Bharti AXA Life Secure Income
Bharti AXA Life Secure Income
Bharti AXA Life Secure Income
Payment term and thereafter every subsequent Policy mentioned above, subject to such other terms and
Months, till the end of the Policy Term, provided the conditions, the Sum Assured will be changed on the
policy is in force. The Guaranteed Income will be 8% basis of correct Age, gender and the premium paid.
per annum of the Sum Assu b) If the correct Age of the Life Insured is lower than
2.C Guaranteed Addition the Age declared in the Proposal, the Annualised
A fixed guaranteed addition, declared as a percentage of Regular Premium payable under the Policy shall be
Sum Assured gets added to your policy each year after altered corresponding to the correct Age of Life
the completion of premium payment term, until maturity Insured from the Policy Date and the Company may,
of the policy. These guaranteed additions get paid out at its discretion, refund the accumulated difference
either on death or at maturity, provided the policy is in between the original premium paid and the altered
force and all due premiums have been paid. This premium
Guaranteed Addition percentage, as shown in the table c) If in accordance with the correct Age, it is not
below varies as per the policy term chosen. possible for the Company to alter the terms and
conditions of the Policy or the Life Insured does not
Policy term Premium Annual Guaranteed Addition consent to any alterations proposed by the Company
Payment Term (applicable after premium as mentioned above, the Policy shall stand cancelled
payment term) from the Policy Date and the premium paid shall
15 years 5 years 7% of Sum Assured be refunded subject to the deduction of expenses
incurred and payments already made by the
17 years 7 years 8.5% of Sum Assured Company under the Policy.
20 years 10 years 10% of Sum Assured 2. Grace Period
Grace period is the time extended by the Company to
2.D Maturity Benefit facilitate the policyholder to pay all the unpaid
On Maturity of the policy, the Sum Assured will be paid, premiums, in case the premium/s had not been paid as on
subject to the policy being in force. Additionally the the Premium Due date. The policyholder gets 30 days
Guaranteed Additions as accrued will also be payable. Grace Period to pay the premiums which fell due and the
2.E Surrender Benefit benefits under the policy remain unaltered during this
The policy acquires a surrender value provided that the period.
Premiums have been paid for at least first two Policy 3. Discontinuance of due premi ums
Years (for policy term of 15 and 17 years) and for first 3.A Lapsation of Policy
three years (for policy term of 20 years). On surrender of If the premium is not paid on the due date or during the
the policy a lump sum amount equal to Guaranteed grace period (during first two years for 15 and 17 years
Surrender Value as defined in Section 4 of Part II will be policy term and during first three years for 20 years
paid to the policyholder and the policy gets terminated. policy term), the Policy shall lapse with effect from the
The Company may allow surrender values at such other date of such unpaid premium (‘lapse date’). The
rates not less than the Guaranteed Surrender Values. Company shall notify the policyholder regarding lapse
These rates will be declared by the company from time of the Policy. Lapsation of the Policy shall extinguish all
to time, subject to prior approval from IRDA. the rights and benefits which the policy holder is entitled
Part II to under the Policy.
1. Misstatement of Age and Gender: 3.B Paid Up Policy
Without prejudice to Section 45 of the Insurance Act, If the policy has acquired a surrender value and If you
1938 and other applicable laws in force, if the Life have you have not paid due premiums within the grace
Insured’s Age or gender has been misstated, as declared period, then your policy will automatically be converted
in the proposal, one of the following actions shall be to paid up.
taken: Once the policy becomes paid up the base benefits will
a) If the correct Age is higher than the Age declared in be reduced to paid up value which will be payable either
the Proposal, the Annualised Regular Premium on death or on maturity of the policy. The Guaranteed
payable under the Policy shall be altered Income will be calculated as a percentage of the paid up
corresponding to the correct Age of the Life value and the reduced guaranteed income will be paid on
Insured, from the Policy Date and the Policyholder an annual basis.
shall pay to the Company the accumulated The paid up value will be calculated as follows:
difference between the original premium as Number of Premiums paid X Sum Assured
mentioned in the Proposal and such altered premium
Premium Payment Term
from the Policy Date up to the date of such payment
with interest at such rate and in such manner as per In case of revival of a paid up policy, the differential
the then prevailing internal guidelines of the amount of guaranteed income due (i.e. guaranteed
Company . If the Policyholder fails to pay the income calculated on the full Sum Assured less the
difference of premium with the interest thereon as guaranteed income already paid out on the
reduced Paid Up Value), if applicable, shall be paid to the Company. The revival of the Policy may be on terms
the policyholder. different from those applicable to the Policy before it
In case of surrender of a paid up policy, the surrender lapsed. The revival will take effect only on it being
value will be as follows: Surrender Value = Paid Up specifically communicated by the Company.The
Value * Surrender Value Factor revival rate of interest for FY 19 - 20 is 8.04%.
4. Surrender Benefit A Policy which has lapsed may be revived for full
benefits subject to the following conditions;
4.A Guaranteed Surrender Value:
a) The application for revival is made within two (2)
The Policy acquires a Surrender Value provided that the
years from the date of first unpaid premium
due Premiums have been paid for at least first two Policy
Years (for policy term of 15 and 17 years) and for first b) Satisfactory evidence of insurability of the Life
three Policy years (for policy term of 20 years). Insured is produced,
The guaranteed Surrender Value Factors as a percentage c) Payment of an amount equal to all unpaid premiums
of premiums paid are as defined in the table below: together with interest at such rate as the Company
may charge for such Revival, as decided by the
Premium Payment Company from time to time. The differential amount
5 Years 7 Years 10 Years
Term/ Policy Year of guaranteed income due (i.e. guaranteed income
1 0 0 0 calculated on the full Sum Assured less the
2 30% 30% 0
guaranteed income already paid out on the reduced
Paid Up Value), if applicable, shall be paid to the
3 30% 30% 30% policyholder;
4 50% 50% 50% d) Terms and conditions as may be specified by the
5 50% 50% 50% Company from time to time.
6 55% 50% 50% The effective date of revival is the date on which the
7 60% 55% 55% above conditions are met and approved by the Company.
8 65% 55% 55% If the policy is in lapse status: - In case of death of the
Life Insured during the revival period, no benefit is
9 70% 60% 60%
payable to the nominee.
10 75% 65% 60%
In case of survival at the end of revival period and if the
11 80% 70% 65%
policy is not revived, the policy shall be terminated and
12 85% 75% 65% no benefit is payable
13 90% 80% 70% If the policy is in paid up status: - In case of death
14 95% 85% 70% during the revival period, Paid up
15 100% 90% 75% value will be payable. If the Paid up Policy is not revived
16 - 95% 80% within the period allowed for revival, the Policy shall
continue to be in the paid up status and Paid up Value
17 - 100% 85%
will be paid at maturity or on Death. Paid Up Value will
18 - - 90% be calculated in the manner as shown in Part II sub
19 - - 95% section 3B.
20 - - 100% 6. Termination:
The Policy will terminate on the earliest of the
The sum of all Guaranteed Income paid till the year of following:
surrender shall be deducted from the above mentioned a) The date of confirmation of termination of contract
Surrender Value. by the Company against application of the
4.B Special Surrender Value: policyholder for surrender of the Policy or
The Company may allow surrender values at such other b) The Maturity Date of the Policy or
rates not less than the Guaranteed Surrender Values c) Upon Intimation of Death of the Life Insured or
specified above. These rates will be declared by the
company from time to time, subject to prior approval d) The outstanding loan with interest thereon is equal to
from IRDA. or higher than the Surrender Value of the Policy for
paid up policy.
The Surrender Value payable will be subject to any
statutory or any other restrictions as may be applicable. 7. Loan:
Surrender of the Policy shall extinguish all rights and Loans may be granted by the Company to the
benefits of the Policyholder under the Policy. Policyholder provided all Premiums due till date of loan
5. Revival: application stand paid and had acquired Surrender
Value. The loan which may be granted shall always be
The effective date of revival is the date on which the within the applicable Surrender Value of the Policy and
below conditions are satisfied and the risk is accepted by shall be subject to the terms and conditions as applicable
from time to time:
published prospectus or tables of the insurer: (2) Any person making default in complying with the
Provided that acceptance by an insurance agent of provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty
commission in connection with a policy of life insurance which may extend to ten lakh rupees.”
taken out by himself on his own life shall not be deemed to Section 45 of Insurance Act, 1938:
be acceptance of a rebate of premium within the meaning of Fraud, Misrepresentation and forfeiture would be dealt with
this sub-section if at the time of such acceptance the in accordance with provisions of Sec 45 of the Insurance Act
insurance agent satisfies the prescribed conditions 1938 as amended from time to time. [A Leaflet containing
establishing that he is a bona fide insurance agent employed the simplified version of the provisions of Section 45 is
by the insurer. enclosed in appendix – III for reference]
List of Ombudsman
(For the updated list You may refer to IRDA of India website)
Address & Contact Details of Ombudsmen Centres
Office of The Governing Body of Insurance Council
(Monitoring Body for Offices of Insurance Ombudsman)
3rd Floor, Jeevan Seva Annexe, Santacruz(West), Mumbai – 400054.
Tel no: 26106671/6889. Email id: [email protected] website:
If you have a grievance, approach the grievance cell of Insurance Company first. If complaint is not resolved/ not
satisfied/not responded for 30 days then You can approach The Office of the Insurance Ombudsman (Bimalokpal)
Please visit our website for details to lodge complaint with Ombudsman.
NOIDA Tel.: 0120-2514250 / 2514252 / 2514253 State of Uttaranchal and the following
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman, Email : [email protected] Districts of Uttar Pradesh:
Bhagwan Sahai Palace, 4th Floor, Agra, Aligarh, Bagpat, Bareilly,
Main Road, Naya Bans, Sector-15, Distt. Bijnor, Budaun, Bulandshehar, Etah,
Gautam Buddh Nagar U.P – 201301. Kanooj, Mainpuri, Mathura, Meerut,
Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar, Oraiyya,
Pilibhit, Etawah, Farrukhabad,
Firozbad, Gautambodhanagar,
Ghaziabad, Hardoi, Shahjahanpur,
Hapur, Shamli, Rampur, Kashganj,
Sambhal, Amroha, Hathras,
Kanshiramnagar, Saharanpur.
PUNE Tel.: 020-41312555 Maharashtra,
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman, Email: [email protected] Area of Navi Mumbai and Thane
Jeevan Darshan Bldg., 3rd Floor, C. T.S No.s excluding Mumbai Metropolitan
195 to198, N.C. Kelkar Road, Narayan Peth, Region.
PUNE – 411030.
Appendix I: Section 38 - Assignment and Transfer of Insurer, any person aggrieved by the refusal may prefer
Insurance Policies a claim to IRDAI within 30 days of receipt of the refusal
Assignment or transfer of a Policy should be in accordance letter from the Insurer.
with Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from 12. The priority of claims of persons interested in an
time to time. The extant provisions in this regard are as insurance Policy would depend on the date on which the
follows: notices of assignment or transfer is delivered to the
01. This Policy may be transferred/assigned, wholly or in insurer; where there are more than one instruments of
part, with or without consideration. transfer or assignment, the priority will depend on dates
of delivery of such notices. Any dispute in this regard as
02. An Assignment may be effected in a Policy by an to priority should be referred to Authority.
endorsement upon the Policy itself or by a separate
instrument under notice to the Insurer. 13. Every assignment or transfer shall be deemed to be
absolute assignment or transfer and the assignee or
03. The instrument of assignment should indicate the fact of transferee shall be deemed to be absolute assignee or
transfer or assignment and the reasons for the transferee, except
assignment or transfer, antecedents of the assignee and
terms on which assignment is made. a. where assignment or transfer is subject to terms and
conditions of transfer or assignment OR
04. The assignment must be signed by the transferor or
assignor or duly authorized agent and attested by at least b. where the transfer or assignment is made upon
one witness. condition that
05. The transfer of assignment shall not be operative as i. the proceeds under the Policy shall become
against an insurer until a notice in writing of the transfer payable to Policyholder or nominee(s) in the
or assignment and either the said endorsement or event of assignee or transferee dying before the
instrument itself or copy there of certified to be correct insured OR
by both transferor and transferee or their duly authorized ii. the insured surviving the term of the Policy Such
agents have been delivered to the insurer. conditional assignee will not be entitled to obtain
06. Fee to be paid for assignment or transfer can be specified a loan on Policy or surrender the Policy. This
by the Authority through Regulations. provision will prevail notwithstanding any law or
custom having force of law which is contrary to
07. On receipt of notice with fee, the insurer should Grant a the above position.
written acknowledgement of receipt of notice. Such
notice shall be conclusive evidence against the insurer of 14. In other cases, the insurer shall, subject to terms and
conditions of assignment, recognize the transferee or
duly receiving the notice.
assigne named in the notice as the absolute transferee or
08. If the insurer maintains one or more places of business, assignee and such person
such notices shall be delivered only at the place where a. shall be subject to all liabilities and equities to which
the Policy is being serviced. the transferor or assignor was subject to at the date
09. The insurer may accept or decline to act upon any of transfer or assignment and
transfer or assignment or endorsement, if it has b. may institute any proceedings in relation to the
sufficient reasons to believe that it is Policy
a. not bonafide or c. obtain loan under the Policy or surrender the Policy
b. not in the interest of the Policyholder or without obtaining the consent of the transferor or
c. not in public interest or assignor or making him a party to the proceedings
d. is for the purpose of trading of the insurance Policy. 15. Any rights and remedies of an assignee or transferee of a
life insurance Policy under an assignment or transfer
10. Before refusing to act upon endorsement, the Insurer effected before commencement of the Insurance Laws
should record the reasons in writing and communicate (Amendment), 2014 shall not be affected by this section.
the same in writing to Policyholder within 30 days from [Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of amendments of
the date of Policyholder giving a notice of transfer or Insurance Laws (Amendment), 2014 and only a simplified version
assignment. prepared for general information. Policy Holders are advised to refer
11. In case of refusal to act upon the endorsement by the to Original Insurance Law (Amendment), 2014. ]
02. On the ground of fraud, a Policy of Life Insurance may 09. The insurer can call for proof of age at any time if he is
be called in question within 3 years from entitled to do so and no Policy shall be deemed to be
a. the date of issuance of Policy or called in question merely because the terms of the Policy
are adjusted on subsequent proof of age of life insured.
b. the date of commencement of risk or So, this Section will not be applicable for questioning
c. the date of revival of Policy or age or adjustment based on proof of age submitted
d. the date of rider to the Policy subsequently.
whichever is later. [Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of
For this, the insurer should communicate in writing to amendments of Insurance Laws (Amendment),2014 and
the insured or legal representative or nominee or only a simplified version prepared for general
assignees of insured, as applicable, mentioning the information. Policy Holders are advised to refer to
ground and materials on which such decision is based. Original Insurance Law (Amendment), 2014. ]
03. Fraud means any of the following acts committed by
insured or by his agent, with the intent to deceive the
insurer or to induce the insurer to issue a life insurance
a. The suggestion, as a fact of that which is not true and
which the insured does not believe to be true;
b. The active concealment of a fact by the insured
having knowledge or belief of the fact;
c. Any other act fitted to deceive; and
d. Any such act or omission as the law specifically
declares to be fraudulent.
04. Mere silence is not fraud unless, depending on
circumstances of the case, it is the duty of the insured or
his agent keeping silence to speak or silence is in itself
equivalent to speak.
05. No Insurer shall repudiate a life insurance Policy on the
ground of Fraud, if the Insured / beneficiary can prove
that the misstatement was true to the best of his
knowledge and there was no deliberate intention to
suppress the fact or that such mis-statement of or
suppression of material fact are within the knowledge of
the insurer. Onus of disproving is upon the Policyholder,
if alive, or beneficiaries.
06. Life insurance Policy can be called in question within 3
years on the ground that any statement of or suppression
of a fact material to expectancy of life of the insured was
incorrectly made in the proposal or other document basis
which Policy was issued or revived or rider issued. For
this, the insurer should communicate in writing to the
insured or legal representative or nominee or assignees
of insured, as applicable, mentioning the ground and
materials on which decision to repudiate the Policy of
life insurance is based.
07. In case repudiation is on ground of mis-statement and
not on fraud, the premium collected on Policy till the
date of repudiation shall be paid to the insured or legal
representative or nominee or assignees of insured,
within a period of 90 days from the date of repudiation.
08. Fact shall not be considered material unless it has a
direct bearing on the risk undertaken by the insurer. The
onus is on insurer to show that if the insurer had been
aware of the said fact, no life insurance Policy would
have been issued to the insured.