Drumbada Manual
Drumbada Manual
Drumbada Manual
Welcome to Drumbada
by Sampleson.
2. Installation
- 2.1 System Requirements
- 2.2 Installation Process
4. How it works
The true distinction of this VST lies in its innovative approach to the
control and creative manipulation of polyrhythms. Equipped with five
independent arpeggiators, it offers users a world of possibilities,
allowing them to create complex and captivating polyrhythmic
patterns. The ability to sculpt the rhythms with "bombos legüeros"
provides unprecedented creative freedom, elevating musical
performance to unexpected heights.
● Supported on Apple Silicon (Native) and Intel Macs.
● Standalone App, VST3 and AU included.
● Works on OSX 10.7 or later.
● Host must support VSTi or AU plugins.
● 4GB RAM.
● 64 bits Plugin and Standalone.
● Standalone 64 bits App and VST3 included.
● Windows 7 or later.
● Host must support VSTi plugins.
● 4GB RAM.
● 64 bits Plug-in and Standalone.
1. Locate the Installation File (For MacOS users, click on the PKG file,
for Windows users, click on the EXE file.)
- MacOS:
- Standalone: The standalone version will be installed in the
"Applications" folder.
- VST3: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/vst3.
- AU: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/components.
- Windows:
- Standalone: The standalone version will be installed in the
"Program Files" folder.
- VST3: /Program Files/Common Files/VST3/.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Velocity/Notes. Allows modifying notes and 3. Speed. Tempo.
velocities for each one of the 5 channels.
4. Steps. Intervals or individual note steps that
2. Arpeggiators. Allows playing a series of notes the arpeggiator plays sequentially according to the
from a chord sequentially and quickly instead of established configuration.
playing them simultaneously. The arpeggiator
plays the chord notes in a specific order and at a 5. Crew. This function emulates the sound as if 5
determined speed, thus creating a sequence of kick drum performers were playing the selected
notes that can have an ascending, descending, arpeggiator pattern simultaneously.
alternating, or other predefined pattern. It can be
used to create interesting rhythmic sequences,
intricate melodic patterns, and unique sound
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6. Spread. This function adjusts the amount of 8. Pan. Arpeggiator panning.
variability or deviation allowed in the playback of
each kick drum in relation to the original pattern or 9. Accent. This function progressively increases
base configuration. As you adjust the "Spread" the intensity of each hit while enhancing accuracy
parameter, you will affect the accuracy and in variability. This algorithm enables the creation
uniformity of the execution of the 5 kick drums, of an extremely realistic effect, where each hit not
determining how much they individually deviate only becomes more powerful but also exhibits
from the original pattern. This can add a sense of greater precision in its subtle variations,
naturalness or variation to the overall sound. contributing to a more authentic sonic experience.
1 2 3
1. Banks: List of all available banks. To select one, 4. Add - Rename - Delete: Functions to add,
click on the desired bank. The corresponding rename, or delete banks, categories, or presets,
categories will be displayed. depending on the corresponding column.
2. Categories: List of all available categories. To 5. Save Preset: Button to save the current
select one, click on the desired category. The configuration of parameters as a preset. It is
corresponding presets will be displayed. saved over the selected preset.
Drumbada offers 2 ways to be used. You can play it as any drum library, by
playing notes on your midi controller. Or you can use the built-in
Also, you can play fixed notes by pressing the drums on the bottom middle
of the interface(1).
To configure macros for controlling this screen, please refer to the next
To assign macros, right-click on any of
the plugin features. A window will
appear with the option "Add to
Mouse-Drag Controller." Click, and
you're all set. With this function, a
number 1 will appear next to the
assigned feature, indicating that the
macro is configured.