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Measuring graduate students’ teaching and research skills through self-report:

Descriptive findings and validity evidence

Joanna Gilmore, M.Ed.

Educational Studies, University of South Carolina
[email protected]

David Feldon, Ph.D.

STEM Education, University of Virginia
[email protected]

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association,

Denver, CO, April 30-May 4, 2010.


This study extends research on graduate student development by examining descriptive findings

and validity of a self-report survey designed to capture graduate students’ assessments of their

teaching and research skills. Descriptive findings provide some information about areas of

growth among graduate students’ in the first years of their graduate studies. Validity is

examined using a retrospective think-aloud method and by exploring the relationship between

responses to the self-report survey and other measures of participants’ teaching and research

skills. Findings indicate that several factors contribute to graduate students’ perceptions of their

research and teaching skills such as their personal values and research and teaching practices.

Additionally, participants’ self-reported teaching and research skills were inconsistent with the

perceptions of their students and researchers, respectively. These findings support previous

research indicating that the interpretation of personal efficacy instruments may be problematic

(Tshannen-Moran et al., 1998).


Given that a primary purpose of graduate school is to prepare graduate students to assume

professorial responsibilities, it is of utmost importance that they develop both teaching skills and

research skills. The activity of teaching is critical in the development of teaching skills.

Conducting research is also important in the development of research skills. However, recent

investigations into the relationship between teaching and research among graduate students

suggest that teaching experiences may also impact graduate students’ research skills while

involvement in research has the potential to influence teaching skill development.

Lyons, Fisher & Thompson (2005) found that graduate students reported improvement in

their research skills as a result of participation in their graduate teaching fellowship programs.

The graduate students in their study participated in teaching experiences specifically designed for

graduate students to develop inquiry-based teaching skills (skills that allow teachers to better

facilitate students’ ability to ask questions, develop hypothesis, and identify methods that allow

them to investigate their questions). As Steigelmeyer and Feldon (2009) explained, inquiry-

based teaching methods and research share cognitive processes as “researchers-in-training must

reflect carefully on their own experiences and knowledge to refine their understandings of events

in a similar way that teachers using inquiry-based methods must carefully analyze knowledge to

scaffold students‘ learning effectively” (p. 2).

Researchers have gained interest in further exploring the relationship between teaching

and research and how each of these activities (as well as the integration of these activities)

impact the development of graduate students’ teaching and research skills (Deen & Lucas, 2006;

Maher, Timmerman, Hurst, & Gilmore, 2009; Robertson & Blackler, 2006; Steigelmeyer &
Feldon, 2009). However, one barrier to examining these relationships stems from the lack of

validated instruments designed to capture each of these areas in tandem (teaching skills and

research skills). The use of a parallel format will allow researchers to compare graduate

students’ perceptions of their teaching skills with their research skills. There are several existing

instruments that capture either skills of effective teachers or researchers and these instruments

will be described in the literature review. This information informed the development of a survey

designed to capture graduate students teaching and research skills (GSTARS).

Literature Review

Measures of Teaching and Research Skills

Several instruments measure teaching skills, some of which are completed by an external

observer (e.g., Peterson, Kromrey, & Borg, 1990). Other instruments require students to

evaluate their teachers’ competencies. For example, college students often complete summative

evaluations of their instructors’ effectiveness (Costin, Grenough, & Menges, 1971). When

teachers self-report the effectiveness of their teaching, the construct measured is referred to as

teacher efficacy (Tschannen-Moran, Hoy, & Hoy, 1998). Teaching efficacy instruments (e.g.,

Gibson & Dembo, 1984) measure similar teaching skills as instruments completed by external

observers. However, they often include measures of factors that are external to the teacher, such

as the extent to which students’ socio-economic status predicts learning outcomes. The

GSTARS was designed to only capture the factors that are internal to the teacher, such as

knowledge of their content area.

Fewer studies have been conducted examining important research skills of developing

researchers; however, some work in this area is available. For example, Kardash (2000)

developed an instrument designed to capture the developing research skills of undergraduates

engaged in research, while Powers and Enright (1987) constructed a survey measuring graduate

student research skills that were deemed important by faculty members. However few studies

have examined graduate student development in terms of the research skills that they deem

important. The GSTARS was constructed, in part, from analyzing interviews with graduate

students themselves. The researchers felt that this was critical in the development of a measure

that adequately captures their self-assessments of their teaching and research skills.

Study Purpose

Though researchers have developed instruments that assess teaching or research skills,

there are no integrated instrument available that capture both teaching and research skills in a

parallel format. This study contributes to existing knowledge about graduate student

development, primarily, in that it provides information on the validation of the GSTARS. There

are five kinds of validity evidence, including evidence based on (a) test content, (b) response

processes, (c) internal structure, (d) relations to other variables, and (e) consequences of testing

(AERA, APA, & NCME, 1999). This paper explores the response processes of participants

using a retrospective think-aloud method. Validity will also be examined by exploring relations

to other variables. Specifically, the concurrent validity of survey responses will be examined by

comparing data gained from the GSTARS with data collected from other measures of graduate

students’ teaching and research skills. Previous research on teaching and research efficacy

instruments have not examined convergent validity.

In addition to providing information about the validity of responses collected using the

GSTARS, this paper will also explore preliminary trends in responses to the GSTARS. This

information may be useful as a point of comparison if researchers, faculty, or administrators,

administer the GSTARS to graduate students at their institutions.

This study also informs a larger NSF project investigating how graduate students’

teaching and research skills develop. After the first year of the NSF project, the research group

identified the need for an additional measure of participants’ teaching and research skills that

were obtained from the perspective of the participant. Though interviews provided some

information about participants’ views of their skills, the quality of such data varied greatly. For

example, when asked to identify their strengths as teacher and researcher, many participants

identified only one skill and many noted that they were not aware of the range of skills necessary

for teaching and research. The GSTARS was initially developed to meet this need.



All data used in this study were obtained from graduate students in sciences, technology,

engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Participants were typically enrolled in their first

years of graduate study. Specifically, 30 (66.0%) were enrolled in their first year of graduate

study, 10 (21.3%) were in their second year, 3 (6.4%) were in their third year, and 3 (6.4%) were

in their fourth year or beyond of their current degree programs. Participants were recruited from

two universities. University 1 is located in the Southeastern United States and is a research-

extensive university (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2010). University

2 is a larger master’s-granting university and is located in the Northeastern United States

(Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2010). Almost half of the participants

(n=21, 44.7%) spoke English as a second language.

Table 1 shows the number of participants who completed the GSTARS in Fall 2008

(n=47) and Spring 2009 (n=34), the degrees that these participants are pursuing, and the

condition to which they have been assigned for the larger NSF study (including participants who

are only teaching, only conducting research, or teaching and conducting research during 2008-


Table 1
Number of Participants Completing Survey at Each Administration

Semester of Administration Student Demographic Number of Participants

Fall 2008 47
Degree Pursuit: Ph.D. 22
Master’s 25
Condition: Teaching Only 4
Research Only 24
Teaching and Research 17
Unclassifieda 2
Spring 2009 34
Degree Pursuit: Ph.D. 18
Master’s 16
Condition: Teaching Only 4
Research Only 19
Teaching and Research 10
Unclassifieda 1
These participants did not complete an interview thus not enough information was available on these individuals in
order to evaluate their teaching and research activities as a graduate student.

Instruments and Data Collection

The GSTARS (Appendix A) was developed, in part, from previous research that explores

the skills of effective teachers and researchers (e.g., Dharmadasa, 1999; Irish Universities

Association, 2008). The instrument was also informed by preliminary findings from semi-

structured interviews with graduate students during the first year of the larger NSF project (see

Gilmore, Maher, & Hurst, 2009; Hurst, Maher, & Gilmore, 2009). Cronbach’s alpha indicated

that the GSTARS has good reliability (.840 for fall administration and .905 for spring).

The Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP; MacIsaac & Falconer, 2002)

provided an empirical measure of participants’ teaching skills. The RTOP was used to reliably

score participants’ inquiry-based teaching practices. The RTOP contains 25 items which were

developed from the principles of effective inquiry teaching put forth by the American

Association for the Advancement of Science (Adamson, Banks, Burtch, Cox, Judson, Turley,

Benford, & Lawson, 2003) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the

National Association of Science Teachers (MacIsaac & Falconer, 2002). Video recordings of the

participants were scored by two independent raters and final scores were tabulated by averaging

the two ratings. All raters were trained by MacIssac and Falconer and interrater reliability was

assessed at α=.771.

The Learning Environment Inventory (LEI; Fraser, 2002) was also used to measure

participants’ teaching practices. It evaluates teachers’ ability to create a productive learning

environment. It is a combination of two previously validated instruments: (1) The Constructivist

Learning Environment Survey (CLES; Taylor, P.C., Fraser, & Fisher, 1997) and (2) What is

Happening in this Class? (WIHIC; Aldridge, Fraser & Huang, 1999). It includes 34 items and 5

subscales including (1) Personal Relevance—connections between classroom topics and the

“real world,” (2) Student Negotiation—development of social discourse in the classroom, (3)

Uncertainty—tentative nature of science, (4) Involvement—social discourse and (5)

Investigation—science process skills. Each item is ranked along a five point scale (almost never,

seldom, sometimes, often, almost always). The LEI was administered to the students that the

participants taught during 2008-2009. The average response to each item among all of the

participants’ students was used for this study.

Both RTOP and LEI data were gathered in the early fall and late spring, close to the times

at which the GSTARS data were gathered. LEI and RTOP data were available for 9 participants

for the Fall and 7 participants for the Spring.

An empirical measure of graduate students’ research skills was also collected from 18

participants in Fall 2008 and 26 in Spring 2009. In early Fall 2008, participants received detailed

directions to develop research proposals in their field of study. Section headings (Introduction,

Methods, Results, Discussion, Literature Cited), descriptions, and criteria were explicitly

delineated. Participants were strongly encouraged to use resources and citations styles typical

for their field. The proposal was framed as an effort that could be directly applicable to NSF

Graduate Fellowship applications and/or grant proposals. Participants submitted their research

proposal in mid to late September and revised and resubmitted their proposals in early May.

Proposals were evaluated using a modified version of the Universal Lab Rubric (ULR) that

assesses the quality of scientific writing (Timmerman, 2008; Timmerman, et al., in press). To

ensure that rubric ratings were valid (i.e., they accurately reflected each student’s academic

writing skills), each research proposal was submitted to SafeAssign™ plagiarism detection

software (for results see Gilmore, Strickland, Timmerman, Maher, & Feldon, in press).

Descriptive Analyses

This study will first present descriptive findings for the GSTARS beginning with general

trends. The data will then be disaggregated by participants’ degree level (master’s vs. Ph.D.) and

involvement in teaching and research activities. Analysis of data with respect to these variables

may be useful in identifying any unique patterns among specific subcultures of graduate

students. For example, degree level may be an important factor in understanding how graduate

students’ perceive their teaching and research skills as there are differing expectations for

master’s and doctoral students. For example, in the United States, the distinguishing feature of a

Master’s degree is the shorter degree duration and more constrained scope of the thesis, the

culminating research project. Doctoral degrees are typically longer and involve a broader scope

of research investigation. Thus doctoral students may be expected to acquire more sophisticated

research skills.

Examination of Validity

Concurrent validity of the GSTARS was examined using two measures of teaching skills

and one measure of research skill. First, a content analysis was conducted to compare constructs

measured in the GSTARS, the LEI, the RTOP, and the URL. The researchers identified 11

constructs that were measured in both the GSTARS and either the LEI, the RTOP, or the URL

(see table 2). Researchers considered the construct measured in each of these items to be

congruent. Spearman’s rho correlations coefficients were computed between congruent items

and subscales and total scale scores.

Table 2

Items Measuring Congruent Constructs Across Measures

Construct Item Letter Item Item Criteria on URL
on GSTARS Number(s) Number(s)
on RTOP on LEI
Structuring a productive learning Tb 14,15,18, &
environment. 20
Engaging students in learning. Tc 2
Connections with real-world Tf 1,2,3,4,5,&
Facilitating student investigations. Tg 3 & 24
Encouraging multiple problem-solving Th 4

Adjusting instruction to meet students’ Tk 19,20,22,&
needs. 23
Locating scholarly literature Rc Primary
Writing skills Rd Writing Quality
Quantitative skills Rf Data
Presentation &
Data Analysis
Formulating Research Questions Rh Research
Understanding the Impact of Research Rj Introduction &
Broader Impacts

Retrospective think-aloud procedures involved participants sharing their thoughts about

how they responded to a given task in the past (Collins, 2003). Think-alouds were conducted

with participants regarding their GSTARS responses. These interviews generally occurred

within the two weeks following the final administration of the GSTARS. Identifying gains in

teaching and research skills was the primary purpose of the GSTARS within the larger NSF

study. The think-aloud provided information about the extent to which changes in graduate

students’ responses on the GSTARS from fall to spring reflected real changes in graduate

students’ skills, providing evidence of participants’ response processes.


Comparison of tables 3 and 4 shows that, overall, participants rated their research skills

higher than their teaching skills. Generally, participants made slightly larger gains in teaching

skills as compared to research skills. As a whole, participants reported improvements in all

research and teaching skills except time management which showed a slight decline in mean

response from fall to spring for both teaching and research. In terms of research, the areas in

which participants reported the most growth include methodological knowledge, oral

communication skills, and finding information. In terms of teaching skills, the largest increases

from fall to spring were observed for ability to engage students in learning and ability to adjust

instruction to meet students’ needs.

Table 3

Average Level of Research Skills

Pre/Fall Post/Spring Mean

Number Number (Spring –
Research Skills Responding Mean SD Responding Mean SD Fall)

a. Critical thinking 46 3.65 .604 34 3.82 .716 .17

b. Organizing ideas 47 3.66 .668 34 3.85 .610 .19
c. Finding information 47 3.66 .788 34 3.94 .649 .28
d. Writing skills 47 3.40 .798 34 3.56 .660 .16
e. Reading skills 47 3.47 .776 34 3.65 .734 .18
f. Ability to work with 47 3.98 .847 33 4.06 .747 .08
numbers and graphs
g. Oral communication skills 47 3.53 .830 33 3.85 .755 .32
h. Ability to ask questions 47 3.62 .739 33 3.67 .854 .05

i. Methodological 46 3.35 .674 33 3.67 .777

j. Sense of “big picture” 47 3.66 .700 33 3.88 .696 .22
k. Time management 47 3.43 .950 33 3.36 .994 -.07

l. Ability to collaborate with 47 3.91 .803 32 4.00 .622

Mean 46.8 3.61 .765 33.3 3.77 .735 .17
Note. These items were measured on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = no ability and 5 = expert ability.

Table 4

Average Level of Teaching Skills

Pre/Fall Post/Spring Mean

Number Number (Spring –
Teaching Skills Responding Mean SD Responding Mean SD Fall)

a. Ability to plan for 35 3.51 .781 31 3.68 .748 .17

Ability to structure a 34 3.15 .657 32 3.44 .716 .29
b. productive learning
c. Ability to engage students 37 3.11 .658 32 3.69 .693 .58
in learning
Ability to develop 39 3.46 .756 32 3.84 .808 .38
relationships with
Ability to provide clear 41 3.41 .670 32 3.78 .706 .37
explanations and
Ability to make 40 3.60 .900 32 3.81 .693 .21
f. connections with other
disciplines or real world
g. Ability to facilitate 34 3.15 .610 32 3.41 .798 .26
student investigation
Ability to encourage 37 3.14 .822 31 3.48 .962 .34
multiple problem solving
i. Ability to promote strong 38 3.39 .718 32 3.59 .756 .20
conceptual understanding
j. Ability to identify student 38 3.34 .847 32 3.59 .712 .25
Ability to adjust 37 3.30 .777 32 3.72 .772 .42
k. instruction to meet
students’ needs
Ability to evaluate the 34 3.03 .758 32 3.41 .665 .38
effectiveness of
m Time management 40 3.50 1.062 32 3.47 .842 -.03

n. Knowledge of subject 40 3.85 .622 32 3.94 .669 .09
Mean 37.4 3.35 .759 31.8 3.63 .753 .28
Note. These items were measured on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = no ability and 5 = expert ability.

Tables 5-9 present descriptive statistics for the GSTARS by participants’ degree level

(Master’s vs. Ph.D.) and involvement in teaching and research (teaching only, research only,

teaching and research). Tables 5 and 6 show that, overall, master’s level students reported higher

levels of both teaching and research skills as compared with doctoral students. Tables 7 and 8

show that participants who engaged in teaching and research activities reported slightly higher

levels of research skills in the fall and made larger gains by spring as compared with graduate

students who only conducted research or taught. In terms of teaching skills, the teaching only

group had the highest level of teaching skills in the fall. By spring, however, the teaching and

research group reported higher levels of teaching skills.

Table 5
Differences between Master’s Level and Ph.D. Level Participants in Terms of Research Skills

Ph.D. Level Participants Master’s Level Participants

Research Skills Fall Mean Spring Mean Fall Mean Spring Mean

a. Critical thinking 3.77 3.76 3.54 3.88

b. Organizing ideas 3.68 3.76 3.64 3.94
c. Finding information 3.50 3.71 3.80 4.18
d. Writing skills 3.36 3.47 3.44 3.65
e. Reading skills 3.41 3.41 3.52 3.88

f. Ability to work with 4.32 4.06 3.68 4.06

numbers and graphs

g. Oral communication skills 3.23 3.69 3.80 4.00
h. Ability to ask questions 3.41 3.44 3.80 3.88

i. Methodological 3.41 3.69 3.29 3.65

j. Sense of “big picture” 3.55 3.75 3.76 4.00
k. Time management 3.14 3.31 3.68 3.41

l. Ability to collaborate with 3.68 3.93 4.12 4.06

Mean 3.54 3.67 3.67 3.88
Note. These items were measured on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = no ability and 5 = expert ability.

Table 6
Differences between Master’s Level and Ph.D. Level Participants in Terms of Teaching Skills

Master’s Level
Ph.D. Level Participants Participants

Teaching Skills Fall Mean Spring Mean Fall Mean Spring Mean

a. Ability to plan for 3.47 3.64 3.55 3.71

Ability to structure a 3.07 3.33 3.21 3.53
b. productive learning
c. Ability to engage students 2.82 3.53 3.35 3.82
in learning
d. Ability to develop 3.11 3.67 3.80 4.00
relationships with students
e. Ability to provide clear 3.32 3.93 3.50 3.65
explanations and
f. Ability to make 3.39 3.60 3.77 4.00
connections with other
g. Ability to facilitate 3.06 3.27 3.22 3.53
student investigation
h. Ability to encourage 3.19 3.36 3.10 3.59
multiple problem solving
i. Ability to promote strong 3.29 3.47 3.48 3.71
conceptual understanding

j. Ability to identify student 3.39 3.60 3.30 3.59
k. Ability to adjust 3.28 3.80 3.32 3.65
instruction to meet
l. Ability to evaluate the 2.93 3.33 3.11 3.47
effectiveness of
m. Time management 3.22 3.47 3.73 3.47
n. Knowledge of subject area 3.95 3.93 3.76 3.94
Mean 3.25 3.57 3.44 3.69
Note. These items were measured on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = no ability and 5 = expert ability.

Table 7
Mean Level of Research Skills Among Participants who Only Teach, Only do Research, or do
Both Teaching and Research

Teaching and
Teaching Only Research Only Research
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
Research Skill Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean

a. Critical thinking 3.75 4.00 3.61 3.89 3.71 3.70

b. Organizing ideas 3.75 3.50 3.58 3.95 3.82 3.80

c. Finding information 3.25 3.75 3.79 4.00 3.65 3.90

d. Writing skills 3.25 3.75 3.46 3.42 3.41 3.80

e. Reading skills 3.25 3.25 3.58 3.68 3.41 3.80
Ability to work with 4.50 4.75 3.88 4.00 4.00 3.90
numbers and graphs
g. Oral communication skills 3.50 3.50 3.63 3.83 3.41 4.00
h. Ability to ask questions 3.50 3.75 3.54 3.56 3.76 3.80
i. Methodological knowledge 3.25 3.75 3.22 3.39 3.53 4.10
j. Sense of “big picture” 3.50 3.75 3.63 3.89 3.71 3.90

k. Time management 3.00 3.00 3.29 3.28 3.65 3.60

l. Ability to collaborate with 3.75 3.75 4.04 4.06 3.76 4.00
Mean 3.52 3.60 3.60 3.65 3.65 3.86

Note. These items were measured on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = no ability and 5 = expert ability.

Table 8
Mean Level of Teaching Skills Among Participants who Only Teach, Only do Research, or do
Both Teaching and Research

Teaching and
Teaching Only Research Only Research
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
Teaching Skills Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean

Ability to plan for 3.50 3.67 3.57 3.47 3.44 4.00

Ability to structure a 3.50 3.75 3.15 3.18 3.06 3.80
b. productive learning
Ability to engage students in 3.25 3.50 3.00 3.65 3.18 3.90
Ability to develop 3.50 3.00 3.65 4.00 3.24 3.90
relationships with students
Ability to provide clear 4.00 4.00 3.33 3.53 3.29 4.10
explanations and examples
Ability to make connections 3.25 3.00 3.65 3.88 3.59 4.00
f. with other disciplines or real
world phenomenon
Ability to facilitate student 2.75 3.00 2.92 3.35 3.38 3.60
Ability to encourage 3.25 3.33 3.29 3.41 3.00 3.60
h. multiple problem solving
i. Ability to promote strong 3.50 3.75 3.53 3.76 3.24 3.30
conceptual understanding
Ability to identify student 4.00 3.50 3.38 3.53 3.18 3.70
Ability to adjust instruction 3.50 3.50 3.13 3.71 3.35 3.80
to meet students’ needs

l. Ability to evaluate the 3.50 3.50 3.00 3.35 2.94 3.50

effectiveness of instruction

m. Time management 3.00 3.00 3.41 3.47 3.65 3.70

n. Knowledge of subject area 4.25 4.50 3.76 3.88 3.82 3.80

Mean 3.48 3.41 3.34 3.34 3.31 3.76

Note. These items were measured on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = no ability and 5 = expert ability.

Tables 9 and 10 present correlations between responses to the GSTARS and congruent

constructs on the LEI, the RTOP, and the URL. Results indicate that the correlation between

congruent constructs was usually quite low and frequently negative. The only significant

correlation occurred for the fall between the items which measured participants’ quantitative

research skills (Rho= .318, p=.046; Table 9). There were no significant correlations between

total scores on the GSTARS and the RTOP, the LEI, or the URL.

Table 9

Correlations between Items that are Congruent across Measures

Construct Item Letter Item Item Criteria on Spearman Level of

on GSTARS Number(s) Number(s) URL Correlation Significance
on RTOP on LEI

Structuring a Tb 14,15,18, & Fall = .296 .439

productive 20
learning Spring = .000 1.000
13,14, 15, Fall = -.401 .373
16, 17,& 18
Spring = -.289 .530
Engaging Tc 2 Fall = -.280 .466
students in
learning. Spring = .605 .150

Connections Tf 1,2,3,4,5,& Fall = .581 .101

with real-world 6
phenomenon Spring = .722 .067

Facilitating Tg 3 & 24 Fall = .383 .308

investigations. Spring = .638 .123

Encouraging Th 4 Fall = -.259 .501
problem- Spring = .509 .303
Adjusting Tk 19,20,22,& Fall = .105 .788
instruction to 23
meet students’ Spring = .378 .403
Locating Rc Primary Fall = -.212 .173
scholarly Literature
literature Spring = -.219 .245

Writing skills Rd Writing Fall = .251 .105

Spring = .138 .468
Quantitative Rf Data Fall = .318 .046*
skills Presentation
& Data Spring =.197 .316
Formulating Rh Research Fall = .043 .785
Research Question
Questions Spring =-.202 .292

Understanding Rj Introduction Fall = -.113 .470

the Impact of & Broader
Research Impacts Spring=-.255 .181

Note. When several items are included from one instrument that measure only one construct, this indicates that
these items were aggregated when calculating correlations with congruent constructs on the GSTARS.
*p ≤ .05.

Table 10

Correlations between Total Scores Across Measures

GSTARS Subscale Concurrent Measure Spearman Level of

Correlation Significance

Total Score for Teaching Total Score for RTOP Fall = -.251 .515
Skills Subscale
Spring = .406 .425

Total Score Teaching Total Score for LEI Fall = -.301 .431
Skills Subscale
Spring = .406 .425

Total Score for Research Total Score for Research Proposal Fall = -.232 .161
Skills Subscale
Spring =-.309 .103

In total, major changes (change ≥2 on a 5-point Likert scale) were observed in the skills

of 20 survey respondents, 16 of whom participated in a think-aloud. Table 11 shows that, of the

participants who participated in the think-aloud process, 9 reported that at least some of the

observed changes reflected real changes in their skills. For example, one participant who

showed gains in ability to see the big picture of research reported that “It’s a real change

because [participant’s advisor] is very big on the big picture. He feels that everything needs to

tell a story. You need to get people interested and why do they care, what is your overall goal?...

I used to hate seminars because they are so detail-oriented and [my advisor] was like, ‘don’t get

bogged down in the details, just keep a broad overview: what is the purpose, the goal of the

experiment or the seminar.’”

Table 11

Reason Reported During Think-Aloud Procedures for Any Changes Observed Across an
Academic Year in Responses to the Teaching and Research Skills Assessment
Reason Reported for Observed Change Number of Participants
Change reflects real change in skills 9

Underestimated skill in fall due to lack of 5
Overestimated skill in fall 2
Change reflects change in values rather than 2
skill development
Change reflects change in instructional practice 2
or research practices rather than skill
Underestimated skills in spring 1
Note. The total number of responses exceeds the number of participants who engaged in the think-aloud because
participants often cited different explanations for changes in different skill areas.

Participants also commonly reported during the think-aloud that they had made errors in

their self-report including underestimating or overestimating their skills. For example, 1

participant initially underestimated her teaching skills in terms of developing relationships with

students. As she noted, “Ok, ability to develop relationships with students. I was scared about

that too because how do I relate to someone that is 11 or 12 years old? I was scared about that

but being in the classroom I have been fine—the [partner] teacher is actually, I think, jealous of

my relationship with them…” Similarly, two participants identified that observed changes were

due to overestimating their initial skill level. Both of these participants discussed how graduate

school constitutes a “humbling” experience that has prompted reconsideration of their level of

expertise. One of these participants noted, “Before I didn’t have experience of either weak or

strong ability—I didn’t know how I was going to do at it. Now that I’ve been forced into it I feel

as though most of my students are learning—at the end of teaching 101 I feel they are really

grasping many of the topics and learn it pretty well and that led me to feel I was really providing

a productive learning environment for them.” A participant who reported initially

overestimating his skills noted, “I actually moved down on lesson preparation because when I

prepared the lecture it took me way more time than I thought. I appreciate now how much time

goes into preparing lectures.” One participant who underestimated his ability to ask research

questions at the time spring administration noted, “I am not sure why I said my ability to

question has declined, I am pretty sure it was a mistake, if anything now I am more confident in

asking questions and better prepared while asking questions.”

Participants also provided explanations which indicate that their self-assessments were

not exclusively based on their skill development. For example, participants’ values were

reflected in their responses. One participant noted that he rated himself low in the fall on

developing relationships with students because he did not think that it was important at that time.

As he stated, “I went in thinking that I could harden myself against them, that somehow what

happened in that classroom wouldn’t bother me, but my wife can even tell you, every day I come

home and after teaching I am completely exhausted and usually a little frustrated that they didn’t

learn everything that I wanted them to gain…[Now] I worry about certain students.” Two

participants provided responses during the think-aloud which indicated that the changes observed

in their self-reported skills reflect a change in their teaching or research practices rather than

their skill development. For example, one participant who showed a decline in his ability to

connect instruction to real-world phenomenon noted, “I think it is not a change in the ability but

a change in the willingness to make it in the classroom. And maybe I shouldn’t have put that,

but like I was telling you, I make weird analogies and some students have asked me to tone it

down and little bit – not go so out of civil engineering, kind of ground it a little more. So while

the ability might still be there, I try to [use analogies less frequently].” Another participant who

showed a decline in his self-reported ability to collaborate with others regarding research noted

that, “[Now] if I get a chance to choose between doing the research on my own, or collaborating

with others and doing it, I would go for doing it on my own.”

Conclusions and Discussion

On average, graduate student participants showed growth in most teaching and research

skills over an academic year. In support of the hypothesis of the larger project, engaging in both

teaching and research roles was associated with the largest gains in skill development. This

finding is consistent with previous research. Specifically, engaging in teaching has been found

to promote research skill development while engaging in research may improve teaching skills

(Deen & Lucas, 2006; Maher, Timmerman, Hurst, & Gilmore, 2009; Robertson & Blackler,

2006; Steigelmeyer & Feldon, 2009). Thus, a focus one only one of these activities may restrict

the development of graduate students’ skills in each of these areas. These findings may also

reflect a self-selection bias whereby graduate students who choose to do both teaching and

research invest more time and/or effort in these activities. Future research should examine the

synergistic relationship between teaching and research skill development while controlling for

the amount of time/effort that graduate students invest in these activities.

Overall, masters-level graduate students rated their teaching and research skills more

highly than Ph.D. students. This result maybe explained, in part, by Marsh’s “big fish, little

pond” effect (Marsh & Hau, 2003; i.e., that one’s self-concept is negatively related to the ability

of the individuals with whom they regularly interact) as the research group has observed that

Master’s level students often do not report as many opportunities to interact with other talented

graduate students and faculty members regarding their teaching and research. Future research

should explore the differences between master’s and Ph.D. students’ professional networks and

the influence of these interactions, though some research in this area has been conducted

(Sweitzer, 2009). Future research should also connect graduate students’ skill development with

their expectations and goals. Such an analysis may explain differences in Master’s and Ph.D.

students’ self-ratings as these groups may hold different standards for their development.

Specific research skills that graduate students reported the most growth in across an

academic year include oral communication skills, finding information, and methodological

knowledge. Gains in oral communication skills may reflect, in part, the nature of the sample

used in this study which included a large percentage of students who spoke English as a Second

Language. These students likely made substantial gains in their oral English skills as they were

engaged in their first years of graduate study. This high percentage of international students,

however, is not atypical in STEM graduate education (Bound, Turner, & Walsh, 2009).

Substantial growth was also reported in the ability to find information. This finding may

also be typical among STEM graduate students who are enrolled in the first years of their

graduate studies. Using graduate students’ research proposals, Timmerman, Feldon, Maher,

Strickland, and Gilmore (in review), found that students ability to locate and use primary

literature serves as a “threshold concept” which causes a “sudden transformative intellectual

leap” regarding the research process (p.1). Acquisition of threshold concepts influence the

development of other key competencies. Finding primary literature has been connected to the

ability to establish an effective argument and identify a conceptual framework.

Reasons for why graduate students’ in this study reported larger gains in methodological

knowledge, the ability to engage students in learning, and the ability to adjust instruction to meet

students’ needs as compared with other areas of skill development are unknown. Although this

study provided some information about the development of graduate students’ teaching and

research skills, additional studies are needed in order to make more robust conclusions about

graduate students’ developmental trajectory. Such information will be valuable in better

designing graduate education programs that support the emerging skills of graduate students.

This study also showed that graduate students self-reported skills were inconsistent with

the perceptions of their students and grant researchers, which supports previous research

indicating that the interpretation of personal efficacy instruments is problematic (Tshannen-

Moran et al., 1998). This study showed that a variety of factors contribute to graduate students’

perceptions of their research and teaching skills, such as their personal values and research and

teaching practices.


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Appendix A: Research and Teaching Skills Assessment


Research and Teaching Skills Assessment

In order for us to gain a better understanding of your CURRENT skills we would like you to
assess your research and teaching skills. Your answers are confidential and will only be viewed
by grant researchers.

Name: _____________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________

Degree: _________

Program: ______________
Research Skills Assessment

Please rate your level of research skills in the following areas by selecting the response option
from No ability to Expert Ability that most closely reflects your skill level. Choose Not
Applicable if you are unable to rate your skill in a given area or if that skill is not used in your
field. Please place an “X” in the column which best represents your answer.

Not No Weak Moderate Strong Expert

Applicable Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability
Rate your research skill level in
the following areas…
a. Critical thinking

b. Organizing ideas

c. Finding information

d. Writing skills

e. Reading skills

f. Ability to work with numbers

and graphs
g. Oral communication skills

h. Ability to ask questions

i. Methodological knowledge

j. Sense of “big picture”

k. Time management

l. Ability to collaborate with


Teaching Skills Assessment

Please rate your level of teaching skills in the following areas by selecting the response option
from No ability to Expert Ability that most closely reflects your skill level. Choose Not
Applicable if you are unable to rate your skill in a given area or if that skill is not used in your
field. Please place an “X” in the column which best represents your answer.

Not No Weak Moderate Strong Expert

Applicable Ability Ability Ability Ability Ability
Rate your teaching skill level in
the following areas…
a. Ability to plan for instruction

b. Ability to structure a
productive learning
c. Ability to engage students in
d. Ability to develop
relationships with students
e. Ability to provide clear
explanations and examples
Ability to make connections
f. with other disciplines or real
world phenomenon
g. Ability to facilitate student
h. Ability to encourage multiple
problem solving approaches
i. Ability to promote strong
conceptual understanding
j. Ability to identify student
k. Ability to adjust instruction to
meet students’ needs
l. Ability to evaluate the
effectiveness of instruction
m. Time management

n. Knowledge of subject are


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