In Gov cbse-TETCR-2202152010400212022DEC
In Gov cbse-TETCR-2202152010400212022DEC
In Gov cbse-TETCR-2202152010400212022DEC
Eligibility Certificate
This is to certify that
appeared at Central Teacher Eligibility Test conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi and performed as under:-
Paper-I (For Classes I-V) Primary Stage Paper-II (For Classes VI-VIII) Elementary Stage
Subject Maximum Marks Subject Maximum Marks
Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 29 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 NA
Mathematics 30 21 60 NA
Environmental Studies 30 15
Language-I English 30 22 Language-I 30 NA
Language-II Hindi 30 16 Language-II 30 NA
Total Marks 150 103 Total Marks 150 NA
Examination held on : Paper-I: 10-01-2023 Result declared on : 03-03-2023
DATE : 03-03-2023
NOTE: *Marks obtained is applicable only for recruitment of teachers in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of
Delhi as per their notification giving 5% relaxation in case of candidates covered under reservation policy.
"The certificate shall abide by the outcome of the final decision of the Hon'ble Supreme Court rendered in the SLPs vide nos. 3222 of 2022, SLP
No.3000 of 2022, SLP No.20743 of 2021."