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Peptides 61 (2014) 56–60

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Short communication

Exploring LPS-induced sepsis in rats and mice as a model to study

potential protective effects of the nociceptin/orphanin FQ system
Roisin C. Thomas a , Michael F. Bath a , Cordula M. Stover b , David G. Lambert a,1 ,
Jonathan P. Thompson a,∗,1
Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Division of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Management, University of Leicester, Robert Kilpatrick Clinical
Sciences Building, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester LE1 5WW, United Kingdom
Department of Infection, Inflammation and Immunity, University of Leicester, Medical Sciences Building, University Road, Leicester LE1 9HN, United

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The nociceptin receptor (NOP) and its ligand nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) have been shown to exert
Received 2 July 2014 a modulatory effect on immune cells during sepsis. We evaluated the suitability of an experimental
Received in revised form 14 August 2014 lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced sepsis model for studying changes in the nociceptin system. C57BL/6
Accepted 14 August 2014
mice BALB/c mice and Wistar rats were inoculated with different doses of LPS with or without a noci-
Available online 23 August 2014
ceptin receptor antagonist (UFP-101 or SB-612111). In C57BL/6 mice LPS 0.85 mg/kg injection produced
no septic response, whereas 1.2 mg/kg produced a profound response within 5 h. In BALB/c mice, LPS
4 mg/kg produced no response, whereas 7 mg/kg resulted in a profound response within 24 h. In Wistar
Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ rats LPS 15 mg/kg caused no septic response in 6/10 animals, whereas 25 mg/kg resulted in marked
Nociceptin receptor lethargy before 24 h. Splenic interleukin-1␤ mRNA in BALB/c mice, and serum TNF-␣ concentrations in
Sepsis Wistar rats increased after LPS injection in a dose-dependent manner, but were undetectable in control
UFP-101 animals, indicating that LPS had stimulated an inflammatory reaction. IL-1␤ and TNF-␣ concentrations
SB-612111 in LPS-treated animals were unaffected by administration of a NOP antagonist. Similarly NOP antago-
nists had no effect on survival or expression of mRNA for NOP or ppN/OFQ (the N/OFQ precursor) in a
variety of tissues. In these animal models, the dose–response curve for LPS was too steep to allow use
in survival studies and no changes in the N/OFQ system occurred within 24 h. We conclude that LPS-
inoculation in rodents is an unsuitable model for studying possible changes in the NOP-N/OFQ system in
© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction administration of exogenous N/OFQ increased mortality whilst NOP

receptor blockade significantly reduced mortality [6]. We want
The nociceptin system comprises the nociceptin receptor (NOP) to establish an animal model of sepsis that is suitable to evalu-
and its 17 amino acid peptide ligand nociceptin/orphanin FQ ate both gene expression changes in NOP and ppN/OFQ mRNA,
(N/OFQ), which is cleaved from a precursor protein pre-pro noci- and the effects of nociceptin system modulation on survival. The
ceptin/orphanin FQ (ppN/OFQ) [10]. This system has been linked CLP model has been criticized because of its variability within and
to many aspects of inflammation and sepsis [15] and has been between studies [4,7]. Hence we hypothesized that LPS-induced
shown to modulate the cellular and functional responses to inflam- sepsis would be a suitable and reproducible model in which to
matory stimuli in animals and humans [2,3,11,18]; in a rat caecal study these potential changes, because by using the same dose and
ligation and puncture (CLP) experimental model of sepsis, the serotype of LPS for each experiment, the inherent variability should
be reduced. The aim of these studies was to explore the responses
to different doses of LPS, produce a LPS dose–response curve, and
to examine the effects of NOP antagonists on these responses. We
∗ Corresponding author at: Tel.: +44 01162523132; fax: +44 0116 2523125.
used a peptide antagonist ([Nphe1 , Arg14 , Lys15 ] N/OFQ-NH2 : UFP-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R.C. Thomas), [email protected]
101) [5] as it is widely considered to be a reference antagonist for
(M.F. Bath), [email protected] (C.M. Stover), [email protected] (D.G. Lambert),
[email protected] (J.P. Thompson). NOP, though as a peptide there are stability issues. Hence a non-
Both the authors are joint senior authors. peptide NOP antagonist, SB-612111, [20] that is pharmacologically
0196-9781/© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R.C. Thomas et al. / Peptides 61 (2014) 56–60 57

active in a range of behavioral assays was also included in some culled by cervical dislocation after obtaining a blood sample by
experiments [14,17]. cardiac puncture.

Materials and methods Welfare assessment

All experiments were performed in accordance with UK Home Animals were monitored for responses to LPS every 30 min to
Office regulations (project license number 60/4327). Animals were 2 h. All assessments were carried out blinded, by the same assessor.
obtained from Charles River, UK and held in specific pathogen-free An in-house welfare assessment scoring system was used to score
conditions in the University of Leicester’s Central Research Facil- common signs of illness/disease in rodents, including piloerection,
ity for at least one week prior to commencing studies. C57BL/6 orbital tightening and lethargy. Assessments were carried out over
and BALB/c Mice and Wistar rats were fed (ad libitum) on PMI Lab a period of 24 h, at the end of which animals who had not shown
Diet (5FL2) (BCM IPS LTD London) and allowed UV treated water signs of illness in response to LPS were culled, whilst those showing
at all times. Environmental enrichment was provided to all ani- signs of illness were culled upon reaching the severity limit stipu-
mals based on the requirements of the particular mouse/rat strain. lated in the project license. This was determined by the presence
Temperature was maintained at 21 ◦ C and animals were exposed of a high degree of lethargy.
to a 12 h light, 12 h dark cycle with a 15 min ramp up and ramp
down to simulate dusk and dawn. Mice were housed in groups of Measurement of NOP and ppN/OFQ mRNA
five per cage and rats in groups of 3. All animals were randomly
allocated to experimental groups using the online Graphpad® ran- Total RNA extraction and processing
domizer tool [8]. All injections were administered intraperitoneally At the end of each experiment, organs were harvested and stored
or intravenously in a volume of 100 ␮l (mice) or 1 ml (rats) between at −80 ◦ C. The tissues taken from mice were cerebral cortex, cere-
9.30 and 10.30 am. bellum, brainstem, spleen, lung, heart and thymus and the tissues
taken from the rats were cerebral cortex, spleen and heart. Total
RNA was extracted using Tri-reagent® (Sigma–Aldrich, Dorset, UK)
according to the manufacturers’ instructions following homoge-
nization with a TissueRuptor® (QIAGEN). The concentration and
The peptide NOP antagonist UFP-101 was synthesized by the
purity of the mRNA was determined using a NanoDrop ND2000
group of Guerrini and Calò, (University of Ferrara, Italy), as previ-
spectrophotometer. Equal concentrations of mRNA from each sam-
ously described [9] and suspended in phosphate buffered saline
ple were treated to remove any genomic DNA contamination with
(PBS). UFP-101was used in similar doses to previous studies in
a Turbo DNA-free® kit (Life Technologies, UK).
a mg/kg conversion dose for mice [3,6]. The non-peptide NOP
antagonist SB-612111 (Tocris, UK) was dissolved in ethanol and
Reverse transcription
diluted with PBS (final concentration of ethanol in 1 ml injection
Complimentary DNA (cDNA) synthesis was performed using a
∼2.5%). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) serotype O127:B7 was purchased
High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Life Technologies,
from Sigma–Aldrich, UK (rat studies) and LPS Serotype O111:B4
UK) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
was purchased from Enzo Life Sciences (mouse studies). UFP-101
was administered via the intraperitoneal route so that it could be
included together with the LPS as a single injection. SB-612111
Gene expression of NOP, ppN/OFQ, the inflammatory marker IL-
1 mg/kg was administered intravenously via the tail vein 15 min
1␤ and reference genes were assessed using TaqMan® probes (Life
before the LPS inoculation. The dose and route of injection for SB-
Technologies, UK). Assays were performed on the StepOne real time
612111 has been shown to be effective in a range of behavioral
PCR system. Expression levels of the target genes were normalized
assays in mice [14,20]. Phosphate buffered saline (137 mM NaCl,
to the endogenous reference genes ␤-actin (all mouse tissues), ELF1
2.7 mM KCl, 10 mM Na2 HPO4 , 2 mM KH2 PO4 ) was used in con-
and POP4 (rat spleen), Ywhaz and HPRT1 (rat cortex), and ELF1 and
trols (administered intraperitoneally where UFP-101 was used and
HPRT (rat heart). The expression stability of the reference genes
intravenously where SB-612111 was used).
used in the rat PCR assays was assessed by analyzing the reference
gene data with two algorithms: GeNorm [19] and Normfinder [1].
Animal studies The geometric mean value of the two most stable genes in each
tissue was used for normalization.
C57BL/6 mice
In a series of small pilot experiments the dose response to mg/kg ELISA
LPS 0.004–4 ± UFP-101 2 ng (∼80 ng/kg) was assessed in male and
female C57BL/6 mice (∼25 g). At the end of the experiment mice To measure the extent of the inflammatory response in rats,
were culled by cervical dislocation (n = 19). TNF-␣ was measured in serum obtained from the blood of LPS-
treated rats (15 or 25 mg/kg LPS). Analysis was performed using a
BALB/c mice DuoSet® ELISA kit (R&D Systems, Abingdon, UK) according to the
In a second series of experiments the dose response to LPS 3, 7 or manufacturers’ instructions.
10 mg/kg ± UFP-101 0.03 or 0.3 mg/kg was assessed in male BALB/c
mice (∼25 g) (n = 36). Mice were allocated to three experimental Results
groups: (A) LPS, (B) LPS + UFP-101, and (C) PBS (control). At the end
of the experiment mice were culled by cervical dislocation. Effects of LPS on survival

Wistar rats C57BL/6 mice

To assess the dose response to LPS in rats, male Wistar rats LPS at a dose of 0.85 mg/kg did not produce a septic response,
(∼250 g) were administered with either LPS 15 mg/kg ± SB-612111 whereas an increase in dose to 1.2 mg/kg resulted in all animals
1 mg/kg or LPS 25 mg/kg ± UFP-101 0.03 mg (n = 30). At the end of reaching the welfare severity limit before 5 h (Fig. 1A). This dose
the experiment rats were anaesthetized with isoflurane (3%) and response was too steep to allow use in survival studies and there
58 R.C. Thomas et al. / Peptides 61 (2014) 56–60

Fig. 1. Effects of LPS on survival and interleukin-1␤ in mice and rats. (A) Survival of C57BL/6 mice following administration of 0.004–4 mg/kg LPS ± 2 ng (∼80 ng/kg) UFP-101
(UFP-101 treatment made no difference to survival so is not represented as a separate group). (B) Survival of BALB/c mice following administration of 4–10 mg/kg LPS and
0.03–0.3 mg/kg UFP-101. (C) Levels of IL-1␤ in the spleen of LPS treated BALB/c mice (7 mg/kg (1) and (2) refer to two separate experiments). Median and range shown (n = 3).
(D) Survival of Wistar rats following administration of 15 ± 1 mg/kg SB-612111 (first three columns) and 25 mg/kg LPS ± 0.03 mg/kg UFP-101. Data expressed as median

was a suggestion of strain differences [16] so we changed to use there were median fold changes of 1.05 after LPS 4 mg/kg, 1.90–2.12
BALB/c mice. after 7 mg/kg, (in the in the two studies where this dose was used)
and 25.83 after LPS10 mg/kg. (Fig. 1C)
BALB/c mice
LPS 4 mg/kg (±UFP-101) did not produce a septic response.
Doses of 7 and 10 mg/kg (±UFP-101; 0.03 or 0.3 mg/kg) produced TNF-˛
severe responses such that the severity limit was reached before There was a significant increase in TNF-␣ concentrations com-
24 h. No differences were noted in survival times between LPS- pared to controls after injection of LPS 25 mg/kg. The low number
treated and LPS + UFP-101-treated groups (Fig. 1B). Therefore we of rats that responded to LPS at a dose of 15 mg/kg meant that
abandoned using mouse as a species and moved to use rats. although an increase in TNF-␣ concentration was observed in rats
that reached the severity limit, the difference was not statisti-
Wistar rats cally significant compared to controls. No significant differences
Administration of 15 mg/kg LPS did not produce a septic occurred between groups that had received LPS alone and groups
response in three out of five treated rats and in three out that had received LPS + a NOP antagonist at either dose of LPS
of five LPS + SB-612111 treated rats. LPS at 25 mg/kg ± UFP-101 (Table 1).
0.03 mg/kg resulted in 10/10 rats reaching the severity limit by 12 h.
There was no difference in the survival times between groups that
had received LPS alone and groups that had received LPS + a NOP PCR
antagonist (Fig. 1D)
NOP and ppN/OFQ mRNA was detected in the cerebral cortex of
Effects of LPS on inflammatory cytokine levels Wistar rats. ppN/OFQ was detected in the heart and spleen but NOP
was undetected in these tissues (Table 1). NOP and ppN/OFQ mRNA
IL-1ˇ was detected in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and cerebellum of all
To assess the extent of the inflammatory response to LPS, IL-1␤ mice, whereas the remaining tissues showed very low/no expres-
mRNA concentrations were measured in the spleen of BALB/c mice sion (data not shown). No significant differences in expression of
by qPCR. In the LPS-treated groups (relative to control animals), NOP or ppN/OFQ mRNA between groups were observed.
R.C. Thomas et al. / Peptides 61 (2014) 56–60 59

Table 1
ELISA and qPCR results. (A) TNF-␣ concentrations in serum obtained from rats treated with either 15 mg/kg or 25 mg/kg LPS ± a NOP antagonist (controls received saline)
n = 5 per group. *There was a significant increase in TNF-␣ concentration in the LPS-treated group relative to the control group, p < 0.05. Data expressed as median (range). (B)
qPCR of NOP and ppN/OFQ in cortex, spleen and heart of Wistar rats. Ct values for two reference genes, (geometric mean calculated), and the genes of interest were detected.
Median Ct values (and range) for each group are shown. ND, not determined.

Control (saline) LPS LPS + UFP-101 LPS + SB-612111

(A) TNF− ␣ (pg/ml)

15 mg/kg LPS 0 (0, 0) 0 (0–441.7) ND ND 0 (0–131.2)
25 mg/kg LPS 0 (0, 0) *223.2 (0–3978.0) 350.1 (41.1–3397.0) ND

(B) PCR (Ct )

Cortex (15 mg/kg LPS) NOP 6.77 (6.54–6.92) 6.61 (5.87–6.66) ND 6.21 (6.08–7.00)
ppN/OFQ 7.89 (7.55–8.33) 7.75 (7.52–8.12) ND 7.70 (6.96–8.13)

Cortex (25 mg/kg LPS) NOP 9.14 (8.83–9.33) 8.60 (8.00–9.25) 8.54 (8.44–8.84) ND
ppN/OFQ 7.89 (7.55–8.33) 7.75 (7.52–8.12) 7.70 (6.96–8.13) ND

Spleen (15 mg/kg LPS) NOP 12.98 (12.62–14.09) 14.94 (14.66–16.30) ND 14.64 (13.95–16.71)
ppN/OFQ 10.64 (8.41–11.47) 10.11 (8.92–10.35) ND 9.61 (7.62–10.10)

Spleen (25 mg/kg LPS) NOP Undetected Undetected Undetected ND

ppN/OFQ 10.52 (10.25–11.36) 9.90 (9.17–12.47) 10.42 (9.78–11.24) ND

Heart (15 mg/kg LPS) NOP Undetected Undetected ND Undetected

ppN/OFQ 7.22 (6.61–9.13) 6.73 (6.48–8.91) ND 8.46 (7.15–9.09)

Heart (25 mg/kg LPS) NOP Undetected Undetected Undetected ND

ppN/OFQ 9.07 (7.85–9.55) 8.83 (7.48–10.43) 7.61 (5.85–9.17) ND

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(−)-cis-1-methyl-7-[[4-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)piperidin-1-yl]methyl]-6,7,8,9- ppN/OFQ: Precursor protein from which N/OFQ is cleaved.
tetrahydro-5H-benzocyclohepten-5-ol (SB-612111). J Pharmacol Exp Ther LPS: Lipopolysaccharide component of gram negative bacterial cell wall which leads
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