13.4.2. .The Quality Assurance Plan
13.4.2. .The Quality Assurance Plan
13.4.2. .The Quality Assurance Plan
1. Introduction
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT, SCOPE, POLICY AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................ 3
1.1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3. QUALITY POLICY ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 9
2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ................................................................................................ 10
ANNEX .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The object of this Quality Plan (QP) is to guarantee project quality in its various stages, in accordance with
the objectives established by the Institution owning the site.
In order to guarantee the quality standards expected by the contracting party in the project’s execution,
the Quality Plan will describe the system adopted to:
Ensure that all productive processes are carried out in controlled conditions, establishing criteria
for their definition, supervision and control, to include both physical and documentary
identification and traceability of all materials/components and equipment, from the time they
arrive on site until their hand-over to the Client.
The planning and execution of the necessary Inspections and trials to ensure that the works meet
the requirements derived from the Quality Assurance System, further to the criteria and
requirements established in applicable documents.
Documentary management, to draft, approve and cancel documents in a controlled manner.
Guarantee that the equipment and infrastructure required to carry out project activities are
controlled and verified adequately and periodically.
Guarantee that all staff involved in the project is qualified.
1.2. SCOPE
Human resources: from the necessary staff assigned to the Constructive Project and execution of
the works, to defining their responsibilities for quality assurance.
Materials: from purchasing processes for materials and equipment, to include their certification
and approval of characteristics, to receipt on the site, as well as documentary and/or visual checks
and any tests and trials to be completed before they are included into a works unit in an identifiable
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Civil Works Units: from defining works units for adequate execution with all the necessary
documentation, to include verifications during execution (topography, visual checks, etc.), to final
testing to certify adequate execution.
Electromechanical and Electrical Equipment: from the initial stage to review and verify equipment
design data, to include their manufacturing and monitoring of delivery deadlines, continuing with
their assembly until the process itself is verified.
QP Al Ghubrah III management: from a review, updating and approval of the QP, to the completion
of internal and external audits to verify QP Al Ghubrah III application.
Document management: from the drafting, review and updating (approval included) of all
documentation generated within the works, to include its circulation in a controlled manner to
everyone in each organization.
Measurement equipment: from equipment coding for adequate identification to gauging plans and
their verification.
Likewise, it applies to any non-conformities generated in the course of all stages, as well as any corrective
action aimed at continuous improvement.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
General Definitions
All general terms and definitions are included in Standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
System. Terms and Definitions.
The most important general terms and definitions are included below, in alphabetical order:
Corrective action: taken to remove the cause of a detected non-conformity or other undesirable
Working environment: a set of environmental conditions in which work is carried out.
Quality Assurance: that part of quality management seeking to ensure that quality requirements
will be met.
Audit: an independent and documented systematic process to generate evidence for objective
evaluation, in order to determine the extent to which its criteria are met.
Authorized delivery: issue and delivery order, received by a supplier that meets the scope of its
contractual services and following Quality review and control on the premises of the workshop or
Quality: A feature or component of certain Works, Equipment, Product or Action, whose inherent
characteristics and parameters with control limits meet applicable contractual or legal
specifications or definitions.
Client: organization or person receiving the Works, for which a Project is drawn up and designed
Works units are executed.
Concession or exemption: authorization to use or release a product that does not meet the
specified requirements.
Quality control: Action and management of persons assigned to quality, seeking to ensure
compliance with quality requirements.
Specification: a document establishing the requirements or characteristics of certain equipment, a
component or service, with controllable parameters. It enjoys contractual value both with respect
to suppliers, and subcontractors, and the Client.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Specific definitions
For ease of understanding of Quality Management System documentation, GS Inima, S.A. uses the
following specific terms:
Guides / criteria / Good practices: guidelines on use, identification and criteria of the Quality and
Environmental Management System, practical guides, etc.
Instructions: technical document specifically describing how an activity is carried out.
Act: legal ordinance that is binding on all interested parties, whether physically present on the Site
or who are providing external products or services.
Procedures: a document related to a specific topic or activity, generally applicable to the entire
Organization (general procedures) or applicable to specific areas or department, defining individual
management methodologies (specific procedures).
Unacceptable product: a product that does not meet any established requirement.
For ease of understanding of Quality Management System documentation, the following abbreviations are
The quality management system adopted by DESALINATION PLANT AL GHUBRAH III (IWP Al GHUBRAH III)
has been based on GS Inima, S.A.’s Management System, adapted to the contract’s specifications and
requirements, in order to be applied by the EPC Contractor during the project’s execution. This system is
based on the Quality and Environmental Management Manual and is completed with a series of additional
documents, such as procedures, technical instructions, records and data systems.
All activities covered by the execution of these works, subject to GS Inima, S.A.’s Management System, are
conditioned to what is provided in the system’s various documents:
Integrated Quality, Environmental, Energy and Health & Safety Policy. Attached in ANNEX 1.1.
General Procedures, applicable to all of GS Inima’s management systems, to include documented
information as required by Standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 regarding any common activities to all
areas of the Group. A list of procedures is attached as ANNEX 2. PROCEDURES.
Specific Procedures: documents describing the execution of certain works units, ranging from
material resources, machinery, control and supervision, etc. to the unit’s hand-over and/or
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Other documents, required by the Organization to ensure an effective operation and control of its
processes, included in its Instructions and Environmental Guides.
Any documented information required by Standard EN ISO 9001:2015.
The manner in which Management System documentation is structured, how it is managed and filed, are
all defined in the aforementioned general procedures.
May be traced.
Is periodically examined, reviewed whenever necessary and approved by authorized staff.
Any updated versions of certain documents are available wherever fundamental activities are
carried out for the system’s effective operation.
All obsolete documents are rapidly withdrawn from all points of use or circulation, or it will
otherwise be guaranteed that they are not inadequately used.
All obsolete documents saved for legal purposes or to store information are identified.
Quality Plan
This Quality Plan has been defined further to the requirements included in Standard EN ISO 9001:2015 and
MFS’s List of Specific Administrative Clauses.
Both QP and other necessary documents are available, before beginning to execute the first unit of the
works covered by the scope of the Plan. It will be accordingly reviewed and updated whilst the works are
being executed and the Desalination Plant started up.
This Project has been executed by the company consisting of GS Inima Al Ghubrah LLC, which have a Quality
System in place under Standard EN ISO 9001:2015. The certificates are attached in the ANNEX 1.2. ISO 9001
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. SCOPE OF CIVIL AND MARINE WORKS.......................................................................................... 4
2.2. SCOPE OF ELECTROMECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT .......................................... 5
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
To define quality assurance as a set of planned and systematic activities, implanted within the quality
system and proven upon request, to provide the necessary confidence that an item will meet applicable
quality standards.
Quality assurance applies at all execution stages, ranging from Basic Engineering, Detail Engineering,
Stockpiling, Construction, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning until Facility Start-Up.
Before executing any on-site works units, the quality of all products must be confirmed, as well as of
equipment and externalized services. This involves the following general phases:
Design Verification: an internal check is conducted to make sure that equipment and works unit
specifications, and the project’s technical requirements, follow the design defined. This will be
carried out before Engineering commences the works.
Study of materials, equipment and services: this ensures that they meet the planned specifications
or, if not related to the project, that they have been approved by the SPV.
Stockpiling Verification: an internal check is conducted to make sure that equipment and material
specifications, in the bid request process, are correct. This will be carried out before calling for bids,
by Engineering or by the Inspector Manager, if entrusted with the task.
Supplier Evaluation: this is particularly important in the case of new suppliers. If considered
necessary, a visit will be paid to the workshop or factory, by the managers appointed, before the
Contract or Order is formalized, to check whether the potential supplier is able to guarantee supply
following the purchase specifications, within the timeframe established in the Purchase request
and meeting all quality parameters.
Bid. The stockpiling area will make a call for bids along with its specifications and PPI, to the supplier
or subcontractor in question, which will issue a technical document describing the main features
of the supply request, based on the requirements.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Comparative. This is carried out by the Purchasing Area, to check various supplier bids, both in
terms of conformity with specifications or technical/organizational requirements or other
documents received by the supplier.
Order/Contract: A document indicating an interest in completing an effective purchase from a
In Quality terms, a contract or order will contain:
- The scope of supply. Description and number of units.
- Plans and all types of documents identifying the supply or service.
- Specifications.
- PPI.
- Bid (technical and descriptive features of the supply or service).
- Contact person in the supplier’s Workshop to schedule inspections, tests or checks. This
information may be provided at the first meeting held with the Supplier/Subcontractor.
- Any other document that Stockpiling wants to include.
Quality assurance in civil and marine works will involve the materials and execution of works units.
For materials, the idea is to ensure that all of them have been included in the works with the necessary
characteristics. Consequently, a follow-up is necessary starting with their study and evaluation until they
are added to the works unit.
Next, tasks would begin to ensure that the material requested has reached the site in adequate condition,
that it is identified and meets the necessary specifications. To do this, PPI provisions will be followed, as
well as Trial Plans and any other instructions:
For prefabricated material, ex works inspections will be necessary in order to fulfill PPIs.
Check upon Receipt: The person in charge of receiving material on site will conduct the checks
determined in the Working Instructions. If there is no individual Instruction, basic checks will be
carried out involving visual inspections of conditions and/or random geometric checks.
In either case, the outcome will be registered in the PPIs.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Inspection upon qualitative Receipt of material: Alongside the foregoing, the Quality Area will carry
out, or will instruct the execution of, inspections to guarantee that the material meets the
requirements established in the purchase documents. To do this, a verification will be completed
on the documentation delivered, quality features or technical evaluations and trial evidence, if
During execution of the works units, checks, tests and inspections will be completed, as indicated
in applicable specific procedures, recording the outcome in each PPI and following parameters and
characteristics established in procedures, PPIs, plans or any other technical document backing up
the Quality Plan and the client’s requirements. The main stages involved are described below:
- Inspection and Tests during execution of civil and marine works: excavation, concrete
provided on site, placement and assembly of reinforcements, execution and placement of
the sewage pipe, etc.
- Tests on the tightening of screws.
- Watertightness tests, specifically focusing on electricity boxes or control and
instrumentation wiring.
- Lastly, final tests and pre-commissioning or commissioning of civil works will be carried out,
as foreseen in the Trial Plans, to certify that the unit has been correctly executed.
The SPV will receive the unit once the final tests have been carried out and passed, and no unresolved non-
conformities exist in relation to the unit.
Once a purchase is formalized, the following stages will be followed for the quality assurance of
electromechanical and electrical equipment:
Manufacturing. Steps taken by the supplier to ensure its supply, following the Project’s
requirements and any formalized contractual clauses. Next are the activities that need to take place
during the manufacturing process:
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
o Workshop Inspection. Checks carried out or led by the Area in charge, which involve
verifying the specifications defined in the plans, PPI or other supply documentation
indicated in the bid, contract or other technical document issued and approved by the
Supplier or Project, carried out at the Workshop or warehouse of the supplier or
o Delivery authorization. Document issued to the Supplier in order to release and deliver the
merchandise at the point and position foreseen, defined in the contract as regards
manufacturing, activation and logistics.
o Inspection prior to shipping, before being sent abroad.
o Inspection upon receipt at the Site. A check conducted specifically to verify the integrity
and inventory of parts, equipment or other supplies, upon arrival at the Worksite. Any
defect or damage, particularly derived from transportation, should be forwarded, at the
very latest, within a maximum of 48 hours to the Stockpiling and Quality Area.
o Installation and/or Assembly: Location of supplies and manufacturing on site of any part,
equipment, instrumentation or pipe networks, approving Plans, Project Procedures,
Working Instructions, supplier installation Manuals or good practices undertaken by the
Worksite and/or Client.
o Following the installation, the Quality Area will be contacted to carry out an inspection and
approve plans, or any other technical document already indicated in this chapter.
o Site Inspection. Controls carried out or led by the Quality Area, which consist of verifying
the characteristics gathered in all specifications, plans, PPI or other technical document,
checked against the supply characteristics indicated in the bid or contract, previously
accepted by the supplier or subcontractor.
o After completing and verifying inspections on installation and assembly, the equipment,
parts, pipe network and instruments are ready for Pre-Commissioning.
Once all these stages have been completed, the Plant’s Start-Up stage may begin. After this, an internal
verification will be conducted on the capacity of facilities, hidden defects, actual operating limits and
conformity with Design, reliability in water treatment processes and parametric Quality results of the water
produced, as well as each and every auxiliary facility in the plant, whether related to services, air
compressors or others, such as annexed environmental plants, DAF sludge lines, effluent neutralization
services or marine sewage pipe services.
Once it is approved, a performance test will be carried out as agreed with the Client.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
3. Project Description
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................ 4
3. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL ................................................................................................................... 5
4. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS DESIGN .................................................................. 6
4.1. SEA WATER CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................... 7
4.2. PRODUCT WATER QUALITY ............................................................................................................ 9
4.3. EFFLUENT DISCHARGE .................................................................................................................. 10
4.4. REDUNDANCY ................................................................................................................................. 10
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Over the last 23 years, the Omani Government has engaged in a successful programme for the restructuring
of, and development of private sector involvement in the electricity and Related Water sector in Oman.
Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) is conducting an international Bid Process for the
design, finance, construction, ownership, financing, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of
a high efficiency desalination facility with a capacity of 300.000 m3 per day (66 MIGD) of Potable Water
output in Al Ghubrah, based on seawater reverse osmosis technology (SWRO).
The OPWP has selected the site where the desalination plant will be located, on the coast in the Gulf of
Oman north of Muscat. The site for the development of Al Ghubrah III IWP is a coastal area located in
the capital region of Muscat, near to the Sultan Qaboos Highway, in the South Region Coast of Muscat.
The Site is a Rectangular-shaped area located near Al Ghubrah Power Plant and it is approximately 8.5
hectares that provides sufficient area for the implementation of the Al Ghubrah III IWP. The plant will
occupy an area of 84573 m2 approximately considering main building process and potable water storage
Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) conducted an international Bid Process for the
design, finance, construction, ownership, financing, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of
a high efficiency desalination facility.
The Capital Desalination Company SAOC, international leading company in seawater desalination, has
developed a comprehensive approach for the development of this Al Ghubrah III IWP, including the design,
finance, construction, testing, commissioning and operation under a BOO framework of a high efficiency
plant based on the Seawater Reverse Osmosis technology (SWRO), with an output capacity of 300.000 m3
per day (66MIGD) of Potable Water in nominal conditions (GCWC) and 315.000 m3 per day during exigency
periods (TCWC).
The IWP will be connected to the Al Ghubrah III IWP Primary Substation with 132 kV cables from the OETC
Ghubrah 2 to grid station. 132 kV GIS feeders to the IWP 132/13.2 kV Transformer and to 13.2kv switchgear,
including the cable terminations, cable supports and related civil.
The Potable Water output from the Al Ghubrah plant will be metered and sampled connection point at the
site boundary. The connection to the existing Al Ghubrah Main Reservoir (GMR) is within the scope.
The aim of this proposal is to describe the main features of the design of a SWRO desalination plant
compliant with the quantity and quality requirements of potable water indicated in the RFP. The proposed
desalination plant has been designed considering the OPWP requirements regarding product water quality,
minimization of the environmental impact and improved sustainability, optimization of power consumption
and energy efficiency and assurance of plant availability.
Our solution is the most appropriate and effective solution after considering the regional sea water
characteristics, the historical variation range of the sea water parameters by designing and sizing the
process and each treatment unit in order to enable them to guarantee the required water capacity and
absorbing any variation in the sea water conditions, and complying with the quality and quantity
requirements in the product water.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The project is committed to ensure a minimum operating projection of 25 years with a minimum annual
availability of 95% of the time. The equipment will be designed for 24 hours operation per day and 347/365
operation days per year of uninterrupted plant operation under nominal operating conditions during a
year. The plant is designed to produce the nominal capacity with 10 trains in operation or with 9 RO trains
when one train is out of service for planned outages, membrane cleaning and other maintenances. or when
necessary to target the permeate quality in case of very high seawater temperature
The production capacity of the seawater desalination plant is 300,000 m3/day in nominal conditions and
315,000 m3/day during exigency period.
The general criteria to be considered for the design of the Desalination Plant will be to provide it with
maximum flexibility, redundancy and reliability so as to guarantee, at all times, the production and
supply of the volumes and qualities of treated water required and that it has a durability of minimum
25 years. All this under the same guideline: obtain product water at the lowest operating cost
technically possible with the quality of seawater available.
To achieve the required results, the following basic goals will be considered for the Project:
Optimization of the design and operation to achieve the most economical cost per cubic meter
of treated water.
Locate the facilities in the most suitable places from the point of view of operational safety.
Provide the ideal solution with regard to the variables considered, sizing the units so that they
can absorb the variations that may occur on the normal parameters established in Chapter 9.2 of
this document.
All parts of the Plant shall be suitable in every respect for continuous operation at maximum
output as well as part loads and shall be designed to permit unconstrained operation over the
full range of ambient conditions and under the anticipated transient operation conditions as well
as the climatic conditions peculate to the Site and environmental pollution restrictions.
Carry out a correct distribution of the various elements according to the logical sequence of the
process, to the topographic and geotechnical characteristics of the land and to obtain the lowest
possible operating and maintenance costs.
Give a quality to civil works, equipment and facilities that allow a quality-price ratio that is
adjusted to this type of works, paying particular attention to ensuring the quality and production
required, guaranteeing a useful life of the plant of at least 25 years.
Install equipment in "stand by" that allows reaching availability for the guaranteed production
flow of the plant.
Provide the facilities with sufficient flexibility to facilitate operation and maintenance maneuvers,
without impairing production
Sizing the equipment minimizing consumption, but with sufficient flexibility to observe possible
variations on the set parameters.
Instrument and automate the Plant so that the operation is simple and safe.
Include the installation of an emergency generator set with a minimum capacity to
simultaneously supply the control system, the interior lighting of the process room and buildings,
automatic and control valves and the Protection System of Fires and the RO membrane flushing
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Architecturally integrate the Desalination Plant into the available land so that it forms a
harmonious set with the environment, especially in the colors, textures and materials, both in
mechanical equipment and in the finishing of buildings, other facilities and civil works.
Minimize the environmental impact of the facilities, respecting the commitments declared in the
EIA, to guarantee their full integration into the environment in the best conditions.
The plant shall be complete in all regards. It shall comprise all mechanical and electrical controls,
valves, pipes, and protective devices, platforms, membrane handling equipment and special
tools, which a state-of-the-art plant requires. The plant shall be housed in suitable buildings so
as to minimize the impact of adverse environmental conditions on the equipment especially in
regards with corrosion problems and noise attenuation.
The raw water to be desalinated is collected from open seawater intake, located at almost -10 m MSL
(referred to mean sea water level).
For the characterization of seawater, the analysis of sea water data and seawater quality annexed in
Annex 11 of MFS have been taken into account, and will be checked with the seawater survey that has
been done during detailed engineering.
The plant will be designed for the following sea water temperature values:
Table 2. Seawater temperatures
Seawater temperature ºC 35 28 22
The plant will be designed for the following sea water total dissolved solids values:
Table 3. Seawater Total Dissolved Solids
Additional seawater parameters that will be used for sizing the pretreatment stages of plant are:
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Average Maximum
pH - 8 8,4
From the seawater analytical surveys carried out in the Ghubrah III area, the following ionic balance is
obtained and will be used as the basis for the RO system:
Table 5. Seawater ionic composition
The quality of Potable Water delivered at the Potable Water Delivery Point in compliance with the limits
specified in the MFS and with the requirements of Oman Standard 8/2012 whose limits are listed in the
table below:
Table 6. Product water quality
The final desalination plant effluent is expected to fulfill the effluent discharge limits as defined in
Ministerial Decision 159/2005, except for fluorides and boron and other parameters naturally present in
sea water with their limits provided in MECA NOC Letter.
4.4. Redundancy
The MFS stablishes the minimum requirement in respect to the number of systems/equipments/units
required to meet with de Guaranteed Contracted Water Capacity (GCWC). ACWC is defined as 15.000
m3/day and shall be provided by the use of the stand-by units (or the design equivalent options). Hence
TCWC may be achieved with the operation of all units in the plant, including the stand-by units (or the
design equivalent options).
Table below refers to the minimum redundancy to install to produce GCWC.
The expected redundancies will be as follow:
Table 7. Redundancies
Sea water intake Seawater supply
pipeline and intake 2 x 70% 2 x 50%
Screens (bar screens
and travelling bar 3x 50% (1 standby unit) 3 x 50%
Seawater pumps 3 x 50% (1 standby unit) 3 x 33%
Pretreatment Coagulation 2 lines working or design
chambers equivalent with 1 line 2 lines working
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Flocculation 7 lines working (1
8 lines working
chambers standby unit)
DAF (flotation
8 lines working (1
recirculation pump 8 lines working
standby unit)
and pressurization
Sludge pump 4 x 50% (2 standby 4 x 50% (2 standby
unit) unit)
Air compressors 2 x 100% (1 standby 2 x 100% (1 standby
unit) unit)
Dual media gravity 32 units working or 32 lines working or
filters design equivalent with design equivalent
30 lines working with 31 lines
Blowers 5 x 25% (1 standby 5 x 25% (1 standby
unit) unit)
Filtered water tank 2 chambers x 50% 2 chambers x 50%
Filtered water pumps 6 x 20% (1 standby 6 x 15%
Cartridge filters 13 units (1 standby 13 units working
RO system RO train (High 10 lines working or 10 lines working
pressure booster design equivalent with
pump, high pressure 9 lines working
pump, ERD booster
recirculation pump,
RO membrane rack,
energy recovery
device rack)
RO rack 15% reserve places in 15% reserve places
the racks in the racks
Flushing tank 2 chambers x 50% 2 chambers x 50%
RO CIP and flushing one standby unit one standby unit
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
1 standby unit per
Dosing pumps 1 standby unit per set
Dosing system Chemical storage
2 x 50% 2 x 50%
Chemical dosing
2 x 50% 2 x 50%
Posttreatment 20 filters working or
20 filters working or
design equivalent
Limestone filters design equivalent with
with 19 filters
18 filters working
CO2 system (tank,
vaporizer and control 1 stand-by unit 1 stand-by unit
Product water tank 2 chambers x 50% 2 chambers x 50%
Connecting water
1 x 100% 1 x 100%
Waste water Sludge balance tank 1 x 100% 1 x 100%
treatment plant
Waste water tank 1 x 100% 1 x 100%
Sludge storage
2 x 100% 2 x 50%
Flocculation and 2 x 100%(in average 2 x 50%(in max
clarifier condition) condition)
2 x 100%(in average 2 x 50%(in max
condition) condition)
Dewatered sludge 2 x 100% (in average 2 x 50% (in max
pump and centrifuge condition) condition)
Filter backwash dirty 3 x 50% (1 standby 3 x 50% (1 standby
water pumps unit) unit)
Sludge pumps to 3 x 50% (1 standby 3 x 50% (1 standby
thickener unit) unit)
Dewatering feed 3 x 50% (1 standby 3 x 50% (1 standby
pumps unit) unit)
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 3
4. PLANNING OF DESIGN TASKS......................................................................................................... 3
5. DOCUMENT MANAGER ..................................................................................................................... 4
5.1. SPECIFIC DOCUMENT MANAGER OF THE CLIENT ....................................................................... 4
5.2. GS INIMA’S DOCUMENT MANAGER ................................................................................................ 4
6. PROJECT CHANGES ......................................................................................................................... 5
7. STAGE REVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 5
8. STAGE VERIFICATION ...................................................................................................................... 6
9. SPECIFIC PROCEDURE FOR PROJECT ANALYSES AND REVIEWS ........................................... 6
10. PROJECT ANALYSIS REPORT ......................................................................................................... 8
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
To establish the system implanted in relation to the design, receipt and review of all contractual documents,
ensuring that what is foreseen in any bids and contracts contemplate all the necessary requirements and
that EPC Contractor is in a position to fulfill them.
The Constructor Manager/Site Manager, along with the Technical Director, will analyze any documentation
resulting from an analysis of the unit in question. Then, he will present an alternative solution to the one
planned, which may range from a redefinition of some aspects required for the unit’s execution up to the
design of an unprecedented project unit that differs from the former one.
Project Planning is the phase during which objectives are established and operative processes are specified,
or the necessary tasks and related resources (work teams and material resources) for the project’s
execution. The Project’s global planning will be updated following the award of the Contract.
When determining the stages and controls involved in the Project’s development, the following will be
taken into account:
a) The nature, duration and complexity of design activities.
b) The necessary process stages, including applicable design updates.
c) The necessary activities for design verification and validation.
d) The responsibilities and authorities involved in the project’s execution.
e) Any internal and external resources required for the project’s execution.
f) The need to control interfaces between any persons actively participating in the project.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
All planning results will be updated, as appropriate, as the project’s drafting gradually moves forward.
Planning in Project tasks will be registered by the Project Manager in the EDT (Task Itemization). This
planning will follow the Timetable of the works, in such a way as to meet the deadlines foreseen therein.
Engineering planning will be supervised by the Project Manager based on information gathered from
specialist Technicians and the Construction Management or Contract Manager. Any updated information
for this planning review will be notified by the Project Manager to the interested parties as often as
necessary; if changes are made in the planning or scope of engineering tasks, an additional log will be
One of the requirements that the client may impose is to have a specific document manager.
If one of the client’s requirements is for the project’s documentation to be entrusted to a specific document
manager outside GS Inima, the Project Manager, with support from General Services or other department
in each Country, will take the necessary steps to hire a document manager (the document manager’s
contract will be held on file). Subsequently, the Project Manager will standardize the documentation and
specialist Technicians will organize the document manager and take over the initial document load.
Any Project data contained in a specific document manager platform will be uploaded and saved in GS
Inima’s document management platform.
If the client has not requested a specific document manager, the project’s documentation will be organized
in GS Inima’s document management platform. As in the previous case, the Project Manager will
standardize all documentation, and specialist Technicians will organize the document management system
and take over the document load.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Any changes that may be made as a consequence of alterations by the Internal Client in incoming
components, or as a consequence of actions derived from reviews, or verifications, which consequently
involve changes in time, scope or costs.
The project may be changed whilst the project is being drafted, following its review or stage verification,
or final review or verification, or following delivery of the Project to the Client.
It will be ascertained whether the changes made alter the project’s planning or results. If the changes
approved by the internal client entail longer timeframes or greater resources when executing the tasks
entrusted to Execution Engineering, an extension of the contract will be signed according to Procedure
PDPC01, enclosing the following document:
If a PMPA is not signed, the change track record will be reflected in the Project’s ECDT, adding any necessary
tasks or using the observations column (by the Project Manager). Such form will only reflect material
changes affecting the design’s layout or the project in its entirety, not a works unit.
Depending on each project’s own characteristics, there may or may not be a stage review.
Review participants will include representatives of each function or task related to the stage under review.
At each stage that is so indicated in the project’s planning, the review will be entrusted to the Review
As the case may be, stage review will be entered into the EDT by the Review Manager. Each review log will
clearly evidence the following, at least:
• Details of what has been reviewed.
• Results obtained.
• Any associated actions.
In order to attest each review, the date and reviewer will be indicated. In principle, if a review is not
accurate, the review box will be checked as “not acceptable” and, in any case, comments will be made in
the observations box; if the review is accurate, it will be entered as reviewed along with the reviewer’s
A verification of the adequacy of the solution adopted, based on the project’s requirements, may be
documented in various sections of the project’s ANNUAL REPORT.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The Project Manager, depending on criticality, will define the scope of this verification.
Criticality will be assessed depending on the experience offered by the specialist Technician and Client, the
specificity of the works, as well as any multitask verifications that need to be carried out.
Depending on each project’s own characteristics, stage verification may or may not exist. A single
verification will at least be completed in any project:
• Final verification: verification at each stage that is so indicated in the project’s planning will be entrusted
to the Verification Manager.
• Formal verification:
Specific verification that the project stage has reached the level of definition foreseen in the planning and
contains all the necessary documents.
• Technical verification:
Checking the adequacy of any definition and graphic representation. Verification of sizes and calculations,
if any.
In any case, stage verification will be entered into the EDT by the Verification Manager. A verification log
will clearly evidence the following, at least:
• To check that all the necessary information is available for execution of the works.
• To verify that all current laws and regulations are fulfilled.
• To detect any ambiguities and contradictions amongst the various project documents.
• To explain the cases studies adopted to present the proposal.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
A review will be carried out according to the documents included in the works construction project.
The review process has been based on a full verification of all project units, in such a way that an analysis
jointly covers the Annual Report, related Annexes, Plans, List of Technical Requirements and Budget.
A review may be carried out in whole or in part. However, part of the review may not be carried out unless
the requirements are met affecting that part of the works.
1.- Which documents contain the necessary information for execution of the works.
2.- Any interrelation amongst the various documents.
3.- Checking that the information is complete.
4.- Measurements will be checked against the plans and measurement criteria foreseen in the List of
Specific Technical Requirements.
An analysis of the project’s documentation will be conceived as an initial approach to the units to be
executed. A detailed study of such units will generally take place before commencement of the works.
Any conclusions derived from an analysis of the project and siting of the works tend to end with a proposal
of alternative solutions for some of the works units planned, whether due to the terms being vague, if
incompatible with the existing situation, or for achievement of functional improvement in the overall
The following steps will be followed to document and inform the Client of any successive proposals of
alternative solutions:
The outcome of the contract’s technical review will be registered, always referring to the documents
involved or applicable to the project under review (document traceability).
Log PCM-1.1 ANALYSIS LIST, or its digital equivalent, will be drawn up, gathering any proposals that
may arise in the course of the works.
Each proposal will be entered into form PCM-1.2 UNIT ANALYSIS, or its digital equivalent, to include
the following:
Any logs derived from the project’s Analysis and Review process will be included in ANNEX 4. PROJECT
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. WORKS STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................ 3
3. FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................. 3
4. SIGNATURE RECORD ....................................................................................................................... 4
5. TRAINING............................................................................................................................................ 4
5.1. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 4
5.2. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3. DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................. 5
5.4. FILES ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The object of this chapter is to define the structure of the quality system and organization of the works and
related responsibilities, as well as the methodology used to identify any formative needs, how these are
documented and how formative needs are reported, and how any courses arranged are recorded, for
training on the site.
The management organization of the works Quality Plan is reflected in its structure, which defines senior
positions and assigned tasks. Please note that the Site Quality Area is hierarchically dependent on the Site
The Quality Area advises the Construction Manager, guaranteeing the quality of production at all times and
informing him of any actual or potential departures, should adequate corrective or preventive measures
not be taken.
The persons appointed to each position in the works must be qualified and offer adequate experience to
carry out the responsibilities entrusted.
The works Structure will be systematically updated upon arrival of new site staff or when these are
replaced. Each time one of these situations takes place, the client will be duly informed in order to give its
The structure defined for the works is attached in ANNEX 5. ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKS of this QPA.
The Quality Area will make sure that the functions assigned are known, as well as relations between the
various posts, avoiding any overlapping or redundancies and ensuring that each position is aware of the
responsibilities involved.
The functions, responsibilities and hierarchical relations of the project’s executive positions in relation to
quality of the works are described in form PCM-2.2 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNCTIONS and WORK POSITION
PROFILES, included in ANNEX 5. ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKS of this QPA. In the absence of the
foregoing, these functions will be entrusted to each superior.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
A record will be used to identify signatures provided in various files generated by the System.
A signature record will be registered in form PCM-2.3 RECOGNIZED SIGNATURES attached as ANNEX 5.
ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKS of this QPA, identifying each position and person appointed, site entry
date, signature and initialization.
At the date hereof, the names of the members of each position identified in the structure are not available.
This will be updated in our next review.
The Human Resources Area will be in charge of designing and supervising the site’s Training Plan and will
safeguard and file any documentation generated by formative actions; it will also complete the process
with the necessary assessments of such formative action.
All hierarchical superiors and the Quality and HSE areas that detect formative needs within their remit will
report them to the HR Area, in order to draw up its annual Training Plan.
Furthermore, they will be in charge of reporting the assessment on the efficacy of any formative action
arranged for the staff.
Hierarchical superiors will be in charge of approving any staff training requests to be debited to their
Work Position Profile (WPP): For each work position, the necessary requirements will be defined
as regards knowledge, qualifications and experience, for adequate job performance.
Competence: The ability to use one’s knowledge and skills in order to achieve the expected results.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Training is a continuous and permanent process, which needs to be gradually adapted to the Project’s
strategic and development needs.
Formative actions may be horizontal, throughout the organization, or specifically arranged for certain
areas, to include at least the following:
Initial training/information, for new workers.
If changes are made in the functions carried out by a worker or new technologies or
changes are introduced in work teams.
Specific training for a work position (handling of equipment and instruments, use of
computer applications and technical documentation provided to such staff, constructive
techniques, materials, etc.).
Technical training (technical courses arranged by specialized companies in areas related
to the company’s activity, etc.).
HSE Training: lessons and case studies arranged by members of the HSE Area and other
experts in conjunction with the HSE Area Manager. This training will specifically focus on
each workers’ job or function, will adapt as risks evolve and others arise and periodic
refreshment courses will be arranged if necessary.
Training in skills to ensure better job performance.
Training adapted to the company’s legal needs.
Awareness campaigns.
Each year, the Human Resources Area will detect and/or accordingly gather any formative needs,
depending on the organization’s own needs or those detected by each hierarchical superior or the Quality
and HSE areas, associated to the Management System or execution of works units.
Training for improvement and/or legal compliance actions are those arising and detected when formative
needs are gathered, before drawing up a Training Plan as indicated above.
Any requests made outside the annual Training Plan process will be notified by each Area to Human
Resources, which will decide whether or not to approve the formative action requested, along with the Site
Each request will be submitted using form IM-PCA-09-01 Formative Action Request to the HR Area, for
approval. Once approved, it will be notified to the applicant and the relevant formative action arranged.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
New formative needs may be identified for many different reasons, to include:
Changes in operations (new working processes, machinery, etc.).
The results of periodic checks on working conditions, etc.
Any defects, needs, etc.
Periodic refreshment course for the entire staff, etc.
Mandatory Training: In turn, the entire staff must receive the initial training established and specified for
each job, as provided by law in each case. Consequently, any new workers who do not receive this training
will process a request before the HR Area in order for a course to be arranged.
The HR Area will inform the staff of any formative actions announced, according to plan.
Whilst formative actions are underway, both teachers and attendants will complete form IM-PCA-09-02
Daily Attendance Report for Formative Action (or other form used by the training institution) each day
and will forward it to the HR Area or subcontracted company, which will safeguard such information.
At the end of each formative action, both teachers and attendants will complete form IM-PCA-09-04
Formative/informative action certificate.
At the end of each formative action, the teacher will circulate form IM-PCA-09-03 Formative action
Assessment Questionnaire amongst all attendants, to be completed and returned by each teacher to the
Human Resources Area and subcontracted company for management and filing purposes.
The Human Resources Area will be in charge of analyzing the information obtained, will propose
improvements and will proceed to file and safeguard it.
Furthermore, “Efficacy surveys” are completed for formative actions arranged during the year. There are
two possibilities:
Impact survey: Hierarchical superiors are asked to verify the suitability of the training
taught and its degree of success.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
All training will be certified with a diploma, awarded by the external training supplier, reflecting the number
of hours taught, the qualifications acquired, the training company, the student’s name and final grade (if
For in-house training, a diploma will be awarded by the company and signed by the teacher, gathering the
same information specified above, or the aforementioned attendance register will be saved as evidence of
any completed in-house course.
All training records generated are included in ANNEX 5: ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKS.
5.4. FILES
Once a course is completed, the HR Area will file a copy of the certificate confirming each
formative/informative action in the worker’s individual file, as well as a track record as a hard copy and/or
electronic file, as foreseen in applicable procedures or instructions.
Training records will be saved for 5 years after the worker leaves the company.
Records may be submitted in any format, such as hard copies or electronic files. A backup will be made of
any computerized records, and periodically updated.
Upon expiry of the filing term, the manager may destroy the relevant record.
The Human Resources Area will keep staff training details in each worker’s personal file. This file will include
the following information:
Training qualifications and certificates.
Prior additional training (courses, seminars, etc.).
Specific training and experience for the current job.
Other documents of interest.
The HR Area will supervise and file this information, upholding data confidentiality pursuant to local data
protection regulations.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
6. Operational Control
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 3
4. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 4
6. INSPECTIONS AND QUALITY CONTROL OF WORKS UNIT EXECUTION .................................... 6
6.1. DEFINITION OF IPPS ......................................................................................................................... 6
6.2. ON-SITE INSPECTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 7
6.3. ACCEPTANCE OF WORKS UNITS ................................................................................................... 8
7. INSPECTION POINT PLAN ................................................................................................................ 9
8. TRIAL PLAN ........................................................................................................................................ 9
8.1. TRIALS AND TESTS ........................................................................................................................... 9
9. RECEIPT OF MATERIALS.................................................................................................................. 9
10. STOCKPILING OF MATERIALS ....................................................................................................... 10
11. COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES (COMMISSIONING & TESTING) .................................................. 12
11.1. ACCEPTANCE TEST ....................................................................................................................... 13
11.2. FINAL TESTS .................................................................................................................................... 19
11.3. POTABLE WATER INFRASTRUCTURE TEST ............................................................................... 19
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
This chapter gathers those control activities involved during execution of the various works units.
Applicable to all works units following arrival of materials on site, receipt and stockpiling, placement and
completion of the necessary tests and trials.
Furthermore, completed units will be controlled by completing the necessary final tests and the facility
commissioning tests.
Witness Point: A situation indicating the need to alert of an activity or inspection, without halting the
process; the organization is the one to decide, marking the witness point (also known as a critical point).
Hold Point: A situation indicating that the process cannot go ahead (also known as a stop point), without
approval from the ITP designated person or his express waiver, and consequent approval of the activity.
Review (R): Review means Review document, which includes the review of quality control records, test
reports, etc. When the Inspector makes a visit for a hold or witness point, the inspector can review the
related documents.
Traceability: Capacity to reconstruct a company’s track record, application or location through registered
Item: A set of individual parts that enter the site following an order.
Batch: A set of individual identical parts that are accepted or dismissed following an inspection or trial.
Inspection: Activities such as measuring, examining, testing or using a pattern to check one or several
company characteristics, comparing the results with specified requirements in order to determine whether
conformity is obtained for each one of these characteristics.
Verification: Confirmation, through an inspection and presentation of objective evidence, that the
specified requirements have been met.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
His/her main task will be to direct material execution and start-up of the works, as the senior manager of
Quality Management. Specifically, in operational control matters, he/she will:
Procurement Manager:
In charge of drawing up the Quality Assurance Plan, supervising its compliance during execution and start-
up, particularly focusing on the organization and management of means of production and staff ascribed
to the works, as well as legal and other requirements applicable in environmental matters.
To check and coordinate all inspections and trials during manufacturing, receipt and the construction
process, as well as inspections and final testing of the works.
To verify the shelving of all Non-Conformity Reports, related both to materials used and to deliverable
works units and facilities.
To fulfill and ensure the strict fulfillment of all action and inspection plans, for each Unit structure division.
To check that the external laboratory has verified the quality requirements imposed on materials, following
the requirements identified for each material covered by the QAP.
To approve, within its remit, materials and parts of the works, once inspected, by identifying accepted units
and drawing up and approving Control Records and/or Inspection Reports.
All equipment to be supplied under this Contract shall be subject to works inspections and workshop tests.
The “Shop Inspection and Test Procedure” procedure describes the way in which to perform Inspection
and Test activities between Supplier, EPC and Owner in order to ensure that the quality of equipment meets
the requirements of the Technical Specification and purchase order.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The “Shop Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)” aims to define the guidelines of quality control of materials and
components at workshops for all equipment supplied in the Project, in accordance with the Quality System,
and to govern the relationship between the EPC and Suppliers as to surveillance activity on Supplies.
Inspections and tests shall be carried out in accordance with the “Shop inspection and test procedure”
document, the Inspection Points conducted by the Supplier, in accordance with this ITP and its own
Inspection Test Plan (ITP).
During the project’s execution, the necessary specific procedures will be followed to control works unit
execution. Such documents will be included in the project’s Documentation List.
Execution control and the outcome of works units will be supervised under Inspection Point Plans (IPPs).
An Inspection Point Plan is a list of control operations scheduled both before and during manufacturing
(ITP: Shop Inspection and Test Plan), and/or the execution of a works unit (Inspection Test Plan (ITP)). A full
description of a control operation and, consequently, the format to draw up an ITP, must contain at least
the following fields:
Inspection number
Definition of the scheduled inspection
Applicable Procedure or Rule (if any)
Control frequency
Control manager
Criteria for acceptance or dismissal
Inspection completion date
Suitable/not suitable
Signature of the inspection manager
Certified results
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Generally speaking, inspections may be classified into three groups, by nature and specialty of the executing
When inspections are carried out, there are three possible inspection levels:
- EXTERNAL CONTROL: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (Third Party Inspection), Laboratory.
The Quality Area will carry out those inspections related to the completion of tests and trials, subject to the
frequency established. Furthermore, it will complete the necessary inspections and checks to ascertain that
all units are executed according to the procedures and requirements established beforehand.
Finally, any inspections and checks considered appropriate will be scheduled, to be carried out by the
external control company hired by the EPC Constructor, as part of those scheduled for each unit in its
witness or hold points.
Each area manager will inform the Quality Area sufficiently in advance by e-mail, of which works units they
intend to start.
The managers will advise of any activity entailing a stop point, sufficiently in advance, to the inspector or
quality manager.
All communications from the Owner or its representatives, of any witness or stop points scheduled, will be
carried out by the Quality Area following its prior inspection.
The outcome of any inspections will be registered in inspection forms or ITP records. These forms will
constitute physical support with which to accept the batch or part of the works inspected.
Inspections will be carried out as follows: the Quality Area will ensure that the checks defined in the ITP
and Trial Plan are carried out, with the frequency established for each one, leaving a record of the
inspection. Observations may be made and any irregularities described, which may have arisen during the
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
At the end of the work day or execution of a certain part of the works (as applicable), any persons entrusted
with inspection activities will hand over their inspection records to the Quality Area manager.
Topographic Inspections
All topographic verifications established in inspection point plans will be carried out by Internal Control, i.e.
the site’s Topography Area; the Head of Topography will be in charge of following the frequency established
in these plans, and will decide whether to countercheck a measurement with another topographer.
The Head of Topography will draw up verification records, indicating the date and works unit checked.
These details will include any differences between theoretical and actual data, indicating the number of
points that differ from the tolerance foreseen.
The Head of Topography will forward a copy of all topographic verification reports to the Quality Area and
managers of the inspected areas, and to the Construction Manager. These verifications will be included in
each works unit’s ITP.
Workshop inspections
The aim pursued by Quality when visiting the workshop in relation to civil works materials, as well as
possible prefabricated units, is to complete the necessary checks and inspections to ensure compliance
with Engineering specifications, conformity to plans and indications, good practices, manufacturer
contractual clauses and equipment suppliers at the workshop and/or warehouses.
Inspections will be planned and scheduled according to the Works Plan, for manufacturing activities at the
Workshop and Site, in order to not amount to a Waiting Point.
Acceptance of various works units will be reflected in each Inspection Control File and/or ITP record,
describing the outcome of any inspections according to inspection point plans and the reference of any
laboratory tests executed.
In the event of Non-Conformities, the Quality Area will initiate a Non-Conformity file and the batch or
product will be adequately identified and withdrawn until the Non-Conformity is resolved.
All inspected batches will be identified according to the outcome of any inspections and trials completed.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
ANNEX 6. INSPECTION POINT PROGRAM attached to this Plan includes an inspection point plan proposal.
During execution of the works, new ITPs will be gradually defined and drawn up depending on the needs
arising during development of the Project.
Trial Plans will be drawn up for all works units subject to a quality check and identified.
The Trial Plan drawn up for these works is included in ANNEX 10. TESTING PLAN of this QPA.
The Quality Area will be in charge of coordinating inspections based on trial results.
In order to speed up the trials scheduled, it may entrust the inspector with summoning the laboratory staff
in charge.
Materials will be identified following receipt on the site and will be registered in form FT1. RECEIPT FILES
1.- In general, any materials that have completed inspection checks upon reception WILL NOT BE
DISTINGUISHED with any mark or code whatsoever. In other words, any material stockpiled or stored
within the area, without being identified, will be considered as fit for use.
In order for this system to be effective, the following conditions will be met:
Products will be received immediately following arrival. Otherwise, received materials could be
easily mistaken for suitable materials.
Any material subject to treatment for unacceptable products, not only during reception but also
during stockpiling or addition to the worksite, will be identified as pending a decision as soon as
an irregularity is detected.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
2.- Any materials that are pending a decision, either due to not completing inspections upon receipt or
due to evidencing a non-conformity, will be identified with a YELLOW mark.
3.- Any materials which, following a non-conformity analysis, have turned out to be not suitable, will be
identified with a RED mark and visibly separated from the rest of the inventory, if this is necessary.
This color code interpretation will be transmitted to each and every participant involved in incorporating
materials to the worksite.
This activity will not cover any materials consecutively received and placed on site by the same person (site
managers), such as in the case of concrete.
Materials should be identified at all times consistently with their acceptance records.
Areas of the worksite where supplied materials are stockpiled will be identified and defined, until arrival
on site, and the organization will be duly informed for supervision and follow-up.
Specific conditions will be defined for the stockpiling, storage and/or handling of some materials that so
require due to their nature, composition, etc.
All materials will be manipulated during receipt, storage and use meeting adequate requirements, based
on good practice and, in special cases, in specifically assigned procedures or instructions.
The organization and layout of the warehouse and inventories located there will be adequately carried out
by order of product necessity, in order to be easily used when necessary, making them easily accessible
upon storage.
Any materials consumed first will be those that first entered the warehouse or inventory. This system will
be essentially used for those materials that may be seriously altered due to rust, rot, etc. or their storage
in silos or similar construction.
For those materials that are either not able to be seriously altered, or whose stockpiling system
(accumulated sand and gravel, piling…) is invariable, the last one entering the warehouse or inventory will
be consumed first.
Stockpiling needs for the various materials to be used on the site will be covered by the approximate
volumes identified in the project’s measurements.
ANNEX 9. STOCKPILING CONTROL includes form FT2. STOCKPILING OF MATERIALS, which will be used to
register any checks and follow-ups on inventories, during execution of the works.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Responsibility for the global management of inventories the storage of material will be held by the Area
managers, under the Construction Manager’s supervision, in addition to the follow-up completed by the
Warehouse Manager.
Packaged and isolated materials. These materials may not be polluted due to their isolating packaging;
they will be stored in a covered place, not exposed to passersby and vehicles, in order to avoid any breakage
in the packaging that could alter their initial characteristics. An example of this type of materials is paint.
Materials able to be piled. In general, these materials are not usually able to be polluted by external agents,
as they tend to be rigid and unalterable. A good example of these materials is prefabricated concrete. They
will be stored or stocked over stable surface areas and will not be piled at a greater height than the one
indicated by the manufacturer, to avoid possible breakage.
Type A bulk materials. These materials, supplied in bulk, may be altered due to the action of their
surroundings; however, in any case, this may be easily avoided by controlling manageable stocking
conditions. A good example of these materials is steel, both for reinforcement and for profiles. Such
materials may eventually be polluted due to the action of grease or rust or harsh environmental conditions.
To avoid this, they will be stored above ground, on a flat surface, and their stockpiling directly controlled.
Type B bulk materials. These materials are supplied in bulk and may be easily contaminated due to nearby
components; furthermore, due to their sensitivity to surrounding humidity, they must be stored in silos or
tanks. The storage tanks used must be for this use only. If previously used in other ways, they must be
previously and thoroughly cleaned, in order to remove any foreign item. This cleaning, in turn, will use
products that do not leave behind any contaminating residue.
Type C bulk materials. These materials are supplied or stocked in bulk and, given their features, may be
polluted by direct contact with the ground or through meteorization. A clear example of this is sand and
gravel, plant soil, selected soil, etc. The following methods will be followed in these cases:
* Materials able to be polluted through contact: these materials will be isolated from potential pollutants,
for example when stockpiling sand and gravel the ground will be prepared before supply, and fitted out for
this purpose; next, a first layer will be spread, depending on the stockpiling surface, which may not be used
for storage; then, the final stocking will be carried out over it. If the stockpiling ground is very rough,
preparatory steps will be even more exhaustive, and geotextiles or similar items may even be used.
Stockpiling areas will be adequately signposted, clearly indicating which components are being stored and
their characteristics.
* Materials able to be polluted through meteorization: Altered due to the action of surrounding
components, such as plant soil, which due to direct contact with the environment is altered by rusting,
flocculation or cleansing. In the case of plant soil, seeding will be completed forming a plant layer, to
prevent alteration and to also enable its enrichment.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Polluting materials. These materials are able to contaminate other inventories or stocks. An example of
this are oil, bitumen emulsions, hydrocarbons, etc. They will be stored above ground and separated from
other components, supervised systematically and, whenever possible, as in the case of nitrogen fertilizer
or gasoline, will be stored in specific and adequately marked tanks.
Biocontaminating materials. These materials are able to contaminate the surrounding environment due to
their intrinsic features, such as chemical fertilizer containing phosphate, which may seriously alter the local
water ecosystem, due to excessively increasing the plant population and biological oxygen demand,
possibly causing irreversible damage to the ecosystem.
The Quality Assurance System will include checks, System Inspection, Acceptance Test and Final tests.
No later than eight (8) months prior to the proposed start of commissioning agree with the Buyer the list
of Tests to be conducted shall be provide.
No later than eight (8) months prior to the proposed start of commissioning provide to the Buyer detailed
draft Test procedures which it proposes to agree with the Buyer prior to undertaking any Test (Draft Testing
Procedures). The contents of the Draft Testing Procedures shall include:
The detailed procedures for the Tests, which procedures shall be consistent with Good Practice and this
Schedule A, in particular but not limited to:
Test program
Test standards
Type of inspection and Tests
Check lists
Prerequisites and sequence of testing
HSE requirements
Acceptance criteria
Description of instrumentation to be used during testing and calibration of Test results
A list of the Tests which are to be witnessed by third parties
Quality control procedures
Project Company and relevant Contractor manpower allocation and deployment schedule for
performing the Tests;
Timing for updating
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Performance Tests, Acceptance Tests, the Pre-Early Water Acceptance Test, Pre-COD Water Acceptance
Test and all other relevant Tests as specified in this Agreement shall be in accordance with the requirements
of Schedule F and Good Practice.
The necessary procedures and protocols will be drawn up to carry out Performance Tests, Acceptance
Tests, the Pre-Early Water Acceptance Test, Pre-COD Water Acceptance Test and all other relevant Tests,
which will be approved by the SPV.
The Pre-Early Water Acceptance Tests must be carried out for all parts of the Early Water Desalination Units
the Project Company intends to operate for the provision of Pre-Early Water Output.
The Project Company shall notify the Buyer in writing of the proposed date of the commencement of the
Pre-Early Water Start-up Test at least thirty (30) Days prior to such proposed date. The Pre-Early Water
Start-up Test shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following activities with regard to the Pre-Early
Water Equipment:
1. Mechanical and electrical tests of:
o seawater supply system
o chlorination system
o pre-treatment system
o SWRO system
o post-treatment system
o electricity supply system
o compressed air system
o discharge system
o wastewater treatment system
o instrumentation & control system
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The Project Company shall notify the Buyer in writing of the proposed date of the commencement of the
Early Water Start-up Test at least thirty (30) Days prior to such proposed date. The Early Water Start-up
Test shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following activities in relation to the Early Water
Desalination Units:
1. Mechanical and electrical tests of:
o seawater supply system
o chlorination system
o pre-treatment system
o SWRO system
o post-treatment system
o electricity supply system
o compressed air system
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
o discharge system
o wastewater treatment system
o instrumentation & control system
2. Power consumption tests.
3. Testing and calibration of protection systems.
4. Simulations of operating stability at various water output variations and to verify proper
functioning of control systems.
5. Check operating stability of the Early Water Desalination Units when operated between minimum
and nominal water output.
6. Start-up Tests of the relevant parts of the Early Water Desalination Units, related equipment,
facilities and systems including checking of automatic changeover of standby facilities.
7. Verification of start-up times of the Early Water Desalination Units at various downtime conditions.
8. Environmental monitoring equipment, water quality monitoring equipment, functioning Tests and
verification of guarantees.
9. Demonstration of the teledispatching and telemetering systems.
10. The Project Company shall present the Test protocols with all Test results to the Buyer without any
11. Verification by the Project Company of completeness of the Early Water Desalination Units and of
all ancillary equipment, compliance with the Law and of no known defects or outstanding works
that would affect the safe and reliable operation of the Early Water Desalination Units.
12. Other tests required to demonstrate the safety and security of the Early Water Desalination Units
and trip systems and to demonstrate compliance with requirements of Schedule F.
The Pre-COD Water Acceptance Test must be carried out for all parts of the Plant the Project Company
intends to operate for the provision of Pre-COD Water Output
The Project Company shall notify the Buyer in writing of the proposed date of the commencement of the
Pre-COD Start-up Test at least thirty (30) Days prior to such proposed date. The Pre-COD Start-up Test shall
include, but shall not be limited to, the following activities with regard to the Pre-COD Equipment:
1. Mechanical and electrical tests of:
o seawater supply system
o chlorination system
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
o pre-treatment system
o SWRO system
o post-treatment system
o electricity supply system
o compressed air system
o discharge system
o wastewater treatment system
o instrumentation & control system
2. Power consumption tests.
3. Testing and calibration of protection systems.
4. Simulations of operating stability at various water output variations and to verify proper
functioning of control systems.
5. Check operating stability of the Pre-COD Equipment when operated between minimum and
nominal water output.
6. Start-up Tests of the relevant parts of the Pre-COD Equipment, facilities and systems including
checking of automatic changeover of standby facilities.
7. Verification of Start-up Test times of the Pre-COD Equipment at various downtime conditions.
8. Environmental monitoring equipment, water quality monitoring equipment, functioning Tests and
verification of guarantees.
9. Demonstration of the teledispatching and telemetering systems.
10. The Project Company shall present the Test protocols with all Test results to the Buyer without any
11. Verification by the Project Company of completeness of the Pre-COD Equipment and of all ancillary
equipment, compliance with the Law and of no known defects or outstanding works that would
affect the safe and reliable operation of the Pre-COD Equipment.
12. Other Tests required to demonstrate the safety and security of the Pre-COD Equipment and trip
systems and to demonstrate compliance with requirements of Schedule F.
The Project Company shall notify the Buyer in writing of the proposed date of the commencement of the
GCWC Start-up Test at least thirty (30) Days prior to such proposed date. The GCWC Start-up Test shall
include, but shall not be limited to, the following activities in relation to GCWC:
1. Mechanical and electrical tests of:
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The Project Company shall notify the Buyer in writing of the proposed date of the commencement of the
Start-up Test at least thirty (30) Days prior to such proposed date. The Start-up Test shall include, but shall
not be limited to, the following activities in relation to TCWC:
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Following completion of any Acceptance Test, the Project Company shall submit to the Buyer an Acceptance
Test Report, which shall contain all supporting information and documentation required to substantiate
the results of any Acceptance Test, including proof of compliance with the Acceptance Requirements.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The Final Tests shall have been satisfactorily completed only if the following conditions are met, as
a) For the Early Water Desalination Units, achievement of not less than ninety-five per cent (95%) of
Guaranteed Contracted Early Water Capacity, or
(a) For the entire Plant, achievement of not less than ninety-five per cent (95%) of Guaranteed
Contracted Water Capacity for Contract Year One, or
(b) For the entire Plant, achievement of not less than ninety-five per cent (95%) of Total Contracted
Water Capacity for Contract Year One.
(c) For the Early Water Desalination Units, achievement of not more than one hundred and five per
cent (105%) of the Contracted Specific Power Consumption of the Plant whilst operating during the
Early Water Period, or
(d) For the entire Plant, achievement of not more than one hundred and five per cent (105%) of the
Contracted Specific Power Consumption of the Plant whilst operating at Demonstrated GCWC.
(e) For the entire Plant, achievement of not more than one hundred and five per cent (105%) of the
Contracted Specific Power Consumption of the Plant whilst operating at Demonstrated TCWC.
(f) During Performance Tests environmental emissions tests and brine discharge tests shall be carried
out, and environmental emissions and brine discharges shall be demonstrated to be within levels
authorized by Ministry for Environment and Climate Affairs of the Government or any other
Competent Authority which is from time to time responsible for environmental matters and the
monitoring of environmental emissions and brine discharge levels in the Sultanate of Oman.
(g) Achievement of the guaranteed emission levels and water qualities as set forth in Schedule F.
Performance Tests shall include Tests to establish the Demonstrated GCEWC, Demonstrated GCWC and
Demonstrated TCWC of the Plant.
The Project Company shall provide all equipment and personnel required to conduct the Potable Water
Infrastructure (PWI) Test.
Not later than six (6) months prior to the proposed start of commissioning provide to the Water
Transmission System Operator detailed draft PWI Test procedures which it proposes to agree with the
Water Transmission System Operator prior to undertaking any PWI Test (Draft Testing Procedures). The
contents of the Draft Testing Procedures shall include:
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The detailed procedures for the PWI Test, which procedures shall be consistent with Good Practice and this
Schedule 8, in particular but not limited to:
test program
test standards
check lists
Project Company and relevant contractor manpower allocation and deployment schedule
for performing the tests
The identity, accuracy and extent of the metering equipment which is proposed to be used to record the
results of such PWI Test.
Before carrying out a check or test, the Quality Area will issue the necessary Inspection Control Records
and will circulate them amongst the staff in charge.
All inspection activities and results and, consequently, of any checks and final tests, will be documented in
Inspection Control Records, in order to provide objective evidence of their completion.
Any external laboratories collaborating with the organization, with approval from the Construction
Manager and Quality Area, may use their own forms to gather the results of any tests and/or checks.
In this Project, all equipment and instruments making up marine works will be finally tested
(watertightness of pipes and auxiliary components, recirculation, etc.), as well as mechanical works
(equipment, pipes, hydraulic machinery, etc.) and electrical works (operation of devices, electricity
closets, tests on FAT wiring, automatism, etc.).
After the final test, a quality report will be drawn up containing all the data taken during inspection.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 3
4. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 3
5. DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................. 4
5.1. DEFINITION OF OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 4
5.2. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ACTION PLAN. PLANNING OF COMPLIANCE ......................................... 5
5.3. SUPERVISION OF PLANNING FOR COMPLIANCE WITH OBJECTIVES ....................................... 5
5.4. CLOSING OF OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................... 5
6. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS DEFINED ..................................................................................... 5
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The object of this chapter is to explain the system followed to evaluate the objectives and indicators defined
by the Senior Management, in order to develop and improve the Quality Management System.
The Management establishes general quality objectives that are consistent with the Principles of its
implanted Integrated Policy on Quality, the Environment, Energy Management, Health & Safety and the
results of the Management’s Review, in addition to any specific objectives that may be implemented in
each project carried out by the organization.
The Project’s Quality Committee, consisting of the Project Director, Site Manager and Construction
Manager, along with the QA/QC Manager, defines and approves Specific Quality Objectives, following the
strategies defined in the integrated policy. Furthermore, it supervises achievement of the Objectives set,
using any standardized information and indicators established for this purpose, and ensures that the
necessary resources are available. If necessary, depending on the follow-up results on the performance of
objectives, the Management will be in charge of replanning the project.
GS Inima’s QHSE corporate area studies and proposes global strategies, as well as annual general objectives
in QHSE areas which, once approved, are adequately implemented. GS Inima’s QHSE area is in charge of
obtaining information on the achievement of QHSE objectives. To do this, the QA/QC manager will provide
all the necessary information.
The Project’s Quality Committee will approve any actions defined in the compliance plan, in order to
achieve GS Inima’s General Objectives.
The Project’s Quality Committee will carry out the necessary measures to meet quality objectives, based
on General Objectives issued by GS Inima’s Corporate QHSE Committee.
Objectives: Goals in terms of performance in the management system related to quality, the environment,
energy and health & safety, which an organization sets for itself.
There are General Objectives related to Quantity, the Environment, Energy, Health & Safety, according to
strategies defined in the integrated policy. Their implementation results in Specific Objectives for each
Country or Center.
NOTE: All objectives related to the quality systems should be quantifiable and measurable.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Planned achievement of Objectives: Development of strategies and action plans that need to be
documented and communicated. Documentation should be included, on the following:
• Responsibility and authority designated to achieve the objectives, related to relevant functions and
levels inside the organization.
• The means and timeframes established to achieve such objectives.
Management platform: the platform used for QHSE Dept. processes. As a consequence of the transitional
period required until digitalization is achieved, this chapter describes two working methodologies, using a
digital platform and without a platform.
At least once a year the Company Management and Project Management will check the achievement of
objectives and set new objectives for the following period. This review is carried out as part of the
Management’s System Review (following procedure PCA-14).
Throughout the year, the need may arise to define additional objectives to those initially established, e.g.
further to those derived from new activities or processes.
The following points will be taken into account when setting any objectives:
Technological options
Financial, operational and business requirements
Indicator results
Continuous improvement
Evaluation results of risk and opportunities
Any objectives will be uploaded on the Management Platform or recorded in objective records (IM-PCA-
Specific and measurable indicators will be defined, providing information on the achievement of objectives.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Once objectives are set, the Compliance Plan will specify which steps need to be taken, as well as the
execution timeframe and assignment of both human and material resources required for this execution.
Any Planning to implement these objectives and indicators will at least specify the following:
Such planning will be uploaded onto the Management Platform or recorded in form IM-PCA-13-01. See
Objectives will be planned each year, at the end of the period (December), to which all objectives and
indicators will refer.
As often as necessary, the senior managers of the Project’s Quality Assurance (the Quality Manager in this
case) will forward it to GS Inima’s QHSE corporate dept., as established in Chapter 3 (Responsibilities).
Each year, the Company Management and Project Management will check compliance with each objective
and associated action, informing the staff of the level of achievement.
Once an objective is executed, the results obtained are registered and compared to those expected,
according to forms IM-PCA-13-01 and IM-PCA-13-02 (only if the platform is not being used). See ANNEX
The following general quality objectives have been defined by the organization for its construction activity:
The following have been expressly defined for the Construction Area:
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Supervision and minimization of the quality control process for supplies, particularly of
Electromechanical Equipment and structural Prefabricated components.
Quality indicators defined for this period are entered into form PCM-5.4 QUALITY INDICATORS FOR THE
As for defining specific objectives for the works, these will be raised during development of the various
tasks, and consequently supervised and controlled, entered into form PCM-5.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
8. Document Management
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT......................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................... 3
3. RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................ 4
4. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 5
5. DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................................... 6
5.1. ISSUE OR CHANGE OF DOCUMENTS AND LOGS ................................................................... 6
5.2. DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION .................................................................. 6
5.3. ISSUE OF DOCUMENTED INFORMATION................................................................................. 6
5.4. IDENTIFICATION OF TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ...................................................................... 7
5.5. PROJECT DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................................... 9
5.5.1. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................... 9
5.5.2. ENGINEERING DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................ 9
5.6. DOCUMENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL ..................................................................................... 9
5.7. CONTROL OF DOCUMENTED INFORMATION ........................................................................ 10
5.8. CIRCULATED DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................... 10
5.9. RECEIPT OF DOCUMENTATION .............................................................................................. 11
5.10. CHANGE OR CANCELLATION OF DOCUMENTED INFORMATION ................................... 11
5.11. REVIEW OF DOCUMENTED INFORMATION ....................................................................... 12
5.12. DOCUMENTATION REQUESTED FROM SUPPLIERS ........................................................ 12
6. FILING ......................................................................................................................................... 13
ANNEX .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The object of this chapter is to define the organization’s control methodology, for internal/external
documents and site logs (documented information).
Applicable to:
• In-house documents generated for the site: Integrated Policy, Manuals, procedures,
instructions, plans, technical specifications, blueprints and other documented information that is
necessary to ensure an efficient Management System for the site.
External documents required for the planning and operation of the site’s Management System:
regulations, rules, decrees, laws, documented subcontractor information, good practices guides,
• Logs generated during site activities: objectives, indicators, training logs, inspection logs, client,
contracts, subcontracts, etc.
Quality Area:
• To ensure compliance with Management System documentation, further to ISO 9001 and the
Quality Assurance Plan, during execution of the works.
• To ensure the digital circulation of the project’s technical documentation, if necessary, amongst
the site staff (subcontractors excluded), applicable through the documentary manager.
• To guarantee a back-up for any technical information generated during the works, in the
necessary format and/or software.
• In charge of managing the EPC Contractor’s documented information and any other delivered
to the SPV, applicable to the project, including works execution information submitted by
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
• To guarantee the physical distribution of the project’s technical documentation to site staff
(subcontractors included), if applicable.
The table below shows the management responsibilities related to documented information,
arising during the project’s development:
(*) The management of documented information belonging to the Quality Assurance Plan will follow procedure PCA-
(**) The management of documented information belonging to project engineering will follow procedure QP-GE-
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Documented information: information that an organization has to control and keep, and the medium
in which it is kept.
Documented information may be available in any format and medium, and may derive from any source.
• information generated for the organization’s operation (internal and external documentation).
• evidence of results achieved (logs).
Logs: Evidence in any type of format (hard copy, electronic copy, etc.) gathering the execution of
activities defined in the Integrated Management System and Quality Assurance Plan, providing
evidence of applicability.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The person in charge, defined in 3.1 above, will determine whether it is necessary to issue or change
any of the documents that apply to the project.
The codes for the identification of technical documents of the project will be carried out as explained
below according to application and identification fields:
The general code of a document or plan will have 7 (seven) fields that must be filled out as follows:
The generic project code G3 will be applied to all plans and documents to identify the Al Ghubrah III
project. A different code such as GE can be used to identify specifically Al Ghubrah III EPC or GB to
identify a different phase of the project as it could correspond to the As Built of the Al Ghubrah III
These codes must have the smallest possible extension and be especially compatible with a document
management system and with the 3D design system.
This internal reference field indicates the author entity of the document. This code ZZZ distinguishes
the documents generated by GS Inima with the reference GSI and those generated by sub-contractor
or suppliers with the general reference SUB or with an acronym specific of the supplier (eg. SUL or TOR
for Sulzer or Torishima, respectively).
Its content is defined in the Annex 1. Table 1.1 General and specific documents, respectively.
Its content is defined in the Annex 2. Table 1.2 Type of specialty and subspecialty.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
In document or general drawings, it reflects the order or correlative number of documents, plans, etc.
00001, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, etc.
For documents or plans that require it for instance Technical evaluation, technical specification, Budget,
Detailed Drawings, etc. this code includes the material code or equipment code together with the
simplified correlative number 01, 02, 03, 04, etc. For example:
• Isometrics that include the material code: The first 3 codes of the consecutive number DDD will
correspond to the material code and the last two digits (of the total of five digits) are assigned to
the consecutive number 01, 02, 03, …. etc. for each document or drawing.
• Technical specifications, technical evaluations, equipment detail plans, etc. The first 3 codes of the
DDD correlative number will correspond to the equipment code (Class name) and the last two digits
(of the total of five digits) to the consecutive number 01, 02, 03, …. etc. for each document or
These material and equipment codes that match the “Equipment Codification Procedure”.
Its content is defined in the Annex 4. Table 1.4 Client version and internal review.
All documented information that is issued is in English and available as a hard and/or digital copy, as
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The Documentation Controller is in charge of entering the reference documentation at the start of the
project, into the Document Management System, once the Project Director has received all applicable
documentation from the Study department and/or client. Furthermore, he will be in charge of handling
any new reference documentation received or reviews of already available documents, updating them
in the System. In this case, he will be in charge of notifying this receipt to the project members, as
necessary, according to the matrix or project circulation list.
The Documentation Controller is in charge of officially issuing all engineering blueprints and documents
to the Client, to include the blueprints provided by suppliers, previously reviewed in-house by
Engineering. This type of documentation will be officially issued to the Client through Transmittals.
This involves checking that it is complete and adequate, and meets the objective foreseen, to
be consequently approved.
The persons in charge indicated in 3.1 above will review and approve the documented
• Review and approval of works execution procedures for subcontractors (external documented
When checking the review methodology and taking of cognizance of the documents delivered
by subcontractors to execute the work (usually procedures, instructions and protocols), the
methodology below is followed:
- The Quality Area will request the necessary information from the subcontractors in order
to access the site. This requested documented information includes the execution
procedures for review.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
- The Quality Area distributes these documents as a hard or digital copy to each competent
Area Manager, for review and to make any necessary observations.
- Once the procedure/instruction is reviewed, the competent Area Manager will proceed to
approve the documented information, with his signature.
Once all internal documents and logs are approved, the Quality Area will then complete a
control process, as applicable. For this, each area manager will notify Quality each time a new
document or log is generated or a new version is issued of any existing document.
• Control of external documented information
All external documented information (such as subcontractor rules and procedures) is also
subject to control.
All original documented information, used in the project, will be held on file on the Site, for any
update or amendment, as needed.
The project’s original technical documentation (blueprints, technical specifications, etc.) will be
kept in Document Management software.
In order to ensure that documented information or its successive reviews are available as needed, in
due time and form, and given the various uses given to documented information, it will be circulated
by the persons in charge, indicated in section 3.1 above, through any of the following methods:
• Circulation of procedures/internal instructions: any new procedures/instructions for the
Management System, including review changes, will be notified as follows:
- Electronic circulation: The Documentation Controller will inform each affected person, by
e-mail, of any existing applicable documentation or review, indicating the document name
and code, its review status (if applicable), enclosing a PDF copy of the information. All
circulated e-mails will be saved by the person in charge of document circulation.
Note: for newly employed staff, this circulation will follow SST and AM instructions.
Note: the person in charge assigned will keep a file with all procedures/instructions
delivered and circulation records.
The Documentation Controller of the Project Office will keep the documentation manager updated,
with the latest version of all technical documents. If new documents are generated or a change is
made in existing ones, the entire staff will be notified through an automatic e-mail.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
If the Project Office needs to communicate technical information, the Documentation Controller will
be indicated which information to circulate and the latter will deliver it by e-mail to the persons
In order to ensure that all technical documentation files are updated with the latest version, the
Documentation Controller will withdraw any obsolete copies delivered and stamp “Obsolete” or “Null
and Void”, as applicable.
The EPC Contractor will not be responsible for any copies used on site of documents delivered without
an original seal.
Note 1: no document will be circulated to subcontractors and in-house staff until it is approved by the
client, unless this is required by the works.
Note 2: all original documents (Word) will be in the hands of the Quality area.
Note 3: all procedures/instructions will also be uploaded onto the platform.
Note 4: The Quality Area will circulate the latest current version of any documents to all subcontractors
by e-mail, for internal distribution.
The person in charge of circulating the documents defined in 3.1 above is also responsible for replacing
or removing any obsolete hard-copy documents, and replacing them with the current version.
Note: In order to avoid confidentiality leaks, misuse and a loss of integrity in the documented
information delivered to the staff, the latter must sign a CONFIDENTIALITY COMMITMENT
(AGREEMENT) when joining the EPC.
Control of external documented information (subcontractor procedures)
Following a taking of cognizance, all PDF procedures/instructions are delivered by the Quality area to
the Site Documentation Controller, for storage in the shared digital cloud and circulation to the client
through the system agreed, and to all EPC staff by e-mail.
Anyone in the organization may request a change in documented information. Any document change
proposals will be sent to the persons in charge of changes or cancellations, defined in section 3.1.
Any proposals to change or cancel technical documentation will be sent to each competent area.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The issue, review and approval of all changes is entrusted to the agents who drafted, reviewed and
approved the initial edition, unless otherwise expressly indicated.
In order to avoid unintentional or intentional changes in documented information on file (logs), the
following steps may be taken, as needed:
Hard-copy data: stored under key.
Electronic data:
- Limited document access.
- Saved as a PDF file or “read only” Word file.
All documented information, in addition to being changed, may be cancelled if obsolete, no longer used
or upon expiry of the storage term.
All documented information for the site will be reviewed at least once every 6 months.
In order to inform suppliers about the documentation they need to deliver, as well as the guidelines to
be followed in these deliveries, the Stockpiling Area will have a specific procedure in place defining the
requirements to be met, and any forms to be filled in.
A specific list of the documents required for each order will include the technical specification issued
by the competent technical area.
These lists will include:
- Document list: standard documentation (document code and description) required for a certain type
of equipment or material.
- Delivery dates for each document.
- Internal circulation: how each listed document needs to be circulated, i.e. which areas should review
and comment on each document, which areas need to be informed of each document’s receipt and
which one is in charge of signing off on each document’s comments.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
All documented information is filed, preserved, saved and protected in the Project Document
Management System (DMS), which will be configured in the same language and will have all the project
documentation in electronic format.
3100 CIP
3110 CIP
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
00A; 00B; Reference of the internal review before the first delivery to the client
VERSION Successive versions issued by the UTE from subsequent Client reviews
01A; 01B;..
prior to approval
EE_. CLIENT Successive versions of delivery to the client based SPV comments on
VERSION previous version
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. VERIFICATION AND CALIBRATION OF MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ........................................ 3
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
This procedure establishes the criteria and responsibilities related to the verification, calibration and
control of supervision and control equipment for measurement equipment, in order to guarantee the
necessary accuracy and precision. In this way, the idea is to assure the conformity of results obtained from
inspections, measures and trials, generated by such equipment.
Notes. The following equipment or measurements are excluded, for the reasons explained:
1.- Material for physical/chemical water testing. Procedures of use, calibration or verification will
be covered by specific or individual procedures (or based on the series of equipment of the same
range, brand and model), based on international standardized rules (ISO, Standard Methods).
Specifically, as regards volumetric analysis material (laboratory test tubes), the manufacturer’s
certification will constitute sufficient Quality.
2.- Installer instruments, with turnkey technical assistance contracts. They need only provide a
calibration certificate when in use (examples: comparators of engine-pump axis alignment, meters
to measure operating machinery vibrations, etc.). Quality will require that the Supplier provide
such documentation before carrying out the work.
3.- Electronic instruments used in the Process, such as flow meters, level transmitters, absolute and
differential pressure transmitters, pressure switches, etc. These will be gauged or certified ex
works. Quality will be in charge of obtaining, as a prior document, an authorization to deliver
certificates; at the plant, after the commissioning stage, it will only be necessary to verify the
relevant parameters (ranges, scales, K factor for flow meters). This activity is usually treated as part
of FAT field testing of instruments.
4.- Process instruments, such as local manometers and thermometers. Certified ex works. Quality
will obtain the necessary documents before authorizing delivery. The verification of adequate
installation and assembly status, such as aligned instruments, will be entrusted to Quality (on the
site) or to the Commissioning Manager.
5.- Analytical Process Instruments. Gauged or certified ex works. Quality will be in charge of
previously obtaining an authorization to deliver the certificates. After the commissioning stage, on
the plant, all parameters will be double-checked (ranges, scales, K factor for flow meters), in charge
of the Manager of FAT field testing of instruments, and a second gauging entrusted to the
Commissioning Manager in conjunction with the plant’s physical-chemical laboratory (e.g.
conductivity meters, pH meters, etc.). Assigned a specific procedure.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
An equipment file will be kept, reflecting all characteristics, in form PCM-8.3.2. TOPOGRAPHIC
EQUIPMENT FILE. Furthermore, an inventory of registered equipment will be kept in form PCM-8.3.1.
If equipment is sent to a Workshop for repair, such equipment must be returned with a new calibration.
- Equipment Identification
- Reference of the calibration procedure used
- Environmental calibration conditions
- Pattern used (identification, uncertainty and traceability)
- Results obtained and equipment uncertainty
- Calibration company
- Certificate date and manager’s signature
Upon receipt of a calibration certificate, it will be checked that results fall within the values set for this
type of equipment in the manufacturer’s manual. The calibrated equipment will display a label showing
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
the last calibration date and the next scheduled calibration date.
All calibrations completed on equipment will be entered into form PCM-8.3.3. TOPOGRAPHIC
An initial verification will be completed, before being commissioned on the Site, and before starting
any work involving control under such equipment or instrument, checking to see whether the
equipment has been damaged or suffered an incident in route.
All verifications completed on equipment will be entered into form PCM-8.3 VERIFICATION OF
Equipment will be calibrated each year. If third party topographic equipment is involved in the project,
these will be calibrated with the same frequency.
A list is provided below as an example without limitation, of likely equipment used on a worksite:
.- Equipment and instruments related to external laboratory control plans, such as structural concrete
resistance tests, structural steel tests, geotechnical tests.
.- Equipment used to test, measure and control equipment on concrete plants outside the site.
.- Equipment used to test and measure aggregate plants outside the site.
.- Testing equipment for specific environmental controls – Combustion gas, noise, smells, detection of
toxic gas, etc.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
This equipment is provided by Services Companies. Quality must verify whether they have a control
and quality assurance system in place, whether they are certified in OMAN and their level of compliance
with good operating practices, in addition to being able to claim any documentation to guarantee
adequate operation of equipment.
This equipment will be controlled and included in an inventory through log PCM-8.2 LIST OF EQUIPMENT
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. NON-CONFORMITIES ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.1. CONTENT OF THE NON-CONFORMITIES REPORT ....................................................................... 4
1.2. TREATMENT OF UNACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS ............................................................................. 5
2. CORRECTIVE MEASURES ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2. FOLLOW-UP AND SHELVING OF A CORRECTIVE MEASURE ...................................................... 6
3. CLAIMS ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
A Non-Conformity will refer to any material or process that does not meet the requirements gathered in
the Project, PPI, Specification, plans, contractual clause, Client List or Quality Assurance Plans, General
Regulations and/or Good Practice Codes.
By identifying and subsequently treating actual or potential non-conformities, the aim is to guarantee
conformity with Management System specifications, and to ensure that adequate corrective
measures are taken to mitigate or remove the systematic repetition of situations generating non-
A Non-Conformity may appear:
Whilst the service is being provided, by the staff in charge of supervising the service.
In the supervision and measurement of Quality processes.
Whilst inspecting the execution of works or service units (belonging to the company or outsourced).
During the inspection and verification of electromechanical equipment (factory, site).
When verifying measurement equipment (field or laboratory).
During the completion of internal and external audits.
When starting up the facility.
All of the organization’s internal staff is obliged to inform the Quality Manager of any possible non-
conformity detected. The Quality Assurance Manager will be in charge of verifying non-conformity details
and initiating a non-conformity report.
If a Non-Conformity is detected in the area entrusted to the Quality Assurance Manager, the report will be
issued by his/her immediate superior in the hierarchical scale.
As the Quality System of the works is based on Quality Standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015, this will be the
Applicable Rule when evaluating the nature of the Non-Conformity indicating the detected irregularities.
Any Non-Conformities detected during execution of the works will be recorded in form IM-PCA-05-01 Non-
Conformity Report and supervised using form IM-PCA-05-02 List of Non-Conformities. These non-
conformities will be entered into the software. See ANNEX 13. NON-CONFORMITIES, CORRECTIVE
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
a) Initiation of a report
Once a Non-Conformity is detected, the Quality Assurance Manager will fill in a Non-Conformity
Report. The manager of the area or process affected will be informed of an initiated Non-
Conformity, for its examination.
Once a Non-Conformity is detected, a potential solution will be considered (if this is possible), or
the product or service will be accepted, with an unfulfilled requirement, following an authorization
from the manager(s) and provided that no regulatory or legal requirements are breached.
The Quality Assurance Manager will follow up on the measure adopted, verifying whether the Non-
Conformity has been satisfactorily resolved. If so, the Non-Conformity will be shelved. Otherwise, a
new timeframe will be scheduled for the (new) measure, until resolution of the breach is ascertained.
The Quality Assurance Manager will at all times keep the file updated, with full details of the track record
of each Non-Conformity, since it appeared and until the report was shelved.
This report will include the following:
For Non-Conformities that are not occasional or are repeated, or if individually requested, corrective
measures will be adopted.
In the event of repeated Non-Conformities and/or Risks in any specific activity, the Quality Manager and
Quality Assurance Manager will analyze the same, determining whether it is necessary to issue a Corrective
Action Plan, using form IM-PCA-05-03 Control of Corrective Measures.
The origin or cause, describing any departures and consequences of the measure.
Any measures taken to remedy actual or potential infringements, if appropriate and proportional to
the magnitude of Non-Conformities or Risks, as well as the scope and person responsible for applying
such measures. This action plan should set a deadline for the implementation of measures and
expected date to confirm their efficacy. It should also be approved by the Quality Manager.
The follow-up and date of each verification conducted on the measure or action plan previously
Shelving or verified efficacy, dating and signing the document if the measure has been effective.
Otherwise, a new measure may be taken.
On a monthly basis, GS INIMA’s QHSE Department and the Management will be forwarded a copy of any
reports on ongoing Corrective Measures.
The person in charge of a Corrective Measure will be the same person in charge of the production, service
or control activity.
The person in charge of following up on corrective measures will be the Quality Area, which must register
the date and outcome of the follow-up completed under the relevant section, in form IM-PCA-05-03
Control of Corrective Measures. To the extent possible, evidence will be annexed to explain the outcome
of the follow-up.
The corrective measure will be analyzed, verifying that its underlying cause has been removed. One of the
following cases may arise:
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The causes are deemed removed and the corrective measure is effective. In this case, the Quality
Manager will shelve it, indicating the reasons why he considers that it needs to be shelved and
referring to the necessary evidence.
If the causes are not deemed removed, the Quality Area will shelve the measure, indicating the
reasons why he considers it is not effective, and will initiate a new measure, in agreement with the
senior manager of the new corrective measure planned.
Supervision of the status control of Corrective Measures is entered into form IM-PCA-05-04 Control of
Corrective Measures.
All logs generated by the Non-Conformity and Corrective Measure process are attached in ANNEX 13. NON-
Any claims that may arise during all stages of the project, brought both by the client and any other
interested party, will be notified to the Quality Area, which will register them. Any defined measures will
be implemented to reply to the claim, including supervision until the claim is shelved.
All claims received during execution of the works will be registered in form IM-PCA-05-01 Non-Conformity
Report and their supervision controlled using form IM-PCA-05-02 List of Non-Conformities. These non-
conformities will be entered into the software. The forms are attached in ANNEX 13. NON-CONFORMITIES,
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 3
4. PURCHASING PROCESS .................................................................................................................. 5
4.1. KEY EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES ................................................................................................... 5
4.2. REQUEST FOR BIDS ......................................................................................................................... 5
4.3. COMPARATIVE .................................................................................................................................. 5
4.4. NEGOTIATION .................................................................................................................................... 6
4.5. PREPARATION OF PURCHASE DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................... 6
4.6. “SOFTWARE PLATFORM” MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................... 6
5. SUPPLIERS......................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1. SUPPLIER VALIDATION .................................................................................................................... 6
5.2. SUPPLIER VALIDATION FILE ............................................................................................................ 8
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
To describe the purchasing procedure in place, in order to ensure that all purchases and outsourcing of goods, services,
machinery and auxiliary resources subject to the system meet the specified Quality, Environmental, ORP and Energy
Furthermore, a description is provided of the system used to validate, supervise and evaluate providers (suppliers and
subcontractors) adopted for the Project.
Ultimately, the aim is to ensure that all purchases and outsourcing of key and critical equipment, materials, machinery,
goods, services and auxiliary resources are subject to the Quality (and Environmental) System requirements specified
in standards EN ISO 9001:2015 and EN ISO 14001:2015.
Applicable to all purchases and suppliers, whether of materials or products, such as services and
subcontractors, whose activity is included in the following types of services; rental of machinery, leasing of
material and auxiliary resources, industrial providers, installers, servicers, subcontractors of civil or marine
works, supply of machinery, worksite materials and auxiliary resources, supervisory entities, advisors,
waste management companies and any other activity considered relevant.
Subcontractor: supplies the necessary labor, tools and auxiliary resources, for construction and/or
installation of materials and/or equipment acquired, without supplying materials and/or
equipment. Two main groups may be distinguished:
Industrial provider: supplies ex work engineering, to include materials and the necessary labor for
pre-manufacturing at its factories, and assembly on site. Any suppliers of manufactured products
or equipment that are delivered on site fully finished and only need to be supervised for assembly
on site will not be treated as industrial providers, but as suppliers. Two main groups of industrial
providers may be distinguished:
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Industrial providers with staff present on the site, for new manufacturing equipment
manufactured by the company itself or delivered by the EPC Contractor, but which include
materials they supply.
Industrial providers present on the site, for the conservation and maintenance of operating
equipment, to include materials supplied.
Collaborator: supplies additional work or services, which are not a measurable part of the works
or part of scheduled maintenance, but are just as necessary to achieve the purposes of the
Contract. The following main groups may be distinguished:
A collaborator carrying out its task through staff present on the site to be built or exploited.
A collaborator whose task requires the presence of staff at the head office.
A collaborator carrying out its task in third party factories or warehouses, on behalf of the EPC
A collaborator carrying out its task on its own facilities or on others in the absence of liability
attributable to the EPC Contractor, for any incident or accident whatsoever.
Provider: supplies finished materials, products or equipment delivered on the facilities, on site, at
the plant or at various external points, without requiring the presence of staff on the facility other
than vehicle drivers in charge of delivery and any supervisors participating in the supervision work
of equipment assembly and start-up. Three different types of procurement are possible:
Purchase item: identified supply or service for which the provider is hired.
Supplier validation file: individual computerized record for each supplier and purchase item,
indicating evaluation criteria and validation data, as well as any observations and commercial
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Supplier follow-up file: individual computerized record for each supplier and purchase item,
completed at each work center (area), indicating the suppliers’ classification details as well as any
observations indicated by the project manager.
There are a series of key equipment and services that are necessary for the site (whether due to replacing,
extending or improving those already existing) which, due to their special characteristics and/or cost, make
it essential for the EPC Constructor’s Stockpiling Department to provide technical-commercial back-up to
the Manager in question in order to use the best commercial strategy.
A list of local purchases will be drawn up for the Site Stockpiling Area.
The manager assigned will contact all suppliers and request that they submit a bid.
It will be necessary to have a purchase specification for these purposes, as well as PPIs (Inspection Point
Plans for manufacturing, assembly and prior/operational testing, if applicable), blueprints and any
documentation that needs to be included in the bid.
For Equipment, the Engineering department will complete a technical analysis of each Bid, if there are other
Consequently, the Stockpiling Department, along with each bid, will forward a technical tabulation
including the price obtained for homogenized and technically accepted bids, to be sent to the managers in
This comparative will include at least three technically valid bids and the award priority order.
If, as an exception, three valid bids are not achieved, the necessary written explanation will be provided.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The Stockpiling Department, along with the Manager in charge of site purchases, will negotiate with
suppliers to complete a comparative which, once signed, will be sent to the site purchasing Manager along
with the commercially recommended bid.
All the necessary purchase documents to launch the contractual document in question will be drawn up for
processing by the Stockpiling Department.
This documentation may include the final awarded comparative, annexes, technical specifications, PPIs and
any other document included in the contractual documentation.
If the type of purchase so requires, these documents will be provided by the purchasing Manager of the
project in question.
Alongside the indicated management and depending on the type of purchase in question, steps will be
taken in the software platform in place in each case, by the Purchasing Department or Manager assigned.
The Project will have a computerized and centralized Supplier Database, storing any information related to
suppliers, to include evaluation details and follow-up scores, reflected in each file. This database must be
checked and used in the purchasing process.
In the supplier database, a supplier may be validated for many different purchase items. If evaluated, the
supplier’s evaluation status is indicated.
In order for a supplier to be hired, it must be previously validated in the Purchase Item field to be procured.
Purchase items must be enabled and an average score for each one recorded; all suppliers will start off with
a minimum score of 2.5 upon validation, on a scale of 0 to 5. No suppliers with negative scores will be
allowed, and the procurement of any suppliers scoring under 3 is not recommended. If necessary, longer
and greater control and follow-up will apply during the work period and contract.
Current Certificate of its Quality Management System, according to standard ISO 9001
Current Certificate of its Environmental Management System, according to standard ISO 14001.
Current Certificate of its Environmental Management System according to EMAS Regulations.
Current Certificate of its Energy Management System according to ISO 50001.
✓ Current Certificate of its Occupational Health & Safety Management System, according to
standard OHSAS 18001:2007 (valid until March 2021) or ISO 45001:2018.
Current Certificate regarding its Management in Quality, Environmental, Energy and
Occupational Health & Safety matters, granted by certified entities (the certificate must include
the standard of reference and expiry date).
Compliance Commitment Certificate
When acquiring energy services, products and equipment actually or potentially affecting the
amount of energy used, and if the Supplier does not sign the Commitment Certificate indicated
in the preceding section, the suppliers will be informed in writing that all purchases will be
partly evaluated according to energy performance. To do this, the general contracting terms
will include the fact that one of the JV’s procurement criteria is an evaluation of energy use and
consumption for all purchases of products or materials for the centers, and that those labeled
as ecologically friendly and/or certified in energy terms will be granted priority, as well as those
with a longer useful life, lower cost, greater energy efficiency and less potential for generating
waste upon expiry of the product.
The supplier of electronic equipment will meet all conditions imposed by current law. Particular
attention will be paid to electronic meters, computers and facility control equipment, which
the supplier is obliged to withdraw at the end of their useful life.
Experience in the sector
Any supplier or subcontractor that has previously worked for GS Inima and/or participated in the
supplier/subcontractor will provide a list of completed tasks, with the date and amounts procured,
or experience in the sector, which will be valid for 3 years.
Before starting work, it will be confirmed that the supplier or subcontractor is sufficiently able to
carry out its tasks as established in the Management System, by checking its occupational health &
safety performance records, the qualifications, experience and competence offered by its workers
in accordance with the requirements of the Management System and the adequacy of its
resources, equipment and work preparation.
All validated suppliers or subcontractors will also provide the JV with the necessary documentation
to complete the Business Activity Coordination established in procedure PG-05.
Once the evaluation file has been filled in, in the supplier database, by the Purchasing area or
representative, the Quality Area must check the information and validate or reject the supplier.
This computerized file gathers the details taken into account when validating a supplier.
The Purchasing Area is entitled to validate and classify a supplier, although such classification will be subject
to review, and approval or dismissal, by the senior managers of the areas involved.
An individual file will be assigned to each supplier and Purchase Item, including the following items:
The file will keep an observations field open, where information may be included on the purchase item and
the supplier’s experience in relation to the Purchase Item, and other details related to the supplier’s
validation criteria.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 3
4. EPC CONTRACTOR RELATIONS ..................................................................................................... 3
5. INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS. WORKSITE TEAM. ....................................................................... 4
5.1. FREQUENCY OF WORKSITE TEAM COMMUNICATIONS .............................................................. 4
6. EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS ....................................................................................................... 5
7. DRAFTING OF REPORTS .................................................................................................................. 6
7.1. OFFICIAL FOLLOW-UP REPORTS ................................................................................................... 6
8. MINUTES OF THE MEETING ............................................................................................................. 7
9. CODING OF COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................... 7
9.1. IDENTIFICATION OF COMMUNICATIONS ....................................................................................... 7
9.2. OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS .......................................................................................................... 8
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
This chapter describes the methodology used to maintain communications and coordination amongst the
various agents involved in the project’s development. The aim is for this activity to be carried out simply
and effectively.
Applicable to all communications made during contractual performance, both internal (amongst the project
staff) and external (contact with the outside, subcontractors and suppliers, client included, summons from
the Administration, claims, complaints, requests for information, etc.).
If any area were to establish its own procedure, including specific issues, it will apply and be included in the
list of procedures.
With respect to the issue and receipt of internal/external communications, the Communications Matrix will
be followed, included in ANNEX 14. COMMUNICATIONS.
The Site Manager will ensure that such communications correctly reach those persons who need to execute
them, and will ensure their execution. He will make sure that all written communications from the Project
Director, blueprints, trials and measurements included, are safeguarded, ordered by date and available for
consultation at all times.
The Site Manager will accompany the SPV and its representatives during any site inspection visits and will
immediately report any instructions received to his staff. The Site Manager must be aware of all
circumstances and progress made in the works, and will duly report to the Project Director upon request
at any time, or without a prior request, if this were necessary or appropriate.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Communication flow between the SPV, Project Manager, Site Manager and other participants will be
continuously maintained throughout execution of the works.
SPV meetings will be held at least once a month. The SPV may schedule fewer or more meetings.
The following channels will be used for internal communications: on-line platform, the organization’s
Intranet, e-mail and on-line apps purchased from third parties, the circulation of newsletters, inter-
departmental meetings and in-house training.
The project staff will address their environmental, health & safety and/or energy communications to their
immediate supervisor.
The recipient of each communication will reply, depending on the communication received (request for
information, acknowledgment of receipt, etc.).
The project staff will communicate any risk situations detected, as well as any information or suggestion,
to their immediate supervisor.
Furthermore, an anonymous communications channel will be in place for employees to accordingly report
issues related to Quality, the Environment, Health & Safety.
Site Managers will issue internal communications with at least the following frequency:
Daily planning:
Delivered every day, at the end of each work day, of any activities scheduled for the following day,
with as much detail as possible. Registered in form PCM-3.1. DAILY FORECAST.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Weekly planning:
Delivered once a week, reflecting as accurately as possible the tasks foreseen for the following week.
Also sent to the SPV. Registered in form PCM-3.2 WEEKLY FORECAST.
The forms used for the aforementioned communications are attached in ANNEX 14. COMMUNICATIONS.
All other communications will follow what is stipulated in Lists of Specific Technical Requirements (PPTPs,
Inspection Point Plans (PPIs) and procedures applicable to the works.
Furthermore, any communications made with interested parties during the project’s development will be
considered. ANNEX 14. COMMUNICATIONS encloses the defined communication matrix.
All external communications between the site team and external entities (suppliers, contractors, external
Health & Safety Technicians, etc.) interacting during development of the project, will follow these
- Compliance with current law (related to environmental management, occupational health & safety,
industry, urban planning, etc.).
- Satisfaction of the client’s needs.
- Satisfaction of the needs of the various interested parties affected by the project’s activities.
- Guaranteed adequacy of supplies, tasks and services provided by the project suppliers.
- E-mail, attaching the necessary forms in each case, foreseen in the Management System and
Quality Assurance Plan procedures.
- Document management platforms.
- Delivery of documentation with acknowledgment of receipt.
- Interviews/meetings with various stakeholders.
The following minimum report, mandatory for the works under execution, should be issued:
As indicated by the SPV or Construction Manager / Site Manager / Project Director, specific Reports may
be issued.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
A record will be kept of all meetings held between the EPC Contractor and the SPV, suppliers and
subcontractors, internal meetings and any others deemed necessary by the agents involved.
In order to track any relevant external or internal communications, coding will be used for written
communications by e-mail, to include minutes of any meeting, whether notified internally or externally, as
External communications with Suppliers and Subcontractors, SPV, Public Administration and
other stakeholders.
Internal communications of the EPC Contractor, by specialty and topic.
Written communications, that require, will be identified as follows (according to Document Codification
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
• 00 is the name of the project: G3.
• ZZZ is the author of the communications or document: GS Inima, specific codes for contracted company
or engineers and general reference SUB for sub-contractors or suppliers.
• E/L/T is for the document type (Email, Letter, Transmittal).
• CCC is the receiver of the communications or document: Subcontractor / Supplier (Specific codes).
• DDDDD are the correlative number of documents, drawings according to the Engineering Codification
procedure, the Equipment reference (class name) specified in the Equipment Codification procedure
or other type of documents.
In the event that the sender of an email issues a document included in that communication without an
identification code or with an erroneous code, the receiver (or anyone involved in the communication
process) may communicate the error, correcting the corresponding identification. In the case of
communications sending sketches or drafts, general references may be used, although at a minimum it will
be required that the communication clearly and without error identify the subject of analysis and the
document developed and the project reference.
The following criteria will be considered for official communications (between EPC and SPV):
• Official communications will follow a numerical criteria (correlative number) considering a temporal
criteria. The numerical codes of communications already used may be reviewed in the DMS or be
consulted with the person in charge of Document Management (Al Ghubrah document controller).
• Different documents may be issued in the same communication (same transmittal) that correspond to
the same milestone (month of the LNTP or NTP period) or to the same specialty. Documents from
different milestones will not be mixed in the same transmittal.
• Each communication will be made separately according to the object of the communication: for
approval, information, etc.
• In the case of sending a revision of a document or drawing already sent in a previous communication,
a new transmittal will be sent, referring in it to the previous transmittal that has been rectified.
• Client response communications to an official communication will be codified and filed in the DMS even
if they have been received by other means (fax, email) and without codification.
• The responses of the SPV to a previous transmittal will use the same correlative number, but
substituting the author GSI for SPV. For example, G3-GSI-L-CDC-00001 is replaced by G3-CDC-L-GSI-
00001. In case that successive responses are receiving to the same transmittal, the same initial
correlative number will be maintained.
• In the event that the SPV sends a communication, request for information, etc. that does not respond
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
to a previous document transmission from the EPC, this client communication will be coded with the
following code:
o G3-CDC-E-GSI-00001
• The GSI's response to that prevail communication will use the same equivalent code, but substituting
the author:
o G3-GSI-E-CDC-00001.
For official communications (EPC-SPV) and other communications with entities involved in the project
(external engineering, subcontractors, etc.) the transmittal template approved for the project will be used
(document reference “G3-GSI-T-CDC-00001”).
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
13. Audits
1. OBJECT ................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL AUDITS ................................................................................................ 3
2.1. INTERNAL AUDITS ............................................................................................................................. 3
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The idea is to define a program for Audits, both Internal (carried out by GS Inima) and External (by a
validated certifying entity), to check that the quality management system of the worksite follows standard
UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015.
To determine whether the Quality System has been adequately implemented and documented.
To check that what is established in the Quality System is being carried out.
To evaluate the efficacy achieved with the established Quality System.
To identify any defect, non-conformity or departure from the Quality System.
To confirm that any departures, defects or non-conformities have been remedied by applying
adequate Corrective Measures.
Quality audits will be carried out following the methodology explained in General Procedure “PCA-06:
Internal Audits of the Management System” of GS Inima, S.A.
These audits seek:
Audit of the Quality System: a systematic, documented, periodic, objective and independent evaluation to
assess the efficacy, effectiveness and reliability of the management system to prevent occupational risks,
and to check whether the system is adequate to achieve the organization’s policy and objectives on the
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Auditing Criteria: set of policies, practices, procedures or requirements used by the auditor to compare the
auditing evidence gathered on the object of the audit.
Non-Conformity: any departure from working rules, practices, procedures, regulations of the management
system, etc., which may directly or indirectly cause an environmental impact, legal breach or process
departure, the generation of an unacceptable product, incidents with suppliers/subcontractors and a client
Auditing schedule
GS Inima, S.A.’s Quality and Environmental Department will draw up an Internal Auditing Schedule using
form IM-PCA-06-01 AUDITING SCHEDULE, taking the following into account:
The Quality and Environmental Committee will approve the Auditing Plan, which will be annexed to the
minutes of the Committee meeting.
The designated Auditor, based on the Annual Schedule of Internal Audits, prior to the audit, will establish
an Internal Auditing Plan, recording it in form IM-PCA-06-02, to include the following:
The designated Auditor will notify the Internal Auditing Plan in writing to the manager of the audited area,
sufficiently in advance, following the “GS INIMA Internal Auditing Plan”.
When carrying out an internal audit, the auditing team will take the following into account:
The scope of the audit will include all the points foreseen in the rule of reference. Such report will be drawn
up by the auditor and sent to the Head of the Quality and Environmental Department, the site Quality Area,
the Managers of the audited areas and any persons considered necessary in the Project itself.
The Internal Auditing Report will be drawn up following form IM-PCA-6.3. Internal Auditing Report.
The check-list, form IM-PG-11.02, along with any notes taken during the audit, will constitute an auditing
log and will be attached to the Auditing Report.
Such report is forwarded to the direct manager of the audited area. His/her immediate superior, within the
hierarchical line and timeframe specified, must be informed of its content, if the Auditor considers this
The Internal Auditing Report will contain at least the following sections:
A brief statement on the scope of the audit, identifying the audited area and manager.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
An Action Plan will follow form IM-PCA-05-03 Non-Conformity Report of an Internal/External Audit and
may be entered into the software.
No. of each Non-Conformity: matching the one indicated in the Internal Audit Report.
Source of the Non-Conformity and description of any departures explaining the intended Measure.
Analysis of the reasons for the Non-Conformity.
Measure to take, appropriate for the purpose sought and proportional to the magnitude of the
detected Non-Conformity. The person in charge of the measure will be indicated, as well as the
deadlines for implementation and ascertained efficacy of the measure.
The manager will also be in charge of the follow-up, to check the efficacy of the measure.
The Quality Area is in charge of initiating any Non-Conformities and Corrective Measures, according to PCA-
Once issued, the Manager of the audited area will draw up the Action Plan and send it to the Auditor. The
maximum timeframe in which to hand over an Action Plan is the one indicated in the Internal Auditing
Any logs generated in the Auditing process are attached in ANNEX 15. AUDITS.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 3
4. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 3
5. DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................. 4
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The object of this chapter is to describe the system implemented to follow up on information related to
the client’s perception of how its specifications have been met, including the client’s comments and
Client satisfaction will cover any current and future needs, in order to meet the client’s requirements in all
projects carried out by the organization.
The QA/QC Manager, or person in charge of Quality management, will gather information on the clients’
level of satisfaction through the various channels in place in the organization.
Client: Organization or person receiving a product.
When referring to a client, we mean the client hiring the company to carry out the works or service, its
representative, the client as the ultimate recipient of the completed works, the end user.
Client satisfaction: The client’s perception of the extent to which its requirements have been met.
Indicated dissatisfaction: Any statement made by a client to the organization, taking the form of a
suggestion, complaint, claim, etc.
Suggestion: The client’s verbal or written statement to the organization, recommending an improvement
in its processes and products to their mutual benefit.
Complaint: The client’s verbal or written statement to the organization, reflecting its dissatisfaction for the
inadequate provision of secondary issues related to the service.
Claim: The client’s statement to the organization, usually in writing, gathering its dissatisfaction and
disagreement with key issues of the service provided, requesting indemnification or compensation for any
loss and damage.
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
The client, during daily contact between the latter and the Site/Plant/Service Manager, will indicate those
points with which it is satisfied or dissatisfied.
Based on information on the most relevant aspects for clients and related proposals, a survey will be drawn
All survey questions will be replied on a scale of 1 to 5. A N/A column will be included in case the person
completing the survey lacks the necessary data.
The Site, Plant or Service Managers are in charge of forwarding the surveys to the clients. E-mail will be
used to deliver a survey and receive a response.
Once the surveys are received, an analysis will be carried out detecting any strong points and areas for
improvement in the company.
In addition to information obtained through surveys, the Management may request that other kinds of
data be available, related to claims, finishing tasks and repairs, etc., contributing more information to
evaluate client satisfaction.
All client satisfaction surveys will be entered into form IM-PCA-10-01. CLIENT SATISFACTION SURVEY,
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
Design (IFD)
Information X
Construction (IFC) X
1. OBJECT............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 3
4. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 3
5. DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................. 4
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
This chapter describes the methodology that the EPC CONTRACTOR will carry out to identify and manage
any risks and opportunities in its Quality, Environmental and ORP processes, thus mitigating any risks and
taking advantage of any opportunities.
This procedure covers all risks and opportunities detected in each project process.
The QA/QC Manager will be in charge of evaluating any Risks and Opportunities, and obtaining the
necessary information from each process, in conjunction with the areas in charge of each one, in order to
carry out this assessment.
The Construction Manager will be in charge of supervising and shelving any Planned Measures for his/her
The various managers in areas such as the Technical Office, Sales, HR, will be in charge of supervising and
shelving any Planned Measures in their area.
• Risk: effect of an uncertainty. These effects may be both negative and positive (opportunities).
• Detectability: This is a key concept for AMFE. If, during the process, a failure or any defective output
should arise, an investigation will be conducted to see how likely it is that it will go “undetected”, allowing
the next stage to begin, consequently generating problems and ultimately affecting the client or end user.
The more difficult it is to detect an existing failure and the longer it takes to detect it, the greater the
• Frequency: This measures potential repetitiveness or occurrence of a certain failure; in reliability or
prevention terms, this is referred to as the probability of a failure arising.
Seriousness: This measures the damage usually expected from the failure in question, in the
client/user’s view. It also covers the maximum damage expected, which would also be associated to its
• Risk Priority Index (IPR): The outcome of frequency due to seriousness and detectability; such factors
may be translated into an dimensional numerical code that is able to prioritize any emergency intervention,
and the order of any corrective measures. Consequently, it should be calculated for all the causes of the
Client Project Company EPC Contractor
During the project’s execution, all “risks” should be managed in order to mitigate those that may damage
the business, encouraging value-creation risks (opportunities).
The Quality, Environmental and ORP Department is in charge of drawing up and updating the context of
the organization, based on contributions received from the other Departments, included in the Quality and
Environmental Management Manual and ORP Management System Manual.
Further to an analysis of this context, a SWOT will be carried out and entered into the “SWOT Analysis”
Both the SWOT and the context of the organization will be updated each year during the Annual Review of
the Integrated Management System.