotel industry after graduation.
1.2 Methodology
The study methodology is applied in the systematic, theoretical way to a field of study, so that it
is ethical and beneficial. The methodology encompasses during report presentation in both the
qualitative and quantitative techniques. Although there were so many limitations, for the accurate
concise, clear and well-structured report, I have gone through all the data that I have collected from
all the departments of the hotel where I got an opportunity to work during the internship period.
Using both data, I aimed to create a well-rounded and informative report.
1.2.1 Organizational selection
Organization is a social unit of people, systematically structured and managed to meet a need or
to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis. In the initial part of internship process. One should
select an organization he or she would like to work in be it national or international. Organization
selection is the major task performed before actual placement is done. In simple words, the way of
choosing the organization to work in the particular form is organization selection.
In BHM under Tribhuvan University (TU) students have to complete one-year industrial internship
in hotel, which is mentioned in the course of study of TU during 6th and 7th semester. Selection of
hotels differs from college to college. Whereas, Golden Gate International College provides
various options for internship like UAE, Nepal, Qatar and so on. We were provided with various
renowned hotels to choose from in order to get more exposure as we can in one-year under the
supervision of the concerned department heads. Keeping this in my mind, I chose Dubai World
Trade Centre (DWTC) located in Sheikh Zayed Road where I got proper supervision from
superiors and got enough exposure in every field of my internship.
1.2.2 Placement
In the beginning phase of our internship, we must select the agency or point of contact from where
we can select the organization. So, my point of contact was with Habtoor International Consultant
where I provided my C.V. along with other required documents. After the C.V. was forwarded to
an organization, I got a chance to get interviewed by Director of Culinary Chef. Georg Hessler of
Dubai World Trade Centre through skype where I got selected and I was given all the information
about the organization. There was a weeklong orientation program after reaching the complex
where we were thoroughly introduced to the various departments. During this time, we were
entitled to one weekly roaster day off and any public holidays that may fall within this period.
Compensatory day off was availed in lieu of any public holiday / roaster day off worked.
1.2.3 Duration
The duration of my internship in Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) was a total of nine months
(25th April 2023 – 24th Jan 2024).
1.2.4 Activities Done
During my internship period I got a chance to work in Apartment club and pool bar which is one
of the outlets under Dubai World Trade Centre. As, Dubai World Trade Centre is an event
complex, there were various departments under culinary production department. They are divided
as follows:
➢ Grade manger area
➢ Bakery
➢ Pastry
➢ Continental kitchen
➢ Indian kitchen
➢ Iranian kitchen
➢ Thai & Chinese kitchen
➢ Oriental Kitchen
➢ Butchery
➢ Apartment club & pool bar
During the period of my internship in Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, I was able to learn and
gain all those experiences which will surely help me in building my career. During my internship
in this complex, I worked in all departments which made me more confident in this field. I am so
delightful that I got a chance to work in Dubai World Trade Centre as my internship because it
was a really precious time where I could do more event service than I could have done in any hotel
which is surely going to help me in building my career.
2.2 History of Hotel Industry
In the beginning, there was a fire at the hearth, a warm meal and a roof over one's head. Thus, begins the
history of the hotel industry. People have been providing hospitality for weary travelers since our ancestors
inhabited the earth about 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. Facilities offering hospitality to travelers featured
in early civilizations. In Greco-Roman culture and in ancient Persia, hospitals for recuperation and rest were
built at thermal baths. Guinness World Records officially recognized Japan's Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan,
founded in 705, as the oldest hotel in the world. The history of the founder of the hotel industry shows that
some of the most influential people in the field of hotel industry such as the Statler, Hilton, Marriott and
Wilson introduced innovations in hotels shape and laid the foundations of the modern hotel industry. These
were not hotels as we know them today.
The precursor to the modern hotel was the inn of medieval Europe, possibly dating back to the rule of
Ancient Rome. These would provide for the needs of travelers, including food and
lodging, stabling and fodder for the traveler’s horses and fresh horses for mail coaches. Famous London
examples of inns include the George and the Tabard. A typical layout of an inn featured an inner court with
bedrooms on the two sides, with the kitchen and parlour at the front and the stables at the back. Hotel chains
such as the "Ritz" only came into being hundreds of years later and were a manifestation of the growing
prosperity of developing industrial nations. During the middles age’s inns and staging posts were
established as rest spots for travelers, while abbeys and cloisters also offered places for tired travelers to
spend the night. The hotel industry as we know it started around the fifteenth century. In France and
England, laws were introduced that meant inn keepers and hotel owners must keep a guest register. Around
600 inns were registered in England at this time. In order to adapt and try to become the inn of choice in
any one town, inn owners started running their lodgings in a more professional manner. This meant proper
timetables and fixed food menus. This is where we start to see likenesses to the modern hotel industry.
One of the first modern hotels to open was in Exeter in 1768. This was followed by the City Hotel in NYC.
However, it wasn't until the early 1800s that people took the idea on board and hotels started to pop up
throughout Europe and North America. As the physical aspect of travelling got easier and became more
commonplace, the hotel industry boomed. The diversity within business meant that different target
audiences were catered to! It is also meant prices could vary depending on what particular hotels were
offering. Hotel categorization brought a whole new level to the industry. Mivart's Hotel opened in London
in 1812 (later becoming Claridge's), while Tremont House in Boston, USA opened a few years later in
1829. Tremont
House holds the record for many industry firsts. It was the first hotel to have indoor plumbing with toilets
and baths, as well as free soap (a tourist favorite) and a proper reception desk area which did more than just
take payment. As time went on, more and more hotels opened. Thanks to the industrial revolution, there
was regular but structured work so people had more income as well as time off. Travel started to be more
accessible and more appealing.
The development of technology has played the major role in the development of products and services
offered to guests. Starting from the central heating system, lifts and electric lighting, which first appeared
in hotels at the end of the nineteenth century, over the room telephone and the radio, air conditioning,
television, computers, to the most modern offer of the most advanced technologies such as wireless and IT
infrastructure in rooms, contemporary trend in hotel chain business in the world.
2.3 History and growth of Hotel Industry
2.3.1. In International Context
The hotel industry has evolved significantly over time, experiencing distinct phases of growth and
development. Let's explore the three eras mentioned below: the ancient era, grand era, and modern era.
Ancient Era:
During the ancient era, hospitality and lodging establishments existed in various forms across different
civilizations. In ancient Greece, for example, inns called "pandocheion" provided accommodation for
travelers. In ancient Rome, "tabernae" offered lodging, food, and stabling for horses. These establishments
catered primarily to traders, merchants, and government officials who required temporary accommodations
during their journeys.
Grand Era:
The grand era of hotels emerged during the 19th century. This period witnessed significant advancements
in transportation, such as the rise of railways and steamships, which facilitated long distance travel. The
growth of industrialization and the rise of the middle class also contributed to increased travel for leisure
and business purposes. Luxurious hotels became popular during this time, often referred to as "grand hotels"
or "grand palaces." These hotels were opulent, offering spacious rooms, elegant dining areas, and various
amenities. Notable examples include The Ritz in Paris, The Waldorf Astoria in New York, and The Savoy
in London. The grand era hotels were often located in prime city locations and became symbols of luxury
and prestige.
Modern Era:
The modern era of the hotel industry began in the mid-20th century and continues to this day. Several
factors have influenced the growth and transformation of hotels in this era. These include advancements in
technology, changing travel patterns, globalization, and the emergence of online booking platforms.
Modern hotels focus on providing convenience, comfort, and personalized experiences to guests. With the
advent of technology, hotels have integrated various innovations such as online reservation systems, keyless
entry, smart room controls, and personalized guest services. Boutique hotels and eco-friendly
accommodations have also gained popularity, catering to niche markets. The modern era has witnessed the
rise of international hotel chains, with properties located worldwide. These chains offer standardized
services and loyalty programs, allowing guests to have consistent experiences across different locations.
Additionally, the sharing economy has disrupted the hotel industry with the emergence of platforms like
Airbnb, which connect travelers with unique accommodations offered by individuals.
Therefore, the hotel industry has evolved from humble lodging establishments in ancient times to grand
palaces in the 19th century, and finally to modern hotels with a focus on convenience, technology, and
personalized experiences.
2.3.2. In National Context
The word hotel is derived from the word 'host'. Hotel is one of the components of the hospitality
industry. Combination of hotel, tourism and similar other service industry is known as hospitality
industry. The development of hotels in Nepal has been seen to have started after 1950 AD with the
dawn of democracy. Foreign tourists were officially allowed to enter Nepal after democracy, which
led to the growth and development of hotels. In Nepal, the concept of hotels was developed around
65 years ago with the opening of "Himalayan Inn" and "Paras Inn" on the new road in 1950 AD
and 1951 AD. Hotel projects are categorized under 5-star, 4-star, 3-star, 2-star and 1-star. The
classification is valid for the period of 5 years and the same can be renewed upon expiry. Some of
the famous star category hotels of Nepal are:
2.4 Impact of COVID 19 on Hotel Industry
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound and unprecedented impact on the hotel industry
worldwide. Travel restrictions, lockdowns, and social distancing measures implemented to contain
the spread of the virus significantly reduced travel and tourism. As a result, hotels experienced a
sharp decline in demand, leading to plummeting occupancy rates and revenue losses. The decrease
in occupancy and revenue created severe financial strain for hotels. Many establishments faced
challenges in covering operating costs, paying staff, and servicing debts. Small and independent
hotels, in particular, were vulnerable to closures and bankruptcies.
To cope with the financial impact, hotels were forced to lay off or furlough a significant portion
of their workforce. The hospitality sector saw a massive loss of jobs globally, impacting millions
of employees and their livelihoods. Hotels had to implement strict health and safety protocols to
protect guests and staff. These measures included enhanced cleaning and sanitization practices,
contactless check-in/check-out, reduced capacity in public areas, and the suspension of certain
amenities and services. The pandemic altered travel behavior, with a greater preference for
domestic and regional travel over international trips. Business travel, conferences, and large-scale
events were significantly reduced or cancelled altogether. This shift in travel patterns impacted
hotels that relied heavily on international or business travelers.
In the context of Nepal, the hospitality industry of Nepal also suffered significant losses during the
pandemic. The highly anticipated government campaign, “Visit Nepal 2020” had to be completely
called off. The campaign aimed to draw 2 million foreign visitors during the year, but COVID-19
disrupted everything. Nepal is an ideal destination for trekking, adventure tourism, wildlife and
culture. Therefore, an equivalent of 8-percent of Nepal’s GDP comes from tourism, and the
hospitality sector is heavily dependent on it. According to a paper from the Journal of Tourism and
adventure, the Nepalese economy had suffered a preliminary loss of 14.37% as travel had been
restricted around the world. According to the Nepal tourism statistics, 2020, Nepal hosted 230,085
tourists in 2020, a drop of more than 80 percent compared to 1,197,191 in 2019. Among many
sectors that were terribly affected, the tourism and hospitality sectors were the sectors that had
been hit the hardest.
Although the COVID-19 restrictions have eased, it is still struggling to recover the huge losses it
had suffered. The country’s luxury hotels had suffered its highest ever losses in the last fiscal year
that ended mid-July. Three esteemed hotels of Nepal – Annapurna Hotel, the Malla Hotel and the
Shangri-La Hotel had to shut as they had incurred massive losses. However, some hotels have
utilized this as an opportunity to renovate and reconstruct their services and infrastructure to be
able to compete with the upcoming modern luxury hotels. The Radisson Hotel, Kathmandu
suffered the highest losses as the property was closed for a year. According to the hotel’s financial
report, the disruptions resulted in a net loss of NPR 260.47 million in the last fiscal year and the
hotel’s net profit plunged by 489 percent. Today, the hotel’s daily average occupancy hovers
around 20 percent.
2.5 Hotel Industry Economic Growth
The hotel industry has experienced various challenges and changes due to the COVID-19
pandemic. While the long-term impact is still unfolding, there have been some signs of economic
growth in the industry as countries recover and travel resumes. Here are a few key points regarding
the hotel industry's economic growth after COVID-19 Following the initial downturn caused by
travel restrictions and lockdown measures, the hotel industry has been gradually recovering as
vaccination efforts increase and restrictions are eased in many parts of the world. Travel demand
has rebounded, leading to increased occupancy rates and room bookings.
Initially, domestic travel has played a significant role in the industry's recovery. As international
travel restrictions and concerns persisted, people turned to local and regional destinations, boosting
domestic tourism. This trend has supported the recovery of hotels catering to domestic travelers.
The pandemic forced hotels to adapt and innovate to meet new health and safety requirements.
Enhanced cleaning protocols, contactless check-ins, and improved ventilation systems have
become standard practices. Hotels that effectively implemented these measures gained consumer
confidence and saw improved occupancy rates. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of
technology in the hotel industry. Hotels have increasingly invested in digital solutions, such as
mobile apps for contactless services, online booking platforms, and virtual concierge services.
These technological advancements have not only improved guest experiences but also increased
operational efficiency. It's important to note that the pace of the hotel industry's recovery may vary
across regions and depend on factors like vaccination rates, government policies, and consumer
confidence. However, overall, as travel resumes and the global economy stabilizes, the hotel
industry is expected to experience economic growth, albeit with some shifts and adaptations in its
Several new luxury hotels are under construction hoping to open soon and several have recently
opened. More international hotel chains have started to arrive in Nepal. Marriott, Aloft, Ramada
and Hyatt Place have opened in recent years, while several of the big hotel chains have hotels
under construction. Sheraton, Double tree by Hilton, Lemon tree hotel, Le Meridien, Dusit Thani
resort and Holiday inn are some of the major brands of hotels currently under construction in
2.6 Trend of Hotel Industry
As of my last knowledge update in 2024, here are some trends that were shaping the hotel industry.
Please note that these trends may have evolved or new trends may have emerged since then Hotel
guests increasingly seek personalized experiences. Hotels are leveraging technology to gather
guest preferences and provide tailored services, such as customized room amenities, personalize
recommendations, and targeted promotions.
Hotels are embracing technology to enhance guest experiences. This includes mobile check-ins,
keyless entry systems, in-room automation, voice-activated controls, virtual reality tours, and
mobile apps that allow guests to access various services. Environmental consciousness is gaining
importance in the hotel industry. Many hotels are implementing sustainable practices such as
energy-efficient lighting, water conservation measures, recycling programs, and locally sourced
food options. Some hotels are even striving for certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design). Hotels are focusing on providing wellness amenities and experiences
to cater to health-conscious travelers. This includes fitness centers, yoga classes, spa services,
healthy dining options, and dedicated wellness spaces. Guests are increasingly looking for
authentic and immersive experiences that reflect the local culture and community. Hotels are
responding by partnering with local businesses, organizing cultural events, and offering curated
local experiences and tours.
The catering industry is comprised of businesses that provide food, beverages and other services
to a variety of clients, usually for special events. Catering industry jobs vary from small intimate
affairs to large events that involve providing not only food and beverage service but also tableware,
linens, service personnel and other aspects of the event. Companies that provide catering services
might be as large as a business with several locations or as small as an individual who provides
catering services on his or her own. A caterer might be part of a restaurant or have his or her own
business. Caterers might make use of independent contractors for some aspects of their catering
Catering industry is basically divided into three major categories. They are:
• Commercial Catering
• Transport Catering
• Welfare catering
• Commercial Catering:
Commercial catering involves catering for profit and customer satisfaction. Customer
satisfaction can not cannot be given priority over profit as the existence of a commercial
establishment is possible provided the company has enough money to sustain itself and its
staff. Conversely customer satisfaction cannot be neglected as the backbone of any
business is its customer. For retention of customer, it is imperative that the customer has to
be satisfied and Happy with the services. The different establishments which come under
the category of Commercial catering can be broadly categorized into two types:
▪ Residential:
These are business premises that provide the facility of food and beverage along
with accommodation. The establishment which come under this category are:
❖ Hotels
❖ Motels
❖ Resorts
❖ Flotels
❖ Guest house
❖ Lodges
▪ Non-Residential:
These are business premises that provide the facility of only food and beverage but
not accommodation. The establishment which come under this category are:
❖ Restaurant,
❖ Bar
❖ Fast food outlets
❖ Discotheque
❖ Pastry shops
❖ Vendors
• Transport Catering:
Transport catering refers to the provision of food and beverages to passengers during their
journey. This service is provided by airlines, railways, buses, and cruise ships to ensure
that passengers have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
The importance of transport catering cannot be overstated. It not only provides sustenance
for passengers but also contributes to their overall travel experience. A good meal can make
a long journey more pleasant and can leave a lasting impression on the passenger.
• Welfare Catering:
The fundamental difference between welfare catering and commercial catering is that
commercial catering establishment is run to make profit by providing the services. The aim
of welfare catering is to minimize the cost by achieving maximum efficiency.
In 2009, Sheikh Saeed Halls opened, augmenting the total exhibition floorspace to 92,900
square meters. In 2015, the Dubai World Trade Centre Authority was established under the
leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President
of the UAE and ruler of Dubai. The year 2016 witnessed the addition of Za’abeel Halls,
contributing 15,500 square meters of event space. Simultaneously, phase 1 of One Central,
a commercial development in Dubai World Trade Centre, was completed, including
Offices 1 with 14,197 square meters of leasable space for businesses and multiple retail
and F&B outlets. The same year marked the opening of the 588-room Ibis One Central
In 2017, phase 2 of One Central was completed, featuring offices 2 and 3, offering over
69,000 square meters of combined leasable space for companies, along with numerous
retail and F&B outlets and a rooftop restaurant space. In December 2018, One Central's
phase 3, including Offices 4 and 5, was completed, providing more than 64,500 square
meters of commercial space.
3.2 Location:
The Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) is a leading business and event venue located in
the heart of Dubai central business district Sheikh Zayed Road, Convention Gate PO Box
9292. Established in 1979, the Dubai World Trade Centre has grown to the largest event
venues in the middle east with over 1,000,000 square feet (about the area of Chicago's
Millennium Park) of event space and hosting over 500 events each year the Dubai World
Trade Centre's mission is to be the preferred platform for the region's business and trade
communities providing world class facilities services and events that drive economic
growth and development.
3.3 Outlets
3.3.1 Food & Beverage Department
Dubai World Trade Centre is all about exhibitions and serving for world class business people. So,
all the outlets are specially designed to serve people who are in hurry and very busy. All the retail
outlets are Grab and Go healthy foods which are ready to eat with varieties of options for the guest
to choose from.
The outlets of Dubai World Trade Centre are as follows:
➢ Traders House
One of the biggest outlets which is also chain restaurants with 9 other outlets in different locations.
Its main motive is Grab and Go food with healthy fresh juices, salad, soup and healthy chocolate
bars along with coffee.
➢ The Hub
One of the busiest outlets with various selections of sandwiches and buffet items with various
foods to dine in. From tasty breakfast and lunch options to fresh baked Pizza, the international
menu is sure to offer something for every taste.
➢ Café Arena
Located close to the Sheikh Saeed Halls, Café Arena offers all the regular café options as well as
an international buffet service during exhibitions and a sandwich counter.
➢ Ride London
Offering you with various options of drinks with live preparation of wraps and sandwiches. You
get to choose your own fillings and ingredients from the chef.
➢ Ride Rome
All the dishes are prepared using only the freshest ingredients the Italian way. Dine-in or takeout,
Ride Rome is the place for authentic Italian pizza.
➢ Zabeel Café
For a coffee break, socializing with friends or a quick bite to eat. Zabeel Café is where you can
relax and recharge over a wide selection of coffees and tea.
➢ Zabeel Express
From Asian cuisine to Indian cuisine, you have various of option to choose from. Also. u get to
choose healthy breakfast items and snacks.
➢ Apartment club and pool bar
To make your experience more memorable apartment club and pool bar offers with wide range of
food with quick service. They have various options of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks along
with big screen to watch sports or video of your choice.
4.1 Observation
It was a wonderful experience to be a part of one of the largest business leading organizations in
Dubai. Not only I got to work there I learned new things every day from people around the world.
I got to observe and understand their lifestyle and eating habit. Although it was very challenging
and new to me at first but later, I was enjoying my work along with meeting new people every
single day. Working in Dubai World Trade Centre made my personality louder and extrovert as I
had to talk with different people which really build my confident.
4.1.2 Front Office Department
The World Trade Centre Dubai is a prominent business complex located in the heart of Dubai,
United Arab Emirates. It serves as a hub for international trade and commerce, hosting numerous
exhibitions, conferences, and events throughout the year. While I don't have specific details on the
current operations of the front office department at the World Trade Centre Dubai, I can give you
an overview of what a front office department typically entails in a business setting.
The front office department is responsible for various administrative and customer service
functions. It acts as the face of an organization, providing the first point of contact for visitors,
clients, and guests. Some common tasks and responsibilities of a front office department may
Reception and greeting: Welcoming visitors, answering phone calls, and directing inquiries to the
appropriate departments or personnel.
Guest services: Assisting guests with check-in, check-out, and any requests they may have during
their stay at the facility.
Administrative support: Handling mail and courier services, managing appointments, scheduling
meetings, and maintaining records.
Communication: Providing information to clients and guests regarding services, facilities, and
events taking place within the World Trade Centre Dubai.
Coordination: Collaborating with other departments to ensure seamless operations, including
facilities management, security, and event management.
Problem-solving: Addressing and resolving customer complaints or issues in a timely and
professional manner.
Concierge services: Assisting guests with travel arrangements. transportation, and other related
4.1.3 Housekeeping Department
The housekeeping department is responsible for maintaining cleanliness, orderliness, and aesthetic
appeal in the public areas of a facility, such as lobbies, corridors, restrooms, and other common
spaces. While I don't have specific details about the front housekeeping department at the World
Trade Centre Dubai, I can provide you with a general overview of the department's tasks and
Cleaning and maintenance: The housekeeping department ensures that all public areas are cleaned
and maintained to a high standard. This includes dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and polishing
surfaces, as well as emptying trash bins and restocking supplies.
Appearance and presentation: The department is responsible for ensuring that the public areas are
well-presented and visually appealing. This involves arranging furniture, organizing displays, and
maintaining a neat and tidy appearance throughout.
Safety and hygiene: The housekeeping staff follow proper safety and hygiene protocols to maintain
a clean and healthy environment. They may regularly sanitize high-touch surfaces, disinfect
restrooms, and ensure that safety measures like signage and cautionary equipment are in place.
Guest assistance: In addition to their cleaning duties, housekeeping staff may also assist guests
with any queries or requests related to the public areas. They may provide directions, offer
information about facilities or events, or address any concerns guests may have.
Collaboration: The housekeeping department collaborates closely with other departments. such as
the front office, maintenance, and security, to ensure smooth operations and a positive guest
4.1.4 Kitchen Department
The Food Production Department, commonly called the Kitchen department, involves the
preparation of food, while the delivery is done by the Food and Beverage department. I can provide
you with a general understanding of the kitchen department in a business setting, including the
World Trade Centre (WTC) in Dubai. The kitchen department, also known as the "hot kitchen" or
"culinary department," which plays a crucial role in food preparation and production in a
commercial establishment. The duties and responsibilities of kitchen department are mentioned
Food preparation: The kitchen department is responsible for preparing and cooking a variety of
dishes according to the establishment's menu. This includes cutting, marinating, seasoning, and
cooking ingredients to create appetizers, main courses, and side dishes.
Quality and consistency: The kitchen department ensures that the food prepared in the front kitchen
meets the highest standards of quality, taste, and presentation. Chefs and cooks in this department
follow recipes and culinary techniques to maintain consistency in flavors and appearance.
Menu planning and development: The kitchen department may collaborate with the executive chef
or food and beverage team to plan and develop menus. They may contribute ideas, suggest new
dishes, and test recipes to enhance the dining experience.
Timely service: The kitchen department works in coordination with other departments, such as the
service staff and back kitchen, to ensure timely and efficient food service. They prepare food orders
promptly, considering factors like cooking time, plating, and garnishing.
Food safety and hygiene: Maintaining high standards of food safety and hygiene is a critical
responsibility of the kitchen department. This includes proper storage of ingredients, adherence to
sanitary practices, and compliance with health and safety regulations.
4.2 Experience
Doing an internship in Dubai World Trade Centre really helped me with my personality and
working habit. I got to enhance my communication skills and improve my knowledge. It was one
of the best experiences to be a part of Dubai World Trade Centre. I got to work in big events and
lean how events really works. The experience here made me ready for my future career in hotel
industry. As an intern in the Food Production department, my experience was invaluable in shaping
my understanding of the hospitality industry and developing essential skills.
From the moment I stepped into the dynamic world of Food Production department, I was exposed
to a fast-paced and customer-centric environment. My responsibilities included assisting in daily
operations, collaborating with the service team, interacting with guests, and ensuring the smooth
flow of kitchen. I learned the importance of attention to detail, time management, and effective
communication, as these factors were vital in delivering exceptional guest experiences. Working
closely with experienced professionals allowed me to observe their expertise and gain insights into
the intricacies of menu planning, food presentation, and maintaining high service standards. This
internship not only enhanced my technical skills but also instilled in me a strong work ethic and
passion for delivering memorable dining experiences.
One of the highlights of my internship was collaborating with the service team. I had the chance
to assist in the restaurant, observing the team in action and learning about menu planning, food
presentation, table setting, service sequence, decorating outlet, etc. I gained valuable insights into
the creativity and precision required to deliver delicious and visually eye appealing dishes. It was
fascinating to witness the behind-the scenes processes and understand how the kitchen and the
service team worked together to create a seamless dining experience for guests.
4. Time Management: The fast-paced nature of the Food Production industry requires excellent
time management skills. I learned how to prioritize tasks, handle multiple responsibilities
simultaneously, and work efficiently under pressure. This experience sharpened my ability to meet
deadlines and deliver results in a timely manner.
5. Menu Planning and Culinary Knowledge: Through my interactions with my senior culinary
teams. I gained insights into menu planning, food preparation techniques, and flavor combinations.
I developed a basic understanding of the culinary arts, enabling me to appreciate the effort and
creativity involved in crafting a diverse and appealing menu.
6. Adaptability and Problem-Solving: The Food Production industry is known for its unpredictable
nature, and my internship taught me the importance of adaptability and problem-solving. I learned
to think on my feet, handle unexpected situations, and find solutions quickly. This skill set proved
valuable in maintaining smooth operations and ensuring guest satisfaction.
7. Interpersonal and Communication Skill: Interacting with guest and colleagues allowed me to
enhance my interpersonal and communication skills. I learned how to effectively engage with
individuals from diverse backgrounds, activity listen, and convey information clearly. These skills
are not only valuable in the Food and Beverage industry but in any professional setting.
Overall, my experience in the Food Production department as an intern provided me with practical
skills, industry knowledge, and personal growth. It laid a strong foundation for my future career,
allowing me to understand the dynamics of the Food and Beverage industry and the importance of
delivering excellent service to create memorable experience for guests.
Studying and researching hotels and its real operation is a place of great experience as an intern.
Despite hardship during internship, there is no doubt that internship in Dubai World Trade Centre
was a great learning platform for me. Overall, a hotel internship offers a comprehensive
understanding of the diverse activities within the industry. It helps interns develop practical skills,
including customer service, teamwork, attention to detail, and adaptability.
Positive Analysis
❖ The chefs working in this department are very experienced and are very confident in their
work. They had mastered their skills.
❖ The supervisors are very much helpful and co-operative. They are excellent at their duties
and responsibilities.
❖ The trainees or any other newcomers could enjoy their time during their training period
and also have much more opportunities to learn new things and do the jobs.
❖ The staff are treated in a good manner.
❖ The trainees aren't only to do the job back of the kitchen but also are given a chance to face
the guest, which helped us to increase our confidence in front of the masses.
❖ We as trainees, got a chance to learn and know many new things that we didn’t het during
our past semester in college.
Negative Analysis
❖ As the trainees and newcomers were given a chance to perform inside the kitchen, the
permanent staff used to totally rely on them. Due to which the guest may not get the full
satisfaction of high standard of food served.
❖ There is a problem of proper staffing. So, sometimes there is an unnecessary work burden
on staff.
❖ Unhealthy competition among Food and Beverage outlets.
5.2 Problem Solved
5.2.1 Language Related Problem
As we know Dubai is an Arabian country. So, most of the local people cannot speak other language
except Arabic language so it is hard to communicate with them. I was working in an outlet where
a local guest came and start to ask about a food which I was unable to make him understand and
he started to argue and get angry with me so what I did was I open a language translator app in my
phone and ask him to write there about the food he wants and he got happy with that. So, in a quick
way I solved that problem and make the guest happy.
6.2 Conclusion
Throughout the whole training, all internship candidates were under a very good supervision in
each particular department. More confidence and tolerable capacity inside the candidate are the
most important and valuable things I learned during this training. During my training period at
Dubai World Trade Centre, I got an opportunity to work in a very friendly atmosphere with
cooperative staff. I was assisted by them in each and every possible manner and made it more
meaningful and interesting. The very perfect sense of “What is the hotel industry” was shown to
us and with the help of training, we were able to get close with the working environment. The
knowledge of handling different types of guests and operating different equipment showed us a
different practical phase from the institute. In brief, the perfect procedure of running a hotel was
the best knowledge we achieved. Additionally, my internship exposed me to the importance of
customer satisfaction and the role it plays in building a successful Food and Beverage
establishment. I had the opportunity to interact with customers, understand their preferences, and
provide them with exceptional food service. This firsthand experience has reinforced my belief in
the significance of customer-centricity and has deepened my commitment to delivering
exceptional experiences to guests. Through my internship, I honed my time management skills,
learned to prioritize tasks, and effectively handle challenging situations. These qualities will
undoubtedly serve me well in my future.
Overall, my internship in the Food and Beverage industry has been a transformative experience. It
has allowed me to acquire a wide range of practical skills, gain industry-specific knowledge, and
develop a professional mindset. I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had
during this internship, and I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have acquired will
contribute to my future success in hotel industry. It was a lifetime experience where not only I
learned new things but I got to make new friends from different nationality who were both in my
good and bad days. I was really impressed by how everyone respected each other and supported
their decisions. It really helped me to build relation and act according to the right situation. Last
but not the least I would like to express my thanks to the readers for going through this report.
❖ Brochure of DWTC
❖ Employee handbook of DWTC
❖ Evolution of Hospitality Industry.
❖ Gosling, S., Scott, D., & Hall, C. M. (2020). Pandemics, tourism and global change: A
rapid assessment of COVID-19. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1- 20.
❖ [Taylor & Francis Online]. [Web of
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