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2024 C.tech Mock 4-1

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MAY 2024

CAREER TECHNOLOGY Name…………………………………………….……………..

Essay and Objective 2&1
1 hour 45 minutes
Index Number………………………………………..……….




1 hour 55 minutes

Essay and Objectives

Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. While you are waiting, read and observe the following
instructions carefully. Write your name and index number in ink in the spaces provided above.

This booklet consists of two papers. Answer Paper 2 which comes first, in your answer booklet and Paper 1
on your Objective Test answer sheet. Paper 2 will last 1 hour 10minutes after which the answer booklet
will be collected. Do not start Paper 1 until you are told do so. Paper 1 will last 45 minutes
Answer two questions only from this part. Question 1 (compulsory) and any other one.
1. a) Write out the method of preparing meat jollof rice. 10marks

b) i. What is portion control? 2marks


ii. State three reasons why portion control is important. 3marks


2ai) What is steaming? 2marks

ii) Mention the two kinds of steaming process. 2marks

b) State three (3) parts to consider when choosing meat? 3marks


ii) Write three (3) characteristics used to judge food in terms of appearance and palatability. 3marks

C) Mention three (3) factors to consider in selecting compliant materials for making an artefact. 3marks

ii) Explain the term small size business enterprise. 2marks


3ai) Explain the term free- hand cutting. 2marks


ii) State two (2) disadvantages of free hand cutting. 2marks


bi) Define Steam. 2marks

ii) Explain the two types of seams and give an example each. 3marks

ci) Mention three (3) dress styles you know. 3marks


ii) Identify three (3) body parts that are measured to make a dress. 3marks

Part B
Answer two questions only from this part. Question 4(compulsory) and any other one.
4ai) Draw a simple pulley and explain how pulleys work. 9marks

ii) Give two examples of machines that are based on the pulley system. 2marks

iii) Give two (2) advantages of pulleys. 2marks


iv) Give two (2) disadvantages of pulleys. 2marks


5. a) Draw full size in the first angle orthographic projection.

a) The front elevation in the direction of arrow Z.

b) the plan.

6. ai) What is meant by structure failure? 2marks


ii) list two causes of structure failure. 2marks

b) Classify the following cutting and shaping tools under food laboratory, wood work, sewing, block work,
metal work.
(muffin cups, scissors, biscuit cutters, spoke shave, bolster, mould box, cold chisel, hand drill, rasp files,
seam ripper)
Work place. Tools
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C (a) State two(2) reasons for taking measurements. 2marks


ii) Mention two(2) table etiquette. 2marks


iii) What is finishing? 1mark


iv) State any two (2) types of finishes. 1marks

Each question is followed by four option lettered A to D. Find the correct option for each question and in
pencil on your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen.

1. Practicing good hygiene techniques and general 8. The suitable edge finish for a kitchen apron
composure is known as............... is..................
A. grooming. A. crocheting.
B. Good grooming. B. facing.
C. Personal hygiene. C. fringing.
D. decent work D. lacing
2. A cord of thin filaments used to remove food 9. In taking body measurement, a firm tape
and dental plaque from between teeth in areas a measure is needed to................
toothbrush is unable to reach is termed A. save time.
as............... B. Avoid wasting fabric.
A. dental floss. C. obtain accuracy.
B. dental brush. D. make sewing easy.
C. dental chard. 10. An advantage of free- hand cutting is
D. Dental chord that...............
3. Animals reared to produce meat and eggs are A. It is good for mass production.
known as.............. B. it is good for beginners.
A. meat. C. it conserves time and energy.
B. offal. D. there is no need for pattern drafting.
C. Poultry. 11. Which of the following is a white fish?
D. game A. mackerel.
4. The french curve is a tool usetin dress making B. cod.
for..... C. Herring.
A. cutting fabrics D. Tilapia
B. shaping heniline 12. The most appropriate meal for a child
C. Shaping neck lines and arm hole. suffering from kwashiorkor is...........
D. taking body measurement. A. pepper sauce and boiled rice.
5. Ama advised her mother to select a polyester B. Beans soup and boiled rice
fabric for curtains in their homes. The main reason C. Shito and banku.
for his choice is that,it .................................... D. Fish palava sauce and mashed yam.
A. Can be obtained in a different colours. 13. Portion control equipment include..........
B. can withstand frequent washing. A. sauce boat.
C. is light in weight. B. oval plate.
D. soft to touch. C. ladle.
6. The part of the machine which holds the fabric D. casseiole
in position when sewing is known as the........... 14. Tools used for measuring when sewing
A. The spool pin include........
B. tension disc. A. bodkin and stiletto
C. bobbin. B. needle and sewing pins
D. thread guide. C. thimble and stitch ripper
7. The main use of the colander is for ................ D. tape measure and metre rule
A. draining. 15. A light meal eaten between the main meals of
B. sifting. the day is referred to as................
C. steaming. A. elevenses.
D. straining B. high tea.
C. brunch.
D. snack
24. The statement describing the problem in
16. Which of the following foods is prepared designing is referred to as...........
using dry method of cooking. A. investigation.
A. bread. B. situation.
B. kenkey. C. design brief.
C. koose D. design process
D. Kokonte
17. The process of removing moisture from a Study the figure below and use it to answer
freshly sawn wood is termed as.......................... question 25
A. seasoning.
B. conversion.
C. felling.
D. sawning
18. The cutting edge of a cold chisel is ground
A. 30°. 25. The type of force acting on the object shown
B. 45° in figure 1 is ........
C. 60°. A. bending Force.
D. 90° B. Compression force.
19. In perspective drawing, the point at which C. Shear force.
receding parallel lines appear to meet is known D. tension force
as................. 26. Water is is use as solvent for.................
A. focal point. A. Oil paint.
B. horizon line. B. Emulsion paint.
C. vanishing point. C. Lacquer paint.
D. vertical line D. Gloss paint
20. Which of the following is more economical to 27. Structure made by man to provide protection
use in rural area? and support are known as.............
A. Gas cooker. A. artificial load.
B. Coal pot. B. Natural structures.
C. Kerosene stove. C. Frame structure.
D. Electric cooker D. Man-made structure
21. Weakness on a joint of furniture may be due
to........ Figure 2 shows the process of a wall. Use it to
A. Excessive glueing answer question 28 and 29.
B. Hammering hard
C. Missing nail
D. Over polishing
22. Which of the following are the main tools
used in crocheting?
A. Hook and eye.
B. Pin and string.
C. Thread and hook.
D. Thread and needle
23. A sole proprietor.......... 28. The process shows blocks being.................
A. Shares profit with friends A. plumbed.
B. Shares profit with a partner B. levelled.
C. Takes decision alone C. aligned.
D. Takes decision with his staff D. gauged
29. The tool labeled x is a .................. 35. Which of the following nutrients is
A. builder's square. responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood
B. gauge rod. streams and for preventing anaemia?
C. spirit level. A. iron.
D. straight edge B. protein.
30. The line suitable for drawing out lines is the .. C. calcium.
A. continuous thin. D. iodine
B. continuous thick.
C. continuous deep. 36. A mechanism which rotary motion can be
D. Continuous light applied to a shaft is a ....................
31. A collection of prepared dishes that are eaten A. gear mechanism.
at a sitting is called.................. B. screw mechanism
A. meal. C. crank mechanism.
B. dish. D. chain mechanism
C. snack. 37. In orthographic projection, the plan is located
D. Brunch in the....................
32. A method of cooking food with a little amount A. vertical plane.
of liquid in a saucepan with a tight lid at a B. inclined plane.
simmering temperature is..................... C. horizontal plane.
A. frying. D. both planes
B. poaching. 38. The measurement taken around the fullest part
C. stewing. of the body below the waist is the .................
D. sauteing A. bust measurement.
33. Materials that respond to differences in B. hem.
temperature or light and change in some ways C. skirt length.
are.............................. D. hip
A. smart materials. 39. ''Cover" refers to ................ space Infront of a
B. modern materials. person's seat.
C. resistance materials. A. table.
D. compliant materials. B. wardrobe.
34. Buying eggs from the market, you have to C. mirror.
look out for..................... D. chair
A. Colour of egg 40. Dishes cooked by poaching and steaming are .
B. egg should be alert A. very palatable
C. egg sink in brine B. easily digested
D. the size of the egg C. very attractive
D. easy to handle

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